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Embryo 1.7.7

Changes since Embryo 1.7.6:

No changes, just updating to keep in sync with last release.

Changes since Embryo 1.7.5:

No changes, just updating to keep in sync with last release.

Changes since Embryo 1.7.4:

No changes, just updating to keep in sync with last release.

Changes since Embryo 1.7.3:

   * Add XML output to doc
   * Add installation rule for doc

Changes since Embryo 1.7.2:

No changes, just updating to keep in sync with last release.

Changes since Embryo 1.7.1:

No changes, just updating to keep in sync with last release.

Changes since Embryo 1.7.0:


    * Fix windows utf8 shitepsace parse issue.

Changes since Embryo 1.2.0:


    * Fix divide by 0 n FP support to avoid FPE.

Changes since Embryo 1.1.0:


    * exotic support
    * asin()
    * acos()
    * atan()
    * atan2()
    * log1p()
    * cbrt()
    * exp(),
    * exp2()
    * hypot()
    * EMBRYO_12

    * windows compilation support


    * exotic support
Changes since Embryo 1.0.0:


    * on windows use fseek instead of rewind as rewind doesn't exist on wince
    * delete tmp files on windows


    * make embryo_cc use eina_prefix to determine installation location