Binary compatibility report for the libtorrent (Rasterbar) library  between 0.16.19 and 1.0.1 versions on x86

Test Info

Library Namelibtorrent (Rasterbar)
Version #10.16.19
Version #21.0.1
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types456 / 290

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-752
Removed SymbolsHigh24
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Constants

Added Symbols (752)

namespace libtorrent
alert_manager::add_extension boost::shared_ptr<plugin> ext )
alert_manager::alert_manager [in-charge] int queue_limit, uint32_t alert_mask )
alert_manager::alert_manager [not-in-charge] int queue_limit, uint32_t alert_mask )
alert_manager::get ( )
alert_manager::get_all std::deque<alert*>* alerts )
alert_manager::pending ( ) const
alert_manager::post_alert alert const& alert_ )
alert_manager::post_alert_ptr alert* alert_ )
alert_manager::set_alert_queue_size_limit size_t queue_size_limit_ )
alert_manager::set_dispatch_function boost::function<...>const& p1 )
alert_manager::wait_for_alert time_duration max_wait )
alert_manager::~alert_manager [in-charge] ( )
alert_manager::~alert_manager [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
page_aligned_allocator::free char* block ) [static]
page_aligned_allocator::malloc page_aligned_allocator::size_type const bytes ) [static]
page_size ( )

namespace libtorrent
bandwidth_channel::bandwidth_channel [in-charge] ( )
bandwidth_channel::bandwidth_channel [not-in-charge] ( )
bandwidth_channel::quota_left ( ) const
bandwidth_channel::return_quota int amount )
bandwidth_channel::throttle int limit )
bandwidth_channel::update_quota int dt_milliseconds )
bandwidth_channel::use_quota int amount )

namespace libtorrent
bandwidth_manager::bandwidth_manager [in-charge] int channel )
bandwidth_manager::bandwidth_manager [not-in-charge] int channel )
bandwidth_manager::close ( )
bandwidth_manager::queue_size ( ) const
bandwidth_manager::queued_bytes ( ) const
bandwidth_manager::request_bandwidth ( boost::intrusive_ptr<bandwidth_socket>const& peer, int blk, int priority, bandwidth_channel* chan1, bandwidth_channel* chan2, bandwidth_channel* chan3, bandwidth_channel* chan4, bandwidth_channel* chan5 )
bandwidth_manager::update_quotas time_duration const& dt )

namespace libtorrent
bw_request::assign_bandwidth ( )
bw_request::bw_request [in-charge] ( boost::intrusive_ptr<bandwidth_socket>const& pe, int blk, int prio )
bw_request::bw_request [not-in-charge] ( boost::intrusive_ptr<bandwidth_socket>const& pe, int blk, int prio )

namespace libtorrent
count_zero_bits ( uint8_t const* bits, int len )
has_bits ( uint8_t const* b, uint8_t const* bits, int len )
set_bits ( uint8_t const* b, uint8_t* bits, int len )

namespace libtorrent
connection_queue::close ( )
connection_queue::connection_queue [in-charge] io_service& ios )
connection_queue::connection_queue [not-in-charge] io_service& ios )
connection_queue::done int ticket )
connection_queue::enqueue ( boost::function<...>const& on_connect, boost::function<...>const& on_timeout, time_duration timeout, int priority )
connection_queue::free_slots ( ) const
connection_queue::limit ( ) const
connection_queue::limit int limit )

namespace libtorrent
disk_buffer_holder::disk_buffer_holder [in-charge] ( aux::session_impl& ses, char* buf )
disk_buffer_holder::disk_buffer_holder [in-charge] ( disk_buffer_pool& disk_pool, char* buf )
disk_buffer_holder::disk_buffer_holder [not-in-charge] ( aux::session_impl& ses, char* buf )
disk_buffer_holder::disk_buffer_holder [not-in-charge] ( disk_buffer_pool& disk_pool, char* buf )
disk_buffer_holder::release ( )
disk_buffer_holder::reset char* buf )
disk_buffer_holder::~disk_buffer_holder [in-charge] ( )
disk_buffer_holder::~disk_buffer_holder [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
disk_buffer_pool::allocate_buffer char const* category )
disk_buffer_pool::disk_buffer_pool [in-charge] int block_size )
disk_buffer_pool::disk_buffer_pool [not-in-charge] int block_size )
disk_buffer_pool::free_buffer char* buf )
disk_buffer_pool::free_buffer_impl char* buf, boost::asio::detail::posix_mutex::scoped_lock& l )
disk_buffer_pool::free_multiple_buffers char** bufvec, int numbufs )
disk_buffer_pool::release_memory ( )

namespace libtorrent
disk_io_thread::abort ( )
disk_io_thread::add_job ( disk_io_job const& j, boost::function<...>const& f )
disk_io_thread::can_write ( ) const
disk_io_thread::disk_io_thread [in-charge] ( io_service& ios, boost::function<...>const& queue_callback, file_pool& fp, int block_size )
disk_io_thread::disk_io_thread [not-in-charge] ( io_service& ios, boost::function<...>const& queue_callback, file_pool& fp, int block_size )
disk_io_thread::get_cache_info ( sha1_hash const& ih, std::vector<struct cached_piece_info>& ret ) const
disk_io_thread::join ( )
disk_io_thread::queue_buffer_size ( ) const
disk_io_thread::status ( ) const
disk_io_thread::stop boost::intrusive_ptr<piece_manager> s )
disk_io_thread::thread_fun ( )
disk_io_thread::~disk_io_thread [in-charge] ( )
disk_io_thread::~disk_io_thread [not-in-charge] ( )
is_read_operation disk_io_job const& j )
operation_has_buffer disk_io_job const& j )

namespace libtorrent
entry::to_string ( ) const

namespace libtorrent::errors
make_error_code enum error_code_enum e )

namespace libtorrent
base32decode std::string const& s )
base32encode std::string const& s )
base64encode std::string const& s )
convert_from_native std::string const& s )
convert_path_to_posix std::string& path )
convert_to_native std::string const& s )
escape_path char const* str, int len )
escape_string char const* str, int len )
hex_to_int char in )
maybe_url_encode std::string const& url )
need_encoding char const* str, int len )
read_until ( char const*& str, char delim, char const* end )
to_string size_type n )
unescape_string ( std::string const& s, boost::system::error_code& ec )

namespace libtorrent
directory::inode ( ) const
remove_extension std::string const& f )

namespace libtorrent
file_pool::open_file void* st, std::string const& p, int file_index, file_storage const& fs, int m, boost::system::error_code& ec )

namespace libtorrent
file_storage::file_at_offset_deprecated size_type offset ) const
file_storage::file_flags int index ) const
file_storage::file_index_at_offset size_type offset ) const
file_storage::file_name internal_file_entry const& fe ) const
file_storage::file_name_len int index ) const
file_storage::file_name_ptr int index ) const
file_storage::file_offset int index ) const
file_storage::file_offset internal_file_entry const& fe ) const
file_storage::file_path int index, std::string const& save_path ) const
file_storage::file_path ( internal_file_entry const& fe, std::string const& save_path ) const
file_storage::optimize ( int pad_file_limit, int alignment )
file_storage::pad_file_at int index ) const
file_storage::pad_file_at internal_file_entry const& fe ) const
file_storage::rename_file_borrow int index, char const* new_filename, int len )
file_storage::rename_file_deprecated int index, std::wstring const& new_filename )
internal_file_entry::set_name char const* n, bool borrow_string, int string_len )

namespace libtorrent
hasher::final ( )
hasher::hasher [in-charge] ( )
hasher::hasher [in-charge] ( char const* data, int len )
hasher::hasher [not-in-charge] ( )
hasher::hasher [not-in-charge] ( char const* data, int len )
hasher::reset ( )
hasher::update ( char const* data, int len )
SHA1_final uint8_t* digest, struct sha_ctx* context )
SHA1_init struct sha_ctx* context )
SHA1_update ( struct sha_ctx* context, uint8_t const* data, uint32_t len )

namespace libtorrent
get_i2p_category ( )
i2p_connection::async_name_lookup ( char const* name, i2p_connection::name_lookup_handler handler )
i2p_connection::close boost::system::error_code& p1 )
i2p_connection::i2p_connection [in-charge] io_service& ios )
i2p_connection::i2p_connection [not-in-charge] io_service& ios )
i2p_connection::open ( proxy_settings const& s, i2p_stream::handler_type const& h )
i2p_connection::~i2p_connection [in-charge] ( )
i2p_connection::~i2p_connection [not-in-charge] ( )
i2p_stream::i2p_stream [in-charge] io_service& io_service )
i2p_stream::i2p_stream [not-in-charge] io_service& io_service )
i2p_stream::send_name_lookup boost::shared_ptr<boost::function<...> > h )
i2p_stream::~i2p_stream [in-charge] ( )
i2p_stream::~i2p_stream [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent::i2p_error
make_error_code enum i2p_error_code e )

namespace libtorrent
external_ip::cast_vote ( address const& ip, int source_type, address const& source )
external_ip::external_address address const& ip ) const
ip_voter::cast_vote ( address const& ip, int source_type, address const& sorce )
ip_voter::external_ip_t::add_vote ( sha1_hash const& k, int type )
ip_voter::ip_voter [in-charge] ( )
ip_voter::ip_voter [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
get_bdecode_category ( )
parse_int ( char const* start, char const* end, char delimiter, int64_t& val, enum bdecode_errors::error_code_enum& ec )

namespace libtorrent::bdecode_errors
make_error_code enum error_code_enum e )

namespace libtorrent
packet_buffer::at packet_buffer::index_type idx ) const
packet_buffer::insert ( packet_buffer::index_type idx, void* value )
packet_buffer::packet_buffer [in-charge] ( )
packet_buffer::packet_buffer [not-in-charge] ( )
packet_buffer::remove packet_buffer::index_type idx )
packet_buffer::reserve std::size_t size )
packet_buffer::~packet_buffer [in-charge] ( )
packet_buffer::~packet_buffer [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
piece_block::invalid [data]
piece_picker::abort_download ( piece_block block, void* peer )
piece_picker::add_blocks int piece, bitfield const& pieces, std::vector<piece_block>& interesting_blocks, std::vector<piece_block>& backup_blocks, std::vector<piece_block>& backup_blocks2, int num_blocks, int prefer_whole_pieces, void* peer, std::vector<int>const& ignore, enum piece_picker::piece_state_t speed, int options ) const
piece_picker::add_blocks_downloading ( piece_picker::downloading_piece const& dp, bitfield const& pieces, std::vector<piece_block>& interesting_blocks, std::vector<piece_block>& backup_blocks, std::vector<piece_block>& backup_blocks2, int num_blocks, int prefer_whole_pieces, void* peer, enum piece_picker::piece_state_t speed, int options ) const
piece_picker::blocks_in_piece int index ) const
piece_picker::clear_peer void* peer )
piece_picker::dec_refcount int index, void const* peer )
piece_picker::dec_refcount ( bitfield const& bitmask, void const* peer )
piece_picker::dec_refcount_all void const* peer )
piece_picker::distributed_copies ( ) const
piece_picker::filtered_pieces std::vector<bool>& mask ) const
piece_picker::get_availability std::vector<int>& avail ) const
piece_picker::get_downloader piece_block block ) const
piece_picker::get_downloaders ( std::vector<void*>& d, int index ) const
piece_picker::inc_refcount int index, void const* peer )
piece_picker::inc_refcount ( bitfield const& bitmask, void const* peer )
piece_picker::inc_refcount_all void const* peer )
piece_picker::init ( int blocks_per_piece, int blocks_in_last_piece, int total_num_pieces )
piece_picker::is_downloaded piece_block block ) const
piece_picker::is_finished piece_block block ) const
piece_picker::is_piece_finished int index ) const
piece_picker::is_requested piece_block block ) const
piece_picker::mark_as_downloading ( piece_block block, void* peer, enum piece_picker::piece_state_t s )
piece_picker::mark_as_finished ( piece_block block, void* peer )
piece_picker::mark_as_writing ( piece_block block, void* peer )
piece_picker::num_peers piece_block block ) const
piece_picker::pick_pieces ( bitfield const& pieces, std::vector<piece_block>& interesting_blocks, int num_blocks, int prefer_whole_pieces, void* peer, enum piece_picker::piece_state_t speed, int options, std::vector<int>const& suggested_pieces, int num_peers ) const
piece_picker::piece_info int index, piece_picker::downloading_piece& st ) const
piece_picker::piece_picker [in-charge] ( )
piece_picker::piece_picker [not-in-charge] ( )
piece_picker::piece_priorities std::vector<int>& pieces ) const
piece_picker::piece_priority int index ) const
piece_picker::restore_piece int index )
piece_picker::set_piece_priority int index, int prio )
piece_picker::unverified_blocks ( ) const
piece_picker::we_dont_have int index )
piece_picker::we_have int index )
piece_picker::write_failed piece_block block )

namespace libtorrent
peer_priority ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint e1, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint e2 )
policy::add_i2p_peer ( char const* destination, int source, char flags )
policy::add_peer ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& remote, sha1_hash const& pid, int source, char flags )
policy::ban_peer policy::peer* p )
policy::clear_peer_prio ( )
policy::connect_one_peer int session_time )
policy::connection_closed ( struct peer_connection const& c, int session_time )
policy::erase_peer policy::iterator i )
policy::erase_peer policy::peer* p )
policy::has_peer policy::peer const* p ) const
policy::ip_filter_updated ( )
policy::new_connection ( struct peer_connection& c, int session_time )
policy::peer::peer [in-charge] uint16_t port, bool connectable, int src )
policy::peer::peer [not-in-charge] uint16_t port, bool connectable, int src )
policy::peer::rank ( external_ip const& external, int external_port ) const
policy::peer::total_download ( ) const
policy::peer::total_upload ( ) const
policy::peer_is_interesting struct peer_connection& c )
policy::policy [in-charge] torrent* t )
policy::policy [not-in-charge] torrent* t )
policy::recalculate_connect_candidates ( )
policy::set_connection policy::peer* p, struct peer_connection* c )
policy::set_failcount policy::peer* p, int f )
policy::set_seed policy::peer* p, bool s )
policy::update_peer_port int port, policy::peer* p, int src )
request_a_block torrent& t, struct peer_connection& c )

namespace libtorrent
feed::add_item feed_item const& item )
feed::feed [in-charge] ( aux::session_impl& ses, feed_settings const& feed )
feed::feed [not-in-charge] ( aux::session_impl& ses, feed_settings const& feed )
feed::get_feed_status feed_status* ret ) const
feed::get_settings feed_settings* s ) const
feed::load_state lazy_entry const& rd )
feed::my_handle ( )
feed::next_update time_t now ) const
feed::on_feed ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, struct http_parser const& parser, char const* data, int size )
feed::save_state entry& rd ) const
feed::set_settings feed_settings const& s )
feed::update_feed ( )
new_feed ( aux::session_impl& ses, feed_settings const& sett )
parse_feed ( struct feed_state& f, int token, char const* name, char const* val )

namespace libtorrent::aux
initialize_timer::initialize_timer [in-charge] ( )
initialize_timer::initialize_timer [not-in-charge] ( )
session_impl::abort ( )
session_impl::add_dht_node boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint n )
session_impl::add_dht_node_name std::pair<std::string, int>const& node )
session_impl::add_dht_router std::pair<std::string, int>const& node )
session_impl::add_extension boost::function<...> ext )
session_impl::add_feed libtorrent::feed_settings const& feed )
session_impl::add_port_mapping int t, int external_port, int local_port )
session_impl::add_ses_extension boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::plugin> ext )
session_impl::add_torrent ( libtorrent::add_torrent_params const& p1, boost::system::error_code& ec )
session_impl::add_torrent_impl ( libtorrent::add_torrent_params const& p1, boost::system::error_code& ec )
session_impl::allocate_buffer ( )
session_impl::allocate_disk_buffer char const* category )
session_impl::announce_lsd ( libtorrent::sha1_hash const& ih, int port, bool broadcast )
session_impl::as_for_ip libtorrent::address const& a )
session_impl::as_name_for_ip libtorrent::address const& a )
session_impl::async_accept ( boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::socket_acceptor_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp> > >const& listener, bool ssl )
session_impl::async_add_torrent libtorrent::add_torrent_params* params )
session_impl::auto_manage_torrents ( std::vector<libtorrent::torrent*>& list, int& dht_limit, int& tracker_limit, int& lsd_limit, int& hard_limit, int type_limit )
session_impl::choke_peer struct libtorrent::peer_connection& c )
session_impl::close_connection ( struct libtorrent::peer_connection const* p, boost::system::error_code const& ec )
session_impl::country_for_ip libtorrent::address const& a )
session_impl::delete_port_mapping int handle )
session_impl::dequeue_check_torrent boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::torrent>const& t )
session_impl::dht_get_immutable_item libtorrent::sha1_hash const& target )
session_impl::dht_get_mutable_item ( boost::array<char, 32u> key, std::string salt )
session_impl::dht_put_item ( libtorrent::entry data, libtorrent::sha1_hash target )
session_impl::dht_put_mutable_item ( boost::array<char, 32u> key, boost::function<...> cb, std::string salt )
session_impl::dht_state ( ) const
session_impl::download_rate_limit ( ) const
session_impl::external_address ( ) const
session_impl::find_disconnect_candidate_torrent ( ) const
session_impl::find_torrent libtorrent::sha1_hash const& info_hash ) const
session_impl::find_torrent std::string const& uuid ) const
session_impl::find_torrent_handle libtorrent::sha1_hash const& info_hash )
session_impl::free_buffer char* buf )
session_impl::free_disk_buffer char* buf )
session_impl::get_feeds std::vector<libtorrent::feed_handle>* f ) const
session_impl::get_immutable_callback ( libtorrent::sha1_hash target, struct libtorrent::dht::item const& i )
session_impl::get_ip_filter ( ) const
session_impl::get_ipv4_interface ( ) const
session_impl::get_ipv6_interface ( ) const
session_impl::get_mutable_callback struct libtorrent::dht::item const& i )
session_impl::get_torrent_status ( std::vector<libtorrent::torrent_status>* ret, boost::function<...>const& pred, uint32_t flags ) const
session_impl::get_torrents ( ) const
session_impl::incoming_connection boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::socket_type>const& s )
session_impl::incoming_packet ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& p2, char const* buf, int size )
session_impl::init ( )
session_impl::is_listening ( ) const
session_impl::listen_address ( ) const
session_impl::listen_on ( std::pair<int, int>const& port_range, boost::system::error_code& ec, char const* net_interface, int flags )
session_impl::listen_port ( ) const
session_impl::load_asnum_db std::string file )
session_impl::load_asnum_dbw std::wstring file )
session_impl::load_country_db std::string file )
session_impl::load_country_dbw std::wstring file )
session_impl::load_state libtorrent::lazy_entry const* e )
session_impl::local_download_rate_limit ( ) const
session_impl::local_upload_rate_limit ( ) const
session_impl::lookup_as int as )
session_impl::main_thread ( )
session_impl::max_connections ( ) const
session_impl::max_half_open_connections ( ) const
session_impl::max_uploads ( ) const
session_impl::maybe_update_udp_mapping int nat, int local_port, int external_port )
session_impl::next_port ( )
session_impl::on_accept_connection ( boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::socket_type>const& s, boost::weak_ptr<boost::asio::basic_socket_acceptor<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::socket_acceptor_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp> > > listener, boost::system::error_code const& e, bool ssl )
session_impl::on_dht_announce boost::system::error_code const& e )
session_impl::on_dht_router_name_lookup ( boost::system::error_code const& e, boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::ip::resolver_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp> >::iterator host )
session_impl::on_disk_queue ( )
session_impl::on_i2p_accept ( boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::socket_type>const& s, boost::system::error_code const& e )
session_impl::on_i2p_open boost::system::error_code const& ec )
session_impl::on_lsd_announce boost::system::error_code const& e )
session_impl::on_lsd_peer ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint peer, libtorrent::sha1_hash const& ih )
session_impl::on_port_map_log char const* msg, int map_transport )
session_impl::on_port_mapping int mapping, libtorrent::address const& ip, int port, boost::system::error_code const& ec, int nat_transport )
session_impl::on_socks_accept ( boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::socket_type>const& s, boost::system::error_code const& e )
session_impl::on_tick boost::system::error_code const& e )
session_impl::on_trigger_auto_manage ( )
session_impl::open_listen_port int flags, boost::system::error_code& ec )
session_impl::open_new_incoming_i2p_connection ( )
session_impl::open_new_incoming_socks_connection ( )
session_impl::pause ( )
session_impl::pop_alert ( )
session_impl::pop_alerts std::deque<libtorrent::alert*>* alerts )
session_impl::post_alert libtorrent::alert* a )
session_impl::post_torrent_updates ( )
session_impl::prioritize_connections boost::weak_ptr<libtorrent::torrent> t )
session_impl::prioritize_dht boost::weak_ptr<libtorrent::torrent> t )
session_impl::queue_check_torrent boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::torrent>const& t )
session_impl::recalculate_auto_managed_torrents ( )
session_impl::recalculate_optimistic_unchoke_slots ( )
session_impl::recalculate_unchoke_slots ( int congested_torrents, int uncongested_torrents )
session_impl::refresh_torrent_status ( std::vector<libtorrent::torrent_status>* ret, uint32_t flags ) const
session_impl::remap_tcp_ports uint32_t mask, int tcp_port, int ssl_port )
session_impl::remove_feed libtorrent::feed_handle h )
session_impl::remove_torrent ( libtorrent::torrent_handle const& h, int options )
session_impl::remove_torrent_impl ( boost::shared_ptr<libtorrent::torrent> tptr, int options )
session_impl::resume ( )
session_impl::save_state ( libtorrent::entry* e, uint32_t flags ) const
session_impl::session_impl [in-charge] ( std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range, struct libtorrent::fingerprint const& cl_fprint, char const* listen_interface, uint32_t alert_mask )
session_impl::session_impl [not-in-charge] ( std::pair<int, int> listen_port_range, struct libtorrent::fingerprint const& cl_fprint, char const* listen_interface, uint32_t alert_mask )
session_impl::set_alert_dispatch boost::function<...>const& p1 )
session_impl::set_alert_mask uint32_t m )
session_impl::set_alert_queue_size_limit size_t queue_size_limit_ )
session_impl::set_dht_settings libtorrent::dht_settings const& s )
session_impl::set_download_rate_limit int bytes_per_second )
session_impl::set_external_address ( libtorrent::address const& ip, int source_type, libtorrent::address const& source )
session_impl::set_external_address ( libtorrent::address const& ip, libtorrent::address const& source )
session_impl::set_i2p_proxy libtorrent::proxy_settings const& s )
session_impl::set_ip_filter libtorrent::ip_filter const& f )
session_impl::set_key int key )
session_impl::set_local_download_rate_limit int bytes_per_second )
session_impl::set_local_upload_rate_limit int bytes_per_second )
session_impl::set_max_connections int limit )
session_impl::set_max_half_open_connections int limit )
session_impl::set_max_uploads int limit )
session_impl::set_pe_settings libtorrent::pe_settings const& settings )
session_impl::set_peer_id libtorrent::sha1_hash const& id )
session_impl::set_port_filter libtorrent::port_filter const& f )
session_impl::set_proxy libtorrent::proxy_settings const& s )
session_impl::set_settings libtorrent::session_settings const& s )
session_impl::set_upload_rate_limit int bytes_per_second )
session_impl::setup_listener ( libtorrent::listen_socket_t* s, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ep, int& retries, bool v6_only, int flags, boost::system::error_code& ec )
session_impl::setup_socket_buffers libtorrent::socket_type& s )
session_impl::ssl_listen_port ( ) const
session_impl::start_dht ( )
session_impl::start_dht libtorrent::entry const& startup_state )
session_impl::start_lsd ( )
session_impl::start_natpmp ( )
session_impl::start_session ( )
session_impl::start_upnp ( )
session_impl::status ( ) const
session_impl::stop_dht ( )
session_impl::stop_lsd ( )
session_impl::stop_natpmp ( )
session_impl::stop_upnp ( )
session_impl::trigger_auto_manage ( )
session_impl::try_connect_more_peers ( int num_downloads, int num_downloads_peers )
session_impl::unchoke_peer struct libtorrent::peer_connection& c )
session_impl::update_connections_limit ( )
session_impl::update_dht_announce_interval ( )
session_impl::update_disk_thread_settings ( )
session_impl::update_rate_settings ( )
session_impl::update_rss_feeds ( )
session_impl::update_unchoke_limit ( )
session_impl::upload_rate_limit ( ) const
session_impl::wait_for_alert libtorrent::time_duration max_wait )
session_impl::~session_impl [in-charge-deleting] ( )
session_impl::~session_impl [in-charge] ( )
session_impl::~session_impl [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
hash_address ( address const& ip, sha1_hash& h )

namespace libtorrent
async_shutdown ( socket_type& s, boost::shared_ptr<void> holder )
is_i2p socket_type const& s )
is_ssl socket_type const& s )
is_utp socket_type const& s )
setup_ssl_hostname ( socket_type& s, std::string const& hostname, boost::system::error_code& ec )
socket_type::available ( ) const
socket_type::available boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
socket_type::bind socket_type::endpoint_type const& endpoint )
socket_type::bind ( socket_type::endpoint_type const& endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec )
socket_type::close ( )
socket_type::close boost::system::error_code& ec )
socket_type::get_io_service ( ) const
socket_type::is_open ( ) const
socket_type::local_endpoint ( ) const
socket_type::local_endpoint boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
socket_type::open socket_type::protocol_type const& p )
socket_type::open ( socket_type::protocol_type const& p, boost::system::error_code& ec )
socket_type::remote_endpoint ( ) const
socket_type::remote_endpoint boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
socket_type::type ( ) const
socket_type::type_name ( ) const
socket_type::~socket_type [in-charge] ( )
socket_type::~socket_type [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
get_socks_category ( )

namespace libtorrent::socks_error
make_error_code enum socks_error_code e )

namespace libtorrent
stat_channel::second_tick int tick_interval_ms )

namespace libtorrent
default_storage::move_storage ( std::string const& save_path, int flags )
default_storage::set_file_priority std::vector<unsigned char>const& prio )
disabled_storage::readv ( file::iovec_t const* bufs, int slot, int offset, int num_bufs, int flags )
disabled_storage::writev ( file::iovec_t const* bufs, int slot, int offset, int num_bufs, int flags )
get_filesizes ( file_storage const& t, std::string const& p )
piece_manager::abort_disk_io ( )
piece_manager::async_cache int piece, boost::function<...>const& handler, int cache_expiry )
piece_manager::async_check_fastresume ( lazy_entry const* resume_data, boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_check_files boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_clear_read_cache boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_delete_files boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_hash int piece, boost::function<...>const& f )
piece_manager::async_move_storage ( std::string const& p, int flags, boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_read ( peer_request const& r, boost::function<...>const& handler, int cache_line_size, int cache_expiry )
piece_manager::async_read_and_hash ( peer_request const& r, boost::function<...>const& handler, int cache_expiry )
piece_manager::async_release_files boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_rename_file int index, std::string const& name, boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_save_resume_data boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_set_file_priority ( std::vector<unsigned char>const& prios, boost::function<...>const& handler )
piece_manager::async_write ( peer_request const& r, disk_buffer_holder& buffer, boost::function<...>const& f )
piece_manager::piece_manager [in-charge] ( boost::shared_ptr<void>const& torrent, boost::intrusive_ptr<torrent_info const> info, std::string const& path, file_pool& fp, disk_io_thread& io, storage_constructor_type sc, enum storage_mode_t sm, std::vector<unsigned char>const& file_prio )
piece_manager::piece_manager [not-in-charge] ( boost::shared_ptr<void>const& torrent, boost::intrusive_ptr<torrent_info const> info, std::string const& path, file_pool& fp, disk_io_thread& io, storage_constructor_type sc, enum storage_mode_t sm, std::vector<unsigned char>const& file_prio )
piece_manager::write_resume_data entry& rd ) const
piece_manager::~piece_manager [in-charge] ( )
piece_manager::~piece_manager [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
align_pointer void* p )
allocate_string_copy char const* str )
is_alpha char c )
is_print char c )
is_space char c )
split_string ( char const** tags, int buf_size, char* in )
string_begins_no_case char const* s1, char const* s2 )
string_equal_no_case char const* s1, char const* s2 )
string_tokenize char* last, char sep, char** next )
to_lower char c )
url_random char* begin, char* end )

namespace libtorrent
condition_variable::condition_variable [in-charge] ( )
condition_variable::condition_variable [not-in-charge] ( )
condition_variable::notify_all ( )
condition_variable::wait boost::asio::detail::posix_mutex::scoped_lock& l )
condition_variable::wait_for ( boost::asio::detail::posix_mutex::scoped_lock& l, time_duration rel_time )
condition_variable::~condition_variable [in-charge] ( )
condition_variable::~condition_variable [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
torrent::abort ( )
torrent::add_extension ( boost::function<...>const& ext, void* userdata )
torrent::add_extension boost::shared_ptr<torrent_plugin> p1 )
torrent::add_failed_bytes int b )
torrent::add_merkle_nodes ( std::map<int, sha1_hash>const& n, int piece )
torrent::add_peer ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& adr, int source )
torrent::add_piece int piece, char const* data, int flags )
torrent::add_redundant_bytes int b, enum torrent::wasted_reason_t reason )
torrent::add_stats stat const& s )
torrent::add_tracker announce_entry const& url )
torrent::add_web_seed ( std::string const& url, enum web_seed_entry::type_t type )
torrent::add_web_seed ( std::string const& url, enum web_seed_entry::type_t type, std::string const& auth, web_seed_entry::headers_t const& extra_headers )
torrent::alerts ( ) const
torrent::announce_with_tracker ( enum tracker_request::event_t e, address const& bind_interface )
torrent::async_verify_piece int piece_index, boost::function<...>const& p2 )
torrent::attach_peer struct peer_connection* p )
torrent::auto_managed bool a )
torrent::bandwidth_throttle int channel ) const
torrent::block_bytes_wanted piece_block const& p ) const
torrent::bytes_done ( torrent_status& st, bool accurate ) const
torrent::bytes_left ( ) const
torrent::cancel_block piece_block block )
torrent::cancel_non_critical ( )
torrent::choke_peer struct peer_connection& c )
torrent::clear_error ( )
torrent::clear_time_critical ( )
torrent::completed ( )
torrent::connect_to_peer ( policy::peer* peerinfo, bool ignore_limit )
torrent::connect_to_url_seed std::list<web_seed_entry>::iterator url )
torrent::connect_web_seed ( std::list<web_seed_entry>::iterator web, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint a )
torrent::current_tracker ( ) const
torrent::delete_files ( )
torrent::dequeue_torrent_check ( )
torrent::dht_announce ( )
torrent::disconnect_all boost::system::error_code const& ec )
torrent::disconnect_peers int num, boost::system::error_code const& ec )
torrent::disconnect_web_seed struct peer_connection* p )
torrent::do_connect_boost ( )
torrent::do_pause ( )
torrent::do_resume ( )
torrent::download_limit ( ) const
torrent::file_priorities std::vector<int>* p1 ) const
torrent::file_priority int index ) const
torrent::file_progress std::vector<float>& fp ) const
torrent::file_progress ( std::vector<long long>& fp, int flags ) const
torrent::files_checked ( )
torrent::filesystem ( )
torrent::filter_files std::vector<bool>const& files )
torrent::filter_piece int index, bool filter )
torrent::filter_pieces std::vector<bool>const& bitmask )
torrent::filtered_pieces std::vector<bool>& bitmask ) const
torrent::find_introducer boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& ep ) const
torrent::find_lowest_ranking_peer ( ) const
torrent::find_peer boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& ep ) const
torrent::find_tracker tracker_request const& r )
torrent::finished ( )
torrent::flush_cache ( )
torrent::force_recheck ( )
torrent::force_tracker_request ptime p1, int tracker_idx )
torrent::get_download_queue std::vector<struct partial_piece_info>* queue )
torrent::get_full_peer_list std::vector<struct peer_list_entry>& v ) const
torrent::get_handle ( )
torrent::get_interface ( ) const
torrent::get_peer_download_limit boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ip ) const
torrent::get_peer_info std::vector<struct peer_info>& v )
torrent::get_peer_upload_limit boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ip ) const
torrent::get_piece_to_super_seed bitfield const& p1 )
torrent::get_suggested_pieces std::vector<int>& s ) const
torrent::get_torrent_copy ( )
torrent::handle_disk_error ( disk_io_job const& j, struct peer_connection* c )
torrent::init ( )
torrent::is_active_download ( ) const
torrent::is_active_finished ( ) const
torrent::is_paused ( ) const
torrent::is_piece_filtered int index ) const
torrent::leave_seed_mode bool seed )
torrent::lsd_announce ( )
torrent::maybe_connect_web_seeds ( )
torrent::move_storage ( std::string const& save_path, int flags )
torrent::name ( ) const
torrent::new_external_ip ( )
torrent::next_announce ( ) const
torrent::notify_extension_add_peer ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& ip, int src, int flags )
torrent::num_seeds ( ) const
torrent::on_disk_cache_complete int ret, disk_io_job const& j )
torrent::on_disk_read_complete int ret, disk_io_job const& j, peer_request r, struct torrent::read_piece_struct* rp )
torrent::on_disk_write_complete int ret, disk_io_job const& j, peer_request p )
torrent::on_force_recheck int ret, disk_io_job const& j )
torrent::on_i2p_resolve ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, char const* dest )
torrent::on_name_lookup ( boost::system::error_code const& e, boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::ip::resolver_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp> >::iterator i, std::list<web_seed_entry>::iterator url, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint proxy )
torrent::on_peer_name_lookup ( boost::system::error_code const& e, boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::ip::resolver_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp> >::iterator i, sha1_hash pid )
torrent::on_piece_checked int ret, disk_io_job const& j )
torrent::on_proxy_name_lookup ( boost::system::error_code const& e, boost::asio::ip::basic_resolver<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::ip::resolver_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp> >::iterator i, std::list<web_seed_entry>::iterator url )
torrent::on_resume_data_checked int ret, disk_io_job const& j )
torrent::on_torrent_download ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, struct http_parser const& parser, char const* data, int size )
torrent::pause bool graceful )
torrent::piece_availability std::vector<int>& avail ) const
torrent::piece_failed int index )
torrent::piece_finished int index, int passed_hash_check )
torrent::piece_passed int index )
torrent::piece_priorities std::vector<int>* p1 ) const
torrent::piece_priority int index ) const
torrent::prioritize_files std::vector<int>const& files )
torrent::prioritize_pieces std::vector<int>const& pieces )
torrent::quantized_bytes_done ( ) const
torrent::queue_down ( )
torrent::queue_torrent_check ( )
torrent::queue_up ( )
torrent::read_piece int piece )
torrent::read_resume_data lazy_entry const& rd )
torrent::recalc_share_mode ( )
torrent::refresh_explicit_cache int cache_size )
torrent::remove_peer struct peer_connection* p )
torrent::remove_web_seed std::list<web_seed_entry>::iterator web )
torrent::remove_web_seed ( std::string const& url, enum web_seed_entry::type_t type )
torrent::remove_web_seed struct peer_connection* p )
torrent::rename_file int index, std::string const& name )
torrent::replace_trackers std::vector<announce_entry>const& urls )
torrent::reset_piece_deadline int piece )
torrent::resolve_peer_country boost::intrusive_ptr<struct peer_connection>const& p ) const
torrent::restore_piece_state int index )
torrent::resume ( )
torrent::resume_download ( )
torrent::retry_web_seed ( struct peer_connection* p, int retry )
torrent::save_path ( ) const
torrent::save_resume_data int flags )
torrent::scrape_tracker ( )
torrent::second_tick ( stat& accumulator, int tick_interval_ms )
torrent::seed_rank session_settings const& s ) const
torrent::send_share_mode ( )
torrent::send_upload_only ( )
torrent::set_allow_peers bool b, bool graceful_pause )
torrent::set_apply_ip_filter bool b )
torrent::set_download_limit int limit, bool state_update )
torrent::set_error ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, std::string const& file )
torrent::set_file_priority int index, int priority )
torrent::set_max_connections int limit, bool state_update )
torrent::set_max_uploads int limit, bool state_update )
torrent::set_metadata ( char const* metadata_buf, int metadata_size )
torrent::set_peer_download_limit ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ip, int limit )
torrent::set_peer_upload_limit ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ip, int limit )
torrent::set_piece_deadline int piece, int t, int flags )
torrent::set_piece_priority int index, int priority )
torrent::set_queue_position int p )
torrent::set_sequential_download bool sd )
torrent::set_share_mode bool s )
torrent::set_state enum torrent_status::state_t s )
torrent::set_tracker_login ( std::string const& name, std::string const& pw )
torrent::set_upload_limit int limit, bool state_update )
torrent::set_upload_mode bool b )
torrent::settings ( ) const
torrent::should_check_files ( ) const
torrent::start ( )
torrent::start_announcing ( )
torrent::start_checking ( )
torrent::start_download_url ( )
torrent::state_updated ( )
torrent::status ( torrent_status* st, uint32_t flags )
torrent::stop_announcing ( )
torrent::super_seeding bool on )
torrent::to_req piece_block const& p ) const
torrent::torrent [in-charge] ( aux::session_impl& ses, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& net_interface, int block_size, int seq, add_torrent_params const& p, sha1_hash const& info_hash )
torrent::torrent [not-in-charge] ( aux::session_impl& ses, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& net_interface, int block_size, int seq, add_torrent_params const& p, sha1_hash const& info_hash )
torrent::tracker_key ( ) const
torrent::tracker_login ( ) const
torrent::tracker_request_error ( tracker_request const& r, int response_code, boost::system::error_code const& ec, std::string const& msg, int retry_interval )
torrent::tracker_response ( tracker_request const& r, address const& tracker_ip, std::list<boost::asio::ip::address>const& ip_list, std::vector<peer_entry>& e, int interval, int min_interval, int complete, int incomplete, int downloaded, address const& external_ip, std::string const& trackerid )
torrent::tracker_scrape_response ( tracker_request const& req, int complete, int incomplete, int downloaded, int downloaders )
torrent::tracker_warning ( tracker_request const& req, std::string const& msg )
torrent::try_connect_peer ( )
torrent::unchoke_peer ( struct peer_connection& c, bool optimistic )
torrent::update_guage ( )
torrent::update_piece_priorities ( )
torrent::update_scrape_state ( )
torrent::update_sparse_piece_prio int piece, int cursor, int reverse_cursor )
torrent::upload_limit ( ) const
torrent::use_interface std::string net_interface )
torrent::verified int piece )
torrent::want_more_peers ( ) const
torrent::we_have int index )
torrent::web_seeds enum web_seed_entry::type_t type ) const
torrent::write_resume_data entry& rd ) const
torrent::~torrent [in-charge-deleting] ( )
torrent::~torrent [in-charge] ( )
torrent::~torrent [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
hash_value torrent_handle const& th )
throw_invalid_handle ( )
torrent_handle::clear_piece_deadlines ( ) const
torrent_handle::force_reannounce int seconds, int tracker_index ) const
torrent_handle::move_storage ( std::string const& save_path, int flags ) const
torrent_handle::move_storage ( std::wstring const& save_path, int flags ) const
torrent_handle::set_ssl_certificate_buffer ( std::string const& certificate, std::string const& private_key, std::string const& dh_params )
torrent_handle::torrent_file ( ) const

namespace libtorrent
merkle_get_parent int p1 )
merkle_get_sibling int p1 )
merkle_num_leafs int p1 )
merkle_num_nodes int p1 )
torrent_info::add_merkle_nodes ( std::map<int, sha1_hash>const& subtree, int piece )
torrent_info::rename_file int index, std::wstring const& new_filename )
torrent_info::ssl_cert ( ) const
torrent_info::torrent_info [in-charge] ( sha1_hash const& info_hash, int flags )
torrent_info::torrent_info [not-in-charge] ( sha1_hash const& info_hash, int flags )
trim_path_element std::string& path_element )
web_seed_entry::web_seed_entry [in-charge] ( std::string const& url_, enum web_seed_entry::type_t type_, std::string const& auth_, web_seed_entry::headers_t const& extra_headers_ )
web_seed_entry::web_seed_entry [not-in-charge] ( std::string const& url_, enum web_seed_entry::type_t type_, std::string const& auth_, web_seed_entry::headers_t const& extra_headers_ )

namespace libtorrent
gzip_header char const* buf, int size )
timeout_handler::cancel ( )
timeout_handler::restart_read_timeout ( )
timeout_handler::set_timeout ( int completion_timeout, int read_timeout )
timeout_handler::timeout_handler [in-charge] io_service& str )
timeout_handler::timeout_handler [not-in-charge] io_service& str )
tracker_connection::close ( )
tracker_connection::fail ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, int code, char const* msg, int interval, int min_interval )
tracker_connection::fail_impl ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, int code, std::string msg, int interval, int min_interval )
tracker_connection::received_bytes int bytes )
tracker_connection::requester ( ) const
tracker_connection::sent_bytes int bytes )
tracker_connection::tracker_connection [in-charge] ( tracker_manager& man, tracker_request const& req, io_service& ios, boost::weak_ptr<request_callback> r )
tracker_connection::tracker_connection [not-in-charge] ( tracker_manager& man, tracker_request const& req, io_service& ios, boost::weak_ptr<request_callback> r )
tracker_manager::abort_all_requests bool all )
tracker_manager::empty ( ) const
tracker_manager::incoming_packet ( boost::system::error_code const& e, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* buf, int size )
tracker_manager::incoming_packet ( boost::system::error_code const& e, char const* hostname, char const* buf, int size )
tracker_manager::num_requests ( ) const
tracker_manager::queue_request ( io_service& ios, connection_queue& cc, tracker_request r, std::string const& auth, boost::weak_ptr<request_callback> c )
tracker_manager::received_bytes int bytes )
tracker_manager::remove_request tracker_connection const* p1 )
tracker_manager::sent_bytes int bytes )
tracker_manager::~tracker_manager [in-charge] ( )
tracker_manager::~tracker_manager [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
rate_limited_udp_socket::rate_limited_udp_socket [in-charge] ( io_service& ios, connection_queue& cc )
rate_limited_udp_socket::rate_limited_udp_socket [not-in-charge] ( io_service& ios, connection_queue& cc )
rate_limited_udp_socket::send ( boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p, int len, boost::system::error_code& ec, int flags )
udp_socket::bind ( boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, boost::system::error_code& ec )
udp_socket::close ( )
udp_socket::send ( boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p, int len, boost::system::error_code& ec, int flags )
udp_socket::send_hostname ( char const* hostname, int port, char const* p, int len, boost::system::error_code& ec, int flags )
udp_socket::set_buf_size int s )
udp_socket::set_proxy_settings proxy_settings const& ps )
udp_socket::subscribe udp_socket_observer* o )
udp_socket::udp_socket [in-charge] ( io_service& ios, connection_queue& cc )
udp_socket::udp_socket [not-in-charge] ( io_service& ios, connection_queue& cc )
udp_socket::unsubscribe udp_socket_observer* o )
udp_socket::~udp_socket [in-charge] ( )
udp_socket::~udp_socket [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
utp_socket_manager::defer_ack struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_socket_manager::get_status struct utp_status& s ) const
utp_socket_manager::inc_stats_counter int counter )
utp_socket_manager::incoming_packet ( boost::system::error_code const& ec, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p, int size )
utp_socket_manager::local_endpoint ( address const& remote, boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
utp_socket_manager::local_port boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
utp_socket_manager::mtu_for_dest ( address const& addr, int& link_mtu, int& utp_mtu )
utp_socket_manager::new_utp_socket utp_stream* str )
utp_socket_manager::remove_socket uint16_t id )
utp_socket_manager::send_packet ( boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p, int len, boost::system::error_code& ec, int flags )
utp_socket_manager::set_sock_buf int size )
utp_socket_manager::socket_drained ( )
utp_socket_manager::subscribe_drained struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_socket_manager::subscribe_writable struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_socket_manager::tick ptime now )
utp_socket_manager::utp_socket_manager [in-charge] ( session_settings const& sett, udp_socket& s, incoming_utp_callback_t cb )
utp_socket_manager::utp_socket_manager [not-in-charge] ( session_settings const& sett, udp_socket& s, incoming_utp_callback_t cb )
utp_socket_manager::writable ( )
utp_socket_manager::~utp_socket_manager [in-charge] ( )
utp_socket_manager::~utp_socket_manager [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace libtorrent
construct_utp_impl ( uint16_t recv_id, uint16_t send_id, void* userdata, utp_socket_manager* sm )
delete_utp_impl struct utp_socket_impl* s )
detach_utp_impl struct utp_socket_impl* s )
should_delete struct utp_socket_impl* s )
tick_utp_impl ( struct utp_socket_impl* s, ptime const& now )
utp_incoming_packet ( struct utp_socket_impl* s, char const* p, int size, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, ptime receive_time )
utp_init_mtu ( struct utp_socket_impl* s, int link_mtu, int utp_mtu )
utp_match ( struct utp_socket_impl* s, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint const& ep, uint16_t id )
utp_receive_id struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_remote_endpoint struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_send_ack struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_socket_drained struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_socket_state struct utp_socket_impl const* s )
utp_stream::add_read_buffer void* buf, size_t len )
utp_stream::add_write_buffer void const* buf, size_t len )
utp_stream::available ( ) const
utp_stream::bind ( utp_stream::endpoint_type const& endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec )
utp_stream::close ( )
utp_stream::do_connect ( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint const& ep, utp_stream::connect_handler_t h )
utp_stream::get_impl ( )
utp_stream::local_endpoint boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
utp_stream::on_connect void* self, boost::system::error_code const& ec, bool kill ) [static]
utp_stream::on_read void* self, size_t bytes_transferred, boost::system::error_code const& ec, bool kill ) [static]
utp_stream::on_write void* self, size_t bytes_transferred, boost::system::error_code const& ec, bool kill ) [static]
utp_stream::read_buffer_size ( ) const
utp_stream::read_some bool clear_buffers )
utp_stream::recv_delay ( ) const
utp_stream::remote_endpoint boost::system::error_code& ec ) const
utp_stream::send_delay ( ) const
utp_stream::set_impl struct utp_socket_impl* s )
utp_stream::set_read_handler utp_stream::handler_t h )
utp_stream::set_write_handler utp_stream::handler_t h )
utp_stream::utp_stream [in-charge] boost::asio::io_service& io_service )
utp_stream::utp_stream [not-in-charge] boost::asio::io_service& io_service )
utp_stream::~utp_stream [in-charge] ( )
utp_stream::~utp_stream [not-in-charge] ( )
utp_writable struct utp_socket_impl* s )

to the top

Removed Symbols (24)

namespace libtorrent
http_error_category::message int ev ) const
http_error_category::name ( ) const

namespace libtorrent
file_pool::open_file void* st, std::string const& p, file_storage::iterator fe, file_storage const& fs, int m, boost::system::error_code& ec )

namespace libtorrent
file_storage::file_index int index ) const
file_storage::file_path int index ) const
file_storage::file_path internal_file_entry const& fe ) const
file_storage::optimize int pad_file_limit )
internal_file_entry::set_name char const* n, int borrow_chars )

SHA1_Final uint8_t* digest, struct SHA_CTX* context )
SHA1_Init struct SHA_CTX* context )
SHA1_Update ( struct SHA_CTX* context, uint8_t const* data, uint32_t len )

namespace libtorrent
i2p_error_category::message int ev ) const
i2p_error_category::name ( ) const

namespace libtorrent
lazy_entry::dict_find std::string const& name )
lazy_entry::dict_find_dict std::string const& name ) const
operator<< ( std::ostream& os, lazy_entry const& e )

namespace libtorrent
default_storage::move_storage std::string const& save_path )
default_storage::open_file ( file_storage::iterator fe, int mode, boost::system::error_code& ec ) const

namespace libtorrent
torrent_handle::force_reannounce ( ) const
torrent_handle::move_storage std::string const& save_path ) const
torrent_handle::move_storage std::wstring const& save_path ) const

namespace libtorrent
torrent_info::add_merkle_nodes ( std::map<int, big_number>const& subtree, int piece )
torrent_info::torrent_info [in-charge] ( sha1_hash const& info_hash, int flags )
torrent_info::torrent_info [not-in-charge] ( sha1_hash const& info_hash, int flags )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (6)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class session_settings (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class storage_interface (3)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class torrent_status (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class announce_entry (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity (13)

namespace libtorrent
[+] file_pool::open_file void* st, std::string const& p, file_storage::iterator fe, file_storage const& fs, int m, boost::system::error_code& ec ) (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] file_storage::file_path int index ) const (1)
[+] file_storage::file_path internal_file_entry const& fe ) const (1)
[+] file_storage::optimize int pad_file_limit ) (1)
[+] internal_file_entry::set_name char const* n, int borrow_chars ) (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] default_storage::move_storage std::string const& save_path ) (1)
[+] default_storage::open_file ( file_storage::iterator fe, int mode, boost::system::error_code& ec ) const (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] torrent_handle::force_reannounce ( ) const (1)
[+] torrent_handle::move_storage std::string const& save_path ) const (1)
[+] torrent_handle::move_storage std::wstring const& save_path ) const (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] torrent_info::add_merkle_nodes ( std::map<int, big_number>const& subtree, int piece ) (1)
[+] torrent_info::torrent_info [in-charge] ( sha1_hash const& info_hash, int flags ) (1)
[+] torrent_info::torrent_info [not-in-charge] ( sha1_hash const& info_hash, int flags ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (101)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class add_torrent_params (14)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class disk_buffer_pool (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class file_entry (10)
[+] class internal_file_entry (5)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class feed_settings (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class session_settings (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class torrent_status (66)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class announce_entry (3)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (49)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class add_torrent_params (4)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class disk_buffer_pool (3)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class entry (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class file_entry (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class feed_item (1)
[+] class feed_settings (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class session_settings (9)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class default_storage (8)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class torrent_status (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class torrent_info (20)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (19)

namespace libtorrent
[+] file_storage::hash int index ) const (1)
[+] file_storage::hash internal_file_entry const& fe ) const (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] lazy_entry::dict_find_int_value ( char const* name, size_type default_val ) const (2)
[+] lazy_entry::int_value ( ) const (1)
[+] lazy_entry::list_int_value_at int i, size_type default_val ) const (2)

namespace libtorrent
[+] session_settings::session_settings [in-charge] std::string const& user_agent_ ) (2)
[+] session_settings::session_settings [not-in-charge] std::string const& user_agent_ ) (2)

namespace libtorrent
[+] default_storage::delete_one_file std::string const& p ) (1)
[+] default_storage::read_unaligned ( boost::intrusive_ptr<file>const& file_handle, size_type file_offset, file::iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs, boost::system::error_code& ec ) (1)
[+] default_storage::readwritev ( file::iovec_t const* bufs, int slot, int offset, int num_bufs, struct default_storage::fileop const& p5 ) (1)
[+] default_storage::write_unaligned ( boost::intrusive_ptr<file>const& file_handle, size_type file_offset, file::iovec_t const* bufs, int num_bufs, boost::system::error_code& ec ) (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] torrent_handle::info_hash ( ) const (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] torrent_info::build_merkle_list int piece ) const (1)
[+] torrent_info::copy_on_write ( ) (1)
[+] torrent_info::parse_torrent_file ( lazy_entry const& libtorrent, boost::system::error_code& ec, int flags ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Constants, Low Severity (2)


to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (1)

namespace libtorrent
[+] class add_torrent_params (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Constants (7)

[+] INT16_MAX
[+] INT16_MIN
[+] INT64_MAX


to the top

Header Files (1)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Thu Dec 25 02:41:01 2014 for libtorrent (Rasterbar) by ABI Compliance Checker 1.99.9  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API