Binary compatibility report for the CUDA library  between 3.2.16 and 4.0.17 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameCUDA
Version #13.2.16
Version #24.0.17
CPU Architecturex86
GCC Version4.5

Test Results

Total Header Files37
Total Shared Libraries5
Total Symbols / Types1442 / 121

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-1067
Removed SymbolsHigh153
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (1067)

cublasGetCurrentCtx ( )
cublasSetError cublasStatus_t error )

cublasCaxpy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCcopy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCdotc_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* result )
cublasCdotu_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* result )
cublasCgbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCgemm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb, int m, int n, int k, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCgemv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCgerc_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasCgeru_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasChbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, int k, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasChemm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasChemv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCher2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasCher2k_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, float const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCher_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasCherk_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, float const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, float const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasChpmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* AP, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasChpr2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* AP )
cublasChpr_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* AP )
cublasCreate_v2 cublasHandle_t* handle )
cublasCrot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy, float const* c, cuComplex const* s )
cublasCrotg_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cuComplex* a, cuComplex* b, float* c, cuComplex* s )
cublasCscal_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCsrot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy, float const* c, float const* s )
cublasCsscal_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* alpha, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCswap_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCsymm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCsyr2k_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCsyrk_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCtbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtbsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtpmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuComplex const* AP, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtpsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuComplex const* AP, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtrmm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCtrmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtrsm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, cuComplex const* alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* B, int ldb )
cublasCtrsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasDasum_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* x, int incx, double* result )
cublasDaxpy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* alpha, double const* x, int incx, double* y, int incy )
cublasDcopy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* x, int incx, double* y, int incy )
cublasDdot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* result )
cublasDestroy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle )
cublasDgbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double const* beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDgemm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb, int m, int n, int k, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double const* beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDgemv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double const* beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDger_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int m, int n, double const* alpha, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* A, int lda )
cublasDnrm2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* x, int incx, double* result )
cublasDrot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double* x, int incx, double* y, int incy, double const* c, double const* s )
cublasDrotg_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, double* a, double* b, double* c, double* s )
cublasDrotm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double* x, int incx, double* y, int incy, double const* param )
cublasDrotmg_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, double* d1, double* d2, double* x1, double const* y1, double* param )
cublasDsbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, int k, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double const* beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDscal_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* alpha, double* x, int incx )
cublasDspmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, double const* AP, double const* x, int incx, double const* beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDspr2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* AP )
cublasDspr_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, double const* x, int incx, double* AP )
cublasDswap_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double* x, int incx, double* y, int incy )
cublasDsymm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int m, int n, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double const* beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDsymv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double const* beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDsyr2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* A, int lda )
cublasDsyr2k_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double const* beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDsyr_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, double const* x, int incx, double* A, int lda )
cublasDsyrk_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDtbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtbsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtpmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, double const* AP, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtpsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, double const* AP, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtrmm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDtrmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtrsm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, double const* alpha, double const* A, int lda, double* B, int ldb )
cublasDtrsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDzasum_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, double* result )
cublasDznrm2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, double* result )
cublasGetPointerMode_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasPointerMode_t* mode )
cublasGetStream_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cudaStream_t* streamId )
cublasGetVersion_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int* version )
cublasIcamax_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIcamin_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIdamax_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIdamin_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIsamax_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIsamin_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIzamax_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasIzamin_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, int* result )
cublasSasum_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* x, int incx, float* result )
cublasSaxpy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* alpha, float const* x, int incx, float* y, int incy )
cublasScasum_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, float* result )
cublasScnrm2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, float* result )
cublasScopy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* x, int incx, float* y, int incy )
cublasSdot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* result )
cublasSetPointerMode_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasPointerMode_t mode )
cublasSetStream_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cudaStream_t streamId )
cublasSgbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float const* beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSgemm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb, int m, int n, int k, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float const* beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasSgemv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float const* beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSger_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int m, int n, float const* alpha, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* A, int lda )
cublasSnrm2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* x, int incx, float* result )
cublasSrot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float* x, int incx, float* y, int incy, float const* c, float const* s )
cublasSrotg_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, float* a, float* b, float* c, float* s )
cublasSrotm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float* x, int incx, float* y, int incy, float const* param )
cublasSrotmg_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, float* d1, float* d2, float* x1, float const* y1, float* param )
cublasSsbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, int k, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float const* beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSscal_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float const* alpha, float* x, int incx )
cublasSspmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, float const* AP, float const* x, int incx, float const* beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSspr2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* AP )
cublasSspr_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, float const* x, int incx, float* AP )
cublasSswap_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, float* x, int incx, float* y, int incy )
cublasSsymm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int m, int n, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float const* beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasSsymv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float const* beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSsyr2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* A, int lda )
cublasSsyr2k_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float const* beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasSsyr_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, float const* alpha, float const* x, int incx, float* A, int lda )
cublasSsyrk_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasStbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasStbsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasStpmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, float const* AP, float* x, int incx )
cublasStpsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, float const* AP, float* x, int incx )
cublasStrmm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float* C, int ldc )
cublasStrmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasStrsm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, float const* alpha, float const* A, int lda, float* B, int ldb )
cublasStrsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasZaxpy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZcopy_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZdotc_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* result )
cublasZdotu_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* result )
cublasZdrot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy, double const* c, double const* s )
cublasZdscal_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, double const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZgbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZgemm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb, int m, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZgemv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t trans, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZgerc_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZgeru_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZhbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZhemm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZhemv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZher2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZher2k_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, double const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZher_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZherk_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, double const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, double const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZhpmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* AP, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZhpr2_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* AP )
cublasZhpr_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int n, double const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* AP )
cublasZrot_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy, double const* c, cuDoubleComplex const* s )
cublasZrotg_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cuDoubleComplex* a, cuDoubleComplex* b, double* c, cuDoubleComplex* s )
cublasZscal_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZswap_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, int n, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZsymm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZsyr2k_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZsyrk_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZtbmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtbsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtpmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* AP, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtpsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* AP, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtrmm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZtrmv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtrsm_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasSideMode_t side, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* B, int ldb )
cublasZtrsv_v2 cublasHandle_t handle, cublasFillMode_t uplo, cublasOperation_t trans, cublasDiagType_t diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )

cudaProfilerInitialize char const* configFile, char const* outputFile, cudaOutputMode_t outputMode )
cudaProfilerStart ( )
cudaProfilerStop ( )

cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer int* canAccessPeer, int device, int peerDevice )
cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess int peerDevice )
cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess int peerDevice, unsigned int flags )
cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig cudaFuncCache* pCacheConfig )
cudaDeviceGetLimit size_t* pValue, cudaLimit limit )
cudaDeviceReset ( )
cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig cudaFuncCache cacheConfig )
cudaDeviceSetLimit cudaLimit limit, size_t value )
cudaDeviceSynchronize ( )
cudaHostRegister void* ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags )
cudaHostUnregister void* ptr )
cudaMemcpy3DPeer cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms const* p )
cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms const* p, cudaStream_t stream )
cudaMemcpyPeer void* dst, int dstDevice, void const* src, int srcDevice, size_t count )
cudaMemcpyPeerAsync void* dst, int dstDevice, void const* src, int srcDevice, size_t count, cudaStream_t stream )
cudaPointerGetAttributes cudaPointerAttributes* attributes, void* ptr )

cufftGetVersion int* version )

curandGenerateLogNormal curandGenerator_t generator, float* outputPtr, size_t n, float mean, float stddev )
curandGenerateLogNormalDouble curandGenerator_t generator, double* outputPtr, size_t n, double mean, double stddev )
curandGenerateLongLong curandGenerator_t generator, unsigned long long* outputPtr, size_t num )
curandGetDirectionVectors64 curandDirectionVectors64_t** vectors, curandDirectionVectorSet_t set )
curandGetScrambleConstants32 unsigned int** constants )
curandGetScrambleConstants64 unsigned long long** constants )

cusparseCcsrsv_analysis cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, cuComplex const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info )
cusparseCcsrsv_solve cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, cuComplex alpha, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, cuComplex const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info, cuComplex const* x, cuComplex* y )
cusparseCreateSolveAnalysisInfo cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t* info )
cusparseDcsrsv_analysis cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, double const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info )
cusparseDcsrsv_solve cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, double alpha, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, double const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info, double const* x, double* y )
cusparseDestroySolveAnalysisInfo cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info )
cusparseScsrsv_analysis cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, float const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info )
cusparseScsrsv_solve cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, float alpha, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, float const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info, float const* x, float* y )
cusparseZcsrsv_analysis cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, cuDoubleComplex const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info )
cusparseZcsrsv_solve cusparseHandle_t handle, cusparseOperation_t transA, int m, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cusparseMatDescr_t const descrA, cuDoubleComplex const* csrValA, int const* csrRowPtrA, int const* csrColIndA, cusparseSolveAnalysisInfo_t info, cuDoubleComplex const* x, cuDoubleComplex* y )

nppGetGpuComputeCapability ( )
nppGetGpuName ( )
nppGetGpuNumSMs ( )
nppGetLibVersion ( )
nppGetMaxThreadsPerBlock ( )
nppGetStream ( )
nppSetStream cudaStream_t hStream )

nppiAbsDiff_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32f const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAbsDiff_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32s const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAbsDiff_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAbsDiff_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAbsDiff_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAbsDiffC_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nValue )
nppiAdd_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32f const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAdd_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32s const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAdd_8u_AC4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiAdd_8u_C1RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiAdd_8u_C4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiAddC_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiAddC_32fc_C1R Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiColorTwist32f_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, float[4] const* twist )
nppiColorTwist32f_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, float[4] const* twist )
nppiColorTwist32f_8u_P3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, float[4] const* twist )
nppiCompare_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32f const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation )
nppiCompare_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation )
nppiCompare_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation )
nppiConvert_16s32f_C1R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16s32s_C1R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16s8u_AC4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16s8u_C1R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16s8u_C4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16u32f_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16u32s_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16u8u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16u8u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_16u8u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_32f16s_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppRoundMode eRoundMode )
nppiConvert_32f16u_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppRoundMode eRoundMode )
nppiConvert_32f8u_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppRoundMode eRoundMode )
nppiConvert_8u16s_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_8u16s_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_8u16s_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_8u16u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_8u16u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_8u16u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiConvert_8u32f_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_16s_AC4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_16s_C1R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_16s_C4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopy_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiCopyConstBorder_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSrcSizeROI, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oDstSizeROI, int nTopBorderHeight, int nLeftBorderWidth, Npp32s nValue )
nppiCopyConstBorder_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSrcSizeROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oDstSizeROI, int nTopBorderHeight, int nLeftBorderWidth, Npp8u const* aValue )
nppiCopyConstBorder_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSrcSizeROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oDstSizeROI, int nTopBorderHeight, int nLeftBorderWidth, Npp8u nValue )
nppiCopyConstBorder_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSrcSizeROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oDstSizeROI, int nTopBorderHeight, int nLeftBorderWidth, Npp8u const* aValue )
nppiDCTQuantFwd8x8LS_JPEG_8u16s_C1R Npp8u* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, Npp16u const* pQuantFwdTable, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiDCTQuantInv8x8LS_JPEG_16s8u_C1R Npp16s* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, Npp16u const* pQuantInvTable, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiDilate_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiDilate_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiDiv_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32f const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiDiv_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32s const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiDiv_8u_AC4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiDiv_8u_C1RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiDiv_8u_C4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiDivC_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiDivC_32fc_C1R Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiErode_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiErode_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiEvenLevelsHost_32s Npp32s* hpLevels, int nLevels, Npp32s nLowerLevel, Npp32s nUpperLevel )
nppiExp_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiFilter_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s const* pKernel, NppiSize oKernelSize, NppiPoint oAnchor, Npp32s nDivisor )
nppiFilter_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s const* pKernel, NppiSize oKernelSize, NppiPoint oAnchor, Npp32s nDivisor )
nppiFilterBox_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiFilterBox_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiFilterColumn_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, Npp32s const* pKernel, Npp32s nMaskSize, Npp32s nAnchor, Npp32s nDivisor )
nppiFilterColumn_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, Npp32s const* pKernel, Npp32s nMaskSize, Npp32s nAnchor, Npp32s nDivisor )
nppiFilterMax_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiFilterMax_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiFilterMin_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiFilterMin_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiSize oMaskSize, NppiPoint oAnchor )
nppiFilterRow_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, Npp32s const* pKernel, Npp32s nMaskSize, Npp32s nAnchor, Npp32s nDivisor )
nppiFilterRow_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, Npp32s const* pKernel, Npp32s nMaskSize, Npp32s nAnchor, Npp32s nDivisor )
nppiFree void* pData )
nppiGetAffineBound NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] * bound, double[3] const* coeffs )
nppiGetAffineQuad NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] * quad, double[3] const* coeffs )
nppiGetAffineTransform NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* quad, double[3] * coeffs )
nppiGetPerspectiveBound NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] * bound, double[3] const* coeffs )
nppiGetPerspectiveQuad NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] * quad, double[3] const* coeffs )
nppiGetPerspectiveTransform NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* quad, double[3] * coeffs )
nppiGraphcut_32s8u Npp32s* pTerminals, Npp32s* pLeftTransposed, Npp32s* pRightTransposed, Npp32s* pTop, Npp32s* pBottom, int nStep, int nTransposedStep, NppiSize size, Npp8u* pLabel, int nLabelStep, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiGraphcutGetSize NppiSize size, int* pBufSize )
nppiHistogramEven_16s_AC4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, int* nLevels, Npp32s* nLowerLevel, Npp32s* nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_16s_C1R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, int nLevels, Npp32s nLowerLevel, Npp32s nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_16s_C4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, int* nLevels, Npp32s* nLowerLevel, Npp32s* nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, int* nLevels, Npp32s* nLowerLevel, Npp32s* nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, int nLevels, Npp32s nLowerLevel, Npp32s nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, int* nLevels, Npp32s* nLowerLevel, Npp32s* nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, int* nLevels, Npp32s* nLowerLevel, Npp32s* nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, int nLevels, Npp32s nLowerLevel, Npp32s nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEven_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, int* nLevels, Npp32s* nLowerLevel, Npp32s* nUpperLevel, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_16s_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_16s_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_16s_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_16u_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_16u_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_16u_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_8u_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_8u_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramEvenGetBufferSize_8u_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRange_16s_AC4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_16s_C1R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, Npp32s const* pLevels, int nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_16s_C4R Npp16s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, Npp32s const* pLevels, int nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32f const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, Npp32f const* pLevels, int nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32f const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s* pHist, Npp32s const* pLevels, int nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRange_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s** pHist, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels, Npp8u* pBuffer )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_16s_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_16s_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_16s_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_16u_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_16u_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_16u_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_32f_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_32f_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_32f_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_8u_AC4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_8u_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiHistogramRangeGetBufferSize_8u_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* nLevels, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiLn_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiLUT_Linear_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s const** pValues, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels )
nppiLUT_Linear_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s const* pValues, Npp32s const* pLevels, int nLevels )
nppiLUT_Linear_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32s const** pValues, Npp32s const** pLevels, int* nLevels )
nppiMagnitude_32fc32f_C1R Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiMagnitudeSqr_32fc32f_C1R Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiMalloc_16s_C1 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_16s_C2 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_16s_C4 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_16u_C1 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_16u_C2 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_16u_C3 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_16u_C4 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32f_C1 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32f_C2 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32f_C3 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32f_C4 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32s_C1 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32s_C3 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_32s_C4 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_8u_C1 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_8u_C2 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_8u_C3 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMalloc_8u_C4 int nWidthPixels, int nHeightPixels, int* pStepBytes )
nppiMean_StdDev_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp64f* pMean, Npp64f* pStdDev )
nppiMinMax_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u* pMin, Npp8u* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppiMinMax_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u* aMin, Npp8u* aMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppiMinMaxGetBufferSize_8u_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiMinMaxGetBufferSize_8u_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiMirror_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, NppiAxis flip )
nppiMirror_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, NppiAxis flip )
nppiMul_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32f const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiMul_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32s const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiMul_8u_AC4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiMul_8u_C1RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiMul_8u_C4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiMulC_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiMulC_32fc_C1R Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiNormDiff_Inf_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrcStep1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrcStep2, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp64f* pRetVal )
nppiNormDiff_L1_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrcStep1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrcStep2, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp64f* pRetVal )
nppiNormDiff_L2_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrcStep1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrcStep2, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp64f* pRetVal )
nppiQuantFwdRawTableInit_JPEG_8u Npp8u* pQuantRawTable, int nQualityFactor )
nppiQuantFwdTableInit_JPEG_8u16u Npp8u const* pQuantRawTable, Npp16u* pQuantFwdRawTable )
nppiQuantInvTableInit_JPEG_8u16u Npp8u const* pQuantRawTable, Npp16u* pQuantFwdRawTable )
nppiRectStdDev_32s32f_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f const* pSqr, int nSqrStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, NppiRect rect )
nppiReductionGetBufferHostSize_8u_C1R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiReductionGetBufferHostSize_8u_C4R NppiSize oSizeROI, int* hpBufferSize )
nppiResize_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize dstROISize, double xFactor, double yFactor, int interpolation )
nppiResize_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize dstROISize, double xFactor, double yFactor, int interpolation )
nppiRGBToYCbCr420_8u_C3P3R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int* nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiRGBToYCbCr422_8u_C3C2R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiRGBToYCbCr_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiRGBToYCbCr_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiRGBToYCbCr_8u_P3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiRotate_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstROI, double angle, double xShift, double yShift, int interpolation )
nppiRotate_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcROI, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstROI, double angle, double xShift, double yShift, int interpolation )
nppiSet_16s_AC4MR Npp16s const* aValues, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_16s_AC4R Npp16s const* aValues, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16s_C1MR Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_16s_C1R Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16s_C2R Npp16s const* aValues, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16s_C4CR Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16s_C4MR Npp16s const* aValues, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_16s_C4R Npp16s const* aValues, Npp16s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16u_AC4MR Npp16u const* aValues, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* aValues, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16u_C1MR Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_16u_C1R Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16u_C2R Npp16u const* aValues, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16u_C4CR Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_16u_C4MR Npp16u const* aValues, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_16u_C4R Npp16u const* aValues, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32f_AC4MR Npp32f const* aValues, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* aValues, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32f_C1MR Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_32f_C1R Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32f_C4CR Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32f_C4MR Npp32f const* aValues, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_32f_C4R Npp32f const* aValues, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32s_AC4MR Npp32s const* aValues, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* aValues, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32s_C1MR Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_32s_C1R Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32s_C4CR Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_32s_C4MR Npp32s const* aValues, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_32s_C4R Npp32s const* aValues, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_8u_AC4MR Npp8u const* aValues, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* aValues, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_8u_C1MR Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_8u_C1R Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_8u_C4CR Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSet_8u_C4MR Npp8u const* aValues, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* pMask, int nMaskStep )
nppiSet_8u_C4R Npp8u const* aValues, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSetDefaultQuantTable Npp8u* pQuantRawTable, int tableIndex )
nppiSqrIntegral_8u32s32f_C1R Npp8u* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, Npp32f* pSqr, int nSqrStep, NppiSize srcROI, Npp32s val, Npp32f valSqr, Npp32s integralImageNewHeight )
nppiSub_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32f const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSub_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp32s const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSub_8u_AC4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiSub_8u_C1RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiSub_8u_C4RSfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, int nSrc1Step, Npp8u const* pSrc2, int nSrc2Step, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int nScaleFactor )
nppiSubC_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSubC_32fc_C1R Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiSum_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer, Npp64f* pSum )
nppiSum_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer, Npp64f* aSum )
nppiSumWindowColumn_8u32f_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, Npp32s nMaskSize, Npp32s nAnchor )
nppiSumWindowRow_8u32f_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp32s nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, Npp32s nDstStep, NppiSize oROI, Npp32s nMaskSize, Npp32s nAnchor )
nppiSwapChannels_8u_C4IR Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nSrcDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, int const* aDstOrder )
nppiThreshold_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp32f nThreshold, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation )
nppiThreshold_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI, Npp8u const* aThresholds, NppCmpOp eComparisonOperation )
nppiTranspose_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oROI )
nppiWarpAffine_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_16u_C3R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_16u_P3R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_16u_P4R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32f_C3R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32f_P3R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32f_P4R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32s_C3R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32s_P3R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_32s_P4R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_8u_P3R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffine_8u_P4R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_16u_C3R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_16u_P3R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_16u_P4R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32f_C3R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32f_P3R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32f_P4R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32s_C3R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32s_P3R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_32s_P4R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_8u_P3R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineBack_8u_P4R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_16u_C3R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_16u_P3R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_16u_P4R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32f_C3R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32f_P3R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32f_P4R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32s_C3R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32s_P3R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_32s_P4R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_8u_P3R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpAffineQuad_8u_P4R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_16u_C3R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_16u_P3R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_16u_P4R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32f_C3R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32f_P3R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32f_P4R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32s_C3R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32s_P3R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_32s_P4R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_8u_P3R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspective_8u_P4R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_16u_C3R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_16u_P3R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_16u_P4R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32f_C3R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32f_P3R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32f_P4R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32s_C3R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32s_P3R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_32s_P4R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_8u_P3R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveBack_8u_P4R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[3] const* coeffs, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_16u_AC4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_16u_C1R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_16u_C3R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_16u_C4R Npp16u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_16u_P3R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_16u_P4R Npp16u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp16u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32f_AC4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32f_C1R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32f_C3R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32f_C4R Npp32f const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32f_P3R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32f_P4R Npp32f const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32f** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32s_AC4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32s_C1R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32s_C3R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32s_C4R Npp32s const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32s_P3R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_32s_P4R Npp32s const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp32s** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_8u_C1R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_8u_C4R Npp8u const* pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_8u_P3R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiWarpPerspectiveQuad_8u_P4R Npp8u const** pSrc, NppiSize srcSize, int nSrcStep, NppiRect srcRoi, double[2] const* srcQuad, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiRect dstRoi, double[2] const* dstQuad, int interpolation )
nppiYCbCr420ToRGB_8u_P3C3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int* nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCr420ToYCbCr411_8u_P3P2R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int* aSrcStep, Npp8u* pDstY, int nDstYStep, Npp8u* pDstCbCr, int nDstCbCrStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCr420ToYCbCr422_8u_P3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int* nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int* nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCr422ToRGB_8u_C2C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCr422ToYCbCr411_8u_P3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int* nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int* nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCr422ToYCbCr420_8u_P3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int* nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int* nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCrToRGB_8u_AC4R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCrToRGB_8u_C3R Npp8u const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u* pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )
nppiYCbCrToRGB_8u_P3R Npp8u const*const* pSrc, int nSrcStep, Npp8u** pDst, int nDstStep, NppiSize oSizeROI )

npps10Log10_32s_ISfs Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
npps10Log10_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAbs_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_16s_I Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_32s_I Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAbs_64f_I Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_16s Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_16s32f Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_16s32s_I Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_16s_I Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_16s_ISfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc1, Npp16sc const* pSrc2, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_16u Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_16u_ISfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_32f Npp32f const* pSrc1, Npp32f const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_32f_I Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc1, Npp32fc const* pSrc2, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_32fc_I Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_32s_ISfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc1, Npp32sc const* pSrc2, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_32u Npp32u const* pSrc1, Npp32u const* pSrc2, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_64f Npp64f const* pSrc1, Npp64f const* pSrc2, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_64f_I Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc1, Npp64fc const* pSrc2, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_64fc_I Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_64s_Sfs Npp64s const* pSrc1, Npp64s const* pSrc2, Npp64s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_8u16u Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAdd_8u_ISfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAdd_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_16s_ISfs Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_16u_ISfs Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_32f_I Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_32fc_I Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_32s_ISfs Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_64f_I Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_64fc_I Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAddC_8u_ISfs Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddC_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddProduct_16s32s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddProduct_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddProduct_32f Npp32f const* pSrc1, Npp32f const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddProduct_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc1, Npp32fc const* pSrc2, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddProduct_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsAddProduct_64f Npp64f const* pSrc1, Npp64f const* pSrc2, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddProduct_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc1, Npp64fc const* pSrc2, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAddProductC_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAnd_16u Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAnd_16u_I Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAnd_32u Npp32u const* pSrc1, Npp32u const* pSrc2, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAnd_32u_I Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAnd_8u Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAnd_8u_I Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAndC_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAndC_16u_I Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAndC_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAndC_32u_I Npp32u nValue, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsAndC_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsAndC_8u_I Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsArctan_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsArctan_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsArctan_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsArctan_64f_I Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsCauchy_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength, Npp32f nParam )
nppsCauchyD_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength, Npp32f nParam )
nppsCauchyDD2_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, Npp32f* pD2FVal, int nLength, Npp32f nParam )
nppsCopy_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_16sc Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsCopy_32sc Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_64s Npp64s const* pSrc, Npp64s* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_64sc Npp64sc const* pSrc, Npp64sc* pDst, int len )
nppsCopy_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pDst, int len )
nppsCubrt_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsCubrt_32s16s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_16s_ISfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc1, Npp16sc const* pSrc2, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_16u_ISfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_32f Npp32f const* pSrc1, Npp32f const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_32f_I Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc1, Npp32fc const* pSrc2, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_32fc_I Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_32s16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_32s_ISfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_64f Npp64f const* pSrc1, Npp64f const* pSrc2, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_64f_I Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc1, Npp64fc const* pSrc2, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_64fc_I Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDiv_8u_ISfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_Round_16s_ISfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_Round_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_Round_16u_ISfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_Round_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_Round_8u_ISfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDiv_Round_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, NppRoundMode nRndMode, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_16s_ISfs Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_16u_ISfs Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_32f_I Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_32fc_I Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_32s_ISfs Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_64f_I Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_64fc_I Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivC_8u_ISfs Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivC_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsDivCRev_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_16s_I Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_16u_I Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_32f_I Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_32s_I Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_64f_I Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsDivCRev_8u_I Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsExp_16s_ISfs Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsExp_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsExp_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsExp_32f64f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsExp_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsExp_32s_ISfs Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsExp_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsExp_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsExp_64f_I Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsExp_64s_ISfs Npp64s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsExp_64s_Sfs Npp64s const* pSrc, Npp64s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsFree void* pValues )
nppsIntegral_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsIntegralGetBufferSize_32s int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsLn_16s_ISfs Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsLn_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsLn_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLn_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsLn_32s16s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsLn_32s_ISfs Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsLn_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsLn_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLn_64f32f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLn_64f_I Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_16s_I int nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_16u_I int nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_32s_I int nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_32u_I int nValue, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsLShiftC_8u_I int nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMalloc_16s int nSize )
nppsMalloc_16sc int nSize )
nppsMalloc_16u int nSize )
nppsMalloc_32f int nSize )
nppsMalloc_32fc int nSize )
nppsMalloc_32s int nSize )
nppsMalloc_32sc int nSize )
nppsMalloc_32u int nSize )
nppsMalloc_64f int nSize )
nppsMalloc_64fc int nSize )
nppsMalloc_64s int nSize )
nppsMalloc_64sc int nSize )
nppsMalloc_8u int nSize )
nppsMax_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp16s* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMax_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMax_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32s* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMax_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMin_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp16s* pMin, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMin_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f* pMin, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMin_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32s* pMin, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMin_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f* pMin, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp16s* pMin, Npp16s* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp16u* pMin, Npp16u* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f* pMin, Npp32f* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32s* pMin, Npp32s* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32u* pMin, Npp32u* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f* pMin, Npp64f* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMax_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp8u* pMin, Npp8u* pMax, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_16s int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_16u int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_32f int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_32s int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_32u int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_64f int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMinMaxGetBufferSize_8u int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsMul_16s Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_16s32f Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_16s32s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16s_I Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_16s_ISfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc1, Npp16sc const* pSrc2, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16u16s_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16u_ISfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_32f Npp32f const* pSrc1, Npp32f const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_32f32fc Npp32f const* pSrc1, Npp32fc const* pSrc2, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_32f32fc_I Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_32f_I Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc1, Npp32fc const* pSrc2, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_32fc_I Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_32s32sc_ISfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_32s32sc_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32sc const* pSrc2, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_32s_ISfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc1, Npp32sc const* pSrc2, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_64f Npp64f const* pSrc1, Npp64f const* pSrc2, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_64f_I Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc1, Npp64fc const* pSrc2, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_64fc_I Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_8u16u Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMul_8u_ISfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMul_Low_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_16s_ISfs Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_16u_ISfs Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_32f16s_Sfs Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_32f_I Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_32fc_I Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_32s_ISfs Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_64f64s_ISfs Npp64f nValue, Npp64s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_64f_I Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_64fc_I Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsMulC_8u_ISfs Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsMulC_Low_32f16s Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsNormalize_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, Npp16s vSub, int vDiv, int nScaleFactor )
nppsNormalize_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, Npp16sc vSub, int vDiv, int nScaleFactor )
nppsNormalize_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength, Npp32f vSub, Npp32f vDiv )
nppsNormalize_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength, Npp32fc vSub, Npp32f vDiv )
nppsNormalize_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength, Npp64f vSub, Npp64f vDiv )
nppsNormalize_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength, Npp64fc vSub, Npp64f vDiv )
nppsNot_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsNot_16u_I Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsNot_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsNot_32u_I Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsNot_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsNot_8u_I Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsOr_16u Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsOr_16u_I Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsOr_32u Npp32u const* pSrc1, Npp32u const* pSrc2, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsOr_32u_I Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsOr_8u Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsOr_8u_I Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsOrC_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsOrC_16u_I Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsOrC_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsOrC_32u_I Npp32u nValue, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsOrC_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsOrC_8u_I Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_16s int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_16s_Sfs int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_16sc int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_16sc_Sfs int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_32f int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_32fc int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_32s int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_32s_Sfs int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_32sc int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_64f int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_64fc int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_64s int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsReductionGetBufferSize_8u int nLength, int* hpBufferSize )
nppsRShiftC_16s Npp16s const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_16s_I int nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_16u_I int nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_32s Npp32s const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_32s_I int nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_32u_I int nValue, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, int nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsRShiftC_8u_I int nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_16s Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_16sc Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_32f Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_32fc Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_32s Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_32sc Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_64f Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_64fc Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_64s Npp64s nValue, Npp64s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_64sc Npp64sc nValue, Npp64sc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSet_8u Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_16s_ISfs Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_16u_ISfs Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_32fc_I Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_64f_I Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_64fc_I Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqr_8u_ISfs Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqr_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_16s_ISfs Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_16u_ISfs Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_32f_I Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_32fc_I Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_32s16s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_64f_I Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_64fc_I Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSqrt_64s16s_Sfs Npp64s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_64s_ISfs Npp64s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_64s_Sfs Npp64s const* pSrc, Npp64s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_8u_ISfs Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSqrt_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_16s Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_16s32f Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_16s_I Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_16s_ISfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc1, Npp16s const* pSrc2, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc1, Npp16sc const* pSrc2, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_16u_ISfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_32f Npp32f const* pSrc1, Npp32f const* pSrc2, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_32f_I Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc1, Npp32fc const* pSrc2, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_32fc_I Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_32s_ISfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc1, Npp32s const* pSrc2, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc1, Npp32sc const* pSrc2, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_64f Npp64f const* pSrc1, Npp64f const* pSrc2, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_64f_I Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc1, Npp64fc const* pSrc2, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_64fc_I Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSub_8u_ISfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSub_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_16s_ISfs Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_16u_ISfs Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_32f_I Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_32fc_I Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_32s_ISfs Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_64f_I Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_64fc_I Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubC_8u_ISfs Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubC_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_16s_ISfs Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, Npp16s nValue, Npp16s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_16sc_ISfs Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, Npp16sc nValue, Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_16u_ISfs Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_16u_Sfs Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_32f_I Npp32f nValue, Npp32f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_32fc_I Npp32fc nValue, Npp32fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_32s_ISfs Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, Npp32s nValue, Npp32s* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_32sc_ISfs Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_32sc_Sfs Npp32sc const* pSrc, Npp32sc nValue, Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_64f_I Npp64f nValue, Npp64f* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_64fc_I Npp64fc nValue, Npp64fc* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsSubCRev_8u_ISfs Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSubCRev_8u_Sfs Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength, int nScaleFactor )
nppsSum_16s32s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32s* pSum, int nScaleFactor, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_16s_Sfs Npp16s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp16s* pSum, int nScaleFactor, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_16sc32sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32sc* pSum, int nScaleFactor, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_16sc_Sfs Npp16sc const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp16sc* pSum, int nScaleFactor, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_32f Npp32f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32f* pSum, NppHintAlgorithm eHint, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_32fc Npp32fc const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32fc* pSum, NppHintAlgorithm eHint, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_32s_Sfs Npp32s const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp32s* pSum, int nScaleFactor, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_64f Npp64f const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp64f* pSum, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsSum_64fc Npp64fc const* pSrc, int nLength, Npp64fc* pSum, Npp8u* pDeviceBuffer )
nppsXor_16u Npp16u const* pSrc1, Npp16u const* pSrc2, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsXor_16u_I Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsXor_32u Npp32u const* pSrc1, Npp32u const* pSrc2, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsXor_32u_I Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsXor_8u Npp8u const* pSrc1, Npp8u const* pSrc2, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsXor_8u_I Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsXorC_16u Npp16u const* pSrc, Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsXorC_16u_I Npp16u nValue, Npp16u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsXorC_32u Npp32u const* pSrc, Npp32u nValue, Npp32u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsXorC_32u_I Npp32u nValue, Npp32u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsXorC_8u Npp8u const* pSrc, Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )
nppsXorC_8u_I Npp8u nValue, Npp8u* pSrcDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_16s Npp16s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_16sc Npp16sc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_32f Npp32f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_32fc Npp32fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_32s Npp32s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_32sc Npp32sc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_64f Npp64f* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_64fc Npp64fc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_64s Npp64s* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_64sc Npp64sc* pDst, int nLength )
nppsZero_8u Npp8u* pDst, int nLength )

to the top

Removed Symbols (153)

cublasAlloc int n, int elemSize, void** devicePtr )
cublasCaxpy int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCcopy int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCdotc int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy )
cublasCdotu int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy )
cublasCgbmv char trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCgemm char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCgemv char trans, int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCgerc int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasCgeru int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasChbmv char uplo, int n, int k, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasChemm char side, char uplo, int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasChemv char uplo, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCher char uplo, int n, float alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasCher2 char uplo, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* A, int lda )
cublasCher2k char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, float beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCherk char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, float alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, float beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasChpmv char uplo, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* AP, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasChpr char uplo, int n, float alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex* AP )
cublasChpr2 char uplo, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* x, int incx, cuComplex const* y, int incy, cuComplex* AP )
cublasCrot int n, cuComplex* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy, float c, cuComplex s )
cublasCrotg cuComplex* host_ca, cuComplex cb, float* host_sc, cuComplex* host_cs )
cublasCscal int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCsrot int n, cuComplex* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy, float c, float s )
cublasCsscal int n, float alpha, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCswap int n, cuComplex* x, int incx, cuComplex* y, int incy )
cublasCsymm char side, char uplo, int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCsyr2k char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex const* B, int ldb, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCsyrk char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex beta, cuComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasCtbmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtbsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtpmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuComplex const* AP, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtpsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuComplex const* AP, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtrmm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* B, int ldb )
cublasCtrmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasCtrsm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, cuComplex alpha, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* B, int ldb )
cublasCtrsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuComplex const* A, int lda, cuComplex* x, int incx )
cublasDasum int n, double const* x, int incx )
cublasDaxpy int n, double alpha, double const* x, int incx, double* y, int incy )
cublasDcopy int n, double const* x, int incx, double* y, int incy )
cublasDdot int n, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy )
cublasDgbmv char trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDgemm char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDgemv char trans, int m, int n, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDger int m, int n, double alpha, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* A, int lda )
cublasDnrm2 int n, double const* x, int incx )
cublasDrot int n, double* x, int incx, double* y, int incy, double sc, double ss )
cublasDrotg double* host_sa, double* host_sb, double* host_sc, double* host_ss )
cublasDrotm int n, double* x, int incx, double* y, int incy, double const* sparam )
cublasDrotmg double* host_sd1, double* host_sd2, double* host_sx1, double const* host_sy1, double* host_sparam )
cublasDsbmv char uplo, int n, int k, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDscal int n, double alpha, double* x, int incx )
cublasDspmv char uplo, int n, double alpha, double const* AP, double const* x, int incx, double beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDspr char uplo, int n, double alpha, double const* x, int incx, double* AP )
cublasDspr2 char uplo, int n, double alpha, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* AP )
cublasDswap int n, double* x, int incx, double* y, int incy )
cublasDsymm char side, char uplo, int m, int n, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDsymv char uplo, int n, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* x, int incx, double beta, double* y, int incy )
cublasDsyr char uplo, int n, double alpha, double const* x, int incx, double* A, int lda )
cublasDsyr2 char uplo, int n, double alpha, double const* x, int incx, double const* y, int incy, double* A, int lda )
cublasDsyr2k char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double const* B, int ldb, double beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDsyrk char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double beta, double* C, int ldc )
cublasDtbmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtbsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtpmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, double const* AP, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtpsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, double const* AP, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtrmm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double* B, int ldb )
cublasDtrmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDtrsm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, double alpha, double const* A, int lda, double* B, int ldb )
cublasDtrsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, double const* A, int lda, double* x, int incx )
cublasDzasum int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasDznrm2 int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasFree void const* devicePtr )
cublasIcamax int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasIcamin int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasIdamax int n, double const* x, int incx )
cublasIdamin int n, double const* x, int incx )
cublasIsamax int n, float const* x, int incx )
cublasIsamin int n, float const* x, int incx )
cublasIzamax int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasIzamin int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasSasum int n, float const* x, int incx )
cublasSaxpy int n, float alpha, float const* x, int incx, float* y, int incy )
cublasScasum int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasScnrm2 int n, cuComplex const* x, int incx )
cublasScopy int n, float const* x, int incx, float* y, int incy )
cublasSdot int n, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy )
cublasSetKernelStream cudaStream_t stream )
cublasSgbmv char trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSgemm char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasSgemv char trans, int m, int n, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSger int m, int n, float alpha, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* A, int lda )
cublasSnrm2 int n, float const* x, int incx )
cublasSrot int n, float* x, int incx, float* y, int incy, float sc, float ss )
cublasSrotg float* host_sa, float* host_sb, float* host_sc, float* host_ss )
cublasSrotm int n, float* x, int incx, float* y, int incy, float const* sparam )
cublasSrotmg float* host_sd1, float* host_sd2, float* host_sx1, float const* host_sy1, float* host_sparam )
cublasSsbmv char uplo, int n, int k, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSscal int n, float alpha, float* x, int incx )
cublasSspmv char uplo, int n, float alpha, float const* AP, float const* x, int incx, float beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSspr char uplo, int n, float alpha, float const* x, int incx, float* AP )
cublasSspr2 char uplo, int n, float alpha, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* AP )
cublasSswap int n, float* x, int incx, float* y, int incy )
cublasSsymm char side, char uplo, int m, int n, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasSsymv char uplo, int n, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* x, int incx, float beta, float* y, int incy )
cublasSsyr char uplo, int n, float alpha, float const* x, int incx, float* A, int lda )
cublasSsyr2 char uplo, int n, float alpha, float const* x, int incx, float const* y, int incy, float* A, int lda )
cublasSsyr2k char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float const* B, int ldb, float beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasSsyrk char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float beta, float* C, int ldc )
cublasStbmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasStbsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasStpmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, float const* AP, float* x, int incx )
cublasStpsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, float const* AP, float* x, int incx )
cublasStrmm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float* B, int ldb )
cublasStrmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasStrsm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, float alpha, float const* A, int lda, float* B, int ldb )
cublasStrsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, float const* A, int lda, float* x, int incx )
cublasZaxpy int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZcopy int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZdotc int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy )
cublasZdotu int n, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy )
cublasZdrot int n, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy, double c, double s )
cublasZdscal int n, double alpha, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZgbmv char trans, int m, int n, int kl, int ku, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZgemm char transa, char transb, int m, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZgemv char trans, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZgerc int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZgeru int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZhbmv char uplo, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZhemm char side, char uplo, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZhemv char uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZher char uplo, int n, double alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZher2 char uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* A, int lda )
cublasZher2k char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, double beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZherk char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, double alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, double beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZhpmv char uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* AP, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZhpr char uplo, int n, double alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* AP )
cublasZhpr2 char uplo, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex const* y, int incy, cuDoubleComplex* AP )
cublasZrot int n, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy, double sc, cuDoubleComplex cs )
cublasZrotg cuDoubleComplex* host_ca, cuDoubleComplex cb, double* host_sc, cuDoubleComplex* host_cs )
cublasZscal int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZswap int n, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx, cuDoubleComplex* y, int incy )
cublasZsymm char side, char uplo, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZsyr2k char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex const* B, int ldb, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZsyrk char uplo, char trans, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex beta, cuDoubleComplex* C, int ldc )
cublasZtbmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtbsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, int k, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtpmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* AP, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtpsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* AP, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtrmm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* B, int ldb )
cublasZtrmv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )
cublasZtrsm char side, char uplo, char transa, char diag, int m, int n, cuDoubleComplex alpha, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* B, int ldb )
cublasZtrsv char uplo, char trans, char diag, int n, cuDoubleComplex const* A, int lda, cuDoubleComplex* x, int incx )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (1)

[+] struct cudaDeviceProp (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (3)

[+] struct cudaDeviceProp (2)
[+] struct cudaFuncAttributes (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (10)

[+] struct cudaDeviceProp (8)
[+] struct cudaFuncAttributes (1)

[+] struct textureReference (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (11)

[+] cublasGetError ( ) (1)
[+] cublasGetMatrix int rows, int cols, int elemSize, void const* A, int lda, void* B, int ldb ) (1)
[+] cublasGetMatrixAsync int rows, int cols, int elemSize, void const* A, int lda, void* B, int ldb, cudaStream_t stream ) (1)
[+] cublasGetVector int n, int elemSize, void const* x, int incx, void* y, int incy ) (1)
[+] cublasGetVectorAsync int n, int elemSize, void const* devicePtr, int incx, void* hostPtr, int incy, cudaStream_t stream ) (1)
[+] cublasInit ( ) (1)
[+] cublasSetMatrix int rows, int cols, int elemSize, void const* A, int lda, void* B, int ldb ) (1)
[+] cublasSetMatrixAsync int rows, int cols, int elemSize, void const* A, int lda, void* B, int ldb, cudaStream_t stream ) (1)
[+] cublasSetVector int n, int elemSize, void const* x, int incx, void* devicePtr, int incy ) (1)
[+] cublasSetVectorAsync int n, int elemSize, void const* hostPtr, int incx, void* devicePtr, int incy, cudaStream_t stream ) (1)
[+] cublasShutdown ( ) (1)

to the top

Header Files (37)


to the top

Shared Libraries (5)

to the top

Generated on Wed Jun 15 15:47:41 2011 for CUDA by ABI Compliance Checker 1.23.1  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API