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telepathy-glib 0.14.0 (2011-03-21)

The “welded in gridlock” release, starting a 0.14.x stable branch. This
branch corresponds to the 0.22 stable branch of the specification.

Highlights since 0.12.0

• TpBaseContactList, a base class for the ContactList and ContactGroups
  connection interfaces, as well as old-style ContactList channels.
  While this helper class supports the old 'deny' channel for blocked
  contact, it unfortunately does not implement the new ContactBlocking
  interface yet.

• CMs implemented using telepathy-glib will now have immortal handles.

• TpContact supports ClientTypes.

• TpClientChannelFactory, TpAutomaticProxyFactory and
  TpBasicProxyFactory have been added to help applications construct
  particular TpChannel subclasses for channels of different types, with
  particular features prepared.

• TpStreamTubeChannel, a high-level client API for stream tubes, has
  been added.

• TpBaseProtocol supports the Avatars and Presence interfaces.

• tp_get_bus() is deprecated (again). Please use tp_dbus_daemon_dup(),
  followed by tp_dbus_daemon_register_object() if that's what you're
  using it for, or tp_proxy_get_dbus_connection() if you really need a

• TpClientMessage and TpSignalledMessage, client-side representations
  for multipart messages used by TpTextChannel, have been added.

• The TpContactSearch object has been added. It represents ongoing
  searches for contacts.

• Code is now generated to emit and listen for the PropertiesChanged
  signal on org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties. Note that
  TpDBusPropertiesMixin does not emit this signal on it own, nor does
  TpProxy listen for it of its own accord.

• Previously, tp_clear_object (NULL), tp_clear_boxed (type, NULL) and
  tp_clear_pointer (NULL) were no-ops. However, this behaviour was not
  very useful—these functions are always called as
  tp_clear_object (&priv->foo) in practice—and triggered compiler
  warnings (because these are actually implemented as macros). Thus,
  this usage is no longer supported. (This should not affect anything
  except contrived code, but CM authors may wish to check.)

Fixes since 0.13.18

• The error handling code paths when looking up the senders of incoming
  messages have been fixed. This issue led to TpSignalledMessages not
  specifying a sender with CMs that omit sender-id, like telepathy-idle.

telepathy-glib 0.13.18 (2011-03-15)

The “chilled coconut-chocolate security blanket” release.


• Previously, tp_clear_object (NULL), tp_clear_boxed (type, NULL) and
  tp_clear_pointer (NULL) were no-ops. However, this behaviour was not
  very useful—these functions are always called as
  tp_clear_object (&priv->foo) in practice—and triggered compiler
  warnings (because these are actually implemented as macros). Thus,
  this usage is no longer supported. (This should not affect anything
  except contrived code, but CM authors may wish to check.)


• TpCMMessage is no longer included in the .gir file. This class is only
  useful in CMs; we only support client-side API in the .gir file.
  (Benjamin Otte)

• Correctly include TpBasePasswordChannel documentation. (Danielle)

• Fix GCC 4.6 and Clang analyzer warnings (Dan Winship, Will)

telepathy-glib 0.13.17 (2011-03-09)


• Update to spec 0.21.11 (Sjoerd)

telepathy-glib 0.13.16 (2011-03-07)


• Update to spec 0.21.11 (Guillaume)

• Two new functions, tp_connection_get_connection_manager_name() and
  tp_connection_get_protocol_name(), allow you to grab these properties
  from a TpConnection without having to drive
  tp_connection_parse_object_path() yourself. (sjokkis)

• GBinding utilities for connection-status on TpAccount and TpConnection:
  tp_connection_bind_connection_status_to_property() and
  tp_account_bind_connection_status_to_property(). (Danielle)

• TpTextChannel now has a "message-types" property and accessor.
  It also gained tp_text_channel_supports_message_type() a convenient function
  to check if a specific message type is supported. (Guillaume)

• TpContactSearch: only close channels if there was an error (Emilio)

• TpBaseClient gained tp_base_client_set_observer_delay_approvers() which can
  be used to indicate that an Observer has to block Approvers.


• Various crashes fixed in TpBaseContactList. (Marco)

telepathy-glib 0.13.15 (2011-02-24)

The “Continents all made of clay” release.


• Update to spec 0.21.10 (Guillaume)

• tp_utf8_make_valid(): an UTF-8 string validation function. (Senko)

• SimplePasswordManager now has API to let the CM create its own
  SASL channel. (Jonner)

• TpBasePasswordChannel: a base class to implement SASL channels. (Jonner)

telepathy-glib 0.13.14 (2011-02-23)

The “Things that London never saw” release.


• TpContact now supports modifying the contact's groups on connection
  managers which implement Connection.Interface.ContactGroups. (Zdra)

• It's now possible to get a list of TpChannelRequest objects from a
  TpObserveChannelsContext or TpHandleChannelsContext; adding hints to
  channel requests, and retrieving them again, is supported with
  telepathy-mission-control ≥ 5.7.2. (cassidy)

• tp_account_channel_request_create_and_observe_channel_async() and
  friends, analogous to
  tp_account_channel_request_create_and_handle_channel_async() but for
  Observers rather than Handlers, have been added. (cassidy)

• Code is now generated to emit and listen for the PropertiesChanged
  signal on org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties. Note that
  TpDBusPropertiesMixin does not emit this signal on it own, nor does
  TpProxy listen for it of its own accord. (danni)

• tp_capabilities_supports_room_list(), a convenient way to check
  whether a connection supports listing chat rooms, has been added.


• Including telepathy-glib/protocol.h now correctly includes generated
  client-side functions. (danni)

telepathy-glib 0.13.13 (2011-02-09)

The “Duckworth Lewis” release.


• Many doc fixes, including: TpBaseClientClass is now included;
  INCOMING_MESSAGES is now explained. (wjt)

• Compiler flags reordered (clang is order-sensitive) to allow
  static analysis. (wjt)

• Account Channel Requests now give you access to the originating
  TpChannelRequest. (cassidy)

• The speculative debug cache may now be disabled at compile time.
  tp_debug_sender_add_message_vprintf and
  tp_debug_sender_add_message_printf added to allow callers who care
  about optimisation to reduce debug overhead. (fledermaus)

telepathy-glib 0.13.12 (2011-02-01)

The “You look good by siren light” release.


• TpContact now tracks incoming and outgoing presence subscriptions,
  albeit only if the connection implements the new
  Connection.Interface.ContactList API. (Xavier)

• Code is generated for new API added in telepathy-spec version 0.21.9;
  specifically, the FileTransfer.URI property is supported. (Guillaume)

• TpPresenceMixinStatusAvailableFunc, which has confused many a CM
  author, now has clearer documentation. (Will)


• We no longer accidentally depend on GLib 2.28. (Will)

• tests/contact-search-result no longer fails on x86. (Will)

telepathy-glib 0.13.11 (2011-01-27)

The “and, erm … I own an M-16 fully-automatic ground assault rifle” release.


• fd.o#32053: The TpContactSearch object has been added. It represents
  ongoing searches for contacts. (pochu)


• fd.o#32551: tp_base_client_set_observer_recover now works with all
  possible gboolean arguments! (jonny)

• tp_debug_timestamped_log_handler will now print the message and not
  just the time, which was broken over a year ago. (jonny)

• TpProtocol will now consider a manager file's AuthenticationTypes
  value. (jonny)

telepathy-glib 0.13.10 (2010-12-20)

The “I own a 9 millimetre, a 357, a 45 handgun, a 38 special” release.


• New TpMessage API: tp_message_get_message_type, tp_cm_message_new_text (smcv)

• fd.o #32411: warn and do nothing if unsupported flags are passed to
  tp_g_signal_connect_object (smcv)

• Updated to spec 0.21.8.
  · The ContactList.ContactsChangedWithID signal was added. It's automatically
    emitted by TpBaseContactList, so CMs don't need to make any changes to take
    advantage of it. (smcv)


• tp_account_manager_ensure_account() no longer criticals if you pass it a
  malformed account path. (wjt)

• TpBaseClient will now return (an error) from ObserveChannels if an invalid
  connection path is passed to it by the Channel Dispatcher. (wjt)

• fd.o#32184: Connection bus names are no longer erroneously released while
  connections are still open. This was a regression in 0.13.5. (wjt)

• fd.o #32423: Preparing TpAccount features when the CORE feature is already
  prepared now works (smcv)

• fd.o #32391: correctly deal with removing name owner watches during
  dispatch of their callbacks (wjt, smcv)

• Documentation improvements (smcv)

• TpBaseClient no longer breaks if HandleChannels is called more than once for
  the same channel. This was a regression introduced by the leak fix in the
  previous release (sjoerd)

telepathy-glib 0.13.9 (2010-12-10)

The "please mind the gap between the table and the table" release.

This release includes all the bugfixes from version 0.12.6.


• tp_message_new (replace with tp_cm_message_new)
• tp_message_ref_handle (no longer needed)
• tp_message_set_handle (use tp_cm_message_set_sender for the only supported
  handle in a message)
• tp_message_take_message (replace with tp_cm_message_take_message)


• tp_account_get_path_suffix: new function to get the varying suffix of an
  account's object path (wjt)

• TpAccountManager: document which TpAccount objects are prepared (wjt)

• tp_connection_dup_contact_if_possible: new function to make
  TpContact objects synchronously in some situations (smcv)

• convert TpMessage into a GObject, with subclasses for use in CMs
  (TpCMMessage) and clients (TpClientMessage, TpSignalledMessage) (cassidy)

• add TpConnection:self-contact, a TpContact for the self-handle (smcv)


• In TpSimplePasswordManager, clear the pointer to the channel when it's closed

• fd.o #32116: don't leak LegacyProtocol object references when a
  TpBaseConnectionManager is registered (smcv)

• Fix an unlikely crash in which a TpBaseConnection outlives its
  TpBaseConnectionManager (smcv)

• Documentation improvements (cassidy)

• fd.o #32191: when tp_connection_get_contacts_by_handle would return
  contacts that already exist, make sure they have the desired features (smcv)

• Fix memory leaks in TpAccount and TpDynamicHandleRepo introduced in 0.13.8

• fd.o #32222: fix a leak of TpChannel objects in TpBaseClient, document that
  Handlers are responsible for closing their channels, warn if channels are
  still handled when a Handler is disposed, and close channels in some
  regression tests (Zdra)

telepathy-glib 0.13.8 (2010-12-01)

The "many of my best conversations are when un-agonized" release.


• fd.o #24114: tp_get_bus() is deprecated (again). Please use
  tp_dbus_daemon_dup(), followed by tp_dbus_daemon_register_object() if that's
  what you're using it for, or tp_proxy_get_dbus_connection() if you really
  need a DBusGConnection. (smcv)


• fd.o #23155: handles now persist until the TpBaseConnection disconnects,
  and most of the reference-counting machinery has been removed (smcv)

• fd.o #31997: in the ContactList channels produced by TpBaseContactList,
  AddMembers, RemoveMembers etc. don't return until the implementation
  reports success or failure (smcv)


• Update to spec 0.21.6 (smcv)
  · Connection.HasImmortalHandles property

• fd.o #31900: add TpSimplePasswordManager (jonny)

• fd.o #32004: add tp_account_get_automatic_presence,
  tp_account_get_normalized_name, tp_account_set_automatic_presence_async

• fd.o #31918: add convenience API for Account.I.Addressing (smcv)


• return a zero-terminated array of features from
  tp_client_channel_factory_dup_channel_features (cassidy)

• fd.o #32004: emit GObject::notify for TpAccount::requested-* (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.13.7 (2010-11-25)

The "moustache pattern released under a Creative Commons licence" release.

This release includes all bugfixes from 0.12.5.


• Update to spec 0.21.5 (smcv)
  · Conn.I.PowerSaving
  · Chan.T.ServerAuthentication, Chan.I.SASLAuthentication, Chan.I.Securable
  · Account.I.Addressing
  · Protocol.I.Avatars
  · enhanced ChannelDispatcher and ChannelRequest API with "request hints"
  · new property: Messages.MessageTypes

• fd.o #31686: add Protocol.I.Avatars support to TpBaseProtocol (eeejay)

• implement the MessageTypes property in the TpMessagesMixin (smcv)

• use G_N_ELEMENTS more (smcv)


• use the right getter for TpAccountChannelRequest:request (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.13.6 (2010-11-17)

The "please stop trying to find me on Wikipedia" release.

This release includes all the fixes from 0.12.4.

API changes:

• Pointers to a GObject implementing TP_TYPE_CLIENT_CHANNEL_FACTORY are now
  referred to as having type TpClientChannelFactory*, rather than misusing
  TpClientChannelFactoryInterface*. The ABI has not changed.


• Return the reffed handle from tp_handle_ref() (jonny)


• fd.o #31473: force the namespace TelepathyGLib for the g-i-derived Vala
  bindings (treitter)

• fd.o #31581: don't modify a const array in
  tp_group_mixin_remove_members_with_reason (smcv)

• fd.o #31631: set a TpBaseClient's TpClientChannelFactory correctly (cassidy)

• fd.o #31631: fix confusion between TpClientChannelFactory and
  TpClientChannelFactoryIface (smcv)

• Run the stream tube IPv6 tests again, if ::1 is assigned to an
  interface (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.13.5 (2010-11-05)

The "gunpowder, treason and plot" release.


• fd.o #30088: add support for Protocol.I.Presence to TpBaseProtocol
  (fledermaus, smcv)


• fd.o #10613: release connections' object paths before their bus
  names, and do both sooner (smcv)

• fd.o #31377: fix a race condition in the connection-interests test that
  sometimes caused it to fail or segfault, and similar races (not seen
  in practice) in two other tests (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.13.4 (2010-11-03)

The "request_module: runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c" release.

This release includes all the fixes from 0.12.3.


• Update to spec 0.21.4 (smcv)
  - fd.o #31215: fix incorrect namespace for MailNotification
  - add bindings for NewActiveTransportPair


• fd.o #31321: don't crash if the TpAccountManager is disposed while
  an account from tp_account_manager_ensure_account is preparing (cassidy)

• fd.o #31198: avoid some C99 features not supported by MSVC 9
  (Thomas Fluueli, smcv)

• fd.o #31291: add pkg-config and C header information to GIR for the
  benefit of future Vala versions (Evan Nemerson)

• In the echo2 example CM, advertise Messages' immutable properties (cassidy)

• In TpBaseChannel, don't unref handles we didn't ref (jonny)

telepathy-glib 0.13.3 (2010-10-26)

The "reminds me of daf's random dbus type generator" release.

This release includes all the fixes from version 0.12.2.


• <telepathy-glib/debug-ansi.h> is now deprecated, and the Group and
  Properties mixins no longer output brightly-coloured logs


• fd.o #31102: update to spec 0.21.3 (smcv):
  - generate code for Chan.I.DTMF.TonesDeferred and DeferredTones
  - generate code for Conn.I.MailNotification
  - generate code for Protocol.I.Presence
  - generate code for AddClientInterest, RemoveClientInterest
  - update the Call example CM and its regression test

• fd.o #27948: add generic support for AddClientInterest,
  RemoveClientInterest on TpBaseConnection and TpConnection (smcv)

• fd.o #30505: add TpDTMFPlayer, a DTMF dialstring interpreter (smcv)

• TpClientChannelFactory: ask callers to prepare a given set of features,
  and do so in TpBaseClient (cassidy)


• fd.o #30730: order tests' and examples' CFLAGS and LIBS
  consistently, fixing builds in some situations (an older telepathy-glib
  built with -rpath already installed, possibly) (smcv)

• fd.o #30949: fix a typo that made DeliveryReportingSupport always come out
  as 0, and test a nonzero value (smcv)

• Don't leak an array of features in TpBaseClient (cassidy)

• fd.o #31027: if stdout is a tty, tests now succeed silently, and only
  produce output on failure; also, they will automatically fail after a
  few seconds if an expected event does not happen (smcv)

• fd.o #30999: tests now succeed on machines where IPv6 is supported but ::1
  is not assigned to an interface (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.13.2 (2010-10-15)

The "whose thighs are capacitive?" release.

This release includes all the fixes from version 0.12.1.


• Update to spec 0.21.2 (smcv)
  - add TP_ERROR_REJECTED, SendNamedTelephonyEvent, SendSoundTelephonyEvent
  - change the experimental Call interfaces and adjust the example CM to match

• fd.o #29973: add TpClientChannelFactory, TpAutomaticProxyFactory and
  TpBasicProxyFactory, and use them in TpBaseClient and TpAccountChannelRequest

• fd.o #29218: add TpStreamTubeChannel, a higher-level API for stream tubes
  (danni, cassidy)

• fd.o #30478: add TP_ACCOUNT_FEATURE_STORAGE (danni)

• Improve the error message for an undefined D-Bus interface (wjt)


• fd.o #30791: fix building with gtk-doc enabled, and an older telepathy-glib
  installed in a non-default library search path (danni)

• fd.o #30644: don't 'return' a void expression from a void function, which
  isn't valid C99 and breaks compilation on Sun Studio C (smcv)

• Remove redundant trailing semicolons from G_DEFINE_TYPE etc., which are
  not valid C99 (smcv)

• Add DeliveryReportingSupport to the properties offered by TpMessageMixin

• Add ContactListState to the properties offered by TpBaseContactList (smcv)

• Avoid using a gboolean (which is signed) as a one-bit bitfield (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.13.1 (2010-10-04)

The "we're out of bear-shaped biscuits" release.


• Update to spec 0.21.1 (smcv):
  - add Access_Control, Access_Control_Type, Conn.I.ClientTypes

• Add ClientTypes support to TpContact (jonny)


• In TpCapabilities, do more checks on the self pointer (cassidy)

telepathy-glib 0.13.0 (2010-09-28)

The "this whiteboard needs scrollbars" release.


• Automake ≥ 1.11 is now required (when building from git or changing the
  build system)
• If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.9.6 or later


• Update to spec 0.21.0 (smcv)
  · generate code for the ContactList and ContactGroups interfaces

• fd.o #28200: add TpBaseContactList, a base class for contact list/contact
  groups implementations (smcv)

• fd.o #30204: add checks for stream and D-Bus tubes to
  TpCapabilities (cassidy)

• fd.o #30327: add some new utility functions for TpHandleSet (smcv)

• fd.o #30310: make tp_contacts_mixin_get_contact_attributes public for
  re-use (eeejay)

• debug-log the error message when a Protocol filter rejects a parameter (wjt)

telepathy-glib 0.12.0 (2010-09-20)

The "you rang?" release, starting a 0.12.x stable branch.

Highlights since 0.10.x


• when the local user is removed from a Group Channel, the GError used to
  invalidate the TpChannel has changed

New features:

• the TpProxy "feature" (prepare_async) mechanism
• high-level bindings for ChatStates, ContactCapabilities, ContactInfo, Avatars,
  detailed connection errors, and Protocol objects
• TpAccountChannelRequest, a high-level channel-requesting mechanism
• TpBaseClient, a base class for Observers, Approvers and Handlers
• generated constants for contact attributes and handler capability tokens
• base classes for Channel and Protocol in connection managers
• TpWeakRef, a wrapper for a weak reference and optional extra pointer
• experimental GObject-Introspection bindings, requiring version 0.6.14 or later
• experimental Vala bindings, requiring GObject-Introspection 0.9.6 and Vala
  0.10.0 or later
• generated code for all stable APIs in telepathy-spec 0.20, apart from
  client code for Channel.Type.ServerTLSConnection (which will follow in 0.13.x)

Note that the GObject-Introspection and Vala bindings are not subject to the
same API guarantees as the C API, and are likely to have incompatible changes
during the 0.13.x series.

Changes since 0.11.16

• Disable documentation completeness checks and redirect documentation uploads
  for stable branch
• Add the version number, and a link to the latest version, to the documentation
• Increase dependencies for Vala bindings to versions that the libfolks
  developers have verified to work: gobject-introspection 0.9.6 and
  Vala 0.10.0

telepathy-glib 0.11.16 (2010-09-15)

The "Fear my moo of fury!" release.


• Update to stable spec 0.20.1 (smcv)
  - generate basic API for Chan.I.Conference
  - generate basic API for Chan.T.ServerTLSConnection and TLSCertificate
    (server-side only for now, since TLSCertificate will require a new TpProxy

• When connections are created in a CM, debug-log the sanitized parameter
  values (wjt)

• When a TpBaseChannel is created, log an error if it doesn't have a parent
  connection (wjt)


• fd.o #30134: rename TpIntSet to TpIntset, with compatibility typedefs for
  the old name, to avoid breaking recent gobject-introspection (pwithnall)

• fd.o #30134: add more gobject-introspection annotations to work better
  with recent versions, and work around another case of (skip) not working
  in older versions (pwithnall, treitter, smcv)

Compatibility notes:

• If the Vala bindings are enabled, either GObject-Introspection must be
  older than 0.9.5, or GObject-Introspection and Vala must both be very
  recent (g-i 0.9.6 and Vala 0.9.9 will hopefully be suitable).

telepathy-glib 0.11.15 (2010-09-13)

The “Castle Turing” release.


• Update to spec 0.19.12 (smcv)
  - generate code for SMS interface for Text channels, NotYet error,
    Object_Immutable_Properties type and

• fd.o #28420: add tp_channel_get_requested() etc. (cassidy)

• Add basic introspectability for the Connection mixins (treitter)


• fd.o #30090: fix parsing TpProtocol information from .manager files
  (fledermaus, smcv)

• fd.o #29943: make tp_debug_sender_log_handler thread-safe (smcv)

• fd.o #30111: make GObject-Introspection work again with g-i >= 0.9.5
  (danni, smcv)

• fd.o #30134: make configure fail if Vala bindings are enabled but g-i is
  disabled, which can't work (smcv)

• fd.o #25582, #27806, #30118: fix miscellaneous memory leaks (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.14 (2010-08-25)

The “One hundred men can skin 5,000 cats a day.” release.


• fd.o #29375: there's now a TpBaseChannel class which deals with all the
  boring boilerplate previously needed to implement channels. Public response
  to the class has been uniform. "The class is perfect", said one passer-by.
  (jonner, wjt)

• fd.o #29614: add TpBaseClient:account-manager (smcv)

• Allow TpBaseClient instances to wait for any desired set of TpAccount,
  TpConnection and TpChannel features (smcv)

• fd.o #29671: add TP_ARRAY_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY_LIST, i.e. signature 'aay' in
  dbus-glib (smcv)


• Ensure that when a TpAccountChannelRequest produces a connection and
  a channel, they're obtained from the same TpAccount we started from (smcv)

• fd.o #29756, #29795: various documentation improvements (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.13 (2010-08-17)

The “Brand New Name” release.


• When building from git or otherwise running automake, automake 1.11 is
  strongly recommended. If an older version is used, it will not be possible
  to generate Vala bindings, or to make tarball distributions.

Changes to experimental API:

• fd.o #29070: remove telepathy-vala.pc. Vala bindings should ask pkg-config
  for telepathy-glib, and can check that the VAPI file exists by attempting
  to link a trivial Vala program; see libfolks for example code (cassidy)


• fd.o #29358: add TP_ERROR as an alias for TP_ERRORS, for introspectability

  tp_user_action_time_from_x11, tp_user_action_time_should_present (smcv)

• improve various documentation (smcv, danni)

• convert TpBaseClient virtual methods into normal GObject virtual methods
  so they can be introspected (smcv)


• Don't rely on vala-1.0.pc to check for vala version and vapigen (treitter)

• fd.o #25019: let the TpPresenceMixin work on connections that implement
  SimplePresence but not complex Presence (Butch Howard)

• Fix a harmless misuse of enums that caused warnings on gcc 4.5 (smcv)

• Fix out-of-tree builds with Vala enabled (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.12 (2010-08-10)

The “Fire and Forget” release.


• Added TpAccountChannelRequest, a request to create or ensure a channel (cassidy)
  ‣ fd.o #29456: tp_account_channel_request_create_async (plus an _ensure_
    variant): create a channel which will be handled by an existing Handler,
    probably another application
  ‣ fd.o #13422: tp_account_channel_request_create_and_handle_async (plus an
    _ensure_ variant): create a channel and handle it yourself

• fd.o #29461: updated to telepathy-spec 0.19.11 (smcv)
  ‣ more error codes for SSL/TLS - Insecure, Revoked, LimitExceeded
  ‣ Conference_Host call state flag


• fd.o #29174: update example connection managers to follow current
  telepathy-spec best practices, including Protocol objects (smcv)

• fd.o #29268: fix compilation from a tarball with --enable-vala-bindings (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.11 (2010-07-26)

The “xev claims I'm typing in Japanese” release.


↭ Updated spec to 0.19.10 (smcv):
  ↯ generate code for Protocol objects, and the ContactSearch channel type

↭ fd.o #27997: add TpProtocol client-side API, and TpBaseProtocol service-side
  base class, for Protocol objects (smcv)

↭ fd.o #28751: tp_proxy_has_interface is now a real function, not a macro, for
  better introspection (smcv)

↭ TpBaseClient's properties now have accessor methods for convenient use in C

↭ tp_capabilities_get_channel_classes is now visible to g-i (pwithnall)


↭ Install a .deps file for the Vala bindings (pwithnall)

↭ Vala bindings now install to the normal location, making it unnecessary to
  look up telepathy-vala in pkg-config; that pkg-config file will be removed
  in a future version (treitter)

↭ fd.o #29197: expand g-i coverage of connection manager code enough to
  use it for libfolks' regression tests (pwithnall, smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.10 (2010-07-12)

The “as many fossils as last year” release.


❱ Updated spec to 0.19.9 (wjt):
  ❭ added support for Read and Deleted delivery reports


❱ Improved GObject-Introspection annotations to be sufficient for
  libfolks (treitter)

❱ Fixed a typo in the documentation (jonny)

❱ fd.o #28920: fixed tp_contact_request_contact_info_async cancellation
  handling when dealing with synchronous errors (pwithnall)

telepathy-glib 0.11.9 (2010-07-02)

The “mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should” release.


❉ Updated spec to 0.19.8 (smcv):
  ➠ generate code for some new properties, Conn.I.Cellular and
  ➠ add convenience methods to TpAccount to access Account.Service

❉ Added tp_simple_async_report_success_in_idle, a convenience function to
  return "void" from an async method (smcv)


❉ Fixed libdbus errors when unregistering a TpBaseClient that isn't a
  Handler (cassidy)

❉ Made some TpGroupMixin methods more const-correct (smcv)

❉ Fixed some memory leaks in regression tests (smcv)

❉ Suppressed more valgrind false-positives (smcv, cassidy)

❉ Improved generation of experimental Vala bindings (treitter)

telepathy-glib 0.11.8 (2010-06-22)

The "moving to Canada for maple syrup and bacon" release.


⁂ If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.6.14 or later.


⁂ Improve GObject-Introspection annotations, and optionally build Vala
  bindings, which are currently considered highly experimental (treitter)


⁂ Make tp_base_client_set_handler_bypass_approval able to set the value to
  FALSE, and hence make it possible for a TpSimpleHandler to not bypass
  approval (cassidy)

⁂ If the weak object for contact info retrieval disappears, stop, and don't
  call the callback (sjoerd)

⁂ Fix a va_list leak in tp_value_array_build (wjt)

⁂ Fix a memory leak for unlikely errors in tp_base_connection_register (wjt)

telepathy-glib 0.11.7 (2010-06-14)

The “why do my legs not work?” release.


⎎ If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.6.13 or later.


⎎ TpChannelFactoryIface is officially deprecated (it shouldn't have been used
  since 0.8).

⎎ tp_verify() should not be used in new code: use GLib 2.20's G_STATIC_ASSERT.


⎎ Update to telepathy-spec 0.19.7 (smcv)
  ⎓ generate code for the Anonymity and ServicePoint interfaces
  ⎓ add ChatStates property and Chat_State_Map type
  ⎓ add Account.ConnectionError and ConnectionErrorDetails properties

  TP_CONTACT_FEATURE_CONTACT_INFO, tp_contact_request_contact_info_async, etc.

⎎ fd.o #28241: add tp_channel_dispatch_operation_handle_with_time_async

⎎ fd.o #28379: add connection-error and connection-error-details properties
  to TpAccount, and implement the corresponding parameters of
  TpAccount::status-changed (smcv)

⎎ fd.o #28312: add TpContact::presence-changed signal (sjokkis)

⎎ fd.o #28368: use GStrv instead of gchar ** in structs, so
  GObject-Introspection ≥ 0.6.13 can introspect it correctly (Zdra)

⎎ Add tp_handle_set_new_from_array (smcv)

⎎ fd.o #28345: add tp_clear_object, tp_clear_pointer, tp_clear_boxed
  (also proposed for GLib/GObject, as Gnome bug #620263) (smcv)

⎎ Add TP_ERROR as a synonym for TP_ERRORS, to be nice to Vala (treitter)

⎎ fd.o #28334, #28347: speed up the regression tests, clean up their code, and
  put their utility code in a namespace so Vala tests can use it (treitter,


⎎ test-finalized-in-invalidated-handler: eliminate a race condition (smcv)

⎎ tp_connection_get_detailed_error: fix a memory leak introduced in 0.11.4

telepathy-glib 0.11.6 (2010-05-25)

The "anybody need this sign?" release.

This version includes all the bugfixes from today's 0.10.6 release.


* If gtk-doc is enabled, it must be version 1.15 or later.
* If GObject-Introspection is enabled, it must be version 0.6.11 or later.


* Updated to telepathy-spec 0.19.6:
  * ChangingPresence property on the Account interface
  * SupportedLocationFeatures property on the Location interface
  * HandleWithTime method on ChannelDispatchOperation
  * MultipleTones method, SendingTones and StoppedTones signals, and
    CurrentlySendingTones and InitialTones properties on the DTMF interface

* TpAccount:changing-presence and tp_account_get_changing_presence, a binding
  for the new ChangingPresence property (smcv)

* fd.o #27872: enhance TpBaseClient to support being a Handler (cassidy)

* fd.o #27873: TpSimpleHandler, a simple TpBaseClient subclass for
  projects that don't need their own subclass, and an example Approver that
  uses it (cassidy)

* fd.o #20035: add TP_CONTACT_FEATURE_AVATAR_DATA, the ability to cache and
  access avatar data (Zdra)

* fd.o #16170: cope better with sparse TpIntSets (smcv)

* Add more API for int sets and handle sets (smcv)

* Make the ContactList example connection manager more realistic, and add a
  regression test for it (smcv)


* fd.o #28203: TpGroupMixin: allow "adding" contacts who are already members,
  even if the Can_Add flag isn't set (e.g. accepting a subscription request
  twice), and allow "removing" contacts who are not in the channel
  (e.g. rejecting a subscription request twice) (smcv)

* Correct the syntax of TP_IS_HANDLE_REPO_IFACE (smcv)

* Move _tp_proxy_set_features_failed (which isn't intended to be API, and
  isn't ABI) to an internal header (smcv)

* Fix the namespace version for GObject-Introspection (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.5 (2010-05-10)

The "also, hi from bl.uk" release.

API changes:

⌬ fd.o #23369: when the local user is removed from a Group Channel, the
  GError with which the TpChannel is invalidated has changed:

  → if possible, the detailed error name from D-Bus is mapped to a TpError,
    or a custom GError domain set up with tp_proxy_subclass_add_error_mapping
  → otherwise, the TpChannelGroupChangeReason is translated into a TpError

  Previously, we used an error from the TP_ERRORS_REMOVED_FROM_GROUP domain
  in most cases; this domain is no longer used, unless we get a change reason
  that isn't recognised.


⌬ fd.o #25236: TpBaseClient, a base class for Observers and Approvers, which
  will also support Handlers in a future release (cassidy)

⌬ fd.o #27871, #24214: TpSimpleObserver, a simple TpBaseClient subclass for
  projects that don't need their own subclass, and an example Observer that
  uses it (cassidy)

⌬ fd.o #27875: TpSimpleApprover, a simple TpBaseClient subclass for
  projects that don't need their own subclass, and an example Approver that
  uses it (cassidy)

⌬ fd.o #27899: internal macros for ERROR(), CRITICAL() etc., analogous to
  DEBUG() (jonny)

⌬ fd.o #23369: improve the errors with which a Group TpChannel is invalidated
  if we're removed, as per "API changes" above (smcv)

⌬ fd.o #18055: generate GEnum types for TpCMInfoSource, TpContactFeature,
  TpDBusError, and GFlags types for TpDBusNameType and
  TpDBusPropertiesMixinFlags. Note that TpConnectionManager:info-source is
  still of type G_TYPE_UINT, not TP_TYPE_CM_INFO_SOURCE, since switching it
  would be an ABI break. (danni, smcv)


⌬ fd.o #26211: correct the generated constants for contact attributes and
  handler capability tokens, which were present-but-wrong since 0.11.3 (smcv)

⌬ fd.o #24689: document more clearly that the TpConnectionManager.protocols
  struct member can be reallocated (smcv)

⌬ fd.o #28043: explicitly link tests/* against dbus-glib, fixing compilation
  with GNU gold, with GNU ld with LDFLAGS=-Wl,--no-add-needed, and hopefully
  also with Fedora 13's patched GNU ld (see Red Hat #564245) (smcv)

⌬ some fixes to GObject-Introspection metadata (danni)

telepathy-glib 0.11.4 (2010-04-28)

The “not sure whether to be amused or terrified” release.

This version includes all the bugfixes from today's 0.10.5 release.


∮ gtk-doc 1.14 is now required. Applying commit 0a874b3a from gtk-doc git
  to support the (skip) annotation (as was done in Debian's gtk-doc 1.14-2) is
  also highly recommended; it'll be in upstream release 1.15.

∮ GLib 2.24 is now required.


∮ telepathy-glib now has experimental GObject-Introspection bindings, for use
  by language bindings like PyGI and gjs. At this stage, these bindings are
  incomplete, and are *not* covered by our normal API guarantees - incompatible
  changes between versions are likely. (danni, smcv)


∮ fd.o #27794: improve regression test coverage for TpAccount (cassidy, smcv)

∮ fd.o #19164: tighten the definition of TpChannel:identifier to guarantee
  that it's always non-NULL, even before the channel is ready (previously,
  it could be NULL before the channel was ready)

∮ fd.o #23369 (partial): improve error mapping on TpConnection and
  TpBaseConnection, and add tp_connection_get_detailed_error (smcv)


∮ fd.o #27780: when TpAccount:connection changes, emit notify::connection (smcv)

∮ Don't leak TpAccount:parameters when disposed (smcv)

∮ Fix more assertion failures (this time in TpContact) if getting contact
  attributes fails or yields the wrong type (wjt)

∮ Remove some dead code to keep coverity happy (wjt)

telepathy-glib 0.11.3 (2010-04-20)

The "can we have a hippopotamus?" release.

This version includes both the bugfixes from today's 0.10.4 release.


↠ Upgrade to telepathy-spec 0.19.5 (smcv)
  → Connection.Status, Connection.Interfaces properties (all telepathy-glib
    CMs that use TpBaseConnection should gain support for these automatically)
  → Observer.Recover property
  → ContactInfo interface

↠ Add TpWeakRef, a wrapper for a weak reference and an optional extra pointer

↠ fd.o #21097: push the "feature" concept from TpAccount and TpAccountManager
  into the TpProxy base class, and use it to implement feature-preparation
  for core functionality of TpChannel, TpConnection, TpConnectionManager (smcv)


↠ fd.o #27511: add TpCapabilities, TP_CONNECTION_FEATURE_CAPABILITIES and

↠ fd.o #27690, #27709: add boxed types for TpIntSet,
  TpConnectionManagerProtocol and TpConnectionManagerParam (danni, smcv)

↠ fd.o #27741: make it easier to export objects without using tp_get_bus(),
  particularly in connection managers (smcv)

↠ fd.o #26211: generate TP_TOKEN_${INTERFACE}_${TOKEN} constants for contact
  attributes and handler capability tokens (KA)


↠ Use the fast-path for Location correctly (cassidy)

↠ fd.o #27714: support G_CONNECT_AFTER in tp_g_signal_connect_object, and
  document exactly which flags we support (Maiku, smcv)

↠ fd.o #27537: fix assertion failure if getting contact attributes
  fails (cassidy)

↠ fd.o #27695: only try the slow path in Contacts if the fast path isn't
  supported (cassidy)

telepathy-glib 0.11.2 (2010-04-06)

The "not actually deprecated" release.

This version includes all the bugfixes from today's 0.8.3 and 0.10.3 releases
(they were all included in the previous version, in fact).


☀ tp_get_bus is not considered to be deprecated yet after all; many connection
  managers use it, and the current alternative is considerably more verbose.
  This reopens fd.o #24114. (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.1 (2010-04-05)

The “26-bit address bus” release.


◈ Add tp_str_empty() macro, a shortcut for ‘NULL or ""’ (smcv)

◈ Add TP_TYPE_UCHAR_ARRAY, a dbus-glib GArray of guchar (i.e. the default
  representation for the D-Bus 'ay' type) (cassidy)

◈ Add tp_account_set_avatar_async() (cassidy)



◈ Only fail “make check” on documentation warnings in unreleased versions, to
  avoid build failures in releases when gtk-doc in a distribution doesn't have
  the same definition of full coverage that we do (smcv)

◈ Fix compatibility with gtk-doc 1.14 (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.11.0 (2010-03-31)

The ‘bah, you removed my “beautiful” quotes’ release.


‣ GLib, GObject and GIO ≥ 2.22 are now required


‣ fd.o #22206: all the re-entrant functions (of the form tp_FOO_run_until_ready
  and tp_cli_FOO_run_BAR) are deprecated in this version, please use
  asynchronous calls instead (smcv)

‣ fd.o #24114: tp_get_bus() is deprecated, please use tp_dbus_daemon_dup()
  followed by tp_proxy_get_dbus_connection() (smcv)


‣ Update to telepathy-spec 0.19.3 (smcv)
  ❧ generate code for new Connection.Interfaces, Connection.Status properties,
    and implement them in TpBaseConnection
  ❧ generate code for Connection.Interface.Balance

‣ Add an example connection manager for the experimental Call API that will
  eventually replace StreamedMedia (smcv)

‣ Add tp_g_socket_address_from_variant,
  tp_address_variant_from_g_socket_address (danni)

‣ Add tp_g_value_slice_new_byte (smcv)

‣ Add tp_value_array_unpack, the inverse of tp_value_array_build (danni)

‣ Make various minor improvements to the tests (smcv)


‣ tp_account_set_nickname_async: set the right source_tag (cassidy)

‣ fd.o #27281: clarify documentation for tp_message_mixin_sent, using
  telepathy-spec 0.19.2 as a reference (Maiku)

‣ Avoid using re-entrant functions, other than in regression tests (smcv)

‣ fd.o #21956: clean up documentation/defaults of TpContact properties (smcv)

‣ telepathy.am: if copied into a project where nothing is checked for
  unreleased version annotations, don't hang waiting for input (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.10.2 (2010-03-31)

The "is that a koala in your roster or are you just nearby?" release.


* TpAccount: correctly add interfaces such as Avatars (danni)

* Make GetContactAttributes() in GLib CMs tolerate unsupported interfaces,
  as per telepathy-spec 0.19.2 (wjt)

* Improve documentation of TpContactsMixinFillContactAttributesFunc (mikhailz)

telepathy-glib 0.10.1 (2010-03-24)

The "usually quite loud" release.

This version includes all the bugfixes from 0.8.2, plus some documentation
improvements in code added since 0.8.


* Don't make an idle call to put received messages in the TpMessageMixin
  queue, potentially avoiding a reference leak (Vivek)

* tp_contacts_mixin_set_contact_attribute now takes a const gchar *
  instead of a gchar * (mikhailz)

* Escape the doc-comments better in generated service interfaces (smcv)

* Fix some typos and broken cross-references in the documentation, and
  improve the TpAccount documentation (smcv)

* Chain up to GObject's dispose method when destroying a
  TpBaseConnectionManager (smcv)

* Remove a misleading debug message from tp_list_connection_names (wjt)

telepathy-glib 0.10.0 (2010-01-21)

The "where did you get your bear?" release.

This release begins a bugfix-only 0.10.x branch, in which new API/ABI will no
longer be added; 0.11.x development releases will continue to be made from
the master branch. The 0.10.x branch targets the D-Bus API from
telepathy-spec 0.18.0.

The major enhancement since 0.8.x is that TpAccountManager and TpAccount,
previously simple stub classes, now have high-level API to manipulate
accounts. GLib 2.20 and dbus-glib 0.82 are now required, and telepathy-glib
now links against GIO.

Enhancements since 0.9.2:

* Add compile-time warnings if the results of functions that allocate memory
  are ignored; for a couple of these functions it's not obvious that a
  result is allocated, leading to non-obvious leaks (smcv)

* Add compile-time warnings if the results of certain functions with no
  side-effects are ignored, which is harmless but makes no sense (smcv)

* Improve lcov.am, syncing with telepathy-gabble (smcv)

Fixes since 0.9.2:

* fd.o #23848: when making a release, make the build system check for files
  that indicate unreleased status; correct a few such comments (wjt)

* fd.o #25149: when a TpAccount is invalidated (deleted), signal connection
  disconnection first (smcv)

* Exit the main loop gracefully when CMs are disconnected from the session bus

* fd.o #14603: don't set fatal criticals in tp_run_connection_manager, CMs
  are now responsible for doing this (sjoerd)

* fd.o #25600: fix inadvertant GLib 2.20 dependency (jonny)

* In code generation tools (glib-ginterface-gen.py), allow D-Bus methods whose
  names are C keywords (smcv)

* Fix with-session-bus.sh dbus-monitor logging when /bin/sh is not bash (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.9.2 (2009-12-03)

The "old-fashioned, with no silly mods" release.


* dbus-glib (>= 0.82) is now required


* Add tp_value_array_build utility function (sjoerd)

* Add tp_g_signal_connect_object, a non-leaky version of
  g_signal_connect_object (alsuren)

* fd.o #25283: add constants for namespaced D-Bus property names,

* fd.o #25235: add <telepathy-glib/telepathy-glib.h> which includes
  the most commonly-used headers (danni)


* fd.o #24257: make sure tp_account_prepare, tp_account_manager_prepare
  will fail if the object is invalidated, rather than never finishing

* fd.o #25051: fix a use-after-free in TpAccountManager by disconnecting
  signal handlers on destruction (alsuren)

* fd.o #24654: fix a potential use-after-free in TpAccount and TpAccountManager
  by copying the list of features required (alsuren)

* Future-proof TpAccount and TpAccountManager to allow more than one Feature

* fd.o #24394: improve code portability to Windows headers and compilers,
  based on patches from Matti Reijonen (smcv)

* fd.o #25121: fix failure to link when -Wl,--no-add-needed is used, which is
  the (faster) default behaviour for binutils-gold (Debian #556486) (smcv)

* Fix various coverity nits, including a missing call to va_end,
  and a typo in the documentation (smcv)

* fd.o #25359: alter code generation to cope with arbitrary UTF-8 in the
  spec (wjt)

* fd.o #25335: glib-client-gen: annotate deprecated D-Bus methods (jonny)

* Don't rely on enum types being unsigned (sjoerd)

* fd.o #25181: avoid unnecessary D-Bus calls re-fetching existing TpContact
  objects (alsuren)

* fd.o #25384: if accounts fail to prepare while the account manager is
  preparing, drop them from the list of valid accounts rather than
  never terminating (alsuren)

* If the fake AccountManager doesn't appear for some reason during AM
  regression tests, don't start the system implementation (alsuren)

* Fix a theoretical reference-leak in TpAccountManager, and some memory
  leaks in examples and regression tests (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.9.1 (2009-10-15)

The "to quote Rob: sdflkaytliahdskljfhgaqgh;shf" release.


* Corrected the GLib dependency to 2.20 (this was also needed for 0.9.0,
  but that fact was undocumented) (smcv)

* Corrected the error message given when a write-only D-Bus property
  is read (Pekka Pessi)

* Work around GLib 2.20 being less const-correct than 2.22 (jonny)

* fd.o #23853: if a connection manager is discovered not to be running while
  TpConnectionManager has a ListProtocols call in-flight, then a new instance
  of the CM starts up and replies to that call, don't crash with an assertion
  failure (smcv)

* If a connection manager returns error from GetParameters(), don't dereference
  a NULL pointer and segfault (smcv)

* When asked to activate or introspect a connection manager, don't do anything
  until we have at least worked out whether it was initially running, in order
  to provide the documented behaviour (smcv)

* When getting parameter details from a running connection manager, consider
  parameters called "password" or ending with "-password" to be secret even
  if they lack the SECRET flag, as was already done when reading .manager
  files (smcv)

telepathy-glib 0.9.0 (2009-09-28)

The "purging all the lies" release.


* GLib 2.20 is now required.
* telepathy-glib now links to GIO as well as GLib and GObject (in practice
  they're packaged together, and we already depended on a new enough GLib
  version that it would come with GIO).


* TpAccountManager, TpAccount: add convenience API similar to libempathy's
  (jonny, with contributions from wjt/danni/sjoerd/smcv)

* telepathy-glib now uses Automake 1.11's "silent rules" feature for
  kernel-style output; as a result, we no longer use shave. If you were
  previously using --enable-shave to get prettier output, use
  --enable-silent-rules instead, and upgrade to Automake >= 1.11 if you will
  be altering the build system. (jonny)

telepathy-glib 0.8.0 (2009-09-24)

The "line in the sand" release.

This release begins a bugfix-only 0.8.x branch, in which new API/ABI will no
longer be added; 0.9.x development releases will continue to be made from
the master branch.

Summary of API changes since 0.6.x:

* Since 0.7.35, it is no longer guaranteed that the self-handle in
  TpBaseConnection is set to 0 when the state changes to DISCONNECTED;
  instead, it remains valid until the connection is disposed. This will cause
  assertion failures during disconnection in telepathy-sofiasip < 0.5.17 and
  telepathy-gabble < 0.7.9.

Summary of major enhancements since 0.6.x:

* updated telepathy-spec from 0.16.x to 0.18.0, with many new interfaces, the
  AccountManager, the ChannelDispatcher, and Clients
* added TpProxy, a base class representing remote D-Bus objects
  (see <http://smcv.pseudorandom.co.uk/2009/05/tp-proxy/>)
* added subclasses of TpProxy for all the major Telepathy objects (apart from
  Debug, which will be added later)
* added TpContact, an object representing a Telepathy contact
* added macros for interface-name GQuarks, and for Telepathy dbus-glib GTypes
* added the tp_asv_get_foo() family of functions to manipulate a{sv} maps
* used versioned symbols to document the ABI
* implemented various simple example connection managers and clients

Changes since 0.7.37:

* spec: update from 0.17.28 to 0.18.0 (no real changes) (smcv)
* ContactList example CM: fix a crash during shutdown (andrunko)
* StreamedMedia example CM: check for direction changes correctly (andrunko)