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Release 1.0.1

Bug Fixes
1. MSVC compiler issues fixed
2. Install path for the designer fixed
3. Missing signal/slot connections of legendItemClicked/legendItemChecked added
4. Memory leaks fixed
5. Usage of QwtCurveFitter fixed
6. QwtPolarPicker normalization of the displayed tracker position
7. QwtPolarCanvas::invTransform fixed

Release 1.0.0

1. Adopted to Qwt 6.0
2. QwtPolarRenderer introduced
3. QwtPlotSpectrogram
   - paint attributes ( using qwtFastAtan2 )
   - setRenderThreadCount introduced
4. QwtPolarPicker added ( better supported Qwt >= 6.1 )
5) QwtPolarPoint replaced by QwtPointPolar from Qwt
6. Basic support for style sheets

Release 0.1.0

1. Adopted to Qwt 5.2
2. QwtPolarSpectrogram added
3. QwtPolarPlot::layoutChanged() added

Bug Fixes
1. qmake files fixed for DLLs on windows
2. A couple of QWT_EXPORT declarations replaced by QWT_POLAR_EXPORT

Release 0.0.3

1. QwtPolarPlot::renderTo() added for any type of paint device
   F.e. you can print or export a plot to a SVG document.
2. QwtPolarLayout added
   This layout engine is necessary for QwtPolarPlot::renderTo()
3. QwtPolarFitter added
   A simple fitter that adds equidistant points, so that the connections
   of a curve in line mode get "rounded".
4. A couple of workarounds added, to avoid painting bottlenecks.
5. Panning and zoom out have been restricted to plots, that are zoomed in.
6. Designer plugin added

Release 0.0.2

1. GPL replaced by the Qwt License

Release 0.0.1

1. qmake project files fixed