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# vim:tw=78:ts=4:expandtab:ai:sw=4
# $Id: NEWS 76 2008-04-29 04:36:43Z hirofuchi $

    - Fix: inet_shutdown()'s argment bug
    - Add: support 2.6.24 and 2.6.25
    - Add: compatibility code after 2.6.16
    - Add: the basic header cleanup for future other operating system
    - Add: some code that might fix reset issues (after 2.6.24 only)
    - Add: some code about power managment in 2.6.24
    - Add: some code about tracking URBs in 2.6.24
    - Fix: connection termination caused by isochrounous urbs with no
           isochronous descriptor

    - Fix: "make dist" works.
    - Cleanup: use autoreconf instead.
    - Cleanup: change vhci_driver as a global value in libusbip
    - Cleanup: change stub_driver as a global value in libusbip
    - Cleanup: trim unused spaces.
    - Add: version info in configure.ac
    - Fix: auto detection of "glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0"
    - Add: mailing list information in README
    - Cleanup: use daemon(3), instead.
    - Add: usb.ids
    - setsockopt in userland
    - Add: 2.6.20 support?
    - Fix: use spin_lock_init() instead of SPIN_...
    - Add: auto export of devices
    - Remove: bandwidth entry from a pdu
    - Fix: make common code as a separate module
        * Load usbip_common_mod.ko first!

    - Fix: compile error & warning fix for 2.6.19
    - Fix: locking in vhci_urb_dequeue
    - Fix: small cleanup
    - Fix: command line option of usbip
    - Fix: include config.h

    - usage has been changed a lot. please read READMEs again!
    - Add: busid matching for usbip.ko
    - Add: a tool for binding drivers.
    - Fix: spinlock recursion in stub_rx
    - Add: comments for unlinking
    - Fix: cleanup of clear_halt, set_interface code
    - Add: endian conversion support
    - Fix: use -1 to shutdown for usbip.ko
    - Fix: cleanup vhci_sysfs (remove ip address showing from kernel)
    - Fix: amd64 issues (null pointer reference, etc.)
    - Fix: also now Xen ok?

    - Use automake/autoconf for utilities.
    - Make libusbip. But, its API is not matured.

    - Fix memory leak of urb->setup in stub_tx.
    - Add CMD_UNLINK/RET_UNLINK for usb_unlink_urb().
    - Fix "unknown pdu" caused by buffer overwrite from mutli threads.
    - Fix USB speed emulation in VHCI root hub.
    - Rename driver names.
        - vhci.ko -> vhci-hcd.ko
        - stub.ko -> usbip.ko
    - Fix counter operations to be atomic.
    - Support 2.6.15 and drop 2.6.14.

    - Write userland utilities by C.

    - Support 2.6.14.

    - Catch up to 2.6.13.
    - Drop support for older versions of kernel.
    - A lot of bug fixes and improvements.

    - Catch up to 2.6.12.
    - Drop support for older versions of kernel.

    - More cleanup.
    - Small bug fix.
    - Add contribution code.

    - vhci.ko & stub.ko: The event handler daemon is added.
    - vhci.ko & stub.ko: More cleanups have been done.
    - stub.ko: sysfs is now used instead of procfs.
    - vhci.ko: Multiple ports are emulated.

    - PDU format is changed to be more simple.
    - The Stub driver supports multiple clients.
    - stub_{rx,tx} threads are stopped correctly.
    - The Stub driver resets a used device.

    - minor fix
        a lot of cleanup
        support Low/Full speed mode (manual config only)
            purge stub_list_priv.c
            suport unlink message

    - minor fix
        remove unusable codes
        rename some functions and structures to be understandable

    - fix critical typos in README

    - initial release.