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[1]Dave Beckett

2008-03-08 Flickcurl 1.3

   4 new Flickr API calls for updates to the new flickr.prefs APIs:
  int flickcurl_prefs_getContentType(flickcurl* fc);
  int flickcurl_prefs_getHidden(flickcurl* fc);
  int flickcurl_prefs_getPrivacy(flickcurl* fc);
  int flickcurl_prefs_getSafetyLevel(flickcurl* fc);

   Fixed flickcurl_photosets_create() to return properly on success. It
   used to do the creation correctly but failed to set up the XML xpath
   context so returned a failure response and error message even on

   Fixed flickcurl photosets.create command to take 3 args not 4.

   flickcurl help message was edited to use USER-NSID for NSIDs not
   USER-ID for user login IDs.

   Added documentation section on how to do Flickr authentication.

   Fixed example code and renamed it to examples/print-photo-info.c

   Portability fixes for time headers.

   Win32 and portability compilation fixes:
     * Add FLICKCURL_API macro for handling win32 declspec dllexport and
     * Added check for FLICKCURL_STATIC macro to compile without dll parts
     * Added FLICKCURL_INTERNAL define when compiling library
     * Added some casts to remove warnings

   Add portable gettimeofday() which does not exist on Win32 and may not
   exist on non-BSD systems.

   Added an implementation of the nanosleep() using either on win32:
   Sleep() or on unixes: sleep() and/or usleep().

   Added support for place woeid field and added new photo fields
   PHOTO_FIELD_location_woeid, PHOTO_FIELD_neighborhood_woeid,
   PHOTO_FIELD_locality_woeid, PHOTO_FIELD_county_woeid,
   PHOTO_FIELD_region_woeid and PHOTO_FIELD_country_woeid.

2008-01-28 Flickcurl 1.2

   Fixed "brown paper bag" issue. 1.1 could not be built as
   docs/flickcurl.1.in was missing from the tarball:
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `flickcurl.1.in', needed by `flickcurl.1'.

   Added configure search for nanosleep() in librt and libposix4 for
   building on Solaris.

2008-01-26 Flickcurl 1.1

   2 new Flickr API calls for updates to the places APIs:
  flickcurl_place** flickcurl_places_find(flickcurl* fc, const char* query);
  flickcurl_place* flickcurl_places_findByLatLon(flickcurl* fc, double lat,
                                                 double lon, int accuracy);

   Added type field to flickcurl_place structure for use by results from

   Added method to turn a place type label into an enum:
  flickcurl_place_type flickcurl_get_place_type_by_label(const char* place_label

   Added destructor function to free list of places
  void flickcurl_free_places(flickcurl_place **places_object);

   Source structure reorganised but it is building the same libraries and
   binaries and installing them in the same places.

   Added HTML documentation API reference manual documentation
   automatically generated from source code autodocs, via gtkdoc. 100% of
   the API functions and structures are documented.

   Made flickcurl manpage automatically be kept up to date with the
   command help from the utility itself.

   Fixed a crash with the upload command of flickcurl(1)

   Enforce minimum library versions in configure: libcurl minimum version
   7.10.0 from 2002. libxml minimum version 2.6.8 from 2004

2008-01-12 Flickcurl 1.0

   Now supports the entire Flickr API including the new Places API:
   searching, looking up by ID or URI, getting place IDs from photo

   12 new Flickr API calls supported (100.0% of API):
     * flickcurl_activity_userComments
  flickcurl_activity** flickcurl_activity_userComments(flickcurl* fc,
        int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_activity_userPhotos
  flickcurl_activity** flickcurl_activity_userPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* timeframe, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_blogs_getList
  flickcurl_blog** flickcurl_blogs_getList(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickcurl_blogs_postPhoto
  int flickcurl_blogs_postPhoto(flickcurl* fc, const char* blog_id,
            const char* photo_id, const char* title, const char* description,
            const char* blog_password);

     * flickcurl_favorites_add
  int flickcurl_favorites_add(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_favorites_getList
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_favorites_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_favorites_getPublicList
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_favorites_getPublicList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_favorites_remove
  int flickcurl_favorites_remove(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_places_resolvePlaceId
  flickcurl_place* flickcurl_places_resolvePlaceId(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* place_id);

     * flickcurl_places_resolvePlaceURL
  flickcurl_place* flickcurl_places_resolvePlaceURL(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* url);

     * flickcurl_test_login
  char* flickcurl_test_login(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickcurl_test_null
  int flickcurl_test_null(flickcurl* fc);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_activity and flickcurl_activity_event for photo/comment

   Added flickcurl_blog for photo blogs.

   Added flickcurl_place for places.

   Added place_id to search parameters

   Added placeid fields to the flickcurl_photo_field_type enum and as new
   flickcurl_photo fields.

   Added destructor functions to free photosets, tickets, user status
   information and categories
  void flickcurl_free_activities(flickcurl_activity** activities);
  void flickcurl_free_blogs(flickcurl_blog **blogs_object);
  void flickcurl_free_place(flickcurl_place* place);

2007-12-22 Flickcurl 0.13

   20 new Flickr API calls supported (91.3% of API):
     * flickcurl_groups_browse
  flickcurl_category* flickcurl_groups_browse(flickcurl* fc, int cat_id);

     * flickcurl_groups_getInfo
  flickcurl_group* flickcurl_groups_getInfo(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* group_id, const char* lang);

     * flickcurl_groups_search
  flickcurl_group** flickcurl_groups_search(flickcurl* fc, const char* text,
        int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_interestingness_getList
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_interestingness_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* date, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups
  flickcurl_group** flickcurl_people_getPublicGroups(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id);

     * flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus
  flickcurl_user_upload_status* flickcurl_people_getUploadStatus(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickcurl_photos_getCounts
  int** flickcurl_photos_getCounts(flickcurl* fc, const char** dates_array,
        const char** taken_dates_array);

     * flickcurl_photos_getSizes
  flickcurl_size** flickcurl_photos_getSizes(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_transform_rotate
  int flickcurl_photos_transform_rotate(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        int degrees);

     * flickcurl_photos_upload_checkTickets
  flickcurl_ticket** flickcurl_photos_upload_checkTickets(flickcurl* fc,
        const char** tickets_ids);

     * flickcurl_photosets_addPhoto
  int flickcurl_photosets_addPhoto(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_create
  char* flickcurl_photosets_create(flickcurl* fc, const char* title,
        const char* description, const char* primary_photo_id,
        char** photoset_url_p);

     * flickcurl_photosets_delete
  int flickcurl_photosets_delete(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_editMeta
  int flickcurl_photosets_editMeta(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* title, const char* description);

     * flickcurl_photosets_editPhotos
  int flickcurl_photosets_editPhotos(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* primary_photo_id, const char** photo_ids_array);

     * flickcurl_photosets_getInfo
  flickcurl_photoset* flickcurl_photosets_getInfo(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_getList
  flickcurl_photoset** flickcurl_photosets_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_getPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photosets_getPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id, const char* extras, int privacy_filter,
        int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photosets_orderSets
  int flickcurl_photosets_orderSets(flickcurl* fc,
        const char** photoset_ids_array);

     * flickcurl_photosets_removePhoto
  int flickcurl_photosets_removePhoto(flickcurl* fc, const char* photoset_id,
        const char* photo_id);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_category for categories of groups.

   Added flickcurl_photoset for photosets.

   Added flickcurl_size for returning image sizes.

   Added flickcurl_ticket for returning asynchronous upload tickets.

   Added flickcurl_user_upload_status for returning details on a user's
   upload status.

   Added destructor functions to free photosets, tickets, user status
   information and categories
  void flickcurl_free_photoset(flickcurl_photoset *photoset);
  void flickcurl_free_photosets(flickcurl_photoset **photosets_object);
  void flickcurl_free_ticket(flickcurl_ticket *ticket);
  void flickcurl_free_tickets(flickcurl_ticket **tickets_object);
  void flickcurl_free_user_upload_status(flickcurl_user_upload_status *u);
  void flickcurl_free_category(flickcurl_category *category);
  void flickcurl_free_categories(flickcurl_category **categories_object);

   Added utility functions:
  char* flickcurl_array_join(const char *array[], char delim);
  char** flickcurl_array_split(const char *str, char delim);
  void flickcurl_array_free(char *array[]);

2007-08-11 Flickcurl 0.12

   23 new Flickr API calls supported (72.1% of API):
     * flickcurl_groups_pools_add
  int flickcurl_groups_pools_add(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* group_id);

     * flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups
  flickcurl_group** flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups(flickcurl* fc,
        int page, int per_page);

     * flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* group_id, const char* tags, const char* user_id,
        const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_groups_pools_remove
  int flickcurl_groups_pools_remove(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* group_id);

     * flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id,  const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getContactsPublicPhotos
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getContactsPublicPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, int count, int just_friends,
        int single_photo, int include_self, const char* extras);

     * flickcurl_photos_getExif
  flickcurl_exif** flickcurl_photos_getExif(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* secret);

     * flickcurl_photos_getFavorites
  flickcurl_person** flickcurl_photos_getFavorites(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int page, int per_page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getNotInSet
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getNotInSet(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getRecent
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getRecent(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getUntagged
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getUntagged(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getWithGeoData
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getWithGeoData(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_getWithoutGeoData
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getWithoutGeoData(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date,
        const char* min_taken_date, const char* max_taken_date,
        int privacy_filter, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_recentlyUpdated
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_recentlyUpdated(flickcurl* fc,
        int min_date, const char* extras, int per_page, int page);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_getLocation
  flickcurl_location* flickcurl_photos_geo_getLocation(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_getPerms
  flickcurl_perms* flickcurl_photos_geo_getPerms(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_removeLocation
  int flickcurl_photos_geo_removeLocation(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_setLocation
  int flickcurl_photos_geo_setLocation(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, flickcurl_location* location);

     * flickcurl_photos_geo_setPerms
  int flickcurl_photos_geo_setPerms(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, flickcurl_perms* perms);

     * flickcurl_photos_licenses_setLicense
  int flickcurl_photos_licenses_setLicense(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int license_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_notes_add
  char* flickcurl_photos_notes_add(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        int note_x, int note_y, int note_w, int note_h,
        const char* note_text);

     * flickcurl_photos_notes_delete
  int flickcurl_photos_notes_delete(flickcurl* fc, const char* note_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_notes_edit
  int flickcurl_photos_notes_edit(flickcurl* fc, const char* note_id,
        int note_x, int note_y, int note_w, int note_h,
        const char* note_text);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_exif for flickcurl_photos_getExif

   Added flickcurl_group for the groups functions
   flickcurl_groups_pools_add, flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups,
   flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos and flickcurl_groups_pools_remove

   Added photos field PERSON_FIELD_favedate as returned by

   Added destructor functions to free persons lists, exif, exifs list,
   group and groups list.
  void flickcurl_free_persons(flickcurl_person** persons);
  void flickcurl_free_exif(flickcurl_exif *exif);
  void flickcurl_free_exifs(flickcurl_exif **exifs_object);
  void flickcurl_free_group(flickcurl_group *group);
  void flickcurl_free_groups(flickcurl_group **groups_object);

2007-08-03 Flickcurl 0.11

   10 new Flickr API calls supported (50% of API):
     * flickr.contacts.getList:
  flickcurl_contact** flickcurl_contacts_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* filter, int page, int per_page);

     * flickr.contacts.getPublicList:
  flickcurl_contact** flickcurl_contacts_getPublicList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, int page, int per_page);

     * flickr.photos.getContactsPhotos:
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_getContactsPhotos(flickcurl* fc,
        int contact_count, int just_friends, int single_photo,
        int include_self, const char* extras);

     * flickr.photos.getPerms:
  flickcurl_perms* flickcurl_photos_getPerms(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photos.search:
  flickcurl_photo** flickcurl_photos_search(flickcurl* fc,
        flickcurl_search_params* params);

     * flickr.photos.setContentType:
  int flickcurl_photos_setContentType(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int content_type);

     * flickr.photos.setDates:
  int flickcurl_photos_setDates(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        int date_posted, int date_taken, int date_taken_granularity);

     * flickr.photos.setMeta:
  int flickcurl_photos_setMeta(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* title, const char* description);

     * flickr.photos.setPerms:
  int flickcurl_photos_setPerms(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        flickcurl_perms* perms);

     * flickr.photos.setSafetyLevel:
  int flickcurl_photos_setSafetyLevel(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, int safety_level, int hidden);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added flickcurl_search_params structure for flickcurl_photos_search().

   Added flickcurl_perms for the flickcurl_photos_getPerms() and
   flickcurl_photos_setPerms() functions.

   Added flickcurl_contact structure for flickcurl_contacts_getList() and
   flickcurl_contacts_getPublicList() functions.

   Added flickcurl_upload_params structure and added new upload function
   flickcurl_photos_upload_params() to use it, deprecating
   flickcurl_photos_upload() with the long list of parameters.

   Added destructor functions to free a photos list, perms contacts and
   upload status.
  void flickcurl_free_photos(flickcurl_photo** photos);
  void flickcurl_free_perms(flickcurl_perms *perms);
  void flickcurl_free_contact(flickcurl_contact *contact_object);
  void flickcurl_free_contacts(flickcurl_contact **contacts_object);
  void flickcurl_free_upload_status(flickcurl_upload_status* status);

   Deprecated wrongly named function flickcurl_free_upload_status(),
   replaced by
  void flickcurl_upload_status_free(flickcurl_upload_status* status);

2007-04-16 Flickcurl 0.10

   13 new Flickr API calls supported (40.8% of API):
     * flickcurl_photos_comments_addComment: Add comment to a photo as the
       currently authenticated user.
  char* flickcurl_photos_comments_addComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photos_comments_deleteComment: Delete a comment as the
       currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photos_comments_deleteComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id);

     * flickcurl_photos_comments_editComment: Edit the text of a comment
       as the currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photos_comments_editComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photos_comments_getList: Returns the comments for a
  flickcurl_comment** flickcurl_photos_comments_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_addComment: Add a comment to a
  char* flickcurl_photosets_comments_addComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_deleteComment: Delete a photoset
       comment as the currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photosets_comments_deleteComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_editComment: Edit the text of a
       comment as the currently authenticated user.
  int flickcurl_photosets_comments_editComment(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* comment_id, const char* comment_text);

     * flickcurl_photosets_comments_getList: Returns the comments for a
  flickcurl_comment** flickcurl_photosets_comments_getList(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photoset_id);

     * flickcurl_reflection_getMethods: Get the list of available API
       method names.
  char** flickcurl_reflection_getMethods(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo: Get information about an API
  flickcurl_method* flickcurl_reflection_getMethodInfo(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* name);

   flickcurl utility updated to add all new functions.

   Added all uploading and replacing of photos APIs. and
   flickcurl_upload_status structure for upload results.

   Added all photo comments APIs and flickcurl_comment structure for

   Added support for uploading with POST and form-data. Yay libcurl.

   Added codegen utility to aid writing skeleton API code.

   Added all reflection APIs and flickcurl_method and flickcurl_arg
   structures for method descriptions.

   Added photo location fields: neighborhood, locality, region and
   country. They may not be returned in the API just yet, they were
   announced and then removed.

   Renamed the "Flickr to RDF app" to be called flickrdf since I used
   [2]Triplr for something else as it was such a good name.

2007-02-25 Flickcurl 0.9

   17 new Flickr API calls supported (28.2% of API):
     * flickr.auth.checkToken: Get the credentials attached to an
       authentication TOKEN.
  char* flickcurl_auth_checkToken(flickcurl* fc, const char* token);

     * flickr.auth.getFrob: Get a frob to be used during authentication.
  char* flickcurl_auth_getFrob(flickcurl* fc);

     * flickr.auth.getToken: Get the auth token for the FROB, if one has
       been attached.
  char* flickcurl_auth_getToken(flickcurl* fc, const char* frob);

     * flickr.photos.addTags: Add TAGS to a PHOTO-ID.
  int flickcurl_photos_addTags(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* tags);

     * flickr.photos.delete: Delete a PHOTO-ID.
  int flickcurl_photos_delete(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photos.removeTag: Remove a tag TAG-ID from a photo.
  int flickcurl_photos_removeTag(flickcurl* fc, const char* tag_id);

     * flick.photos.setTags: Set the tags for a PHOTO-ID to TAGS.
  int flickcurl_photos_setTags(flickcurl* fc, const char* photo_id,
        const char* tags);

     * flickr.tags.getHotList: Get the list of hot tags for the given
       PERIOD (day, week).
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getHotList(flickcurl* fc, const char* period,
        int tag_count);

     * flickr.tags.getListPhoto: Get the tag list for a PHOTO-ID.
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListPhoto(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.tags.getListUser: Get the tag list for a USER-ID (or current
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListUser(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id);

     * flickr.tags.getListUserPopular: Get the popular tag list for a
       USER-ID (or current user).
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListUserPopular(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* user_id, int pop_count);

     * flickr.tags.getListUserRaw: Get the raw versions of a TAG (or all
       tags) for the current user.
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getListUserRaw(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* tag);

     * flickr.tags.getRelated: Get a list of tags 'related' to TAG based
       on clustered usage analysis.
  flickcurl_tag** flickcurl_tags_getRelated(flickcurl* fc, const char* tag);

     * flickr.urls.getGroup: Get the url of the group page for GROUP-ID.
  char* flickcurl_urls_getGroup(flickcurl* fc, const char* group_id);

     * flickr.urls.getUserPhotos: Get the url of the photo page for
  char* flickcurl_urls_getUserPhotos(flickcurl* fc, const char* user_id);

     * flickr.urls.getUserProfile: Get the url of the profile page for
  char* flickcurl_urls_getUserProfile(flickcurl* fc, const char* user_id);

     * flickr.urls.lookupGroup: Get a group NSID from the URL to a group's
       page or photo pool.
  char* flickcurl_urls_lookupGroup(flickcurl* fc, const char* url);

   Renamed enum flickcurl_photo_field to flickcurl_photo_field_type and
   added flickcurl_photo_field as the photo field structure.

   Added authorname and count fields to the flickcurl_tag structure to
   handle tag methods that return counts.

   Added enum flickcurl_person_field_type value PERSON_FIELD_photos_views
   with value integer, not in API docs.

   flickcurl_person_field structure for fields of flickcurl_person.

   Added flickcurl* method to indicate that an API call must be signed,
   even if no authentication token has been given. This is mostly for
   internals of authentication.
  void flickcurl_set_sign(flickcurl *fc)

   Added flickcurl* method to do a write request with POST. Not presently
  void flickcurl_set_write(flickcurl *fc, int is_write);

   Added flickcurl methods to set data to send in a request:
  /* send binary data */
  void flickcurl_set_data(flickcurl *fc, void* data, size_t data_length);

  /* send XML serialized from the document DOM */
  void flickcurl_set_xml_data(flickcurl *fc, xmlDocPtr doc);

2007-02-20 Flickcurl 0.8

   Added flickcurl_init() and flickcurl_finish() to do once-per-process
   initializing and cleanup.

   Added more help info to flickrdf.

   Added a -d DELAY option to flickrdf and flickcurl to set delay between
   requests using new flickcurl_set_request_delay().

   Added 2 new Flickr API calls (12% of API):
     * flickr.people.findByEmail:
  char* flickcurl_people_findByEmail(flickcurl* fc, const char* email);

     * flickr.people.findByUsername:
  char* flickcurl_people_findByUsername(flickcurl* fc, const char* username);

   Added configure development/debugging options:
   --enable-capture to capture web service responses into XML files
   --enable-offline to use the XML files to return results when offline

   Split large api.c into auth-api.c, people-api.c, photos-api.c,
   photos-licenses-api.c and urls-api.c to match the API sections.

   Added method to set the minimum delay between web service requests:
void flickcurl_set_request_delay(flickcurl *fc, long delay_msec);

   The default is set to 1000ms = 1 request/second.

   Moved flickcurl utility code into flickcurl.c

2007-02-18 Flickcurl 0.7

   Added API calls returning contexts as a struct flickcurl_context* array
   and of type flickcurl_context_type

   Added 4 Flickr API calls (10% of API):
     * flickr.groups.pool.getContext:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_groups_pools_getContext(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* group_id);

     * flickr.photos.getAllContexts:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_photos_getAllContexts(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photos.getContext:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_photos_getContext(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id);

     * flickr.photosets.getContext:
  flickcurl_context** flickcurl_photosets_getContext(flickcurl* fc,
        const char* photo_id, const char* photoset_id);

   Added struct flickcurl_context utility functions:
  const char* flickcurl_get_context_type_field_label(flickcurl_context_type type
  void flickcurl_free_context(flickcurl_context *context);
  void flickcurl_free_contexts(flickcurl_context** contexts);

   Added new flickcurl utility commands for the new APIs:
   groups.pools.getContext photos.getAllContexts photos.getContext,

2007-02-11 Flickcurl 0.6

   Added API call flickcurl.licenses.getInfo: struct flickcurl_license
  flickcurl_license** flickcurl_photos_licenses_getInfo(flickcurl *fc);

   and command licenses.getInfo in flickcurl utility

   Added helper to look up one license by ID:
  flickcurl_license* flickcurl_photos_licenses_getInfo_by_id(flickcurl *fc, int

   Flickrdf updated to use the above to emit URIs instead of integers for

   Added API call flickr.people.getInfo: enum flickcurl_person_field,
   struct flickcurl_person
  const char* flickcurl_get_person_field_label(flickcurl_person_field field);
  flickcurl_person* flickcurl_people_getInfo(flickcurl* fc, const char* user_id)
  void flickcurl_free_person(flickcurl_person *person);

   and command person.getInfo in flickcurl utility

   6% of API

2007-02-04 Flickcurl 0.5

   Added optional support for using [3]Raptor for more accurate and
   prettier serializing triples in flickrdf

   Released to the world!

   3% of API

2007-02-03 Flickcurl 0.4

   Added flickrdf utility.

   3% of API

2007-02-01 Flickcurl 0.3

   Renamed all symbols to be flickcurl_*

   Added flickcurl_photo_as_source_uri() to get the image file URLs for a
   photo ID.

   Configuration file for the utilities to record the authentication is
   now ~/.flickcurl.conf

   Packaging and licensing

   3% of API

2007-01-24 Flickcurl 0.2

   Refactored to have separate flickcurl* object

   API calls flickr.test.echo, flickr.auth.getFullToken and
   flickr.photos.getInfo with functions flickcurl_test_echo,
   flickcurl_auth_getFullToken, flickcurl_photos_getInfo

   Test program has commands table and help, authentication

   3% of API

2007-01-21 Flickcurl 0.1

   First version

   0% of API

   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 [4]Dave Beckett


   1. http://www.dajobe.org/
   2. http://triplr.org/
   3. http://librdf.org/raptor
   4. http://www.dajobe.org/