PortAudio - Release Notes

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V18 - 5/6/02

All source code and documentation now under CVS.

Ran most of the code through AStyle to cleanup ragged indentation caused by using different editors. Used this command:
   astyle --style=ansi -c -o --convert-tabs --indent-preprocessor *.c

Added "pa_common/pa_convert.c" for Mac OS X. Start of new conversion utilities.


Mac OS X Windows MME Windows DirectSound Unix OSS

V17 - 10/15/01

Unix OSS

Macintosh Sound Manager

V16 - 9/27/01

Added Alpha implementations for ASIO, SGI, and BeOS!
  • CPULoad is now calculated based on the time spent to generate a known number of frames. This is more accurate than a simple percentage of real-time. Implemented in pa_unix_oss, pa_win_wmme and pa_win_ds.
  • Fix dither and shift for recording PaUInt8 format data.
  • Added "patest_maxsines.c" which tests Pa_GetCPULoad().
  • Windows WMME

    Windows DirectSound


    Macintosh Sound Manager

    V15 - 5/29/01

    Windows WMME

    Macintosh Sound Manager

    V14 - 2/6/01

    V12 - 1/9/01