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A reverse chronological list of changes to GeographicLib

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The current version of the library is 1.39.

Changes between 1.39 (released 2014-11-11) and 1.38 versions:

  * GeographicLib usually normalizes longitudes to the range [-180deg,
    180deg).  However, when solving the direct geodesic and rhumb line
    problems, it is sometimes necessary to know how many lines the line
    encircled the earth by returning the longitude "unwrapped".  So the
    following changes have been made:
    + add a LONG_NOWRAP flag to mask enums for the outmask arguments for
      Geodesic, GeodesicLine, Rhumb, and RhumbLine;
    + similar changes have been made to the Python, Javascript, and
      Java implementations of the geodesic routines;
    + for the C, Fortran, and Matlab implementations the arcmode
      argument to the routines was generalized to allow a combination of
      ARCMODE and LONG_NOWRAP bits;
    + the Maxima version now returns the longitude unwrapped.
    These changes were necessary to fix the PolygonAreaT::AddEdge (see
    the next item).

  * Changes in area calculations:
    + fix BUG in PolygonAreaT::AddEdge (also in C, Java, Javascript, and
      Python implementations) which sometimes causes the wrong area to
      be returned if the edge spanned more than 180deg;
    + add area calculation to the Rhumb and RhumbLine classes and the
      RhumbSolve utility;
    + add PolygonAreaRhumb typedef for PolygonAreaT<Rhumb>;
    + add -R option to Planimeter to use PolygonAreaRhumb (and -G option
      for the default geodesic polygon);
    + fix BLUNDER in area calculation in Matlab routine geodreckon;
    + add area calculation to Matlab/Octave routines for great ellipses.

  * Fix bad BUG in Geohash::Reverse; this was introduced in version 1.37
    and affected all platforms where unsigned longs are 32-bits.  Thanks
    to Christian Csar for reporting and diagnosing this.

  * Binary installers for Windows are now built with Visual Studio 11
    2012 (instead of Visual Studio 10 2010).  Compiled Matlab support
    still with version 2013a (64-bit).

  * Update GeographicLib.pro for builds with qmake to include all the
    source files.

  * Cmake updates:
    + include cross-compiling checks in cmake config file;
    + improve the way unsuitable versions are reported;
    + include_directories (${GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS}) is no longer
      necessary with cmake 2.8.11 or later.

  * legacy/Fortran now includes drop-in replacements for the geodesic
    utilities from the NGS.

  * geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic} with no arguments now
    print the usage instead of loading the minimal sets.

  * Utility::date(const std::string&, int&, int&, int&) and hence the
    MagneticField utility accepts the string "now" as a legal time
    (meaning today).

Changes between 1.38 (released 2014-10-02) and 1.37 versions:

  * On MacOSX, the installed package is relocatable (for cmake version
     2.8.12 and later).

  * On Mac OSX, GeographicLib can be installed using homebrew.

  * In cmake builds under Windows, set the output directories so that
     binaries and shared libraries are together.

  * Accept the minus sign as a synomym for - in DMS.{cpp,js}.

  * The cmake configuration file geographiclib-depends.cmake has been
     renamed to geographiclib-targets.cmake.

  * Matlab/Octave routines for great ellipses added.

  * Provide man pages for geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic}.

Changes between 1.37 (released 2014-08-08) and 1.36 versions:

  * Add support for high precision arithmetic.

  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: the static instantiations of various classes
    for the WGS84 ellipsoid have been changed to a "construct on first
    use idiom".  This avoids a lot of wasteful initialization before the
    user's code starts.  Unfortunately it means that existing source
    code that relies on any of the following static variables will need
    to be changed to a function call:
    + AlbersEqualArea::AzimuthalEqualAreaNorth
    + AlbersEqualArea::AzimuthalEqualAreaSouth
    + AlbersEqualArea::CylindricalEqualArea
    + Ellipsoid::WGS84
    + Geocentric::WGS84
    + Geodesic::WGS84
    + GeodesicExact::WGS84
    + LambertConformalConic::Mercator
    + NormalGravity::GRS80
    + NormalGravity::WGS84
    + PolarStereographic::UPS
    + TransverseMercator::UTM
    + TransverseMercatorExact::UTM
    Thus, occurrences of, for example,
    const Geodesic& geod = Geodesic::WGS84; // version 1.36 and earlier
    need to be changed to
    const Geodesic& geod = Geodesic::WGS84(); // version 1.37 and later
    (note the parentheses!); alternatively use
    // works with all versions
    const Geodesic geod(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_a());

  * Incompatible change: the environment variables
    {GEOID,GRAVITY,MAGNETIC}_{NAME,PATH} are now prefixed with

  * Incompatible change for Windows XP: retire the Windows XP common
    data path.  If you're still using Windows XP, then you might have to
    move the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
    Data\GeographicLib to C:\ProgramData\GeographicLib.

  * All macro names affecting the compilation now start with

  * Changes to PolygonArea:
    + introduce PolygonAreaT which takes a geodesic class as a
    + PolygonArea and PolygonAreaExact are typedef'ed to
      PolygonAreaT<Geodesic> and PolygonAreaT<GeodesicExact>;
    + add -E option to Planimeter to use PolygonAreaExact;
    + add -Q option to Planimeter to calculate the area on the authalic

  * Add -p option to Planimeter, ConicProj, GeodesicProj,

  * Add Rhumb and RhumbLine classes and the RhumbSolve utility.

  * Minor changes to NormalGravity:
    + add J2ToFlattening and FlatteningToJ2;
    + use Newton's method to determine f from J2;
    + in constructor, allow omega = 0 (i.e., treat the spherical case).

  * Add grs80 GravityModel.

  * Make geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic} scripts work on

  * Minor changes:
    + simplify cross-platform support for C++11 mathematical functions;
    + change way area coefficients are given in GeodesicExact to improve
      compile times;
    + enable searching the online documentation;
    + add solution and project files for Visual Studio Express 2010.

Changes between 1.36 (released 2014-05-13) and 1.35 versions:

  * Changes to comply with NGA's prohibition of the use of the
    upper-case letters N/S to designate the hemisphere when displaying
    UTM/UPS coordinates:
    + UTMUPS::DecodeZone allows north/south as hemisphere designators
      (in addition to n/s);
    + UTMUPS::EncodeZone now encodes the hemisphere in lower case (to
      distinguish this use from a grid zone designator);
    + UTMUPS::EncodeZone takes an optional parameter abbrev to
      indicate whether to use n/s or north/south as the hemisphere
    + GeoCoords::UTMUPSRepresentation and AltUTMUPSRepresentation
      similarly accept the abbrev parameter;
    + GeoConvert uses the flags -a and -l to govern whether UTM/UPS
      output uses n/s (the -a flag) or north/south (the -l flag) to
      denote the hemisphere;
    + Fixed a bug what allowed +3N to be accepted as an alternation
      UTM zone designation (instead of 3N).
    WARNING: The use of lower case n/s for the hemisphere might cause
    compatibility problems.  However DecodeZone has always accepted
    either case; so the issue will only arise with other software
    reading the zone information.  To avoid possible misinterpretation
    of the zone designator, consider calling EncodeZone with abbrev =
    false and GeoConvert with -l, so that north/south are used to
    denote the hemisphere.

  * MGRS::Forward with prec = -1 will produce a grid zone designation.
    Similarly MGRS::Reverse will decode a grid zone designation (and
    return prec = -1).

  * Stop using the throw() declaration specification which is
    deprecated in C++11.

  * Add missing std:: qualifications to copy in LocalCartesion and
    Geocentric headers (bug found by Clemens).

Changes between 1.35 (released 2014-03-13) and 1.34 versions:

  * Fix blunder in UTMUPS::EncodeEPSG (found by Ben Adler).

  * Matlab wrapper routines geodesic{direct,inverse,line} switch to
    "exact" routes if |f| > 0.02.

  * GeodSolve.cgi allows ellipsoid to be set (and uses the -E option
    for GeodSolve).

  * Set title in HTML versions of man pages for the utility programs.

  * Changes in cmake support:
    + add _d to names of executables in debug mode of Visual Studio;
    + add support for Android (cmake-only), thanks to Pullan Yu;
    + check CPACK version numbers supplied on command line;
    + configured version of project-config.cmake.in is
      project-config.cmake (instead of geographiclib-config.cmake), to
      prevent find_package incorrectly using this file;
    + fix tests with multi-line output;
    + this release includes a file, pom.xml, which is used by an
      experimental build system (based on maven) at SRI.

Changes between 1.34 (released 2013-12-11) and 1.33 versions:

  * Many changes in cmake support:
    + minimum version of cmake needed increased to 2.8.4 (which was
      released in 2011-02);
    + allow building both shared and static librarys with
    + both shared and static libraries (Release plus Debug) included in
      binary installer;
    + find_package uses COMPONENTS and GeographicLib_USE_STATIC_LIBS to
      select the library to use;
    + find_package version checking allows nmake and Visual Studio
      generators to interoperate on Windows;
    + find_package (GeographicLib ...) requires that GeographicLib be
      capitalized correctly;
    + on Unix/Linux, don't include the version number in directory for
      the cmake configuration files;
    + the GEOGRAPHICLIB_EXAMPLES configuration parameter is no longer
      used; cmake always configures to build the examples, but they are
      not built by default (instead build targets: exampleprograms and
    + matlab-all target renamed to matlabinterface;
    + the configuration parameters PACKAGE_PATH and INSTALL_PATH are
      now deprecated (use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead);
    + on Linux, the installed package is relocatable;
    + on MacOSX, the installed utilities can find the shared library.

  * Use a more precise value for OSGB::CentralScale().

  * Add Arc routines to python interface.

  * The Geod utility has been removed; the same functionality lives on
    with GeodSolve (introduced in version 1.30).

Changes between 1.33 (released 2013-10-08) and 1.32 versions:

  * Add NETGeographic .NET wrapper library (courtesy of Scott Heiman).

  * Make inspector functions in GeographicLib::Ellipsoid const.

  * Add Accumulator.cpp to instantiate GeographicLib::Accumulator.

  * Defer some of the initialization of GeographicLib::OSGB to when it
    is first called.

  * Fix bug in autoconf builds under MacOS.

Changes between 1.32 (released 2013-07-12) and 1.31 versions:

  * Generalize C interface for polygon areas to allow vertices to be
    specified incrementally.

  * Fix way flags for C++11 support are determined.

Changes between 1.31 (released 2013-07-01) and 1.30 versions:

  * Changes breaking binary compatibility (source compatibility is
    + overloaded versions of DMS::Encode,
      EllipticFunction::EllipticFunction, and
      GeoCoords::DMSRepresentation, have been eliminated by the use of
      optional arguments;
    + correct the declaration of first arg to UTMUPS::DecodeEPSG.

  * FIX BUG in GeographicLib::GravityCircle constructor (found by
    Mathieu Peyréga) which caused bogus results for the gravity
    disturbance and gravity anomaly vectors. (This only affected
    calculations using GravityCircle. GravityModel calculations did not
    suffer from this bug.)

  * Improvements to the build:
    + fix documentation for new version of perlpod;
    + improving setting of runtime path for Unix-like systems with
    + install PDB files when compiling with Visual Studio to aid
    + Windows binary release now uses Matlab R2013a (64-bit) and uses
      the -largeArrayDims option.

  * Changes to the geodesic routines:
    + add Java implementation of the geodesic routines (thanks to Skip
      Breidbach for the maven support);
    + FIX BUG: avoid altering input args in Fortran implementation;
    + more systematic treatment of very short geodesic;
    + fixes to python port so that they work with version 3.x, in
      addition to 2.x (courtesy of Amato);
    + accumulate the perimeter and area of polygons via a double-wide
      accumulator in Fortran, C, and Matlab implementations (this is
      already included in the other implementations);
    + port PolygonArea::AddEdge and PolygonArea::TestEdge to JavaScript
      and python interfaces;
    + include documentation on short geodesics.

  * Unix scripts for downloading datasets,
    geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic}, skip already download
    models by default, unless the -f flag is given.

  * FIX BUGS: meridian convergence and scale returned by
    TransverseMercatorExact was wrong at a pole.

  * Improve efficiency of MGRS::Forward by avoiding the calculation of
    the latitude if possible (adapting an idea of Craig Rollins).

  * Fixes to the way the Matlab interface routines are built (thanks to
    Phil Miller and Chris F.).

Changes between 1.30 (released 2013-02-27) and 1.29 versions:

  * Changes to geodesic routines:
    + fix BUG in fail-safe mechanisms in Geodesic::Inverse;
    + the command line utility Geod is now called GeodSolve;
    + allow addition of polygon edges in PolygonArea;
    + add full Maxima implementation of geodesic algorithms.

Changes between 1.29 (released 2013-01-16) and 1.28 versions:

  * Changes to allow compilation with libc++ (courtesy of Kal Conley).

  * Add description of geodesics on triaxial ellipsoid to

  * Update journal reference for "Algorithms for geodesics".

Changes between 1.28 (released 2012-12-11) and 1.27 versions:

  * Changes to geodesic routines:
    + compute longitude difference exactly;
    + hence fix BUG in area calculations for polygons with vertices very
      close to the prime meridian;
    + fix BUG is geoddistance.m where the value of m12 was wrong for
      meridional geodesics;
    + add Matlab implementations of the geodesic projections;
    + remove unneeded special code for geodesics which start at a pole;
    + include polygon area routine in C and Fortran implementations;
    + add doxygen documentation for C and Fortran libraries.

Changes between 1.27 (released 2012-11-29) and 1.26 versions:

  * Changes to geodesic routines:
    + add native Matlab implementations: geoddistance.m, geodreckon.m,
    + add C and Fortran implementations;
    + improve the solution of the direct problem so that the series
      solution is accurate to round off for |f| < 1/50;
    + tighten up the convergence criteria for solution of the inverse
    + no longer signal failures of convergence with NaNs (a slightly
      less accurate answer is returned instead).

  * Fix DMS::Decode double rounding BUG.

  * On MacOSX platforms with the cmake configuration, universal
    binaries are built.

Changes between 1.26 (released 2012-10-22) and 1.25 versions:

  * Replace the series used for geodesic areas by one with better
    convergence (this only makes an appreciable difference if |f| >

Changes between 1.25 (released 2012-10-16) and 1.24 versions:

  * Changes to geodesic calculations:
    + restart Newton's method in Geodesic::Inverse when it goes awry;
    + back up Newton's method with the bisection method;
    + Geodesic::Inverse now converges for any value of f;
    + add GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact which are formulated in
      terms of elliptic integrals and thus yield accurate results
      even for very eccentric ellipsoids.
    + the -E option to Geod invokes these exact classes.

  * Add functionality to EllipticFunction:
    + add all the traditional elliptic integrals;
    + remove restrictions on argument range for incomplete elliptic
    + allow imaginary modulus for elliptic integrals and elliptic
    + make interface to the symmetric elliptic integrals public.

  * Allow GeographicLib::Ellipsoid to be copied.

  * Changes to the build tools:
    + cmake uses folders in Visual Studio to reduce clutter;
    + allow precision of reals to be set in cmake;
    + fail gracefully in the absence of pod documentation tools;
    + remove support for maintainer tasks in Makefile.mk.

Changes between 1.24 (released 2012-09-22) and 1.23 versions:

  * Allow the specification of the hemisphere in UTM coordinates in
    order to provide continuity across the equator:
    + add UTMUPS::Transfer;
    + add GeoCoords::UTMUPSRepresentation(bool, int) and
      GeoCoords::AltUTMUPSRepresentation(bool, int);
    + use the hemisphere letter in, e.g., GeoConvert -u -z 31N.

  * Add UTMUPS::DecodeEPSG and UTMUPS::EncodeEPSG.

  * cmake changes:
    + restore support for cmake 2.4.x;
    + explicitly check version of doxygen.

  * Fix building under cygwin.

  * Document restrictions on f in the Introduction.

  * Fix python interface to work with version 2.6.x.

Changes between 1.23 (released 2012-07-17) and 1.22 versions:

  * Documentation changes:
    + remove html documentation from distribution and use web links if
      doxygen is not available;
    + use doxygen tags to document exceptions;
    + begin migrating the documentation to using Greek letters where
      appropriate (requires doxygen or later).

  * Add Math::AngNormalize and Math::AngNormalize2; the allowed range
    for longitudes and azimuths widened to [-540d, 540d).

  * DMS::Decode understands more unicode symbols.

  * Geohash uses geohash code "nan" to stand for not a number.

  * Add Ellipsoid::NormalCurvatureRadius.

  * Various fixes in LambertConformalConic, TransverseMercator,
    PolarStereographic, and Ellipsoid to handle reverse projections of
    points near infinity.

  * Fix programming blunder in LambertConformalConic::Forward (incorrect
    results were returned if the tangent latitude was negative).

Changes between 1.22 (released 2012-05-27) and 1.21 versions:

  * Add Geohash and Ellipsoid classes.

  * Fix bug in AlbersEqualArea of very prolate ellipsoids (b^2 > 2

  * cmake changes:
    + optionally use PACKAGE_PATH and INSTALL_PATH to determine
    + use COMMON_INSTALL_PATH to determine layout of installation
    + as a consequence, the installation paths for the documentation,
      and python and matlab interfaces are shortened for Windows;
    + zip source distribution now uses DOS line endings;
    + the tests work in debug mode for Windows;
    + default setting of GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA does not depend on
    + add a cmake configuration for build tree.

Changes between 1.21 (released 2012-04-25) and 1.20 versions:

  * Support colon-separated DMS output:
    + DMS::Encode and GeoCoords::DMSRepresentation generalized;
    + GeoConvert and Geod now accept a -: option.

  * GeoidEval does not print the gradient of the geoid height by default
    (because it's subject to large errors); give the -g option to get
    the gradient printed.

  * Work around optimization BUG in GeographicLib::Geodesic::Inverse
    with tdm mingw g++ version 4.6.1.

  * autoconf fixed to ensure that that out-of-sources builds work;
    document this as the preferred method of using autoconf.

  * cmake tweaks:
    + simplify the configuration of doxygen;
    + allow the Matlab compiler to be specified with the MATLAB_COMPILER option.

Changes between 1.20 (released 2012-03-23) and 1.19 versions:

  * cmake tweaks:
    + improve find_package's matching of compiler versions;
    + CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set from CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH if available;
    + add "x64" to the package name for the 64-bit binary installer;
    + fix cmake warning with Visual Studio Express.

  * Fix SphericalEngine to deal with aggessive iterator checking by
    Visual Studio.

  * Fix transcription BUG is Geodesic.js.

Changes between 1.19 (released 2012-03-13) and 1.18 versions:

  * Slight improvement in Geodesic::Inverse for very short lines.

  * Fix argument checking tests in MGRS::Forward.

  * Add --comment-delimiter and --line-separator options to the utility

  * Add installer for 64-bit Windows; the compiled Matlab interface is
    supplied with the Windows 64-bit installer only.

Changes between 1.18 (released 2012-02-18) and 1.17 versions:

  * Improve documentation on configuration with cmake.

  * cmake's find_package ensures that the compiler versions match on Windows.

  * Improve documentation on compiling Matlab interface.

  * Binary installer for Windows installs under C:/pkg-vc10 by default.

Changes between 1.17 (released 2012-01-21) and 1.16 versions:

  * Work around optimization BUG in Geodesic::Inverse with g++ version
    4.4.0 (mingw).

  * Fix BUG in argument checking with OSGB::GridReference.

  * Fix missing include file in SphericalHarmonic2.

  * Add simple examples of usage for each class.

  * Add internal documenation to the cmake configuration files.

Changes between 1.16 (released 2011-12-07) and 1.15 versions:

  * Add calculation of the earth's gravitational field:
    + add NormalGravity GravityModel and GravityCircle classes;
    + add command line utility Gravity;
    + add Gravity models;
    + add Constants::WGS84_GM(), Constants::WGS84_omega(), and similarly
      for GRS80.

  * Build uses GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA to specify a common parent directory
    for geoid, gravity, and magnetic data (instead of
    GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PATH, etc.); similarly, GeoidEval, Gravity, and
    MagneticField, look at the environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA
    to locate the data.

  * Spherical harmonic software changes:
    + capitalize enums SphericalHarmonic::FULL and
      SphericalHarmonic::SCHMIDT (the lower case names are retained but
    + optimize the sum by using a static table of square roots which is
      updated by SphericalEngine::RootTable;
    + avoid overflow for high degree models.

  * Magnetic software fixes:
    + fix documentation BUG in MagneticModel::Circle;
    + make MagneticModel constructor explicit;
    + provide default MagneticCircle constructor;
    + add additional inspector functions to MagneticCircle;
    + add -c option to MagneticField;
    + default height to zero in MagneticField.

Changes between 1.15 (released 2011-11-08) and 1.14 versions:

  * Add calculation of the earth's magnetic field:
    + add MagneticModel and MagneticCircle classes;
    + add command line utility MagneticField;
    + add Magnetic models;
    + add Installing the magnetic field models;
    + add The format of the magnetic model files;
    + add classes SphericalEngine, CircularEngine, SphericalHarmonic,
      SphericalHarmonic1, and SphericalHarmonic2. which sum spherical
      harmonic series.

  * Add Utility class to support I/O and date manipulation.

  * Cmake configuration includes a _d suffix on the library built in
    debug mode.

  * For the Python package, include manifest and readme files; don't
    install setup.py for non-Windows systems.

  * Include Doxygen tag file in distribution as doc/html/Geographic.tag.

Changes between 1.14 (released 2011-09-30) and 1.13 versions:

  * Ensure that geographiclib-config.cmake is relocatable.

  * Allow more unicode symbols to be used in DMS::Decode.

  * Modify GeoidEval so that it can be used to convert the height datum
    for LIDAR data.

  * Modest speed-up of Geodesic::Inverse.

  * Changes in python interface:
    + FIX BUG in transcription of Geodesic::Inverse;
    + include setup.py for easy installation;
    + python only distribution is available at

  * Supply a minimal Qt qmake project file for library

Changes between 1.13 (released 2011-08-13) and 1.12 versions:

  * Changes to I/O:
    + allow : (colon) to be used as a DMS separator in DMS::Decode;
    + also accept Unicode symbols for degrees, minutes, and seconds
      (coded as UTF-8);
    + provide optional swaplatlong argument to various DMS and GeoCoords
      functions to make longitude precede latitude;
    + GeoConvert now has a -w option to make longitude precede latitude
      on input and output;
    + include a JavaScript version of DMS.

  * Slight improvement in starting guess for solution of geographic
    latitude in terms of conformal latitude in TransverseMercator,
    TransverseMercatorExact, and LambertConformalConic.

  * For most classes, get rid of const member variables so that the
    default copy assignment works.

  * Put Math and Accumulator in their own header files.

  * Remove unused "fast" GeographicLib::Accumulator method.

  * Reorganize the Python interface.

  * Withdraw some deprecated routines.

  * cmake changes:
    + include FindGeographic.cmake in distribution;
    + building with cmake creates and installs
    + better support for building a shared library under Windows.

Changes between 1.12 (released 2011-07-21) and 1.11 versions:

  * Change license to MIT/X11.

  * Add GeographicLib::PolygonArea class and equivalent Matlab function.

  * Provide JavaScript and Python implementations of geodesic routines.

  * Fix Windows installer to include runtime dlls for Matlab.

  * Fix (innocuous) unassigned variable in Geodesic::GenInverse.

  * Geodesic routines in Matlab return a12 as first column of aux return
    value (incompatible change).

  * A couple of code changes to enable compilation with Visual Studio

Changes between 1.11 (released 2011-06-27) and 1.10 versions:

  * Changes to Planimeter:
    + add -l flag to Planimeter for polyline calculations;
    + trim precision of area to 3 decimal places;
    + FIX BUG with pole crossing edges (due to compiler optimization).

  * Geod no longer reports the reduced length by default; however the -f
    flag still reports this and in addition gives the geodesic scales
    and the geodesic area.

  * FIX BUGS (compiler-specific) in inverse geodesic calculations.

  * FIX BUG: accommodate tellg() returning -1 at end of string.

  * Change way flattening of the ellipsoid is specified:
    + constructors take f argument which is taken to be the flattening
      if f < 1 and the inverse flattening otherwise (this is a
      compatible change for spheres and oblate ellipsoids, but it is an
      INCOMPATIBLE change for prolate ellipsoids);
    + the -e arguments to the Utility Programs are handled similarly; in
      addition, simple fractions, e.g., 1/297, can be used for the
    + introduce Constants::WGS84_f() for the WGS84 flattening (and
      deprecate Constants::WGS84_r() for the inverse flattening);
    + most classes have a Flattening() member function;
    + InverseFlattening() has been deprecated (and now returns inf for a
      sphere, instead of 0).

Changes between 1.10 (released 2011-06-11) and 1.9 versions:

  * Improvements to Matlab/Octave interface:
    + add {geocentric,localcartesian}{forward,reverse};
    + make geographiclibinterface more general;
    + install the source for the interface;
    + cmake compiles the interface if ENABLE_MATLAB=ON;
    + include compiled interface with Windows binary installer.

  * Fix various configuration issues
    + autoconf did not install Config.h;
    + cmake installed in man/man1 instead of share/man/man1;
    + cmake did not set the rpath on the tools.

Changes between 1.9 (released 2011-05-28) and 1.8 versions:

  * FIX BUG in area returned by Planimeter for pole encircling polygons.

  * FIX BUG in error message reported when DMS::Decode reads the string

  * FIX BUG in AlbersEqualArea::Reverse (lon0 not being used).

  * Ensure that all exceptions thrown in the Utility Programs are

  * Avoid using catch within GeographicLib::DMS.

  * Move Accumulator class from Planimeter.cpp to Constants.hpp.

  * Add Math::sq<T>.

  * Simplify Installing the geoid datasets
    + add geographiclib-get-geoids for Unix-like systems;
    + add installers for Windows.

  * Provide cmake support:
    + build binary installer for Windows;
    + include regression tests;
    + add --input-string, --input-file, --output-file options to the
      Utility Programs to support tests.

  * Rename utility EquidistantTest as GeodesicProj and
    TransverseMercatorTest as TransverseMercatorProj.

  * Add ConicProj.

  * Reverse the initial sense of the -s option for Planimeter.

  * Migrate source from subversion to git.

Changes between 1.8 (released 2011-02-22) and 1.7 versions:

  * Optionally return rotation matrix from GeographicLib::Geocentric and

  * For the Utility Programs, supply man pages, -h prints the synopsis,
    --help prints the man page, --version prints the version.

  * Use accurate summation in Planimeter.

  * Add 64-bit targets for Visual Studio 2010.

  * Use templates for defining math functions and some constants.

  * GeographicLib::Geoid updates
    + Add GeographicLib::Geoid::DefaultGeoidPath and
    + GeoidEval uses environment variable GEOID_NAME as the default
    + Add --msltohae and --haetomsl as GeoidEval options (and don't
      document the single hyphen versions).

  * Remove documentation that duplicates papers on transverse Mercator
    and geodesics.

Changes between 1.7 (released 2010-12-21) and 1.6 versions:

  * FIX BUG in scale returned by GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic::Reverse.

  * Add GeographicLib::AlbersEqualArea projection.

  * Library created by Visual Studio is Geographic.lib instead of
    GeographicLib.lib (compatible with makefiles).

  * Make classes NaN aware.

  * Use cell arrays for MGRS strings in Matlab.

  * Add solution/project files for Visual Studio 2010 (32-bit only).

  * Use C++11 static_assert and math functions, if available.

Change between 1.6 (released 2010-11-23) and 1.5 versions:

  * FIX BUG introduced in GeographicLib::Geoid in version 1.5 (found by
    Dave Edwards).

Changes between 1.5 (released 2010-11-19) and 1.4 versions:

  * Improve area calculations for small polygons.

  * Add -s and -r flags to Planimeter utility.

  * Improve the accuracy of GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic using
    divided differences.

  * FIX BUG in meridian convergence returned by

  * Add optional threadsafe parameter to GeographicLib::Geoid
    constructor.  WARNING: This changes may break binary compatibility
    with previous versions of GeographicLib.  However, the library is
    source compatible.

  * Add GeographicLib::OSGB.

  * Matlab and Octave interfaces to GeographicLib::UTMUPS,
    GeographicLib::MGRS, GeographicLib::Geoid, GeographicLib::Geodesic

  * Minor changes
    + explicitly turn on optimization in Visual Studio 2008 projects;
    + add missing dependencies in some Makefiles;
    + move pi() and degree() from GeographicLib::Constants to
    + introduce GeographicLib::Math::extended type to aid testing;
    + add GeographicLib::Math::epi() and GeographicLib::Math::edegree().
    + fixes to compile under cygwin;
    + tweak expression used to find latitude from conformal latitude.

Changes between 1.4 (released 2010-09-12) and 1.3 versions:

  * Changes to GeographicLib::Geodesic and GeographicLib::GeodesicLine:
    + FIX BUG in Geodesic::Inverse with prolate ellipsoids;
    + add area computations to Geodesic::Direct and Geodesic::Inverse;
    + add geodesic areas to geodesic test set;
    + make GeodesicLine constructor public;
    + change longitude series in Geodesic into Helmert-like form;
    + ensure that equatorial geodesics have cos(alpha0) = 0 identically;
    + generalize interface for Geodesic and GeodesicLine;
    + split GeodesicLine and Geodesic into different files;
    + signal convergence failure in Geodesic::Inverse with NaNs;
    + deprecate one function in Geodesic and two functions in
    + deprecate -n option for Geod.
    WARNING: These changes may break binary compatibility with previous
    versions of GeographicLib.  However, the library is source
    compatible (with the proviso that GeographicLib/GeodesicLine.hpp may
    now need to be included).

  * Add the Planimeter utility for computing the areas of
    geodesic polygons.

  * Improve iterative solution of GeographicLib::Gnomonic::Reverse.

  * Add GeographicLib::Geoid::ConvertHeight.

  * Add -msltohae, -haetomsl, and -z options to GeoidEval.

  * Constructors check that minor radius is positive.

  * Add overloaded Forward and Reverse functions to the projection
    classes which don't return the convergence (or azimuth) and scale.

  * Document function parameters and return values consistently.

Changes between 1.3 (released 2010-07-21) and 1.2 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::Gnomonic, the ellipsoid generalization of the
    gnomonic projection.

  * Add -g and -e options to Equidistanttest.

  * Use fixed-point notation for output from Cartconvert,
    Equidistanttest, Transversemercatortest.

  * PolarStereographic:
    + Improved conversion to conformal coordinates;
    + Fix bug with scale at opposite pole;
    + Complain if latitude out of range in SetScale.

  * Add GeographicLib::Math::NaN().

  * Add long double version of hypot for Windows.

  * Add EllipticFunction::E(real).

  * Update references to Geotrans in MGRS documentation.

  * Speed up tmseries.mac.

Changes between 1.2 (released 2010-05-21) and 1.1 versions:

  * FIX BUGS in GeographicLib::Geodesic,
    + wrong azimuth returned by Direct if point 2 is on a pole;
    + Inverse sometimes fails with very close points.

  * Improve calculation of scale in GeographicLib::CassiniSoldner,
    + add GeodesicLine::Scale, GeodesicLine::EquatorialAzimuth, and
    + break friend connection between CassiniSoldner and Geodesic.

  * Add DMS::DecodeAngle and DMS::DecodeAzimuth. Extend DMS::Decode and
    DMS::Encode to deal with distances.

  * Code and documentation changes in Geodesic and Geocentric for
    consistency with the forthcoming paper on geodesics.

  * Increase order of series using in Geodesic to 6 (full accuracy
    maintained for ellipsoid flattening < 0.01).

  * Macro __NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH to disable use of long double.

  * Correct declaration of Math::isfinite to return a bool.

  * Changes in the Utility Programs,
    + improve error reporting when parsing command line arguments;
    + accept latitudes and longitudes in decimal degrees or degrees,
      minutes, and seconds, with optional hemisphere designators;
    + GeoConvert -z accepts zone or zone+hemisphere;
    + GeoidEval accepts any of the input formats used by GeoConvert;
    + CartConvert allows the ellipsoid to be specified with -e.

Changes between 1.1 (released 2010-02-09) and 1.0 versions:

  * FIX BUG (introduced in 2009-03) in EllipticFunction::E(sn,cn,dn).

  * Increase accuracy of scale calculation in TransverseMercator and

  * Code and documentation changes for consistency with arXiv:1002.1417

Changes between 1.0 (released 2010-01-07) and 2009-11 versions:

  * Add autoconf configuration files.

  * BUG FIX: Improve initial guess for Newton's method in
    PolarStereographic::Reverse.  (Previously this failed to converge
    when the co-latitude exceeded about 130 deg.)

  * Constructors for TransverseMercator, TransverseMercatorExact,
    PolarStereographic, Geocentric, and Geodesic now check for obvious
    problems with their arguments and throw an exception if necessary.

  * Most classes now include inspector functions such as MajorRadius()
    so that you can determine how instances were constructed.

  * Add GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class.

  * Add GeographicLib::PolarStereographic::SetScale to allow the
    latitude of true scale to be specified.

  * Add solution and project files for Visual Studio 2008.

  * Add GeographicLib::GeographicErr for exceptions.

  * GeographicLib::Geoid changes:
    + BUG FIX: fix typo in GeographicLib::Geoid::Cache which could cause
      a segmentation fault in some cases when the cached area spanned
      the prime meridian.
    + Include sufficient edge data to allow heights to be returned for
      cached area without disk reads;
    + Add inspector functions to query the extent of the cache.

Changes between 2009-11 and 2009-10 versions:

  * Allow specification of "closest UTM zone" in GeographicLib::UTMUPS
    and GeoConvert (via -t option).

  * Utilities now complain is there are too many tokens on input lines.

  * Include real-to-real versions of GeographicLib::DMS::Decode and

  * More house-cleaning changes:
    + Ensure that functions which return results through reference
      arguments do not alter the arguments when an exception is thrown.
    + Improve accuracy of GeographicLib::MGRS::Forward.
    + Include more information in some error messages.
    + Improve accuracy of inverse hyperbolic functions.
    + Fix the way GeographicLib::Math functions handle different

Changes between 2009-10 and 2009-09 versions:

  * Change web site to http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net

  * Several house-cleaning changes:
    + Change from the a flat directory structure to a more easily
      maintained one.
    + Introduce Math class for common mathematical functions (in
    + Use Math::real as the type for all real quantities.  By default this
      is typedef'ed to double; and the library should be installed this
    + Eliminate const reference members of AzimuthalEquidistant,
      CassiniSoldner and LocalCartesian so that they may be copied.
    + Make several constructors explicit.  Disallow some constructors.
      Disallow copy constructor/assignment for Geoid.
    + Document least square formulas in Geoid.cpp.
    + Use unsigned long long for files positions of geoid files in Geoid.
    + Introduce optional mgrslimits argument in UTMUPS::Forward and
      UTMUPS::Reverse to enforce stricter MGRS limits on eastings and
    + Add 64-bit targets in Visual Studio project files.

Changes between 2009-09 and 2009-08 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::Geoid and GeoidEval utility.

Changes between 2009-08 and 2009-07 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::CassiniSoldner class and EquidistantTest utility.

  * Fix bug in GeographicLib::Geodesic::Inverse where NaNs were
    sometimes returned.

  * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: AzimuthalEquidistant now returns the reciprocal
    of the azimuthal scale instead of the reduced length.

  * Add -n option to GeoConvert.

Changes between 2009-07 and 2009-06 versions:

  * Speed up the series inversion code in tmseries.mac and geod.mac.

  * Reference Borkowski in section on Geocentric coordinates.

Changes between 2009-06 and 2009-05 versions:

  * Add routines to decode and encode zone+hemisphere to GeographicLib::UTMUPS.

  * Clean up code in GeographicLib::Geodesic.

Changes between 2009-05 and 2009-04 versions:

  * Improvements to GeographicLib::Geodesic:
    + more economical series expansions,
    + return reduced length (as does the Geod utility),
    + improved calculation of starting point for inverse method,
    + use reduced length to give derivative for Newton's method.

  * Add AzimuthalEquidistant class.

  + Make GeographicLib::Geocentric, GeographicLib::TransverseMercator,
    and GeographicLib::PolarStereographic classes work with prolate

  * CartConvert checks its inputs more carefully.

  * Remove reference to defunct Constants.cpp from GeographicLib.vcproj.

Changes between 2009-04 and 2009-03 versions:

  * Use compile-time constants to select the order of series in

  * 2x unroll of Clenshaw summation to avoid data shuffling.

  * Simplification of GeographicLib::EllipticFunction::E.

  * Use STATIC_ASSERT for compile-time checking of constants.

  * Improvements to GeographicLib::Geodesic:
    + compile-time option to change order of series used,
    + post maxima code for generating the series,
    + tune the order of series for double,
    + improvements in the selection of starting points for Newton's
    + accept and return spherical arc lengths,
    + works with both oblate and prolate spheroids,
    + add -a, -e, -b options to the Geod utility.

Changes between 2009-03 and 2009-02 versions:

  * Add GeographicLib::Geodesic and the Geod utility.

  * Declare when no exceptions are thrown by functions.

  * Minor changes to GeographicLib::DMS class.

  * Use invf = 0 to mean a sphere in constructors to some classes.

  * The makefile creates a library and includes an install target.

  * Rename GeographicLib::ECEF to GeographicLib::Geocentric, ECEFConvert
    to CartConvert.

  * Use inline functions to define constant doubles in Constants.hpp.

Changes between 2009-02 and 2009-01 versions:

  * Fix documentation of constructors (flattening -> inverse

  * Use std versions of math functions.

  * Add ECEF and LocalCartesian classes and ECEFConvert utility.

  * Gather the documentation on the utility programs onto one page.