Binary compatibility report for the libgaiagraphics library  between 0.1 and 0.4 versions on x86

Test Info

Library Namelibgaiagraphics
Version #10.1
Version #20.4
CPU Architecturex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types44 / 17

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-132
Removed SymbolsHigh10
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes-0

Added Symbols (132)

gGraphAddLineToPath ( void const* context, double x, double y )
gGraphCheckAscPath char const* path )
gGraphCheckBinPath ( char const* path, char* hdr_path, int dont_test )
gGraphCheckDemPath ( char const* path, char* hdr_path, int dont_test )
gGraphCheckFltPath ( char const* path, char* hdr_path, int dont_test )
gGraphCheckHgtPath ( char const* path, int* lat, int* lon )
gGraphCloseSubpath void const* context )
gGraphColorRuleFromFile ( char const* path, void const** color_rule )
gGraphColorRuleFromMemBuf char* buf, void const** color_rule )
gGraphCountColors ( char const* path, int image_type, int rows_per_block )
gGraphCreateBitmap ( unsigned char* rgbaArray, int width, int height, void const** bitmap )
gGraphCreateBrush ( unsigned char* rgbaArray, int width, int height, void const** brush )
gGraphCreateColorMapAbsolute ( void const* color_rule, unsigned char background_red, unsigned char background_green, unsigned char background_blue, void const** color_map )
gGraphCreateColorMapRelative ( void const* color_rule, double min, double max, unsigned char background_red, unsigned char background_green, unsigned char background_blue, void const** color_map )
gGraphCreateContext int width, int height, void const** context )
gGraphCreateFont double size, int style, int weight, void const** font )
gGraphCreateGrayscaleImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreateGridDoubleImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreateGridFloatImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreateGridInt16Image int width, int height )
gGraphCreateGridInt32Image int width, int height )
gGraphCreateGridUInt16Image int width, int height )
gGraphCreateGridUInt32Image int width, int height )
gGraphCreateMonochromeImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreatePaletteImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreatePdfContext ( char const* path, int page_width, int page_height, int width, int height, void const** context )
gGraphCreateRgbaImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreateRgbImage int width, int height )
gGraphCreateRgbImageFromBitmap ( unsigned char* bitmap, int width, int height )
gGraphCreateShadedReliefTripleRow int width, unsigned char background_red, unsigned char background_green, unsigned char background_blue, double no_data, void const* color_map_handle, unsigned char mono_red, unsigned char mono_green, unsigned char mono_blue, double z_factor, double scale_factor, double azimuth, double altitude, void const** triple_row_handle )
gGraphCreateSvgContext ( char const* path, int width, int height, void const** context )
gGraphDestroyBitmap void const* bitmap )
gGraphDestroyBrush void const* brush )
gGraphDestroyColorMap void const* color_map )
gGraphDestroyColorRule void const* color_rule )
gGraphDestroyContext void const* context )
gGraphDestroyFont void const* font )
gGraphDestroyPdfContext void const* context )
gGraphDestroyShadedReliefTripleRow void const* triple_row_handle )
gGraphDestroySvgContext void const* context )
gGraphDrawBitmap ( void const* context, void const* bitmap, int x, int y )
gGraphDrawCircleSector ( void const* context, double center_x, double center_y, double radius, double from_angle, double to_angle )
gGraphDrawEllipse ( void const* context, double x, double y, double width, double height )
gGraphDrawRectangle ( void const* context, double x, double y, double width, double height )
gGraphDrawRoundedRectangle ( void const* context, double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius )
gGraphDrawText ( void const* context, char const* text, double x, double y, double angle )
gGraphFillPath ( void const* context, int preserve )
gGraphFontSetColor ( void const* font, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha )
gGraphFontSetOutline ( void const* font, double width )
gGraphGeoMergePixels ( void const* img_in, void const* img_out )
gGraphGetContextAlphaArray ( void const* context, unsigned char** alphaArray )
gGraphGetContextRgbArray ( void const* context, unsigned char** rgbArray )
gGraphGetLandsatSceneExtent ( void const* img_in, int base_row, double* top_x, double* top_y, double* bottom_x, double* bottom_y, double* left_x, double* left_y, double* right_x, double* right_y )
gGraphGetStripImageMinMaxValue ( void const* in_strip_handle, double* min_value, double* max_value, double no_data_value )
gGraphGetTextExtent ( void const* context, char const* text, double* pre_x, double* pre_y, double* width, double* height, double* post_x, double* post_y )
gGraphGridBackgroundFill void const* img, double no_data_value )
gGraphImageBackgroundFill void const* img, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha )
gGraphImageFromAdam7 void** mem_bufs, int* mem_buf_sizes, void* palette, int palette_size, void const** image_handle, int scale )
gGraphImageFromAscFileByStrips ( char const* path, void const** strip_handle )
gGraphImageFromBinFileByStrips ( char const* path, char const* hdr_path, void const** strip_handle )
gGraphImageFromDemFileByStrips ( char const* path, char const* hdr_path, void const** strip_handle )
gGraphImageFromFileByStrips ( char const* path, int image_type, void const** strip_handle )
gGraphImageFromFltFileByStrips ( char const* path, char const* hdr_path, void const** strip_handle )
gGraphImageFromHgtFileByStrips ( char const* path, int lat, int lon, void const** strip_handle )
gGraphImageFromMonochrome ( void const* mem_buf, int mem_buf_size, void const** image_handle )
gGraphImageFromStripImage ( void const* img_in, int color_space, int sample_format, int bits_per_sample, int samples_per_pixel, int start_line, void const** img_out )
gGraphImageGetGeoRef void const* img, int* srid, char* srs_name, char* proj4text, double* upper_left_x, double* upper_left_y, double* pixel_x_size, double* pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageGetNoDataValue void const* img, double* no_data_value )
gGraphImageGetTransparentColor void const* img, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue )
gGraphImageInfosFromAscFile ( char const* path, void const** infos_handle )
gGraphImageInfosFromBinFile ( char const* path, char const* hdr_path, void const** infos_handle )
gGraphImageInfosFromDemFile ( char const* path, char const* hdr_path, void const** infos_handle )
gGraphImageInfosFromFltFile ( char const* path, char const* hdr_path, void const** infos_handle )
gGraphImageInfosFromHgtFile ( char const* path, int lat, int lon, void const** infos_handle )
gGraphImageInfosGetGeoRef void const* img, int* srid, char* srs_name, char* proj4text, double* upper_left_x, double* upper_left_y, double* pixel_x_size, double* pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageIsGeoRef void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsGridDouble void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsGridFloat void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsGridInt16 void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsGridInt32 void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsGridUInt16 void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsGridUInt32 void const* img )
gGraphImageResampleAsRgb void const* img )
gGraphImageResizeToResolution ( void const* orig, void const** dest, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size, int* width, int* height )
gGraphImageSetGeoRef void const* img, int srid, char const* srs_name, char const* proj4text, double upper_left_x, double upper_left_y, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageSetNoDataValue void const* img, double no_data_vale )
gGraphImageSetTransparentColor void const* img, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue )
gGraphImageToAdam7 void const* img, void** mem_bufs, int* mem_buf_sizes, void** palette, int* palette_size )
gGraphImageToAscFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int sample, int bits_per_sample, double upper_left_x, double upper_left_y, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size, double no_data_value )
gGraphImageToBinHdrFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int bits_per_sample, double upper_left_x, double upper_left_y, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size, double no_data_value )
gGraphImageToFltHdrFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int bits_per_sample, double upper_left_x, double upper_left_y, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size, double no_data_value )
gGraphImageToGeoTiffFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int color_model, int is_tiled, int tile_width, int tile_height, int rows_per_strip, int bits_per_sample, int sample_format, int num_palette, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue, int compression, int srid, char const* srs_name, char const* proj4text, double upper_left_x, double upper_left_y, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageToJpegFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int color_model, int quality )
gGraphImageToMonochrome void const* img, void** mem_buf, int* mem_buf_size )
gGraphImageToPngFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int color_model, int bits_per_sample, int num_palette, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue, int compression_level, int quantization_factor )
gGraphImageToTiffFileByStrips ( void const** strip_handle, char const* path, int width, int height, int color_model, int is_tiled, int tile_width, int tile_height, int rows_per_strip, int bits_per_sample, int sample_format, int num_palette, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue, int compression )
gGraphImageTransparentResample void const* img )
gGraphInputPixelsFromStripImage ( void const* img_in, void const* img_out, int in_col )
gGraphIsColorRuleRelative ( void const* color_rule, int* relative )
gGraphLandsatBW ( void const* img_in, void const* img_out, int width, int num_rows, gGraphLandsatRecalibrationPtr params, int num_threads )
gGraphLandsatMergePixels ( void const* img_in, int base_row, void const* img_out )
gGraphLandsatRGB ( void const* img_red, void const* img_green, void const* img_blue, void const* img_rgb, int width, int num_rows, gGraphLandsatRecalibrationPtr params, int num_threads )
gGraphMoveToPoint ( void const* context, double x, double y )
gGraphOutputPixelsToStripImage ( void const* img_in, void const* img_out, int in_row, int out_row )
gGraphReadNextStrip ( void const* strip_handle, int* progress )
gGraphSetBrush ( void const* context, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha )
gGraphSetFont ( void const* context, void const* font )
gGraphSetLinearGradientBrush ( void const* context, double x, double y, double width, double height, unsigned char red1, unsigned char green1, unsigned char blue1, unsigned char alpha1, unsigned char red2, unsigned char green2, unsigned char blue2, unsigned char alpha2 )
gGraphSetPatternBrush ( void const* context, void const* brush )
gGraphSetPen ( void const* context, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha, double width, int style )
gGraphShadedReliefRenderPixels ( void const* triple_row_handle, int num_threads, int* out_row_ready )
gGraphSmartPrintf double value, char* buf )
gGraphStripImageAllocPixels ( void const* strip_handle, int rows_per_block )
gGraphStripImageClonePalette ( void const* strip_handle, int* color_model, int* num_palette, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue )
gGraphStripImageCopyPixels ( void const* in_strip_handle, void const* out_strip_handle )
gGraphStripImageEOF void const* strip_handle )
gGraphStripImageGetCurrentRows ( void const* in_strip_handle, int* rows )
gGraphStripImageGetNextRow ( void const* in_strip_handle, int* next_row )
gGraphStripImageGetPixelRGB ( void const* in_strip_handle, int col, int row, unsigned char* red, unsigned char* green, unsigned char* blue )
gGraphStripImageGetShadedReliefScanline ( void const* in_img_handle, int row_index, void const* triple_row_handle )
gGraphStripImageRenderGridPixels ( void const* in_strip_handle, void const* out_strip_handle, void const* color_map_handle, int num_threads )
gGraphStripImageRewind void const* in_strip_handle )
gGraphStripImageSetCurrentRows ( void const* in_strip_handle, int rows )
gGraphStripImageSetPixelRGB ( void const* in_strip_handle, int col, int row, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue )
gGraphStripImageSetShadedReliefScanline ( void const* triple_row_handle, void const* out_img_handle, int row_index )
gGraphStripImageSubSetPixels ( void const* in_strip_handle, void const* out_strip_handle, int start_from, int row )
gGraphStripIsFull void const* in_strip_handle )
gGraphStrokeLine ( void const* context, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1 )
gGraphStrokePath ( void const* context, int preserve )
gGraphWriteBinHeader ( char const* hdr_path, void const* strip_handle )
gGraphWriteFltHeader ( char const* hdr_path, void const* strip_handle )
gGraphWriteNextStrip ( void const* strip_handle, int* progress )

to the top

Removed Symbols (10)

gGraphImageBufferReferenceGDI void const* img, unsigned char** buffer )
gGraphImageGetGeoReference void const* img, int* srid, char* srs_name, char* proj4text, double* upper_left_x, double* upper_left_y, double* pixel_x_size, double* pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageInfosGetGeoReference void const* img, int* srid, char* srs_name, char* proj4text, double* upper_left_x, double* upper_left_y, double* pixel_x_size, double* pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageIsGeoReferenced void const* img )
gGraphImageSetGeoReference void const* img, int srid, char const* srs_name, char const* proj4text, double upper_left_x, double upper_left_y, double pixel_x_size, double pixel_y_size )
gGraphImageToGeoTiffFile void const* img, char const* path, int tiff_layout, int tile_width, int tile_height, int rows_per_strip, int compression )
gGraphImageToGeoTiffMemBuf void const* img, void** mem_buf, int* mem_buf_size, int tiff_layout, int tile_width, int tile_height, int rows_per_strip, int compression )
gGraphImageToRawMemBuf void const* img, void** mem_buf, int* mem_buf_size )
gGraphImageToTiffFile void const* img, char const* path, int tiff_layout, int tile_width, int tile_height, int rows_per_strip, int compression )
gGraphImageToTiffMemBuf void const* img, void** mem_buf, int* mem_buf_size, int tiff_layout, int tile_width, int tile_height, int rows_per_strip, int compression )

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity (3)

[+] gGraphGetImageInfos void const* img, int* width, int* height, int* colorspace, int* max_palette, int* bits_per_sample, int* samples_per_pixel, int* sample_format, int* tile_width, int* tile_height, int* rows_per_strip, int* compression, int* scale_1_2, int* scale_1_4, int* scale_1_8 ) (3)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity (3)

[+] gGraphImageFromRawMemBuf ( void const* mem_buf, int mem_buf_size, void const** image_handle, int scale ) (1)
[+] gGraphImageToGifMemBuf void const* img, void** mem_buf, int* mem_buf_size ) (1)
[+] gGraphImageToPngMemBuf void const* img, void** mem_buf, int* mem_buf_size, int compression_level, int quantization_factor, int interlaced ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Constants (3)


to the top

Header Files (1)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

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Generated on Mon Mar 5 15:57:15 2012 for libgaiagraphics by ABI Compliance Checker 1.96.8  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API