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Portions copyright (C) 2004, OpenGLUT project contributors.
OpenGLUT branched from freeglut in February 2004.

The freeglut ChangeLog was an exhaustive grind of all changes that
were ever made.  The freeglut history has been lopped off, as
it is available from the freeglut project.  The OpenGLUT history
is more terse, since we assume either direct CVS access, or
else a web-browser by which you can peruse the CVS repository on

* Changes up to February 27, 2004.

(1) GLUT_UNMANAGED added.  Tested on both UNIX_X11 and WIN32.
This was actually created before the fork, but was never
contributed to freeglut.  Instead, the codebase that had this
feature wound up becoming the fork.

(2) Created OpenGLUT fork.

* Changes up to 20040320

(4) Imported changes to freeglut since Feb. 20.

(5) More updates from freeglut, including WINCE support.

* 20040405

(6) Major documentation enhancements.  Numerous bugfixes.
Man-pages now install properly.  First release.