Binary compatibility report for the libdbi library  between 0.5 and 0.6 versions on x86

Test Info

Library Namelibdbi
Version #10.5
Version #20.6
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files3
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types83 / 82

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-32
Removed SymbolsHigh1
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (32)

_isolate_attrib ( unsigned long attribs, unsigned long rangemin, unsigned int rangemax )

dbi_plugin_quote_string ( dbi_plugin Plugin, char** orig )
dbi_result_bind_datetime ( dbi_result Result, char const* fieldname, time_t* bindto )
dbi_result_get_binary_copy_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_binary_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_char_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_datetime ( dbi_result Result, char const* fieldname )
dbi_result_get_datetime_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_double_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_enum_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_field_attrib ( dbi_result Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned long attribmin, unsigned long attribmax )
dbi_result_get_field_attrib_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx, unsigned long attribmin, unsigned long attribmax )
dbi_result_get_field_attribs ( dbi_result Result, char const* fieldname )
dbi_result_get_field_attribs_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_field_idx ( dbi_result Result, char const* fieldname )
dbi_result_get_field_length_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_field_name ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_field_size_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_field_type ( dbi_result Result, char const* fieldname )
dbi_result_get_field_type_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_float_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_long_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_longlong_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_numfields dbi_result Result )
dbi_result_get_set_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_short_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_string_copy_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_string_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_uchar_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_ulong_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_ulonglong_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )
dbi_result_get_ushort_idx ( dbi_result Result, unsigned int idx )

to the top

Removed Symbols (1)

_dbd_isolate_attrib ( unsigned long attribs, unsigned long rangemin, unsigned int rangemax )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (1)

[+] struct dbi_result_s (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (1)

[+] struct dbi_functions_s (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity (1)

[+] _dbd_row_allocate ( unsigned int numfields, unsigned int has_string_fields ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (4)

[+] struct dbi_functions_s (1)
[+] struct dbi_result_s (1)
[+] struct dbi_row_s (1)
[+] union dbi_data_u (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (81)

[+] dbi_driver_clear_option void* Driver, char const* key ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_clear_options void* Driver ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_close void* Driver ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_connect void* Driver ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_error void* Driver, char** errmsg_dest ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_error_handler void* Driver, void* function, void* user_argument ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_get_db_list void* Driver ) (2)
[+] dbi_driver_get_option void* Driver, char const* key ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_get_option_list void* Driver, char const* current ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_get_option_numeric void* Driver, char const* key ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_get_plugin void* Driver ) (2)
[+] dbi_driver_get_table_list void* Driver, char const* db ) (2)
[+] dbi_driver_new char const* name ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_open void* Plugin ) (2)
[+] dbi_driver_query void* Driver, char const* formatstr, ... ) (2)
[+] dbi_driver_select_db void* Driver, char const* db ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_set_option void* Driver, char const* key, char* value ) (1)
[+] dbi_driver_set_option_numeric void* Driver, char const* key, int value ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_date_compiled void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_description void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_filename void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_maintainer void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_name void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_url void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_get_version void* Plugin ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_is_reserved_word void* Plugin, char const* word ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_list void* Current ) (2)
[+] dbi_plugin_open char const* name ) (1)
[+] dbi_plugin_specific_function void* Plugin, char const* name ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_binary void* Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned char const** bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_binary_copy void* Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned char** bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_char void* Result, char const* fieldname, char* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_double void* Result, char const* fieldname, double* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_enum void* Result, char const* fieldname, char const** bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_fields void* Result, char const* format, ... ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_float void* Result, char const* fieldname, float* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_long void* Result, char const* fieldname, long* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_longlong void* Result, char const* fieldname, long long* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_set void* Result, char const* fieldname, char const** bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_short void* Result, char const* fieldname, short* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_string void* Result, char const* fieldname, char const** bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_string_copy void* Result, char const* fieldname, char** bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_uchar void* Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned char* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_ulong void* Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned long* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_ulonglong void* Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned long long* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_bind_ushort void* Result, char const* fieldname, unsigned short* bindto ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_first_row void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_free void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_binary void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_binary_copy void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_char void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_double void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_driver void* Result ) (2)
[+] dbi_result_get_enum void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_field_length void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_field_size void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_fields void* Result, char const* format, ... ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_float void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_long void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_longlong void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_numrows void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_numrows_affected void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_set void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_short void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_string void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_string_copy void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_uchar void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_ulong void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_ulonglong void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_get_ushort void* Result, char const* fieldname ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_last_row void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_next_row void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_prev_row void* Result ) (1)
[+] dbi_result_seek_row void* Result, unsigned int row ) (1)

to the top

Header Files (3)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

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Generated on Tue Jul 24 14:30:56 2012 for libdbi by ABI Compliance Checker 1.98.3  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API