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2011-06-27 Rasqal Version 0.9.26 Released

   Query engine improved with new variable scoping approach that makes
   UNION work better
   Added SPARQL 1.1 query draft support for MD5(), SHA1(), SHA224(),
   SHA256(), SHA384() and SHA512()
   Removed old query engine 1
   Added a method to set the query warning level
   Made other fixes and improvements including fixing reported Issues:
   #0000430, #0000431, #0000436, #0000438, #0000439 and #0000446.

   See the Rasqal 0.9.26 Release Notes for the full details of the

2011-02-22 Rasqal Version 0.9.25 Released

   Added SPARQL 1.1 query draft support for ABS(), CEIL(), FLOOR(),
   RAND(), ROUND() and TZ()
   Added SPARQL 1.1 query draft support for BIND(expr AS ?var)
   Fixed SPARQL 1.1 update draft SILENT with DROP and CLEAR
   Fixed SPARQL 1.1 query draft ENCODE_FOR_URI() to not preserve language
   and datatype of argumnet
   Fixed SPARQL 1.1 query draft GROUP BY to allow an optional AS ?var
   Added an expression evaluation context class to store state for use
   with evaluating expressions
   Fixed triple-quoted literals over-quoting and their use with language
   and datatypes
   Added support for initialising the random seed from system sources or a
   user value via the API
   Fixed several query execution cases
   Query engine now handles NULL as a valid value separate from an error
   Made rasqal_query_set_store_results() actually work
   Fixed Issues #0000421, #0000427 and #0000428.

   See the Rasqal 0.9.25 Release Notes for the full details of the

2011-01-30 Rasqal Version 0.9.24 Released

   Fixed some memory leaks with variables and literals during parsing
   Added SPARQL 1.1 update draft support for: ADD, MOVE and COPY; DELETE
   WHERE { }; CLEAR and DROP with graph application qualifiers; SILENT
   qualifier and using ; to separate multiple operations.

   See the Rasqal 0.9.24 Release Notes for the full details of the

2011-01-27 Rasqal Version 0.9.23 Released

   Fixed parsing of SPARQL 1.1 Update draft INSERT and DELETE to return
   sequences of triples
   Fixed cleanup for syntax errors due to disabled query language features
   Fixed Issues: 0000407 and 0000414, 0000415 and 0000417.

   See the Rasqal 0.9.23 Release Notes for the full details of the

2011-01-12 Rasqal Version 0.9.22 Released

   WARNING: ABI AND API CHANGED in this release. Rasqal 0.9.22 is binary
   incompatible with 0.9.21 or earlier.

   Builds only against Raptor V2 (2.0.0+) from this release
   Added SPARQL 1.1 editor's draft datetime builtins: DAY, HOURS, MINUTES,
   Added SPARQL 1.1 editor's draft string builtins: CONCAT, CONTAINS,
   Added LAQRS datetime extension builtins: NOW / CURRENT_DATETIME,
   Added query language names for SPARQL 1.0, 1.1 Query and Update, 1.1
   Query, 1.1 Update and LAQRS
   Added expression evaluation support for new builtins
   Added an XSD dateTime class and public API
   Added support for reading and writing RDF-encoded query result formats
   in RDF/XML and Turtle / N3
   Many other API additions, removals and changes all described in the
   Rasqal reference manual

   See the Rasqal 0.9.22 Release Notes for the full details of the

2010-12-04 Rasqal Version 0.9.21 Released

   Updated to handle aggregate expression execution as defined by the
   SPARQL 1.1 Query W3C working draft of 14 October 2010
   Executes grouping of results: GROUP BY
   Executes aggregate expressions: AVG, COUNT, GROUP_CONCAT, MAX, MIN,
   Executes filtering of aggregate expressions: HAVING
   Parses new syntax: BINDINGS, isNUMERIC(), MINUS, sub SELECT and
   The syntax format for parsing data graphs at URIs can be explictly
   The roqet utility can execute queries over SPARQL HTTP Protocol and
   operate over data from stdin.
   Added several new APIs
   Fixed Issue: #0000388

   See the Rasqal 0.9.21 Release Notes for the full details of the

2010-08-22 Rasqal Version 0.9.20 Released

   Updated to handle more of the new syntax defined by the SPARQL 1.1
   Query and SPARQL 1.1 Update W3C working drafts of 1 June 2010
   Added execution support for new SPARQL 1.1 query built-in expressions
   Added an 'html' query result table format from patch by Nicholas J
   Added API support for group by HAVING expressions
   Added XSD Date comparison support
   Support building with Raptor V2 API if configured with --with-raptor2.
   Many other bug fixes and improvements were made.
   Fixed Issues: #0000352, #0000353, #0000354, #0000360, #0000374,
   #0000377 and #0000378

   See the Rasqal 0.9.20 Release Notes for the full details of the

2010-02-15 Rasqal Version 0.9.19 Released

   The only change to this release is to fix the pkg-config rasqal.pc file
   to to restore the dependency on raptor which was accidently deleted.
   Lesson learnt: do not commit code after midnight local time.

2010-02-14 Rasqal Version 0.9.18 Released

   Add initial draft parsing and API (NOT execution) support for SPARQL
   1.1 Update W3C Working Draft of 2010-01-26.
   Add public APIs (row, results, result formatter, variables table) so
   that query results can be built, read and written without a query.
   Add API resilience checks for invalid NULL pointer arguments.
   Many other bug fixes and improvements were made.
   Fixed Issues: #0000320, #0000323 #0000343, #0000345 and #0000347

   See the Rasqal 0.9.18 Release Notes for the full details of the

2009-12-16 Rasqal Version 0.9.17 Released

   WARNING: ABI AND API CHANGED in this release. Rasqal 0.9.17 is binary
   incompatible with 0.9.16 or earlier.

   Added a new query engine that implements the SPARQL algebra better
   All constructors now take a rasqal_world argument
   Added LAQRS syntax support for SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COALESCE()
   experimental syntax
   Added query result formatters for CSV, TSV and ASCII tables
   Prefer pkg-config for configuring
   Many resilience and resource failure fixes by Lauri Aalto
   Many other bug fixes and improvements were made
   Fixed Issues: #0000077, #0000128, #0000168, #0000258, #0000261,
   #0000271, #0000279 and #0000305

   See the Rasqal 0.9.17 Release Notes for the full details of the

2008-07-05 Rasqal Version 0.9.16 Released

   WARNING: ABI AND API CHANGED in this release. Rasqal 0.9.16 is
   incompatible with 0.9.15 or earlier.

   Added a rasqal_world object used for all constructor functions
   Removed deprecated functions and macros
   Fixed some memory leaks and made some low-memory resiliance fixes
   Query result sets can be read/written from sparql XML results format
   Improved error syntax error reporting

   See the Rasqal 0.9.16 Release Notes for the full details of the

2007-11-17 Rasqal Version 0.9.15 Released

   Many updates for supporting W3C SPARQL Proposed Recommendation. Passes
   over 92% of the DAWG SPARQL Test Suite.
   Many query engine improvements.
   Substantial improvements to datatypes support and evaluation.
   Many improvements and fixes for use in low-memory situations
   Several new APIs were added including a new XSD decimal class
   Fixed issues: #0000190, #0000191, #0000193, #0000196, #0000197,
   #0000198, #0000199, #0000200, #0000201, #0000203, #0000204, #0000219,
   #0000220, #0000221, #0000225, #0000234, #0000235 and #0000236

   WARNING: ABI AND API CHANGE in Rasqal 0.9.16 which will be incompatible
   with 0.9.15.

   See the Rasqal 0.9.15 Release Notes for the full details of the

2007-04-22 Rasqal Version 0.9.14 Released

   Added syntax and API support but no query engine support for an
   experimental extension to SPARQL: LAQRS: LAQRS Adds to Querying RDF in
   Updated the query results formatter to allow better introspection of
   Updated SPARQL parser for SPARQL Working Draft 2007-03-26 additions.
   Fixed issues: #0000152, #0000156, #0000160, #0000167 and #0000182

   See the Rasqal 0.9.14 Release Notes for the full details of the

2006-10-30 Rasqal Version 0.9.13 Released

   Added a new rasqal_query_results_formatter class
   Query engine now implements SPARQL GRAPH
   Added query features system to set parameters
   Many internal query engine changes (code reorganisation)
   Many bug fixes addressing Issues #0000080, #0000094, #0000095,
   #0000098, #0000100, #0000111, #0000113, #0000118, #0000129, #0000131
   and #0000133.

   See the 0.9.13 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2006-04-30 Rasqal Version 0.9.12 Released

   Added JSON output based on the Serializing SPARQL Query Results in JSON
   Added query writer so you can use rasqal to turn RDQL into SPARQL
   Updated to SPARQL Query Language for RDF W3C Candidate Rec, 6 April
   2006 now accepting all SPARQL syntax
   Requires raptor 1.4.9 or newer.
   Win32 build fixes (John Barstow)
   Many internal code re-organisations

   See the 0.9.12 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2006-01-15 Rasqal Version 0.9.11 Released

   Updated to SPARQL Query Language for RDF W3C Working Draft, 23 November
   2005 making several additions and changes to the syntax and
   Using ordering, distinct and limit with query results now works
   Created an enhanced API reference manual with gtk-doc
   Requires Raptor 1.4.8
   Many updates to the literal and expression handling
   Major internal source code re-organisation
   Many other changes, fixes and improvements.

   See the 0.9.11 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2005-06-09 Rasqal Version 0.9.10 Released

   The query engine now supports sorting query results implementing SPARQL
   ORDER BY (NOTE: duplicate query results are not yet removed)
   SPARQL query language support updated for some recent changes

   See the 0.9.10 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2005-05-19 Rasqal Version 0.9.9 Released

   Updated to SPARQL Query Language for RDF, W3C Working Draft, 19 April
   2005 making widespread changes the syntax.
   Query API extensively added to access more query structure
   Query engine updated including query results limit and offsets
   Updated to the revised SPARQL Query Results XML Format (not yet
   Many other bug fixes and improvements

   See the 0.9.9 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2005-04-10 Rasqal Version 0.9.8 Released

   Updated to SPARQL Query Language for RDF W3C Working Draft of 17
   February 2005
   Added casting to the engine and in SPARQL
   Restructured query engine to be based on a tree of graph patterns
   Constraints now work per-graph pattern
   Added a Data Graph API
   Query engine uses and binds graph names in queries (SPARQL LOAD, FROM
   and GRAPH)
   Expanded the Graph Pattern API

   See the 0.9.8 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2005-02-27 Rasqal Version 0.9.7 Released

   Fix a resource cleanup problem when query results were not fully read
   Fixed some crashes in expression evaluation with invalid types
   Added a graph pattern API to provide full access to the query
   Added query methods to return just bound or all variables
   Some updates for syntax changes of SPARQL Query Language for RDF W3C
   Working Draft of 17 February 2005
   Portability fixes for win32 (Dave Viner)

   See the 0.9.7 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2005-02-06 Rasqal Version 0.9.6 Released

   Added support and API calls for new query result forms graph and
   Added SPARQL CONSTRUCT, ASK result forms
   Added 7 new SPARQL built-in functions
   Allow UTF-8 and Unicode in prefixes and QNames in queries
   Several other changes and bug fixes.

   See the 0.9.6 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2005-01-16 Rasqal Version 0.9.5 Released

   Query engine refactored to execute over graph patterns
   Added support for SPARQL optionals
   Added formatting of query results according to the SPARQL Variable
   Binding Results XML Format, W3C Working Draft, 21 December 2004
   Updated SPARQL to handle syntax changes
   Many other improvements and fixes

   See the 0.9.5 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2004-10-29 Rasqal Version 0.9.4 Released

   Fixed several crashes during query execution
   Fixed some memory leaks when a query failed
   Pass on internal raptor errors to rasqal users.

   See the 0.9.4 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2004-10-25 Rasqal Version 0.9.3 Released

   License changed to LGPL 2.1/Apache 2
   Added initial support for the W3C SPARQL Query Language for RDF,
   2004-10-12 working draft
   Queries can now be executed multiple times
   Portability fixes for building on win32 (Chris Pointon)
   Various roqet utility improvements

   See the 0.9.3 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2004-08-03 Rasqal Version 0.9.2 Released

   Fix casts for C++
   Add win32 skeleton header file
   Fix a memory leak when using redland inside rasqal

   See the 0.9.2 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2004-06-13 Rasqal Version 0.9.1 Released

   Added a query results class separate from the query class and moved all
   the results methods to the new class.
   Made portability fixes for the generated RDQL lexer files

   See the 0.9.1 Release Notes for the full details of the changes.

2004-05-15 Rasqal Version 0.9.0 Released

   First public release.

2003-08-12 Rasqal Version 0.1.0 Released

   Initial web site created. Nothing actually released.

   Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Dave Beckett
   Copyright (C) 2003-2005 University of Bristol