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Clipper Change Log

v6.1.1 (13 December 2013)
* Fixed a couple of bugs affecting open paths that could
  raise unhandled exceptions.
v6.1.0 (12 December 2013)
* Deleted: Previously deprecated code has been removed.
* Modified: The OffsetPaths function is now deprecated as it has
  been replaced by the ClipperOffset class which is much more
* Bugfixes: Several minor bugs have been fixed including
  occasionally an incorrect nesting within the PolyTree structure.

v6.0.0 (30 October 2013)
* Added: Open path (polyline) clipping. A new 'Curves' demo
  application showcases this (see the 'Curves' directory).
* Update: Major improvement in the merging of
  shared/collinear edges in clip solutions (see Execute).
* Added: The IntPoint structure now has an optional 'Z' member.
  (See the precompiler directive use_xyz.)
* Added: Users can now force Clipper to use 32bit integers
  (via the precompiler directive use_int32) instead of using
  64bit integers.
* Modified: To accommodate open paths, the Polygon and Polygons
  structures have been renamed Path and Paths respectively. The
  AddPolygon and AddPolygons methods of the ClipperBase class
  have been renamed AddPath and AddPaths respectively. Several
  other functions have been similarly renamed.
* Modified: The PolyNode Class has a new IsOpen property.
* Modified: The Clipper class has a new ZFillFunction property.
* Added: MinkowskiSum and MinkowskiDiff functions added.
* Added: Several other new functions have been added including
  PolyTreeToPaths, OpenPathsFromPolyTree and ClosedPathsFromPolyTree.
* Added: The Clipper constructor now accepts an optional InitOptions
  parameter to simplify setting properties.
* Bugfixes: Numerous minor bugs have been fixed.
* Deprecated: Version 6 is a major upgrade from previous versions
  and quite a number of changes have been made to exposed structures
  and functions. To minimize inconvenience to existing library users,
  some code has been retained and some added to maintain backward
  compatibility. However, because this code will be removed in a
  future update, it has been marked as deprecated and a precompiler
  directive use_deprecated has been defined.

v5.1.6 (23 May 2013)
* BugFix: CleanPolygon function was buggy.
* Changed: The behaviour of the 'miter' JoinType has been
  changed so that when squaring occurs, it's no longer
  extended up to the miter limit but is squared off at
  exactly 'delta' units. (This improves the look of mitering
  with larger limits at acute angles.)
* Added: New OffsetPolyLines function
* Update: Minor code refactoring and optimisations

v5.1.5 (5 May 2013)
* Added: ForceSimple property to Clipper class
* Update: Improved documentation  

v5.1.4 (24 March 2013)
* Update: CleanPolygon function enhanced.
* Update: Documentation improved.  

v5.1.3 (14 March 2013)
* Bugfix: Minor bugfixes.
* Update: Documentation significantly improved.  

v5.1.2 (26 February 2013)
* Bugfix: PolyNode class was missing a constructor.
* Update: The MiterLimit parameter in the OffsetPolygons
  function has been renamed Limit and can now also be used to
  limit the number of vertices used to construct arcs when
  JoinType is set to jtRound.

v5.1.0 (17 February 2013)
* Update: ExPolygons has been replaced with the PolyTree &
  PolyNode classes to more fully represent the parent-child
  relationships of the polygons returned by Clipper.
* Added: New CleanPolygon and CleanPolygons functions.
* Bugfix: Another orientation bug fixed.

v5.0.2 - 30 December 2012
* Bugfix: Significant fixes in and tidy of the internal
  Int128 class (which is used only when polygon coordinate
  values are greater than �0x3FFFFFFF (~1.07e9)).
* Update: The Area algorithm has been updated and is faster.
* Update: Documentation updates. The newish but undocumented
  'CheckInputs' parameter of the OffsetPolygons function has been
  renamed 'AutoFix' and documented too. The comments on rounding
  have also been improved (ie clearer and expanded).

v4.10.0 - 25 December 2012
* Bugfix: Orientation bugs should now be resolved (finally!).
* Bugfix: Bug in Int128 class

v4.9.8 - 2 December 2012
* Bugfix: Further fixes to rare Orientation bug.

v4.9.7 - 29 November 2012
* Bugfix: Bug that very rarely returned the wrong polygon
* Bugfix: Obscure bug affecting OffsetPolygons when using
  jtRound for the JoinType parameter and when polygons also
  contain very large coordinate values (> +/-100000000000).

v4.9.6 - 9 November 2012
* Bugfix: Another obscure bug related to joining polygons.

v4.9.4 - 2 November 2012
* Bugfix: Bugs in Int128 class occasionally causing
  wrong orientations.
* Bugfix: Further fixes related to joining polygons.

v4.9.0 - 9 October 2012
* Bugfix: Obscure bug related to joining polygons.

v4.8.9 - 25 September 2012
* Bugfix: Obscure bug related to precision of intersections.
v4.8.8 - 30 August 2012
* Bugfix: Fixed bug in OffsetPolygons function introduced in
  version 4.8.5.

v4.8.7 - 24 August 2012
* Bugfix: ReversePolygon function in C++ translation was broken.
* Bugfix: Two obscure bugs affecting orientation fixed too.

v4.8.6 - 11 August 2012
* Bugfix: Potential for memory overflow errors when using
  ExPolygons structure.
* Bugfix: The polygon coordinate range has been reduced to
  +/- 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (4.6e18).
* Update: ReversePolygons function was misnamed ReversePoints in C++.
* Update: SimplifyPolygon function now takes a PolyFillType parameter.
v4.8.5 - 15 July 2012
* Bugfix: Potential for memory overflow errors in OffsetPolygons().

v4.8.4 - 1 June 2012
* Bugfix: Another obscure bug affecting ExPolygons structure.

v4.8.3 - 27 May 2012
* Bugfix: Obscure bug causing incorrect removal of a vertex.

v4.8.2 - 21 May 2012
* Bugfix: Obscure bug could cause an exception when using
  ExPolygon structure.

v4.8.1 - 12 May 2012
* Update: Cody tidy and minor bug fixes.

v4.8.0 - 30 April 2012
* Bugfix: Occasional errors in orientation fixed.
* Update: Added notes on rounding to the documentation.

v4.7.6 - 11 April 2012
* Fixed a bug in Orientation function (affecting C# translations only).
* Minor documentation update.

v4.7.5 - 28 March 2012
* Bugfix: Fixed a recently introduced bug that occasionally caused an
  unhandled exception in C++ and C# translations.

v4.7.4 - 15 March 2012
* Bugfix: Another minor bugfix.

v4.7.2 - 4 March 2012
* Bugfix: Fixed bug introduced in ver 4.7 which sometimes caused
  an exception if ExPolygon structure was passed to Clipper's
  Execute method.

v4.7.1 - 3 March 2012
* Bugfix: Rare crash when JoinCommonEdges joined polygons that
  'cancelled' each other.
* Bugfix: Clipper's internal Orientation method occasionally
  returned wrong result.
* Update: Improved C# code (thanks to numerous excellent suggestions
  from David Piepgrass)

v4.7 - 10 February 2012
* Improved the joining of output polygons sharing a common edge.

v4.6.6 - 3 February 2012
* Bugfix: Another obscure bug occasionally causing incorrect
  polygon orientation.

v4.6.5 - 17 January 2012
* Bugfix: Obscure bug occasionally causing incorrect hole
  assignment in ExPolygon structure.

v4.6.4 - 8 November 2011
* Added: SimplifyPolygon and SimplifyPolygons functions.

v4.6.3 - 11 November 2011
* Bugfix: Fixed another minor mitering bug in OffsetPolygons.

v4.6.2 - 10 November 2011
* Bugfix: Fixed a rare bug in the orientation of polygons
  returned by Clipper's Execute() method.
* Bugfix: Previous update introduced a mitering bug in the
  OffsetPolygons function.

v4.6 - 29 October 2011
* Added: Support for Positive and Negative polygon fill
  types (in addition to the EvenOdd and NonZero fill types).
* Bugfix: The OffsetPolygons function was generating the
  occasional artefact when 'shrinking' polygons.

v4.5.5 - 8 October 2011
* Bugfix: Fixed an obscure bug in Clipper's JoinCommonEdges
* Update: Replaced IsClockwise function with Orientation
  function. The orientation issues affecting OffsetPolygons
  should now be finally resolved.
* Change: The Area function once again returns a signed value.

v4.5.1 - 28 September 2011
* Deleted: The UseFullCoordinateRange property has been
  deleted since integer range is now managed implicitly.
* BugFix: Minor bug in OffsetPolygon mitering.
* Change: C# JoinType enum moved from Clipper class to
  ClipperLib namespace.
* Change: The Area function now returns the absolute area
  (irrespective of orientation).
* Change: The IsClockwise function now requires a second
  parameter - YAxisPositiveUpward - to accommodate displays
  with Y-axis oriented in either direction

v4.4.4 - 10 September 2011
* Change: Deleted jtButt from JoinType (used by the
  OffsetPolygons function).
* BugFix: Fixed another minor bug in OffsetPolygons function.
* Update: Further improvements to the help file

v4.4.3 - 29 August 2011
* BugFix: fixed a minor rounding issue in OffsetPolygons
  function (affected C++ & C# translations).
* BugFix: fixed a minor bug in OffsetPolygons' function
  declaration (affected C++ translation only).
* Change: 'clipper' namespace changed to 'ClipperLib'
  namespace in both C++ and C# code to remove the ambiguity
  between the Clipper class and the namespace. (This also
  required numerous updates to the accompanying demos.)

v4.4.2 - 26 August 2011
* BugFix: minor bugfixes in Clipper.
* Update: the OffsetPolygons function has been significantly
  improved by offering 4 different join styles.

v4.4.0 - 6 August 2011
* BugFix: A number of minor bugs have been fixed that mostly
  affected the new ExPolygons structure.

v4.3.0 - 17 June 2011
* New: ExPolygons structure that explicitly associates 'hole'
  polygons with their 'outer' container polygons.
* New: Execute method overloaded so the solution parameter
  can now be either Polygons or ExPolygons.  
* BugFix: Fixed a rare bug in solution polygons orientation.

v4.2.8 - 21 May 2011
* Update: JoinCommonEdges() improved once more.
* BugFix: Several minor bugs fixed.

v4.2.6 - 1 May 2011
* Bugfix: minor bug in SlopesEqual function.
* Update: Merging of output polygons sharing common edges
  has been significantly inproved

v4.2.4 - 26 April 2011
  Input polygon coordinates can now contain the full range of
  signed 64bit integers (ie +/-9,223,372,036,854,775,807). This
  means that floating point values can be converted to and from
  Clipper's 64bit integer coordinates structure (IntPoint) and  
  still retain a precision of up to 18 decimal places. However,
  since the large-integer math that supports this expanded range
  imposes a small cost on performance (~15%), a new property
  UseFullCoordinateRange has been added to the Clipper class to
  allow users the choice of whether or not to use this expanded
  coordinate range. If this property is disabled, coordinate values
  are restricted to +/-1,500,000,000.

v4.2 - 12 April 2011
  JoinCommonEdges() code significantly improved plus other minor

v4.1.2 - 9 April 2011
* Update: Minor code tidy.
* Bugfix: Possible endless loop in JoinCommonEdges() in clipper.pas.

v4.1.1 - 8 April 2011
* Update: All polygon coordinates are now stored as 64bit integers
  (though they're still restricted to range -1.5e9 to +1.5e9 pending
  the inclusion of code supporting 64bit math).
* Change: AddPolygon and AddPolygons methods now return boolean
* Bugfix: Bug in JoinCommonEdges() caused potential endless loop.
* Bugfix: Bug in IsClockwise(). (C++ code only)

v4.0 - 5 April 2011
* Clipper 4 is a major rewrite of earlier versions. The biggest
  change is that floating point values are no longer used,
  except for the storing of edge slope values. The main benefit
  of this is the issue of numerical robustness has been
  addressed. Due to other major code improvements Clipper v4
  is approximately 40% faster than Clipper v3.
* The AddPolyPolygon method has been renamed to AddPolygons.
* The IgnoreOrientation property has been removed.
* The clipper_misc library has been merged back into the
  main clipper library.
v3.1.0 - 17 February 2011
* Bugfix: Obscure bug in TClipperBase.SetDx method that caused
  problems with very small edges ( edges <1/1000th pixel in size).
v3.0.3 - 9 February 2011
* Bugfix: Significant bug, but only in C# code.
* Update: Minor refactoring.

v3.0 - 31 January 2011
* Update: Major rewrite of the portion of code that calculates
  the output polygons' orientation.
* Update: Help file significantly improved.
* Change: Renamed ForceOrientation property to IgnoreOrientation.
  If the orientation of output polygons is not important, or can
  be managed separately, clipping routines can be sped up by about
  60% by setting IgnoreOrientation to true. Defaults to false.
* Change: The OffsetPolygon and Area functions have been moved to
  the new unit - clipper_misc.

2.99 - 15 January 2011
* Bugfix: Obscure bug in AddPolygon method could cause an endless loop.

2.8 - 20 November 2010
* Updated: Output polygons which previously shared a common
  edge are now merged.
* Changed: The orientation of outer polygons is now clockwise
  when the display's Y axis is positive downwards (as is
  typical for most Windows applications). Inner polygons
  (holes) have the opposite orientation.
* Added: Support module for Cairo Graphics Library (with demo).
* Updated: C# and C++ demos.

2.522 - 15 October 2010
* Added C# translation (thanks to Olivier Lejeune) and
  a link to Ruby bindings (thanks to Mike Owens).

2.0 - 30 July 2010
* Clipper now clips using both the Even-Odd (alternate) and
  Non-Zero (winding) polygon filling rules. (Previously Clipper
  assumed the Even-Odd rule for polygon filling.)
1.4c - 16 June 2010
* Added C++ support for AGG graphics library
1.2s - 2 June 2010
* Added C++ translation of clipper.pas

1.0 - 9 May 2010