Binary compatibility report for the Flickcurl library  between 1.16 and 1.17 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameFlickcurl
Version #11.16
Version #21.17
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types279 / 202

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-28
Removed SymbolsHigh0
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types

Added Symbols (28)

flickcurl_free_galleries struct flickcurl_gallery** galleries_object )
flickcurl_free_stat struct flickcurl_stat* stat )
flickcurl_free_stats struct flickcurl_stat** stats_object )
flickcurl_free_view_stats struct flickcurl_view_stats* view_stats )
flickcurl_galleries_addPhoto flickcurl* fc, char const* gallery_id, char const* photo_id, char const* comment_text )
flickcurl_galleries_getList flickcurl* fc, char const* user_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_galleries_getListForPhoto flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf flickcurl* fc, char const* user_id, char const* extras, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_people_getPhotosOf_params flickcurl* fc, char const* user_id, struct flickcurl_photos_list_params* list_params )
flickcurl_photos_people_add flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* user_id, int person_x, int person_y, int person_w, int person_h )
flickcurl_photos_people_delete flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* user_id )
flickcurl_photos_people_deleteCoords flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* user_id )
flickcurl_photos_people_editCoords flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id, char const* user_id, int person_x, int person_y, int person_w, int person_h )
flickcurl_photos_people_getList flickcurl* fc, char const* photo_id )
flickcurl_stats_getCollectionDomains flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* collection_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getCollectionReferrers flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* domain, char const* collection_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getCollectionStats flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* collection_id )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotoDomains flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* photo_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotoReferrers flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* domain, char const* photo_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotosetDomains flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* photoset_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotosetReferrers flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* domain, char const* photoset_id, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotosetStats flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* photoset_id )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotoStats flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* photo_id )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotostreamDomains flickcurl* fc, char const* date, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotostreamReferrers flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* domain, int per_page, int page )
flickcurl_stats_getPhotostreamStats flickcurl* fc, char const* date )
flickcurl_stats_getPopularPhotos flickcurl* fc, char const* date, char const* sort, int per_page, int page, char const* extras )
flickcurl_stats_getTotalViews flickcurl* fc, char const* date )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (1)

[+] struct flickcurl_photo_s (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (2)

[+] enum flickcurl_photo_field_type (1)
[+] struct flickcurl_photo_s (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (2)

[+] enum flickcurl_photo_field_type (2)

to the top

Header Files (1)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Thu Jan 9 14:11:48 2014 for Flickcurl by ABI Compliance Checker  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API