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Content of this directory:
BinTec Remote CAPI source files and sample applications for UNIX
Version 1.7.3 18/10/02 10:31:23

File            Description
README This file
c_environ.c helper functions for environment variables
c_tcpopen.c open TCP connection
capidef.h       header file for CAPI1.1 and CAPI2.0 definitions
capifax.c       CAPI 2.0 example application to send a fax
faxrecv.c       CAPI 2.0 example application to receive a fax
libcapi.c       source file for the remote capi library CAPI 1.1
libcapi.h       header file for the remote capi library
libcapi2.c      source file for the remote capi library CAPI 2.0
md5.c MD5 routines
md5.h MD5 haeders
poll.c          poll() function for systems that only provide select()
poll.h          header file for poll.c
rcapi.c         source file for the remote capi interface CAPI 1.1
rcapi2.c        source file for the remote capi interface CAPI 2.0
userchk2.c brick user authentication

Makefile.in Makefile prototype; used by configure
config.h.in configuration variables prototype
install-sh helper program: install program/library
mkinstalldirs helper program: crete installation directories

How to build & install:
Type something like this in your terminal:

# gunzip < capi.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# ./configure
# make
# make install

Use configure --help to see full list of build configuration parameters.

Should at laest compile on:
FreeBSD/i386 4.6
FreeBSD/i386 4.2
NetBSD/i386 1.5.2
NetBSD/i386 1.5.3_ALPHA
NetBSD/sparc 1.5
Solaris/sparc 2.6
Linux/i386 2.4.10
Linux/i386 2.0.25
Linux/sparc 2.2.20
Darwin/ppc 5.5 (MacOS X 10.1)

Supported BinTec hardware:
BinTec BIANCA/BRICK and X-Generation routers.

Supported BinTec software images:
Images newer than version 6.2 recommended.

For FAX G3 functionality you need hardware modem support (only BRICK series).
Software DTMF recognition is available with images newer than 6.2.5 on
the X-Generation. BRICK series do DTMF with the modem hardware.

Shared Library:
Successfull builds have been reported on NetBSD/FreeBSD/MacOSX and Solaris.
In this package we just build the static library, but compiling a shared
library should work without source file changes.

Many thanks to Heiner Steven <heiner.steven@odn.de> and all the other
CAPI hackers.

Related Information:
* CAPI Association: http://www.capi.org/
* ETSI Telecom Standards: http://www.etsi.org/
* BinTec Products: http://www.bintec.de/