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What's new in at-spi2-core 2.7.4:

* Fix some ref count leaks.

* Some functions that return accessibles now propagate errors.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.7.3:

* Atspi_accessible_get_index_in_parent no longer returns -1 if the object's
  parent is not cached (BGO#688057).

* re-register keystroke listeners if the registry goes away and then returns.

* Fix atspi_device_listener_new_simple.

* Fix some compiler warnings.

* Build: use gobject-introspection's Makefile instead of rolling our own.

* Fix a crash when parsing events without detail when there is a listener for the event that names a specific detail value.

* Fix crash when removing hung processes.

* Fix deregistering of applications.

* A few documentation fixes.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.7.2:

* Only call an event listener once per event, even if the listener registered
  for both the event and a superset of the event.

* Don't distribute dbind-config.h (BGO#688083).

* Fix gtk-doc for Atspi-Registry (BGO#688224).

* Some introspection fixes to make vapigen happy (BGO#688223).

* [registry] Fixed a crash handling DeregisterKeystrokeListener.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.7.1:

* Update the cache in response to role change notifications (BGO#685469).

* Don't output a warning when a p2p connection isn't available.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.92:

* Fix some annotations.

* Exit, rather than crash, when unable to open an X display (BGO#660407).

* Fix various memory leaks (BGO#684033).

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.91:

* Fix build with -fno-common.

* Add glib-2.0 to requires in at-spi2.pc (BGO#682595)

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.5:

* Add atspi_action_get_localized_name (BGO#680598).

* Allow building from out of source directory (BGO#680281)

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.4:

* Fix a missing return value.

* Fix a crash when unable to remove a match rule.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.3:

* Fix a memory leak (BGO#678738)

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.2:

* Fix a crash when a call to fetch a hyperlink times out.

* Fix C++ compilation.

* Remove a warning that was sometimes logged when a method call timed out.

* Fix crash in atspi_deregister_keystroke_listener (FDO#50578)

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.5.1:

* Add atspi_set_timeout.

* By default, disable method call timeouts until an application has been on
the bus for 15 seconds (work-around for applications with potentially long
start-up times). This behavior can be changed with a call to atspi_set_timeout.

* Fix GError sent when receiving a reply of the wrong type
* Fix typo in atspi_document_get_attribute_value
* Fix for bug 675004 - object:state-changed:defunct events are emitted as object:state-change:defunct

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.4.0:

* Fix typo in at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop.in (BGO#605662).

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.92:

* Some changes to try to prevent at-spi2-registryd from incorrectly
  thinking that an AT is hung and passing keys meant for it to the application.

* Fix crash fetching an error from a reply when retrieving a property.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.91:

* Invalidate states when receiving a focus event (BGO#663992).

* Fix atspi_table_get_row_column_extents_at_index.

* Expect a signed int for GetIndexInParent, per the spec.

* Send key events to listeners assumed to be hung, but don't block.

* Reduce the method call timeout slightly, so that it will be lower than
  the keystroke listener timeout.

* Don't cache data for transient objects.

* Enable caching on a call to atspi_accessible_set_cache_mask, even if
  atspi-event_main() hasn't been called.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.90:

* At-spi-bus-launcher now emits PropertiesChanged signals from the correct

* If a keystroke listener does not respond, disable it until it responds.
  This prevents the desktop from locking up if an AT hangs or is suspended
  and has a keyboard listener registered.

* Fix a warning when a NULL object is returned as the detail of an event.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.5:

* Fix for BGO#668334: Set correct end offset in atspi_text_get_attributes.

* Add some type checking on method replies; this should prevent crashes if
  an application-side AT-SPI implementor returns something unexpected.

* Call g_settings_sync after updating toolkit-accessibility.

* Add ScreenReaderEnabled D-Bus property as a proxy for the GSettings key.

* Fix for BGO#669344: Don't use "restrict" as a variable name, since it can
  be a keyword.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.4:

* Add some dbus message signature checks.

* Fix a crash if a device listener incorrectly returns a non-bool.

* Fix for BGO#666870: Keystroke listeners do not work unless an event listener
  is also registered [also needs updated at-spi2-atk]

* Fix for BGO#667254: Some atspi-selection_* functions were broken.

* When a call times out, ping the connection and avoid making subsequent calls
  until the ping is answered.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.3:

* Handle event detail suffixes (such as :system).

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.2:

* Some documentation improvements.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.3.1:

* Fix return type of org.a11y.Bus.IsEnabled property
* Declare void functions as such

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.2.1:

* Fix org.a11y.Bus.Enabled property to set its initial state from the
  GSettings key, if available and an initial property is not given on the
  command line.

* Fix for BGO#660947: Gracefully exit when already running, rather than
  triggering a SIGABRT.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.92:

* Fixed a crash when handling event listeners.

* Fix for BGO#659088: Correctly define ATSPI_MODIFIER_NUMLOCK.

* Add some defensive checks to prevent problems with defunct objects.

* BGO#657051: Fix a build error on Solaris.

* Fix some missing return statements.

* Some fixes related to deregistering event listeners.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.91:

* Fixed a crash when deregistering event listeners.

* Made DBus IsEnabled property readwrite.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.90:

* Fixed a memory leak on DBus errors.

* Added org.a11y.Status.IsEnabled (currently a read-only property) to the bus

* Fix for BGO#656004: atspi_accessible_get_relation_set returns a GArray again.

* Numerous documentation fixes from Aline Bessa.

* CLean up device listeners from disconnected applications.

* Fix for BGO#657585: Do not crash when the bus launcher is unable to open the
  X display.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.5:

* Propertly free DBus error in atspi_accessible_get_process_id.

* Clean up names of some private functions.

* Move DBus interface name constants into atspi-constants.h and make public.

* Remove support for relocated CORBA.

* Fix for BGO#655127: Avoid Python crash for atspi_accessible_get_relation_set.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.4:

* Some API changes to device and event listeners for compatibility with

* Fix for BGO#654314: make role names consistent with atk.
* FIx for BGO#654921: Run within Unity.

* Added some new roles.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.3:

* use stored values for AT-SPI role names where possible.

* Fix for BGO#652596: Use DBus property to set value.

* Fix gtk-doc build cflags/libraries.

* Set error for some DBus errors where this was not being done.

* Add atspi_accessible_get_process_id (as a short-cut to help debugging).

* Fix failure to update cache in response to children-changed events in some

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.2:

* Fix atspi_table_get_caption|summary.

* Fix introspection for atspi_table_get_row_column_at_index.

* Copy match rule attributes, rather than just ref counting the hash, for
  compatibility with pygi.

* Rework atspi_accessible_set_cache_mask to make it usable.

* Fix a crash that might happen if a method call times out.

* Disable caching if atspi_event_main has not been called to run the main loop.

* Fix atspi_accessible_get_toolkit_version.

* Add atspi_accessible_get_atspi_version to fetch the version of the AT-SPI
  specification provided by an application.

* Cache application-wide toolkit name and version.

* Allow caching of attributes, but not enabling by default, as there is no
  event yet (BGO#649771).

* Make deferred_messages a GQueue rather than a GList for performance reasons.

* Fix accessibility bus breakage when a user runs an administrative app.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.1.1:

* Fixed a seg fault in at-spi-bus-launcher when ending a session (BGO#648942).

* Fixed a possible crash when an application is short-lived.

* FIxed memory leaks in atspi_accessible_get_toolkit_(name|version).

* AT-SPI will now call g_error if it is unable to find the accessibility bus.
  This results in aborting but with a somewhat less cryptic error than before.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.0.1:

* Fix a memory leak when sending events.

* Fix for BGO#648059: get_application should return something w/ROLE_APPLICATION
* Fix for BGO#648013: Honor aclocal flags

* FIx for BGO#648014: Add intltoolize to autogen.sh

* Fix for BGO#648130: event host_application should return NULL for the desktop

* Added atspi_accessible_get_id to retrieve the id of an application.

* Remove doc about non-existent ATSPI_KEYSET_ALL_KEYS.

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.0.0:

* Fix for BGO#646403: Use correct signature in at-spi2-registryd for

* Remove a Makefile reference to dbus-glib.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.93:

* Removed dbus-glib-related includes, as they are no longer required.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.92:

* Fixed atspi_table_get_column_header and atspi_value_set_current_value.

* Removed dbus-glib dependency; libatspi now includes a copy of dbus-gmain.c
  modified to fix a crash (FDO#35115).  Session management code has been
  ported to gdbus.

* Fixed a crash when deregistering a keystroke listener.

* Reworked accessibility bus management (BGO#644851).

* Fixed a possible sign issue with state sets.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.91:

* Changed device event IPC to use uint32 for hw_code and modifiers, to be
    more consistent with the rest of the API.

* GetNSelections has an out parameter, not an in.

* Fix for BGO#643384: - atspi_register_keystroke_listener() should take a
  bitmask, not AtspiKeyListenerSyncType.

* Avoid setting enum values to 0x80000000, to prevent a pygi exception.
* Fix for BGO#643454: Kill the accessibility bus daemon with the GNOME session

* Fix for BGO#643110: Do not allow all users to connect to the accessibility bus.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.90:

* BGO#641164: Fixed several build errors.

* Fixed some memory leaks and possible crashes.

* Fixed atspi_selection_get_selected_child and

* Fixed wrong introspection information in some places.

* BGO#641869: Removed the --enable-relocate option.

* Avoid returning uninitialized data on error for some methods.

* Use the GSettings rather than GConf key to test that accessibility is

* Change some enums from 16-bit to 32-bit to match spec.

What's new in at-spi2-core

* Fixed a crash introduced in 1.91.6.

* atspi_accessible_get_interfaces will now explicitly return the Accessible

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.6:

* Some build fixes.

* Several updated translations.

* Added a method to check whether an object implements the Hyperlink interface.

* Fixed a crash in atspi_image_get_image_description.

* Fixed atspi_editable_text_set_text_contents.

* More error-handling fixes.

* Fixed a crash in atspi_event_listener_register_from-callback.

* Method calls now time out after 1 second.

* Added setters for component extents/size/position.

* Added atspi-accessible_set_cache_mask.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.5:

* Fixed several memory leaks.

* Fixed some text methods, methods that return points or rectangles,
  image locale and description, atspi-accessible_get_description, and some
  table methods.

* Added a trailing colon for focus events.

* Set the error parameter for dbus errors rather than displaying a warning.

* Fixed the keystroke listener deregister method.

* The cache is now updated before raising an event, not after, so that event
  handlers that query for cached values will see the updated data.

* The registry daemon now returns an error when a caller requests a property
  that the desktop does not support.

* Added disposal of objects, and fixed several associated bugs.

* Added i18n.

* Fixed mouse events.

* Libatspi's documentation is now compiled with gtk-doc.

* Fixed building from a separate build directory.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.4:

* use peer-to-peer connections when available.

* Fix uninitialized variable in get_index_in_parent.

* Add timeout, and support inspecting our own app.

* Add get_interfaces, and fetch interface and state set over the wire if needed.

* Avoid adding data for an accessible twice if it is referenced prior to an
  AddAccessible signal being received.

* Fix copying of any_data for an event.

* at-spi-registryd returns ChildCount as a variant, per the DBus spec.

* Hypertext, hyperlink, and table fixes.

* Several cache-related fixes.

* Change some error return values to match AT-SPI-CORBA behavior.

* Some attribute-related fixes.

* Renamed 'text' to 'content' in AtspiTextRange to match original IDL.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.3:

* Added a C-based AT-side binding (libatspi) which can be used in
  conjunction with GObject introspection to generate bindings for other
  languages.  However, this release has many bugs and is more of a development
  snapshot than a usable release.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.2:

* The desktop object now returns ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME rather than ROLE_UNKNOWN.

What's new in at-spi2-core 1.91.0:

* --disable-relocate is the default again.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.92:

* Do not start accessibility bus if at-spi-corba is enabled.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.91:

* Enabled the accessibility bus, so apps should be accessible, for instance,
if an application becomes setuid root.

* Several build fixes.

* Default to --enable-relocate for now.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.90:

* FDO#29427: Registering for mouse:abs now works.

* Add methods/signals to allow an application to track the events that are
being listened to to avoid unnecessarily emitting signals.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.4:

* Added GetChildren to the spec.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.3:

* Add return values to some functions that were missing them.

* Make DeviceEventListener notifiers reentrant so that an application can
query the desktop object while processing a device event.

* Fix for FDO#28300: fails to link with pedantic linkers.

* Fix crash if GetChildAtIndex is called with an invalid index.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.2:

* Make sure that disconnecting applications send their root path in the
remove applications signal. This was causing applications to not be
removed from the desktop properly.

What's new in at-spi2-core 0.3.1:

* Set an application's Id when registering it.

* Disabled relocation by default.