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Release 0.4.0 (2014-01-19)

- Set EWMH ClientMessage window to the Root, not mandated but expected by some WMs.

Release 0.3.9 (2012-05-30)

- Replacing c++ class keyword in interface header.
- Fix incomplete implementation of _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK.

Release 0.3.8 (2010-04-25)

- Add EWMH library.
- Split up icccm and ewmh into their own repository.
- Prefix all ICCCM public functions, types and macros by 'icccm'.
- Add missing setters for WM_CLASS and WM_TRANSIENT_FOR properties.
- Allow to set the encoding format for TEXT properties.
- Delete callback-based APIs for events, properties, and replies.
- Link with -no-undefined.
- Validate size of wm_hints and wm_size_hints.
- Ensure get_wm_class_from_reply returns a valid C-string.
- Add AM_MAINTAINER_MODE for vendors.