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Version 3.9.0 (August 29, 2014)
remap: Update usage to -f WCSfile suggested by Steve Willner (2014-02-19)
sethead: Fix bug dealing with setting the same keyword in multiple file extensions
imcat, scat, immatch, imwcs: Implement UCAC4 catalog
fileutil.c: Add next_line() to return one line of file
fitfile.c: fix buffer reallocation bug in fitsrhead()
tabread.c: fix file tests
gsc2read.c and tabread.c: adjust to GSC2.3.3 format

Version 3.8.9 (September 16, 2013)
imcat, imwcs, immatch, scat: Work around SDSS server failure
sdssread.c: Add alternate UK and US catalog servers

Version 3.8.8 (April 30, 2013)
getdate: Add -s option to subtract (or add) days
getdate: Add self-conversion for *JD's
getfits: Print error, not blank file, if requested region is off image
simpos: Update URL for SIMBAD query

Version 3.8.7 (October 31, 2012)
Rename Man to man to avoid problems with Mac OSX file name convention
filedir: If pathname ends in "/", drop last directory
catutil.c:  Skip trailing right bracket in aget*()
dateutil.c:  Unused l0 dropped from jd2lst(); ts2ss from jd2mst()
imio.c:  Fix errors with short and character images in minvec(), maxvec()
wcs.c:  Drop d1 and d2 from wcsdist(); diffi from wcsdist1()
wcs.c:  Drop depwcs; it's in main wcs structure
wcsinit.c: Drop unused variable iszpx; fix bug in latmin assignment
zpxpos.c: Fix code for quadratic near pole

Version 3.8.6 (August 10, 2012)
sumpix: Add options i to print index and e to compute medians
gethead: Call fk425e() instead of fk425()
imcat: Drop declaration of unused fk425e()
imutil.c: Add medpix() and meanpix() to generalize across pixel size
imutil.c: Add medpixi1() and meanpixi1() to handle 8-bit images
imio.c:  Fix 8-bit variables to be unsigned char
ctgread.c: Allow up to 9 magnitudes (/9) instead of 4
catutil.c, polfit.c: Fix xterm computation in polcomp() from + to *

Version 3.8.5 (April 12, 2012)
getdate: Fix string overflow in ts0 assignment (2012-03-27)
gethead: If length of header/file content string is zero, exit with error
sumpix: Improve argument parsing so order doesn't matter (2012-02-01)
matchstar.c: Fix bug in WCSMatch() which miscomputed means
fitsfile.c: Always check first 8 characters of FITS files for "SIMPLE"
imhfile.c: Fix potential overflow in newpixfile assignment (2012-03-27)
imio.c: Change 8-bit pixel values from char to unsigned char

Version 3.8.4 (September 1, 2011)
cphead, keyhead, sethead: Fix overflow bug by increasing size of history from 72 to 128
imgetwcs.c, wcsinit.c, wcs.c, wcs.h, worldpos.c: Add TPV WCS for TAN with PV terms

Version 3.8.3 (August 17, 2011)
getdate: Print hjd in help message instead of jhd
gethead: First column name is FILE_NAME if FILENAME keyword is used (2011-06-29)
gethead: Fix memory leaks (2011-05-19)
gethead: Add -j option to convert RA and Dec to J2000 (2011-05-20)
gethead: Fix -x option for named or unnamed range of extensions (2011-08-12)
gettab: Fix variable name bug so program works!
scat: Fix tab spacing in tmce(2MASS catalog with magnitude errors) (2011-04-21)
imcat,scat,imwcs,immatch: Fix problem with UCAC3 (2011-04-27)
skycoor: Deal with comma in command line input coordinates (2011-04-19)
skycoor: Drop 99 for skipped RA in input list file (2011-08-17)
hget.c: Free allocated memory in strnsrch() to eliminate memory leak
imhfile.c: Free *newpixname* not pixname. (2011-05-20)
ned_cli.c: Declard *d double, not long double, in ned_getdouble() (2011-05-20)
ucacread.c: Find stars when RA is unevenly distributed in a declination zone
ucacread.c: Drop extra formats from printf() (2011-05-20)
wcs.c: Fix wcsfree() so it frees depended-on WCS structures (2011-05-09)
wcsinit.c: Change error() calls to setwcserr()
wcslib.h: Declare undeclared SCAMP subroutine raw-to-pv()

Version 3.8.2 (March 18, 2011)
all: Add support for NOAO ZPX projection with code from Frank Valdes
sethead: Exit with error errflag
fixpix: Increase maximum number of regions from 10 to 100
fixpix: Log number of regions fixed
remap: Keep center sky coordinates if not set on command line
getpix: Fix mean and limits options
getpix: Add -t option for tab separated tables
fixpix: If filling from pixel list file, put file name in header
tmcread.c: Fix 2MASS catalog search bug by adding last star to search
zpxpos.c, wcs.c, wcsinit.c: Add support for NOAO ZPX protection (Frank Valdes)
proj.c: If no PV coefficients in ZPN projection, make it ARC
proj.c: Add code to project SCAMP polynomical TAN
wcsinit.c: Add code to read output from SCAMP (fixed again on 2011-03-18)
ucacread.c: Fix bug reading UCAC3 catalog
wcs.c: Fix bug in wcsc2pix() when using WCSDEP

Version 3.8.1 (May 27, 2010)
scat,imcat: Set GSC2 magnitudes > 90 to 99.99
imwcs, immatch: Fix for catalogs with lots of magnitudes
fixpix: Add -c and -r options to force interpolation direction
gethead: Fix buffer reallocation bug which crashed reading very large headers
gethead: Fix trailing spaces on ASCII file quoted string values
gethead: Fix problems with string value extraction changing ASCII files
skycoor: Use number of decimal places from -n for -r difference if set
wcscon.c: Fix bug in fk524() e-term computation; fix J<->B conversions
catutil.c: Fix bug so searches around the south pole work
fitsfile.c: In fitswhead(), always pad blocks to 2880 bytes with spaces
            and fix bug dealing with large primary headers
wcscon.c: Fix bug in computing the magnitude of the e-terms in fk524() and
          drop ep1 assignment after line 178 in wcsconp()
catutil.c: Add padstring argument to agets() to control trailing spaces
imsetwcs.c: Allocate MAXNMAG instead of actual number of magnitudes

Version 3.8.0 (November 13, 2009)
getcol: Drop parentheses around single column
imcat: Move array allocation to subroutine as suggested by Douglas Burke
imextract: Fix bug which caused command line extension lists to be ignored
scat, imcat, imwcs, immatch: Add UCAC3 astrometric catalog
scat:  Print errors in UCAC2 and UCAC3 positions and proper motions in -t mode
scat,imcat,immatch,imwcs: Fix bug so the HST Guide Star Catalog works again
scat: Fix output of GSC2 without tabs
binread.c, catutil.c: Change moveb() to movebuff()
fitsfile.c: Fix binary table reading; add local moveb()
gscread.c: Fix bug reading region limit table; initialize lengths of FITS table columns
tabread.c: Fix memory leaks found by Douglas Burke
ucac3read.c: Add UCAC3 catalog and add errors to UCAC2 catalog
webread.c: Free allocated pointers before returning
webread.c: Use movebuff() in catutil.c; reverse source/destination pointers and offsets
imsetwcs.c: Print catalog magnitude name in residual header

Version 3.7.9 (September 18, 2009)
sethead, keyhead, cphead, delhead: Fix bug so more images can be processed
    from the command line
sethead: Allow writing to files extracted from multi-extension files if
    XTENSION keyword is still present
xy2sky: Add line of documentation for -h
catutil.c: In RefLim(), set RA range to 360 degrees if a pole is included

Version 3.7.8 (August 17, 2009)
imwcs: Fix bugs when matched stars wrap around RA=0:00 or have the same
       image position
nedpos: Do not print name unless asked to
scat: Print four magnitudes for GSC2 catalog; they have dropped Tycho B
skycoor: Fix sign error in RA difference in -a position angle computation
skybotread.c: Add flag to skip comets and save time
getpix: Assume floating point coordinates to be x,y instead of RA,Dec

Version 3.7.7 (April 9, 2009)
simpos: Put back -i option which seemed to have disappeared
simpos: Use webbuff() modification below to get to temporary URL
imsize: Set dimensions from IMAGEW and IMAGEH if NAXIS=0 and WCSAXIS>0
imextract: Fix but so it doesn't crash if no line/image specified
imrot: Add -n option to force extension number in output file name
scat,imcat,imwcs,immatch: Upgrade web access to SDSS catalog from DR6 to DR7
scat: Add degrees=[yes|no] to CGI interface
gethead: Increase default multi-line IRAF keyword value buffer to 20000
webread.c: Add handling of 30* URL forwarding to webbuff()
wcsinit.c: Fix bug setting dimensions of image if NAXISi not present
imgetwcs.c: Set dimensions from IMAGEW and IMAGEH if NAXIS=0 and WCSAXIS>0
sdssread.c: Upgrade web access to SDSS catalog to DR7 from DR6

Version 3.7.6 (December 1, 2008)
skycoor: Add -t command to subtract times
getdate: fix local sidereal time (*2lst, *2mst)
imhead: Do not output extra block if length is exact number of 2880-byte blocks (2008-12-01)
dateutil.c: Use IAU 2006 nutation for sidereal time computations
dateutil.c: Add ang2hr(), ang2deg(), deg2ang(), and ang2hr() to
            convert betweem decimal floating point degrees and
            vigesimal hours or degrees
dateutil.c: Fix local sidereal time computation (2008-10-08)
tnxpos.c: Fix image to world coordinate system transformation and
          WCS to image transformation
tnxpos.c: Fix tnxpos() for null correction case (2008-09-17)
gsc2read.c: Read GSC2 catalog from STScI CASB instead of GALEX
fitsfile.c: In fitswhead(), do not write error if correct number of bytes written

Version 3.7.5 (July 1, 2008)
getcol: Fix bug so columns are compared if both conditions are integer
imrot: Fix bug so x and y shifts occur even if one is zero; fix WCS modification
fitsfile.c: Do not append primary header if it is the only one

Version 3.7.4 (May 28, 2008)
cphead: Clean up code to make sure numeric variables for formatted correctly
getfits: Make TNX WCS of extracted file dependent on PLATE WCS
imsize: Add option to print the FITS format date of the image; drop quotes
isfits: New program to detect whehter or not a string is the name of a FITS file
fitsfile.c: Allow FITS files without FITS or FTS in name to have extensions
wcsinit.c: Call tnxinit() before any projection calls are made

Version 3.7.3 (March 20, 2008)
sethead: Return error code =0 normally, 1 and printed message if problem
filename:  Add -n option to keep directory with "." and allow more than one -r command
sethead: Add -x and -d options to specify extensions and root directory
gethead: Fix handling of filenames in list with -x extensions

Version 3.7.2 (December 31, 2007)
getdate: Fix bug so the -t time-only flag works with all 2fd options
gethead,imsize,wcshead: Allow range of extensions or "all" after comma in filename
getpix: Read list of pixel coordinates using @filename
scat: Fix bug so limit flag(s) match appropriate magnitude(s)
fitsfile.c: Skip over binary tables in multiextension FITS files
tmcread.c: Shift position of magnitude flags in 2MASS catalog with errors by one
ubcread.c: Expand zone searches by one star at each end
webread.c: Fix chunk reading code which worked in Solaris but failed in Linux

Version 3.7.1 (November 9, 2007)
fixpix: Fix bug reading coordinates from file found by Saurabh Jha
keyhead: Rewrite code implementing -r value assignment so it always works
nedpos,nedname: Programs from NED for retrieving positions for objects and
names for positions which were modified to work with WCSTools several years
ago have now been rewritten for portability and added to the WCSTools
release.  nedpos works like simpos, but has more options.
simpos,nedpos: Options for input file of object names and output tab-separated
tables have been added.
findstar.c: Trim section parsing fixed
imgetwcs.c: Return NULL wcs pointer if no wcs in header

Version 3.7.0 (August 30, 2007)
imcat,scat: Add option to list minor planets in field using SkyBot service
scat: Add mrad=search radius in arcminutes to cgi-bin parameters
scat: Add number checking to cgi-bin parameter parsing
skycoor: Fix bugs computing position angles with -a
gethead: Fix bug which screwed up sexigesimal data when -ndec was used
imstack: Add -m option to make IRAf multispec file headers
imstack: Fix bug so output on PCs is in correct byte order
skybotread.c: New subroutines to access SkyBot over the web
ucacread.c: Improve byte-swap check so it works in all cases, not all but one
hput.c: Fix bug which could drop quote when adding comment to string value
hput.c, hget.c: Deal with missing quotes in header without crashing
webread.c: Add space2tab() to use scat-based catalog server at NOAO
Set TMC_PATH or UB1_PATH to http://archive.tuc.noao.edu/cgi-bin/scat to use it.

Version 3.6.9 (July 9, 2007)
cphead: Add -a option to copy entire header from first file to second and others
imstar: Fix magnitude offset so it works if 20 < offset < 90
scat: Fix GSC2 and other formats
xy2sky: Fix headings for radecsys and epoch columns in tab table output
delhead: Add -c option to delete blank COMMENTs and -o to overwrite files
         Delete IRAF-style multi-line keywords
wcsinit.c: Ignore axes with TAB WCS for rotation matrix
ty2read.c: Skip stars with no positions, only magnitudes; print error message

Version 3.6.8 (April 11, 2007)
getcol: Fix arithmetic combination of columns
imrotate, immatch: Add -w to not rotate WCS keywords with image
imrotate: Add -e to delete WCS keywords in output
imstar: Add -g to not rotate WCS keywords if image is rotated
imwcs: Add -q w to not rotate initial WCS keywords if image is rotated using -r
wcshead: Add -d argument to use a single root directory and deal with
         incomplete WCS, especially for spectra
gsc2read.c: Read catalog from STScI MAST GALEX archive if gsc2, CASB if gsc22,23
hget.c: Initial header length to zero in hlength() if lhead argument <= 0
tnxpos.c: Fix bug so it doesn't crash
wcs.c:  In wcstype(), set to WCS_PIX if CTYPEi starts with "DET"
wcs.c: In wcspset(), use correct cdelts when converting PC matrix to CD matrix
wcsinit.c: Fix bug so RA, DEC, SECPIX can be used to set a WCS

Version 3.6.7 (January 18, 2007)
bincat: Make catalog binning finally work right
sethead: Allow multiple keywords to be set from single line input file
wcshead: Add -n argument to set number of decimal points in CRVALi
simpos: Fix parsing problem which returned erroneous results for low-RA objects
wcs.h: Fix and add ANSI C prototypes
fitsfile.h, fitshead.h, wcscat.h: Add ANSI C prototypes
wcsinit.c: Change WCS letter argument from char to char* in wcsinitc(),wcsninitc()
findstar.c, imrotate.c: Include fitsfile.h instead of fitshead.h and imio.h
hget.c: Change WCS letter argument from char to char* in hget*c()
hget.c: Declare header and keyword const char in most subroutines
hput.c: Declare keyword and value const in most subroutines
hput.c: Fix to return integer seconds from ra2str() and dec2str() when requested
imio.c: Include fitsfile.h instead of imio.h
catutil.c,fileutil.c: Move token parsing subroutines from catutil.c to fileutil.c
imio.h: Drop because all declarations are in fitsfile.h
wcslib.h: Drop semicolon at end of c++ ifdef
wcslib.h: Drop second declaration of SZP subroutines
polfit.c: Move into catutil.c
Many smaller fixes were made so that standard C profiles work

Version 3.6.6 (November 6, 2006)
getdate: Add sidereal time conversions
imcat,scat: Fix SDSS returned data and ID number output
imwcs: Add -q b option to speed up star matching
remap: Check for output image off-scale as well as input image
remap: Fix bug setting scale
sethead: Do not read image unless header size in 2880-byte blocks is increased
sethead: Increase header buffer size when next keyword exceeds current length
skycoor: No longer print " degrees" if output in degrees
Allow right ascension and declination strings up to 31 characters everywhere
In wcsinit.c and wcscon.c, set projection to XY if units are pixels
ubcread.c: Fix header for nstarmax<1 output from ubcread()

Version 3.6.5 (July 5, 2006)
conpix: Add option to take base 10 log of entire image
edhead: Use mkstemp() instead of compiler-maligned tempnam()
scat: Print catalog object name if no number in single line search responses
imcat,immatch,imwcs,scat: Add support for SKYMAP 2000 catalog for wide fields
imcat,immatch,imwcs: Print catalog object name if no number
imsmooth,imresize: Write summary of operation to header
gethead: Fix bug which dropped trailing zeroes from strings
imrot,imsmooth: Deal with .ms.fits as a single extension
remap: Fix bug when adding to existing images
wcsinit: initialize 9x9 PC matrices; handle up to 9 axes for PC matrix
delwcs,delhead: Add -b option to leave blank lines in place of deleted keywords
hput.c: Fix alignment of comments in hputc() and hputcom(); add strfix()
ctgread.c,tabread.c: Add match argument to tabrnum() for sequential reads
Initialize uninitialized variables throughout package

Version 3.6.4 (May 8, 2006)
cphead: Fix bug so WCS headers copy correctly
gethead: Always underscore-pad not-tab null returns; make -a work correctly
gethead: Keep quoted strings as single value when reading free-format files
getcol: Count tokens on first line  with -k even if no columns are specified
imcat: Add second argument to -r to vary radii of PROS regions with magnitude
imcat,imwcs,immatch: Set image epoch from DATE-OBS or MJD-OBS, not EPOCH
scat,imcat,imwcs,immatch: Update SDSS access to DR4
scat,imcat: Add option to sort by ID number
scat: Fix bug so Hipparcos Catalog search returns magnitudes and parallax
scat: Clean up VOTable reporting
sethead: Fix _ substitution in COMMENT and HISTORY setting
imfill: New program to fill in bad pixels in an image; add IMFILL keyword
imsmooth: New program to smooth an image
imhead,imrot: Add +i to force appending of primary header keywords to FITS
extension headers.
imwcs,immatch: Set output image coordinate decimal places using nxydec=n
imhead, imsize, xy2sky, sky2xy, gethead: Read from fITS headers appended to
GIF, JPEG, or TIFF image files
sky2xy: Use -n number of decimal places when reading from file, too

binread.c: Fix bug so magnitudes are read when J2000 is set by negating the
           number of magnitudes
catutil.c:  Clean up VOTable code
catutil.c:  Return number of fields from vothead()
dateutil.c: Drop declarations of unused variables
fileutil.c: Add istiff(), isjpeg(), isgif() to check TIFF, JPEG, GIF files
filter.c:   Add subroutines to shrink an image
filter.c:   Add subroutines for Gaussian smoothing/filling
findstar.c: Add nxydec=num. decimal places in image coordinates to setparm()
            minpeak=num now sets minimum star counts above background
fitsfile.c: Add fitsrtail() to read FITS headers from end of non-FITS image
            files.  In fitsrhead(), add file name to all error messages
            Drop declarations of unused variables
imio.c:     Fix bug of occasional double application of bscale in getvec()
            Clean up arithmetic and increment in addpix() and multpix()
imsetwcs.c: Allow number of decimal places in image coordinates to be set
imutil.c: Add subroutines to filter, fill, or resize an image and reset its header
lwcs.h: Add NXYDEC to set default number of decimal places in image coordinates
sdssread.c: Change default URL's to search to SDSS DR4 site
sortstar.c: Add subroutines to sort by ID number
wcs.c       Drop declarations of unused variables
wcsinit.c:  Get Epoch of observation from MJD-OBS or DATE-OBS/UT unless DSS
            Set wcs->naxes to actual number of image WCS axes, usually 2
webread.c: Make changes so SDSS DR4 is processed correctly
           Multiply max stars for ESO search by fudge factor to get all;
           stars outside of box are returned (but not by scat in the end)

Version 3.6.3 (January 6, 2006)
scat: Fix bug reading sequence from catalog.  Clean up alignment of epoch
and velocity columns.  Search correctly with precessed center
scat, imcat: add 2MASS and Tycho-2 with magnitude errors.
imrot: Add option to flip image around horizontal axis
imrot: Add -p option to turn a negative image into a positive one
imstack: Fix bug which caused extra linefeeds
delhead: Fix bug which incorrectly padded with spaces when head is shrunk
getcol: Put line count on same line as mean or median values; add range of lines
wcscon.c: Fix bugs in rotation matrix computation for precession

Version 3.6.2 (July 29, 2005)
gethead, delhead: Deal correctly with large numbers of keywords
gethead: format one-per-line output to be read as input by sethead
getcol: Fix calls to gettoken() so they work in Linux
imextract: Fix bug to extract 1 dimension from 2D files
imsize: Fix recent bug which reversed size in height and width
imsize: Make -d option give center and size in degrees
getpix: Add -d for range and -m for mean value of pixels
scat: Add dateform command line parameter to set output epoch format
imgetwcs.c: Set limits correctly around RA=0
wcs.c: In wcsrange(), compute limits correctly around RA=0
Clean up unused variables everywhere using lint

Version 3.6.1 (May 31, 2005)
imwcs, imcat, immatch: Exit with error message if no catalog is specified
isrange, isnum: Improve self-documentation of these existing programs and
  add them to the official "wcstools" command list of programs
skycoor: Fix bug which infinitely looped on header in verbose mode and
fix bug found by Daniela Doneve which failed to convert correctly from
non-1950 B  and non 200 J coordinates in files.  Also add -f argument
to avoid @ in windows command lines.
imextract: Fix bug which prevented 2D extraction from data cubes.
All programs: Add "WCSTools" to version/help heading
wcscon.c: Replace all sla_lib subroutines with local ones

Version 3.6.0 (March 17, 2005)
sethead: Fix bug when number of keywords set from file exceeded 50
sethead: Add -m num command to reset max number of keywords changed
imhead: Don't do anything if not FITS or IRAF file
wcs.c: Fix bug in wcsrotset() so angles > 360 are set to angle - 360, not 360
fitsfile.c: Make isfits() more robust by using unbuffered I/O

Version 3.5.9 (January 20, 2005)
delhead: Fix bug which occurred when large number of keywords deleted
imsize: Fix bug which crashed program if filename extension was uppercase
ucacread.c: Fix bug in ucacrnum()
imgetwcs.c: Fix bug in GetFITSWCS() which gave bad answers for reversed axes

Version 3.5.8 (December 3, 2004)
scat.c: Fix main loop so it works correctly for one-line output
scat.c: Fix main loop so it works correctly for multiple-line output
wcs.c: Keep wcs->rot between 0 and 360 degrees
tmcread.c: Fix 2MASS problem when searching across north pole
tabread.c: Accept SpT and spt as spectral types before *type*

Version 3.5.7 (October 20, 2004)
imwcs, immatch, imcat: Fix catalog search problems when working around RA=0:00
imwcs, immatch, imstar: Add 0 shift arguments to RotFITS call
newfits: Add -w option to transfer WCS from one FITS file to a new one
remap: Fix (now) verbose mode message if writing, not overwriting, to named file
scat: do not print anything if no stars are found unless in verbose mode or
providing VOTable output.
webread.c: Do not print server messages unless in verbose mode
imrotate.c: Fix bug when reading CRPIX from header to reset WCS
hput.c: Avoid writing negative zero values into image headers
wcs.c: Keep RA/Long between 0 and 360 in pix2wcs() and fix bug in wcsfull()
fitsutil.c: Drop next_token() to avoid name conflict
gsc2read.c: Fix bug converting search box to search radius for web query

Version 3.5.6 (September 3, 2004)
remap: Add -t num option to split each output pixel in num in each dimension,
  taking mean of num x num samples from input image
scat: Print error message and exit if no catalog found (instead of hanging).
sethead: Add option to add, subtract, multiply, or divide a constant
  to or from a  keyword value.
Clean up code in libwcs subroutines (mostly declaring undeclared subroutines)
fitsfile.c: If SIMPLE=F, read "image" data based on file size - header, and
write data based on the NBDATA keyword.
catutil.c: Parse up to 1000 columns instead of 100 in setoken()
hput.c:  Fix bug so comments are not pushed onto next line if value lengthens

Version 3.5.5 (July 19, 2004)
delhead, delwcs, imwcs: keep blank lines when deleting keywords from
multi-extension FITS headers
sethead,delhead,keyhead,edhead: Change first image extension if multiple
extensions and no extension is specified.
wcshead: Print header when first line printed, not only if first file, and
print ___ for missing WCS information
hget.c: Read D, d, E, and e as exponent delimiters in floating point values
hput.c: Add setheadshrink() and change hdel() to optionally keep a blank
line at the end of a FITS header when a keyword is deleted.

Version 3.5.4 (May 19, 2004)
delhead, keyhead, sethead: Add ability to overwrite multi-extension headers.
scat: Exit with error message and menu if no catalog is given

Version 3.5.3 (April 30, 2004)
getcol: Add % option to format output a column at a time.
getcol, gettab, cphead: Fix bug which removed trailing zeroes from exponents of values returned
getdate: Fix sky position entry for heliocentric times
getfits:  Delete NAXISn for n > 2 in output image
gethead: Deal with lower case e and d in exponents of values returned.
imextract: Add -s option to ease setting of character string keyword values.
scat: Add option to search catalogs by date alone.
getpix: Fix handling of 0 0 for entire image.
remap: Return error on failure of any memory allocation
ctgread.c: Add ctgrdate() to allow searches of catalogs by date
hget.c: Use strncsrch() in hget.c to get differently-cased keywords.
ty2read.c: Read either CDROM with CRLF lines or CDS with LF lines

Version 3.5.2 (March 17, 2004)
Fix catalog subroutine argument problems found by Richard Mathar of Max Planck
Add support for 2MASS extended source catalog and access to Sloan Survey catalog
Add -u option to remap to delete distortion keywords from output file header
Fix scat catalog merging using -s e flag
Fix 2MASS Catalog search algorithm
Fix blank pixel implementation in remap; add -s to BSCALE input and output
Fix remap to write multiple input files to a single output file
In remap do not rescale pixels if unnecessary
Add pixel shifts to imrot
In worldpix() in worldpos.c, allow ra/long to exceed 180 if reference
pixel is more than 180 degrees from image (1,1).

Version 3.5.1 (December 5, 2003)
scat: Fix bugs in tabbed single-line search output
cphead: Initialize previously uninitialized variable (infile)
Change p[0,1,2] initializations to p[1,2,3] in wcsinit.c to match proj.c
This affects constants for AZP,SIN,COP,COE,COD,COO,SZP,CEA,CYP,AIR,BON in
all programs which convert between WCS and image coordinates.
*read.c: Add tab after declination dashline (-----) for -n -1 output.
Add wcs->naxes to wcs structure for backward compatibility
Fix bug in DelWCSFITS() which caused problems when imwcs -e used.
Fix bug in numdec() to return 0 if no digits after decimal point

Version 3.5.0 (November 22, 2003)
bincat: New program to create an image out of a catalog or a portion thereof
cphead: Add -w option to copy all WCS keywords;
        Rcopy same number of decimal places as are in input header
scat: add option to search an annular region by specifying a range in -r
scat: Add option to merge catalog objects within specified separation set by -r
scat,imcat: Add object class to GSC2 output
sub1: Fix bug which failed to find any stars in regions with certain centers
gethead: Fix bug which dropped last zero of exponent in values
getpix: Fix bug so 0 works as substitute for 1-NAXISn on command line
imextract: Fix bugs to deal with 3D images
skycoor: add -a option to compute the position angle between two coordinates
wcs.h: Change wcs->naxes to wcs->naxis to prepare for WCSLIB 3.*
iget.c, wcsinit.c and fitshead.h: Rename mgets() to mgetstr() in
hget.c:  Add numdec() to return number of decimal places in numeric string
imhread.c: In iraf2fits() and irafrimage(), use image, not physical, dimensions.
In iraf2fits(), set NAXISi to image dimensions, NPAXISi to physical dimensions.
wcs.c: Fix bugs in wcsfull().
distort.c, wcsinit.c, wcs.c: Move all distortion-related code to distort.c and
include unistd.h.
lin.c: Include stdlib.h instead of malloc.h
matchstar.c: Drop malloc.h from matchstar.c
*read.c: Add radi argument for inner radius of annulus if rad is set and
         radi is greater than zero.  Add *bin() subroutines for image filling.
         Move proper motion margin and wrap computation to RefLim()
catutil.c: Add arguments for catalog epoch, proper motion margin, and wrap
         flag to RefLim().  Deal with search around pole in RefLim(), too.
imh.c: Read images to image dimension (IM_LEN), not physical dimension
ubcread.c: Fix bug in ubcsra(), which failed to iterate enough to find
           closest stars
distort.c: Moved all distortion-related code to this file, added 3 subroutines
ucacread.c: Fix byte swap test in ucacopen() so it works on Linux
matchstar.c, lin.c: Do not include malloc.h; it is part of stdlib.h
webread.c: Rewrite buffer reallocation code to require fewer and avoid hanging

Version 3.4.2 (August 21, 2003)
sethead, edhead, keyhead: Deal correctly with images with more than 2 dimensions
imstack: Add -x name option to create multi-extension FITS file
scat: Allow sorting of sources found by range of ID numbers
remap: Add -f name to use WCS from existing FITS file and -n num to set the
value of output pixels with no value from the input image.
fitsfile.c: Clean up use of primary header; add ROOTEND to secondary headers
ty2read.c: Increase maximum number of regions to search from 100 to 1000
fitsrfull(): new subroutine in fitsfile.c to read n-dimensional FITS file.

Version 3.4.1 (July 28, 2003)
gethead: Allow root directory for text as well as image files in list file
getdate: Fix bugs so FITS date conversions read both date and time
imextract: Fix extraction of 2-D images from 3-D images
sky2xy: Initialize both sysout and eqout to 0 so defaults work (Takehiko Wada)
skycoor: Fix bug in verbose mode of -r and give RA diff in sky arcsec
tmcread.c: Fix limiting magnitude flag; it wasn't working
dateutil.c: Add code to convert FITS dates as yyyy/mm/dd as well as yyyy-mm-dd
imgetwcs.c: Fix bug setting secpix if not on command line (Takehiko Wada)

Version 3.4.0 (June 9, 2003)
scat, imcat: Print both RA and Dec proper motion as mas/year
scat, imcat: Add support for 2MASS All-Sky release as well as IDR2
scat, imcat: Add support for UCAC2 beta all-sky proper motion catalog
scat: Fix -rr command so it works
tmcread.c, catutil.c: Add support for 2MASS All-Sky release as well as IDR2
wcsinit.c: Add partial support for IRAF ZPX projection (if converted from ZPN)
wcsinit.c: Fix bug which reinitialized coefficients set by PROJP
ucacread: Add support for UCAC2 format

Version 3.3.4 (May 8, 2003)
scat, imcat: Add output formatting for UCAC1
sky2xy: Add command line specification of FITS WCS parameters for imageless use
getfits: Fix bug which did not pass arguments to main subroutine
ucacread.c: New subroutines to read the USNO UCAC 1.0 astrometric catalog
catutil.c: Modify subroutines for UCAC1
wcsinit.c: Read PROJP0 (for ZPN projections)
wcs.h: Add two missing semicolons in C++ declarations

Version 3.3.3 (April 15, 2003)
scat, imcat, immatch, imwcs: Set library revision message using setrevmsg()
catutil.c: Add new subroutines setrevmsg() and getrevmsg() to use constant revmessage
*read.c: Get version/date string from getrevmsg() instead of main constant RevMsg
ubcread.c: Fix proper motion bug; RA pm is now multiplied by cos(dec)

Version 3.3.2 (April 7, 2003)
xy2sky,sky2xy: Add -o option to print only RA or Dec or x or y
wcsinit: Add distortion initialization to wcsinit()
wcs.c: Add distortion initialization to wcstype() and calls to pix2wcs() and wcs2pix()
distort.c: New subroutines pix2foc() and foc2pix() to correct spatial distortion
between the image and the focal plane

Version 3.3.1 (March 27, 2003)
getdate: Add Heliocentric Julian Date and Modified Heliocentric Julian Date, RA,Dec args
scat: Fix bug which failed to read PPM catalog proper motions
scat: Debug separate search, catalog, and output coordinate system implementation
imcat: Deal correctly with rotated images
gethead: If null keyword value and padding on, print ___
newfits: Fix bug which wrote CTYPEn without quotes. Set default reference pixel
  to correct center of image (was off one-half pixel)
Catalog subroutines: Check regions exactly in search, not catalog, coordinates
getdate and dateutil.c: Add conversions to and from heliocentric Julian date

Version 3.3.0 (February 6, 2003)
scat,imcat,imwcs,immatch: Add support for USNO-B1.0 Catalog including minid and minpmq
scat: add argument ndec=n to set number of decimal places in output
sethead: fix bug parsing files of settings with quotes
gethead: initialize some uninitialized variables
ubcread.c: Add new subroutines to deal with USNO-B1.0 Catalog
tabread.c: Deal with proper motion in catalogs by enlarging search boxes
ty2read.c: include math.h because of use of fabs()
gsc2read.c: Fix bug so imwcs works with GSC II search results
proj.c: Use local copysgn() and copysgni() instead of (sometimes) system copysign
Change fopen option from "r" to "rb" in all binary-reading subroutines
so WCSTools will work under Windows

Version 3.2.1 (January 7, 2003)
delhead: Fix bug so arbitrary number of keywords can be deleted
xy2sky: Fix fatal bug in tab output from file, and ignore commented out input
file lines
wcsinit.c: Read PVi_0 for ZPN projection; initialize PVi_j only once

Version 3.2.0 (December 6, 2002)
getfits: New program to extract part of a FITS image preserving WCS
getdate: Add sidereal time conversion; fix bug in -now option
imsize: Fix bug which caused segv crash on Linux and OS/X
scat: Add VOTable output option (sr=degrees over web or -tt)
scat: Fix several minor bugs dealing with returned star counts and formats
scat: Add -n -1 option to ACT and Tycho-2 catalogs
scat: Add filtering by epoch of entry using -y y1,y2 option
sethead: Never overwrite a multiextension FITS file
setpix: Rewrite code so arbitrary number of ranges of pixels can be set
sumpix: Add -l option to print range and allow summing over entire image
catutil.c: Add VOTable header and trailer subroutines vothead() and vottail()
dateutil.c: Add sidereal time conversion
wcsinit.c: Fix subroutine calls for radial velocity and pole latitude
wcsinit.c: Fix computation of center pixel in image for default ref.  pixel
ctgread.c: Change UZC format from /f to /u; add /f for fractional hrs and deg

Version 3.1.3 (August 30, 2002)
scat: Fix bug which broke USNO-A catalog reading by number; fix UJC mag. bug.
scat and imcat: Print all available magnitudes in BINARY, ASCII and TABTABLE
catalogs and search catalogs to improve mergeability.
imwcs: Add -q n to increase number of parameters to be fit.
getcol: Read multiple files; add option to print pathname; add option to ignore comments
gethead: Ignore / if reading to end of line with -l in free-form files
getdate: Add option to convert files of date/time strings and ET conversion
imwcs: Set center and scale from prematched stars if not set on command line.
skycoor: If no coordinate system given, assume input and output both J2000
imio.c: Fix bug in getvec() which crashed when using scaled pixels
fileutil.c: Return 1 if file is stdin from isfile()
dateutil.c: Add conversion to and from ET/TDT/TT ephemeris time

Version 3.1.2 (July 8, 2002)
getdate: Fix command line parsing to handle negative (BCE) dates correctly
dateutil: Fix handling of negative years
dateutil: Fix fixdate() to leave in fractional seconds correctly

Version 3.1.1 (June 26, 2002)
gethead,imsize: Add -x option to specify FITS extensions for file list
gethead: Add -s option to drop space padding in tab-separated tables
getpix: Add -s option to print x y value lines without punctuation
imcat: Add back -a option to set a WCS rotation angle
wcshead: Add option to print rest wavelength limits using VELOCITY
hget.c: Fix bugs in hgetsc(), hgeti4c(), and hgetr8c()
wcsinit.c: If no WCS is present for a specified letter, return error.
wcsinit.c: Save name and letter of WCS in WCS data structure
tnxpos.c, iget.c, hget.c: Fix bugs dealing with multiple line keywords
so IRAF TNX projection works again.

Version 3.1.0 (April 12, 2002)
Implement WCSLIB 2.9
scat: Add web query sr= option for search radius in degrees
scat: Fix implementation of velocities in TDC binary catalogs
imcat,scat,imwcs,immatch: select any magnitude for sorting and limits (number or letter)
imcat: Fix bug so characters other than circles can be plotted
binread.c: Fix object name and velocity code
ty2read.c: Fix bug so magnitudes limits are used correctly
wcslib.c: Fix bug in WCSLIB 2.8.2 wcs.c code
wcsinit.c: Support PV entry of constants and PCi_j rotation matrices
wcs.c and wcsinit.c: Support inversion of multiple WCSs
hget.c: Add hgetri4c(), hgetr8c(), and hgetsc() for multiple WCS handling
edhead.c, fixpix.c, addpix.c, setpix.c, subpix.c, conpix.c, gettab.c,
newfits.c, imstack.c, imextract.c, remap.c, getcol.c, and getdate.c:
getcol: Add -g for medians of absolute values of selected columns,
-j for means of absolute values of selected columns,  -q for mean of
selected columns added in quadrature, and -x for ignorable value.
tnxpos.c: Fix bug parsing parameter strings with ddd. in them
Fix minor bugs found by True Unix C compiler

Version 3.0.7 (March 4, 2002)
gethead: Add -l option to return values to end of line
gettab:  Improve line range implementation
imcat and scat: Print spectral type for TDC format catalogs, if present
keyhead: Add time and angle conversions for 2dF keyword changes and
sethead and keyhead: Add -l command to log files as they are processed
catutil.c: Fix agets() to work with keywords at start of line
catutil.c: Add option in agets() to return value to end of line or /
tmcread.c: Fix catalog name in web access
wcscon.c: Fix precession units problem in ecl2fk5() and fk52ecl()
wcsinit.c: Add XPIXSIZE/YPIXSIZE (KPNO) as additional image scale keywords

Version 3.0.6 (January 24, 2002)
imwcs, immatch: Allow arbitrary argument order on command line
imwcs: After first pass, use WCS and tolerance for matching, if possible
imwcs: set minimum number of matches to cut matching loop (minmatch=value)
       (default 40)
       and minimum number of stars for WCS fit (minstars=value) (default 3)
imcat: Add -y to set epoch of image
scat, imcat, skycoor: accept fractional year or FITS date for epoch
scat: If RA search size is given, divide by cos(dec) for true arcseconds
scat, imcat, imwcs, immatch: Improve error reporting
getcol:  Add sum, mean, sigma for hh:mm:ss and dd:mm:ss entries
  Add -e option to print medians of values in selected columns
  Add -f option to print ranges of values in selected columns
  Add -p option to print only sum, mean, sigma, or range, not entries
  Ignore non-numeric values for sums, means, ranges, and medians
gettab: Fix bugs to deal with conditions correctly
skycoor: Add -o argument to offset coordinates by arcseconds
xy2sky: Add option to prepend RA and Dec to input tab table (-a -t) for output
conpix: Use random() instead of drand48() for portability
imrot, imwcs, immatch, imstar: Fix rotation of 8-bit images
imstar: Add istat=0 option to avoid recomputing noise; improve code
sethead: Add options to add comments to keywords from files and command line
sethead: Allow use of stdin for input of keyword assignments
sethead: Add -s to set character used for spaces in argument strings
wcsinit.c: Use WCSDIM for number of axes if NAXIS is zero or absent
ctgread.c: Fix Tycho-2 call argument error so scat, imcat, imwcs, immatch work
matchstar.c: Try matching with current WCS before trying all possible offsets.
uacread.c, gscread.c: Include math.h
lin.c: Include stdlib.h instead of malloc.h for portability
imio.c: Add 8-bit to 8-bit transfers to movepix()
tabread.c: Fix initialization problems in header reading subroutine tabhgetc()

Version 3.0.5 (September 27, 2001)
Implement WCSLIB 2.7
Fix bugs in tabread() which didn't appear on Solaris, but did on Linux and Alpha Unix
Fix bugs in gethead in printing values from free format ASCII files
Add magnitude name to heading limit specification
hget.c: Fix bug in str2dec() which misinterpreting strings with leading spaces
hget.c: Fix bug in isnum() which caused bad answer if trailing spaces
scat,imcat,immatch,imwcs: USNO-A2.0 and HST-GSC catalogs now available over web
webread.c: Debug code to use ESO USNO-A2.0 and GSC servers
ctgread.c: Fix bug dealing with radial velocities

Version 3.0.4 (September 19, 2001)
imwcs, imcat, scat, immatch: rewritten to deal with arbitrary numbers of mags
imcat, scat: -s command now allows sorting by RA, Dec, and Mag(n), X, and Y
imwcs, immatch: -k command selects magnitude for reference star selection
hget.c: Decode yyyy/mm/dd as a date string in hgetdate()
webread.c: free all memory which is allocated
tmcread.c: flag magnitudes with rd_flag indicating high uncertainty
sortstar.c: modified to handle arbitrary numbers of magnitudes and specified
            sort magnitude
*read.c: arguments include single 2-D magnitude array and sort magnitude

Version 3.0.3 (August 24, 2001
sethead: Fix bug which failed to assign FITS or IRAF filenames to keywords
scat: Pass on velocities from TDC ASCII and Starbase catalogs
ctgread.c, tabread.c: Deal with velocities and object names better

Version 3.0.2 (August 2, 2001)
imwcs: Allow less than three star matches if only 1 or 2 parameters fit

Version 3.0.1 (July 25, 2001)
xy2sky: Add -x argument to specify columns for x,y, -m for magnitude column,
and -c for file containing magnitude calibration polynomial
immatch: Add -q argument to fit image magnitude to catalog magnitude polynomial
imstar: Return image instrumental magnitudes instead of flux
getcol: Fix bug so that stdin can be used for input file
scat: Fix various web access bugs
binread.c: Fix bug so that catalogs not in specified directories can be found
imsetwcs.c: Add code to fit image magnitudes to catalog magnitudes
polfit.c: New file with polynomial fitting and evaluation subroutines

Version 3.0 (July 12, 2001)
scat, imcat, imwcs, immatch: Add support for GSC II, GSC-ACT and 2MASS Point
Source Catalogs
scat, imcat:  Add parallax to Hipparcos catalog output and 4 fluxes to
IRAS Point Source output
scat: Add help to web interface
delwcs.c: Add PC matrix to keywords deleted
getcol.c: Add -b to read vertical-bar-separated columns to include spaces
and -i to read tab-separated tables correctly
gethead.c: Add -g for keyword=val<lf> and print same way if -v
gettab.c: Create output tab tables from stdin without crashing
imcat.c: Add option to set regions in pixels as well as arcseconds
remap.c: Set default center to center of output image, not input; deal with
projection changes correctly
scat.c: Rewrite sort options, adding sort by declination and no sort at all
scat.c and imcat.c: Clean up heading alignments; add band and n to GSC output
skycoor.c: Add -i option to specify radian input
binread.c: If 4 magnitudes, stash last two in integer*4 type
catutil.c: Fix bug which caused parsing failure on quoted tokens
catutil.c: Add GSC-ACT, 2MASS PSC, and GSC II catalogs
dateutil.c: Add options to convert to and from year,day-of-year
dateutil.c: Add fractional day on ISO FITS string as well as UT time.
gsc2read.c: New subroutines to read GSC 2.2 catalog over the web
hget.c: Fix possible problems in header length setting
gscread.c: Add support for GSC-ACT with separate file path from GSC
tmcread.c: New subroutines to read ASCII version of 2MASS Point Source Catalog
ty2read.c: Extend search limits so searches do not slip between region limits
and fix bug which caused last region on index list not to be checked.
wcsinit.c: Read PROJPn projection constants, not PVn
webread.c: Make a separate subroutine, webbuff(), to get data given a URL

Version 2.9.3 (March 23, 2001)
This is a bug-fix release which fixes compilation problems on HP-UX and Linux
and problems with access to the SAO and PPM catalogs under certain conditions.
binread.c: fixed use of PPM_PATH, SAO_PATH, and WCS_BINDIR in binread()
catutil.c: Fixed PPMra definition in RefCat()
getcol.c: dropped declared arguments from one subroutine declaration
webread.c: dropped declared arguments from one subroutine declaration
           fixed webrnum() so it works
scat.c: fixed handling of epoch when not specified
wcs.h, wcs.c, wcsinit.c, wcslib.c, cel.c:  Fixed minor bugs which caused
Linux compilation errors.

Version 2.9.2 (March 12, 2001)
fitsfile.c, fitswcs.c: Change WCS selection character from : to %
fitsfile.c: Fix bug which caused crash on reading multi-extension FITS files
fileroot: New program used by saom* scripts to create match catalog file name
Add shell scripts which use SAOimage to overplot and match star catalogs in
the SAOimage.scripts subdirectory.
Help messages now print my e-mail address to make it easier to complain about
bugs (or compliment me for features which work).

Version 2.9.1 (March 2, 2001)
wcsinit.c: Fix bug which read CRPIX1 as CRPIX2 as well as CRPIX1
scat: Add option -z to append to pre-existing file (for SAOimage star matching)
imsetwcs.c: Fix bugs with pre-matched stars.

Version 2.9.0 (February 23, 2001)
wcsinit.c, wcs.c, wcs.h: Implement sequentially dependent WCS's
fitsfile.c: Debug multiple WCS implementation with multi-extension FITS files
Specify WCS as file.fits:wcs or files.fits,extnum:wcs , where wcs is either
the WCSNAME, if present in the header or WCS character.

Version 2.8.7 (February 15, 2001)
imwcs: Implement -u initial matches, though matches do not set initial WCS
Direct all diagnostic output to stderr so it comes out in the correct order
if it is sent to a file.  Fix overwriting output image so it works even if
final header is longer than original header.  Fix -o option so it can either
overwrite the input file or specify file.
imrot: Fix -o option so it can either overwrite the input file or specify file.
binread and ctgread: if pole is included, search entire RA range of RA-sorted
wcslib.h, lin.c, proj.c: minor updates from WCSLIB 2.5 to WCSLIB 2.6 (May 2000)
wcsinit.c: New subroutines wcsinitn(header,name) and wcsinitc(header,char)
allow use of multiple WCS's, though no dependent ones yet.

Version 2.8.6 (January 2, 2001)
scat, imcat, imwcs, immatch: Read catalogs across the web from CGI scat
webread.c: New subroutines to read catalogs via http
scat: Improve error handling and feedback
scat: Read USNO plate catalogs reformatted like UJC
imwcs: Implement first pass at dealing with pre-matched stars
ujcread.c: Add code to read USNO plate catalogs (ra, dec, mag)
tabread.c: Read proper motion in seconds/century as well as seconds/year
hget.c: isnum() now rejects strings with embedded hyphens so that ISO dates
are aligned as strings in FITS headers, not as right-justified numbers.

Version 2.8.5 (September 29, 2000)
scat, imcat: Print approximate spectral type instead of plate number for A2.0
scat: Print spectral type and 2nd mag in one-line closest star output format
imrot: Echo only new file name if not -v output, use _EXTNAME if extraction
catutil.c: Add br2sp() to approximate USNO-A2.0 spectral types
ctgread.c: Implement multiple maginitudes and spectral types in ASCII catalogs
uacread.c: Approximate spectral types from "B" and "R"
wcsinit.c: Use CD matrix if any of CDi_j are present

Version 2.8.4 (September 6, 2000)
imstack: Add -o option to set output filename
scat: Print leading zeroes in ID numbers for -f option search centers
i2f: If pixel file not found, look in same directory as header file
catutil.c Add option in CatNum to print leading zeroes if nnfld > 0
imhfile.c: Use header directory if pixel file not found at its pathname

Version 2.8.3 (August 3, 2000)
setpix:  Add -a, -s, -m, and -d options to operate on existing pixel values
in image sections with a constant.
wcshead: Add -w option to print limits of 1-D images (often spectra)
scat: Add ASCII catalog /x option to use X Y instead of spherical coordinates
imcat, scat: Preserve star catalog structure between calls to avoid rereading
Starbase and TDC ASCII and binary catalog files buffered in memory.
imrot: Add -s option to split multi-extension FITS files to _n.fits
newfits: Add -i option to fill data section of new FITS file from binary file
wcs.c: Use keyword rotation angle for one-dimensional file
imsetwcs.c: Fix bug which caused occasional segv, introduced in 2.8.0
dateutil.c: Fix bug so ep2jd() and jd2ep() both start at 1/1 0:00
catutil.c: Fix CatNum() and CatNumLen() to deal with integers > 10 digits
tabread.c: Return actual catalog number from tabrnum()

Version 2.8.2 (June 13, 2000)
scat, imcat, immatch, imwcs: Fix bug which reversed Tycho-2 B and V magnitudes
gethead: If -p, always print filename, even for one file
ty2read: Fix bug which reversed B and V magnitudes (spectral type was OK)
imhfile.c: If pixel file has no directory, always use same as header file

Version 2.8.1 (June 9, 2000)
scat, imcat, immatch, imwcs: Fix reading of USNO-A2.0 on PCs and Alphas
gethead, sethead, delhead, cphead, keyhead: Improve error reporting
uacread.c: Fix bug detecting byte-swapping on some files on PCs and Alphas
hget.c: Get keyword values even if equal sign is not present

Version 2.8.0 (June 2, 2000)
scat, imcat, immatch, imwcs: Implement Tycho 2 astrometric catalog
tabread.c: Read from any table in a multiple-table Starbase file
wcs.c: If CTYPEn is not found, default to LINEAR, no error
imgetwcs.c: Print debugging coordinates in degrees if wcs->degout is set
ty2read.c: New subroutines to deal with the Tycho 2 catalog
and a variety of other bugs fixed.

Version 2.7.3 (May 1, 2000)
imhfile: Fix bug and clean up code dealing with pixel subdirectories
dateutil: Years from old FITS format or system less than 1000 get 1900 added
hput: Bug in hadd() fixed so line is not overwritten.
scat: Allocate search buffers once to speed multiple-object searches
ctgread: Implement missing /d catalog flag for positions in degrees.

Version 2.7.2 (March 28, 2000)
cphead: New program to copy keyword values between headers
gethead: Add extraction of keyword= values from any ASCII file
         Add conditions for use of specific header files
         Add replacement of embedded spaces with underscores
getcol and gettab: Add conditions for use of lines in files
imwcs: Allow iterating without then with tolerance reducing in one run
imcat and scat: Improve handling of Starbase tab table catalogs
                Clean up output formatting
platepos.c: Use inverse CD matrix to get better initial x,y value
imgetwcs.c: Set reference pixel value to output system (bug fix)
hput.c: Do not add quotes if writing COMMENT or HISTORY using hputs()
imhfile.c: Minimize length of path in pixel file name, fix bug dealing with
           very long file paths.
dateutil: Fix bug causing 2000-02-29 to appear as 2000-03-01; other dates OK.
          Add conversion routines for current local and UT times.
Proper motion reporting has been implemented in scat and imcat with
additional modifications to ctgread.c, tabread.c, actread.c, and binread.c

Version 2.7.1 (February 15, 2000)
cphead: New program to copy keyword values between headers
imwcs and immatch: Increase limit of matches to 500
getcol: improve parsing of ranges of columns and lines
gethead: Add optional output format which can be input to sethead
tabread: implement proper motions in Starbase tab table files
imstack: add option to stack a single image on itself n times and fix bugs

Version 2.7.0 (February 3, 2000)
Update WCSLIB subroutines to version 2.5, which was released in December
imrot: Fix bug so new file is created if only BITPIX is changed
skycoor: Fix bug so degree conversion works for coordinates from a file
getdate, dateutil.c: Add support for modified Julian date

Versdion 2.6.12 (January 13, 2000)
scat, imcat: Fix output of Starbase tab table catalogs
gettab:  If no column names are specified, entire lines where tests are
         met are printed.
dateutil.c:  If old FITS format date is 100, it is assumed to be 2000
             Writing 100 in the year field is a typical Y2K failure.
             The software already interprets 00 as 2000.
tabread.c:  Fix bug in tabopen(); return id if *_id present; count decimals
imhfile.c:  Fix bug in iraf2fits() which dropped keyword after OBJECT

Version 2.6.11 (December 20, 1999)
conpix:  Added -c (set constant), -r (square root), and -g (Gaussian noise)
getcol:  Add -t conversion to tab-separated table
sethead: Add -d option to change date from old FITS format to new FITS ISO
         format.  This works on dates of format dd/mm/yyyy as well as dd/mm/yy
setpix:  Fix bugs
getpix:  Fix bugs so that upper and lower pixel limits can be used together
getdate: New program which uses dateutil.c to do many date and time conversions
imio.c:  Round all float and double conversions to integer
tnxpos.c: Fix several bugs; set wcs->rot using wcsrotset()
wcsfort.c: Add error handling and better internal documentation
dateutil.c: Fix bugs and add more conversions
hget.c:  Fix bug extracting minutes and seconds from FITS ISO time string

Version 2.6.10 (December 9, 1999)
remap:   Added -i flag to set output BITPIX and avoid overflows
getpix:  Added -g and -l options to print only pixels within value limits
hget.c:  Fix bug in isnum() so numeric strings starting with d or e are
         not decreed to be numbers.
dateutil.c: Fix bug in ts2jd() which caused JD to be much too big

Version 2.6.9 (December 1, 1999)
edhead:  Added -e option to select an editor and none editor option to
         simply filter a header, removing control characters without editing
gethead: Added -u option to always print underscores if keyword not found
         and -f option to never print filenames
imwcs:   Now copies images without reading them to memory if image catalogs
         computed externally; fixed bug which broke iterations, and handle
         dataless headers with separate image catalogs
getcol:  Add -a, -c, and -m options to get sums, counts, and means of columns
imhead:  Add options to output exact FITS header and set BITPIX to 0
sethead: Fixed bug which wrote character string keyword values twice
remap:   Added galactic coordinate output option
scat, skycoor:    Fixed bug when setting epoch or equinox on command line
imhfile.c: Delete all keywords read from binary part of header before writing
           a new .imh file
wcs.c:   Fixed bug which caused NCP to be ignored in wcstype()
findstar.c: Allow image catalog filename to be up to 256 characters
tabread.c: Improve error checking; istab() returns 1 only if column headers

Version 2.6.8 (November 5, 1999)
immatch, imstar, and imwcs now read Starbase files as well as DAOPHOT-format
files for star x-y input (-d).
sumpix: Add options to compute means, variances, and standard deviations
newfits: bugs fixed
getcol is a new task for getting information from ASCII space-delimited tables.
lint was run on all source code, and it was cleaned up
iraf2fits:  Add keyword DATE-MOD with binary time translated to FITS date
imhfile.c: A major memory leak fixed after Jean-Baptiste Marquette ran
Insure++ on the code
catfile.c change to ctgfile.c and cat*() subroutines renamed to ctg*() to
avoid conflicts with standard C catopen() and catclose() calls.
catutil.c: Fix bug in getoken() which lost last character on line
tabread.c, fitsfile.c: memory allocation cleaned up
findstar.c: Use of pointers cleaned up; read tab tables as well as DAOPHOT format
dateutil.c: Fix bug to return epoch if fractional year given (-y arguments)

Version 2.6.7 (October 21, 1999)
fitsfile.c: Set header length lhead0 in hget.c when allocated or reallocated
imhfile.c: Set header length lhead0 in hget.c when allocated
hput.c: Check length of header and return error if trying to write beyond end.
setpix.c, sethead.c: Reallocate header and try again if hput returns error
setpix.c: Fix subroutine arguments after lint

Version 2.6.6 (September 28, 1999)
scat: Fix access to GSC by number
i2f: Add option to write to standard output
fixpix: Fix bugs
remap: New program
gscread.c: Fix table allocation bug
imhfile.c: Don't copy OBJECT keyword from .imh file; use binary i_title
fitsfile.c: Add option to write to standard output as filename stdout
imio.c: Add new subroutines to add to a pixel (addpix) and use FITS one-based
        in addition to C zero-based image coordinates.

Version 2.6.5 (September 16, 1999)
scat: Fix bug which returned inconstent results from distance sorts.
scat.c, imcat.c, imsetwcs.c: Rewrite catalog access so it all goes through
catread(), catrnum(), etc.  Add distsort argument to all *read() calls.
catread.c:  Add argument for catalog type from RefCat(), and add code to call
access routines for each type of catalog supported by the package.
imio.c: Fix scaling code which caused problems on some compilers
tabread.c:  Fix coordinate system problems
matchstar.c: Fix bug initializing CD matrix

Version 2.6.4 (August 31, 1999)
scat.c: Fix -r before decimal coordinates. Fix long/lat and 0:00 search bugs.
imcat.c and scat.c: Fix formatting and -n option
immatch:  Fix fatal bug caused by changes to imwcs subroutines
sethead.c: Write multiple keywords of form name_i when character value too long
gethead.c: Concatenate multi-line keyword values in new sethead format
gethead.c, delhead.c, sethead.c, keyhead.c:  Programs rewritten to deal
more completely with files of keywords and image files
fileutil.c: New subtroutines to compartmentalize file information gathering
hget.c: hgetm() now reads name_i, name_ii, and name_iii(IRAF) multiline keywords
gscread.c, uacread.c, ujcread.c, binread.c: Call RefLim() to set catalog search
ujcread.c: Fix bug when number of stars found exceeds maximum
limits and fix test when search area passes through 0:00 RA
wcs.c:  Print dd:mm:ss (not hh:mm:ss) dd:mm:ss for long/lat coordinates if

Version 2.6.3 (July 9, 1999)
imwcs.c, immatch.c, imstar.c: Fix command line rotation angle setting
imgetwcs.c: Fix bug when converting image coordinates to reference system
imgetwcs.c: Fix bug so command line reference pixel is used correctly
imsetwcs.c: Fix bug which reinitialized CDELT1 incorrectly when iterating
sumpix.c: New program to add pixel values over rows. columns, or regions
dateutil.c: New file with many date and time conversion subroutines
fitswcs.c: Do not write J2000 or B1950 as RADECSYS; use FK5  and FK4

Version 2.6.2
imrotate.c: Fix bug which caused overflow in history header line
imrotate.c: Rewrite to return pointer to rotated image
gethead.c: Fix bug which sometimes caused garbage at start of output lines
imstar.c: Add option to set brightest star in image to arbitary magnitude
All catalog subroutines now use SearchLim() to set RA and Dec limits

Version 2.6.1
scat.c: Fix bug if -r last command; allow sexigesimal degree search radius
scat.c: Allow rectangular search box (-r radius or -r width height)
newfits.c: Create FITS files as they appear in command line unaffected by
           subsequent command line arguments.  Allow center to be set as
           standard WCSTools coordinate string (ra dec system)

Version 2.6 (June 4, 1999)
conpix.c: Operate on all pixels of an image (new)
gettab.c: Extract values from a tab table file (new)
newfits.c: Make dataless or blank FITS image files (new)
imextract.c: Extract 1D file from 2D file or 2D file from 3D file (new)
imwcs.c, imcat.c, immatch.c, scat.c:  Add support for ACT catalog
scat.c: Add number ranges, search from catalog file of centers
immatch.c, imwcs.c: Add catalog selection through symbolic link to executable
skycoor.c: Add options to get separations and convert in and out of cartesian
           equatorial coordinates
gethead.c, delhead.c, keyhead.c, sethead.c: Deal gracefully with any number of
           command line arguments, ignoring those past limiting number
getpix.c and setpix.c:  Now work with 1-d images as well as 2-d images
actread.c: New subroutines to read ACT catalog (new)
catutil.c: Repackaging and new subroutines for catalog identification, range
           decoding and date format conversion
binread.c: Fix bug with 0h wraparound searches
catread.c: Rewrote parser, allow coordinate system per star
fitsfile.c: Allow 0-data-byte files and BITPIX=0 for data-free WCS fits
imgetwcs.c: Allow negated scales to flip axes
tabread.c: Rewrote and generalized tab table access to use same structures as
           binread() and catread()
wcs.c: Fix latitude for NPA and SPA coordinate systems
       For quad cube projections, z=0-5 (faces) instead of 1-6
       Add file name to error messages, if available
wcsinit.c: Set rotation angle correctly for DSS projection
           Add PIXSCALE as possible plate scale keyword (arcsec/pixel)
           Return an error message for all WCS failures
           Fix bug in dealing with EPOCHless non-equatorial coordinates
wcshead.c: Change name of subroutine to avoid conflict with wcslib subroutine

Version 2.5 (December 8, 1998)
edhead.c: make temporary file in /tmp and delete it when done
imcat.c, scat.c imwcs.c, immatch.c: Add code to read TDC ASCII, USNO-A2.0,
and USNO-SA2.0 catalogs
imcat.c, imstar.c: add output options to create SAOimage region file of stars
imwcs.c:  add access to TDC binary catalogs such as SAO, PPM, and Tycho
imwcs.c:  fix bugs in coordinate system handling
keyhead.c: add option to transfer keyword values within a header
gscread.c, uacread.c, ujcread.c, tabread.c, binread.c: An egregious error
which failed to reassign numbers when dropping faint or far stars when
there were too many for the desired return was fixed
catread.c: new subroutines to read TDC ASCII catalogs
wcs.c:  fix bug when dealing with rotation of mirrored (right-handed) systems
wcsinit.c: Read projection constants neaded for some WCSLIB projections
fitsfile.c: add isfits() subroutine so unsuffixed files can be identified
imhfile.c: Use file pointer to get file length; add isiraf() subroutine
uacread.c: Add support for USNO A-2.0 catalog and USNO SA-2.0 catalog
wcslib.h: combine lin.h, cel,h, proj,h, and wcstrig.h into wcslib.h
fitsfile.c: fix bug to deal correctly with very large headers

Version 2.4.1 (September 15, 1998)
scat.c, imcat.c: Add code to read TDC binary catalogs
binread.c: new subroutines to read TDC binary catalogs
star.h: new data structure for TDC binary catalogs
uacread.c: bug fix for reading USNO A 1.0 CDROMs
dsspos.c, tnxpos.c: minor bug fixes
ssao,sppm,siras: new links to scat to search SAO, PPM, and IRAS Point Source
imsao,imppm,imiras: new links to imcat to search SAO, PPM, and IRAS Point
                    Source Catalogs

Version 2.4 (September 4, 1998)
sethead.c: new arguments to add history to header
sethead.c delhead.c keyhead.c: Write whole file if modifying primary header
All files now transfer the extension from the input file if writing a new file
i2f.c: Write .fits files instead of .fit; write HISTORY line
wcs.c: Up to 10 commands may be preset
hput.c: Add getltime() and getutime() to set ISO local time and UT strings
wcs.h: Added pa_north, pa_east, imrot, and imflip to show image orientation

Version 2.3.4 (July 28, 1998)
delwcs.c: New program to delete keyword entries from image headers
sethead.c: Updated to allow multiple files to be changed
imhio.c: Properly sets modification date; memory management bugs fixed

Version 2.3.3 (July 24, 1998)
imhio.c:  Fix major bug by writing length of header to IRAF .imh files

Version 2.3.2 (July 16, 1998)
wcslib.c, wcs.c: Correct implementation of CSC, and probably all, quad cube
sky2xy.c: Add third dimension in output for quad cube projections
xy2sky.c: Add -f <num> for third dimension of input for quad cube projections.

Version 2.3 (July 10, 1998)
Restructure WCS initialization subroutines, putting keyword-dependent
stuff into wcsinit.c
wcs.c: Add wcskinit() to initialize WCS from keywords obtained elsewhere
wcs.c: Add wcsndec() to set number of decimal places output by pix2wcst()
wcs.c: Fix wcscdset() to deal with all possible cases correctly
wcs.c: Change setlinmode() to setwcslin() and setdegout() to setwcsdeg().
wcsinit.c: Fix bug reading 1-dimensional FITS files
wcsinit.c: Fix several initialization bugs discovered on Alpha version
wcs.c: Add ICRS as RADECSYS value (acts like FK5)
wcsfort.c:  Add Fortran interface in wcsfort.c
wcs.c: Use AIPS subroutines of CAR projection to avoid WCSLIB bug
scat.c: Add equinox options to and fix other bugs
imcat.c: Add equinox options to and fix other bugs

Version 2.2.1 (June 2, 1998)
Fix bug in hput() so blank lines before END are filled correctly
Fix fatal bug in tabread()

Version 2.2 (May 14, 1998)
Compute pixels from galactic coordinates correctly.
Implement arbitrary equinox in form Jyyyy.ffff or Byyyy.ffff.
Modify polynomial WCS to be closer to what is being discussed in fitswcs.
Add support for ecliptic coordinates, and improve coordinate conversion.
Fix pixel to WCS IRAF TNX projection; WCS to pixel still has problems.
Add support for IRAF unsigned data types

Version 2.1 (March 31, 1998)
Add polynomial plate fit and IRAF TNX projection.  Fix various bugs.
Fit CD matrix as well as CDELT/CROTA.
Add iteration and recentering to IMWCS.

Version 2.0 (February 18, 1998)
Use Mark Calabretta's WCS code instead of AIPS classic WCS subroutines
for the standard FITS projections.

Version 1.5 (December 15, 1997)
Rewrite IRAF code to deal with IRAF 2.11 reformatted headers.  Fix a variety
bugs.  Switch to single catalog search and image-based catalog search programs,
invoked by different names for different catalogs.

Version 1.4 (October 16, 1997)
Rewrite FITS code to deal with FITS image extensions.  Fix bugs in fitting
routine and deal with off-axis images, such as those from CCD mosaics.

Version 1.3.1 (April 25, 1997)
Fixed major bug in USNO A-1.0 and USNO SA-1.0 catalog reading which ignored
stars which are flagged as being in the Guide Star Catalog

Version 1.3 (February 24, 1997)
Fixed pointer tests to check for NULL rather than 0 so they will work
properly in Linux.  Coordinate conversion inconsistencies were repaired.
All programs which only use header information call a common subroutine
to read the header.

Version 1.2.2 (January 27, 1997):
Fixed bug in HGET which ignored exponent of floating point string when
extracting an integer due to use of atoi() instead of (int)atof().
This most often affects how EPOCH is interpreted.

Version 1.2.1 (January 15, 1997):
Fixed bug in RA sorting which affected all catalog search programs