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2.0.4 2009-02-21
Added copyright notices and LICENSE file.

2.0.3 2009-02-18
        Added the function ut_root(const ut_unit* unit, int root) to
        return a root of a unit (e.g., "m2/s2" -> "m/s").

2.0.2 2008-12-02
Changed order of calls to ut_set_status() and
ut_handle_error_message() so that the status value is always set
before the error-message handler is called.  This allows error
handlers to determine the cause of the message.

2.0.1 2008-11-13
Added parsing of timestamps that have dashes and colons but also
use "T" (e.g., "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z").

Corrected the regular expressions for matching the character-set
specifier in the udunits2(1) program.

2.0.0 2007-07-18
Initial release.