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4.3.6 (20150322):
Fix bugs caught in the OpenMPT test cases:
- fix IT volume column volume slide effect memory
- fix IT default filter cutoff on new note
- fix IT filter envelope memory
Fix crashes with fuzzed files (reported by Lionel Debroux):
- add sanity check to MED2/3/4 loader
- add sanity check to STIM/GDM/DBM/LIQ/ICE/PSM/PTM/MGT loader
- add sanity check to MDL/RAD/MGT/IMF/RTM/DT/LIQ/DTM pattern loader
- add sanity check to OKT/IMF/MMD/MDL sample loader
- add sanity check to Archimedes Tracker format test
- add sanity check to Digital Symphony track loader
- add sanity checks to SQSH, bzip2, arc, lha, lzx and S404 depackers
- add sanity check for AMD/STX number of patterns
- add sanity check for DSYM/MMD1/MMD3 number of channels
- add sanity check for MMD1/MMD3 instrument type
- add sanity check for IT old instrument loading
- add sanity checks and fix memory leaks in the Vorbis decoder
Other changes:
- fix instrument number in channel initialization
- fix sample size limit (reported by Jochen Goernitz)
- fix loading of OpenMPT 1.17 IT modules (reported by Dane Bush)
- fix sample number limit (reported by Lionel Debroux)
- fix Oktalyzer split channel replay (reported by Dennis Lindroos)
- fix Oktalyzer sample loop (by Dennis Lindroos)
- fix Oktalyzer note slide up/down effect
- fix ThePlayer pattern decoding
- fix XM loading for MED2XM modules (reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- add support to Amiga split channel loop and volume setting
- add IT random volume variation
- add IT random pan variation

4.3.5 (20150207):
Fix crashes with fuzzed files (reported by Lionel Debroux):
- add sanity check for ST3 S3M maximum sample size
- add sanity check for sample loop start
- add sanity check for speed 0
- add sanity check for invalid XM effects
- add sanity check for maximum number of channels
- add sanity check for number of points in IT envelope
- add sanity check for S3M file format information
- add sanity check for maximum sample size
- add sanity check for invalid envelope points
- add sanity check for basic module parameters
- add sanity check for instrument release after load error
- add sanity check for XM header size
- add sanity check for XM/IT/S3M/MTM/RTM parameters and sample size
- add sanity checks to inflate and lha decompressors
- add more tests to 669 and NO file detection
- fix mixer index overflow with large samples
- fix prowizard data request response
- fix EU/NP1/NP2/NP3 prowizard depackers
- fix crash on attempt to play invalid sample
- fix infinite loop in break+delay quirk
- reset module data before loading module
Other changes:
- fix loop processing error in scan (reported by Lionel Debroux)
- fix minimum BPM value for MED (reported by cspiegel)
- fix sample loop adjustment (by Emmanuel Julien)

4.3.4 (20150111):
Fix bugs caught in the OpenMPT test cases:
- fix XM keyoff+delay combinations
- fix XM fine pitch slide with pattern delay
- fix XM vibrato rampdown waveform
- fix XM volume column pan with keyoff and delay
- fix XM pan envelope position setting
- fix channel volume and instrument initialization
- fix end of module detection inside a loop
Fix bugs reported by Francisco Pareja-Lecaros:
- fix MASI (PSM) volume command
- fix MASI (PSM) note number parsing
- fix Noisetracker note limit detection
Other changes:
- fix overflow in linear interpolator (reported by Jochen Goernitz)
- fix MTM invalid track load (reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- add ProPacker 3.0 loader

4.3.3 (20141231):
Fix bugs caught in the OpenMPT test cases:
- fix XM note delay volume with no note or instrument set
- fix XM out-of-range note delays with pattern delays
Other changes:
- fix XM envelope loop length (reported by Per T�rner)
- fix big-endian detection in configuration (by Andreas Schwab)

4.3.2 (20141130):
Fix bugs caught in the OpenMPT test cases:
- fix IT invalid instrument number recovery
- fix IT note retrig on portamento with same sample
- fix XM portamento target reset on new instrument
- fix XM portamento with offset
- fix XM pan slide memory
- fix XM tremolo and vibrato waveforms
- fix MOD pattern break with pattern delay
- fix MOD Protracker offset bug emulation
- fix tremolo rate
Other changes:
- fix IT portamento after keyoff and note end
- fix IT fadeout reset on new note
- fix IT pattern row delay scan
- fix MOD/XM volume up+down priority (reported by Jason Gibson)
- fix MOD fine volume slide memory (reported by Dennis Lindroos)
- fix set sample offset effect (by Dennis Lindroos)
- fix Windows temp file (reported by Andreas Argirakis & Eric L�vesque)
- add emulation of the FT2 pattern loop bug (by Eugene Toder)
- allow loading of packed formats from memory
- allow loading of OpenMPT MOD files with large samples
- enable offset bug emulation by default for Protracker MODs
- code cleanup

4.3.1 (20141111):
Fix bugs caught in the OpenMPT test cases:
- fix IT filter envelope range
- fix IT envelope carry after envelope end
- fix XM note off with volume command
- fix XM K00 effect handling
- fix XM portamento with volume column portamento
- fix XM keyoff with instrument
- fix XM note limits
Fix bugs reported by Andreas Argirakis:
- fix MOD false positive for UNIC Tracker modules
- fix EMOD instrument finetune
- fix UNIC Tracker instrument finetune test
- fix NoisePacker1 loader
Other changes:
- fix IT tone portamento in first note (reported by Jan Engelhardt)
- fix XM invalid memory access in event reader
- fix STM empty note event read
- fix ABK loader test in Win32
- fix MOD period range enforcing (reported by Jason Gibson)
- fix ST2.6 speed effect (reported by Saga Musix)
- fix corner case memory leak in S3M loader
- fix retrig of single-shot samples after the end of the sample
- fix crash in envelope reset with invalid instrument
- fix module titles and instrument names in Mac OS X
- fix row delay initialization on new module
- refactor depacking code
- code cleanup

4.3.0 (20140926):
Fix bugs reported by Sami Jumppanen:
- fix MED4 instrument numbering
- fix MED effect FFF (turn note off)
- fix MED synth finetune effect
Fix bugs reported by Alexander Null:
- fix fine volume slide memory
- fix IT portamento after note end in sample mode
- fix S3M portamento after note end
Fix bugs caught in the OpenMPT test cases:
- add XM and IT envelope loop and sustain point quirk
- fix Amiga limits for notes with finetune
- fix XM invalid offset handling
- fix XM note release reset on new volume
- fix XM pattern loader to honor header size
- fix XM fine volume slide effect memory
- fix XM fine pitch slide effect memory
- fix XM finetune effect
- fix IT portamento if offset effect is used
- fix IT NNA on invalid sample mapping
- fix IT filter envelope index reset
- fix IT envelope carry on note cut events
- fix IT envelope reset on new instrument
- fix IT instrument change on portamento in compatible GXX mode
- fix IT unmapped sample parsing
- fix IT filter cutoff reset
Other changes:
- add API call to load a module from a file handle
- add API call to set default pan separation value
- add OpenMPT test cases to regression test suite
- add AMOS Music Bank loader (by Stephen Leary)
- refactor memory I/O calls
- read OctaMED annotation and song info text
- fix segfault in mixer caused by sample position overflow
- fix MED synth pitch slide reset on new note
- fix MED synth volume change during wait command
- fix MED synth envelope loop handling (reported by Stefan Martens)
- fix OctaMED SS default pitch transpose (reported by Karl Churchill)
- fix OctaMED instrument name loading
- fix XM, S3M, IT and MED offset effect handling
- fix IT fadeout and envelope reset on new virtual channel
- fix S3M shared effect parameter memory
- fix S3M default pan positions
- fix S3M set BPM effect with values < 32 (reported by Kyu S.)
- fix incorrect Noisetracker effect filtering (reported by Kyu S.)
- fix period limits for (possibly non-Amiga) Protracker clones
- fix loop counter reset on play buffer reset
- fix finetune effect

4.2.8 (20140714):
Fix bugs reported by Sami Jumppanen:
- fix OctaMED decimal volume decoding
- fix MED4 sampled instrument octave range
- fix mishandling of MED4 effect FFD
- fix MED synth waveform command CHD
Other changes:
- fix sequence number reset on player start
- fix stray notes in XM (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- limit note number to avoid crash (reported by Bastian Pflieger)
- disable recursive file decompression

4.2.7 (20140412):
- add support for XM with ADPCM samples (reported by mk.bikash)
- add OctaMED effect 2E (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- fix MMD2/3 note event mapping (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- fix XM set pan effect
- fix IT disabled instrument pan

4.2.6 (20140407):
Fix bugs reported by Andreas Argirakis:
- add OctaMED 2 to 7 octave IFFOCT sample loader
- fix volume in MED synth instruments
- fix OctaMED V5 MMD2 sample transpose
Other changes:
- fix double free in module loaded from memory (by Arnaud Tro�l)
- fix old Soundtracker sample loops (reported by Dennis Lindroos)
- fix Win64 portability issues (reported by Ozkan Sezer)
- fix OctaMED 3 octave limit for sampled instruments
- fix OctaMED hold/decay event support
- fix OctaMED vibrato effect depth
- fix IT tempo slide effect
- fix Visual C++ nmake build issues
- refactor OctaMED event reader
- generate Android NDK static libraries

4.2.5 (20140302):
- fix Oktalyzer sample numbering (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- fix XM delay effect with invalid instrument
- disable incomplete Graoumf Tracker loader
- disable incomplete TCB Tracker loader
- code refactor for core mod player library subset

4.2.4 (20140222):
Fix bugs reported by Justin Crawford:
- fix XM note and envelope retrig on delay effect
- fix XM keyoff reset on new note event
- fix retrig effect frame counter
- fix envelope update after manually set point
Other changes:
- fix Chiptracker pattern decoding (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- fix AMF sample loop end
- fix false positives in Slamtilt format test
- refactor S3M arpeggio effect memory
- disable incomplete DMF loader
- disable incomplete DTT loader
- address clang-analyzer warnings

4.2.3 (20140118):
- remove limit of samples in RTM loader
- fix S3M length bug introduced in 4.2.1 (reported by Misty De Meo)
- fix MDL effect decoding
- fix MDL envelope decoding
- fix MDL fadeout setting when envelopes are disabled
- fix MDL instrument vibrato depth
- fix MDL sample loop size
- fix MDL fine volume slide effect
- fix MacOS X dylib versioning

4.2.2 (20140111):
- re-enable Falcon MegaTracker loader
- fix DIGI Booster finetune (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- fix tempo in BPM mode MMD modules (reported by Andreas Argirakis)
- fix crash in zip depacker
- fix MED4 large (>64KB) sample loading
- fix MED4 sample loop flag setting
- fix MMD Protracker-compatible volume slide effect
- fix number of channels in GDM loader
- fix number of channels in MED4 loader
- fix instrument name setting in MDL loader
- replace LZX decompressor code with LGPL version from XAD

4.2.1 (20131229):
Many fixes by Vitamin/CAIG:
- fixes in memory I/O layer
- improve loading of many module formats including XM and S3M
- fix resource leak in case of invalid module structure
- portability fixes
Other changes:
- disable YM2149 emulator
- disable poorly implemented and rarely used module formats
- fix mod loop setting in very small loops (reported by Misty De Meo)
- fix linear period mode vibrato handling
- refactor vibrato effect processing
- code cleanup

4.2.0 (20131109):
- ignore invalid Noisetracker effects
- add API call to load a module from a buffer in memory
- add API call to read the player state (loaded, playing, etc)
- add API call to set the player master volume
- add API calls to reserve channels and play instruments on them
- add loader for His Master's Noise modules
- fix loop parameter in xmp_play_buffer()
- fix MED synth volume slide reset on new note
- fix instrument mapping in IT old instrument format
- fix number of tracks in IT loader
- fix LHA depacker header parsing
- fix thread-unsafe Archimedes Tracker loader
- fix thread-unsafe Digital Tracker loader
- fix handling of loader errors
- fix S3M 16-bit sample replay
- refactor handling of format-specific instrument and channel data
- refactor MED synth command interpreter
- rewrite SQSH depacker code
- disable rarely used ZOO depacker
- disable rarely used ALM loader
- code cleanup

4.1.5 (20130527):
Fix bugs reported by Andreas Falkenhahn:
- fix OctaMED decay event and effect decoding
- fix The Player 6.0A pattern depacking
- fix Oktalyzer instrument to sample mapping

4.1.4 (20130519):
- fix array initialization in IT loader (reported by Jacques Philippe)
- remove regression tests from the distribution package
- address license issues in  md5 digest code
- address Visual C++ portability issues
- code cleanup

4.1.3 (20130511):
- fix envelope reset on new instrument (reported by ArtRemix)
- fix JMP END sequences in MED synth wave table
- fix IT portamento after note cut
- fix IT and XM envelope resets
- refactor virtual channel code
- code cleanup

4.1.2 (20130504):
- fix Graoumf Tracker arpeggio, set linear volume and set number
  of frames effects (reported by Misty De Meo)
- fix MTM sample fine tuning
- fix unsigned conversion sample range when downmixing
- fix memory leaks when attempting to load corrupted modules
- refactor note slide effect code

4.1.1 (20130428):
- add XM set envelope position effect
- fix XM note with no instrument after keyoff
- fix detection of compiler flags
- fix library symbol versioning in OS X (by Douglas Carmichael)
- fix loss of precision in portamento (reported by Misty De Meo)
- fix OS X, Solaris and BeOS/Haiku build issues

4.1.0 (20130420):
- add API call to fill equally-sized data chunks with PCM data
- add configurable player parameter to disable sample loading
- add configurable player parameter to set/get current module flags
- changed maximum sampling rate to 49170 Hz
- fix floating point values in lowpass filter
- fix buffer overflow in MASI loader (reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- fix simultaneous volume slide up and down
- fix IT vs XM vibrato rate using quirk
- fix IT portamento after note cut (reported by Benjamin Shadwick)
- fix segfault in AMD module loader (reported by Jacques Philippe)
- fix memory leak in AMD module loader
- fix sequence scanner to prevent listing empty sequences
- fix build issues in Cygwin (reported by Benjamin Shadwick)
- fix pkg-config library definition
- fix loop count reset when restarting module
- fix MMD0-3 pitch slides (reported by Simon Spiers)
- fix MED4 pattern reading (reported by Simon Spiers)
- fix MED2/3/4 portamento effect
- fix Stonecracker depacker
- fix IT envelopes with no envelope points
- fix XM invalid instrument event (reported by Banjamin Shadwick)

4.0.4 (20130406):
- fix IT volume column slide to note
- fix IT pan setting effect
- fix IT vibrato effect depth
- fix IT portamento after fadeout
- fix IT panbrello waveform setting
- fix tremolo effect depth
- fix random waveform generator

4.0.3 (20130331):
- add module quirks for well-known cases
- add built-in zoo depacker
- add IT pan slide effect
- add IT panbrello effect
- fix IT pan setting effect (reported by Jan Engelhardt)
- fix IT fine vibrato effect
- fix MED BPM mode tempo setting
- fix global volume slides
- fix bidirectional sample loops
- fix sequence entry points
- rescan sequences if timing flag is changed

4.0.2 (20130223):
- add IT volume column vibrato
- add IT pattern row delay effect
- add fine global volume slide effect
- fix IT instrument vibrato depth and sweep
- fix IT past note effects
- fix IT fadeout values
- fix IT fadeout event loading
- fix period range for values lower than 8
- fix global volume slides
- fix channel volume setting
- fix multi-retrig effect counter
- fix invalid sample number access
- fix memory access violation in MMCMP depacker
- fix global volume setting in module scan
- reset virtual channel flags on creation
- change maximum number of mixer voices to 128

4.0.1 (20130216):
- fix license issues reported by Jan Engelhardt
- minor documentation updates

4.0.0 (20130213):
- split library and application in different packages
- remove OSS sequencer support
- remove platform-specific device drivers
- remove all global data, make library code fully thread-safe
- remove configuration files (moved to front-end)
- remove support to uLaw-encoded output
- remove bogus lzma file detection (by Bodo Thiesen)
- extend note range to full 10-octave range
- extensive code refactoring
- rewrite MMCMP decompressor to be endian-safe
- replaced IT sample decompressor with public domain version
- add cubic spline sample interpolation
- add built-in zip file decompressor
- add built-in gzip file decompressor
- add built-in compress file decompressor
- add built-in bzip2 file decompressor
- add built-in xz file decompressor
- add built-in lha file decompressor
- add built-in vorbis sample decoder
- add support to IT envelope carry
- add support to IT sample vibrato
- add ASYLUM Music Format V1.0 loader
- add regression tests
- fix interpolation and sample loop processing
- fix S404 depacker integration
- fix note delay effect
- fix FT2 old instrument volume quirk
- fix XM tone portamento with finetune (reported by Rakesh Sewgolam)
- fix instrument envelope loops (Storlek test #24)
- fix IT tremor effect (Storlek tests #12 and #13)
- fix IT global volume (Storlek test #16)
- fix IT stray tone portamento handling (Storlek test #23)
- fix IT unified pitch slide memory (Storlek test #25)
- fix IT retrigger effect (Storlek test #15)
- fix IT filters
- fix IT fadeout event handling
- fix persistent slide down effect

3.5.0 (20120127):
- fix AMF 1.0 module loading (reported by Andre Timmermans), probe
  for sample loop size
- fix AMF 1.1+ sample loops when loop start is zero
- fix AMF track index including track 0 as empty track (reported by
  Andre Timmermans)
- fix AMF tremolo effect (reported by Andre Timmermans)
- fix AMF pitchbend effects (reported by Andre Timmermans)
- fix AMF volume slide effect
- fix AMF track allocation
- fix OpenBSD driver configuration
- fix patern delay + pattern break command (reported by The Welder)
- fix memory leaks found by cppcheck (reported by Paul Wise)
- fix XM note cut on invalid instrument (reported by Benjamin Shadwick)
- fix invalid memory access in case of mismatched track/pattern lengths
- fix uninitialized values when loading BoobieSqueezer XM modules
- fix subinstrument mapping for certain parameters
- fix invalid memory access in The Player loader
- fix plugin for Audacious 2.5.4
- add support to DSMS mod files
- add YM2149 emulator and improved chip sound support
- add support to ZX Spectrum AY-3-8192 chiptunes
- add ZX Spectrum Soundtracker module loader

3.4.1 (20110813):
- test for unused but set variable warning in gcc (needed to
  build on MacOS X, reported by Misty De Meo)
- fix format specifiers in CoreAudio driver messages (reported
  by Misty De Meo)
- build audacious3 driver if system has Audacious 2.5
- change dependency generation flags for clang (reported by Misty
  De Meo)
- fix OXM module loading

3.4.0 (20110808):
- fix reported elapsed time with looped modules
- fix portamento of mapped instruments (reported by Null Vista)
- add MED2 (MED 1.12) module support
- add Noiserunner module support
- add support for MED4 synth instruments (reported by Tim Newsham)
- fix MED4 Soundtracker-compatible tempo setting (Song2.med)
- fix Audacious plugin crash if module is invalid (reported by
  Dominik Mierzejewski)
- fix Audacious plugin seek widget position setting
- remove nonexistent Modplug Tracker IT quirk (reported by Johannes
  Schultz, voice samples shouldn't play in Deep in Her Eyes remake)
- fix Startrekker Packer loader
- fix IT215 compressed sample loader (reported by Ben "GreaseMonkey"
- use start/stoptimer also for pause in OSS driver (by Test Rat)
- identify modules created with munch.py in IT loader
- OctaMED MMD0/1/2/3 tempo fixes (by Francis Russell)
- MMD0/1 note limit fix (by Francis Russell)
- improve latency in ALSA driver output
- Audacious 2.4 API 17 plugin fixes
- add Audacious 3.0 plugin (by Michael Schwendt)

3.3.0 (20101202):
- change MED BPM mode tempo setting (reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- fix OSS driver fragment setting
- add interactive loop toggle (requested by Emanuel Haupt)
- add filter to prevent loading NoiseRunner modules as Protracker
- add NoiseRunner loader (requested by Johan Samuelsson)
- add improved Impulse Tracker fingerprinting (from Schism Tracker)
- add Archimedes Tracker StasisMod effects support (Tom Hargreaves)
- add tarball decompressor (Tom Hargreaves)
- limit uncompression recursion (Tom Hargreaves)
- fix Tracker Packer 3 loader (Tom Hargreaves)
- fix load issue with BoobieSqueezer XMs (reported by Null Vista)
- fix modinfo tempo/bpm setting
- fix Zip file detection (Tom Hargreaves)
- fix Archimedes Tracker effects (Tom Hargreaves)
- update Audacious plugin to API 16
- code cleanup

3.2.0 (20100530):
- Digital Symphony fixes by Tom Hargreaves
- Archimedes Tracker fixes by Tom Hargreaves
- add shared logarithmic volume table for Archimedes formats
- fix default Archimedes formats pan (RLLR instead of LRRL)
- add Coconizer file loader
- portability fixes for BeOS and Haiku
- code cleanup and optimizations
- Android port using NDK
- fix time echoback event for MED
- fix module time count not reseting at new module
- make zipfile detection stricter (by Solomon Peachy)
- fix DSMI loader volume event (by Solomon Peachy)
- initialize formats only once
- fix build with Audacious plugin API 13
- fix seek in Audacious plugin

3.1.0 (20100107):
- implement MED4 instrument transposition
- fix build with MSVC++ 2008
- fix bogus information in winamp plugin file info display
- fix Audacious plugin dialog stacking order (by Michael Schwendt)
- add Titanics Player prowizard loader
- add SKYT Packer prowizard loader
- add Novotrade Packer prowizard loader
- add Hornet Packer prowizard loader
- fix empty instruments in Digital Illusions loader
- fix silent Liquid Tracker module bug
- add Magnetic Fields Packer loader
- add The Player 6.1a prowizard loader
- add StoneCracker S404 decompressor (from amigadepacker)
- add extra Funktracker file tests to prevent false positives
- add Polly Tracker module loader
- code cleanup and optimizations

3.0.1 (20091221):
- better handling of corrupted modules
- load Real Tracker RTMM 1.12 modules (tested with odyssey.rtm)
- fix tuning of Real Tracker modules
- fix Real Tracker patern decoding
- fix segfault in modules with 0 orders or 0 channels
- fix loading of MED4 module patterns with less than 32 lines
- fix memory leak when loading corrupt MED4 files

3.0.0 (20091210): 13 years after the 0.09b release
- allow parallel build (R.I.P. 1996 buildsystem)
- implement the long postponed open player loop
- generate win32 project files when packaging distfile
- remove callback driver
- split unified flags/quirks into separate variables
- add elapsed time echoback event
- add option to display elapsed and remaining time
- implement IT volume column fine effects quirk (Storlek test #6)
- fix bmp plugin build
- fix FreeBSD build (by swell k)
- fix terminal handling in Cygwin (by daniel �kerud)
- add OpenMPT id to S3M loader
- add Epic MegaGames MUSE data decompression
- add Galaxy Music System (Jazz Jackrabbit 2 J2B) module loader
- fix parsing of driver-specific parameters
- fix GDM length, number of patterns and number of samples
- fix memory access error in MDL sample depacker
- fix ProRunner1 samples size
- OSS driver resets the DSP device on exit (by Andrew Church)
- fix handling of PT portamento+vslide effect (by Andrew Church)
- move driver init from player core to main application or plugin
- Epic MegaGames MASI loader fixes
- add Amiga TuneNet plugin (by Chris Young)
- fix Module Protector loader
- fix lha depacking in Amiga (reported by Chris Young)
- fix clang build (by swell k)
- add support for xz decompressor (by swell k)
- add built-in LZX decompressor
- remove pause-related functions from player core
- fix build in Solaris 10 and Sun Studio 12 Update 1 C++ compiler
  (reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- fix plugin to work with Audacious 2.2 (reported by G�tz Waschk)
- fix invalid and uninitialized data accesses reported by Valgrind
- fix memory leaks reported by Valgrind

2.7.1 (20090718):
- fix -l option in manpage (debian bug #442147)
- fix endianism in MDL sample depacking (reported by G�rkan Seng�n)
- fix loading of MOD2XM 1.0 modules (reported by G�rkan Seng�n)
- add some sanity checks in XM module loading
- fix IT note cut and delay (Storlek test #22)
- increase period resolution for better tuning (reported by Mirko
  Buffoni and G�rkan Seng�n)
- allow lower BPM settings (fixes Lemmings 2 circus music)

2.7.0 (20090711):
- add StarTrekker packer loader (untested, need samples)
- extended key range to IT octave 9 (fixes beek-my_eleventh_year.it,
  reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- ignore tempo/bpm settings to 0 in module scan (fixes albacore.it,
  reported by Storlek)
- implement IT T0x and T1x tempo slides
- process effects in IT muted channels (Storlek test #10)
- generalized delayed event support (Storlek test #8)
- emulate "always store instrument" IT bug (Storlek test #8)
- add extra click removal step in mixer routines
- fix loop size in GMC loader (reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- GMC loader code cleanup
- store in-file comments
- apply amplification in the final downmix
- set sample format to unsigned on 8-bit wav file output
- attempt to handle BPM-based MED tempos a bit better
- add option to use the IT LPF as a click/noise filter
- deprecate $HOME/.xmprc, use $HOME/.xmp/xmp.conf instead
- reintroduce modules.conf, move SYSCONFDIR back to /etc/xmp
- display checksum for platforms where cksum(1) not readily available
- add filter quirk for rn-alone.it
- reintroduce manual setting for vblank timing in Amiga modules
- add vblank quirk for mod.siedler ii (by Daniel �kerud)
- don't crash if SoundSmith instruments not found

2.6.2 (20090630):
- Promizer 1.8a loader code cleanup
- fix portamento to skip first frame of each row
- fix periods in instruments with finetune

2.6.1 (20090627):
- fix XMMS plugin build (reported by G�tz Waschk)
- add Chibi Tracker fingerprint to IT loader (info by Storlek)
- add Schism Tracker fingerprint to S3M loader (info by Storlek)
- fix Modplug Tracker/OpenMPT identification in IT loader
- IT instrument and sample modes use same quirks (Storlek test #9)
- transposed period scale base down one semitone (Storlek test #1)
- remove previous portamento in SpaceDebris.mod fix
- add unified pitch slide/portamento memory (Storlek test #3)
- no Amiga limits for multichannel mods (fixes Bending CD61)

2.6.0 (20090625):
- cleanup: remove rarely used Unix IPC code that difficults porting
- cleanup: remove per-module configuration that nobody uses
- cleanup: moved Prowizard depacking to loader section
- don't abort loading if IT sample magic not found (fixes loading
  of use-brdg.it and use-funk.it, reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- multichannel mods written with Scream Tracker don't use Amiga note
  limits (fixes Earth Mountains, reported by Samuli Sorvakko)
- fix start option in DeusEx's .umx files (by erlk ozlr)
- add OpenBSD sndio driver (by Thomas Pfaff)
- fix memory leak: free extra pattern allocated by the XM loader
- fix memory leak: free temporary pointer arrays in the IT loader
- fix memory leak: free temporary pointer arrays in the S3M loader
- fix memory leak: free header and filename when file is invalid
- fix memory leak: free temporary buffer in MDL loader
- fix memory leak: move UNIC check to test section of mod loader
- fix memory leak: free Digital Symphony extra empty track
- fix memory leak: free Music Module Compressor buffers
- fix memory access violation freeing list nodes using list_for_each
- fix memory access violation in MDL track allocation
- fix memory access violation in MDL sample decompression
- fix memory access violation in LIQ pattern loading
- fix memory access violation in P18A format test
- fix free of unallocated block in IT sample-only mode
- fix buffer overflow in OXM/DTT loaders (reported by Luigi Auriemma)
- rename oss_mix driver to oss and alsa_mix to alsa
- restrict MMD0/MMD1 non-synth instrument note range to 3 octaves
  (reported by Daniel �kerud and Mirko Buffoni)
- assume wav driver if output filename ends in .wav
- fix volume slides with 00 parameter (by Mirko Buffoni)
- fix crash when S3M C2spd is zero (by Mirko Buffoni)
- merged Mirko Buffoni's Windows Visual C++ port
- don't process tone portamento in first frame of each row, fixes
  Space Debris.mod (by Mirko Buffoni)
- add amplification factor option (by Mirko Buffoni)
- improved Winamp plugin (by Mirko Buffoni)
- don't unlink open files (for Windows port, by Mirko Buffoni)
- add experimental DxF/DFx handling with volume slides in all frames
- add better Archimedes .arc compressed file test
- reverted to older YM3812 emulator for license compliance
- fix byte swap error in HSC to SBI Adlib OPL2 instrument conversion
- fix Reality Adlib tracker loader
- implement Adlib OPL2 synth volume setting
- improve tempo, tuning and envelope of HSC modules
- fix scanning of patterns containing short tracks
- don't play notes outside the valid 8 octave note range
- enable The Player 5.0A loader (tested with Full Moon mods)
- enable ProPacker 2.1 loader (tested with Cool World mods)
- fix endianism issues in The Player 5.0 and 6.0 loaders
- fix AMF track remapping error
- enable instrument retriggering quirk in IT loader
- configuration file moved back to /etc
- fix estimated tempo for S3M/IT modules with BPM changes

2.5.1 (20071207): 11 years after xmp 0.09a, the first public release!
- fix Winamp plugin default sampling rate (reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- Winamp plugin number of channels fixed by Mirko Buffoni
- recognize TakeTracker TDZ4 modules (reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- fix crash in anticlick when pan amplitude is set to 100% (reported
  by Mirko Buffoni)
- extend playable octave range (fixes replay of octave 9 notes in
  beek-my_eleventh_year.it, reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- Protracker-style sample loops only valid with loop start 0 (fixes
  M.K. Amegas conversion and others, reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- reset fadeout on new instrument fetch (fixes echo in "pain of lace"
  pat 0 ch 2-3, reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- add quirk for simultaneous volume slide up and down (M.K. allows it
  but S3M doesn't, fixes Red Dream.mod reported by Ralf Hoffmann)
- Impulse Tracker in sample mode has instrument priority quirk
- fix IT far right (64) stereo channel panning
- merge Amiga port improvements by Johan Samuelsson
- merge Amiga xfdmaster.library support by Chris Young
- Amiga port also buildable for AROS (AHI driver not tested)
- fix global track parsing in DMF loader (fixes mok-trea.dmf, reported
  by Lorence Lombardo)
- fix Winamp plugin to use the equalizer (reported by Mirko Buffoni)
- skip 0xfe and 0xff S3M/IT control patterns at load time
- fix scan of pattern break in the last pattern of the module
- add BPM quirk for XMs converted with MED2XM (fixes Fascinated.xm,
  reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- merge Windows patch for decompression by Mirko Buffoni

2.5.0 (20071127):
- remove DMP-specific effect from MOD loader
- extend Protracker sample loops to Noisetracker and Startrekker
- FLT loader recognizes Startrekker FLTM modules (only PCM channels)
- implement support for Startrekker/ADSC AM synth instruments
- fixed cast to signed type in finetune display
- fixed Protracker 3 IFFMODL loader (process VERS chunk manually)
- added support to Protracker sample loops in the Protracker 3 loader
- added PulseAudio driver (using the simple API)
- remove restrictive tests for Soundtracker modules (fixes
  99redballoons.mod and atmosfer4.mod, reported by Adric Riedel)
- fixed infinite loop control (allows full replay time of 11:04 for
  Gryzor's extended Global Trash 3.mod, reported by Adric Riedel)
- use floating point period generation for the software mixer
- fix S3M tempo/bpm setting effect (fixes seaside_hotel.s3m)
- MinGW32 build fixes and new Windows driver (based on MikMod)
- merged Amiga AHI driver written by Lorence Lombardo
- don't read commands from terminal in Windows and Amiga
- reset parameter in case of MDL "no effect" (saa.mdl pos 13 ch 9
  plays correctly, reported by G�rkan Seng�n)
- fixed wav and file drivers binary file creation for win32
- add support for Octamed V6 16bit samples (fixes instruments in
  LaEsperanza.mmd3, reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- enforce minimum allowed BPM to prevent large frames (fix crash with
  MED2XM modules such as Fascinated.xm, reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- fixed conversion of big-endian 16-bit samples in big-endian machines
- fixed decompression of 16-bit IT samples in big-endian machines
- added experimental Winamp plugin
- added handler for Ultra Tracker sample type 20 (fixes seasons.ult,
  reported by Lorence Lombardo)
- fixed instrument parameter handling in MED4 loader
- added Generic Digital Music (GDM) loader
- plugin code cleanup, remove mode button and hold buffer
- merged AmigaOS4 patches by Chris Young

2.4.1 (20071029):
- fixed portamento after keyoff problem in metamorph_part_ii.xm
  where new note is not recognized (reported by Adric Riedel)
- implement Protracker-style sample loops: first play entire sample,
  then play the loop (needed to play MeNoWantMiseria.mod correctly,
  reported by Adric Riedel)
- fixed finetune test in UNIC Tracker detection to prevent false
  positive with all that she wants.mod (reported by Adric Riedel)
- fixed test for ?CHN and ??CH TakeTracker/FastTracker2 modules
- fixed data type in the XM loader to work in 64-bit systems
- don't ignore effect on event with invalid instrument (fixes tempo
  in 39.mod pos 11, reported by Adric Riedel)
- removed restrictive tests for Ultimate Soundtracker (false negative
  in Karsten Obarski's sleepwalk and others, reported by Adric Riedel)
- minimum sample size changed from 5 to 4 bytes, childhood.it actually
  has 4 byte samples (reported by Adric Riedel)
- cut effect doesn't retrigger sample (fixes Comic Bakery Remix pos 1
  ch 3, reported by Adric Riedel)
- allow period 162 in ST mods (for blueberry.mod UST, reported by AR)
- fixed period interpolation using real log function instead of table
2.4.0 (20071025):
- added Oktalyzer note slide and fine note slide effects
- added Oktalyzer arpeggio 3, arpeggio 4 and arpeggio 5 effects
- added MED synth programmable arpeggio commands ARP and ARE
- added MED synth vibrato commands VBS, VBD and VWF
- added module probe method without loading (Audacious plugin can
  test for files while a module is playing)
- added persistent effects for 669, FNK and FAR
- fixed MED synth volume slide commands CHD and CHU
- fixed detuning in short samples with bidirectional loop by adjusting
  the loop size to match forward loop size
- fixed sound cut bug when changing samples in the MED synth (don't
  reset channel on attempt to set invalid sample position)
- fixed identification of IIgs MegaTracker modules
- fixed 669 persistent vibrato and portamento effects
- fixed FAR persistent vibrato/portamento and pattern break effects
- fixed sample loading in FAR modules
- fixed multi-retrig effect processing (see cyberculosis.xm ch 7)
- fixed segfault when output file is specified but driver isn't
- fixed XM sample loop size in XMs made with Digitrakker
- revert CoreAudio driver pause patch (fix memory management problem)
- reset MED synth program at each new note event
- removed filesize-based module format detection
- replaced XANN loader with Prowizard XANN depacker
- reorganized internal data to remove lots of global variables
- changed all loaders to load module from relative offset
- changed UMX depacker to be a real loader (using relative offsets)
- ported Audacious plugin to the Audacious 1.4.0 API
- fixed sample offset on portamento after keyoff (Decibeter - Cosmic
  'Wegian Mamas.xm plays correctly now)
- fixed length of XM loops (jt_xmas.xm no longer out of tune)
- fixed Audacious plugin to display duration when adding to playlist
- fixed memory access violations reported by Valgrind
- split XMMS/BMP/Audacious plugin source
- invalid patterns in sequence ignored instead of aborting replay
- fixed load of DBM 16-bit samples (reported by Ralf Hoffmann)
- fixed DBM envelope offset error (reported by Ralf Hoffmann)
- disabled AMF volslide effect (problems with CannonFodder2-Done.AMF)
- fixed MMD1/MMD3 loaders to skip invalid synth instruments (reported
  by Ralf Hoffmann, Misanthropy.MED loads correctly)
- fixed number of patterns in Funktracker modules
- added Funktracker persistent portamento and volume slide effects
- fixed offset effect with parameter 00 (reported by Adric Riedel)
- changed volume dynamic range to fix steps in volume ramps (tested
  with departure soundtrack.xm, reported by Adric Riedel)
- set priority to slide down when volume slide up and down is used,
  fixes Skaven's 2nd Reality blast (reported by Douglas Carmichael)

2.3.2 (20071009):
- added ModPlug Tracker IT quirk: ignore sample global volume (fixes
  speech in "Deep In Her Eyes Remake", reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- added PTM/IMF note slide effects and PTM note slide + retrig effect
- added partial support to MED synth sounds (ported from xmp 2.1.0)
- added experimental BeOS driver based on the CoreAudio driver
- fixed copy of overlapping memory areas in IT loader
- fixed initialization of channel flags before loading module
- fixed PTM sample loop size (tested with abnormality.ptm)
- fixed PTM effects translation (PTM-specific effects were ignored)
- fixed effects settings in AIX and OSX CoreAudio drivers (reported
  by Douglas Carmichael and Chris Cox)
- fixed pause in OSX CoreAudio driver
- fixed Fuchs Tracker prowizard loader format detection
- fixed --time option time counter for MED files
- decoupled PT3 PTDT and MOD loader

2.3.1 (20071005):
- added PTM global volume effect
- fixed output filename setting in wav output
- fixed size field setting in wav driver
- fixed configure option --sysconfdir (reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- fixed major bug in anticlick routine generating clicks in the
  right audio channel (reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- changed rampdown time in Hipolito's anticlick algorithm (removes
  clicks from PM's 2nd Reality, reported by Douglas Carmichael)
- changed default file name when writing to WAV to <modname>.wav

2.3.0 (20071002):
- added runtime endianism detection
- added extractor for Epic Games' Unreal UMX files
- added workaround for S3M "Return of Litmus" 0x87 quirk (reported
  by Ralf Hoffmann)
- added DigiBooster Pro module loader
- added Fmod OXM depacker (depends on oggdec)
- enabled Tracker Packer 3 prowizard loader
- enabled The Player 4.x prowizard loader
- removed reverse-endian sample reading options and XMP_CTL_BIGEND
- fixed semantics of big/little endian options, moved to file driver
- fixed memory corruption in Quadra Composer module loader
- fixed Quadra Composer vibrato, offset and jump effects
- fixed endianism problem in KSM and Zen Packer loaders
- fixed transposition of Digital Tracker module notes
- fixed build for QNX Neutrino 6.3.2
- fixed OSS sequencer driver timing (reported by Reynir Stefansson)
- fixed BMP/Audacious plugin to build also as XMMS plugin
- fixed Impulse Tracker identification in S3M loader
- fixed Module Protector test to recognize mods from "Made In Croatia"
- fixed crash when scanning modules with length zero (bug #1800766)
- fixed driver detection in NetBSD (don't try to build OSS driver)
- fixed crash when restart value is invalid (reported by Ralf Hoffmann)
- fixed handling of S3M pattern 0xfe (reported by Ralf Hoffmann)
- fixed data size in MMD3 pattern sequence loading
- fixed MMD1/MMD3 invalid/unhandled effect translation
- fixed MMD1/MMD3 mixing buffer size setting (for PrivInv.med)
- fixed Soundtracker 15-instrument module tracker fingerprinting
- format management code cleanup
- prowizard code cleanup

2.2.1 (20070917):
- added IT tracker fingerprinting
- enabled track volumes (fixes znm-believe.it, reported by Jon Rafkind)
- fixed DESTDIR and config file location (by Adam Sampson)
- fixed volume overdrive in the Megatracker loader
- fixed probing order of PW-packed and Arc
- raised sample number limit from 255 to 1024 (fixes megaman.xm
  tempo and missing instruments reported by Jon Rafkind)
- build plugin files as PIC

2.2.0 (20070915):
- added more module format specs
- added CD61 Octalyser module support
- added Flextrax FLX module detection
- added TCB Tracker module loader
- added Digital Tracker DTM module loader
- added Digital Tracker FA04/6/8 module support
- added Real Tracker module loader
- added X-Tracker module loader
- added portable, 64bit-safe MMD0/1/2/3 MED loader
- added Graoumf Tracker GTK module loader
- added old Liquid Tracker "NO" module loader
- added OSX CoreAudio driver
- added S3M/PTM/IMF/LIQ/IT fine vibrato effect
- added Archimedes Tracker loader
- added Arc/!Spark depacker
- added ArcFS depacker
- added Archimedes VIDC sample converter
- added Digital Symphony module loader
- added Megatracker module loader
- added Desktop Tracker module loader
- added Zoo depacker
- added MED3 module loader
- added MED4 module loader
- added IIgs ASIF sample converter
- added IIgs SoundSmith/MegaTracker loader
- added Audacious plugin
- enabled WAV writer
- enabled IMF filter effects
- enabled Game Music Creator prowizard converter
- removed broken shared lib generation
- removed packed structures
- replaced non-free PowerPack depacker with Kyzer's PD version
- replaced list management in IFF loader with kernel list helpers
- replaced XMMS plugin with Beep Media Player plugin
- fixed long-standing bug in S3M BPM handling, "Panic" plays correctly
- fixed MDL effects translation
- fixed MDL pattern order loading missing first pattern
- fixed MDL memory corruption in envelope initialization
- fixed MDL 16-bit sample depacking (reported by Paul Wise)
- fixed MDL multisampled instrument mapping
- fixed MDL note event keyoff (gothlord.mdl plays better)
- fixed XM and MDL sample loop size
- fixed XM BPM setting (speedup.xm plays correctly)
- fixed LIQ effects and 16-bit sample loading
- fixed S3M pan settings
- fixed IT old instrument volume mode setting
- fixed IT 16-bit sample loading (reported by Henrik Pauli)
- fixed IT effect S00 and delta sample loading (fixes O4UFRDMX.IT)
- fixed multi-retrig effect (reported by Henrik Pauli)
- fixed infinite loop scan (reported by Zbigniew Luszpinski)
- fixed Sinaria sample size and finetune
- fixed issues with OpenBSD
- fixed issues with 64-bit machines
- fixed loading of big-endian 16-bit samples
- using Asle's Prowizard to handle packed MODs

2.1.1 (unreleased):
- added more module format specs
- added MO3 unpacking support
- added file detection to the XMMS plugin
- added Beep Media Player support to the XMMS plugin
- added Epic Megagames PSM module support
- added Epic Megagames old PSM (Silverball) module support
- added DSMI/DMP Advanced Module Format support
- added support to Ultimate Soundtracker modules
- added ALSA 0.9/1.0 sound output support
- fixed recursive decrunching of module files
- fixed QNX6 portability issues (by Mike Gorchak)
- fixed heavy memory leak in the XMMS plugin
- fixed --time command-line parameter
- fixed portamento-after-keyoff bug (Jeronen Tel's "Nine One One"
  now plays correctly)
- fixed IFF file loading to avoid data alignment errors
- fixed endianism issues in MDL loader
- updated OPL emulation (by Mike Gorchak)
- default verbosity level changed to 1
- default sound mode set to stereo
- disabled MED loader (nonportable, didn't work well)

2.1.0 (unreleased):
- Added Takuya Ooura's FFT code
- Added scope/spectrum analyser modes to xxmp
- Fixed dynamic driver loading to honour the configuration prefix
- Added --with-esd option to the configuration script for esd in
  FreeBSD (reported by Nate Dannenberg <natedac@kscable.com>)
- Added xxmp panel and module info to XMMS info box
- Fixed YM3812 emulator output in mono and stereo modes
- Reordered extra libraries in Makefile.rules to build correctly in
  IRIX 6.5.10/gcc 2.95.2 (reported by Johan Hattne <hattne@ibg.uu.se>)
- Added aRts driver
- Added NAS driver (based on Martin Denn's mpg123 NAS driver)
- Added experimental QNX4 driver based on Mike Gorchak's nspmod port
- Added experimental win32 driver based on Tony Million's mpg123 driver
- Added NEO Software/Electronic Rats HSC module loader
- Added Liquid Tracker module 0.0 and 1.0 support
- Added callback driver for plugins
- XMMS plugin changed to use the callback driver
- Added Images Music System support

2.0.4 (20010119):
- Added driver for synthesized sounds
- Added Tatsuyuki Satoh's YM3812 emulator
- Added support to The Player 6.0a modules (using Sylvain "Asle"
  Chipaux's P60A loader)
- Added seek capability to XMMS plugin
- Added (very) experimental AIX driver
- Added envelope point sanity checks (fixed "Beautiful Ones" IT
  envelope bug reported by Chris Cox)
- Added support to dynamic linked drivers (for better packaging)
- Added option to package only DFSG-compliant code
- Fixed audioio.h detection in OpenBSD 2.8 (by Chris Cox
- Max. filter cutoff value changed from 254 to 253 to avoid problems
  in "Beautiful Ones")
- Fixed external drivers problem with the XMMS plugin (reported by
  greg <gjones@computelnet.com>)
- Fixed xmp_ord_set() bug (was calling XMP_ORD_PREV)
- Fixed period calculation algorithm (that was an OLD bug!)
- Started adding support to MED 1.11, 1.12, 2.00 and 3.22
- Replaced RPM spec with Dominik Mierzejewski's version

2.0.3 (20001229):
- Fixes for enabling/disabling features in configure.in
- gcc 2.96/glibc 2.2 related fixes by Dominik Mierzejewski
- Support for RAR packed files by Michael Doering <mldoering@gmx.net>
- Improved powerpacker decrunching by Michael Doering
- IT lowpass filters for the software mixer
- Fixed "yes/no" switch in xmp-modules.conf
- XMMS plugin in big-endian machines fixed by Griff Miller II
- Updated RPM specfile

2.0.2 (20000506):
- Fixes in the NetBSD driver (by Michael <skumle@grin.dk>)
- Fixed sample size for MED synth instruments
- Fixed the set offset effect for (offset > sample length) bug
  reported by Igor Krpanic <krpa@renata.irb.hr>
- Fixed configuration file loading in OS/2 (by Kevin Langman
- Fixed S3M tone portamento bug introduced in 2.0.1
- Fixed option --fix-sample-loops
- Improved Noisetracker and Octalyser module detection
- Fixed UNIC tracker and Mod's Grave module detection
- Fixed Protracker song detection
- Event loading in S3M fixed by Rudolf Cejka
- ALSA 0.5 driver fixed by Rob Adamson <R.Adamson@fitz.cam.ac.uk>
- Added experimental XMMS plugin
- Removed calls to tempnam(3)
- Big-endian sound output finally fixed?

2.0.1 (20000223):
- Endianism problems in Linux/PPC (Amiga) fixed by Rune Elvemo
- Added enhanced NetBSD/OpenBSD drivers written by Michael
- Fixed sample loop detection bug in the MOD loader
- ALSA 0.5 support fixes by Tijs van Bakel <smoke@casema.net>
- Moved the YM3128 emulator sources to the 2.1 branch (shouldn't
  be in the 2.0.0 package)
- Added extra sanity tests for 15 instrument MODs (based on sample
  size/loop info), relaxed file size test, added check for NT mods
- Fixed pathname for Protracker song sample loading
- Fixed XM loader for nonstandard mods sent by Cyke O'Path
- Added workaround for IT fine global volume slides
- Added support for EXO4/EXO8 Startrekker/Audio Sculpture modules
- Added support for Soundtracker 2.6/Ice Tracker modules
- MED synth instruments MUCH better now (but still far from perfection)
- Fixed S3M instrument retriggering on portamento bug reported by
  Igor Krpanic <krpa@renata.irb.hr>

2.0.0 (20000202):
- Allocations checked with Electric Fence
- Fixed powerpack decruncher counter initialization
- Number of tracks fixed in the XM loader
- 0 byte allocation fixed in the XM loader
- Vibrato depth fixed (>>1)
- Independent effect memory for XM volume slide effect and volume
  column effect
- Disable sample loop when loop end < loop start
- Continue S3M fine effects (e.g. x00 after xF5)
- Loader for Startrekker FLT8 modules
- Pattern loop fixed
- Set offset effect bug fixed (reported by Martin Willers
- Sample length in the software mixer
- 669 effects fixed by Miod Vallat <miod@mikmod.darkorb.net>
- Fixed S3M/IT continue arpeggio effect
- Fixed S3M/IT set tempo effect
- Fixed set finetune effect (<<4)
- Fixed S3M and XM global volume settings
- Fixed STX memory leaks
- Added support for XM 1.03 modules in the XM loader
- Speed 0x20 correctly recognized
- STM loader accepts BMOD2STM stms (reported by Bernhard M�rz)
- Fixed wrong number of patterns in FAR loader (reported by Bernhard
  M�rz <maerz@rklnw1.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>)
- Fixed IFF chunk buffer allocation for MDL samples
- Fixed sample buffer size for MDL 16 bit samples
- SMIX_C4NOTE changed to from 6947 to 6864 in mixer.h (reported by
  Christoph Groth -- fixes Cannon Fodder replaying)
- Ignore garbage in the order list (reported by Spirilis
  <hannibal@bitsmart.com> -- fixes dragnet.mod)
- Event fetch now emulates ST3, FT2 and Protracker
- Added virtual channel system (for IT NNAs etc)
- Added loaders for Protracker 3.59 IFFMODL, STMIK 0.2, Promizer 0.1/
  2.0/4.0, SoundFX 1.3/2.0, Slamtilt, MED/OctaMED, DIGIBooster, Quadra
  Composer, Digital Illusions, Module Protector, Zen Packer, Kefrens
  Sound Machine, Heatseeker, Imago Orpheus and Impulse Tracker modules
- Added support for MED synth sounds (incomplete)
- Added support for MED BPM tempos (incomplete)
- S3M loader recognizes Imago Orpheus
- xmprc renamed to xmp.conf
- Configuration for specific mods using xmp-modules.conf
- User configuration stored in $HOME/.xmp
- Protracker effect 9 bug emulation
- Support for Protracker song files
- AWE support for IT filter envelopes
- Filename in the xxmp window title (added by Geoff Reedy
- Sample crunching for soundcards with limited memory
  (requested by janne <sniff@utanet.fi>)
- Bidirectional loop expansion and 16-bit conversion for AWE
- Added anti-click routines in the mixer (requested by Teemu Kiviniemi
- Zirconia's MMCMP decrunching support
- Old volume mode set for awedrv 0.4.3
- Added option --loadonly
- Changed finalvol formula
- MOD loader split in M.K./xCHN, FLT and ST loaders
- xmp_options changed to xmp_control
- Removed redundant code from loaders
- Dropped options -p (period mode), --disable-envelopes, --modrange
  and --ntsc
- UNIC and LAX collapsed in a single loader
- Added test for AWE_MD_NEW_VOLUME_CALC definition in oss_seq.c
- Fixed buffer write() after EINTR on SIGSTOP (reported by Ruda Moura
- Title line in xxmp fixed by Geoff Reedy <vader21@imsa.edu>
- Tweak configure.in to honour predefined CPPFLAGS in environment
  since awe_voice.h moves around in FreeBSD. At the time it is in
  /usr/src/sys/gnu/i386/isa/sound/ (by Bjoern Fisher
- Added missing #include "config.h" in main.c (by Bjoern Fisher
- Default mixing rate raised to 44.1 kHz
- Fixed OSS sequencer timing in Linux/Alpha (by Nils Faerber
  <nils@unix-ag.org>, reported by Andrew Hobgood <chaos@strange.net>
  -- improved using Miodrag Vallat's HZ checking)
- Added native ALSA PCM driver
- Fixed xxmp title wrap
- Fixed 4-bit ADPCM sample decompression
- Solaris driver fixed by Keith Hargrove <Keith.Hargrove@Eng.Sun.COM>
- IRIX driver fixed by Brian Downing <bdowning@wolfram.com>
- Merged OS/2 DART port by Kevin Langman <langman@earthling.net>
- Added BMOD2STM support in STX mods (reported by Miod Vallat)

1.2.0 (Unreleased):
- Added support for 16-bit samples in S3M (reported by Geoff
  Reedy <vader21@imsa.edu> and Chris Jantzen <chris@maybe.net>)
- Status display in main.c changed from curr_row/num_rows
  to curr_row/max_rows.
- esd driver fixed by Terry Glass <tglass@bigfoot.com>
- (Yet another scanner bugfix) scanner ignores tempo 0
- (Yet another scanner bugfix) estimated time limit extended
  from 15 min. to approx. 4 hours (should be sufficient)
- (Yet another scanner bugfix) scanner sets global volume
- (Yet another scanner bugfix) S3M_END test fixed
- Skip to previous module fixed
- Loop start set in bytes in 15 instrument MOD files
- Added return status for failure in decompression
- Temporary file unlink after failed decompression
- Fixed S_ISDIR using wrong argument
- Fixed clear chunk ID buffer in the IFF loader
- Fixed chunk ID test fixed in the IFF loader
- Release the IFF loader linked list after loading
- Init default options in load.c
- Volume echo event normalized to 0x40
- Fixed sample loop in UNIC/LAX modules
- Fixed FAR number of patterns
- Fixed FAR tempo effect
- Fixed FAR effect parameter setting
- STM loader now rejects STX files
- Fixed XM note fadeout value
- Option --fix-sample-loop sets sample loop start in bytes
- Added support for NoisePacker 1/2/3, Digitrakker 0.0/1.0/1.1
  and Promizer 1.0/1.8 module formats
- SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 handlers for skipping to next/previous
  module (requested by Geoff Reedy <vader21@imsa.edu>)
- Recursive module unpacking
- drv_solaris renamed to drv_bsd_sparc
- Other cosmetic changes

1.1.6 (19981019):
- xxmp compilation in FreeBSD fixed by Adam Hodson
- Makefile fixed for bash 2
- S3M global volume setting removed (reported by John v/d Kamp
- S3M tempo/BPM effect fixed (reported by Joel Jordan
- XM loader checks module version
- XM loader fixed for DEC UNIX by Andrew Leahy
- finalvol shifted right one bit to prevent volume overflow with
  dh-pofot.xm (Party On Funk-o-tron)
- File uncompression based on magic instead of file suffix
- Loop detection and time estimation improved; --noback
  option removed (reported by Scott Scriven <toykeeper@cheerful.com>)
- Invalid values for module restart are ignored (reported by
  John v/d Kamp <blade_@dds.nl>)
- Don't play invalid samples and instruments
- Fine effect processing changed to the Protracker standard
  instead of FT2 (i.e. effects EB1-EE5 play fine vol slide five times)
- OSS audio driver fragment setting fixed
- Added test for file type before loading
- MOD/XM tempo/BPM setting fixed (reported by Gabor Lenart
- XM loader limits number of samples (needed to play Jeronen Tel's
  "Pools of Poison")
- Invalid sample number in instrument map is set to 0xff and ignored
  by the player (needed to play Jeronen Tel's "Pools of Poison")
- Jump to previous order in order zero ignored.
- Channel 1 to 10 mute/unmute keys changed
- cfg.mode -1 bias removed
- --ignoreff option removed
- Reserved & unsed fields removed from structures
- S3M tremor effect implemented
- XM keyoff effect implemented
- Experimental (untested) SGI driver
- Experimental (untested) OpenBSD driver
- --nocmd option added by Mark R. Boyns <boyns@sdsu.edu>
- Added support for XM 1.02, Ultra Tracker, ProRunner, Propacker,
  Tracker, Unic Tracker, Laxity, FC-M, XANN and AC1D modules
- Added built-in uncompressors for Powerpacker and XPK-SQSH
- Option for realtime priority in FreeBSD added by Douglas
  Carmichael <dcarmich@mcs.com>
- Support for 15 bpp in xxmp added by John v/d Kamp <blade_@dds.nl>

1.1.5 (19980321):
- Bidirectional sample loop fixed (reported by Andy Eltsov)
- Set pan effect bug fixed by Frederic Bujon
- Solaris/Sparclinux driver for the AMD 7930 audio chip (tested in
  Solaris 2.5.1 and Linux 2.0.33)
- Support for the Enlightened Sound Daemon
- Better SIGSTOP/SIGCONT handling (19980330):
- New URL updated in docs

1.1.4 (19980204):
- Added missing error check in Solaris and HP-UX drivers
- Fixed includes for FreeBSD
- Fixed X setup in the configure script
- Fixed X include path in Makefile.rules and src/main/Makefile
- scan.c replaced by a new version from 1.2.0 development tree
- HP-UX driver works (tested in a 9000/710 with HP-UX 9.05)
- Misc doc updates

1.1.3 (19980128):
- xxmp color #000000 changed to #020202 (needed in Solaris)
- `cmd' type changed to char
- Interactive commands to unmute channels 6, 7 and 8
- MTM loader works in big-endian machines
- Experimental HP-UX support added (not tested)
- Panel background colors changed
- New INSTALL file
- Misc doc updates

1.1.2 (19980105):
- Fixed xxmp palette corruption
- Fixed xxmp error messages
- Misc doc updates

1.1.1 (19980103):
- Fixed coredump in Oktalyzer loader (resetting pattern and
  sample counters)
- Fixed coredump with Adlib instruments
- Fixed xxmp window update (added missing XSync, xxmp shows
  current pattern and row)
- Fixed color palette in 16 bpp True Color
- Fixed command line arguments -S and -M

1.1.0 (19971224): "The Nightmare Before Christmas" release
- Package license changed to GPL
- Configuration made by GNU autoconf
- Software mixer and /dev/dsp support
- Compiles on FreeBSD 2.2 and Solaris 2.4
- Command line options changed, long options added
- Random play mode added
- AWE reverb and chorus options added
- Support for OPL2 FM synthesizer
- New formats supported: Elyssis Adlib Tracker (AMD), Reality Adlib
  Tracker (RAD), Aley's Modules (ALM)
- Support for multiple output devices
- Support for Scream Tracker 3.00 modules (volslides in every frame)
- Support for S3M Adlib instruments
- Support for S3M (very old) signed samples
- Support for S3M pan ("The Crossing" plays correctly)
- Support for S3M global volume
- Support for Oktalyzer 7 bit samples
- Support for IFF modules and variations
- S3M arpeggio kludge removed
- S3M module length adjusted discarding 0xff paterns
- S3M set tempo/BPM effect adjusted
- XM envelope loop bug fixed ("Shooting Star" plays correctly)
- XM 16 bit sample conversion bug fixed ("Hyperdrive" plays correctly)
- Support for XM instruments with 29 byte headers (for "Braintomb")
- AWE32 pan setting fixed
- Glissando in linear period mod bug fixed
- Volume overflow bug fixed (again)
- Tone portamento update bug fixed
- Period setting workaround for panic.s3m
- Pattern jump effect bug fixed
- Oktalyzer loader bugs fixed
- period_to_bend precision loss bug fixed
- Option -s fixed to play with correct tempo/BPM/volume
- Added support for bzip, compress, zip and lha compressed modules
- Added Protracker and Soundtracker wrappers to the MOD loader
- Support for MDZ modules with ADPCM samples
- IPC stuff removed, player engine built as a library
- Fixed memory leak in MOD loader
- Fixed memory leak in oss_seq
- X11 version (xxmp)
- Interactive commands
- xmprc file

1.0.1 (19970419):
- IPC global volume setting bug fixed
- FAR number of patterns bug fixed
- S3M volume setting effect correctly handled (fixes Skaven's
  2nd Reality)
- Option to disable dynamic panning to prevent AWE-32 clicking

1.0.0 (19970330): First non-experimental release
- Added option -t (maximum playing time)
- Added option -K to enable IPC
- Test module removed from package

Experimental versions

0.99c (19970320): Fixed more bugs reported by Michael Janson
- S3M loader changed to recognize fine and extra fine volume slides
  only when the slide nibble is not zero (fixes PM's 2nd Reality)
- XM patterns with 0 (==0xff) rows are being correctly handled
  (Wave's Home Vist should play better)
- Tone portamento effect does not reset envelopes (fixes Wave's
  Home Visit pattern 0, channels 0 to 5)
- Loop click removal fixed & improved - chipsamples sound smoother
  using gmod's method to prevent clicking
- Continue vibrato effect bug fixed

0.99b (19970318): Fixed bugs reported by Antti Huovilainen and Michael Janson
- Extra fine portamento bug fixed (ascent.s3m should play better)
- Volume column tone portamento in XM shifted left 4 bits (fixes
  guitar in Zodiak's Status Mooh order 7, channel 7)
- Note delay bug fixed (fixes bass in Jogeir Liljedahl's Guitar
  Slinger) - delay was working as note retrig
- Sample offset effect bug fixed (fixes snare drum in Zodiak's
  Status Mooh order 0D channel 5) - offset 00 uses previous offset
- New instrument event with same instrument does not retrig the
  sample (fixes pad in Romeo Knight's Wir Happy Hippos)
- Global volume limited to 0x40 (fixes fadeout in Zodiak's Reflecter)
- Sample loop adjusted for click removal
- 669 loader changed to use secondary effects for tempo/break
- S3M loader changed to use generic pattern loops (S3M-specific
  pattern loop kluge removed from xm_play.c)
- MOD loader fixed - the module may have unused patterns stored
  and this situation was confusing the loader
- Effect F changed to recognize 32 frames per row

0.99a (19970313):
- General code review
- Internal module format changed to XXM
- Added endianism correction
- Volume overdrive bug fixed
- Verbosity levels adjusted
- Vibrato implementation bug fixed
- Instrument vibrato sweep implemented
- New module formats supported: STM, 669, WOW, MTM, PTM, OKT, FAR
- Added mute/solo channel command line options
- Tempo 0 ignored
- Lots of cosmetic changes
- Option to reduce sample resolution to 8 bits
- Envelope sustain bug ("Zodiak bug") fixed (reported by Beta)
- Infinite loop in pattern jump bug fixed

0.09e (19970105): Improved S3M support and general bugfixes
- Yet another pattern loop bug fixed
- S3M J00 (arpeggio) effect workaround
- S3M stereo enable/disable implemented
- S3M sample pan bug fixed
- Added warning for S3M Adlib channels
- Improved S3M channel pan handling
- Incremental verbosity option
- Tone portamento behaviour fixed (for "Elimination Part I")
- Added parameter -i to ignore S3M end of module markers
- S3M FFx/F00 (continue fine period slide) effect bug fixed
  (bug was audible in the Second Reality opening theme)
- Global volume slide bug fixed
- installbin target fixed in the Makefile
- Volume reset with no instrument for new note bug fixed
  (bug was audible in "Knulla Kuk" by Moby)

0.09d (19970101):
- Pattern jump bug fixed
- Added support for ??CH mods - thanks to Toru Egashira
- Fine pitchbending effect bug fixed
- Signal handling fixed (again)
- USR1 and USR2 signals changed to ABRT and HUP
- Command line parameter to force MOD octave range
- NTSC timing for MOD files
- Glissando effect implemented
- Retrig and multi-retrig effects bug fixed
- S3M fine volume slide effect translation bug fixed
- S3M C2SPD translation to relnote/finetune bug fixed
- S3M pattern loop fixed
- S3M module loop bug fixed
- Pattern loop (for restart order>=0x7f) bug fixed
- version.o dependencies fixed in the Makefile

0.09c (19970101): broken version (unreleased)

0.09b (19961210):
- Note release and fadeout bug fixed
- Module restart (SIGUSR2) bug fixed
- Octave shift bug fixed ("Move to da beat" plays OK)
- "Squeak" bug fixed (the bug was caused by a tone portamento
  with no destination note)
- Pitchbending effect bug fixed ("Crystal Dragon" plays OK)

0.09a (19961207): First public release.
- Panel signal handling fixed
- base_note set with C4 frequency of 130.812 Hz (actually C3)
- GUS_VOICE_POS enabled for AWE_DEVICE (Iwai's patch)
- Envelope fadeout (release) fixed
- Note skip bug corrected after some shotgun debugging
- GUS panning fixed (bypassing sequencer.h)
- Added panning amplitude command line option
- Added a channel pan parameter
- Changed the XM loader to always unpack the patterns
- S3M pan positions fixed
- Timing variables changed to floating point - I really don't like
  FP, maybe I've been hacking in assembly language too much
- Added 15-instrument MOD loader
- Added XM finetune interpolation
- Arpeggio bug fixed: pitchbend increments between semitones is 100
  and not 128 (why don't they use ROUND numbers?)
- Changed period2bend to prevent lossage in higher octaves
- Pattern loop effect implemented (running_lamer.mod plays OK)
- Auto-detector (?) for 15-instrument MODs (option -f removed)
- Added linear period support
- All source files checked into RCS

Development (unreleased) versions

0.08 (19961031):
- Increased code mess
- Included Iwai's AWE support
- devices.c created to wrap output devices
- sequencer.c, awe.c and gus.c included in devices.c
- Portability macros set in the Makefile (but not used)
- Manpage draft included in the package
- Added command-line device selector
- Finally got rid of those ridiculous fread()s in xm_load.c
- xm_instrument_header split into xm_instrument_header and
- Removed OSS macros from xm_play.c
- Volume overflow bug fixed ("Thematic Hymn" plays OK)
- Scream Tracker S3M loader
- Fixed the song length bug
- XM relnotes are working again!
- Added a garbage character filter to the MOD loader
- Floating point stuff removed
- Sequencer sync message support added
- Multiple file entry point bug fixed
- Song loop bug fixed, added a loop-enable option
- Tremolo and extra fine portamento effects fixed
- Player doesn't try to play invalid instruments (and dump core)
- SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 handlers added (abort/restart module)
- MOD effects with parameter 0 filtered in the loader (nasty bug)
- Finetunes partially fixed ("Ooo-uh-uh-uh" does not work)
- Started X11 panel (VERY experimental)
- Volume column effect fxp bug fixed
- Envelope retrig on tone portamento bug fixed
- MOD sample loop length fixed
- Finetune in tone portamento bug fixed

0.07 (19961011): We've screwed up XM relnotes in this version. Yuck!
- Sample loop bug fixed
- Extra fine portamento effect implemented
- Global volume set/slide effects implemented
- Pan slide effect implemented
- Delay pattern effect implemented
- Retriggered tremolo/vibrato implemented
- Added tremolo/vibrato waveforms 4, 5 and 6 (no retrigger)
- Stereo reverse/mono command line options are now functional
- Pan slide effect implemented (but does it work?)
- Arpeggio effect implemented
- "Official" Amiga (exponential) periods implemented
- Multi-retrig and delay effects implemented
- Retrig and cut implemented as special cases of multi retrig
- Fixed vibrato/tremolo waveforms
- Added some macros to reduce the code mess
- Finetunes/relnotes processed by the player (and not by the loader)

0.06 (19960924): This version can play most MODs
- Changed a lot of variable names
- Fixed envelope processing
- Fixed pitchbending (SEQ_BENDER vs SEQ_PITCHBEND) bug
- Fixed panning (SEQ_CONTROL vs SEQ_PANNING) bug
- Fixed multisample struct definition bug
- Fixed note number "obi-wan" bug ("Neverending Story" plays OK)
- Fixed tone portamento behavior ("Art of Chrome" plays OK)
- Added MOD finetune support ("Elimination Part I" plays OK)
- Added offset, cut, delay and retrig effects

0.05 and before:
- Lots of changes.