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Qwt 6.1.1

1) build environment

   - Shadow builds
     qmake project files to allow shadow builds

   - pkg-config
     QwtPkgConfig config option added to qwtconfig.pri to enable generation
     of pkg-config files ( default setting is: disabled )

2) scales

   - QwtDateScaleEngine
     Aligning/Autoscaling improved.

   - QwtLinearScaleEngines
     Trying to avoid overruns for huge intervals ( > max double ) in divideScale().

   - QwtAbstractScaleDraw/QwtScaleDraw
     Layout issues fixed.

   - QwtRoundScaleDraw
     Performance for specific use cases improved.

3) controls

   - QwtAbstractSlider/QwtCounter
     Fixes for tiny step sizes.

   - QwtDial/QwtKnob
     Rounding instead of flooring, when translating values to angles.

   - QwtKnob/QwtThermo
     Missing updates, when changing the scale draw.

   - QwtWheel
     Aligning of values improved.

4) QwtPlot and friends

   - QwtPlot
     Disabling auto-replot in the destructor.
     QwtPlot::setPlotLayout() fixed.
     Calculation in QwtPlot::canvasMap fixed for disabled axes.
     QwtPlot::autoRefresh() when attaching/detaching a plot item.

   - QwtLegend
     Clipping code fixed in QwtLegend::renderLegend().

   - QwtPlotRenderer
     Order of setting printer properties changed to work around a Qt 4.8 bug.

   - QwtGraphic
     Handling of RenderPensUnscaled flag fixed to respect initial 
     painter transformations ( non cosmetic pens on legend icons will 
     be scaled according to paint device resolution - f.e high dpi printouts - now ).

   - QwtPainter
     Painter transformation for simple rich texts fixed.
     Applying alpha values, when drawing color bars.

   - QwtPicker
     Work around a Qt bug when creating an event filter inside of an 
     event filter ( calling the event filter twice ).

   - QwtPickerMachine
     Ignoring autorepeated key events.

   - QwtPlotCurve
     Paint order of curve pen and brush inverted ( pen on top of brush ).

   - QwtPlotAbstractBarChart
     Using layoutHint() as minimum sample width in AutoAdjustSamples mode.

   - QwtPlotBarChart/QwtPlotMultiBarChart
     Caluclation of boundingRect() fixed.

   - QwtPlotScaleItem
     Internal cache removed to avoid out of sync situations

   - QwtPlotSpectroCurve
     Losing alpha values from the color map fixed.

   - QwtPlotTextLabel
     No internal caches for record/replay paint devices ( QPicture/QwtGraphic ).

   - QwtRasterData
     Handling of NaN values added, when calculating contour lines.

   - QwtSymbol
     Pin point translations fixed.