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# $Id: NEWS 6796 2010-01-06 23:00:28Z karney $

A reverse chronological list of changes to GeographicLib

For more information, see


The current version of the library is 1.0.

Changes between 1.0 (released 2010-01-07) and 2009-11 versions:

  * Add autoconf configuration files.

  * BUG FIX: Improve initial guess for Newton's method in
    PolarStereographic.Reverse.  (Previously this failed to converge
    when the co-latitude exceeded about 130 deg.)

  * Constructors for TransverseMercator, TransverseMercatorExact,
    PolarStereographic, Geocentric, and Geodesic now check for obvious
    problems with their arguments and throw an exception if necessary.

  * Most classes now include inspector functions such as MajorRadius()
    so that you can determine how instances were constructed.

  * Add GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class.

  * Add GeographicLib::PolarStereographic::SetScale to allow the
    latitude of true scale to be specified.

  * Add solution and project files for Visual Studio 2008.

  * Add GeographicLib::GeographicErr for exceptions.

  * GeographicLib::Geoid changes:
    + BUG FIX: fix typo in GeographicLib::Geoid::Cache which could cause
      a segmentation fault in some cases when the cached area spanned
      the prime meridian.
    + Include sufficient edge data to allow heights to be returned for
      cached area without disk reads;
    + Add inspector functions to query the extent of the cache.

Changes between 2009-11 and 2009-10 versions:

  * Allow specification of "closest UTM zone" in GeographicLib::UTMUPS
    and GeoConvert (via -t option).

  * Utilities now complain is there are too many tokens on input lines.

  * Include real-to-real versions of GeographicLib::DMS::Decode and

  * More house-cleaning changes:
    + Ensure that functions which return results through reference
      arguments do not alter the arguments when an exception is thrown.
    + Improve accuracy of GeographicLib::MGRS::Forward.
    + Include more information in some error messages.
    + Improve accuracy of inverse hypobolic functions.
    + Fix the way GeographicLib::Math functions handle different

Changes between 2009-10 and 2009-09 versions:

  * Change web site to http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net

  * Several house-cleaning changes:
    + Change from the a flat directory structure to a more easily
      maintained one.
    + Introduce Math class for common mathematical functions (in
    + Use Math::real as the type for all real quantities.  By default this
      is typedefed to double; and the library should be installed this
    + Eliminate const reference members of AzimuthalEquidistant,
      CassiniSoldner and LocalCartesian so that they may be copied.
    + Make several constructors explicit.  Disallow some constructors.
      Disallow copy constructor/assignment for Geoid.
    + Document least square formulas in Geoid.cpp.
    + Use unsigned long long for files positions of geoid files in Geoid.
    + Introduce optional mgrslimits argument in UTMUPS::Forward and
      UTMUPS::Reverse to enforce stricter MGRS limits on eastings and
    + Add 64-bit targets in Visual Studio project files.

Changes between 2009-09 and 2009-08 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::Geoid and GeoidEval utility.

Changes between 2009-08 and 2009-07 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::CassiniSoldner class and EquidistantTest utility.

  * Fix bug in GeographicLib::Geodesic::Inverse where NaNs were
    sometimes returned.

  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: AzimuthalEquidistant now returns the reciprocal
    of the azimuthal scale instead of the reduced length.

  * Add -n option to GeoConvert.

Changes between 2009-07 and 2009-06 versions:

  * Speed up the series inversion code in tmseries.mac and geod.mac.

  * Reference Borkowski in section on Geocentric coordinates.

Changes between 2009-06 and 2009-05 versions:

  * Add routines to decode and encode zone+hemisphere to GeographicLib::UTMUPS.

  * Clean up code in GeographicLib::Geodesic.

Changes between 2009-05 and 2009-04 versions:

  * Improvements to GeographicLib::Geodesic:
    + more economical series expansions,
    + return reduced length (as does the Geod utility),
    + improved calculation of starting point for inverse method,
    + use reduced length to give derivative for Newton's method.

  * Add AzimuthalEquidistant class.

  + Make GeographicLib::Geocentric, GeographicLib::TransverseMercator,
    and GeographicLib::PolarStereographic classes work with prolate

  * CartConvert checks its inputs more carefully.

  * Remove reference to defunct Constants.cpp from GeographicLib.vcproj.

Changes between 2009-04 and 2009-03 versions:

  * Use compile-time constants to select the order of series in

  * 2x unroll of Clenshaw summation to avoid data shuffling.

  * Simplification of GeographicLib::EllipticFunction::E.

  * Use STATIC_ASSERT for compile-time checking of constants.

  * Improvements to GeographicLib::Geodesic:
    + compile-time option to change order of series used,
    + post maxima code for generating the series,
    + tune the order of series for double,
    + improvements in the selection of starting points for Newton's
    + accept and return spherical arc lengths,
    + works with both oblate and prolate spheroids,
    + add -a, -e, -b options to the Geod utility.

Changes between 2009-03 and 2009-02 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::Geodesic and the Geod utility.

  * Declare when no exceptions are thrown by functions.

  * Minor changes to GeographicLib::DMS class.

  * Use invf = 0 to mean a sphere in constructors to some classes.

  * The makefile creates a library and includes an install target.

  * Rename GeographicLib::ECEF to GeographicLib::Geocentric, ECEFConvert
    to CartConvert.

  * Use inline functions to define constant doubles in Constants.hpp.

Changes between 2009-02 and 2009-01 versions:

  * Fix documentation of constructors (flattening -> inverse

  * Use std versions of math functions.

  * Add ECEF and LocalCartesian classes and ECEFConvert utility.

  * Gather the documentation on the utility programs onto one page.