Overview of changes in Pango 1.224
================================== * Ignore MYMETA.* * Hush a few compiler warnings * Add gitweb link to old ChangeLog * Created %meta_merge which follows v2 of CPAN Meta Spec - %meta_merge is used for generating metadata via ExtUtils::MakeMaker/CPAN::Meta Overview of changes in Pango 1.223 ================================== * Fix a test failure in t/PangoCairo.t Overview of changes in Pango 1.222 ================================== * Don't leak Pango::Attribute objects. * Fix a few test failures. Overview of changes in Pango 1.221 ================================== * Properly export all our public symbols so that linking against us works on MSWin32. (GNOME #576373) Overview of changes in Pango 1.220 ================================== Compared to the bindings in Gtk2 1.20x -------------------------------------- * Wrap pango_layout_get_baseline. * Allow passing undef to Gtk2::Pango::Layout::set_attributes(). Since 1.211 ----------- * Nada. Overview of changes in Pango 1.211 ================================== * Wrap pango_layout_get_baseline. * Allow passing undef to Gtk2::Pango::Layout::set_attributes(). Overview of changes in Pango 1.210 ================================== * Initial standalone release. * Add an example demonstrating how to use Pango in conjunction with Cairo and Gtk2. |