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nice 0.0.4 (2008-12-17)

Fix compilation for 64bits systems
Revert the use of netbuffer in the gstreamer elements
Added support for pseudossl-tcp TURN relay for Google
Added support for SOCKS5 proxy servers for TCP relaying
Bug fixes and code cleaning

nice 0.0.3 (2008-11-25)

Stable google talk support
Added TCP TURN relay support for google.
Removed openssl dependency.

nice 0.0.2 (2008-11-12)

Better support for google talk compatibility mode as well as UDP TURN relay compatibility for Google.
Removed -Werror compile flag for releases

nice 0.0.1 (2008-11-05)

Initial release of libnice.
It has compatibility support for the latest ICE draft 19, as well as google talk and MSN compatibility.
It also has support for TURN relays using TURN draft 9 if you're in ICE draft 19 compatibility, or specific Google/MSN relay support if you're in Google/MSN compatibility mode.
The library is multiplatform and should compile fine on Linux, Mac and Windows systems.