Binary compatibility report for the ALGLIB library  between 2.6.0 and 3.0.0 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameALGLIB
Version #12.6.0
Version #23.0.0
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files105
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types277 / 2608

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-2480
Removed SymbolsHigh277
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Constants

Added Symbols (2480)

namespace alglib_impl
_ftplan_clear struct ftplan* p )
_ftplan_init ( struct ftplan* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_ftplan_init_copy ( struct ftplan* dst, struct ftplan* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linminstate_clear struct linminstate* p )
_linminstate_init ( struct linminstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linminstate_init_copy ( struct linminstate* dst, struct linminstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
apperiodicmap double* x, double a, double b, double* k, struct ae_state* _state )
applyreflectionfromtheleft ae_matrix* c, double tau, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
applyreflectionfromtheright ae_matrix* c, double tau, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
applyrotationsfromtheleft bool isforward, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* c, ae_vector* s, ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
applyrotationsfromtheright bool isforward, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* c, ae_vector* s, ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
apservisfinitecmatrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
apservisfinitectrmatrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
apservisfinitematrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
apservisfiniteornanmatrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
apservisfinitertrmatrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
aredistinct ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
boundval double x, double b1, double b2, struct ae_state* _state )
buildfloaterhormannrationalinterpolant ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t d, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixgemmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, struct ae_complex alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, struct ae_complex beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlefttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixmvf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t ix, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t iy, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrank1f ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector* u, ae_int_t iu, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t iv, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrighttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixscaledtrsafesolve ae_matrix* a, double sa, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, bool isupper, ae_int_t trans, bool isunit, double maxgrowth, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixsyrkf ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
columnidxabsmax ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j, struct ae_state* _state )
complexapplyreflectionfromtheleft ae_matrix* c, struct ae_complex tau, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
complexapplyreflectionfromtheright ae_matrix* c, struct ae_complex tau, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
complexgeneratereflection ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
copyandtranspose ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t is1, ae_int_t is2, ae_int_t js1, ae_int_t js2, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t id1, ae_int_t id2, ae_int_t jd1, ae_int_t jd2, struct ae_state* _state )
copymatrix ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t is1, ae_int_t is2, ae_int_t js1, ae_int_t js2, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t id1, ae_int_t id2, ae_int_t jd1, ae_int_t jd2, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbaseexecuteplan ae_vector* a, ae_int_t aoffset, ae_int_t n, struct ftplan* plan, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbaseexecuteplanrec ae_vector* a, ae_int_t aoffset, struct ftplan* plan, ae_int_t entryoffset, ae_int_t stackptr, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasefactorize ae_int_t n, ae_int_t tasktype, ae_int_t* n1, ae_int_t* n2, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasefindsmooth ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasefindsmootheven ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasegeneratecomplexfftplan ae_int_t n, struct ftplan* plan, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasegeneraterealfftplan ae_int_t n, struct ftplan* plan, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasegeneraterealfhtplan ae_int_t n, struct ftplan* plan, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbasegetflopestimate ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
ftbaseissmooth ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
generatereflection ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
generaterotation double f, double g, double* cs, double* sn, double* r, struct ae_state* _state )
hermitianmatrixvectormultiply ae_matrix* a, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector* x, struct ae_complex alpha, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
hermitianrank2update ae_matrix* a, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* t, struct ae_complex alpha, struct ae_state* _state )
inplacetranspose ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j1, ae_int_t j2, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
internalschurdecomposition ae_matrix* h, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t tneeded, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_vector* wr, ae_vector* wi, ae_matrix* z, ae_int_t* info, struct ae_state* _state )
isfinitecvector ae_vector* z, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
isfinitevector ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
linminnormalized ae_vector* d, double* stp, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
matrixmatrixmultiply ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ai1, ae_int_t ai2, ae_int_t aj1, ae_int_t aj2, bool transa, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t bi1, ae_int_t bi2, ae_int_t bj1, ae_int_t bj2, bool transb, double alpha, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ci1, ae_int_t ci2, ae_int_t cj1, ae_int_t cj2, double beta, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
matrixvectormultiply ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j1, ae_int_t j2, bool trans, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t ix1, ae_int_t ix2, double alpha, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t iy1, ae_int_t iy2, double beta, struct ae_state* _state )
mcsrch ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, double* f, ae_vector* g, ae_vector* s, double* stp, double stpmax, ae_int_t* info, ae_int_t* nfev, ae_vector* wa, struct linminstate* state, ae_int_t* stage, struct ae_state* _state )
nucosm1 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
nuexpm1 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
nulog1p double x, struct ae_state* _state )
pythag2 double x, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixgemmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlefttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixmvf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t ix, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t iy, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrank1f ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector* u, ae_int_t iu, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t iv, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrighttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixscaledtrsafesolve ae_matrix* a, double sa, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, bool isupper, ae_int_t trans, bool isunit, double maxgrowth, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixsyrkf ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixtrsafesolve ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, double* s, bool isupper, bool istrans, bool isunit, struct ae_state* _state )
rowidxabsmax ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t j1, ae_int_t j2, ae_int_t i, struct ae_state* _state )
safepythag2 double x, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
safepythag3 double x, double y, double z, struct ae_state* _state )
safesolvetriangular ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, double* s, bool isupper, bool istrans, bool isunit, bool normin, ae_vector* cnorm, struct ae_state* _state )
symmetricmatrixvectormultiply ae_matrix* a, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector* x, double alpha, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
symmetricrank2update ae_matrix* a, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* t, double alpha, struct ae_state* _state )
tagheappopi ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* n, struct ae_state* _state )
tagheappushi ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* n, double va, ae_int_t vb, struct ae_state* _state )
tagheapreplacetopi ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, double va, ae_int_t vb, struct ae_state* _state )
tagsort ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* p1, ae_vector* p2, struct ae_state* _state )
tagsortfast ae_vector* a, ae_vector* bufa, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
tagsortfasti ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_vector* bufa, ae_vector* bufb, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
tagsortfastr ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_vector* bufa, ae_vector* bufb, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
taskgenint1d double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
taskgenint1dcheb1 double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
taskgenint1dcheb2 double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
taskgenint1dequidist double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
upperhessenberg1norm ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j1, ae_int_t j2, ae_vector* work, struct ae_state* _state )
upperhessenbergschurdecomposition ae_matrix* h, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
vectoridxabsmax ae_vector* x, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, struct ae_state* _state )
vectornorm2 ae_vector* x, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, struct ae_state* _state )
xcdot ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* temp, struct ae_complex* r, double* rerr, struct ae_state* _state )
xdot ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* temp, double* r, double* rerr, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_hqrndstate_owner::_hqrndstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_hqrndstate_owner::_hqrndstate_owner [in-charge] _hqrndstate_owner const& rhs )
_hqrndstate_owner::_hqrndstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_hqrndstate_owner::_hqrndstate_owner [not-in-charge] _hqrndstate_owner const& rhs )
_hqrndstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_hqrndstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_hqrndstate_owner::operator = _hqrndstate_owner const& rhs )
_hqrndstate_owner::~_hqrndstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_hqrndstate_owner::~_hqrndstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_hqrndstate_owner::~_hqrndstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_kdtree_owner::_kdtree_owner [in-charge] ( )
_kdtree_owner::_kdtree_owner [in-charge] _kdtree_owner const& rhs )
_kdtree_owner::_kdtree_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_kdtree_owner::_kdtree_owner [not-in-charge] _kdtree_owner const& rhs )
_kdtree_owner::c_ptr ( )
_kdtree_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_kdtree_owner::operator = _kdtree_owner const& rhs )
_kdtree_owner::~_kdtree_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_kdtree_owner::~_kdtree_owner [in-charge] ( )
_kdtree_owner::~_kdtree_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
hqrndexponential ( hqrndstate const& state, double const lambdav )
hqrndnormal hqrndstate const& state )
hqrndnormal2 ( hqrndstate const& state, double& x1, double& x2 )
hqrndrandomize hqrndstate& state )
hqrndseed ( ae_int_t const s1, ae_int_t const s2, hqrndstate& state )
hqrndstate::hqrndstate [in-charge] ( )
hqrndstate::hqrndstate [in-charge] hqrndstate const& rhs )
hqrndstate::hqrndstate [not-in-charge] ( )
hqrndstate::hqrndstate [not-in-charge] hqrndstate const& rhs )
hqrndstate::operator = hqrndstate const& rhs )
hqrndstate::~hqrndstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
hqrndstate::~hqrndstate [in-charge] ( )
hqrndstate::~hqrndstate [not-in-charge] ( )
hqrnduniformi ( hqrndstate const& state, ae_int_t const n )
hqrnduniformr hqrndstate const& state )
hqrndunit2 ( hqrndstate const& state, double& x, double& y )
kdtree::kdtree [in-charge] ( )
kdtree::kdtree [in-charge] kdtree const& rhs )
kdtree::kdtree [not-in-charge] ( )
kdtree::kdtree [not-in-charge] kdtree const& rhs )
kdtree::operator = kdtree const& rhs )
kdtree::~kdtree [in-charge-deleting] ( )
kdtree::~kdtree [in-charge] ( )
kdtree::~kdtree [not-in-charge] ( )
kdtreebuild ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const ny, ae_int_t const normtype, kdtree& kdt )
kdtreebuild ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const ny, ae_int_t const normtype, kdtree& kdt )
kdtreebuildtagged ( real_2d_array const& xy, integer_1d_array const& tags, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const ny, ae_int_t const normtype, kdtree& kdt )
kdtreebuildtagged ( real_2d_array const& xy, integer_1d_array const& tags, ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const ny, ae_int_t const normtype, kdtree& kdt )
kdtreequeryaknn ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const k, bool const selfmatch, double const eps )
kdtreequeryaknn ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const k, double const eps )
kdtreequeryknn ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const k )
kdtreequeryknn ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const k, bool const selfmatch )
kdtreequeryresultsdistances ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array& r )
kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array& r )
kdtreequeryresultstags ( kdtree const& kdt, integer_1d_array& tags )
kdtreequeryresultstagsi ( kdtree const& kdt, integer_1d_array& tags )
kdtreequeryresultsx ( kdtree const& kdt, real_2d_array& x )
kdtreequeryresultsxi ( kdtree const& kdt, real_2d_array& x )
kdtreequeryresultsxy ( kdtree const& kdt, real_2d_array& xy )
kdtreequeryresultsxyi ( kdtree const& kdt, real_2d_array& xy )
kdtreequeryrnn ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array const& x, double const r )
kdtreequeryrnn ( kdtree const& kdt, real_1d_array const& x, double const r, bool const selfmatch )

namespace alglib_impl
_hqrndstate_clear struct hqrndstate* p )
_hqrndstate_init ( struct hqrndstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_hqrndstate_init_copy ( struct hqrndstate* dst, struct hqrndstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_kdtree_clear struct kdtree* p )
_kdtree_init ( struct kdtree* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_kdtree_init_copy ( struct kdtree* dst, struct kdtree* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
hqrndexponential ( struct hqrndstate* state, double lambdav, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrndnormal ( struct hqrndstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrndnormal2 ( struct hqrndstate* state, double* x1, double* x2, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrndrandomize ( struct hqrndstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrndseed ae_int_t s1, ae_int_t s2, struct hqrndstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrnduniformi ( struct hqrndstate* state, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrnduniformr ( struct hqrndstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrndunit2 ( struct hqrndstate* state, double* x, double* y, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreebuild ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, struct kdtree* kdt, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreebuildtagged ae_matrix* xy, ae_vector* tags, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, struct kdtree* kdt, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryaknn ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t k, bool selfmatch, double eps, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryknn ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t k, bool selfmatch, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultsdistances ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultstags ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* tags, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultstagsi ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* tags, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultsx ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultsxi ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultsxy ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_matrix* xy, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryresultsxyi ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_matrix* xy, struct ae_state* _state )
kdtreequeryrnn ( struct kdtree* kdt, ae_vector* x, double r, bool selfmatch, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
abscomplex complex const& z )
ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper [in-charge] ( )
ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper [in-charge] ae_matrix_wrapper const& rhs )
ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper [not-in-charge] ( )
ae_matrix_wrapper::ae_matrix_wrapper [not-in-charge] ae_matrix_wrapper const& rhs )
ae_matrix_wrapper::allocate_own ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype )
ae_matrix_wrapper::attach_to alglib_impl::ae_matrix* ptr )
ae_matrix_wrapper::c_ptr ( )
ae_matrix_wrapper::c_ptr ( ) const
ae_matrix_wrapper::cols ( ) const
ae_matrix_wrapper::getstride ( ) const
ae_matrix_wrapper::isempty ( ) const
ae_matrix_wrapper::operator = ae_matrix_wrapper const& rhs )
ae_matrix_wrapper::rows ( ) const
ae_matrix_wrapper::setlength ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols )
ae_matrix_wrapper::~ae_matrix_wrapper [in-charge-deleting] ( )
ae_matrix_wrapper::~ae_matrix_wrapper [in-charge] ( )
ae_matrix_wrapper::~ae_matrix_wrapper [not-in-charge] ( )
ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper [in-charge] ( )
ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper [in-charge] ae_vector_wrapper const& rhs )
ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper [not-in-charge] ( )
ae_vector_wrapper::ae_vector_wrapper [not-in-charge] ae_vector_wrapper const& rhs )
ae_vector_wrapper::allocate_own ae_int_t size, alglib_impl::ae_datatype datatype )
ae_vector_wrapper::attach_to alglib_impl::ae_vector* ptr )
ae_vector_wrapper::c_ptr ( )
ae_vector_wrapper::c_ptr ( ) const
ae_vector_wrapper::length ( ) const
ae_vector_wrapper::operator = ae_vector_wrapper const& rhs )
ae_vector_wrapper::setlength ae_int_t iLen )
ae_vector_wrapper::~ae_vector_wrapper [in-charge-deleting] ( )
ae_vector_wrapper::~ae_vector_wrapper [in-charge] ( )
ae_vector_wrapper::~ae_vector_wrapper [not-in-charge] ( )
ap_error::ap_error [in-charge] ( )
ap_error::ap_error [in-charge] char const* s )
ap_error::ap_error [not-in-charge] ( )
ap_error::ap_error [not-in-charge] char const* s )
ap_error::make_assertion bool bClause ) [static]
ap_error::make_assertion bool bClause, char const* msg ) [static]
boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
boolean_1d_array::boolean_1d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
boolean_1d_array::getcontent ( )
boolean_1d_array::getcontent ( ) const
boolean_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i )
boolean_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i ) const
boolean_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
boolean_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
boolean_1d_array::setcontent ae_int_t iLen, bool const* pContent )
boolean_1d_array::tostring ( ) const
boolean_1d_array::~boolean_1d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
boolean_1d_array::~boolean_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
boolean_1d_array::~boolean_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
boolean_2d_array::boolean_2d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
boolean_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j )
boolean_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j ) const
boolean_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
boolean_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
boolean_2d_array::setcontent ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, bool const* pContent )
boolean_2d_array::tostring ( ) const
boolean_2d_array::~boolean_2d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
boolean_2d_array::~boolean_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
boolean_2d_array::~boolean_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
complex::c_ptr ( )
complex::c_ptr ( ) const
complex::complex [in-charge] ( )
complex::complex [in-charge] complex const& z )
complex::complex [in-charge] double const& _x )
complex::complex [in-charge] ( double const& _x, double const& _y )
complex::complex [not-in-charge] ( )
complex::complex [not-in-charge] complex const& z )
complex::complex [not-in-charge] double const& _x )
complex::complex [not-in-charge] ( double const& _x, double const& _y )
complex::operator*= complex const& z )
complex::operator*= double const& v )
complex::operator+= complex const& z )
complex::operator+= double const& v )
complex::operator-= complex const& z )
complex::operator-= double const& v )
complex::operator/= complex const& z )
complex::operator/= double const& v )
complex::operator = complex const& z )
complex::operator = double const& v )
complex::tostring int dps ) const
complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
complex_1d_array::complex_1d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
complex_1d_array::getcontent ( )
complex_1d_array::getcontent ( ) const
complex_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i )
complex_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i ) const
complex_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
complex_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
complex_1d_array::setcontent ae_int_t iLen, complex const* pContent )
complex_1d_array::tostring int dps ) const
complex_1d_array::~complex_1d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
complex_1d_array::~complex_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
complex_1d_array::~complex_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
complex_2d_array::complex_2d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
complex_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j )
complex_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j ) const
complex_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
complex_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
complex_2d_array::setcontent ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, complex const* pContent )
complex_2d_array::tostring int dps ) const
complex_2d_array::~complex_2d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
complex_2d_array::~complex_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
complex_2d_array::~complex_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
conj complex const& z )
csqr complex const& z )
fp_eq double v1, double v2 )
fp_greater double v1, double v2 )
fp_greater_eq double v1, double v2 )
fp_isfinite double x )
fp_isinf double x )
fp_isnan double x )
fp_isneginf double x )
fp_isposinf double x )
fp_less double v1, double v2 )
fp_less_eq double v1, double v2 )
fp_nan [data]
fp_neginf [data]
fp_neq double v1, double v2 )
fp_posinf [data]
iceil double x )
ifloor double x )
integer_1d_array::getcontent ( )
integer_1d_array::getcontent ( ) const
integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
integer_1d_array::integer_1d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
integer_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i )
integer_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i ) const
integer_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
integer_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
integer_1d_array::setcontent ae_int_t iLen, ae_int_t const* pContent )
integer_1d_array::tostring ( ) const
integer_1d_array::~integer_1d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
integer_1d_array::~integer_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
integer_1d_array::~integer_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
integer_2d_array::integer_2d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
integer_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j )
integer_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j ) const
integer_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
integer_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
integer_2d_array::setcontent ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, ae_int_t const* pContent )
integer_2d_array::tostring ( ) const
integer_2d_array::~integer_2d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
integer_2d_array::~integer_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
integer_2d_array::~integer_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
machineepsilon [data]
maxint int m1, int m2 )
maxreal double m1, double m2 )
maxrealnumber [data]
minint int m1, int m2 )
minreal double m1, double m2 )
minrealnumber [data]
operator!= ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator* ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator* ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator* ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator+ complex const& lhs )
operator+ ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator+ ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator+ ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator- complex const& lhs )
operator- ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator- ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator- ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator/ ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator/ ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator/ ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator == ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
pi ( )
randominteger int maxv )
randomreal ( )
real_1d_array::getcontent ( )
real_1d_array::getcontent ( ) const
real_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i )
real_1d_array::operator() ae_int_t i ) const
real_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
real_1d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
real_1d_array::real_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
real_1d_array::real_1d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
real_1d_array::real_1d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
real_1d_array::real_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
real_1d_array::real_1d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_vector* p )
real_1d_array::real_1d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
real_1d_array::setcontent ae_int_t iLen, double const* pContent )
real_1d_array::tostring int dps ) const
real_1d_array::~real_1d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
real_1d_array::~real_1d_array [in-charge] ( )
real_1d_array::~real_1d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
real_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j )
real_2d_array::operator() ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j ) const
real_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i )
real_2d_array::operator[ ] ae_int_t i ) const
real_2d_array::real_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
real_2d_array::real_2d_array [in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
real_2d_array::real_2d_array [in-charge] char const* s )
real_2d_array::real_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
real_2d_array::real_2d_array [not-in-charge] alglib_impl::ae_matrix* p )
real_2d_array::real_2d_array [not-in-charge] char const* s )
real_2d_array::setcontent ae_int_t irows, ae_int_t icols, double const* pContent )
real_2d_array::tostring int dps ) const
real_2d_array::~real_2d_array [in-charge-deleting] ( )
real_2d_array::~real_2d_array [in-charge] ( )
real_2d_array::~real_2d_array [not-in-charge] ( )
round double x )
sign double x )
sqr double x )
trunc double x )
vadd complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
vadd complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, complex alpha )
vadd complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vadd complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vadd complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, complex alpha )
vadd complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vadd double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
vadd double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vadd double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vadd double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vdotproduct ( complex const* v0, ae_int_t stride0, char const* conj0, complex const* v1, ae_int_t stride1, char const* conj1, ae_int_t n )
vdotproduct ( complex const* v1, complex const* v2, ae_int_t N )
vdotproduct ( double const* v0, ae_int_t stride0, double const* v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n )
vdotproduct ( double const* v1, double const* v2, ae_int_t N )
vlen ae_int_t n1, ae_int_t n2 )
vmove complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
vmove complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, complex alpha )
vmove complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vmove complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vmove complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, complex alpha )
vmove complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vmove double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
vmove double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vmove double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vmove double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vmoveneg complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
vmoveneg complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vmoveneg double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
vmoveneg double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vmul complex* vdst, ae_int_t N, complex alpha )
vmul complex* vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vmul complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, complex alpha )
vmul complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vmul double* vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vmul double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
vsub complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, complex alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vsub complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, complex alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha )
vsub double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
vsub double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
vsub double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N )
vsub double* vdst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha )

namespace alglib_impl
_ialglib_i_cmatrixgemmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, struct ae_complex alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, struct ae_complex beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc )
_ialglib_i_cmatrixlefttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2 )
_ialglib_i_cmatrixrank1f ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector* u, ae_int_t uoffs, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t voffs )
_ialglib_i_cmatrixrighttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2 )
_ialglib_i_cmatrixsyrkf ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper )
_ialglib_i_rmatrixgemmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc )
_ialglib_i_rmatrixlefttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2 )
_ialglib_i_rmatrixrank1f ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector* u, ae_int_t uoffs, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t voffs )
_ialglib_i_rmatrixrighttrsmf ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2 )
_ialglib_i_rmatrixsyrkf ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper )
_ialglib_mcopyblock ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, ae_int_t op, ae_int_t stride, double* b )
_ialglib_mcopyblock_complex ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex const* a, ae_int_t op, ae_int_t stride, double* b )
_ialglib_mcopyunblock ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, ae_int_t op, double* b, ae_int_t stride )
_ialglib_mcopyunblock_complex ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, ae_int_t op, struct ae_complex* b, ae_int_t stride )
_ialglib_mv ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, double const* x, double* y, ae_int_t stride, double alpha, double beta )
_ialglib_mv_32 double const* a, double const* x, double* y, ae_int_t stride, double alpha, double beta )
_ialglib_mv_complex ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, double const* x, struct ae_complex* cy, double* dy, ae_int_t stride, struct ae_complex alpha, struct ae_complex beta )
_ialglib_mv_complex_generic ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, double const* x, struct ae_complex* cy, double* dy, ae_int_t stride, struct ae_complex alpha, struct ae_complex beta )
_ialglib_mv_generic ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double const* a, double const* x, double* y, ae_int_t stride, double alpha, double beta )
_ialglib_vcopy ae_int_t n, double const* a, ae_int_t stridea, double* b, ae_int_t strideb )
_ialglib_vzero ae_int_t n, double* p, ae_int_t stride )
_ialglib_vzero_complex ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex* p, ae_int_t stride )
_rcommstate_clear rcommstate* p )
_rcommstate_init rcommstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_rcommstate_init_copy rcommstate* dst, rcommstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
ae_acos double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_align void* ptr, size_t alignment )
ae_asin double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_assert bool cond, char const* msg, struct ae_state* state )
ae_atan double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_atan2 double x, double y, struct ae_state* state )
ae_break ( struct ae_state* state, enum ae_error_type error_type, char const* msg )
ae_c_abs ( struct ae_complex z, struct ae_state* state )
ae_c_add ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_add_d ( struct ae_complex lhs, double rhs )
ae_c_conj ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_state* state )
ae_c_d_div double lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_d_sub double lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_div ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_div_d ( struct ae_complex lhs, double rhs )
ae_c_eq ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_eq_d ( struct ae_complex lhs, double rhs )
ae_c_mul ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_mul_d ( struct ae_complex lhs, double rhs )
ae_c_neg struct ae_complex lhs )
ae_c_neq ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_neq_d ( struct ae_complex lhs, double rhs )
ae_c_sqr ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_state* state )
ae_c_sub ( struct ae_complex lhs, struct ae_complex rhs )
ae_c_sub_d ( struct ae_complex lhs, double rhs )
ae_complex_from_d double v )
ae_cos double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_cosh double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_db_attach ( ae_dyn_block* block, struct ae_state* state )
ae_db_free ae_dyn_block* block )
ae_db_malloc ( ae_dyn_block* block, ae_int_t size, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_db_realloc ( ae_dyn_block* block, ae_int_t size, struct ae_state* state )
ae_exp double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_fabs double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_force_hermitian ae_matrix* a )
ae_force_symmetric ae_matrix* a )
ae_fp_eq double v1, double v2 )
ae_fp_greater double v1, double v2 )
ae_fp_greater_eq double v1, double v2 )
ae_fp_less double v1, double v2 )
ae_fp_less_eq double v1, double v2 )
ae_fp_neq double v1, double v2 )
ae_frame_leave struct ae_state* state )
ae_frame_make ( struct ae_state* state, ae_frame* tmp )
ae_free void* p )
ae_iabs ae_int_t x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_iceil double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_ifloor double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_is_hermitian ae_matrix* a )
ae_is_symmetric ae_matrix* a )
ae_isfinite double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_isinf double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_isnan double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_isneginf double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_isposinf double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_log double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_malloc size_t size, struct ae_state* state )
ae_matrix_clear ae_matrix* dst )
ae_matrix_init ae_matrix* dst, ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols, ae_datatype datatype, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_matrix_init_copy ae_matrix* dst, ae_matrix* src, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_matrix_init_from_x ae_matrix* dst, struct x_matrix* src, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_matrix_set_length ae_matrix* dst, ae_int_t rows, ae_int_t cols, struct ae_state* state )
ae_maxint ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, struct ae_state* state )
ae_maxreal double m1, double m2, struct ae_state* state )
ae_minint ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, struct ae_state* state )
ae_minreal double m1, double m2, struct ae_state* state )
ae_pow double x, double y, struct ae_state* state )
ae_randominteger ae_int_t maxv, struct ae_state* state )
ae_randomreal struct ae_state* state )
ae_round double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_sign double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_sin double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_sinh double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_sizeof ae_datatype datatype )
ae_sqr double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_sqrt double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_state_clear struct ae_state* state )
ae_state_init struct ae_state* state )
ae_tan double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_tanh double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_trunc double x, struct ae_state* state )
ae_v_add double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_addd double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_cadd ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_caddc ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex alpha )
ae_v_caddd ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_cdotproduct ( struct ae_complex const* v0, ae_int_t stride0, char const* conj0, struct ae_complex const* v1, ae_int_t stride1, char const* conj1, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_cmove ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_cmovec ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex alpha )
ae_v_cmoved ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_cmoveneg ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_cmulc ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex alpha )
ae_v_cmuld ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_csub ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_csubc ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, struct ae_complex alpha )
ae_v_csubd ( struct ae_complex* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, struct ae_complex const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, char const* conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_dotproduct ( double const* v0, ae_int_t stride0, double const* v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_len ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b )
ae_v_move double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_moved double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_moveneg double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_muld double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_v_sub double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n )
ae_v_subd double* vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, double const* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha )
ae_vector_clear ae_vector* dst )
ae_vector_init ae_vector* dst, ae_int_t size, ae_datatype datatype, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_vector_init_copy ae_vector* dst, ae_vector* src, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_vector_init_from_x ae_vector* dst, struct x_vector* src, struct ae_state* state, bool make_automatic )
ae_vector_set_length ae_vector* dst, ae_int_t newsize, struct ae_state* state )
ae_x_attach_to_matrix ( struct x_matrix* dst, ae_matrix* src )
ae_x_attach_to_vector ( struct x_vector* dst, ae_vector* src )
ae_x_set_matrix ( struct x_matrix* dst, ae_matrix* src, struct ae_state* state )
ae_x_set_vector ( struct x_vector* dst, ae_vector* src, struct ae_state* state )
aligned_free void* block )
aligned_malloc size_t size, size_t alignment )
x_force_hermitian struct x_matrix* a )
x_force_symmetric struct x_matrix* a )
x_is_hermitian struct x_matrix* a )
x_is_symmetric struct x_matrix* a )
x_vector_clear struct x_vector* dst )

namespace alglib
_decisionforest_owner::_decisionforest_owner [in-charge] ( )
_decisionforest_owner::_decisionforest_owner [in-charge] _decisionforest_owner const& rhs )
_decisionforest_owner::_decisionforest_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_decisionforest_owner::_decisionforest_owner [not-in-charge] _decisionforest_owner const& rhs )
_decisionforest_owner::c_ptr ( )
_decisionforest_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_decisionforest_owner::operator = _decisionforest_owner const& rhs )
_decisionforest_owner::~_decisionforest_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_decisionforest_owner::~_decisionforest_owner [in-charge] ( )
_decisionforest_owner::~_decisionforest_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_dfreport_owner::_dfreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_dfreport_owner::_dfreport_owner [in-charge] _dfreport_owner const& rhs )
_dfreport_owner::_dfreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_dfreport_owner::_dfreport_owner [not-in-charge] _dfreport_owner const& rhs )
_dfreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_dfreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_dfreport_owner::operator = _dfreport_owner const& rhs )
_dfreport_owner::~_dfreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_dfreport_owner::~_dfreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_dfreport_owner::~_dfreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_linearmodel_owner::_linearmodel_owner [in-charge] ( )
_linearmodel_owner::_linearmodel_owner [in-charge] _linearmodel_owner const& rhs )
_linearmodel_owner::_linearmodel_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_linearmodel_owner::_linearmodel_owner [not-in-charge] _linearmodel_owner const& rhs )
_linearmodel_owner::c_ptr ( )
_linearmodel_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_linearmodel_owner::operator = _linearmodel_owner const& rhs )
_linearmodel_owner::~_linearmodel_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_linearmodel_owner::~_linearmodel_owner [in-charge] ( )
_linearmodel_owner::~_linearmodel_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_logitmodel_owner::_logitmodel_owner [in-charge] ( )
_logitmodel_owner::_logitmodel_owner [in-charge] _logitmodel_owner const& rhs )
_logitmodel_owner::_logitmodel_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_logitmodel_owner::_logitmodel_owner [not-in-charge] _logitmodel_owner const& rhs )
_logitmodel_owner::c_ptr ( )
_logitmodel_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_logitmodel_owner::operator = _logitmodel_owner const& rhs )
_logitmodel_owner::~_logitmodel_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_logitmodel_owner::~_logitmodel_owner [in-charge] ( )
_logitmodel_owner::~_logitmodel_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lrreport_owner::_lrreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lrreport_owner::_lrreport_owner [in-charge] _lrreport_owner const& rhs )
_lrreport_owner::_lrreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lrreport_owner::_lrreport_owner [not-in-charge] _lrreport_owner const& rhs )
_lrreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_lrreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_lrreport_owner::operator = _lrreport_owner const& rhs )
_lrreport_owner::~_lrreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_lrreport_owner::~_lrreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lrreport_owner::~_lrreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mlpcvreport_owner::_mlpcvreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mlpcvreport_owner::_mlpcvreport_owner [in-charge] _mlpcvreport_owner const& rhs )
_mlpcvreport_owner::_mlpcvreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mlpcvreport_owner::_mlpcvreport_owner [not-in-charge] _mlpcvreport_owner const& rhs )
_mlpcvreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_mlpcvreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_mlpcvreport_owner::operator = _mlpcvreport_owner const& rhs )
_mlpcvreport_owner::~_mlpcvreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_mlpcvreport_owner::~_mlpcvreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mlpcvreport_owner::~_mlpcvreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mlpensemble_owner::_mlpensemble_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mlpensemble_owner::_mlpensemble_owner [in-charge] _mlpensemble_owner const& rhs )
_mlpensemble_owner::_mlpensemble_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mlpensemble_owner::_mlpensemble_owner [not-in-charge] _mlpensemble_owner const& rhs )
_mlpensemble_owner::c_ptr ( )
_mlpensemble_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_mlpensemble_owner::operator = _mlpensemble_owner const& rhs )
_mlpensemble_owner::~_mlpensemble_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_mlpensemble_owner::~_mlpensemble_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mlpensemble_owner::~_mlpensemble_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mlpreport_owner::_mlpreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mlpreport_owner::_mlpreport_owner [in-charge] _mlpreport_owner const& rhs )
_mlpreport_owner::_mlpreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mlpreport_owner::_mlpreport_owner [not-in-charge] _mlpreport_owner const& rhs )
_mlpreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_mlpreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_mlpreport_owner::operator = _mlpreport_owner const& rhs )
_mlpreport_owner::~_mlpreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_mlpreport_owner::~_mlpreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mlpreport_owner::~_mlpreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mnlreport_owner::_mnlreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mnlreport_owner::_mnlreport_owner [in-charge] _mnlreport_owner const& rhs )
_mnlreport_owner::_mnlreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mnlreport_owner::_mnlreport_owner [not-in-charge] _mnlreport_owner const& rhs )
_mnlreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_mnlreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_mnlreport_owner::operator = _mnlreport_owner const& rhs )
_mnlreport_owner::~_mnlreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_mnlreport_owner::~_mnlreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mnlreport_owner::~_mnlreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::_multilayerperceptron_owner [in-charge] ( )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::_multilayerperceptron_owner [in-charge] _multilayerperceptron_owner const& rhs )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::_multilayerperceptron_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::_multilayerperceptron_owner [not-in-charge] _multilayerperceptron_owner const& rhs )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::c_ptr ( )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_multilayerperceptron_owner::operator = _multilayerperceptron_owner const& rhs )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::~_multilayerperceptron_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::~_multilayerperceptron_owner [in-charge] ( )
_multilayerperceptron_owner::~_multilayerperceptron_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
decisionforest::decisionforest [in-charge] ( )
decisionforest::decisionforest [in-charge] decisionforest const& rhs )
decisionforest::decisionforest [not-in-charge] ( )
decisionforest::decisionforest [not-in-charge] decisionforest const& rhs )
decisionforest::operator = decisionforest const& rhs )
decisionforest::~decisionforest [in-charge-deleting] ( )
decisionforest::~decisionforest [in-charge] ( )
decisionforest::~decisionforest [not-in-charge] ( )
dfavgce ( decisionforest const& df, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
dfavgerror ( decisionforest const& df, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
dfavgrelerror ( decisionforest const& df, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
dfbuildrandomdecisionforest ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t const nclasses, ae_int_t const ntrees, double const r, ae_int_t& info, decisionforest& df, dfreport& rep )
dfprocess ( decisionforest const& df, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
dfprocessi ( decisionforest const& df, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
dfrelclserror ( decisionforest const& df, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
dfreport::dfreport [in-charge] ( )
dfreport::dfreport [in-charge] dfreport const& rhs )
dfreport::dfreport [not-in-charge] ( )
dfreport::dfreport [not-in-charge] dfreport const& rhs )
dfreport::operator = dfreport const& rhs )
dfreport::~dfreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
dfreport::~dfreport [in-charge] ( )
dfreport::~dfreport [not-in-charge] ( )
dfrmserror ( decisionforest const& df, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
dsoptimalsplit2 ( real_1d_array const& a, integer_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, double& threshold, double& pal, double& pbl, double& par, double& pbr, double& cve )
dsoptimalsplit2fast ( real_1d_array& a, integer_1d_array& c, integer_1d_array& tiesbuf, integer_1d_array& cntbuf, real_1d_array& bufr, integer_1d_array& bufi, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nc, double const alpha, ae_int_t& info, double& threshold, double& rms, double& cvrms )
fisherlda ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t const nclasses, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& w )
fisherldan ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t const nclasses, ae_int_t& info, real_2d_array& w )
kmeansgenerate ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const restarts, ae_int_t& info, real_2d_array& c, integer_1d_array& xyc )
linearmodel::linearmodel [in-charge] ( )
linearmodel::linearmodel [in-charge] linearmodel const& rhs )
linearmodel::linearmodel [not-in-charge] ( )
linearmodel::linearmodel [not-in-charge] linearmodel const& rhs )
linearmodel::operator = linearmodel const& rhs )
linearmodel::~linearmodel [in-charge-deleting] ( )
linearmodel::~linearmodel [in-charge] ( )
linearmodel::~linearmodel [not-in-charge] ( )
logitmodel::logitmodel [in-charge] ( )
logitmodel::logitmodel [in-charge] logitmodel const& rhs )
logitmodel::logitmodel [not-in-charge] ( )
logitmodel::logitmodel [not-in-charge] logitmodel const& rhs )
logitmodel::operator = logitmodel const& rhs )
logitmodel::~logitmodel [in-charge-deleting] ( )
logitmodel::~logitmodel [in-charge] ( )
logitmodel::~logitmodel [not-in-charge] ( )
lravgerror ( linearmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
lravgrelerror ( linearmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
lrbuild ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar )
lrbuilds ( real_2d_array const& xy, real_1d_array const& s, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar )
lrbuildz ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar )
lrbuildzs ( real_2d_array const& xy, real_1d_array const& s, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar )
lrpack ( real_1d_array const& v, ae_int_t const nvars, linearmodel& lm )
lrprocess ( linearmodel const& lm, real_1d_array const& x )
lrreport::lrreport [in-charge] ( )
lrreport::lrreport [in-charge] lrreport const& rhs )
lrreport::lrreport [not-in-charge] ( )
lrreport::lrreport [not-in-charge] lrreport const& rhs )
lrreport::operator = lrreport const& rhs )
lrreport::~lrreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
lrreport::~lrreport [in-charge] ( )
lrreport::~lrreport [not-in-charge] ( )
lrrmserror ( linearmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
lrunpack ( linearmodel const& lm, real_1d_array& v, ae_int_t& nvars )
mlpavgce ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpavgerror ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpavgrelerror ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpclserror ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize )
mlpcreate0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreate1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreate2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreateb0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, double const b, double const d, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreateb1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, double const b, double const d, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreateb2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, double const b, double const d, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreatec0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreatec1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreatec2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreater0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, double const a, double const b, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreater1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, double const a, double const b, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreater2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, double const a, double const b, multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcvreport::mlpcvreport [in-charge] ( )
mlpcvreport::mlpcvreport [in-charge] mlpcvreport const& rhs )
mlpcvreport::mlpcvreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mlpcvreport::mlpcvreport [not-in-charge] mlpcvreport const& rhs )
mlpcvreport::operator = mlpcvreport const& rhs )
mlpcvreport::~mlpcvreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
mlpcvreport::~mlpcvreport [in-charge] ( )
mlpcvreport::~mlpcvreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mlpeavgce ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpeavgerror ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpeavgrelerror ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpebagginglbfgs ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, double const wstep, ae_int_t const maxits, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& ooberrors )
mlpebagginglm ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& ooberrors )
mlpecreate0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreate1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreate2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreateb0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, double const b, double const d, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreateb1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, double const b, double const d, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreateb2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, double const b, double const d, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatec0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatec1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatec2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatefromnetwork ( multilayerperceptron const& network, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreater0 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nout, double const a, double const b, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreater1 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid, ae_int_t const nout, double const a, double const b, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreater2 ( ae_int_t const nin, ae_int_t const nhid1, ae_int_t const nhid2, ae_int_t const nout, double const a, double const b, ae_int_t const ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpeissoftmax mlpensemble const& ensemble )
mlpensemble::mlpensemble [in-charge] ( )
mlpensemble::mlpensemble [in-charge] mlpensemble const& rhs )
mlpensemble::mlpensemble [not-in-charge] ( )
mlpensemble::mlpensemble [not-in-charge] mlpensemble const& rhs )
mlpensemble::operator = mlpensemble const& rhs )
mlpensemble::~mlpensemble [in-charge-deleting] ( )
mlpensemble::~mlpensemble [in-charge] ( )
mlpensemble::~mlpensemble [not-in-charge] ( )
mlpeprocess ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
mlpeprocessi ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
mlpeproperties ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, ae_int_t& nin, ae_int_t& nout )
mlperandomize mlpensemble const& ensemble )
mlperelclserror ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpermserror ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlperror ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize )
mlperrorn ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize )
mlpetraines ( mlpensemble const& ensemble, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep )
mlpgrad ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& desiredy, double& e, real_1d_array& grad )
mlpgradbatch ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad )
mlpgradn ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& desiredy, double& e, real_1d_array& grad )
mlpgradnbatch ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad )
mlphessianbatch ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad, real_2d_array& h )
mlphessiannbatch ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad, real_2d_array& h )
mlpissoftmax multilayerperceptron const& network )
mlpkfoldcvlbfgs ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, double const wstep, ae_int_t const maxits, ae_int_t const foldscount, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& cvrep )
mlpkfoldcvlm ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, ae_int_t const foldscount, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& cvrep )
mlpprocess ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
mlpprocessi ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
mlpproperties ( multilayerperceptron const& network, ae_int_t& nin, ae_int_t& nout, ae_int_t& wcount )
mlprandomize multilayerperceptron const& network )
mlprandomizefull multilayerperceptron const& network )
mlprelclserror ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlpreport::mlpreport [in-charge] ( )
mlpreport::mlpreport [in-charge] mlpreport const& rhs )
mlpreport::mlpreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mlpreport::mlpreport [not-in-charge] mlpreport const& rhs )
mlpreport::operator = mlpreport const& rhs )
mlpreport::~mlpreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
mlpreport::~mlpreport [in-charge] ( )
mlpreport::~mlpreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mlprmserror ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mlptraines ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& trnxy, ae_int_t const trnsize, real_2d_array const& valxy, ae_int_t const valsize, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep )
mlptrainlbfgs ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, double const wstep, ae_int_t const maxits, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep )
mlptrainlm ( multilayerperceptron const& network, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, double const decay, ae_int_t const restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep )
mnlavgce ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mnlavgerror ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mnlavgrelerror ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const ssize )
mnlclserror ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mnlpack ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t const nclasses, logitmodel& lm )
mnlprocess ( logitmodel const& lm, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
mnlprocessi ( logitmodel const& lm, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
mnlrelclserror ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mnlreport::mnlreport [in-charge] ( )
mnlreport::mnlreport [in-charge] mnlreport const& rhs )
mnlreport::mnlreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mnlreport::mnlreport [not-in-charge] mnlreport const& rhs )
mnlreport::operator = mnlreport const& rhs )
mnlreport::~mnlreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
mnlreport::~mnlreport [in-charge] ( )
mnlreport::~mnlreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mnlrmserror ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints )
mnltrainh ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t const nclasses, ae_int_t& info, logitmodel& lm, mnlreport& rep )
mnlunpack ( logitmodel const& lm, real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& nvars, ae_int_t& nclasses )
multilayerperceptron::multilayerperceptron [in-charge] ( )
multilayerperceptron::multilayerperceptron [in-charge] multilayerperceptron const& rhs )
multilayerperceptron::multilayerperceptron [not-in-charge] ( )
multilayerperceptron::multilayerperceptron [not-in-charge] multilayerperceptron const& rhs )
multilayerperceptron::operator = multilayerperceptron const& rhs )
multilayerperceptron::~multilayerperceptron [in-charge-deleting] ( )
multilayerperceptron::~multilayerperceptron [in-charge] ( )
multilayerperceptron::~multilayerperceptron [not-in-charge] ( )
pcabuildbasis ( real_2d_array const& x, ae_int_t const npoints, ae_int_t const nvars, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& s2, real_2d_array& v )

namespace alglib_impl
_cvreport_clear struct cvreport* p )
_cvreport_init ( struct cvreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_cvreport_init_copy ( struct cvreport* dst, struct cvreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_decisionforest_clear struct decisionforest* p )
_decisionforest_init ( struct decisionforest* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_decisionforest_init_copy ( struct decisionforest* dst, struct decisionforest* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_dfinternalbuffers_clear struct dfinternalbuffers* p )
_dfinternalbuffers_init ( struct dfinternalbuffers* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_dfinternalbuffers_init_copy ( struct dfinternalbuffers* dst, struct dfinternalbuffers* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_dfreport_clear struct dfreport* p )
_dfreport_init ( struct dfreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_dfreport_init_copy ( struct dfreport* dst, struct dfreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linearmodel_clear struct linearmodel* p )
_linearmodel_init ( struct linearmodel* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linearmodel_init_copy ( struct linearmodel* dst, struct linearmodel* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_logitmcstate_clear struct logitmcstate* p )
_logitmcstate_init ( struct logitmcstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_logitmcstate_init_copy ( struct logitmcstate* dst, struct logitmcstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_logitmodel_clear struct logitmodel* p )
_logitmodel_init ( struct logitmodel* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_logitmodel_init_copy ( struct logitmodel* dst, struct logitmodel* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lrreport_clear struct lrreport* p )
_lrreport_init ( struct lrreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lrreport_init_copy ( struct lrreport* dst, struct lrreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mlpcvreport_clear struct mlpcvreport* p )
_mlpcvreport_init ( struct mlpcvreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mlpcvreport_init_copy ( struct mlpcvreport* dst, struct mlpcvreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mlpensemble_clear struct mlpensemble* p )
_mlpensemble_init ( struct mlpensemble* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mlpensemble_init_copy ( struct mlpensemble* dst, struct mlpensemble* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mlpreport_clear struct mlpreport* p )
_mlpreport_init ( struct mlpreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mlpreport_init_copy ( struct mlpreport* dst, struct mlpreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mnlreport_clear struct mnlreport* p )
_mnlreport_init ( struct mnlreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mnlreport_init_copy ( struct mnlreport* dst, struct mnlreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_multilayerperceptron_clear struct multilayerperceptron* p )
_multilayerperceptron_init ( struct multilayerperceptron* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_multilayerperceptron_init_copy ( struct multilayerperceptron* dst, struct multilayerperceptron* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
dfavgce ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
dfavgerror ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
dfavgrelerror ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
dfbuildinternal ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t ntrees, ae_int_t samplesize, ae_int_t nfeatures, ae_int_t flags, ae_int_t* info, struct decisionforest* df, struct dfreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
dfbuildrandomdecisionforest ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t ntrees, double r, ae_int_t* info, struct decisionforest* df, struct dfreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
dfcopy ( struct decisionforest* df1, struct decisionforest* df2, struct ae_state* _state )
dfprocess ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
dfprocessi ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
dfrelclserror ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
dfrmserror ( struct decisionforest* df, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
dserraccumulate ae_vector* buf, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* desiredy, struct ae_state* _state )
dserrallocate ( ae_int_t nclasses, ae_vector* buf, struct ae_state* _state )
dserrfinish ae_vector* buf, struct ae_state* _state )
dsgetmeanmindistance ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, struct ae_state* _state )
dsnormalize ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* means, ae_vector* sigmas, struct ae_state* _state )
dsnormalizec ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* means, ae_vector* sigmas, struct ae_state* _state )
dsoptimalsplit2 ae_vector* a, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, double* threshold, double* pal, double* pbl, double* par, double* pbr, double* cve, struct ae_state* _state )
dsoptimalsplit2fast ae_vector* a, ae_vector* c, ae_vector* tiesbuf, ae_vector* cntbuf, ae_vector* bufr, ae_vector* bufi, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nc, double alpha, ae_int_t* info, double* threshold, double* rms, double* cvrms, struct ae_state* _state )
dsoptimalsplitk ae_vector* a, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nc, ae_int_t kmax, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* thresholds, ae_int_t* ni, double* cve, struct ae_state* _state )
dssplitk ae_vector* a, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nc, ae_int_t kmax, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* thresholds, ae_int_t* ni, double* cve, struct ae_state* _state )
dstie ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* ties, ae_int_t* tiecount, ae_vector* p1, ae_vector* p2, struct ae_state* _state )
dstiefasti ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* ties, ae_int_t* tiecount, ae_vector* bufr, ae_vector* bufi, struct ae_state* _state )
fisherlda ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
fisherldan ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t* info, ae_matrix* w, struct ae_state* _state )
kmeansgenerate ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t* info, ae_matrix* c, ae_vector* xyc, struct ae_state* _state )
lravgerror ( struct linearmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
lravgrelerror ( struct linearmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
lrbuild ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, struct linearmodel* lm, struct lrreport* ar, struct ae_state* _state )
lrbuilds ae_matrix* xy, ae_vector* s, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, struct linearmodel* lm, struct lrreport* ar, struct ae_state* _state )
lrbuildz ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, struct linearmodel* lm, struct lrreport* ar, struct ae_state* _state )
lrbuildzs ae_matrix* xy, ae_vector* s, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, struct linearmodel* lm, struct lrreport* ar, struct ae_state* _state )
lrcopy ( struct linearmodel* lm1, struct linearmodel* lm2, struct ae_state* _state )
lrline ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, double* a, double* b, struct ae_state* _state )
lrlines ae_matrix* xy, ae_vector* s, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, double* a, double* b, double* vara, double* varb, double* covab, double* corrab, double* p, struct ae_state* _state )
lrpack ae_vector* v, ae_int_t nvars, struct linearmodel* lm, struct ae_state* _state )
lrprocess ( struct linearmodel* lm, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
lrrmserror ( struct linearmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
lrunpack ( struct linearmodel* lm, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t* nvars, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpavgce ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpavgerror ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpavgrelerror ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpclserror ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcopy ( struct multilayerperceptron* network1, struct multilayerperceptron* network2, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreate0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreate1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreate2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreateb0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreateb1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreateb2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreatec0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreatec1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreatec2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreater0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreater1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpcreater2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeavgce ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeavgerror ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeavgrelerror ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpebagginglbfgs ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct mlpcvreport* ooberrors, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpebagginglm ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct mlpcvreport* ooberrors, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecopy ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble1, struct mlpensemble* ensemble2, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreate0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreate1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreate2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreateb0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreateb1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreateb2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreatec0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreatec1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreatec2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreatefromnetwork ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreater0 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreater1 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpecreater2 ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeissoftmax ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeprocess ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeprocessi ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeproperties ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_int_t* nin, ae_int_t* nout, struct ae_state* _state )
mlperandomize ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlperelclserror ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpermserror ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlperror ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, struct ae_state* _state )
mlperrorn ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeserialize ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_vector* ra, ae_int_t* rlen, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpetraines ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeunserialize ae_vector* ra, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgrad ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* desiredy, double* e, ae_vector* grad, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgradbatch ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, double* e, ae_vector* grad, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgradn ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* desiredy, double* e, ae_vector* grad, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgradnbatch ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, double* e, ae_vector* grad, struct ae_state* _state )
mlphessianbatch ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, double* e, ae_vector* grad, ae_matrix* h, struct ae_state* _state )
mlphessiannbatch ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, double* e, ae_vector* grad, ae_matrix* h, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpinitpreprocessor ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpinternalprocessvector ( ae_vector* structinfo, ae_vector* weights, ae_vector* columnmeans, ae_vector* columnsigmas, ae_vector* neurons, ae_vector* dfdnet, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpissoftmax ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpkfoldcvlbfgs ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct mlpcvreport* cvrep, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpkfoldcvlm ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct mlpcvreport* cvrep, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpprocess ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpprocessi ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpproperties ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_int_t* nin, ae_int_t* nout, ae_int_t* wcount, struct ae_state* _state )
mlprandomize ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlprandomizefull ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlprelclserror ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlprmserror ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpserialize ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_vector* ra, ae_int_t* rlen, struct ae_state* _state )
mlptraines ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* trnxy, ae_int_t trnsize, ae_matrix* valxy, ae_int_t valsize, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mlptrainlbfgs ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mlptrainlm ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t* info, struct mlpreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpunserialize ae_vector* ra, struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlavgce ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlavgerror ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlavgrelerror ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t ssize, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlclserror ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlcopy ( struct logitmodel* lm1, struct logitmodel* lm2, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlpack ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, struct logitmodel* lm, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlprocess ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlprocessi ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlrelclserror ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlrmserror ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, struct ae_state* _state )
mnltrainh ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t* info, struct logitmodel* lm, struct mnlreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mnlunpack ( struct logitmodel* lm, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t* nvars, ae_int_t* nclasses, struct ae_state* _state )
pcabuildbasis ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* s2, ae_matrix* v, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_odesolverreport_owner::_odesolverreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_odesolverreport_owner::_odesolverreport_owner [in-charge] _odesolverreport_owner const& rhs )
_odesolverreport_owner::_odesolverreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_odesolverreport_owner::_odesolverreport_owner [not-in-charge] _odesolverreport_owner const& rhs )
_odesolverreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_odesolverreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_odesolverreport_owner::operator = _odesolverreport_owner const& rhs )
_odesolverreport_owner::~_odesolverreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_odesolverreport_owner::~_odesolverreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_odesolverreport_owner::~_odesolverreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_odesolverstate_owner::_odesolverstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_odesolverstate_owner::_odesolverstate_owner [in-charge] _odesolverstate_owner const& rhs )
_odesolverstate_owner::_odesolverstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_odesolverstate_owner::_odesolverstate_owner [not-in-charge] _odesolverstate_owner const& rhs )
_odesolverstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_odesolverstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_odesolverstate_owner::operator = _odesolverstate_owner const& rhs )
_odesolverstate_owner::~_odesolverstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_odesolverstate_owner::~_odesolverstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_odesolverstate_owner::~_odesolverstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
odesolveriteration odesolverstate const& state )
odesolverreport::odesolverreport [in-charge] ( )
odesolverreport::odesolverreport [in-charge] odesolverreport const& rhs )
odesolverreport::odesolverreport [not-in-charge] ( )
odesolverreport::odesolverreport [not-in-charge] odesolverreport const& rhs )
odesolverreport::operator = odesolverreport const& rhs )
odesolverreport::~odesolverreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
odesolverreport::~odesolverreport [in-charge] ( )
odesolverreport::~odesolverreport [not-in-charge] ( )
odesolverresults ( odesolverstate const& state, ae_int_t& m, real_1d_array& xtbl, real_2d_array& ytbl, odesolverreport& rep )
odesolverrkck ( real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const m, double const eps, double const h, odesolverstate& state )
odesolverrkck ( real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& x, double const eps, double const h, odesolverstate& state )
odesolversolve ( odesolverstate& state, void(*diff)(real_1d_array const&, double, real_1d_array&, void*), void* ptr )
odesolverstate::odesolverstate [in-charge] ( )
odesolverstate::odesolverstate [in-charge] odesolverstate const& rhs )
odesolverstate::odesolverstate [not-in-charge] ( )
odesolverstate::odesolverstate [not-in-charge] odesolverstate const& rhs )
odesolverstate::operator = odesolverstate const& rhs )
odesolverstate::~odesolverstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
odesolverstate::~odesolverstate [in-charge] ( )
odesolverstate::~odesolverstate [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace alglib_impl
_odesolverreport_clear struct odesolverreport* p )
_odesolverreport_init ( struct odesolverreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_odesolverreport_init_copy ( struct odesolverreport* dst, struct odesolverreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_odesolverstate_clear struct odesolverstate* p )
_odesolverstate_init ( struct odesolverstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_odesolverstate_init_copy ( struct odesolverstate* dst, struct odesolverstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
odesolveriteration ( struct odesolverstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
odesolverresults ( struct odesolverstate* state, ae_int_t* m, ae_vector* xtbl, ae_matrix* ytbl, struct odesolverreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
odesolverrkck ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t m, double eps, double h, struct odesolverstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
convc1d ( complex_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& r )
convc1dcircular ( complex_1d_array const& s, ae_int_t const m, complex_1d_array const& r, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& c )
convc1dcircularinv ( complex_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& r )
convc1dinv ( complex_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& r )
convr1d ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& r )
convr1dcircular ( real_1d_array const& s, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& r, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& c )
convr1dcircularinv ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& r )
convr1dinv ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& r )
corrc1d ( complex_1d_array const& signal, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array const& pattern, ae_int_t const m, complex_1d_array& r )
corrc1dcircular ( complex_1d_array const& signal, ae_int_t const m, complex_1d_array const& pattern, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& c )
corrr1d ( real_1d_array const& signal, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& pattern, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array& r )
corrr1dcircular ( real_1d_array const& signal, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& pattern, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& c )
fftc1d complex_1d_array& a )
fftc1d ( complex_1d_array& a, ae_int_t const n )
fftc1dinv complex_1d_array& a )
fftc1dinv ( complex_1d_array& a, ae_int_t const n )
fftr1d ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& f )
fftr1d ( real_1d_array const& a, complex_1d_array& f )
fftr1dinv ( complex_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& a )
fftr1dinv ( complex_1d_array const& f, real_1d_array& a )
fhtr1d ( real_1d_array& a, ae_int_t const n )
fhtr1dinv ( real_1d_array& a, ae_int_t const n )

namespace alglib_impl
convc1d ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convc1dcircular ae_vector* s, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* r, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
convc1dcircularinv ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convc1dinv ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convc1dx ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, bool circular, ae_int_t alg, ae_int_t q, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convr1d ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convr1dcircular ae_vector* s, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* r, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
convr1dcircularinv ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convr1dinv ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
convr1dx ae_vector* a, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, bool circular, ae_int_t alg, ae_int_t q, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
corrc1d ( ae_vector* signal, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pattern, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
corrc1dcircular ( ae_vector* signal, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* pattern, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
corrr1d ( ae_vector* signal, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pattern, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* r, struct ae_state* _state )
corrr1dcircular ( ae_vector* signal, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* pattern, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
fftc1d ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
fftc1dinv ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
fftr1d ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* f, struct ae_state* _state )
fftr1dinternaleven ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* buf, struct ftplan* plan, struct ae_state* _state )
fftr1dinv ae_vector* f, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* a, struct ae_state* _state )
fftr1dinvinternaleven ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* buf, struct ftplan* plan, struct ae_state* _state )
fhtr1d ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
fhtr1dinv ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_autogkreport_owner::_autogkreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_autogkreport_owner::_autogkreport_owner [in-charge] _autogkreport_owner const& rhs )
_autogkreport_owner::_autogkreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_autogkreport_owner::_autogkreport_owner [not-in-charge] _autogkreport_owner const& rhs )
_autogkreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_autogkreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_autogkreport_owner::operator = _autogkreport_owner const& rhs )
_autogkreport_owner::~_autogkreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_autogkreport_owner::~_autogkreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_autogkreport_owner::~_autogkreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_autogkstate_owner::_autogkstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_autogkstate_owner::_autogkstate_owner [in-charge] _autogkstate_owner const& rhs )
_autogkstate_owner::_autogkstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_autogkstate_owner::_autogkstate_owner [not-in-charge] _autogkstate_owner const& rhs )
_autogkstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_autogkstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_autogkstate_owner::operator = _autogkstate_owner const& rhs )
_autogkstate_owner::~_autogkstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_autogkstate_owner::~_autogkstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_autogkstate_owner::~_autogkstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
autogkintegrate ( autogkstate& state, void(*func)(double, double, double, double&, void*), void* ptr )
autogkiteration autogkstate const& state )
autogkreport::autogkreport [in-charge] ( )
autogkreport::autogkreport [in-charge] autogkreport const& rhs )
autogkreport::autogkreport [not-in-charge] ( )
autogkreport::autogkreport [not-in-charge] autogkreport const& rhs )
autogkreport::operator = autogkreport const& rhs )
autogkreport::~autogkreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
autogkreport::~autogkreport [in-charge] ( )
autogkreport::~autogkreport [not-in-charge] ( )
autogkresults ( autogkstate const& state, double& v, autogkreport& rep )
autogksingular double const a, double const b, double const alpha, double const beta, autogkstate& state )
autogksmooth double const a, double const b, autogkstate& state )
autogksmoothw double const a, double const b, double const xwidth, autogkstate& state )
autogkstate::autogkstate [in-charge] ( )
autogkstate::autogkstate [in-charge] autogkstate const& rhs )
autogkstate::autogkstate [not-in-charge] ( )
autogkstate::autogkstate [not-in-charge] autogkstate const& rhs )
autogkstate::operator = autogkstate const& rhs )
autogkstate::~autogkstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
autogkstate::~autogkstate [in-charge] ( )
autogkstate::~autogkstate [not-in-charge] ( )
gkqgenerategaussjacobi ( ae_int_t const n, double const alpha, double const beta, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss )
gkqgenerategausslegendre ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss )
gkqgeneraterec ( real_1d_array const& alpha, real_1d_array const& beta, double const mu0, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss )
gkqlegendrecalc ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss )
gkqlegendretbl ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss, double& eps )
gqgenerategausshermite ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )
gqgenerategaussjacobi ( ae_int_t const n, double const alpha, double const beta, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )
gqgenerategausslaguerre ( ae_int_t const n, double const alpha, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )
gqgenerategausslegendre ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )
gqgenerategausslobattorec ( real_1d_array const& alpha, real_1d_array const& beta, double const mu0, double const a, double const b, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )
gqgenerategaussradaurec ( real_1d_array const& alpha, real_1d_array const& beta, double const mu0, double const a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )
gqgeneraterec ( real_1d_array const& alpha, real_1d_array const& beta, double const mu0, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w )

namespace alglib_impl
_autogkinternalstate_clear struct autogkinternalstate* p )
_autogkinternalstate_init ( struct autogkinternalstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_autogkinternalstate_init_copy ( struct autogkinternalstate* dst, struct autogkinternalstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_autogkreport_clear struct autogkreport* p )
_autogkreport_init ( struct autogkreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_autogkreport_init_copy ( struct autogkreport* dst, struct autogkreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_autogkstate_clear struct autogkstate* p )
_autogkstate_init ( struct autogkstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_autogkstate_init_copy ( struct autogkstate* dst, struct autogkstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
autogkiteration ( struct autogkstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
autogkresults ( struct autogkstate* state, double* v, struct autogkreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
autogksingular double a, double b, double alpha, double beta, struct autogkstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
autogksmooth double a, double b, struct autogkstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
autogksmoothw double a, double b, double xwidth, struct autogkstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
gkqgenerategaussjacobi ae_int_t n, double alpha, double beta, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* wkronrod, ae_vector* wgauss, struct ae_state* _state )
gkqgenerategausslegendre ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* wkronrod, ae_vector* wgauss, struct ae_state* _state )
gkqgeneraterec ( ae_vector* alpha, ae_vector* beta, double mu0, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* wkronrod, ae_vector* wgauss, struct ae_state* _state )
gkqlegendrecalc ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* wkronrod, ae_vector* wgauss, struct ae_state* _state )
gkqlegendretbl ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* wkronrod, ae_vector* wgauss, double* eps, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgenerategausshermite ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgenerategaussjacobi ae_int_t n, double alpha, double beta, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgenerategausslaguerre ae_int_t n, double alpha, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgenerategausslegendre ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgenerategausslobattorec ( ae_vector* alpha, ae_vector* beta, double mu0, double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgenerategaussradaurec ( ae_vector* alpha, ae_vector* beta, double mu0, double a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
gqgeneraterec ( ae_vector* alpha, ae_vector* beta, double mu0, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_barycentricfitreport_owner::_barycentricfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::_barycentricfitreport_owner [in-charge] _barycentricfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::_barycentricfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::_barycentricfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] _barycentricfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_barycentricfitreport_owner::operator = _barycentricfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::~_barycentricfitreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::~_barycentricfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_barycentricfitreport_owner::~_barycentricfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::_barycentricinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::_barycentricinterpolant_owner [in-charge] _barycentricinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::_barycentricinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::_barycentricinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _barycentricinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::operator = _barycentricinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::~_barycentricinterpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::~_barycentricinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_barycentricinterpolant_owner::~_barycentricinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_idwinterpolant_owner::_idwinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_idwinterpolant_owner::_idwinterpolant_owner [in-charge] _idwinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_idwinterpolant_owner::_idwinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_idwinterpolant_owner::_idwinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _idwinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_idwinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_idwinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_idwinterpolant_owner::operator = _idwinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_idwinterpolant_owner::~_idwinterpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_idwinterpolant_owner::~_idwinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_idwinterpolant_owner::~_idwinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lsfitreport_owner::_lsfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lsfitreport_owner::_lsfitreport_owner [in-charge] _lsfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_lsfitreport_owner::_lsfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lsfitreport_owner::_lsfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] _lsfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_lsfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_lsfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_lsfitreport_owner::operator = _lsfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_lsfitreport_owner::~_lsfitreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_lsfitreport_owner::~_lsfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lsfitreport_owner::~_lsfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lsfitstate_owner::_lsfitstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lsfitstate_owner::_lsfitstate_owner [in-charge] _lsfitstate_owner const& rhs )
_lsfitstate_owner::_lsfitstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lsfitstate_owner::_lsfitstate_owner [not-in-charge] _lsfitstate_owner const& rhs )
_lsfitstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_lsfitstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_lsfitstate_owner::operator = _lsfitstate_owner const& rhs )
_lsfitstate_owner::~_lsfitstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_lsfitstate_owner::~_lsfitstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lsfitstate_owner::~_lsfitstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::_polynomialfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::_polynomialfitreport_owner [in-charge] _polynomialfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::_polynomialfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::_polynomialfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] _polynomialfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_polynomialfitreport_owner::operator = _polynomialfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::~_polynomialfitreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::~_polynomialfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_polynomialfitreport_owner::~_polynomialfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::_pspline2interpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::_pspline2interpolant_owner [in-charge] _pspline2interpolant_owner const& rhs )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::_pspline2interpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::_pspline2interpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _pspline2interpolant_owner const& rhs )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_pspline2interpolant_owner::operator = _pspline2interpolant_owner const& rhs )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::~_pspline2interpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::~_pspline2interpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_pspline2interpolant_owner::~_pspline2interpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::_pspline3interpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::_pspline3interpolant_owner [in-charge] _pspline3interpolant_owner const& rhs )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::_pspline3interpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::_pspline3interpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _pspline3interpolant_owner const& rhs )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_pspline3interpolant_owner::operator = _pspline3interpolant_owner const& rhs )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::~_pspline3interpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::~_pspline3interpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_pspline3interpolant_owner::~_pspline3interpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::_spline1dfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::_spline1dfitreport_owner [in-charge] _spline1dfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::_spline1dfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::_spline1dfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] _spline1dfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_spline1dfitreport_owner::operator = _spline1dfitreport_owner const& rhs )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::~_spline1dfitreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::~_spline1dfitreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline1dfitreport_owner::~_spline1dfitreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::_spline1dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::_spline1dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] _spline1dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::_spline1dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::_spline1dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _spline1dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::operator = _spline1dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::~_spline1dinterpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::~_spline1dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline1dinterpolant_owner::~_spline1dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::_spline2dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::_spline2dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] _spline2dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::_spline2dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::_spline2dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _spline2dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::operator = _spline2dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::~_spline2dinterpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::~_spline2dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline2dinterpolant_owner::~_spline2dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
barycentricbuildfloaterhormann ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const d, barycentricinterpolant& b )
barycentricbuildxyw ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const n, barycentricinterpolant& b )
barycentriccalc ( barycentricinterpolant const& b, double const t )
barycentricdiff1 ( barycentricinterpolant const& b, double const t, double& f, double& df )
barycentricdiff2 ( barycentricinterpolant const& b, double const t, double& f, double& df, double& d2f )
barycentricfitfloaterhormann ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& b, barycentricfitreport& rep )
barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& b, barycentricfitreport& rep )
barycentricfitreport::barycentricfitreport [in-charge] ( )
barycentricfitreport::barycentricfitreport [in-charge] barycentricfitreport const& rhs )
barycentricfitreport::barycentricfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
barycentricfitreport::barycentricfitreport [not-in-charge] barycentricfitreport const& rhs )
barycentricfitreport::operator = barycentricfitreport const& rhs )
barycentricfitreport::~barycentricfitreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
barycentricfitreport::~barycentricfitreport [in-charge] ( )
barycentricfitreport::~barycentricfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
barycentricinterpolant::barycentricinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
barycentricinterpolant::barycentricinterpolant [in-charge] barycentricinterpolant const& rhs )
barycentricinterpolant::barycentricinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
barycentricinterpolant::barycentricinterpolant [not-in-charge] barycentricinterpolant const& rhs )
barycentricinterpolant::operator = barycentricinterpolant const& rhs )
barycentricinterpolant::~barycentricinterpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
barycentricinterpolant::~barycentricinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
barycentricinterpolant::~barycentricinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
barycentriclintransx ( barycentricinterpolant const& b, double const ca, double const cb )
barycentriclintransy ( barycentricinterpolant const& b, double const ca, double const cb )
barycentricunpack ( barycentricinterpolant const& b, ae_int_t& n, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& y, real_1d_array& w )
idwbuildmodifiedshepard ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const d, ae_int_t const nq, ae_int_t const nw, idwinterpolant& z )
idwbuildmodifiedshepardr ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nx, double const r, idwinterpolant& z )
idwbuildnoisy ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const d, ae_int_t const nq, ae_int_t const nw, idwinterpolant& z )
idwcalc ( idwinterpolant const& z, real_1d_array const& x )
idwinterpolant::idwinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
idwinterpolant::idwinterpolant [in-charge] idwinterpolant const& rhs )
idwinterpolant::idwinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
idwinterpolant::idwinterpolant [not-in-charge] idwinterpolant const& rhs )
idwinterpolant::operator = idwinterpolant const& rhs )
idwinterpolant::~idwinterpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
idwinterpolant::~idwinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
idwinterpolant::~idwinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
lsfitcreatefg ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, bool const cheapfg, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatefg ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& c, bool const cheapfg, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatefgh ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatefgh ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& c, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatewfg ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, bool const cheapfg, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatewfg ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& c, bool const cheapfg, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatewfgh ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatewfgh ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& c, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitfit ( lsfitstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*hess)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, real_2d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
lsfitfit ( lsfitstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
lsfititeration lsfitstate const& state )
lsfitlinear ( real_1d_array const& y, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinear ( real_1d_array const& y, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinearc ( real_1d_array const& y, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, real_2d_array const& cmatrix, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinearc ( real_1d_array const& y, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, real_2d_array const& cmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinearw ( real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinearw ( real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinearwc ( real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, real_2d_array const& cmatrix, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitlinearwc ( real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_2d_array const& fmatrix, real_2d_array const& cmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitreport::lsfitreport [in-charge] ( )
lsfitreport::lsfitreport [in-charge] lsfitreport const& rhs )
lsfitreport::lsfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
lsfitreport::lsfitreport [not-in-charge] lsfitreport const& rhs )
lsfitreport::operator = lsfitreport const& rhs )
lsfitreport::~lsfitreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
lsfitreport::~lsfitreport [in-charge] ( )
lsfitreport::~lsfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
lsfitresults ( lsfitstate const& state, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep )
lsfitsetcond ( lsfitstate const& state, double const epsf, double const epsx, ae_int_t const maxits )
lsfitsetstpmax ( lsfitstate const& state, double const stpmax )
lsfitsetxrep ( lsfitstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
lsfitstate::lsfitstate [in-charge] ( )
lsfitstate::lsfitstate [in-charge] lsfitstate const& rhs )
lsfitstate::lsfitstate [not-in-charge] ( )
lsfitstate::lsfitstate [not-in-charge] lsfitstate const& rhs )
lsfitstate::operator = lsfitstate const& rhs )
lsfitstate::~lsfitstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
lsfitstate::~lsfitstate [in-charge] ( )
lsfitstate::~lsfitstate [not-in-charge] ( )
polynomialbuild ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuild ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuildcheb1 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuildcheb1 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& y, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuildcheb2 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuildcheb2 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& y, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuildeqdist double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialbuildeqdist double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& y, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialcalccheb1 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const n, double const t )
polynomialcalccheb1 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& f, double const t )
polynomialcalccheb2 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const n, double const t )
polynomialcalccheb2 double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& f, double const t )
polynomialcalceqdist double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const n, double const t )
polynomialcalceqdist double const a, double const b, real_1d_array const& f, double const t )
polynomialfit ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep )
polynomialfit ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep )
polynomialfitreport::operator = polynomialfitreport const& rhs )
polynomialfitreport::polynomialfitreport [in-charge] ( )
polynomialfitreport::polynomialfitreport [in-charge] polynomialfitreport const& rhs )
polynomialfitreport::polynomialfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
polynomialfitreport::polynomialfitreport [not-in-charge] polynomialfitreport const& rhs )
polynomialfitreport::~polynomialfitreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
polynomialfitreport::~polynomialfitreport [in-charge] ( )
polynomialfitreport::~polynomialfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
polynomialfitwc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep )
polynomialfitwc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep )
pspline2arclength ( pspline2interpolant const& p, double const a, double const b )
pspline2build ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const st, ae_int_t const pt, pspline2interpolant& p )
pspline2buildperiodic ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const st, ae_int_t const pt, pspline2interpolant& p )
pspline2calc ( pspline2interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& y )
pspline2diff ( pspline2interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& dx, double& y, double& dy )
pspline2diff2 ( pspline2interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& dx, double& d2x, double& y, double& dy, double& d2y )
pspline2interpolant::operator = pspline2interpolant const& rhs )
pspline2interpolant::pspline2interpolant [in-charge] ( )
pspline2interpolant::pspline2interpolant [in-charge] pspline2interpolant const& rhs )
pspline2interpolant::pspline2interpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
pspline2interpolant::pspline2interpolant [not-in-charge] pspline2interpolant const& rhs )
pspline2interpolant::~pspline2interpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
pspline2interpolant::~pspline2interpolant [in-charge] ( )
pspline2interpolant::~pspline2interpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
pspline2parametervalues ( pspline2interpolant const& p, ae_int_t& n, real_1d_array& t )
pspline2tangent ( pspline2interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& y )
pspline3arclength ( pspline3interpolant const& p, double const a, double const b )
pspline3build ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const st, ae_int_t const pt, pspline3interpolant& p )
pspline3buildperiodic ( real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const st, ae_int_t const pt, pspline3interpolant& p )
pspline3calc ( pspline3interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& y, double& z )
pspline3diff ( pspline3interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& dx, double& y, double& dy, double& z, double& dz )
pspline3diff2 ( pspline3interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& dx, double& d2x, double& y, double& dy, double& d2y, double& z, double& dz, double& d2z )
pspline3interpolant::operator = pspline3interpolant const& rhs )
pspline3interpolant::pspline3interpolant [in-charge] ( )
pspline3interpolant::pspline3interpolant [in-charge] pspline3interpolant const& rhs )
pspline3interpolant::pspline3interpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
pspline3interpolant::pspline3interpolant [not-in-charge] pspline3interpolant const& rhs )
pspline3interpolant::~pspline3interpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
pspline3interpolant::~pspline3interpolant [in-charge] ( )
pspline3interpolant::~pspline3interpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
pspline3parametervalues ( pspline3interpolant const& p, ae_int_t& n, real_1d_array& t )
pspline3tangent ( pspline3interpolant const& p, double const t, double& x, double& y, double& z )
spline1dbuildakima ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildakima ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildcatmullrom ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundtype, double const tension, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildcatmullrom ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundltype, double const boundl, ae_int_t const boundrtype, double const boundr, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildhermite ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& d, ae_int_t const n, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildhermite ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& d, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildlinear ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildlinear ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dcalc ( spline1dinterpolant const& c, double const x )
spline1dconvcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundltype, double const boundl, ae_int_t const boundrtype, double const boundr, real_1d_array const& x2, ae_int_t const n2, real_1d_array& y2 )
spline1dconvcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& x2, real_1d_array& y2 )
spline1dconvdiff2cubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundltype, double const boundl, ae_int_t const boundrtype, double const boundr, real_1d_array const& x2, ae_int_t const n2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2, real_1d_array& dd2 )
spline1dconvdiff2cubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& x2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2, real_1d_array& dd2 )
spline1dconvdiffcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundltype, double const boundl, ae_int_t const boundrtype, double const boundr, real_1d_array const& x2, ae_int_t const n2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2 )
spline1dconvdiffcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& x2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2 )
spline1ddiff ( spline1dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double& s, double& ds, double& d2s )
spline1dfitcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitcubicwc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitcubicwc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfithermite ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfithermite ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfithermitewc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfithermitewc ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& xc, real_1d_array const& yc, integer_1d_array const& dc, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitreport::operator = spline1dfitreport const& rhs )
spline1dfitreport::spline1dfitreport [in-charge] ( )
spline1dfitreport::spline1dfitreport [in-charge] spline1dfitreport const& rhs )
spline1dfitreport::spline1dfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
spline1dfitreport::spline1dfitreport [not-in-charge] spline1dfitreport const& rhs )
spline1dfitreport::~spline1dfitreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
spline1dfitreport::~spline1dfitreport [in-charge] ( )
spline1dfitreport::~spline1dfitreport [not-in-charge] ( )
spline1dgriddiff2cubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundltype, double const boundl, ae_int_t const boundrtype, double const boundr, real_1d_array& d1, real_1d_array& d2 )
spline1dgriddiff2cubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array& d1, real_1d_array& d2 )
spline1dgriddiffcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const boundltype, double const boundl, ae_int_t const boundrtype, double const boundr, real_1d_array& d )
spline1dgriddiffcubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array& d )
spline1dintegrate ( spline1dinterpolant const& c, double const x )
spline1dinterpolant::operator = spline1dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline1dinterpolant::spline1dinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
spline1dinterpolant::spline1dinterpolant [in-charge] spline1dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline1dinterpolant::spline1dinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
spline1dinterpolant::spline1dinterpolant [not-in-charge] spline1dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline1dinterpolant::~spline1dinterpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
spline1dinterpolant::~spline1dinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
spline1dinterpolant::~spline1dinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
spline1dlintransx ( spline1dinterpolant const& c, double const a, double const b )
spline1dlintransy ( spline1dinterpolant const& c, double const a, double const b )
spline1dunpack ( spline1dinterpolant const& c, ae_int_t& n, real_2d_array& tbl )
spline2dbuildbicubic ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_2d_array const& f, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, spline2dinterpolant& c )
spline2dbuildbilinear ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_2d_array const& f, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, spline2dinterpolant& c )
spline2dcalc ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y )
spline2ddiff ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y, double& f, double& fx, double& fy, double& fxy )
spline2dinterpolant::operator = spline2dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline2dinterpolant::spline2dinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
spline2dinterpolant::spline2dinterpolant [in-charge] spline2dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline2dinterpolant::spline2dinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
spline2dinterpolant::spline2dinterpolant [not-in-charge] spline2dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline2dinterpolant::~spline2dinterpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
spline2dinterpolant::~spline2dinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
spline2dinterpolant::~spline2dinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
spline2dlintransf ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, double const a, double const b )
spline2dlintransxy ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, double const ax, double const bx, double const ay, double const by )
spline2dresamplebicubic ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const oldheight, ae_int_t const oldwidth, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t const newheight, ae_int_t const newwidth )
spline2dresamplebilinear ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const oldheight, ae_int_t const oldwidth, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t const newheight, ae_int_t const newwidth )
spline2dunpack ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, ae_int_t& m, ae_int_t& n, real_2d_array& tbl )

namespace alglib_impl
_barycentricfitreport_clear struct barycentricfitreport* p )
_barycentricfitreport_init ( struct barycentricfitreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_barycentricfitreport_init_copy ( struct barycentricfitreport* dst, struct barycentricfitreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_barycentricinterpolant_clear struct barycentricinterpolant* p )
_barycentricinterpolant_init ( struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_barycentricinterpolant_init_copy ( struct barycentricinterpolant* dst, struct barycentricinterpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_idwinterpolant_clear struct idwinterpolant* p )
_idwinterpolant_init ( struct idwinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_idwinterpolant_init_copy ( struct idwinterpolant* dst, struct idwinterpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lsfitreport_clear struct lsfitreport* p )
_lsfitreport_init ( struct lsfitreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lsfitreport_init_copy ( struct lsfitreport* dst, struct lsfitreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lsfitstate_clear struct lsfitstate* p )
_lsfitstate_init ( struct lsfitstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lsfitstate_init_copy ( struct lsfitstate* dst, struct lsfitstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_polynomialfitreport_clear struct polynomialfitreport* p )
_polynomialfitreport_init ( struct polynomialfitreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_polynomialfitreport_init_copy ( struct polynomialfitreport* dst, struct polynomialfitreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_pspline2interpolant_clear struct pspline2interpolant* p )
_pspline2interpolant_init ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_pspline2interpolant_init_copy ( struct pspline2interpolant* dst, struct pspline2interpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_pspline3interpolant_clear struct pspline3interpolant* p )
_pspline3interpolant_init ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_pspline3interpolant_init_copy ( struct pspline3interpolant* dst, struct pspline3interpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline1dfitreport_clear struct spline1dfitreport* p )
_spline1dfitreport_init ( struct spline1dfitreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline1dfitreport_init_copy ( struct spline1dfitreport* dst, struct spline1dfitreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline1dinterpolant_clear struct spline1dinterpolant* p )
_spline1dinterpolant_init ( struct spline1dinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline1dinterpolant_init_copy ( struct spline1dinterpolant* dst, struct spline1dinterpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline2dinterpolant_clear struct spline2dinterpolant* p )
_spline2dinterpolant_init ( struct spline2dinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline2dinterpolant_init_copy ( struct spline2dinterpolant* dst, struct spline2dinterpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
barycentricbuildfloaterhormann ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t d, struct barycentricinterpolant* b, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentricbuildxyw ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, struct barycentricinterpolant* b, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentriccalc ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, double t, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentriccopy ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, struct barycentricinterpolant* b2, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentricdiff1 ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, double t, double* f, double* df, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentricdiff2 ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, double t, double* f, double* df, double* d2f, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentricfitfloaterhormann ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct barycentricinterpolant* b, struct barycentricfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct barycentricinterpolant* b, struct barycentricfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentriclintransx ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, double ca, double cb, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentriclintransy ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, double ca, double cb, struct ae_state* _state )
barycentricunpack ( struct barycentricinterpolant* b, ae_int_t* n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )
idwbuildmodifiedshepard ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t d, ae_int_t nq, ae_int_t nw, struct idwinterpolant* z, struct ae_state* _state )
idwbuildmodifiedshepardr ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, double r, struct idwinterpolant* z, struct ae_state* _state )
idwbuildnoisy ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t d, ae_int_t nq, ae_int_t nw, struct idwinterpolant* z, struct ae_state* _state )
idwcalc ( struct idwinterpolant* z, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitcreatefg ae_matrix* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, bool cheapfg, struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitcreatefgh ae_matrix* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitcreatewfg ae_matrix* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, bool cheapfg, struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitcreatewfgh ae_matrix* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfititeration ( struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitlinear ae_vector* y, ae_matrix* fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* c, struct lsfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitlinearc ae_vector* y, ae_matrix* fmatrix, ae_matrix* cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* c, struct lsfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitlinearw ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* c, struct lsfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitlinearwc ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* fmatrix, ae_matrix* cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* c, struct lsfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitresults ( struct lsfitstate* state, ae_int_t* info, ae_vector* c, struct lsfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitscalexy ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, double* xa, double* xb, double* sa, double* sb, ae_vector* xoriginal, ae_vector* yoriginal, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitsetcond ( struct lsfitstate* state, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitsetstpmax ( struct lsfitstate* state, double stpmax, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitsetxrep ( struct lsfitstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialbuild ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialbuildcheb1 double a, double b, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialbuildcheb2 double a, double b, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialbuildeqdist double a, double b, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialcalccheb1 double a, double b, ae_vector* f, ae_int_t n, double t, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialcalccheb2 double a, double b, ae_vector* f, ae_int_t n, double t, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialcalceqdist double a, double b, ae_vector* f, ae_int_t n, double t, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialfit ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct polynomialfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialfitwc ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct polynomialfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2arclength ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2build ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, struct pspline2interpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2buildperiodic ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, struct pspline2interpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2calc ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* y, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2diff ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* dx, double* y, double* dy, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2diff2 ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* dx, double* d2x, double* y, double* dy, double* d2y, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2parametervalues ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, ae_int_t* n, ae_vector* t, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline2tangent ( struct pspline2interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* y, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3arclength ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3build ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, struct pspline3interpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3buildperiodic ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, struct pspline3interpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3calc ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* y, double* z, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3diff ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* dx, double* y, double* dy, double* z, double* dz, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3diff2 ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* dx, double* d2x, double* y, double* dy, double* d2y, double* z, double* dz, double* d2z, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3parametervalues ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, ae_int_t* n, ae_vector* t, struct ae_state* _state )
pspline3tangent ( struct pspline3interpolant* p, double t, double* x, double* y, double* z, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dbuildakima ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dbuildcatmullrom ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundtype, double tension, struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dbuildcubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dbuildhermite ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* d, ae_int_t n, struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dbuildlinear ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dcalc ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dconvcubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector* x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* y2, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dconvdiff2cubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector* x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* y2, ae_vector* d2, ae_vector* dd2, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dconvdiffcubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector* x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* y2, ae_vector* d2, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dcopy ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct spline1dinterpolant* cc, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1ddiff ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, double x, double* s, double* ds, double* d2s, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dfitcubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct spline1dinterpolant* s, struct spline1dfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dfitcubicwc ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct spline1dinterpolant* s, struct spline1dfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dfithermite ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct spline1dinterpolant* s, struct spline1dfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dfithermitewc ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct spline1dinterpolant* s, struct spline1dfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dgriddiff2cubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector* d1, ae_vector* d2, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dgriddiffcubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, ae_vector* d, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dintegrate ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dlintransx ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dlintransy ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dunpack ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, ae_int_t* n, ae_matrix* tbl, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dbuildbicubic ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_matrix* f, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct spline2dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dbuildbilinear ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_matrix* f, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct spline2dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dcalc ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dcopy ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, struct spline2dinterpolant* cc, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2ddiff ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, double* f, double* fx, double* fy, double* fxy, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dlintransf ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dlintransxy ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, double ax, double bx, double ay, double by, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dresamplebicubic ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t oldheight, ae_int_t oldwidth, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t newheight, ae_int_t newwidth, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dresamplebilinear ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t oldheight, ae_int_t oldwidth, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t newheight, ae_int_t newwidth, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dunpack ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, ae_int_t* m, ae_int_t* n, ae_matrix* tbl, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_matinvreport_owner::_matinvreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_matinvreport_owner::_matinvreport_owner [in-charge] _matinvreport_owner const& rhs )
_matinvreport_owner::_matinvreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_matinvreport_owner::_matinvreport_owner [not-in-charge] _matinvreport_owner const& rhs )
_matinvreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_matinvreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_matinvreport_owner::operator = _matinvreport_owner const& rhs )
_matinvreport_owner::~_matinvreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_matinvreport_owner::~_matinvreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_matinvreport_owner::~_matinvreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
cmatrixcopy ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, complex_2d_array& b, ae_int_t const ib, ae_int_t const jb )
cmatrixdet complex_2d_array const& a )
cmatrixdet ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixgemm ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k, complex const alpha, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, ae_int_t const optypea, complex_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const ib, ae_int_t const jb, ae_int_t const optypeb, complex const beta, complex_2d_array& c, ae_int_t const ic, ae_int_t const jc )
cmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
cmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
cmatrixlefttrsm ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const j1, bool const isupper, bool const isunit, ae_int_t const optype, complex_2d_array& x, ae_int_t const i2, ae_int_t const j2 )
cmatrixlq ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& tau )
cmatrixlqunpackl ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array& l )
cmatrixlqunpackq ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array const& tau, ae_int_t const qrows, complex_2d_array& q )
cmatrixlu ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, integer_1d_array& pivots )
cmatrixludet ( complex_2d_array const& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots )
cmatrixludet ( complex_2d_array const& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixluinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
cmatrixluinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
cmatrixlurcond1 ( complex_2d_array const& lua, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixlurcondinf ( complex_2d_array const& lua, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixmv ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, ae_int_t const opa, complex_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const ix, complex_1d_array& y, ae_int_t const iy )
cmatrixqr ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array& tau )
cmatrixqrunpackq ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array const& tau, ae_int_t const qcolumns, complex_2d_array& q )
cmatrixqrunpackr ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array& r )
cmatrixrank1 ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, complex_1d_array& u, ae_int_t const iu, complex_1d_array& v, ae_int_t const iv )
cmatrixrcond1 ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixrcondinf ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixrighttrsm ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const j1, bool const isupper, bool const isunit, ae_int_t const optype, complex_2d_array& x, ae_int_t const i2, ae_int_t const j2 )
cmatrixrndcond ( ae_int_t const n, double const c, complex_2d_array& a )
cmatrixrndorthogonal ( ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array& a )
cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n )
cmatrixsyrk ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k, double const alpha, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, ae_int_t const optypea, double const beta, complex_2d_array& c, ae_int_t const ic, ae_int_t const jc, bool const isupper )
cmatrixtranspose ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, complex_2d_array& b, ae_int_t const ib, ae_int_t const jb )
cmatrixtrinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isunit, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
cmatrixtrinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, bool const isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
cmatrixtrrcond1 ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isunit )
cmatrixtrrcondinf ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isunit )
hmatrixevd ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, bool const isupper, real_1d_array& d, complex_2d_array& z )
hmatrixevdi ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, bool const isupper, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const i2, real_1d_array& w, complex_2d_array& z )
hmatrixevdr ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, bool const isupper, double const b1, double const b2, ae_int_t& m, real_1d_array& w, complex_2d_array& z )
hmatrixrndcond ( ae_int_t const n, double const c, complex_2d_array& a )
hmatrixrndmultiply ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n )
hmatrixtd ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, complex_1d_array& tau, real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array& e )
hmatrixtdunpackq ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, complex_1d_array const& tau, complex_2d_array& q )
hpdmatrixcholesky ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
hpdmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
hpdmatrixinverse ( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
hpdmatrixrcond ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
hpdmatrixrndcond ( ae_int_t const n, double const c, complex_2d_array& a )
matinvreport::matinvreport [in-charge] ( )
matinvreport::matinvreport [in-charge] matinvreport const& rhs )
matinvreport::matinvreport [not-in-charge] ( )
matinvreport::matinvreport [not-in-charge] matinvreport const& rhs )
matinvreport::operator = matinvreport const& rhs )
matinvreport::~matinvreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
matinvreport::~matinvreport [in-charge] ( )
matinvreport::~matinvreport [not-in-charge] ( )
rmatrixbd ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& tauq, real_1d_array& taup )
rmatrixbdmultiplybyp ( real_2d_array const& qp, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& taup, real_2d_array& z, ae_int_t const zrows, ae_int_t const zcolumns, bool const fromtheright, bool const dotranspose )
rmatrixbdmultiplybyq ( real_2d_array const& qp, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& tauq, real_2d_array& z, ae_int_t const zrows, ae_int_t const zcolumns, bool const fromtheright, bool const dotranspose )
rmatrixbdsvd ( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array const& e, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isfractionalaccuracyrequired, real_2d_array& u, ae_int_t const nru, real_2d_array& c, ae_int_t const ncc, real_2d_array& vt, ae_int_t const ncvt )
rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals ( real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, bool& isupper, real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array& e )
rmatrixbdunpackpt ( real_2d_array const& qp, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& taup, ae_int_t const ptrows, real_2d_array& pt )
rmatrixbdunpackq ( real_2d_array const& qp, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& tauq, ae_int_t const qcolumns, real_2d_array& q )
rmatrixcopy ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t const ib, ae_int_t const jb )
rmatrixdet real_2d_array const& a )
rmatrixdet ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixevd ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const vneeded, real_1d_array& wr, real_1d_array& wi, real_2d_array& vl, real_2d_array& vr )
rmatrixgemm ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k, double const alpha, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, ae_int_t const optypea, real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const ib, ae_int_t const jb, ae_int_t const optypeb, double const beta, real_2d_array& c, ae_int_t const ic, ae_int_t const jc )
rmatrixhessenberg ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& tau )
rmatrixhessenbergunpackh ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array& h )
rmatrixhessenbergunpackq ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& tau, real_2d_array& q )
rmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
rmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
rmatrixinvupdatecolumn ( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const updcolumn, real_1d_array const& u )
rmatrixinvupdaterow ( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const updrow, real_1d_array const& v )
rmatrixinvupdatesimple ( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const updrow, ae_int_t const updcolumn, double const updval )
rmatrixinvupdateuv ( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& u, real_1d_array const& v )
rmatrixlefttrsm ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const j1, bool const isupper, bool const isunit, ae_int_t const optype, real_2d_array& x, ae_int_t const i2, ae_int_t const j2 )
rmatrixlq ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& tau )
rmatrixlqunpackl ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array& l )
rmatrixlqunpackq ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& tau, ae_int_t const qrows, real_2d_array& q )
rmatrixlu ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, integer_1d_array& pivots )
rmatrixludet ( real_2d_array const& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots )
rmatrixludet ( real_2d_array const& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixluinverse ( real_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
rmatrixluinverse ( real_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array const& pivots, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
rmatrixlurcond1 ( real_2d_array const& lua, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixlurcondinf ( real_2d_array const& lua, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixmv ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, ae_int_t const opa, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const ix, real_1d_array& y, ae_int_t const iy )
rmatrixqr ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& tau )
rmatrixqrunpackq ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& tau, ae_int_t const qcolumns, real_2d_array& q )
rmatrixqrunpackr ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array& r )
rmatrixrank1 ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, real_1d_array& u, ae_int_t const iu, real_1d_array& v, ae_int_t const iv )
rmatrixrcond1 ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixrcondinf ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixrighttrsm ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const j1, bool const isupper, bool const isunit, ae_int_t const optype, real_2d_array& x, ae_int_t const i2, ae_int_t const j2 )
rmatrixrndcond ( ae_int_t const n, double const c, real_2d_array& a )
rmatrixrndorthogonal ( ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array& a )
rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n )
rmatrixschur ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array& s )
rmatrixsvd ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const uneeded, ae_int_t const vtneeded, ae_int_t const additionalmemory, real_1d_array& w, real_2d_array& u, real_2d_array& vt )
rmatrixsyrk ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k, double const alpha, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, ae_int_t const optypea, double const beta, real_2d_array& c, ae_int_t const ic, ae_int_t const jc, bool const isupper )
rmatrixtranspose ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const ia, ae_int_t const ja, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t const ib, ae_int_t const jb )
rmatrixtrinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isunit, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
rmatrixtrinverse ( real_2d_array& a, bool const isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
rmatrixtrrcond1 ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isunit )
rmatrixtrrcondinf ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, bool const isunit )
smatrixevd ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, bool const isupper, real_1d_array& d, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixevdi ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, bool const isupper, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const i2, real_1d_array& w, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixevdr ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, bool const isupper, double const b1, double const b2, ae_int_t& m, real_1d_array& w, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixgevd ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isuppera, real_2d_array const& b, bool const isupperb, ae_int_t const zneeded, ae_int_t const problemtype, real_1d_array& d, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixgevdreduce ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isuppera, real_2d_array const& b, bool const isupperb, ae_int_t const problemtype, real_2d_array& r, bool& isupperr )
smatrixrndcond ( ae_int_t const n, double const c, real_2d_array& a )
smatrixrndmultiply ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n )
smatrixtd ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, real_1d_array& tau, real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array& e )
smatrixtdevd ( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array const& e, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixtdevdi ( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array const& e, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, ae_int_t const i1, ae_int_t const i2, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixtdevdr ( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array const& e, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const zneeded, double const a, double const b, ae_int_t& m, real_2d_array& z )
smatrixtdunpackq ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, real_1d_array const& tau, real_2d_array& q )
spdmatrixcholesky ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
spdmatrixcholeskydet real_2d_array const& a )
spdmatrixcholeskydet ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n )
spdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
spdmatrixcholeskyinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
spdmatrixcholeskyrcond ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
spdmatrixdet real_2d_array const& a )
spdmatrixdet ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
spdmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
spdmatrixinverse ( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep )
spdmatrixrcond ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper )
spdmatrixrndcond ( ae_int_t const n, double const c, real_2d_array& a )

namespace alglib_impl
_matinvreport_clear struct matinvreport* p )
_matinvreport_init ( struct matinvreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_matinvreport_init_copy ( struct matinvreport* dst, struct matinvreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
ablasblocksize ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
ablascomplexblocksize ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
ablascomplexsplitlength ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* n1, ae_int_t* n2, struct ae_state* _state )
ablasmicroblocksize struct ae_state* _state )
ablassplitlength ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* n1, ae_int_t* n2, struct ae_state* _state )
bidiagonalsvddecomposition ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, ae_matrix* u, ae_int_t nru, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ncc, ae_matrix* vt, ae_int_t ncvt, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixcopy ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixdet ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixgemm ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, struct ae_complex alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, struct ae_complex beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlefttrsm ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlqunpackl ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* l, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlqunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, ae_int_t qrows, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlu ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pivots, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixludet ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* pivots, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixluinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlup ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pivots, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlurcond1 ae_matrix* lua, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlurcondinf ae_matrix* lua, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixmv ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t ix, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t iy, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixplu ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pivots, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixqr ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixqrunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, ae_int_t qcolumns, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixqrunpackr ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* r, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrank1 ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector* u, ae_int_t iu, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t iv, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrcond1 ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrcondinf ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrighttrsm ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrndcond ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrndorthogonal ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixsyrk ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixtranspose ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixtrinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixtrrcond1 ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixtrrcondinf ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, struct ae_state* _state )
fblssolvecgx ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, double alpha, ae_vector* b, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* buf, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixevd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, ae_vector* d, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixevdi ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixevdr ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, double b1, double b2, ae_int_t* m, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixrndcond ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixrndmultiply ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixtd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* tau, ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, struct ae_state* _state )
hmatrixtdunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* tau, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixcholesky ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixrcond ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixrndcond ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
rcondthreshold struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tauq, ae_vector* taup, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbdmultiplybyp ae_matrix* qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* taup, ae_matrix* z, ae_int_t zrows, ae_int_t zcolumns, bool fromtheright, bool dotranspose, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbdmultiplybyq ae_matrix* qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tauq, ae_matrix* z, ae_int_t zrows, ae_int_t zcolumns, bool fromtheright, bool dotranspose, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbdsvd ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, ae_matrix* u, ae_int_t nru, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ncc, ae_matrix* vt, ae_int_t ncvt, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, bool* isupper, ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbdunpackpt ae_matrix* qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* taup, ae_int_t ptrows, ae_matrix* pt, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixbdunpackq ae_matrix* qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tauq, ae_int_t qcolumns, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixcopy ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixdet ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixevd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t vneeded, ae_vector* wr, ae_vector* wi, ae_matrix* vl, ae_matrix* vr, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixgemm ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixhessenberg ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixhessenbergunpackh ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* h, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixhessenbergunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixinvupdatecolumn ae_matrix* inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updcolumn, ae_vector* u, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixinvupdaterow ae_matrix* inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updrow, ae_vector* v, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixinvupdatesimple ae_matrix* inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updrow, ae_int_t updcolumn, double updval, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixinvupdateuv ae_matrix* inva, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* u, ae_vector* v, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlefttrsm ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlqunpackl ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* l, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlqunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, ae_int_t qrows, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlu ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pivots, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixludet ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* pivots, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixluinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlup ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pivots, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlurcond1 ae_matrix* lua, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlurcondinf ae_matrix* lua, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixmv ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t ix, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t iy, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixplu ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* pivots, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixqr ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixqrunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tau, ae_int_t qcolumns, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixqrunpackr ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* r, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrank1 ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_vector* u, ae_int_t iu, ae_vector* v, ae_int_t iv, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrcond1 ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrcondinf ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrighttrsm ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrndcond ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrndorthogonal ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixschur ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixsvd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t uneeded, ae_int_t vtneeded, ae_int_t additionalmemory, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* u, ae_matrix* vt, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixsyrk ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, ae_matrix* c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixtranspose ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixtrinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixtrrcond1 ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixtrrcondinf ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixevd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, ae_vector* d, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixevdi ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixevdr ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, double b1, double b2, ae_int_t* m, ae_vector* w, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixgevd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isuppera, ae_matrix* b, bool isupperb, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_int_t problemtype, ae_vector* d, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixgevdreduce ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isuppera, ae_matrix* b, bool isupperb, ae_int_t problemtype, ae_matrix* r, bool* isupperr, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixrndcond ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixrndmultiply ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixtd ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* tau, ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixtdevd ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixtdevdi ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixtdevdr ae_vector* d, ae_vector* e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, double a, double b, ae_int_t* m, ae_matrix* z, struct ae_state* _state )
smatrixtdunpackq ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* tau, ae_matrix* q, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholesky ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholeskydet ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholeskyinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholeskyrcond ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixdet ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixinverse ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t* info, struct matinvreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixrcond ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixrndcond ae_int_t n, double c, ae_matrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_minasareport_owner::_minasareport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minasareport_owner::_minasareport_owner [in-charge] _minasareport_owner const& rhs )
_minasareport_owner::_minasareport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minasareport_owner::_minasareport_owner [not-in-charge] _minasareport_owner const& rhs )
_minasareport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_minasareport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_minasareport_owner::operator = _minasareport_owner const& rhs )
_minasareport_owner::~_minasareport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_minasareport_owner::~_minasareport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minasareport_owner::~_minasareport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minasastate_owner::_minasastate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minasastate_owner::_minasastate_owner [in-charge] _minasastate_owner const& rhs )
_minasastate_owner::_minasastate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minasastate_owner::_minasastate_owner [not-in-charge] _minasastate_owner const& rhs )
_minasastate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_minasastate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_minasastate_owner::operator = _minasastate_owner const& rhs )
_minasastate_owner::~_minasastate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_minasastate_owner::~_minasastate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minasastate_owner::~_minasastate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mincgreport_owner::_mincgreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mincgreport_owner::_mincgreport_owner [in-charge] _mincgreport_owner const& rhs )
_mincgreport_owner::_mincgreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mincgreport_owner::_mincgreport_owner [not-in-charge] _mincgreport_owner const& rhs )
_mincgreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_mincgreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_mincgreport_owner::operator = _mincgreport_owner const& rhs )
_mincgreport_owner::~_mincgreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_mincgreport_owner::~_mincgreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mincgreport_owner::~_mincgreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mincgstate_owner::_mincgstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mincgstate_owner::_mincgstate_owner [in-charge] _mincgstate_owner const& rhs )
_mincgstate_owner::_mincgstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_mincgstate_owner::_mincgstate_owner [not-in-charge] _mincgstate_owner const& rhs )
_mincgstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_mincgstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_mincgstate_owner::operator = _mincgstate_owner const& rhs )
_mincgstate_owner::~_mincgstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_mincgstate_owner::~_mincgstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_mincgstate_owner::~_mincgstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::_minlbfgsreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::_minlbfgsreport_owner [in-charge] _minlbfgsreport_owner const& rhs )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::_minlbfgsreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::_minlbfgsreport_owner [not-in-charge] _minlbfgsreport_owner const& rhs )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_minlbfgsreport_owner::operator = _minlbfgsreport_owner const& rhs )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::~_minlbfgsreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::~_minlbfgsreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsreport_owner::~_minlbfgsreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::_minlbfgsstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::_minlbfgsstate_owner [in-charge] _minlbfgsstate_owner const& rhs )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::_minlbfgsstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::_minlbfgsstate_owner [not-in-charge] _minlbfgsstate_owner const& rhs )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_minlbfgsstate_owner::operator = _minlbfgsstate_owner const& rhs )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::~_minlbfgsstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::~_minlbfgsstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlbfgsstate_owner::~_minlbfgsstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlmreport_owner::_minlmreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlmreport_owner::_minlmreport_owner [in-charge] _minlmreport_owner const& rhs )
_minlmreport_owner::_minlmreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlmreport_owner::_minlmreport_owner [not-in-charge] _minlmreport_owner const& rhs )
_minlmreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_minlmreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_minlmreport_owner::operator = _minlmreport_owner const& rhs )
_minlmreport_owner::~_minlmreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_minlmreport_owner::~_minlmreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlmreport_owner::~_minlmreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlmstate_owner::_minlmstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlmstate_owner::_minlmstate_owner [in-charge] _minlmstate_owner const& rhs )
_minlmstate_owner::_minlmstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_minlmstate_owner::_minlmstate_owner [not-in-charge] _minlmstate_owner const& rhs )
_minlmstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_minlmstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_minlmstate_owner::operator = _minlmstate_owner const& rhs )
_minlmstate_owner::~_minlmstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_minlmstate_owner::~_minlmstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_minlmstate_owner::~_minlmstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
minasacreate ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& bndl, real_1d_array const& bndu, minasastate& state )
minasacreate ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& bndl, real_1d_array const& bndu, minasastate& state )
minasaiteration minasastate const& state )
minasaoptimize ( minasastate& state, void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minasareport::minasareport [in-charge] ( )
minasareport::minasareport [in-charge] minasareport const& rhs )
minasareport::minasareport [not-in-charge] ( )
minasareport::minasareport [not-in-charge] minasareport const& rhs )
minasareport::operator = minasareport const& rhs )
minasareport::~minasareport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
minasareport::~minasareport [in-charge] ( )
minasareport::~minasareport [not-in-charge] ( )
minasarestartfrom ( minasastate const& state, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& bndl, real_1d_array const& bndu )
minasaresults ( minasastate const& state, real_1d_array& x, minasareport& rep )
minasaresultsbuf ( minasastate const& state, real_1d_array& x, minasareport& rep )
minasasetalgorithm ( minasastate const& state, ae_int_t const algotype )
minasasetcond ( minasastate const& state, double const epsg, double const epsf, double const epsx, ae_int_t const maxits )
minasasetstpmax ( minasastate const& state, double const stpmax )
minasasetxrep ( minasastate const& state, bool const needxrep )
minasastate::minasastate [in-charge] ( )
minasastate::minasastate [in-charge] minasastate const& rhs )
minasastate::minasastate [not-in-charge] ( )
minasastate::minasastate [not-in-charge] minasastate const& rhs )
minasastate::operator = minasastate const& rhs )
minasastate::~minasastate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
minasastate::~minasastate [in-charge] ( )
minasastate::~minasastate [not-in-charge] ( )
mincgcreate ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& x, mincgstate& state )
mincgcreate ( real_1d_array const& x, mincgstate& state )
mincgiteration mincgstate const& state )
mincgoptimize ( mincgstate& state, void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
mincgreport::mincgreport [in-charge] ( )
mincgreport::mincgreport [in-charge] mincgreport const& rhs )
mincgreport::mincgreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mincgreport::mincgreport [not-in-charge] mincgreport const& rhs )
mincgreport::operator = mincgreport const& rhs )
mincgreport::~mincgreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
mincgreport::~mincgreport [in-charge] ( )
mincgreport::~mincgreport [not-in-charge] ( )
mincgrestartfrom ( mincgstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x )
mincgresults ( mincgstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, mincgreport& rep )
mincgresultsbuf ( mincgstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, mincgreport& rep )
mincgsetcgtype ( mincgstate const& state, ae_int_t const cgtype )
mincgsetcond ( mincgstate const& state, double const epsg, double const epsf, double const epsx, ae_int_t const maxits )
mincgsetstpmax ( mincgstate const& state, double const stpmax )
mincgsetxrep ( mincgstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
mincgstate::mincgstate [in-charge] ( )
mincgstate::mincgstate [in-charge] mincgstate const& rhs )
mincgstate::mincgstate [not-in-charge] ( )
mincgstate::mincgstate [not-in-charge] mincgstate const& rhs )
mincgstate::operator = mincgstate const& rhs )
mincgstate::~mincgstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
mincgstate::~mincgstate [in-charge] ( )
mincgstate::~mincgstate [not-in-charge] ( )
minlbfgscreate ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlbfgsstate& state )
minlbfgscreate ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlbfgsstate& state )
minlbfgsiteration minlbfgsstate const& state )
minlbfgsoptimize ( minlbfgsstate& state, void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minlbfgsreport::minlbfgsreport [in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsreport::minlbfgsreport [in-charge] minlbfgsreport const& rhs )
minlbfgsreport::minlbfgsreport [not-in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsreport::minlbfgsreport [not-in-charge] minlbfgsreport const& rhs )
minlbfgsreport::operator = minlbfgsreport const& rhs )
minlbfgsreport::~minlbfgsreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
minlbfgsreport::~minlbfgsreport [in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsreport::~minlbfgsreport [not-in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsrestartfrom ( minlbfgsstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x )
minlbfgsresults ( minlbfgsstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, minlbfgsreport& rep )
minlbfgsresultsbuf ( minlbfgsstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, minlbfgsreport& rep )
minlbfgssetcond ( minlbfgsstate const& state, double const epsg, double const epsf, double const epsx, ae_int_t const maxits )
minlbfgssetstpmax ( minlbfgsstate const& state, double const stpmax )
minlbfgssetxrep ( minlbfgsstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
minlbfgsstate::minlbfgsstate [in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsstate::minlbfgsstate [in-charge] minlbfgsstate const& rhs )
minlbfgsstate::minlbfgsstate [not-in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsstate::minlbfgsstate [not-in-charge] minlbfgsstate const& rhs )
minlbfgsstate::operator = minlbfgsstate const& rhs )
minlbfgsstate::~minlbfgsstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
minlbfgsstate::~minlbfgsstate [in-charge] ( )
minlbfgsstate::~minlbfgsstate [not-in-charge] ( )
minlmcreatefgh ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatefgh ( real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatefgj ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatefgj ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatefj ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatefj ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmiteration minlmstate const& state )
minlmoptimize ( minlmstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*hess)(real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, real_2d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minlmoptimize ( minlmstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*grad)(real_1d_array const&, double&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*jac)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array&, real_2d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minlmoptimize ( minlmstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*jac)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array&, real_2d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minlmreport::minlmreport [in-charge] ( )
minlmreport::minlmreport [in-charge] minlmreport const& rhs )
minlmreport::minlmreport [not-in-charge] ( )
minlmreport::minlmreport [not-in-charge] minlmreport const& rhs )
minlmreport::operator = minlmreport const& rhs )
minlmreport::~minlmreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
minlmreport::~minlmreport [in-charge] ( )
minlmreport::~minlmreport [not-in-charge] ( )
minlmrestartfrom ( minlmstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x )
minlmresults ( minlmstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, minlmreport& rep )
minlmresultsbuf ( minlmstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, minlmreport& rep )
minlmsetcond ( minlmstate const& state, double const epsg, double const epsf, double const epsx, ae_int_t const maxits )
minlmsetstpmax ( minlmstate const& state, double const stpmax )
minlmsetxrep ( minlmstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
minlmstate::minlmstate [in-charge] ( )
minlmstate::minlmstate [in-charge] minlmstate const& rhs )
minlmstate::minlmstate [not-in-charge] ( )
minlmstate::minlmstate [not-in-charge] minlmstate const& rhs )
minlmstate::operator = minlmstate const& rhs )
minlmstate::~minlmstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
minlmstate::~minlmstate [in-charge] ( )
minlmstate::~minlmstate [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace alglib_impl
_minasareport_clear struct minasareport* p )
_minasareport_init ( struct minasareport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minasareport_init_copy ( struct minasareport* dst, struct minasareport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minasastate_clear struct minasastate* p )
_minasastate_init ( struct minasastate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minasastate_init_copy ( struct minasastate* dst, struct minasastate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mincgreport_clear struct mincgreport* p )
_mincgreport_init ( struct mincgreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mincgreport_init_copy ( struct mincgreport* dst, struct mincgreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mincgstate_clear struct mincgstate* p )
_mincgstate_init ( struct mincgstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_mincgstate_init_copy ( struct mincgstate* dst, struct mincgstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlbfgsreport_clear struct minlbfgsreport* p )
_minlbfgsreport_init ( struct minlbfgsreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlbfgsreport_init_copy ( struct minlbfgsreport* dst, struct minlbfgsreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlbfgsstate_clear struct minlbfgsstate* p )
_minlbfgsstate_init ( struct minlbfgsstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlbfgsstate_init_copy ( struct minlbfgsstate* dst, struct minlbfgsstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlmreport_clear struct minlmreport* p )
_minlmreport_init ( struct minlmreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlmreport_init_copy ( struct minlmreport* dst, struct minlmreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlmstate_clear struct minlmstate* p )
_minlmstate_init ( struct minlmstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_minlmstate_init_copy ( struct minlmstate* dst, struct minlmstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
minasacreate ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* bndu, struct minasastate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minasaiteration ( struct minasastate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minasarestartfrom ( struct minasastate* state, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* bndu, struct ae_state* _state )
minasaresults ( struct minasastate* state, ae_vector* x, struct minasareport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
minasaresultsbuf ( struct minasastate* state, ae_vector* x, struct minasareport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
minasasetalgorithm ( struct minasastate* state, ae_int_t algotype, struct ae_state* _state )
minasasetcond ( struct minasastate* state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
minasasetstpmax ( struct minasastate* state, double stpmax, struct ae_state* _state )
minasasetxrep ( struct minasastate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgcreate ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, struct mincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgiteration ( struct mincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgrestartfrom ( struct mincgstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgresults ( struct mincgstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct mincgreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgresultsbuf ( struct mincgstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct mincgreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgsetcgtype ( struct mincgstate* state, ae_int_t cgtype, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgsetcond ( struct mincgstate* state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgsetstpmax ( struct mincgstate* state, double stpmax, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgsetxrep ( struct mincgstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgscreate ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, struct minlbfgsstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgscreatex ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t flags, struct minlbfgsstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgsiteration ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgsrestartfrom ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgsresults ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct minlbfgsreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgsresultsbuf ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct minlbfgsreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgssetcond ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgssetstpmax ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, double stpmax, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgssetxrep ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmcreatefgh ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmcreatefgj ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmcreatefj ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmiteration ( struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmrestartfrom ( struct minlmstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmresults ( struct minlmstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct minlmreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmresultsbuf ( struct minlmstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct minlmreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmsetcond ( struct minlmstate* state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmsetstpmax ( struct minlmstate* state, double stpmax, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmsetxrep ( struct minlmstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_densesolverlsreport_owner::_densesolverlsreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::_densesolverlsreport_owner [in-charge] _densesolverlsreport_owner const& rhs )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::_densesolverlsreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::_densesolverlsreport_owner [not-in-charge] _densesolverlsreport_owner const& rhs )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_densesolverlsreport_owner::operator = _densesolverlsreport_owner const& rhs )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::~_densesolverlsreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::~_densesolverlsreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_densesolverlsreport_owner::~_densesolverlsreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_densesolverreport_owner::_densesolverreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_densesolverreport_owner::_densesolverreport_owner [in-charge] _densesolverreport_owner const& rhs )
_densesolverreport_owner::_densesolverreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_densesolverreport_owner::_densesolverreport_owner [not-in-charge] _densesolverreport_owner const& rhs )
_densesolverreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_densesolverreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_densesolverreport_owner::operator = _densesolverreport_owner const& rhs )
_densesolverreport_owner::~_densesolverreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_densesolverreport_owner::~_densesolverreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_densesolverreport_owner::~_densesolverreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_nleqreport_owner::_nleqreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_nleqreport_owner::_nleqreport_owner [in-charge] _nleqreport_owner const& rhs )
_nleqreport_owner::_nleqreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_nleqreport_owner::_nleqreport_owner [not-in-charge] _nleqreport_owner const& rhs )
_nleqreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_nleqreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_nleqreport_owner::operator = _nleqreport_owner const& rhs )
_nleqreport_owner::~_nleqreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_nleqreport_owner::~_nleqreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_nleqreport_owner::~_nleqreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_nleqstate_owner::_nleqstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_nleqstate_owner::_nleqstate_owner [in-charge] _nleqstate_owner const& rhs )
_nleqstate_owner::_nleqstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_nleqstate_owner::_nleqstate_owner [not-in-charge] _nleqstate_owner const& rhs )
_nleqstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_nleqstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_nleqstate_owner::operator = _nleqstate_owner const& rhs )
_nleqstate_owner::~_nleqstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_nleqstate_owner::~_nleqstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_nleqstate_owner::~_nleqstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
cmatrixlusolve ( complex_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x )
cmatrixlusolvem ( complex_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x )
cmatrixmixedsolve ( complex_2d_array const& a, complex_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x )
cmatrixmixedsolvem ( complex_2d_array const& a, complex_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x )
cmatrixsolve ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x )
cmatrixsolvem ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, complex_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, bool const rfs, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x )
densesolverlsreport::densesolverlsreport [in-charge] ( )
densesolverlsreport::densesolverlsreport [in-charge] densesolverlsreport const& rhs )
densesolverlsreport::densesolverlsreport [not-in-charge] ( )
densesolverlsreport::densesolverlsreport [not-in-charge] densesolverlsreport const& rhs )
densesolverlsreport::operator = densesolverlsreport const& rhs )
densesolverlsreport::~densesolverlsreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
densesolverlsreport::~densesolverlsreport [in-charge] ( )
densesolverlsreport::~densesolverlsreport [not-in-charge] ( )
densesolverreport::densesolverreport [in-charge] ( )
densesolverreport::densesolverreport [in-charge] densesolverreport const& rhs )
densesolverreport::densesolverreport [not-in-charge] ( )
densesolverreport::densesolverreport [not-in-charge] densesolverreport const& rhs )
densesolverreport::operator = densesolverreport const& rhs )
densesolverreport::~densesolverreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
densesolverreport::~densesolverreport [in-charge] ( )
densesolverreport::~densesolverreport [not-in-charge] ( )
hpdmatrixcholeskysolve ( complex_2d_array const& cha, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x )
hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem ( complex_2d_array const& cha, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, complex_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x )
hpdmatrixsolve ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, complex_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x )
hpdmatrixsolvem ( complex_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, complex_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x )
nleqcreatelm ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, nleqstate& state )
nleqcreatelm ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, nleqstate& state )
nleqiteration nleqstate const& state )
nleqreport::nleqreport [in-charge] ( )
nleqreport::nleqreport [in-charge] nleqreport const& rhs )
nleqreport::nleqreport [not-in-charge] ( )
nleqreport::nleqreport [not-in-charge] nleqreport const& rhs )
nleqreport::operator = nleqreport const& rhs )
nleqreport::~nleqreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
nleqreport::~nleqreport [in-charge] ( )
nleqreport::~nleqreport [not-in-charge] ( )
nleqrestartfrom ( nleqstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x )
nleqresults ( nleqstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, nleqreport& rep )
nleqresultsbuf ( nleqstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, nleqreport& rep )
nleqsetcond ( nleqstate const& state, double const epsf, ae_int_t const maxits )
nleqsetstpmax ( nleqstate const& state, double const stpmax )
nleqsetxrep ( nleqstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
nleqsolve ( nleqstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*jac)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array&, real_2d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
nleqstate::nleqstate [in-charge] ( )
nleqstate::nleqstate [in-charge] nleqstate const& rhs )
nleqstate::nleqstate [not-in-charge] ( )
nleqstate::nleqstate [not-in-charge] nleqstate const& rhs )
nleqstate::operator = nleqstate const& rhs )
nleqstate::~nleqstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
nleqstate::~nleqstate [in-charge] ( )
nleqstate::~nleqstate [not-in-charge] ( )
rmatrixlusolve ( real_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x )
rmatrixlusolvem ( real_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x )
rmatrixmixedsolve ( real_2d_array const& a, real_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x )
rmatrixmixedsolvem ( real_2d_array const& a, real_2d_array const& lua, integer_1d_array const& p, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x )
rmatrixsolve ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x )
rmatrixsolvels ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const nrows, ae_int_t const ncols, real_1d_array const& b, double const threshold, ae_int_t& info, densesolverlsreport& rep, real_1d_array& x )
rmatrixsolvem ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, bool const rfs, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x )
spdmatrixcholeskysolve ( real_2d_array const& cha, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x )
spdmatrixcholeskysolvem ( real_2d_array const& cha, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x )
spdmatrixsolve ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, real_1d_array const& b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x )
spdmatrixsolvem ( real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, bool const isupper, real_2d_array const& b, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x )

namespace alglib_impl
_densesolverlsreport_clear struct densesolverlsreport* p )
_densesolverlsreport_init ( struct densesolverlsreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_densesolverlsreport_init_copy ( struct densesolverlsreport* dst, struct densesolverlsreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_densesolverreport_clear struct densesolverreport* p )
_densesolverreport_init ( struct densesolverreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_densesolverreport_init_copy ( struct densesolverreport* dst, struct densesolverreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_nleqreport_clear struct nleqreport* p )
_nleqreport_init ( struct nleqreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_nleqreport_init_copy ( struct nleqreport* dst, struct nleqreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_nleqstate_clear struct nleqstate* p )
_nleqstate_init ( struct nleqstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_nleqstate_init_copy ( struct nleqstate* dst, struct nleqstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
cmatrixlusolve ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixlusolvem ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixmixedsolve ae_matrix* a, ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixmixedsolvem ae_matrix* a, ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixsolve ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cmatrixsolvem ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, bool rfs, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixcholeskysolve ae_matrix* cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem ae_matrix* cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixsolve ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
hpdmatrixsolvem ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqcreatelm ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, struct nleqstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqiteration ( struct nleqstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqrestartfrom ( struct nleqstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqresults ( struct nleqstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct nleqreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqresultsbuf ( struct nleqstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct nleqreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqsetcond ( struct nleqstate* state, double epsf, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqsetstpmax ( struct nleqstate* state, double stpmax, struct ae_state* _state )
nleqsetxrep ( struct nleqstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlusolve ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlusolvem ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixmixedsolve ae_matrix* a, ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixmixedsolvem ae_matrix* a, ae_matrix* lua, ae_vector* p, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixsolve ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixsolvels ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t nrows, ae_int_t ncols, ae_vector* b, double threshold, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverlsreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixsolvem ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, bool rfs, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholeskysolve ae_matrix* cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholeskysolvem ae_matrix* cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixsolve ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixsolvem ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_matrix* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t* info, struct densesolverreport* rep, ae_matrix* x, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
airy double const x, double& ai, double& aip, double& bi, double& bip )
besseli0 double const x )
besseli1 double const x )
besselj0 double const x )
besselj1 double const x )
besseljn ( ae_int_t const n, double const x )
besselk0 double const x )
besselk1 double const x )
besselkn ( ae_int_t const nn, double const x )
bessely0 double const x )
bessely1 double const x )
besselyn ( ae_int_t const n, double const x )
beta double const a, double const b )
binomialcdistribution ( ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const n, double const p )
binomialdistribution ( ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const n, double const p )
chebyshevcalculate ( ae_int_t const r, ae_int_t const n, double const x )
chebyshevcoefficients ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& c )
chebyshevsum ( real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const r, ae_int_t const n, double const x )
chisquarecdistribution double const v, double const x )
chisquaredistribution double const v, double const x )
dawsonintegral double const x )
ellipticintegrale double const m )
ellipticintegralk double const m )
ellipticintegralkhighprecision double const m1 )
errorfunction double const x )
errorfunctionc double const x )
exponentialintegralei double const x )
exponentialintegralen double const x, ae_int_t const n )
fcdistribution ( ae_int_t const a, ae_int_t const b, double const x )
fdistribution ( ae_int_t const a, ae_int_t const b, double const x )
fresnelintegral double const x, double& c, double& s )
fromchebyshev ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& b )
gammafunction double const x )
hermitecalculate ( ae_int_t const n, double const x )
hermitecoefficients ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& c )
hermitesum ( real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, double const x )
hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals double const x, double& shi, double& chi )
incompletebeta double const a, double const b, double const x )
incompleteellipticintegrale ( double const phi, double const m )
incompleteellipticintegralk ( double const phi, double const m )
incompletegamma double const a, double const x )
incompletegammac double const a, double const x )
invbinomialdistribution ( ae_int_t const k, ae_int_t const n, double const y )
invchisquaredistribution double const v, double const y )
inverf double const e )
invfdistribution ( ae_int_t const a, ae_int_t const b, double const y )
invincompletebeta double const a, double const b, double const y )
invincompletegammac double const a, double const y0 )
invnormaldistribution double const y0 )
invpoissondistribution ( ae_int_t const k, double const y )
invstudenttdistribution ( ae_int_t const k, double const p )
jacobianellipticfunctions double const u, double const m, double& sn, double& cn, double& dn, double& ph )
laguerrecalculate ( ae_int_t const n, double const x )
laguerrecoefficients ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& c )
laguerresum ( real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, double const x )
legendrecalculate ( ae_int_t const n, double const x )
legendrecoefficients ( ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array& c )
legendresum ( real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, double const x )
lngamma double const x, double& sgngam )
normaldistribution double const x )
poissoncdistribution ( ae_int_t const k, double const m )
poissondistribution ( ae_int_t const k, double const m )
psi double const x )
sinecosineintegrals double const x, double& si, double& ci )
studenttdistribution ( ae_int_t const k, double const t )

namespace alglib_impl
airy double x, double* ai, double* aip, double* bi, double* bip, struct ae_state* _state )
besseli0 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besseli1 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besselj0 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besselj1 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besseljn ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besselk0 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besselk1 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besselkn ae_int_t nn, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
bessely0 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
bessely1 double x, struct ae_state* _state )
besselyn ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
beta double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
binomialcdistribution ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double p, struct ae_state* _state )
binomialdistribution ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double p, struct ae_state* _state )
chebyshevcalculate ae_int_t r, ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
chebyshevcoefficients ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
chebyshevsum ae_vector* c, ae_int_t r, ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
chisquarecdistribution double v, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
chisquaredistribution double v, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
dawsonintegral double x, struct ae_state* _state )
ellipticintegrale double m, struct ae_state* _state )
ellipticintegralk double m, struct ae_state* _state )
ellipticintegralkhighprecision double m1, struct ae_state* _state )
errorfunction double x, struct ae_state* _state )
errorfunctionc double x, struct ae_state* _state )
exponentialintegralei double x, struct ae_state* _state )
exponentialintegralen double x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
fcdistribution ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
fdistribution ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
fresnelintegral double x, double* c, double* s, struct ae_state* _state )
fromchebyshev ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )
gammafunction double x, struct ae_state* _state )
hermitecalculate ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
hermitecoefficients ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
hermitesum ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals double x, double* shi, double* chi, struct ae_state* _state )
incompletebeta double a, double b, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
incompleteellipticintegrale double phi, double m, struct ae_state* _state )
incompleteellipticintegralk double phi, double m, struct ae_state* _state )
incompletegamma double a, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
incompletegammac double a, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
invbinomialdistribution ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
invchisquaredistribution double v, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
inverf double e, struct ae_state* _state )
invfdistribution ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
invincompletebeta double a, double b, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
invincompletegammac double a, double y0, struct ae_state* _state )
invnormaldistribution double y0, struct ae_state* _state )
invpoissondistribution ae_int_t k, double y, struct ae_state* _state )
invstudenttdistribution ae_int_t k, double p, struct ae_state* _state )
jacobianellipticfunctions double u, double m, double* sn, double* cn, double* dn, double* ph, struct ae_state* _state )
laguerrecalculate ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
laguerrecoefficients ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
laguerresum ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
legendrecalculate ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
legendrecoefficients ae_int_t n, ae_vector* c, struct ae_state* _state )
legendresum ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, double x, struct ae_state* _state )
lngamma double x, double* sgngam, struct ae_state* _state )
normaldistribution double x, struct ae_state* _state )
poissoncdistribution ae_int_t k, double m, struct ae_state* _state )
poissondistribution ae_int_t k, double m, struct ae_state* _state )
psi double x, struct ae_state* _state )
sinecosineintegrals double x, double* si, double* ci, struct ae_state* _state )
studenttdistribution ae_int_t k, double t, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
ftest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
jarqueberatest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double& p )
mannwhitneyutest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
onesamplesigntest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double const median, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
onesamplevariancetest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double const variance, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
pearsoncorrelation ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n )
pearsoncorrelationsignificance double const r, ae_int_t const n, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
sampleadev ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double& adev )
samplemedian ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double& median )
samplemoments ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double& mean, double& variance, double& skewness, double& kurtosis )
samplepercentile ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double const p, double& v )
spearmanrankcorrelation ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n )
spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance double const r, ae_int_t const n, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
studentttest1 ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double const mean, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
studentttest2 ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
unequalvariancettest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
wilcoxonsignedranktest ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, double const e, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )

namespace alglib_impl
calculateadev ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* adev, struct ae_state* _state )
calculatemedian ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* median, struct ae_state* _state )
calculatemoments ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* mean, double* variance, double* skewness, double* kurtosis, struct ae_state* _state )
calculatepercentile ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double p, double* v, struct ae_state* _state )
ftest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
jarqueberatest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* p, struct ae_state* _state )
mannwhitneyutest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
onesamplesigntest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double median, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
onesamplevariancetest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double variance, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
pearsoncorrelation ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
pearsoncorrelationsignificance double r, ae_int_t n, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
sampleadev ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* adev, struct ae_state* _state )
samplemedian ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* median, struct ae_state* _state )
samplemoments ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* mean, double* variance, double* skewness, double* kurtosis, struct ae_state* _state )
samplepercentile ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double p, double* v, struct ae_state* _state )
spearmanrankcorrelation ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance double r, ae_int_t n, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
studentttest1 ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double mean, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
studentttest2 ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
unequalvariancettest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )
wilcoxonsignedranktest ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double e, double* bothtails, double* lefttail, double* righttail, struct ae_state* _state )

to the top

Removed Symbols (277)

ablasmicroblocksize ( )

airy double x, double& ai, double& aip, double& bi, double& bip )

namespace ap
abscomplex complex const& z )
afree void* block )
amalloc size_t size, size_t alignment )
conj complex const& z )
csqr complex const& z )
fp_eq double v1, double v2 )
fp_greater double v1, double v2 )
fp_greater_eq double v1, double v2 )
fp_less double v1, double v2 )
fp_less_eq double v1, double v2 )
fp_neq double v1, double v2 )
iceil double x )
ifloor double x )
machineepsilon [data]
maxint int m1, int m2 )
maxreal double m1, double m2 )
maxrealnumber [data]
minint int m1, int m2 )
minreal double m1, double m2 )
minrealnumber [data]
operator!= ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator* ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator* ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator* ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator+ complex const& lhs )
operator+ ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator+ ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator+ ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator- complex const& lhs )
operator- ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator- ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator- ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator/ ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator/ ( complex const& lhs, double const& rhs )
operator/ ( double const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
operator == ( complex const& lhs, complex const& rhs )
pi ( )
randominteger int maxv )
randomreal ( )
round double x )
sign double x )
sqr double x )
trunc double x )
vadd complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N )
vadd complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N, complex alpha )
vadd complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N, double alpha )
vadd complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n )
vadd complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n, complex alpha )
vadd complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n, double alpha )
vadd double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N )
vadd double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N, double alpha )
vadd double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n )
vadd double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n, double alpha )
vdotproduct ( complex const* v0, int stride0, char const* conj0, complex const* v1, int stride1, char const* conj1, int n )
vdotproduct ( complex const* v1, complex const* v2, int N )
vdotproduct ( double const* v0, int stride0, double const* v1, int stride1, int n )
vdotproduct ( double const* v1, double const* v2, int N )
vlen int n1, int n2 )
vmove complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N )
vmove complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N, complex alpha )
vmove complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N, double alpha )
vmove complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n )
vmove complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n, complex alpha )
vmove complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n, double alpha )
vmove double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N )
vmove double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N, double alpha )
vmove double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n )
vmove double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n, double alpha )
vmoveneg complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N )
vmoveneg complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n )
vmoveneg double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N )
vmoveneg double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n )
vmul complex* vdst, int N, complex alpha )
vmul complex* vdst, int N, double alpha )
vmul complex* vdst, int stride_dst, int n, complex alpha )
vmul complex* vdst, int stride_dst, int n, double alpha )
vmul double* vdst, int N, double alpha )
vmul double* vdst, int stride_dst, int n, double alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N )
vsub complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N, complex alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, complex const* vsrc, int N, double alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n )
vsub complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n, complex alpha )
vsub complex* vdst, int stride_dst, complex const* vsrc, int stride_src, char const* conj_src, int n, double alpha )
vsub double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N )
vsub double* vdst, double const* vsrc, int N, double alpha )
vsub double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n )
vsub double* vdst, int stride_dst, double const* vsrc, int stride_src, int n, double alpha )

apperiodicmap double& x, double a, double b, double& k )
safepythag2 double x, double y )
safepythag3 double x, double y, double z )

autogkiteration struct autogkstate& state )
autogkresults ( struct autogkstate const& state, double& v, struct autogkreport& rep )
autogksingular double a, double b, double alpha, double beta, struct autogkstate& state )
autogksmooth double a, double b, struct autogkstate& state )
autogksmoothw double a, double b, double xwidth, struct autogkstate& state )

besseli0 double x )
besseli1 double x )
besselj0 double x )
besselj1 double x )
besseljn int n, double x )
besselk0 double x )
besselk1 double x )
besselkn int nn, double x )
bessely0 double x )
bessely1 double x )
besselyn int n, double x )

beta double a, double b )

binomialcdistribution int k, int n, double p )
binomialdistribution int k, int n, double p )
invbinomialdistribution int k, int n, double y )

pythag2 double x, double y )

chebyshevcalculate ( int const& r, int const& n, double const& x )

chisquarecdistribution double v, double x )
chisquaredistribution double v, double x )
invchisquaredistribution double v, double y )

pearsoncorrelationsignificance double r, int n, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )
spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance double r, int n, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail )

dawsonintegral double x )

dfcopy ( struct decisionforest const& df1, struct decisionforest& df2 )

ellipticintegrale double m )
ellipticintegralk double m )
ellipticintegralkhighprecision double m1 )
incompleteellipticintegrale double phi, double m )
incompleteellipticintegralk double phi, double m )

exponentialintegralei double x )
exponentialintegralen double x, int n )

fcdistribution int a, int b, double x )
fdistribution int a, int b, double x )
invfdistribution int a, int b, double y )

fresnelintegral double x, double& c, double& s )

ftbasefactorize int n, int tasktype, int& n1, int& n2 )
ftbasefindsmooth int n )
ftbasefindsmootheven int n )
ftbasegeneratecomplexfftplan int n, struct ftplan& plan )
ftbasegeneraterealfftplan int n, struct ftplan& plan )
ftbasegeneraterealfhtplan int n, struct ftplan& plan )
ftbasegetflopestimate int n )
ftbaseissmooth int n )

gamma double p1 )
lngamma double x, double& sgngam )

hermitecalculate ( int const& n, double const& x )

hqrndexponential double lambda, struct hqrndstate& state )
hqrndnormal struct hqrndstate& state )
hqrndnormal2 ( struct hqrndstate& state, double& x1, double& x2 )
hqrndrandomize struct hqrndstate& state )
hqrndseed int s1, int s2, struct hqrndstate& state )
hqrnduniformi int n, struct hqrndstate& state )
hqrnduniformr struct hqrndstate& state )
hqrndunit2 ( struct hqrndstate& state, double& x, double& y )

namespace ialglib
mcopyblock int m, int n, double const* a, int op, int stride, double* b )
mcopyblock_complex int m, int n, ap::complex const* a, int op, int stride, double* b )
mcopyunblock int m, int n, double const* a, int op, double* b, int stride )
mcopyunblock_complex int m, int n, double const* a, int op, ap::complex* b, int stride )
mv int m, int n, double const* a, double const* x, double* y, int stride, double alpha, double beta )
mv_32 double const* a, double const* x, double* y, int stride, double alpha, double beta )
mv_complex int m, int n, double const* a, double const* x, ap::complex* cy, double* dy, int stride, ap::complex alpha, ap::complex beta )
mv_complex_generic int m, int n, double const* a, double const* x, ap::complex* cy, double* dy, int stride, ap::complex alpha, ap::complex beta )
mv_generic int m, int n, double const* a, double const* x, double* y, int stride, double alpha, double beta )
vcopy int n, double const* a, int stridea, double* b, int strideb )
vcopy_complex int n, ap::complex const* a, int stridea, double* b, int strideb, char* conj )
vcopy_complex int n, double const* a, int stridea, double* b, int strideb, char* conj )
vzero int n, double* p, int stride )
vzero_complex int n, ap::complex* p, int stride )

incompletebeta double a, double b, double x )
invincompletebeta double a, double b, double y )

incompletegamma double a, double x )
incompletegammac double a, double x )
invincompletegammac double a, double y0 )

jacobianellipticfunctions double u, double m, double& sn, double& cn, double& dn, double& ph )

laguerrecalculate ( int const& n, double const& x )

legendrecalculate ( int const& n, double const& x )

lrcopy ( struct linearmodel const& lm1, struct linearmodel& lm2 )

mnlcopy ( struct logitmodel const& lm1, struct logitmodel& lm2 )

lsfitnonlineariteration struct lsfitstate& state )
lsfitnonlinearsetcond ( struct lsfitstate& state, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits )
lsfitnonlinearsetstpmax ( struct lsfitstate& state, double stpmax )

minasaiteration struct minasastate& state )
minasasetalgorithm ( struct minasastate& state, int algotype )
minasasetcond ( struct minasastate& state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits )
minasasetstpmax ( struct minasastate& state, double stpmax )
minasasetxrep ( struct minasastate& state, bool needxrep )

mincgiteration struct mincgstate& state )
mincgsetcgtype ( struct mincgstate& state, int cgtype )
mincgsetcond ( struct mincgstate& state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits )
mincgsetstpmax ( struct mincgstate& state, double stpmax )
mincgsetxrep ( struct mincgstate& state, bool needxrep )

minlbfgsiteration struct minlbfgsstate& state )
minlbfgssetcond ( struct minlbfgsstate& state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits )
minlbfgssetstpmax ( struct minlbfgsstate& state, double stpmax )
minlbfgssetxrep ( struct minlbfgsstate& state, bool needxrep )

minlmiteration struct minlmstate& state )
minlmsetcond ( struct minlmstate& state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, int maxits )
minlmsetstpmax ( struct minlmstate& state, double stpmax )
minlmsetxrep ( struct minlmstate& state, bool needxrep )

mlpcopy ( struct multilayerperceptron const& network1, struct multilayerperceptron& network2 )
mlpcreate0 int nin, int nout, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreate1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreate2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreateb0 int nin, int nout, double b, double d, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreateb1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, double b, double d, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreateb2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double b, double d, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreatec0 int nin, int nout, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreatec1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreatec2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreater0 int nin, int nout, double a, double b, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreater1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, double a, double b, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpcreater2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double a, double b, struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlpissoftmax struct multilayerperceptron const& network )
mlpproperties ( struct multilayerperceptron const& network, int& nin, int& nout, int& wcount )
mlprandomize struct multilayerperceptron& network )
mlprandomizefull struct multilayerperceptron& network )

mlpecopy ( struct mlpensemble const& ensemble1, struct mlpensemble& ensemble2 )
mlpecreate0 int nin, int nout, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreate1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreate2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreateb0 int nin, int nout, double b, double d, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreateb1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, double b, double d, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreateb2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double b, double d, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatec0 int nin, int nout, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatec1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatec2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreatefromnetwork ( struct multilayerperceptron const& network, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreater0 int nin, int nout, double a, double b, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreater1 int nin, int nhid, int nout, double a, double b, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpecreater2 int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double a, double b, int ensemblesize, struct mlpensemble& ensemble )
mlpeissoftmax struct mlpensemble const& ensemble )
mlpeproperties ( struct mlpensemble const& ensemble, int& nin, int& nout )
mlperandomize struct mlpensemble& ensemble )

cosm1 double x )
expm1 double __x )
log1p double __x )

erf double p1 )
erfc double p1 )
inverf double e )
invnormaldistribution double y0 )
normaldistribution double x )

odesolveriteration struct odesolverstate& state )

invpoissondistribution int k, double y )
poissoncdistribution int k, double m )
poissondistribution int k, double m )

psi double x )

pspline2arclength ( struct pspline2interpolant const& p, double a, double b )
pspline2calc ( struct pspline2interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& y )
pspline2diff ( struct pspline2interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& y, double& dy )
pspline2diff2 ( struct pspline2interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& d2x, double& y, double& dy, double& d2y )
pspline2tangent ( struct pspline2interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& y )
pspline3arclength ( struct pspline3interpolant const& p, double a, double b )
pspline3calc ( struct pspline3interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& y, double& z )
pspline3diff ( struct pspline3interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& y, double& dy, double& z, double& dz )
pspline3diff2 ( struct pspline3interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& d2x, double& y, double& dy, double& d2y, double& z, double& dz, double& d2z )
pspline3tangent ( struct pspline3interpolant const& p, double t, double& x, double& y, double& z )

barycentriccalc ( struct barycentricinterpolant const& b, double t )
barycentriccopy ( struct barycentricinterpolant const& b, struct barycentricinterpolant& b2 )
barycentricdiff1 ( struct barycentricinterpolant const& b, double t, double& f, double& df )
barycentricdiff2 ( struct barycentricinterpolant const& b, double t, double& f, double& df, double& d2f )
barycentriclintransx ( struct barycentricinterpolant& b, double ca, double cb )
barycentriclintransy ( struct barycentricinterpolant& b, double ca, double cb )

rcondthreshold ( )

generaterotation double f, double g, double& cs, double& sn, double& r )

spline1dcalc ( struct spline1dinterpolant const& c, double x )
spline1dcopy ( struct spline1dinterpolant const& c, struct spline1dinterpolant& cc )
spline1ddiff ( struct spline1dinterpolant const& c, double x, double& s, double& ds, double& d2s )
spline1dintegrate ( struct spline1dinterpolant const& c, double x )
spline1dlintransx ( struct spline1dinterpolant& c, double a, double b )
spline1dlintransy ( struct spline1dinterpolant& c, double a, double b )

spline2dcalc ( struct spline2dinterpolant const& c, double x, double y )
spline2dcopy ( struct spline2dinterpolant const& c, struct spline2dinterpolant& cc )
spline2ddiff ( struct spline2dinterpolant const& c, double x, double y, double& f, double& fx, double& fy, double& fxy )
spline2dlintransf ( struct spline2dinterpolant& c, double a, double b )
spline2dlintransxy ( struct spline2dinterpolant& c, double ax, double bx, double ay, double by )

invstudenttdistribution int k, double p )
studenttdistribution int k, double t )

hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals double x, double& shi, double& chi )
sinecosineintegrals double x, double& si, double& ci )

to the top

Other Changes in Constants (8)

[+] ae_machineepsilon
[+] ae_maxrealnumber
[+] ae_minrealnumber
[+] ae_pi

to the top

Header Files (105)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

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