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jwCGI library changes

version 1.27.0
  Added css class attribute to these functions:
    xhtml::h1 through xhtml::h6
  updated docs to reflect this.
  note: this breaks 1.26 code in some cases as these attributes have been
    added to the middle of the functions arguments. see xhtml.h

version 1.26.2
  Fixed broken pc.in file
  pkg-config --libs jwcgi-1.26 now works correctly when compiling

version 1.26.1
  Added all files under autotools control (easier for me).
  can use pkg-config as a result of this (see docs)
  added xhtml bindings via the xhtml class.
  can use css via external linked files see xhtml::pagebegin for details
  windows dll currently broken (partial template specialization problems)
    I believe VC 6 specific, ain't buying newer version so probably will remain this way.
    the code works fine if you link against compiled object code.
  all demos render xhtml 1.0 strict pages.
  new documentation to reflect changes.
  in debug mode ( NDEBUG not defined ) xhtml class asserts if closing tags called out of order.
    if your pages do not render properly check your web logs!!
  CGI class interface unchanged, still silly simple
version 1.24
  Changed the webpage class header to add a typedef for long long to __int64
    now non linux specific
  added new compilation flags to reduce library size.
version 1.23
  Added SSL specific Environment functions.
  changed the environment demo cgi to reflect this.
version 1.22
  mostly changes to the webpage object class "wp" textarea
  now takes a vector of strings as an argument. tooltips
  added to some of the form objects e.g. submit buttons bug
  fix for the H1-6 functions..
version 1.21
  Initial sourceforge public release.