Binary compatibility report for the LibUnity library  between 3.8.4 and 4.0.2 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameLibUnity
Version #13.8.4
Version #24.0.2
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types143 / 72

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-184
Removed SymbolsHigh107
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (184)

unity_activation_response_construct ( GType object_type, UnityHandledType handled, gchar const* goto_uri )
unity_activation_response_get_goto_uri UnityActivationResponse* self )
unity_activation_response_get_handled UnityActivationResponse* self )
unity_activation_response_get_type ( )
unity_activation_response_new ( UnityHandledType handled, gchar const* goto_uri )
unity_activation_response_set_goto_uri ( UnityActivationResponse* self, gchar const* value )
unity_active_playlist_container_copy ( UnityActivePlaylistContainer const* self, UnityActivePlaylistContainer* dest )
unity_active_playlist_container_destroy UnityActivePlaylistContainer* self )
unity_active_playlist_container_dup UnityActivePlaylistContainer const* self )
unity_active_playlist_container_free UnityActivePlaylistContainer* self )
unity_active_playlist_container_get_type ( )
unity_album_preview_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* name, gchar const* artist, gchar const* year, gchar** genres, int genres_length1, gchar const* album_cover, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri )
unity_album_preview_get_type ( )
unity_album_preview_new ( gchar const* name, gchar const* artist, gchar const* year, gchar** genres, int genres_length1, gchar const* album_cover, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri )
unity_application_preview_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* name, gchar const* version, gchar const* size, gchar const* license, gchar const* last_updated, gfloat rating, guint n_ratings, gchar const* description, gchar const* icon_hint, gchar const* screenshot_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri )
unity_application_preview_get_type ( )
unity_application_preview_new ( gchar const* name, gchar const* version, gchar const* size, gchar const* license, gchar const* last_updated, gfloat rating, guint n_ratings, gchar const* description, gchar const* icon_hint, gchar const* screenshot_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri )
unity_category_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* name, GIcon* icon_hint, UnityCategoryRenderer renderer )
unity_category_get_default_renderer UnityCategory* self )
unity_category_get_icon_hint UnityCategory* self )
unity_category_get_name UnityCategory* self )
unity_category_get_type ( )
unity_category_new ( gchar const* name, GIcon* icon_hint, UnityCategoryRenderer renderer )
unity_category_renderer_get_type ( )
unity_check_option_filter_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_check_option_filter_get_type ( )
unity_check_option_filter_new gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_filter_construct GType object_type )
unity_filter_get_collapsed UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_get_display_name UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_get_filtering UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_get_icon_hint UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_get_id UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_get_renderer_name UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_get_type ( )
unity_filter_get_visible UnityFilter* self )
unity_filter_option_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean active )
unity_filter_option_get_active UnityFilterOption* self )
unity_filter_option_get_display_name UnityFilterOption* self )
unity_filter_option_get_icon_hint UnityFilterOption* self )
unity_filter_option_get_id UnityFilterOption* self )
unity_filter_option_get_type ( )
unity_filter_option_new gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean active )
unity_filter_set_renderer_name ( UnityFilter* self, gchar const* value )
unity_filter_set_visible ( UnityFilter* self, gboolean value )
unity_generic_preview_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* name, guint date_modified, guint size, gchar const* type, gchar const* description, gchar const* large_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri, gchar const* secondary_action_name, gchar const* secondary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* secondary_action_uri, gchar const* tertiary_action_name, gchar const* tertiary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* tertiary_action_uri )
unity_generic_preview_get_type ( )
unity_generic_preview_new ( gchar const* name, guint date_modified, guint size, gchar const* type, gchar const* description, gchar const* large_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri, gchar const* secondary_action_name, gchar const* secondary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* secondary_action_uri, gchar const* tertiary_action_name, gchar const* tertiary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* tertiary_action_uri )
unity_handled_type_get_type ( )
unity_lens_add_local_scope UnityLens* self, UnityScope* scope )
unity_lens_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* dbus_path_, gchar const* id_ )
unity_lens_export UnityLens* self, GError** error )
unity_lens_get_active UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_categories UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_dbus_path UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_exported UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_filters UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_id UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_search_hint UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_search_in_global UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_searching UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_get_type ( )
unity_lens_get_visible UnityLens* self )
unity_lens_new ( gchar const* dbus_path_, gchar const* id_ )
unity_lens_search_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* search_string, GHashTable* hints )
unity_lens_search_equals ( UnityLensSearch* self, UnityLensSearch* other )
unity_lens_search_get_hints UnityLensSearch* self )
unity_lens_search_get_search_string UnityLensSearch* self )
unity_lens_search_get_type ( )
unity_lens_search_new ( gchar const* search_string, GHashTable* hints )
unity_lens_set_categories UnityLens* self, GList* value )
unity_lens_set_filters UnityLens* self, GList* value )
unity_lens_set_search_hint UnityLens* self, gchar const* value )
unity_lens_set_search_in_global UnityLens* self, gboolean value )
unity_lens_set_visible UnityLens* self, gboolean value )
unity_multi_range_filter_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_multi_range_filter_get_first_active UnityMultiRangeFilter* self )
unity_multi_range_filter_get_last_active UnityMultiRangeFilter* self )
unity_multi_range_filter_get_type ( )
unity_multi_range_filter_new gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_music_player_add_playlist ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, UnityPlaylist* p )
unity_music_player_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* desktop )
unity_music_player_edit_playlist_name ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gchar const* id, gchar const* name )
unity_music_player_get_app_info UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_can_go_next UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_can_go_previous UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_can_pause UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_can_play UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_current_playlist UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_current_track UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_desktop_file_name UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_is_blacklisted UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_playback_state UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_player_menu UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_playlists ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, int* result_length1 )
unity_music_player_get_title UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_track_menu UnityMusicPlayer* self )
unity_music_player_get_type ( )
unity_music_player_new gchar const* desktop )
unity_music_player_remove_playlist ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, UnityPlaylist* p )
unity_music_player_set_can_go_next ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gboolean value )
unity_music_player_set_can_go_previous ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gboolean value )
unity_music_player_set_can_pause ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gboolean value )
unity_music_player_set_can_play ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gboolean value )
unity_music_player_set_current_playlist ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, UnityPlaylist* value )
unity_music_player_set_current_track ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, UnityTrackMetadata* value )
unity_music_player_set_is_blacklisted ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gboolean value )
unity_music_player_set_playback_state ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, UnityPlaybackState value )
unity_music_player_set_player_menu ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, DbusmenuMenuitem* value )
unity_music_player_set_title ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, gchar const* value )
unity_music_player_set_track_menu ( UnityMusicPlayer* self, DbusmenuMenuitem* value )
unity_no_preview_construct GType object_type )
unity_no_preview_get_type ( )
unity_no_preview_new ( )
unity_options_filter_add_option ( UnityOptionsFilter* self, gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint )
unity_options_filter_construct GType object_type )
unity_options_filter_get_option ( UnityOptionsFilter* self, gchar const* id )
unity_options_filter_get_type ( )
unity_options_filter_new ( )
unity_playback_state_get_type ( )
unity_playlist_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* id )
unity_playlist_details_copy ( UnityPlaylistDetails const* self, UnityPlaylistDetails* dest )
unity_playlist_details_destroy UnityPlaylistDetails* self )
unity_playlist_details_dup UnityPlaylistDetails const* self )
unity_playlist_details_free UnityPlaylistDetails* self )
unity_playlist_details_get_type ( )
unity_playlist_get_creation_date UnityPlaylist* self )
unity_playlist_get_icon UnityPlaylist* self )
unity_playlist_get_id UnityPlaylist* self )
unity_playlist_get_last_play_date UnityPlaylist* self )
unity_playlist_get_modification_date UnityPlaylist* self )
unity_playlist_get_name UnityPlaylist* self )
unity_playlist_get_type ( )
unity_playlist_new gchar const* id )
unity_playlist_set_creation_date ( UnityPlaylist* self, GDateTime* value )
unity_playlist_set_icon ( UnityPlaylist* self, GIcon* value )
unity_playlist_set_last_play_date ( UnityPlaylist* self, GDateTime* value )
unity_playlist_set_modification_date ( UnityPlaylist* self, GDateTime* value )
unity_playlist_set_name ( UnityPlaylist* self, gchar const* value )
unity_preview_construct GType object_type )
unity_preview_get_type ( )
unity_radio_option_filter_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_radio_option_filter_get_active_option UnityRadioOptionFilter* self )
unity_radio_option_filter_get_type ( )
unity_radio_option_filter_new gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_ratings_filter_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_ratings_filter_get_rating UnityRatingsFilter* self )
unity_ratings_filter_get_type ( )
unity_ratings_filter_new gchar const* id, gchar const* display_name, GIcon* icon_hint, gboolean collapsed )
unity_scope_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* dbus_path_ )
unity_scope_export ( UnityScope* self, GError** error )
unity_scope_get_active UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_active_global_search UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_active_search UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_active_sources ( UnityScope* self, int* result_length1 )
unity_scope_get_dbus_path UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_exported UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_filter ( UnityScope* self, gchar const* id )
unity_scope_get_filters UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_global_results_model UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_results_model UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_search_in_global UnityScope* self )
unity_scope_get_sources ( UnityScope* self, int* result_length1 )
unity_scope_get_type ( )
unity_scope_new gchar const* dbus_path_ )
unity_scope_set_active ( UnityScope* self, gboolean value )
unity_scope_set_active_global_search ( UnityScope* self, UnityLensSearch* value )
unity_scope_set_active_search ( UnityScope* self, UnityLensSearch* value )
unity_scope_set_search_in_global ( UnityScope* self, gboolean value )
unity_scope_set_sources ( UnityScope* self, gchar** value, int value_length1 )
unity_track_metadata_construct GType object_type )
unity_track_metadata_get_album UnityTrackMetadata* self )
unity_track_metadata_get_art_location UnityTrackMetadata* self )
unity_track_metadata_get_artist UnityTrackMetadata* self )
unity_track_metadata_get_title UnityTrackMetadata* self )
unity_track_metadata_get_type ( )
unity_track_metadata_new ( )
unity_track_metadata_set_album ( UnityTrackMetadata* self, gchar const* value )
unity_track_metadata_set_art_location ( UnityTrackMetadata* self, GFile* value )
unity_track_metadata_set_artist ( UnityTrackMetadata* self, gchar const* value )
unity_track_metadata_set_title ( UnityTrackMetadata* self, gchar const* value )
unity_track_preview_construct ( GType object_type, guint number, gchar const* title, gchar const* artist, gchar const* album, guint length, gchar** genres, int genres_length1, gchar const* album_cover, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri, gchar const* play_action_uri, gchar const* pause_action_uri )
unity_track_preview_get_type ( )
unity_track_preview_new guint number, gchar const* title, gchar const* artist, gchar const* album, guint length, gchar** genres, int genres_length1, gchar const* album_cover, gchar const* primary_action_name, gchar const* primary_action_icon_hint, gchar const* primary_action_uri, gchar const* play_action_uri, gchar const* pause_action_uri )

to the top

Removed Symbols (107)

unity_activation_activate ( UnityActivation* self, gchar const* uri, GAsyncReadyCallback _callback_, gpointer _user_data_ )
unity_activation_activate_finish ( UnityActivation* self, GAsyncResult* _res_, GError** error )
unity_activation_get_type ( )
unity_activation_proxy_get_type ( )
unity_activation_register_object void* object, GDBusConnection* connection, gchar const* path, GError** error )
unity_activation_status_get_type ( )
unity_browser_clear UnityBrowser* self )
unity_browser_construct ( GType object_type, GType e_type, GBoxedCopyFunc e_dup_func, GDestroyNotify e_destroy_func, gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_browser_get_dbus_path UnityBrowser* self )
unity_browser_get_type ( )
unity_browser_go_back UnityBrowser* self )
unity_browser_go_forward UnityBrowser* self )
unity_browser_new GType e_type, GBoxedCopyFunc e_dup_func, GDestroyNotify e_destroy_func, gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_browser_record_state ( UnityBrowser* self, gconstpointer state, gchar const* comment )
unity_param_spec_stack ( gchar const* name, gchar const* nick, gchar const* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags )
unity_place_controller_add_entry ( UnityPlaceController* self, UnityPlaceEntryInfo* entry )
unity_place_controller_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_place_controller_export ( UnityPlaceController* self, GError** error )
unity_place_controller_get_activation UnityPlaceController* self )
unity_place_controller_get_dbus_path UnityPlaceController* self )
unity_place_controller_get_entries ( UnityPlaceController* self, int* result_length1 )
unity_place_controller_get_entry ( UnityPlaceController* self, gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_place_controller_get_entry_paths ( UnityPlaceController* self, int* result_length1 )
unity_place_controller_get_exported UnityPlaceController* self )
unity_place_controller_get_type ( )
unity_place_controller_new gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_place_controller_num_entries UnityPlaceController* self )
unity_place_controller_remove_entry ( UnityPlaceController* self, gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_place_controller_set_activation ( UnityPlaceController* self, UnityActivation* value )
unity_place_controller_unexport ( UnityPlaceController* self, GError** error )
unity_place_entry_info_clear_hint ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar const* hint )
unity_place_entry_info_clear_hints UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_place_entry_info_flush_all_models UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_active UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_active_global_search UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_active_search UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_active_section UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_browser UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_dbus_path UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_display_name UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_entry_renderer_info UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_global_renderer_info UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_hint ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar const* hint )
unity_place_entry_info_get_icon UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_mimetypes ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, int* result_length1 )
unity_place_entry_info_get_position UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_sections_model UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_sensitive UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_get_type ( )
unity_place_entry_info_new gchar const* dbus_path )
unity_place_entry_info_num_hints UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self )
unity_place_entry_info_set_active ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gboolean value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_active_global_search ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, UnityPlaceSearch* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_active_search ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, UnityPlaceSearch* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_active_section ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, guint value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_browser ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, UnityBrowser* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_dbus_path ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar const* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_display_name ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar const* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_hint ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar const* hint, gchar const* val )
unity_place_entry_info_set_icon ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar const* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_mimetypes ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gchar** value, int value_length1 )
unity_place_entry_info_set_position ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, guint value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_sections_model ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, DeeModel* value )
unity_place_entry_info_set_sensitive ( UnityPlaceEntryInfo* self, gboolean value )
unity_place_renderer_info_clear_hint ( UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self, gchar const* hint )
unity_place_renderer_info_clear_hints UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self )
unity_place_renderer_info_get_default_renderer UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self )
unity_place_renderer_info_get_groups_model UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self )
unity_place_renderer_info_get_hint ( UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self, gchar const* hint )
unity_place_renderer_info_get_results_model UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self )
unity_place_renderer_info_get_type ( )
unity_place_renderer_info_num_hints UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self )
unity_place_renderer_info_set_default_renderer ( UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self, gchar const* value )
unity_place_renderer_info_set_groups_model ( UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self, DeeModel* value )
unity_place_renderer_info_set_hint ( UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self, gchar const* hint, gchar const* val )
unity_place_renderer_info_set_results_model ( UnityPlaceRendererInfo* self, DeeModel* value )
unity_place_search_clear_hint ( UnityPlaceSearch* self, gchar const* hint )
unity_place_search_clear_hints UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_construct ( GType object_type, gchar const* search, GHashTable* hints )
unity_place_search_equals ( UnityPlaceSearch* self, UnityPlaceSearch* other )
unity_place_search_finished UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_get_hint ( UnityPlaceSearch* self, gchar const* hint )
unity_place_search_get_hints UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_get_parent_entry UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_get_search_string UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_get_section UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_get_type ( )
unity_place_search_new ( gchar const* search, GHashTable* hints )
unity_place_search_num_hints UnityPlaceSearch* self )
unity_place_search_set_hint ( UnityPlaceSearch* self, gchar const* hint, gchar const* val )
unity_place_search_set_parent_entry ( UnityPlaceSearch* self, UnityPlaceEntryInfo* entry )
unity_place_search_set_section ( UnityPlaceSearch* self, guint section )
unity_stack_clear UnityStack* self )
unity_stack_construct ( GType object_type, GType e_type, GBoxedCopyFunc e_dup_func, GDestroyNotify e_destroy_func )
unity_stack_get_type ( )
unity_stack_is_empty UnityStack* self )
unity_stack_new GType e_type, GBoxedCopyFunc e_dup_func, GDestroyNotify e_destroy_func )
unity_stack_peek UnityStack* self )
unity_stack_pop UnityStack* self )
unity_stack_push ( UnityStack* self, gconstpointer element )
unity_stack_ref gpointer instance )
unity_stack_size UnityStack* self )
unity_stack_unref gpointer instance )
unity_value_get_stack GValue const* value )
unity_value_set_stack GValue* value, gpointer v_object )
unity_value_take_stack GValue* value, gpointer v_object )

to the top

Header Files (1)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Mon Sep 24 19:26:54 2012 for LibUnity by ABI Compliance Checker 1.98.4  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API