QtMobility Reference Documentation

Release Notes of the QtMobility Project release

These Release Notes cover what's new, download and installation instructions and known issues for QtMobility 1.1.0 final release. An up-to-date list of known issues with the release can be found via the Qt Bug Tracker which provides additional information about known issues and tasks related to Qt and the QtMobility Projects. The new Qt APIs are typically supported by backends for each platform. For overall summary of the completeness/compatibility of support for a given API see Platform Compatibility.

What's New in QtMobility 1.1.0

QtMobility 1.1.0 final is part of our ongoing program providing new Qt APIs for mobile application development. This release contains a number of new APIs and also improvements and bug fixes since the QtMobility 1.0.2 release. For more details, please refer to the online documentation included in this distribution and the change log file.

Downloading and Installing

System Requirements

Qt 4.7.0 should be used.


Latest QtMobility packages can be found here:


Please follow the installation procedure.

Known issues with this final package:





Document Gallery

Maps and Navigation

