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API Changes

.. contents::

This document describes the API changes the library users should be aware of
before upgrading to each respective version. It is our plan to have the amount
of changes requiring changing the client code go to a minimum after the library
hits the 1.0.0 version.

Changes in 0.2.10

Python bindings

:meth:`Query.filter` now returns a new instance of :class:`Query`, the same as
the original with the new filtering applied. This allows for greater flexibility
handling the :class:`Query` objects and resembles the way ``QuerySets`` behave in

In practice the following code will stop working as expected::

  q = hawkey.Query(self.sack)
  # processing the query ...

It needs to be changed to::

  q = hawkey.Query(self.sack)
  q = q.filter(name__eq="flying")
  # processing the query ...

The original semantics is now available via the :meth:`Query.filterm` method, so
the following will also work::

  q = hawkey.Query(self.sack)
  # processing the query ...

Changes in 0.2.11

Python bindings

In Python's :class:`Package` instances accessors for string attributes now
return None instead of the empty string if the attribute is missing (for instance
a ``pkg.sourcerpm`` now returns None if ``pkg`` is a source rpm package

This change is towards a more conventional Python practice. Also, this leaves the
empty string return value free to be used when it is actually the case.

Changes in 0.3.0


Query: key for reponame filtering

The Query key value used for filtering by the repo name is ``HY_PKG_REPONAME``
now (was ``HY_PKG_REPO``). The old value was misleading.

Repo initialization

``hy_repo_create()`` for Repo object initialization now needs to be passed a
name of the repository.

.. _changes_query_installs:

Query installs obsoleted

All Goal methods accepting Query as the means of selecting packages, such as
``hy_goal_install_query()`` have been replaced with their Selector
counterparts. Selector structures have been introduced for the particular
purpose of specifying a package that best matches the given criteria and at the
same time is suitable for installation. For a discussion of this decision see

Python bindings

Query: filtering by repository with the reponame key

Similar change happened in Python, the following constructs::

  q = q.filter(repo="updates")

need to be changed to::

  q = q.filter(reponame="updates")

The old version of this didn't allow using the same string to both construct the
query and dynamically get the reponame attribute from the returned packages
(used e.g. in DNF to search by user-specified criteria).

Package: removed methods for direct EVR comparison

The following will no longer work::

  if pkg.evr_eq(some_other_pkg):

Instead use the result of ``pkg.evr_cmp``, for instance::

  if pkg.evr_cmp(some_other_pkg) == 0:

This function compares only the EVR part of a package, not the name. Since it
rarely make sense to compare versions of packages of different names, the
following is suggested::

  if pkg == some_other_pkg:

Repo initialization

All instantiations of ``hawkey.Repo`` now must be given the name of the Repo. The
following will now fail::

  r = hawkey.Repo()
  r.name = "fedora"

Use this instead::

  r = hawkey.Repo("fedora")

Query installs obsoleted

See :ref:`changes_query_installs` in the C section. In Python Queries will no
longer work as goal target specifiers, the following will fail::

  q = hawkey.Query(sack)

Instead use::

  sltr = hawkey.Selector(sack)

Or a convenience notation::


Changes in 0.3.1

Query: ``hy_query_filter_package_in()`` takes a new parameter

``keyname`` parameter was added to the function signature. The new parameter
allows filtering by a specific relation to the resulting packages, for

  hy_query_filter_package_in(q, HY_PKG_OBSOLETES, HY_EQ, pset)

only leaves the pacakges obsoleting a package in ``pset`` a part of the result.

Removed ``hy_query_filter_obsoleting()``

The new version of ``hy_query_filter_package_in()`` handles this now, see above.

In Python, the following is no longer supported::

  q = query.filter(obsoleting=1)

The equivalent new syntax is::

  installed = hawkey.Query(sack).filter(reponame=SYSTEM_REPO_NAME)
  q = query.filter(obsoletes=installed)

Changes in 0.3.2

Removed ``hy_packagelist_of_obsoletes``.

The function was not systematic. Same result is achieved by obtaining obsoleting
reldeps from a package and then trying to find the installed packages that
provide it. In Python::

  q = hawkey.Query(sack).filter(reponame=SYSTEM_REPO_NAME, provides=pkg.obsoletes)

Changes in 0.3.3

Renamed ``hy_package_get_nvra`` to ``hy_package_get_nevra``

The old name was by error, the functionality has not changed: this function has
always returned the full NEVRA, skipping the epoch part when it's 0.

Changes in 0.3.4

Python bindings

``pkg.__repr__()`` is more verbose now

Previously, ``repr(pkg)`` would yield for instance ``<_hawkey.Package object,
id: 5>``. Now more complete information is present, including the package's
NEVRA and repository: ``<hawkey.Package object id 5, foo-2-9\.noarch,

Also notice that the representation now mentions the final ``hawkey.Package``
type, not ``_hawkey.Package``. Note that these are currently the same.