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V. 0.2.1     14/4/2002
- Bug fix in FB_initlib() in the device selection code (Nathan Cole)
- Updated documentation (me)

V. 0.2       12/4/2002
- Cleanups for useless code and return values (me)
- Error handling uses always defines (me)
- Added documentation in html in docs/ (me)
- Big performance improvement (doubled speed of all line fuctions) (me)
- Began working on mouse support (Nathan Cole)

From now on (me) is (Daniele Venzano) in this ChangeLog

V. 0.1       16/2/2002
- Changed tests and moved them to the tests subdirectory
- Added an example on how to use font and keyb
- Modified the Makefiles
- Added font handling with FB_putc() and FB_printf()
- Added keyboard handling

V. 0.0.3     15/2/2001
- Rewrote makecol from scratch
- Tuned putpixel, FB_clear_screen
- Begin optimization of FB_clear_screen and FB_rect_fill
- Begin investigation on keyboard handling

V. 0.0.2     27/12/2000
- Added support for 16 / 32 bits per pixel (still no 8 bits)
- Added FB_rect and FB_rectfill
- Added test1
- Added FB_line() FB_vline() FB_hline() functions
- Updated TODO file
- Added VT change code in FBinit.c (and it works!)
- FB_initlib() now changes the console to graphics mode
- Enhanced error reporting in FB_initlib()

V. 0.0.1     24/11/2000
- Moved FB_initlib() and FB_exit() from FBdraw.c to FBinit.c
- Improved FB_initlib() and FB_exit() to reset framebuffer on exit
- Added FB_getres()
- Deleted FB_getxres() and FB_getyres()
- Updated TODO file
- Created ChangeLog