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linphone-3.4.2 -- March 3rd, 2011
* fix problems with webcams on windows
Requires mediastreamer-2.7.2

linphone-3.4.1 -- February 17th, 2011
* bugfixes
* gtk executable is renamed "linphone" (was linphone-3 before)
Requires mediastreamer-2.7.1

linphone-3.4.0 -- February 7th, 2011
* implement multiple calls feature:
- call hold (with possibility to play a music file)
- call resume
- acceptance of 2nd call while putting the others on hold
- creation of another outgoing call while already in call
- blind call transfer
- attended call transfer
**CAUTION**: LinphoneCoreVTable has changed: pay attention to this when upgrading an old application to a newer liblinphone.
* improve bandwidth management (one b=AS line is used for audio+video)
* improvements in the echo limiter performance
* implement a echo calibration feature (see linphone_core_start_echo_calibration()).
* stun support bugfixes
* possibility to use two video windows, one for local preview, one for remote video (linphonec only)
* optimize by not re-creating streams when SDP is unchanged during a reinvite
* support for sending early media
* doxygen doc and javadoc improvements
* based on mediastreamer-2.7.0, please refer to mediastreamer NEWS for changes.

linphone-3.3.2 -- July 1st, 2010
* fix crash when setting firewall address in gtk interface
* fix crash while closing video window on windows
* fix un-sent BYE message in some rare cases.

linphone-3.3.1 -- June 3, 2010
* fix bugs when carrying non ascii displaynames in SIP messages
* fix crash when codecs are incompatible
* fix bug with streams not restarted in case of reinvites

linphone-3.3.0 -- May 19, 2010
* liblinphone is ported to iphoneOS and Google Android
* Internal refactoring of liblinphone (code factorisation, encapsulation
of signaling)
* enhancements made to presence support (SIP/SIMPLE)
* new icons
* new tabbed ui
* be nat friendly using OPTIONS request and using received,rport from
* use stun guessed ports even if symmetric is detected (works with freeboxes)
* improve bitrate usage of speex codec
* allow speex to run with vbr (variable bit rate) mode
* add speex/32000 (ultra wide band speex codec)
* answer empty SIP INFO requests
* reverse order of call logs
* optimize video display
* manual or automatic network connectivity management (so that REGISTERs
are only sent when network is up or refreshed when it comes back)

linphone-3.2.1 -- October 5, 2009
* improve graphics and behaviour of mute button
* updated translations
* windows installer installs reg keys to indicate windows to start linphone clicking of sip uris
* workaround a bug Gtk-macos X with modal popup windows, preventing to answer calls

linphone-3.2.0 -- September 17, 2009
* new in-call layout
* new idle view with two buttons
* ability to dial the number from dialpad
* improve local IP address detection when having multiple networks (ex: VPNs)
* use proxy's received and rport params from via in Contact header when possible
* port to mac os X leopard (using gtk/x11), audio only for now
* DevC++ support now deprecated, use msys/mingw (see README.mingw for details)
* add an option to ask linphone to place a call, whenever an instance is already running or not:
should be useful for starting calls from a web browser recognizing the 'sip:' uri scheme.
* french and italian translation updated
* don't show ffmpeg codecs when encoder are disabled in ffmpeg library.
* bugfixes in:
- video4linux2 support
- alsa support
- socket leak in mtu discovery

linphone-3.1.2 -- May 5, 2009
* make it work with lastest ffmpeg swscale
* improve theora packer
* update theora default settings to match performance of 1.0 release.
* fix a random crash during video resizing on linux with SDL.

linphone-3.1.1 -- April 14, 2009
* fix crash when opening property box, in some rare case
* windows version uses the new libmsdscap plugin (video capture using directshow)
* improved translations

linphone-3.1.0 -- March 16, 2009
* linphone can now send large video pictures: up to SVGA, configurable via the user interface
* automatic rescaling of the video windows to the video size of incoming stream
* improved webcam support on windows
* plenty of user interface cosmetic improvements
* set a user friendly gtk theme by default on windows
* linphonec can compile and work without libreadline
* enable translations on windows
* enable lookups of SRV records
* new 'linphonecsh' program to send commands to a linphonec running as daemon using unix sockets or tcp.
* bugfixing as usual

linphone-3.0.0  -- October 13, 2008
* new graphical interface based on Glade/Gtk
* systray icon
* STUN working for RTP
* fully ported to windows
* accurate bandwidth management (to let video occupy all remaning bandwidth)
* new H264 plugin based on x264 (msx264)
* automatic call hangup upon media transmission faillure

linphone-2.1.1 -- February 13, 2008
* fix interroperability bug with Asterisk about a BYE not sent by linphone.
* fix alsa support weakness (capture underruns not recovered)

linphone-2.1.0 -- January 25, 2008
* 4CIF support
* enable resizing of video output
* hu translation added

linphone-2.0.1 -- November 30, 2007
* fix interop issue with asterisk
* answer OPTIONS and other SIP messages
* allow usage of ALSA user pcm devices with the sound->alsadev config item.

linphone-2.0.0 -- November 15, 2007
* port to libeXosip2-3.0.x with libosip2-3.0.x
* implements early media
* implements incoming re-INVITE
* presence support improvements
* ipv6 working on windows
* implements SDP over 200ok/ACK
* add experimental snow codec support
* answers to VFU request in SIP-INFO by sending an I-frame.
* ffmpeg rate control enabled, improved mpeg4 quality for low bandwidths
* separate video grabbing and display in linphonec

linphone-1.7.1 -- April 16, 2007
* cz translation
* compilation bugfixes (when video support is disabled)
* fix IM icons path bug

linphone-1.7.0 -- April 11, 2007
* new splash screen when no webcam is detected
* new friend commands for linphonec
* gnome interface becomes gtk-only
* fix issue with codec bitrate settings when no bandwidth limits are given
* open rtp sockets before sending SDP offer or answer (so that we don't miss the
  first I-frame)

linphone-1.6.0 -- January 23, 2007
* Video4Linux V2 support with mjpeg cameras
* use MPEG4 config string provided in the SDP (if any)
* fix bug when choosing an invalid ring sound file
* fix bug when using quickcam driver with CIF size
* reduce audio bandwidth usage for <128kbit/s connections with video

linphone-1.5.1 -- November 14, 2006
* fix translations

linphone-1.5.0 -- October 11, 2006
* compliant theora support (using Luca Barbato's draft)
* mpeg4 support (compliant with RFC3016)
* controls to display and modify video codec list (gnome interface)
* banwidth usage improvements
* splash screen when no webcam is detected

linphone-1.4.1 -- September 18, 2006
* fixes crash when attempting to make two simultaneous calls
* fixes crash when having no soundcard
* require theora>=1.0.0-alpha7
* do not allow resizing of the gnome interface
* do not change mixer settings at startup

linphone-1.4.0 -- September 11, 2006
* no more glib dependency at all
* new mediastreamer2 framework for audio/video streaming
* stable video support with H.263-1998
* echo cancelation
* experimental theora support
* jack support unported to mediastreamer2, sorry : volunteer needed
* video resolution and framerate set according to bandwidth constraints.
* linphonec new "soundcard" command to list and choose sound devices.
* new download and upload bandwidth parameters used to find suitable video/audio codec choice and parameters.
* new 'play' and 'record' functions to linphonec to play and record wav files
* arts sound backend