Binary compatibility report for the ALGLIB library  between 3.5.0 and 3.6.0 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameALGLIB
Version #13.5.0
Version #23.6.0
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files14
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types3264 / 928

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-90
Removed SymbolsHigh0
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (90)

namespace alglib
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::_spline3dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::_spline3dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] _spline3dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::_spline3dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::_spline3dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] _spline3dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::c_ptr ( ) const
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::operator = _spline3dinterpolant_owner const& rhs )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::~_spline3dinterpolant_owner [in-charge-deleting] ( )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::~_spline3dinterpolant_owner [in-charge] ( )
_spline3dinterpolant_owner::~_spline3dinterpolant_owner [not-in-charge] ( )
lsfitsetgradientcheck ( lsfitstate const& state, double const teststep )
spline1dbuildmonotone ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const n, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline1dbuildmonotone ( real_1d_array const& x, real_1d_array const& y, spline1dinterpolant& c )
spline2dbuildbicubicv ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const d, spline2dinterpolant& c )
spline2dbuildbilinearv ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const d, spline2dinterpolant& c )
spline2dcalcv ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y, real_1d_array& f )
spline2dcalcvbuf ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y, real_1d_array& f )
spline2dcopy ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, spline2dinterpolant& cc )
spline2dunpackv ( spline2dinterpolant const& c, ae_int_t& m, ae_int_t& n, ae_int_t& d, real_2d_array& tbl )
spline3dbuildtrilinearv ( real_1d_array const& x, ae_int_t const n, real_1d_array const& y, ae_int_t const m, real_1d_array const& z, ae_int_t const l, real_1d_array const& f, ae_int_t const d, spline3dinterpolant& c )
spline3dcalc ( spline3dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y, double const z )
spline3dcalcv ( spline3dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y, double const z, real_1d_array& f )
spline3dcalcvbuf ( spline3dinterpolant const& c, double const x, double const y, double const z, real_1d_array& f )
spline3dinterpolant::operator = spline3dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline3dinterpolant::spline3dinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
spline3dinterpolant::spline3dinterpolant [in-charge] spline3dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline3dinterpolant::spline3dinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
spline3dinterpolant::spline3dinterpolant [not-in-charge] spline3dinterpolant const& rhs )
spline3dinterpolant::~spline3dinterpolant [in-charge-deleting] ( )
spline3dinterpolant::~spline3dinterpolant [in-charge] ( )
spline3dinterpolant::~spline3dinterpolant [not-in-charge] ( )
spline3dlintransf ( spline3dinterpolant const& c, double const a, double const b )
spline3dlintransxyz ( spline3dinterpolant const& c, double const ax, double const bx, double const ay, double const by, double const az, double const bz )
spline3dresampletrilinear ( real_1d_array const& a, ae_int_t const oldzcount, ae_int_t const oldycount, ae_int_t const oldxcount, ae_int_t const newzcount, ae_int_t const newycount, ae_int_t const newxcount, real_1d_array& b )
spline3dunpackv ( spline3dinterpolant const& c, ae_int_t& n, ae_int_t& m, ae_int_t& l, ae_int_t& d, ae_int_t& stype, real_2d_array& tbl )

namespace alglib_impl
_spline3dinterpolant_clear struct spline3dinterpolant* p )
_spline3dinterpolant_init ( struct spline3dinterpolant* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_spline3dinterpolant_init_copy ( struct spline3dinterpolant* dst, struct spline3dinterpolant* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
lsfitsetgradientcheck ( struct lsfitstate* state, double teststep, struct ae_state* _state )
spline1dbuildmonotone ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t n, struct spline1dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dbuildbicubicv ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* f, ae_int_t d, struct spline2dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dbuildbilinearv ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* f, ae_int_t d, struct spline2dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dcalcv ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, ae_vector* f, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dcalcvbuf ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, ae_vector* f, struct ae_state* _state )
spline2dunpackv ( struct spline2dinterpolant* c, ae_int_t* m, ae_int_t* n, ae_int_t* d, ae_matrix* tbl, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dbuildtrilinearv ae_vector* x, ae_int_t n, ae_vector* y, ae_int_t m, ae_vector* z, ae_int_t l, ae_vector* f, ae_int_t d, struct spline3dinterpolant* c, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dcalc ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, double z, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dcalcv ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, double z, ae_vector* f, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dcalcvbuf ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, double x, double y, double z, ae_vector* f, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dcopy ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, struct spline3dinterpolant* cc, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dlintransf ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, double a, double b, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dlintransxyz ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, double ax, double bx, double ay, double by, double az, double bz, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dresampletrilinear ae_vector* a, ae_int_t oldzcount, ae_int_t oldycount, ae_int_t oldxcount, ae_int_t newzcount, ae_int_t newycount, ae_int_t newxcount, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )
spline3dunpackv ( struct spline3dinterpolant* c, ae_int_t* n, ae_int_t* m, ae_int_t* l, ae_int_t* d, ae_int_t* stype, ae_matrix* tbl, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
sparseenumerate ( sparsematrix const& s, ae_int_t& t0, ae_int_t& t1, ae_int_t& i, ae_int_t& j, double& v )
sparserewriteexisting ( sparsematrix const& s, ae_int_t const i, ae_int_t const j, double const v )

namespace alglib_impl
sparseenumerate ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_int_t* t0, ae_int_t* t1, ae_int_t* i, ae_int_t* j, double* v, struct ae_state* _state )
sparserewriteexisting ( struct sparsematrix* s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double v, struct ae_state* _state )

namespace alglib
minbleicsetgradientcheck ( minbleicstate const& state, double const teststep )
mincgsetgradientcheck ( mincgstate const& state, double const teststep )
minlbfgssetgradientcheck ( minlbfgsstate const& state, double const teststep )
minlmsetgradientcheck ( minlmstate const& state, double const teststep )
minqpsetlc ( minqpstate const& state, real_2d_array const& c, integer_1d_array const& ct )
minqpsetlc ( minqpstate const& state, real_2d_array const& c, integer_1d_array const& ct, ae_int_t const k )

namespace alglib_impl
_convexquadraticmodel_clear struct convexquadraticmodel* p )
_convexquadraticmodel_init ( struct convexquadraticmodel* p, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
_convexquadraticmodel_init_copy ( struct convexquadraticmodel* dst, struct convexquadraticmodel* src, struct ae_state* _state, bool make_automatic )
cqmadx ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* y, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmconstrainedoptimum ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmdebugconstrainedevale ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmdebugconstrainedevalt ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmdropa ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmeval ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmevalx ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, double* r, double* noise, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmgradunconstrained ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* g, struct ae_state* _state )
cqminit ae_int_t n, struct convexquadraticmodel* s, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmrewritedensediagonal ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* z, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmscalevector ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmseta ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_matrix* a, bool isupper, double alpha, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmsetactiveset ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, ae_vector* activeset, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmsetb ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* b, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmsetd ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* d, double tau, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmsetq ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_matrix* q, ae_vector* r, ae_int_t k, double theta, struct ae_state* _state )
cqmxtadx2 ( struct convexquadraticmodel* s, ae_vector* x, struct ae_state* _state )
derivativecheck double f0, double df0, double f1, double df1, double f, double df, double width, struct ae_state* _state )
minbleicsetgradientcheck ( struct minbleicstate* state, double teststep, struct ae_state* _state )
mincgsetgradientcheck ( struct mincgstate* state, double teststep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlbfgssetgradientcheck ( struct minlbfgsstate* state, double teststep, struct ae_state* _state )
minlmsetgradientcheck ( struct minlmstate* state, double teststep, struct ae_state* _state )
minqpsetlc ( struct minqpstate* state, ae_matrix* c, ae_vector* ct, ae_int_t k, struct ae_state* _state )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (15)

namespace alglib
[+] class lsfitreport (1)

namespace alglib
[+] class minbleicreport (1)
[+] class mincgreport (1)
[+] class minlbfgsreport (1)
[+] class minlmreport (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minbleicstate (4)
[+] struct minqpstate (6)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (59)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct mcpdstate (1)

namespace alglib
[+] class lsfitreport (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitreport (1)
[+] struct lsfitstate (5)
[+] struct spline2dinterpolant (1)

namespace alglib
[+] class minbleicreport (1)
[+] class mincgreport (1)
[+] class minlbfgsreport (1)
[+] class minlmreport (2)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minbleicreport (1)
[+] struct minbleicstate (4)
[+] struct mincgreport (1)
[+] struct mincgstate (2)
[+] struct minlbfgsreport (1)
[+] struct minlbfgsstate (2)
[+] struct minlmreport (2)
[+] struct minlmstate (10)
[+] struct minqpstate (22)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (34)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct mcpdstate (1)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct lsfitreport (1)
[+] struct lsfitstate (1)
[+] struct spline2dinterpolant (8)

namespace alglib_impl
[+] struct minbleicreport (1)
[+] struct minbleicstate (1)
[+] struct mincgreport (1)
[+] struct mincgstate (1)
[+] struct minlbfgsreport (1)
[+] struct minlbfgsstate (1)
[+] struct minlmreport (1)
[+] struct minlmstate (1)
[+] struct minqpstate (15)

to the top

Header Files (14)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Tue Nov 26 15:22:34 2013 for ALGLIB by ABI Compliance Checker  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API