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Mon Jan 14 11:16 2013 Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
    * cmocka: version 0.2.0
    * Added doxygen api documentation.
    * Added new cmake build system.
    * Added support to create windows NSIS installer.
    * Fixed examples which didn't work.
    * Fixed a huge amount of bugs.

Mon Sep 15 17:21:22 2008 Google Inc. <opensource@google.com>
* cmockery: version 0.12
* Made it possible to specify additional compiler, lib tool and link
  flags on Windows.
* Added Windows makefile to the tar ball.

Fri Aug 29 10:50:46 2008  Google Inc. <opensource@google.com>

* cmockery: version 0.11
* Made it possible to specify executable, library and object output

Tue Aug 26 10:18:02 2008  Google Inc. <opensource@google.com>

* cmockery: initial release:
  A lightweight library to simplify and generalize the process of
  writing unit tests for C applications.