Binary compatibility report for the ALGLIB library  between 3.4.0 and 3.5.0 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameALGLIB
Version #13.4.0
Version #23.5.0
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files14
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types2926 / 816

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-340
Removed SymbolsHigh2
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (340)

namespace alglib_impl
approxequalrel double a, double b, double tol, struct ae_state* _state )
aresameboolean bool v1, bool v2, struct ae_state* _state )
getmlpeserializationcode struct ae_state* _state )
getrbfserializationcode struct ae_state* _state )
lowerbound ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, double t, struct ae_state* _state )
tagsortmiddleir ae_vector* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t offset, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
upperbound ae_vector* a, ae_int_t n, double t, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
hqrndcontinuous ( hqrndstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n )
hqrnddiscrete ( hqrndstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n )

namespace alglib_impl
hqrndcontinuous ( struct hqrndstate* state, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
hqrnddiscrete ( struct hqrndstate* state, ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
filterema ( real_1d_array& x, ae_int_t const n, double const alpha )
filterema ( real_1d_array& x, double const alpha )
filterlrma ( real_1d_array& x, ae_int_t const k )
filterlrma ( real_1d_array& x, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k )
filtersma ( real_1d_array& x, ae_int_t const k )
filtersma ( real_1d_array& x, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k )
mlpeserialize ( mlpensemble& obj, std::string& s_out )
mlpeunserialize ( std::string& s_in, mlpensemble& obj )
mlpgetinputscount multilayerperceptron const& network )
mlpgetoutputscount multilayerperceptron const& network )
mlpgetweightscount multilayerperceptron const& network )

namespace alglib_impl
filterema ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, double alpha, struct ae_state* _state )
filterlrma ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, struct ae_state* _state )
filtersma ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpealloc ( struct ae_serializer* s, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeserialize ( struct ae_serializer* s, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeunserialize ( struct ae_serializer* s, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgetinputscount ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgetoutputscount ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpgetweightscount ( struct multilayerperceptron* network, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_rbfmodel_owner::_rbfmodel_owner [in-charge] ( )
_rbfmodel_owner::_rbfmodel_owner [in-charge] _rbfmodel_owner const& rhs )
_rbfmodel_owner::_rbfmodel_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_rbfmodel_owner::_rbfmodel_owner [not-in-charge] _rbfmodel_owner const& rhs )
_rbfmodel_owner::c_ptr ( )
_rbfmodel_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_rbfmodel_owner::operator = _rbfmodel_owner const& rhs )
_rbfmodel_owner::~_rbfmodel_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_rbfmodel_owner::~_rbfmodel_owner [in-charge] ( )
_rbfmodel_owner::~_rbfmodel_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_rbfreport_owner::_rbfreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_rbfreport_owner::_rbfreport_owner [in-charge] _rbfreport_owner const& rhs )
_rbfreport_owner::_rbfreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_rbfreport_owner::_rbfreport_owner [not-in-charge] _rbfreport_owner const& rhs )
_rbfreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_rbfreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_rbfreport_owner::operator = _rbfreport_owner const& rhs )
_rbfreport_owner::~_rbfreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_rbfreport_owner::~_rbfreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_rbfreport_owner::~_rbfreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
rbfbuildmodel ( rbfmodel const& s, rbfreport& rep )
rbfcalc ( rbfmodel const& s, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
rbfcalc2 ( rbfmodel const& s, double const x0, double const x1 )
rbfcalc3 ( rbfmodel const& s, double const x0, double const x1, double const x2 )
rbfcalcbuf ( rbfmodel const& s, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
rbfcreate ( ae_int_t const nx, ae_int_t const ny, rbfmodel& s )
rbfgridcalc2 ( rbfmodel const& s, real_1d_array const& x0, ae_int_t const n0, real_1d_array const& x1, ae_int_t const n1, real_2d_array& y )
rbfmodel::operator = rbfmodel const& rhs )
rbfmodel::rbfmodel [in-charge] ( )
rbfmodel::rbfmodel [in-charge] rbfmodel const& rhs )
rbfmodel::rbfmodel [not-in-charge] ( )
rbfmodel::rbfmodel [not-in-charge] rbfmodel const& rhs )
rbfmodel::~rbfmodel [in-charge-deleting] ( )
rbfmodel::~rbfmodel [in-charge] ( )
rbfmodel::~rbfmodel [not-in-charge] ( )
rbfreport::operator = rbfreport const& rhs )
rbfreport::rbfreport [in-charge] ( )
rbfreport::rbfreport [in-charge] rbfreport const& rhs )
rbfreport::rbfreport [not-in-charge] ( )
rbfreport::rbfreport [not-in-charge] rbfreport const& rhs )
rbfreport::~rbfreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
rbfreport::~rbfreport [in-charge] ( )
rbfreport::~rbfreport [not-in-charge] ( )
rbfserialize ( rbfmodel& obj, std::string& s_out )
rbfsetalgomultilayer ( rbfmodel const& s, double const rbase, ae_int_t const nlayers )
rbfsetalgomultilayer ( rbfmodel const& s, double const rbase, ae_int_t const nlayers, double const lambdav )
rbfsetalgoqnn rbfmodel const& s )
rbfsetalgoqnn ( rbfmodel const& s, double const q, double const z )
rbfsetconstterm rbfmodel const& s )
rbfsetlinterm rbfmodel const& s )
rbfsetpoints ( rbfmodel const& s, real_2d_array const& xy )
rbfsetpoints ( rbfmodel const& s, real_2d_array const& xy, ae_int_t const n )
rbfsetzeroterm rbfmodel const& s )
rbfunpack ( rbfmodel const& s, ae_int_t& nx, ae_int_t& ny, real_2d_array& xwr, ae_int_t& nc, real_2d_array& v )
rbfunserialize ( std::string& s_in, rbfmodel& obj )

namespace alglib_impl
_rbfmodel_clear struct rbfmodel* p )
_rbfmodel_init ( struct rbfmodel* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_rbfmodel_init_copy ( struct rbfmodel* dst, struct rbfmodel* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_rbfreport_clear struct rbfreport* p )
_rbfreport_init ( struct rbfreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_rbfreport_init_copy ( struct rbfreport* dst, struct rbfreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
bisectmethod double pa, double ma, double pb, double mb, double a, double b, double* x, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfalloc ( struct ae_serializer* s, struct rbfmodel* model, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfbuildmodel ( struct rbfmodel* s, struct rbfreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfcalc ( struct rbfmodel* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfcalc2 ( struct rbfmodel* s, double x0, double x1, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfcalc3 ( struct rbfmodel* s, double x0, double x1, double x2, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfcalcbuf ( struct rbfmodel* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfcreate ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, struct rbfmodel* s, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfgridcalc2 ( struct rbfmodel* s, ae_vector* x0, ae_int_t n0, ae_vector* x1, ae_int_t n1, ae_matrix* y, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfserialize ( struct ae_serializer* s, struct rbfmodel* model, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetalgomultilayer ( struct rbfmodel* s, double rbase, ae_int_t nlayers, double lambdav, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetalgoqnn ( struct rbfmodel* s, double q, double z, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetcond ( struct rbfmodel* s, double epsort, double epserr, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetconstterm ( struct rbfmodel* s, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetlinterm ( struct rbfmodel* s, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetpoints ( struct rbfmodel* s, ae_matrix* xy, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfsetzeroterm ( struct rbfmodel* s, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfunpack ( struct rbfmodel* s, ae_int_t* nx, ae_int_t* ny, ae_matrix* xwr, ae_int_t* nc, ae_matrix* v, struct ae_state* _state )
rbfunserialize ( struct ae_serializer* s, struct rbfmodel* model, struct ae_state* _state )
solvecubicpolinom double pa, double ma, double pb, double mb, double a, double b, double* x0, double* x1, double* x2, double* ex0, double* ex1, ae_int_t* nr, ae_int_t* ne, ae_vector* tempdata, struct ae_state* _state )
solvepolinom2 double p0, double m0, double p1, double m1, double* x0, double* x1, ae_int_t* nr, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1drootsandextrema ( struct spline1dinterpolant* c, ae_vector* r, ae_int_t* nr, bool* dr, ae_vector* e, ae_vector* et, ae_int_t* ne, bool* de, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_normestimatorstate_owner::_normestimatorstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_normestimatorstate_owner::_normestimatorstate_owner [in-charge] _normestimatorstate_owner const& rhs )
_normestimatorstate_owner::_normestimatorstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_normestimatorstate_owner::_normestimatorstate_owner [not-in-charge] _normestimatorstate_owner const& rhs )
_normestimatorstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_normestimatorstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_normestimatorstate_owner::operator = _normestimatorstate_owner const& rhs )
_normestimatorstate_owner::~_normestimatorstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_normestimatorstate_owner::~_normestimatorstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_normestimatorstate_owner::~_normestimatorstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_sparsematrix_owner::_sparsematrix_owner [in-charge] ( )
_sparsematrix_owner::_sparsematrix_owner [in-charge] _sparsematrix_owner const& rhs )
_sparsematrix_owner::_sparsematrix_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_sparsematrix_owner::_sparsematrix_owner [not-in-charge] _sparsematrix_owner const& rhs )
_sparsematrix_owner::c_ptr ( )
_sparsematrix_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_sparsematrix_owner::operator = _sparsematrix_owner const& rhs )
_sparsematrix_owner::~_sparsematrix_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_sparsematrix_owner::~_sparsematrix_owner [in-charge] ( )
_sparsematrix_owner::~_sparsematrix_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
normestimatorcreate ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const nstart, ae_int_t const nits, normestimatorstate& state )
normestimatorestimatesparse ( normestimatorstate const& state, sparsematrix const& a )
normestimatorresults ( normestimatorstate const& state, double& nrm )
normestimatorsetseed ( normestimatorstate const& state, ae_int_t const seedval )
normestimatorstate::normestimatorstate [in-charge] ( )
normestimatorstate::normestimatorstate [in-charge] normestimatorstate const& rhs )
normestimatorstate::normestimatorstate [not-in-charge] ( )
normestimatorstate::normestimatorstate [not-in-charge] normestimatorstate const& rhs )
normestimatorstate::operator = normestimatorstate const& rhs )
normestimatorstate::~normestimatorstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
normestimatorstate::~normestimatorstate [in-charge] ( )
normestimatorstate::~normestimatorstate [not-in-charge] ( )
sparseadd ( sparsematrix const& s, ae_int_t const i, ae_int_t const j, double const v )
sparseconverttocrs sparsematrix const& s )
sparsecopy ( sparsematrix const& s0, sparsematrix& s1 )
sparsecreate ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, ae_int_t const k, sparsematrix& s )
sparsecreate ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, sparsematrix& s )
sparsecreatecrs ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, integer_1d_array const& ner, sparsematrix& s )
sparseget ( sparsematrix const& s, ae_int_t const i, ae_int_t const j )
sparsematrix::operator = sparsematrix const& rhs )
sparsematrix::sparsematrix [in-charge] ( )
sparsematrix::sparsematrix [in-charge] sparsematrix const& rhs )
sparsematrix::sparsematrix [not-in-charge] ( )
sparsematrix::sparsematrix [not-in-charge] sparsematrix const& rhs )
sparsematrix::~sparsematrix [in-charge-deleting] ( )
sparsematrix::~sparsematrix [in-charge] ( )
sparsematrix::~sparsematrix [not-in-charge] ( )
sparsemm ( sparsematrix const& s, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const k, real_2d_array& b )
sparsemm2 ( sparsematrix const& s, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const k, real_2d_array& b0, real_2d_array& b1 )
sparsemtm ( sparsematrix const& s, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const k, real_2d_array& b )
sparsemtv ( sparsematrix const& s, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
sparsemv ( sparsematrix const& s, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )
sparsemv2 ( sparsematrix const& s, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y0, real_1d_array& y1 )
sparseresizematrix sparsematrix const& s )
sparseset ( sparsematrix const& s, ae_int_t const i, ae_int_t const j, double const v )
sparsesmm ( sparsematrix const& s, bool const isupper, real_2d_array const& a, ae_int_t const k, real_2d_array& b )
sparsesmv ( sparsematrix const& s, bool const isupper, real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array& y )

namespace alglib_impl
_normestimatorstate_clear struct normestimatorstate* p )
_normestimatorstate_init ( struct normestimatorstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_normestimatorstate_init_copy ( struct normestimatorstate* dst, struct normestimatorstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_sparsematrix_clear struct sparsematrix* p )
_sparsematrix_init ( struct sparsematrix* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_sparsematrix_init_copy ( struct sparsematrix* dst, struct sparsematrix* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
fblssolvels ae_matrix* a, ae_vector* b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* tmp0, ae_vector* tmp1, ae_vector* tmp2, struct ae_state* _state )
normestimatorcreate ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nstart, ae_int_t nits, struct normestimatorstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
normestimatorestimatesparse ( struct normestimatorstate* state, struct sparsematrix* a, struct ae_state* _state )
normestimatoriteration ( struct normestimatorstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
normestimatorrestart ( struct normestimatorstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
normestimatorresults ( struct normestimatorstate* state, double* nrm, struct ae_state* _state )
normestimatorsetseed ( struct normestimatorstate* state, ae_int_t seedval, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixlqbasecase ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* work, ae_vector* t, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
rmatrixqrbasecase ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* work, ae_vector* t, ae_vector* tau, struct ae_state* _state )
sparseadd ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double v, struct ae_state* _state )
sparseconverttocrs ( struct sparsematrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsecopy ( struct sparsematrix* s0, struct sparsematrix* s1, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsecreate ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, struct sparsematrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsecreatecrs ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* ner, struct sparsematrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
sparseget ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsegetaveragelengthofchain ( struct sparsematrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsemm ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix* b, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsemm2 ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix* b0, ae_matrix* b1, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsemtm ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix* b, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsemtv ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsemv ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsemv2 ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y0, ae_vector* y1, struct ae_state* _state )
sparseresizematrix ( struct sparsematrix* s, struct ae_state* _state )
sparseset ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double v, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsesmm ( struct sparsematrix* s, bool isupper, ae_matrix* a, ae_int_t k, ae_matrix* b, struct ae_state* _state )
sparsesmv ( struct sparsematrix* s, bool isupper, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib_impl
calculatestepbound ae_vector* x, ae_vector* d, double alpha, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* havebndl, ae_vector* bndu, ae_vector* havebndu, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, ae_int_t* variabletofreeze, double* valuetofreeze, double* maxsteplen, struct ae_state* _state )
enforceboundaryconstraints ae_vector* x, ae_vector* bl, ae_vector* havebl, ae_vector* bu, ae_vector* havebu, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, struct ae_state* _state )
filterdirection ae_vector* d, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* havebndl, ae_vector* bndu, ae_vector* havebndu, ae_vector* s, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, double droptol, struct ae_state* _state )
findfeasiblepoint ae_vector* x, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* havebndl, ae_vector* bndu, ae_vector* havebndu, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, ae_matrix* ce, ae_int_t k, double epsi, ae_int_t* qpits, ae_int_t* gpaits, struct ae_state* _state )
numberofchangedconstraints ae_vector* x, ae_vector* xprev, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* havebndl, ae_vector* bndu, ae_vector* havebndu, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, struct ae_state* _state )
postprocessboundedstep ae_vector* x, ae_vector* xprev, ae_vector* bndl, ae_vector* havebndl, ae_vector* bndu, ae_vector* havebndu, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, ae_int_t variabletofreeze, double valuetofreeze, double steptaken, double maxsteplen, struct ae_state* _state )
projectgradientintobc ae_vector* x, ae_vector* g, ae_vector* bl, ae_vector* havebl, ae_vector* bu, ae_vector* havebu, ae_int_t nmain, ae_int_t nslack, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
_lincgreport_owner::_lincgreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lincgreport_owner::_lincgreport_owner [in-charge] _lincgreport_owner const& rhs )
_lincgreport_owner::_lincgreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lincgreport_owner::_lincgreport_owner [not-in-charge] _lincgreport_owner const& rhs )
_lincgreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_lincgreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_lincgreport_owner::operator = _lincgreport_owner const& rhs )
_lincgreport_owner::~_lincgreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_lincgreport_owner::~_lincgreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lincgreport_owner::~_lincgreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lincgstate_owner::_lincgstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lincgstate_owner::_lincgstate_owner [in-charge] _lincgstate_owner const& rhs )
_lincgstate_owner::_lincgstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_lincgstate_owner::_lincgstate_owner [not-in-charge] _lincgstate_owner const& rhs )
_lincgstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_lincgstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_lincgstate_owner::operator = _lincgstate_owner const& rhs )
_lincgstate_owner::~_lincgstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_lincgstate_owner::~_lincgstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_lincgstate_owner::~_lincgstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrreport_owner::_linlsqrreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrreport_owner::_linlsqrreport_owner [in-charge] _linlsqrreport_owner const& rhs )
_linlsqrreport_owner::_linlsqrreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrreport_owner::_linlsqrreport_owner [not-in-charge] _linlsqrreport_owner const& rhs )
_linlsqrreport_owner::c_ptr ( )
_linlsqrreport_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_linlsqrreport_owner::operator = _linlsqrreport_owner const& rhs )
_linlsqrreport_owner::~_linlsqrreport_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_linlsqrreport_owner::~_linlsqrreport_owner [in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrreport_owner::~_linlsqrreport_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrstate_owner::_linlsqrstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrstate_owner::_linlsqrstate_owner [in-charge] _linlsqrstate_owner const& rhs )
_linlsqrstate_owner::_linlsqrstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrstate_owner::_linlsqrstate_owner [not-in-charge] _linlsqrstate_owner const& rhs )
_linlsqrstate_owner::c_ptr ( )
_linlsqrstate_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_linlsqrstate_owner::operator = _linlsqrstate_owner const& rhs )
_linlsqrstate_owner::~_linlsqrstate_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_linlsqrstate_owner::~_linlsqrstate_owner [in-charge] ( )
_linlsqrstate_owner::~_linlsqrstate_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
lincgcreate ( ae_int_t const n, lincgstate& state )
lincgreport::lincgreport [in-charge] ( )
lincgreport::lincgreport [in-charge] lincgreport const& rhs )
lincgreport::lincgreport [not-in-charge] ( )
lincgreport::lincgreport [not-in-charge] lincgreport const& rhs )
lincgreport::operator = lincgreport const& rhs )
lincgreport::~lincgreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
lincgreport::~lincgreport [in-charge] ( )
lincgreport::~lincgreport [not-in-charge] ( )
lincgresults ( lincgstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, lincgreport& rep )
lincgsetcond ( lincgstate const& state, double const epsf, ae_int_t const maxits )
lincgsetrestartfreq ( lincgstate const& state, ae_int_t const srf )
lincgsetrupdatefreq ( lincgstate const& state, ae_int_t const freq )
lincgsetstartingpoint ( lincgstate const& state, real_1d_array const& x )
lincgsetxrep ( lincgstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
lincgsolvesparse ( lincgstate const& state, sparsematrix const& a, bool const isupper, real_1d_array const& b )
lincgstate::lincgstate [in-charge] ( )
lincgstate::lincgstate [in-charge] lincgstate const& rhs )
lincgstate::lincgstate [not-in-charge] ( )
lincgstate::lincgstate [not-in-charge] lincgstate const& rhs )
lincgstate::operator = lincgstate const& rhs )
lincgstate::~lincgstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
lincgstate::~lincgstate [in-charge] ( )
lincgstate::~lincgstate [not-in-charge] ( )
linlsqrcreate ( ae_int_t const m, ae_int_t const n, linlsqrstate& state )
linlsqrreport::linlsqrreport [in-charge] ( )
linlsqrreport::linlsqrreport [in-charge] linlsqrreport const& rhs )
linlsqrreport::linlsqrreport [not-in-charge] ( )
linlsqrreport::linlsqrreport [not-in-charge] linlsqrreport const& rhs )
linlsqrreport::operator = linlsqrreport const& rhs )
linlsqrreport::~linlsqrreport [in-charge-deleting] ( )
linlsqrreport::~linlsqrreport [in-charge] ( )
linlsqrreport::~linlsqrreport [not-in-charge] ( )
linlsqrresults ( linlsqrstate const& state, real_1d_array& x, linlsqrreport& rep )
linlsqrsetcond ( linlsqrstate const& state, double const epsa, double const epsb, ae_int_t const maxits )
linlsqrsetlambdai ( linlsqrstate const& state, double const lambdai )
linlsqrsetxrep ( linlsqrstate const& state, bool const needxrep )
linlsqrsolvesparse ( linlsqrstate const& state, sparsematrix const& a, real_1d_array const& b )
linlsqrstate::linlsqrstate [in-charge] ( )
linlsqrstate::linlsqrstate [in-charge] linlsqrstate const& rhs )
linlsqrstate::linlsqrstate [not-in-charge] ( )
linlsqrstate::linlsqrstate [not-in-charge] linlsqrstate const& rhs )
linlsqrstate::operator = linlsqrstate const& rhs )
linlsqrstate::~linlsqrstate [in-charge-deleting] ( )
linlsqrstate::~linlsqrstate [in-charge] ( )
linlsqrstate::~linlsqrstate [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace alglib_impl
_lincgreport_clear struct lincgreport* p )
_lincgreport_init ( struct lincgreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lincgreport_init_copy ( struct lincgreport* dst, struct lincgreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lincgstate_clear struct lincgstate* p )
_lincgstate_init ( struct lincgstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_lincgstate_init_copy ( struct lincgstate* dst, struct lincgstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linlsqrreport_clear struct linlsqrreport* p )
_linlsqrreport_init ( struct linlsqrreport* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linlsqrreport_init_copy ( struct linlsqrreport* dst, struct linlsqrreport* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linlsqrstate_clear struct linlsqrstate* p )
_linlsqrstate_init ( struct linlsqrstate* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_linlsqrstate_init_copy ( struct linlsqrstate* dst, struct linlsqrstate* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
lincgcreate ae_int_t n, struct lincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgiteration ( struct lincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgrestart ( struct lincgstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgresults ( struct lincgstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct lincgreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsetb ( struct lincgstate* state, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsetcond ( struct lincgstate* state, double epsf, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsetrestartfreq ( struct lincgstate* state, ae_int_t srf, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsetrupdatefreq ( struct lincgstate* state, ae_int_t freq, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsetstartingpoint ( struct lincgstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsetxrep ( struct lincgstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
lincgsolvesparse ( struct lincgstate* state, struct sparsematrix* a, bool isupper, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrcreate ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, struct linlsqrstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqriteration ( struct linlsqrstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrrestart ( struct linlsqrstate* state, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrresults ( struct linlsqrstate* state, ae_vector* x, struct linlsqrreport* rep, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrsetb ( struct linlsqrstate* state, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrsetcond ( struct linlsqrstate* state, double epsa, double epsb, ae_int_t maxits, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrsetlambdai ( struct linlsqrstate* state, double lambdai, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrsetxrep ( struct linlsqrstate* state, bool needxrep, struct ae_state* _state )
linlsqrsolvesparse ( struct linlsqrstate* state, struct sparsematrix* a, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
samplekurtosis real_1d_array const& x )
samplekurtosis ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n )
samplemean real_1d_array const& x )
samplemean ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n )
sampleskewness real_1d_array const& x )
sampleskewness ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n )
samplevariance real_1d_array const& x )
samplevariance ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n )

namespace alglib_impl
samplekurtosis ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
samplemean ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
sampleskewness ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )
samplevariance ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, struct ae_state* _state )

to the top

Removed Symbols (2)

namespace alglib_impl
mlpeserialize ( struct mlpensemble* ensemble, ae_vector* ra, ae_int_t* rlen, struct ae_state* _state )
mlpeunserialize ae_vector* ra, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (14)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct mlpensemble (12)

namespace alglib
[+] class minbleicreport (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minqpstate (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] mlpeunserialize ( ae_vector* ra, struct mlpensemble* ensemble, struct ae_state* _state ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (18)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct mcpdstate (2)
[+] struct mlpensemble (2)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitstate (1)
[+] struct pspline2interpolant (2)
[+] struct pspline3interpolant (3)
[+] struct spline1dinterpolant (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minbleicstate (2)
[+] struct minlmstate (1)
[+] struct minqpstate (4)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (17)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct mcpdstate (1)
[+] struct mlpensemble (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitstate (1)
[+] struct pspline2interpolant (1)
[+] struct pspline3interpolant (1)
[+] struct spline1dinterpolant (1)

namespace alglib
[+] class minbleicreport (2)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minbleicreport (3)
[+] struct minbleicstate (1)
[+] struct mincgstate (1)
[+] struct minlmstate (1)
[+] struct minqpstate (3)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (4)

namespace alglib
[+] randominteger int maxv ) (2)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] ae_atan2 double x, double y, struct ae_state* state ) (2)

to the top

Header Files (14)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Tue Nov 26 15:22:52 2013 for ALGLIB by ABI Compliance Checker  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API