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        *** Symtab 8.0 Release Notes ***

This is the version 8.0 release of the SymtabAPI.  Currently, the API
library is available for ELF platforms (Linux, Solaris, BlueGene), ECOFF (AIX)
and PE platforms (Windows).

Documentation for the Symtab API can be found at:



On Linux, Symtab requires some libraries that are not installed by default
in most distributions.  The first is libelf, which is included with most
distributions and can be installed using the distribution's package manager.
The second is libdwarf.  You can get the latest source code distribution
of libdwarf from http://reality.sgiweb.org/davea/.  RPM files for libdwarf
are also available from various sites.  

Building the SymtabAPI from source

If you downloaded the source distribution of this package, you can
build the SymtabAPI libraries by running "make" in the core directory
(one level up from where this README file is located).  On Unix
platforms, you must use GNU make.  The top-level makefile contains
directives for compiling the Paradyn parallel performance tool, from
which the SymtabAPI was derived.  If you have downloaded only the
SymtabAPI, you will see a number of messages about missing
directories.  These directories are needed only for making Paradyn, so
you should ignore these messages.  If you downloaded the entire
Paradyn distribution, you can make only the API libraries by running
"make SymtabAPI" in the core directory.

Changes since 6.1
- Support for rewriting dynamic binaries on PowerPC/32, PowerPC/64 and BlueGene/P platforms
- Support for rewriting static binaries on x86 and x86_64 platforms
- Speed and space optimizations

This software is derived from the Paradyn system and therefore subject to
the same copyright.  A copy of the Paradyn copyright appears at the end of
this file.

   The Dyninst API Team

----------------------- Start of Paradyn Copyright --------------------------
See the dyninst/COPYRIGHT file for copyright information.

We provide the Paradyn Tools (below described as "Paradyn")
on an AS IS basis, and do not warrant its validity or performance.
We reserve the right to update, modify, or discontinue this
software at any time.  We shall have no obligation to supply such
updates or modifications or any other form of support to you.

By your use of Paradyn, you understand and agree that we (or any
other person or entity with proprietary rights in Paradyn) are
under no obligation to provide either maintenance services,
update services, notices of latent defects, or correction of
defects for Paradyn.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
