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2006-07-16, Version 0.2.3
* `sendto(2)' now catches `EHOSTUNREACH' and `ENETUNREACH' if they're

2006-06-05, Version 0.2.2
* The `oping' application didn't exit if no hosts could be resolved.
  This release fixes it's behavior.

2006-06-01, Version 0.2.1
* Fix the behavior for non GNU-Linux systems. liboping tried to
  `bind(2)' to the raw-socket it uses to send ICMP packets. Apparently
  (decided by majority vote ;) this is not the right thing to do.
  GNU/Linux never complained about it, but works find without the bind.
  Other operating systems don't work at all with the bind.
* Build fixes for non-GNU/Linux platforms: Mac OS X doesn't define
  `size_t' as `unsigned int' and therefore needs casting and FreeBSD
  needs to have `sys/types.h' included before `netinet/*.h'

2006-05-29, Version 0.2.0
* It's now possible to set the data to be send to the remote host and
  to get the data received from the host.
* The `oping' binary now calculates the standard deviation. Also, it
  displays the number of byes that were received and other output
* Hosts are now returned in the same order as they were added by
  `ping_host_add'. This is not guaranteed, but makes `oping' prettier.

2006-05-12, Version 0.1.1
* A bug in the library has been fixed: When the sequence got higher
  than 2^16 the counter in the packets wrapped around, but the
  internal counter didn't, causing the library to ignore all further
  ICMP packets. This affected both, ICMPv4 and ICMPv6.

2006-05-08, Version 0.1.0
* Initial release.