Binary compatibility report for the Flickcurl library  between 0.11 and 0.12 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameFlickcurl
Version #10.11
Version #20.12
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types98 / 102

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-30
Removed SymbolsHigh0
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Symbols (30)

flickcurl_free_exif struct flickcurl_exif* exif )
flickcurl_free_exifs struct flickcurl_exif** exifs_object )
flickcurl_free_group struct flickcurl_group* group )
flickcurl_free_groups struct flickcurl_group** groups_object )
flickcurl_free_location struct flickcurl_location* location )
flickcurl_free_persons struct flickcurl_person** persons )
flickcurl_get_location_accuracy_label int accuracy )
flickcurl_groups_pools_add flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* group_id )
flickcurl_groups_pools_getGroups flickcurl* fc, int page, int per_page )
flickcurl_groups_pools_getPhotos flickcurl* fc, char const* group_id, char const* tags, char const* user_id, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_groups_pools_remove flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* group_id )
flickcurl_people_getPublicPhotos flickcurl* fc, char const* user_id, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_photos_geo_getLocation flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id )
flickcurl_photos_geo_getPerms flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id )
flickcurl_photos_geo_removeLocation flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id )
flickcurl_photos_geo_setLocation flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, struct flickcurl_location* location )
flickcurl_photos_geo_setPerms flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, struct flickcurl_perms* perms )
flickcurl_photos_getContactsPublicPhotos flickcurl* fc, char const* user_id, int count, int just_friends, int single_photo, int include_self, char const* extras )
flickcurl_photos_getExif flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* secret )
flickcurl_photos_getFavorites flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, int page, int per_page )
flickcurl_photos_getNotInSet flickcurl* fc, int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date, char const* min_taken_date, char const* max_taken_date, int privacy_filter, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_photos_getRecent flickcurl* fc, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_photos_getUntagged flickcurl* fc, int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date, char const* min_taken_date, char const* max_taken_date, int privacy_filter, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_photos_getWithGeoData flickcurl* fc, int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date, char const* min_taken_date, char const* max_taken_date, int privacy_filter, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_photos_getWithoutGeoData flickcurl* fc, int min_upload_date, int max_upload_date, char const* min_taken_date, char const* max_taken_date, int privacy_filter, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_photos_licenses_setLicense flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, int license_id )
flickcurl_photos_notes_add flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, int note_x, int note_y, int note_w, int note_h, char const* note_text )
flickcurl_photos_notes_delete flickcurl* fc, char const* note_id )
flickcurl_photos_notes_edit flickcurl* fc, char const* note_id, int note_x, int note_y, int note_w, int note_h, char const* note_text )
flickcurl_photos_recentlyUpdated flickcurl* fc, int min_date, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (2)

[+] struct flickcurl_perms (1)
[+] struct flickcurl_person (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (3)

[+] enum flickcurl_person_field_type (1)
[+] struct flickcurl_perms (1)
[+] struct flickcurl_person (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (1)

[+] enum flickcurl_person_field_type (1)

to the top

Header Files (1)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Thu Jan 9 14:13:09 2014 for Flickcurl by ABI Compliance Checker  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API