Binary compatibility report for the ALGLIB library  between 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameALGLIB
Version #13.0.0
Version #23.1.0
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files14
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types2480 / 726

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-104
Removed SymbolsHigh7
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (104)

namespace alglib_impl
_apbuffers_clear struct apbuffers* p )
_apbuffers_init ( struct apbuffers* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_apbuffers_init_copy ( struct apbuffers* dst, struct apbuffers* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_armijostate_clear struct armijostate* p )
_armijostate_init ( struct armijostate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_armijostate_init_copy ( struct armijostate* dst, struct armijostate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
armijocreate ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x, double f, ae_vector* s, double stp, double stpmax, ae_int_t fmax, struct armijostate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
armijoiteration ( struct armijostate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
armijoresults ( struct armijostate* state, ae_int_t* info, double* stp, double* f, struct ae_state* _state )
isfinitertrmatrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
rankx ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct apbuffers* buf, struct ae_state* _state )
saferdiv double x, double y, double* r, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
endianness [data]

namespace alglib_impl
ae_db_swap ( ae_dyn_block* block1, ae_dyn_block* block2 )
ae_get_endianness ( )
ae_isfinite_stateless double x, ae_int_t endianness )
ae_isinf_stateless double x, ae_int_t endianness )
ae_isnan_stateless double x, ae_int_t endianness )
ae_isneginf_stateless double x, ae_int_t endianness )
ae_isposinf_stateless double x, ae_int_t endianness )
ae_swap_matrices ae_matrix* mat1, ae_matrix* mat2 )
ae_swap_vectors ae_vector* vec1, ae_vector* vec2 )

namespace alglib
lsfitcreatef ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, double const diffstep, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatef ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& c, double const diffstep, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatewf ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& c, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const k, double const diffstep, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitcreatewf ( real_2d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, real_1d_array const& c, double const diffstep, lsfitstate& state )
lsfitfit ( lsfitstate& state, void(*func)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array const&, double&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
polynomialbar2cheb ( barycentricinterpolant const& p, double const a, double const b, real_1d_array& t )
polynomialbar2pow ( barycentricinterpolant const& p, real_1d_array& a )
polynomialbar2pow ( barycentricinterpolant const& p, double const c, double const s, real_1d_array& a )
polynomialcheb2bar ( real_1d_array const& t, ae_int_t const n, double const a, double const b, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialcheb2bar ( real_1d_array const& t, double const a, double const b, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialpow2bar ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const n, double const c, double const s, barycentricinterpolant& p )
polynomialpow2bar ( real_1d_array const& a, barycentricinterpolant& p )
spline1dfitpenalized ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, double const rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitpenalized ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, double const rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitpenalizedw ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const m, double const rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )
spline1dfitpenalizedw ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, real_1d_array const& w, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, double const rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep )

namespace alglib_impl
heapsortdpoints ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* d, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitcreatef ae_matrix* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitcreatewf ae_matrix* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_vector* c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, struct lsfitstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lsfitscalexy ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, double* xa, double* xb, double* sa, double* sb, ae_vector* xoriginal, ae_vector* yoriginal, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialbar2cheb ( struct barycentricinterpolant* p, double a, double b, ae_vector* t, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialbar2pow ( struct barycentricinterpolant* p, double c, double s, ae_vector* a, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialcheb2bar ae_vector* t, ae_int_t n, double a, double b, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
polynomialpow2bar ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, double c, double s, struct barycentricinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dconvdiffinternal ae_vector* xold, ae_vector* yold, ae_vector* dold, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* x2, ae_int_t n2, ae_vector* y, bool needy, ae_vector* d1, bool needd1, ae_vector* d2, bool needd2, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dfitpenalized ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t* info, struct spline1dinterpolant* s, struct spline1dfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dfitpenalizedw ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_vector* w, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t* info, struct spline1dinterpolant* s, struct spline1dfitreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib_impl
_fblslincgstate_clear struct fblslincgstate* p )
_fblslincgstate_init ( struct fblslincgstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_fblslincgstate_init_copy ( struct fblslincgstate* dst, struct fblslincgstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
fblscgcreate ae_vector* x, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t n, struct fblslincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
fblscgiteration ( struct fblslincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
fblscholeskysolve ae_matrix* cha, double sqrtscalea, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* xb, ae_vector* tmp, struct ae_state* _state )
spdmatrixcholeskyrec ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t offs, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_vector* tmp, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner ( minlbfgsstate const& state, real_2d_array const& p, bool const isupper )
minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner minlbfgsstate const& state )
minlmcreatev ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, double const diffstep, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatev ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, double const diffstep, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatevgj ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatevgj ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatevj ( ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmcreatevj ( ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& x, minlmstate& state )
minlmoptimize ( minlmstate& state, void(*fvec)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*jac)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array&, real_2d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minlmoptimize ( minlmstate& state, void(*fvec)(real_1d_array const&, real_1d_array&, void*), void(*rep)(real_1d_array const&, double, void*), void* ptr )
minlmsetacctype ( minlmstate const& state, ae_int_t const acctype )

namespace alglib_impl
minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, ae_matrix* p, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmcreatev ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, double diffstep, struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmcreatevgj ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmcreatevj ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* x, struct minlmstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmsetacctype ( struct minlmstate* state, ae_int_t acctype, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
cov2 ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y )
cov2 ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n )
covm ( real_2d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_2d_array& c )
covm ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array& c )
covm2 ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m1, ae_int_t const m2, real_2d_array& c )
covm2 ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array const& y, real_2d_array& c )
pearsoncorr2 ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y )
pearsoncorr2 ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n )
pearsoncorrm ( real_2d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_2d_array& c )
pearsoncorrm ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array& c )
pearsoncorrm2 ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m1, ae_int_t const m2, real_2d_array& c )
pearsoncorrm2 ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array const& y, real_2d_array& c )
sampleadev ( real_1d_array const& x, double& adev )
samplemedian ( real_1d_array const& x, double& median )
samplemoments ( real_1d_array const& x, double& mean, double& variance, double& skewness, double& kurtosis )
samplepercentile ( real_1d_array const& x, double const p, double& v )
spearmancorr2 ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y )
spearmancorr2 ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n )
spearmancorrm ( real_2d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m, real_2d_array& c )
spearmancorrm ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array& c )
spearmancorrm2 ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const m1, ae_int_t const m2, real_2d_array& c )
spearmancorrm2 ( real_2d_array const& x, real_2d_array const& y, real_2d_array& c )

namespace alglib_impl
cov2 ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
covm ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix* c, struct ae_state* _state )
covm2 ae_matrix* x, ae_matrix* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix* c, struct ae_state* _state )
pearsoncorr2 ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
pearsoncorrm ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix* c, struct ae_state* _state )
pearsoncorrm2 ae_matrix* x, ae_matrix* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spearmancorr2 ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
spearmancorrm ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_matrix* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spearmancorrm2 ae_matrix* x, ae_matrix* y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, ae_matrix* c, struct ae_state* _state )

to the top

Removed Symbols (7)

namespace alglib_impl
apservisfinitertrmatrix ae_matrix* x, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, struct ae_state* _state )
buildfloaterhormannrationalinterpolant ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t d, ae_vector* w, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib_impl
lsfitscalexy ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, double* xa, double* xb, double* sa, double* sb, ae_vector* xoriginal, ae_vector* yoriginal, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib_impl
calculateadev ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* adev, struct ae_state* _state )
calculatemedian ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* median, struct ae_state* _state )
calculatemoments ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double* mean, double* variance, double* skewness, double* kurtosis, struct ae_state* _state )
calculatepercentile ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double p, double* v, struct ae_state* _state )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (10)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitstate (2)

namespace alglib
[+] class minlmstate (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minlmstate (7)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] lsfitscalexy ( ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* xc, ae_vector* yc, ae_vector* dc, ae_int_t k, double* xa, double* xb, double* sa, double* sb, ae_vector* xoriginal, ae_vector* yoriginal, struct ae_state* _state ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (43)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitstate (1)

namespace alglib
[+] class minlmstate (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minlbfgsstate (3)
[+] struct minlmstate (38)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (8)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitstate (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minlbfgsstate (1)
[+] struct minlmstate (6)

to the top

Header Files (14)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Tue Nov 26 15:23:56 2013 for ALGLIB by ABI Compliance Checker  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API