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[1]Dave Beckett

2007-12-22 Flickcurl 0.13

   20 new Flickr API calls supported (91.3% of API):
     * flickcurl_groups_browse
  flickcurl_category* flickcurl_groups_browse(flickcurl* fc, int cat_id);

     * flickcurl_groups_getInfo
  flickcurl_group* flickcurl_groups_getInfo(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* group_id, const char* lang);

     * flickcurl_groups_search
  flickcurl_group** flickcurl_groups_search(flickcurl* fc, const char* text,
        int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_interestingness_getList
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_interestingness_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* date, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups
  flickcurl_group** flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id);

     * flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus
  flickcurl_user_upload_status* flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickcurl_photos_getCounts
  int** flickcurl_photos_getCounts(flickcurl* fc, const char** dates_array,
        const char** taken_dates_array);

     * flickcurl_photos_getSizes
  flickcurl_size** flickcurl_photos_getSizes(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_transform_rotate
  int flickcurl_photos_transform_rotate(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        int degrees);

     * flickcurl_photos_upload_checkTickets
  flickcurl_ticket** flickcurl_photos_upload_checkTickets(flickcurl* fc,
        const char** tickets_ids);

     * flickcurl_photosets_addPhoto
  int flickcurl_photosets_addPhoto(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_create
  char* flickcurl_photosets_create(flickcurl* fc, const char* title,
        const char* description, const char* primary_photo_id,
        char** photoset_url_p);

     * flickcurl_photosets_delete
  int flickcurl_photosets_delete(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_editMeta
  int flickcurl_photosets_editMeta(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* title, const char* description);

     * flickcurl_photosets_editPhotos
  int flickcurl_photosets_editPhotos(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* primary_photo_id, const char** photo_ids_array);

     * flickcurl_photosets_getInfo
  flickcurl_photoset* flickcurl_photosets_getInfo(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_getList
  flickcurl_photoset** flickcurl_photosets_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_getPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photosets_getPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id, const char* extras, int privacy_filter,
        int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photosets_orderSets
  int flickcurl_photosets_orderSets(flickcurl* fc,
        const char** photoset_ids_array);

     * flickcurl_photosets_removePhoto
  int flickcurl_photosets_removePhoto(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* photo_id);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_category for categories of groups.

   Added flickcurl_photoset for photosets.

   Added flickcurl_size for returning image sizes.

   Added flickcurl_ticket for returning asynchronous upload tickets.

   Added flickcurl_user_upload_status for returning details on a user's
   upload status.

   Added destructor functions to free photosets, tickets, user status
   information and categories
  void flickcurl_free_photoset(flickcurl_photoset *photoset);
  void flickcurl_free_photosets(flickcurl_photoset **photosets_object);
  void flickcurl_free_ticket(flickcurl_ticket *ticket);
  void flickcurl_free_tickets(flickcurl_ticket **tickets_object);
  void flickcurl_free_user_upload_status(flickcurl_user_upload_status *u);
  void flickcurl_free_category(flickcurl_category *category);
  void flickcurl_free_categories(flickcurl_category **categories_object);

   Added utility functions:
  char* flickcurl_array_join(const char *array[], char delim);
  char** flickcurl_array_split(const char *str, char delim);
  void flickcurl_array_free(char *array[]);

2007-08-11 Flickcurl 0.12

   23 new Flickr API calls supported (72.1% of API):
     * flickcurl_groups_pools_add
  int flickcurl_groups_pools_add(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* group_id);

     * flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups
  flickcurl_group** flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups(flickcurl* fc,
        int page, int per_page);

     * flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* group_id, const char* tags, const char* user_id,
        const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_groups_pools_remove
  int flickcurl_groups_pools_remove(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* group_id);

     * flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id,  const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getContactsPublicPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getContactsPublicPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, int count, int just_friends,
        int single_photo, int include_self, const char* extras);

     * flickcurl_photos_getExif
  flickcurl_exif** flickcurl_photos_getExif(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* secret);

     * flickcurl_photos_getFavorites
  flickcurl_person** flickcurl_photos_getFavorites(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int page, int per_page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getNotInSet
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getNotInSet(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getRecent
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getRecent(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getUntagged
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getUntagged(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getWithGeoData
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getWithGeoData(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getWithoutGeoData
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getWithoutGeoData(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_recentlyUpdated
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_recentlyUpdated(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_date, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_getLocation
  flickcurl_location* flickcurl_photos_geo_getLocation(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_getPerms
  flickcurl_perms* flickcurl_photos_geo_getPerms(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_removeLocation
  int flickcurl_photos_geo_removeLocation(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_setLocation
  int flickcurl_photos_geo_setLocation(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, flickcurl_location* location);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_setPerms
  int flickcurl_photos_geo_setPerms(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, flickcurl_perms* perms);

     * flickcurl_photos_licenses_setLicense
  int flickcurl_photos_licenses_setLicense(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int license_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_notes_add
  char* flickcurl_photos_notes_add(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        int note_x, int note_y, int note_w, int note_h,
        const char* note_text);

     * flickcurl_photos_notes_delete
  int flickcurl_photos_notes_delete(flickcurl* fc, const char* note_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_notes_edit
  int flickcurl_photos_notes_edit(flickcurl* fc, const char* note_id,
        int note_x, int note_y, int note_w, int note_h,
        const char* note_text);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_exif for flickcurl_photos_getExif

   Added flickcurl_group for the groups functions
   flickcurl_groups_pools_add, flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups,
   flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos and flickcurl_groups_pools_remove

   Added photos field PERSON_FIELD_favedate as returned by

   Added destructor functions to free persons lists, exif, exifs list,
   group and groups list.
  void flickcurl_free_persons(flickcurl_person** persons);
  void flickcurl_free_exif(flickcurl_exif *exif);
  void flickcurl_free_exifs(flickcurl_exif **exifs_object);
  void flickcurl_free_group(flickcurl_group *group);
  void flickcurl_free_groups(flickcurl_group **groups_object);

2007-08-03 Flickcurl 0.11

   10 new Flickr API calls supported (50% of API):
     * flickr.contacts.getList:
  flickcurl_contact** flickcurl_contacts_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* filter, int page, int per_page);

     * flickr.contacts.getPublicList:
  flickcurl_contact** flickcurl_contacts_getPublicList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, int page, int per_page);

     * flickr.photos.getContactsPhotos:
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getContactsPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        int contact_count, int just_friends, int single_photo,
        int include_self, const char* extras);

     * flickr.photos.getPerms:
  flickcurl_perms* flickcurl_photos_getPerms(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photos.search:
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_search(flickcurl* fc,
        flickcurl_search_params* params);

     * flickr.photos.setContentType:
  int flickcurl_photos_setContentType(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int content_type);

     * flickr.photos.setDates:
  int flickcurl_photos_setDates(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        int date_posted, int date_taken, int date_taken_granularity);

     * flickr.photos.setMeta:
  int flickcurl_photos_setMeta(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* title, const char* description);

     * flickr.photos.setPerms:
  int flickcurl_photos_setPerms(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        flickcurl_perms* perms);

     * flickr.photos.setSafetyLevel:
  int flickcurl_photos_setSafetyLevel(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int safety_level, int hidden);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_search_params structure for flickcurl_photos_search().

   Added flickcurl_perms for the flickcurl_photos_getPerms() and
   flickcurl_photos_setPerms() functions.

   Added flickcurl_contact structure for flickcurl_contacts_getList() and
   flickcurl_contacts_getPublicList() functions.

   Added flickcurl_upload_params structure and added new upload function
   flickcurl_photos_upload_params() to use it, deprecating
   flickcurl_photos_upload() with the long list of parameters.

   Added destructor functions to free a photos list, perms contacts and
   upload status.
  void flickcurl_free_photos(flickcurl_photo** photos);
  void flickcurl_free_perms(flickcurl_perms *perms);
  void flickcurl_free_contact(flickcurl_contact *contact_object);
  void flickcurl_free_contacts(flickcurl_contact **contacts_object);
  void flickcurl_free_upload_status(flickcurl_upload_status* status);

   Deprecated wrongly named function flickcurl_free_upload_status(),
   replaced by
  void flickcurl_upload_status_free(flickcurl_upload_status* status);

2007-04-16 Flickcurl 0.10

   13 new Flickr API calls supported (40.8% of API):
     * flickcurl_photos_comments_addComment: Add comment to a photo as the
       currently authenticated user.
  char* flickcurl_photos_comments_addComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photos_comments_deleteComment: Delete a comment as the
       currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photos_comments_deleteComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_comments_editComment: Edit the text of a comment
       as the currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photos_comments_editComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photos_comments_getList: Returns the comments for a
  flickcurl_comment** flickcurl_photos_comments_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_addComment: Add a comment to a
  char* flickcurl_photosets_comments_addComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_deleteComment: Delete a photoset
       comment as the currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photosets_comments_deleteComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_editComment: Edit the text of a
       comment as the currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photosets_comments_editComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_getList: Returns the comments for a
  flickcurl_comment** flickcurl_photosets_comments_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id);

     * flickcurl_reflection_getMethods: Get the list of available API
       method names.
  char** flickcurl_reflection_getMethods(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo: Get information about an API
  flickcurl_method* flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* name);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added all uploading and replacing of photos APIs. and
   flickcurl_upload_status structure for upload results.

   Added all photo comments APIs and flickcurl_comment structure for

   Added support for uploading with POST and form-data. Yay libcurl.

   Added codegen utility to aid writing skeleton API code.

   Added all reflection APIs and flickcurl_method and flickcurl_arg
   structures for method descriptions.

   Added photo location fields: neighborhood, locality, region and
   country. They may not be returned in the API just yet, they were
   announced and then removed.

   Renamed the "Flickr to RDF app" to be called flickrdf since I used
   [2]Triplr for something else as it was such a good name.

2007-02-25 Flickcurl 0.9

   17 new Flickr API calls supported (28.2% of API):
     * flickr.auth.checkToken: Get the credentials attached to an
       authentication TOKEN.
  char* flickcurl_auth_checkToken(flickcurl* fc, const char* token);

     * flickr.auth.getFrob: Get a frob to be used during authentication.
  char* flickcurl_auth_getFrob(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickr.auth.getToken: Get the auth token for the FROB, if one has
       been attached.
  char* flickcurl_auth_getToken(flickcurl* fc, const char* frob);

     * flickr.photos.addTags: Add TAGS to a PHOTO-ID.
  int flickcurl_photos_addTags(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* tags);

     * flickr.photos.delete: Delete a PHOTO-ID.
  int flickcurl_photos_delete(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photos.removeTag: Remove a tag TAG-ID from a photo.
  int flickcurl_photos_removeTag(flickcurl* fc, const char* tag_id);

     * flick.photos.setTags: Set the tags for a PHOTO-ID to TAGS.
  int flickcurl_photos_setTags(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* tags);

     * flickr.tags.getHotList: Get the list of hot tags for the given
       PERIOD (day, week).
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getHotList(flickcurl* fc, const char* period,
        int tag_count);

     * flickr.tags.getListPhoto: Get the tag list for a PHOTO-ID.
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListPhoto(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.tags.getListUser: Get the tag list for a USER-ID (or current
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListUser(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id);

     * flickr.tags.getListUserPopular: Get the popular tag list for a
       USER-ID (or current user).
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListUserPopular(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, int pop_count);

     * flickr.tags.getListUserRaw: Get the raw versions of a TAG (or all
       tags) for the current user.
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListUserRaw(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* tag);

     * flickr.tags.getRelated: Get a list of tags 'related' to TAG based
       on clustered usage analysis.
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getRelated(flickcurl* fc, const char* tag);

     * flickr.urls.getGroup: Get the url of the group page for GROUP-ID.
  char* flickcurl_urls_getGroup(flickcurl* fc, const char* group_id);

     * flickr.urls.getUserPhotos: Get the url of the photo page for
  char* flickcurl_urls_getUserPhotos(flickcurl* fc, const char* user_id);

     * flickr.urls.getUserProfile: Get the url of the profile page for
  char* flickcurl_urls_getUserProfile(flickcurl* fc, const char* user_id);

     * flickr.urls.lookupGroup: Get a group NSID from the URL to a group's
       page or photo pool.
  char* flickcurl_urls_lookupGroup(flickcurl* fc, const char* url);

   Renamed enum flickcurl_photo_field to flickcurl_photo_field_type and
   added flickcurl_photo_field as the photo field structure.

   Added authorname and count fields to the flickcurl_tag structure to
   handle tag methods that return counts.

   Added enum flickcurl_person_field_type value PERSON_FIELD_photos_views
   with value integer, not in API docs.

   flickcurl_person_field structure for fields of flickcurl_person.

   Added flickcurl* method to indicate that an API call must be signed,
   even if no authentication token has been given. This is mostly for
   internals of authentication.
  void flickcurl_set_sign(flickcurl *fc)

   Added flickcurl* method to do a write request with POST. Not presently
  void flickcurl_set_write(flickcurl *fc, int is_write);

   Added flickcurl methods to set data to send in a request:
  /* send binary data */
  void flickcurl_set_data(flickcurl *fc, void* data, size_t data_length);

  /* send XML serialized from the document DOM */
  void flickcurl_set_xml_data(flickcurl *fc, xmlDocPtr doc);

2007-02-20 Flickcurl 0.8

   Added flickcurl_init() and flickcurl_finish() to do once-per-process
   initializing and cleanup.

   Added more help info to flickrdf.

   Added a -d DELAY option to flickrdf and flickcurl to set delay between
   requests using new flickcurl_set_request_delay().

   Added 2 new Flickr API calls (12% of API):
     * flickr.people.findByEmail:
  char* flickcurl_people_findByEmail(flickcurl* fc, const char* email);

     * flickr.people.findByUsername:
  char* flickcurl_people_findByUsername(flickcurl* fc, const char* username);

   Added configure development/debugging options:
   --enable-capture to capture web service responses into XML files
   --enable-offline to use the XML files to return results when offline

   Split large api.c into auth-api.c, people-api.c, photos-api.c,
   photos-licenses-api.c and urls-api.c to match the API sections.

   Added method to set the minimum delay between web service requests:
void flickcurl_set_request_delay(flickcurl *fc, long delay_msec);

   The default is set to 1000ms = 1 request/second.

   Moved flickcurl utility code into flickcurl.c

2007-02-18 Flickcurl 0.7

   Added API calls returning contexts as a struct flickcurl_context* array
   and of type flickcurl_context_type

   Added 4 Flickr API calls (10% of API):
     * flickr.groups.pool.getContext:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_groups_pools_getContext(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* group_id);

     * flickr.photos.getAllContexts:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_photos_getAllContexts(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photos.getContext:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_photos_getContext(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photosets.getContext:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_photosets_getContext(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* photoset_id);

   Added struct flickcurl_context utility functions:
  const char* flickcurl_get_context_type_field_label(flickcurl_context_type type
  void flickcurl_free_context(flickcurl_context *context);
  void flickcurl_free_contexts(flickcurl_context** contexts);

   Added new flickcurl utility commands for the new APIs:
   groups.pools.getContext photos.getAllContexts photos.getContext,

2007-02-11 Flickcurl 0.6

   Added API call flickcurl.licenses.getInfo: struct flickcurl_license
  flickcurl_license** flickcurl_photos_licenses_getInfo(flickcurl *fc);

   and command licenses.getInfo in flickcurl utility

   Added helper to look up one license by ID:
  flickcurl_license* flickcurl_photos_licenses_getInfo_by_id(flickcurl *fc, int

   Flickrdf updated to use the above to emit URIs instead of integers for

   Added API call flickr.people.getInfo: enum flickcurl_person_field,
   struct flickcurl_person
  const char* flickcurl_get_person_field_label(flickcurl_person_field field);
  flickcurl_person* flickcurl_people_getInfo(flickcurl* fc, const char* user_id)
  void flickcurl_free_person(flickcurl_person *person);

   and command person.getInfo in flickcurl utility

   6% of API

2007-02-04 Flickcurl 0.5

   Added optional support for using [3]Raptor for more accurate and
   prettier serializing triples in flickrdf

   Released to the world!

   3% of API

2007-02-03 Flickcurl 0.4

   Added flickrdf utility.

   3% of API

2007-02-01 Flickcurl 0.3

   Renamed all symbols to be flickcurl_*

   Added flickcurl_photo_as_source_uri() to get the image file URLs for a
   photo ID.

   Configuration file for the utilities to record the authentication is
   now ~/.flickcurl.conf

   Packaging and licensing

   3% of API

2007-01-24 Flickcurl 0.2

   Refactored to have separate flickcurl* object

   API calls flickr.test.echo, flickr.auth.getFullToken and
   flickr.photos.getInfo with functions flickcurl_test_echo,
   flickcurl_auth_getFullToken, flickcurl_photos_getInfo

   Test program has commands table and help, authentication

   3% of API

2007-01-21 Flickcurl 0.1

   First version

   0% of API

   Copyright (C) 2007 [4]Dave Beckett


   1. http://purl.org/net/dajobe/
   2. http://triplr.org/
   3. http://librdf.org/raptor
   4. http://purl.org/net/dajobe/