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mad - MPEG audio decoder
Copyright (C) 2000 Robert Leslie

$Id: CHANGES,v 1.14 2000/06/03 23:07:41 rob Exp $


Version 0.11.0 (beta)

  * Implemented MPEG 2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies.

  * Improved Layer III performance by avoiding IMDCT calculation when all
    input samples are zero.

  * Significantly reduced size of Layer II tables.

Version 0.10.3 (beta)

  * Improved SSO output quality.

  * Made portable to cygwin.

  * Wrote new Win32 audio interface module.

  * Localized memory references in III_huffdecode() for better performance.

Version 0.10.2 (beta)

  * Rewrote Layer III long block 36-point IMDCT routine for better

  * Improved subband synthesis fixed-point games somewhat.

Version 0.10.1 (beta)

  * Added a subband synthesis optimization (SSO) which involves modifying
    the fixed-point multiplication method during windowing. This produces
    subtle differences in the output but improves performance greatly.

  * Added I_STEREO and MS_STEREO flags to frame struct.

  * Eliminated privately-used CRCFAILED flag.

  * Fixed a bug where Layer III decoding could crash on some badly-formatted
    (e.g. non-MPEG) bitstreams.

  * Miscellaneous code clean-up.

  * Running madplay with no arguments now gives usage info.

Version 0.10.0 (beta)

  * Added SPARC fixed-point math support.

  * Revamped libmad API for better high- and low-level support.

  * Documented more of the code.

  * Changed sync semantics such that new stream buffers are assumed to be

  * Added framework for ID3v2 support.

  * Changed Layer III to dynamically allocate static memory so as not to
    waste it (about 6.4K) when only decoding Layer I or Layer II.

  * Added prefix parsing for output module selection.

  * Added audio_raw output module.

  * Rewrote madplay.c to use high-level interface.

Version 0.9.7 (beta)

  * Added audio_hex module (--enable-debugging) for PCM-level debugging.

  * Fixed bug in audio_sun module; should work correctly now.

  * Added -Q (very quiet) option to omit bitstream error messages.

  * Reduced -v output by eliminating timing tenths.

  * Fixed problem configuring unsupported sample frequencies, and added
    user feedback.

  * Enhanced final frame count reporting to include playing time.

  * Cleaned up madplay.c somewhat.
