Binary compatibility report for the Raptor library between 1.4.21 and 1.9.0 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameRaptor
Version #11.4.21
Version #21.9.0
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types304 / 121

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-98
Removed SymbolsHigh113
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Data Types
Other Changes
in Constants

Added Symbols (98)

raptor_avltree_iterator_is_end raptor_avltree_iterator* iterator )
raptor_domain_get_label enum raptor_domain domain )
raptor_free_option_description struct raptor_option_description* option_description )
raptor_free_term struct raptor_term* term )
raptor_free_www raptor_www* www )
raptor_iostream_counted_string_write ( void const* string, size_t len, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_iostream_decimal_write int integer, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_iostream_hexadecimal_write ( unsigned int integer, int width, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_iostream_string_write ( void const* string, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_locator_format char* buffer, size_t length, struct raptor_locator* locator )
raptor_locator_print ( struct raptor_locator* locator, FILE* stream )
raptor_log_level_get_label enum raptor_log_level level )
raptor_namespace_format_as_xml ( raptor_namespace const* ns, size_t* length_p )
raptor_namespace_stack_start_namespace ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, raptor_namespace* ns, int new_depth )
raptor_namespace_write ( raptor_namespace* ns, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_uri ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, int xml_version )
raptor_new_sequence_with_context ( raptor_data_context_free_handler free_handler, raptor_data_context_print_handler print_handler, void* handler_context )
raptor_new_statement raptor_world* world )
raptor_new_statement_from_nodes ( raptor_world* world, struct raptor_term* subject, struct raptor_term* predicate, struct raptor_term* object, struct raptor_term* graph )
raptor_new_term_from_blank ( raptor_world* world, unsigned char const* blank )
raptor_new_term_from_counted_blank ( raptor_world* world, unsigned char const* blank, size_t length )
raptor_new_term_from_counted_literal ( raptor_world* world, unsigned char const* literal, size_t literal_len, struct raptor_uri_s* datatype, unsigned char const* language, unsigned char language_len )
raptor_new_term_from_literal ( raptor_world* world, unsigned char const* literal, struct raptor_uri_s* datatype, unsigned char const* language )
raptor_new_term_from_uri ( raptor_world* world, struct raptor_uri_s* uri )
raptor_new_uri_from_counted_string ( raptor_world* world, unsigned char const* uri_string, size_t length )
raptor_new_www raptor_world* world )
raptor_new_www_with_connection ( raptor_world* world, void* connection )
raptor_option_get_count ( )
raptor_option_get_value_type_label enum raptor_option_value_type const type )
raptor_parser_get_description raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_parser_get_graph raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_parser_get_locator raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_parser_get_name raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_parser_get_option ( raptor_parser* parser, enum raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p )
raptor_parser_parse_abort raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_parser_parse_chunk ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, unsigned char const* buffer, size_t len, int is_end )
raptor_parser_parse_file ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, struct raptor_uri_s* base_uri )
raptor_parser_parse_file_stream ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, FILE* stream, char const* filename, struct raptor_uri_s* base_uri )
raptor_parser_parse_iostream ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, raptor_iostream* iostr, struct raptor_uri_s* base_uri )
raptor_parser_parse_start ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, struct raptor_uri_s* uri )
raptor_parser_parse_uri ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, struct raptor_uri_s* base_uri )
raptor_parser_parse_uri_with_connection ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, struct raptor_uri_s* base_uri, void* connection )
raptor_parser_set_graph_mark_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_graph_mark_handler handler )
raptor_parser_set_namespace_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_namespace_handler handler )
raptor_parser_set_option ( raptor_parser* parser, enum raptor_option option, char const* string, int integer )
raptor_parser_set_statement_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, void(*handler)(void*, struct raptor_statement*) )
raptor_qname_write ( raptor_qname* qname, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_serializer_flush raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer )
raptor_serializer_get_description raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer )
raptor_serializer_get_option ( raptor_serializer* serializer, enum raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p )
raptor_serializer_serialize_end raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer )
raptor_serializer_serialize_statement ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, struct raptor_statement* statement )
raptor_serializer_set_namespace ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, unsigned char const* prefix )
raptor_serializer_set_namespace_from_namespace ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, raptor_namespace* nspace )
raptor_serializer_set_option ( raptor_serializer* serializer, enum raptor_option option, char const* string, int integer )
raptor_serializer_start_to_file_handle ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, FILE* fh )
raptor_serializer_start_to_filename ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, char const* filename )
raptor_serializer_start_to_iostream ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, raptor_iostream* iostream )
raptor_serializer_start_to_string ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, void** string_p, size_t* length_p )
raptor_statement_clear struct raptor_statement* statement )
raptor_statement_equals ( struct raptor_statement const* s1, struct raptor_statement const* s2 )
raptor_statement_init ( struct raptor_statement* statement, raptor_world* world )
raptor_statement_ntriples_write ( struct raptor_statement const* statement, raptor_iostream* iostr, int write_graph_term )
raptor_statement_print ( struct raptor_statement const* statement, FILE* stream )
raptor_statement_print_as_ntriples ( struct raptor_statement const* statement, FILE* stream )
raptor_string_ntriples_write ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char const delim, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_string_python_write ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char const delim, int flags, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_stringbuffer_write ( raptor_stringbuffer* sb, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_term_as_counted_string ( struct raptor_term* term, size_t* len_p )
raptor_term_as_string struct raptor_term* term )
raptor_term_compare ( struct raptor_term const* t1, struct raptor_term const* t2 )
raptor_term_copy struct raptor_term* term )
raptor_term_equals ( struct raptor_term* t1, struct raptor_term* t2 )
raptor_term_ntriples_write ( struct raptor_term const* term, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_unicode_check_utf8_string ( unsigned char const* string, size_t length )
raptor_unicode_utf8_string_get_char ( unsigned char const* input, size_t length, raptor_unichar* output )
raptor_unicode_utf8_string_put_char ( raptor_unichar c, unsigned char* output, size_t length )
raptor_uri_get_world struct raptor_uri_s* uri )
raptor_uri_write ( struct raptor_uri_s* uri, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_world_generate_bnodeid raptor_world* world )
raptor_world_get_option_description ( raptor_world* world, enum raptor_domain const domain, enum raptor_option const option )
raptor_world_get_option_from_uri ( raptor_world* world, struct raptor_uri_s* uri )
raptor_world_get_parser_description ( raptor_world* world, unsigned int counter )
raptor_world_get_serializer_description ( raptor_world* world, unsigned int counter )
raptor_world_guess_parser_name ( raptor_world* world, struct raptor_uri_s* uri, char const* mime_type, unsigned char const* buffer, size_t len, unsigned char const* identifier )
raptor_world_is_parser_name ( raptor_world* world, char const* name )
raptor_world_is_serializer_name ( raptor_world* world, char const* name )
raptor_world_set_flag ( raptor_world* world, enum raptor_world_flag flag, int value )
raptor_world_set_generate_bnodeid_handler ( raptor_world* world, void* user_data, raptor_generate_bnodeid_handler handler )
raptor_world_set_generate_bnodeid_parameters ( raptor_world* world, char* prefix, int base )
raptor_world_set_log_handler ( raptor_world* world, void* user_data, raptor_log_handler handler )
raptor_xml_element_write ( raptor_xml_element* element, raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, int is_empty, int is_end, int depth, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_xml_escape_string_any ( raptor_world* world, unsigned char const* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, int xml_version )
raptor_xml_escape_string_any_write ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char quote, int xml_version, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_xml_escape_string_write ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char quote, raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_xml_namespace_string_parse ( unsigned char const* string, unsigned char** prefix, unsigned char** uri_string )
raptor_xml_writer_get_option ( raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, enum raptor_option option, char** string_p, int* integer_p )
raptor_xml_writer_set_option ( raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, enum raptor_option option, char* string, int integer )

to the top

Removed Symbols (113)

raptor_compare_strings void const* a, void const* b )
raptor_copy_identifier ( struct raptor_identifier* dest, struct raptor_identifier* src )
raptor_error_handlers_init struct raptor_error_handlers* error_handlers )
raptor_feature_from_uri void** uri )
raptor_feature_value_type enum raptor_feature const feature )
raptor_features_enumerate ( enum raptor_feature const feature, char const** name, void*** uri, char const** label )
raptor_finish ( )
raptor_format_locator char* buffer, size_t length, struct raptor_locator* locator )
raptor_free_identifier struct raptor_identifier* identifier )
raptor_get_feature ( raptor_parser* parser, enum raptor_feature feature )
raptor_get_feature_count ( )
raptor_get_label raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_get_locator raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_get_mime_type raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_get_name raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_get_need_base_uri raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_guess_parser_name void** uri, char const* mime_type, unsigned char const* buffer, size_t len, unsigned char const* identifier )
raptor_init ( )
raptor_iostream_format_hexadecimal ( raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned int integer, int width )
raptor_iostream_get_bytes_written_count raptor_iostream* iostr )
raptor_iostream_write_counted_string ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void const* string, size_t len )
raptor_iostream_write_decimal ( raptor_iostream* iostr, int integer )
raptor_iostream_write_namespace ( raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_namespace* ns )
raptor_iostream_write_qname ( raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_qname* qname )
raptor_iostream_write_statement_ntriples ( raptor_iostream* iostr, struct raptor_statement const* statement )
raptor_iostream_write_string ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void const* string )
raptor_iostream_write_string_ntriples ( raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char const delim )
raptor_iostream_write_string_python ( raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char const delim, int flags )
raptor_iostream_write_string_turtle ( raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned char const* string, size_t len )
raptor_iostream_write_stringbuffer ( raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_stringbuffer* sb )
raptor_iostream_write_uri ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void** uri )
raptor_iostream_write_xml_any_escaped_string ( raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char quote, int xml_version, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data )
raptor_iostream_write_xml_element ( raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_xml_element* element, raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, int is_empty, int is_end, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int depth )
raptor_iostream_write_xml_escaped_string ( raptor_iostream* iostr, unsigned char const* string, size_t len, char quote, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data )
raptor_namespace_copy ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, raptor_namespace* ns, int new_depth )
raptor_namespaces_format ( raptor_namespace const* ns, size_t* length_p )
raptor_namespaces_qname_from_uri ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, void** uri, int xml_version )
raptor_new_identifier ( enum raptor_identifier_type type, void** uri, enum raptor_uri_source uri_source, unsigned char const* id, unsigned char const* literal, void** literal_datatype, unsigned char const* literal_language )
raptor_new_iostream_from_handler2 void* user_data, struct raptor_iostream_handler2 const*const handler2 )
raptor_new_namespace_parts_from_string ( unsigned char const* string, unsigned char** prefix, unsigned char** uri_string )
raptor_ntriples_string_as_utf8_string ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, unsigned char const* src, int len, size_t* dest_lenp )
raptor_ntriples_term_as_string enum raptor_ntriples_term_type term )
raptor_parse_abort raptor_parser* rdf_parser )
raptor_parse_chunk ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, unsigned char const* buffer, size_t len, int is_end )
raptor_parse_file ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, void** uri, void** base_uri )
raptor_parse_file_stream ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, FILE* stream, char const* filename, void** base_uri )
raptor_parse_uri ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, void** uri, void** base_uri )
raptor_parse_uri_with_connection ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, void** uri, void** base_uri, void* connection )
raptor_parser_generate_id ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, enum raptor_genid_type type )
raptor_parser_get_feature_string ( raptor_parser* parser, enum raptor_feature feature )
raptor_parser_set_feature_string ( raptor_parser* parser, enum raptor_feature feature, unsigned char const* value )
raptor_parsers_enumerate ( unsigned int const counter, char const** name, char const** label )
raptor_print_locator FILE* stream, struct raptor_locator* locator )
raptor_print_ntriples_string FILE* stream, unsigned char const* string, char const delim )
raptor_print_statement ( struct raptor_statement const* statement, FILE* stream )
raptor_print_statement_as_ntriples ( struct raptor_statement const* statement, FILE* stream )
raptor_print_statement_detailed ( struct raptor_statement const* statement, int detailed, FILE* stream )
raptor_sequence_print_string char* data, FILE* fh )
raptor_sequence_print_uri char* data, FILE* fh )
raptor_sequence_set_print_handler ( raptor_sequence* seq, void(*print_handler)(void*, FILE*) )
raptor_serialize_end raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer )
raptor_serialize_set_namespace ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, void** uri, unsigned char const* prefix )
raptor_serialize_set_namespace_from_namespace ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, raptor_namespace* nspace )
raptor_serialize_start ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, void** uri, raptor_iostream* iostream )
raptor_serialize_start_to_file_handle ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, void** uri, FILE* fh )
raptor_serialize_start_to_filename ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, char const* filename )
raptor_serialize_start_to_iostream ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, void** uri, raptor_iostream* iostream )
raptor_serialize_start_to_string ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, void** uri, void** string_p, size_t* length_p )
raptor_serialize_statement ( raptor_serializer* rdf_serializer, struct raptor_statement const* statement )
raptor_serializer_features_enumerate ( enum raptor_feature const feature, char const** name, void*** uri, char const** label )
raptor_serializer_get_feature ( raptor_serializer* serializer, enum raptor_feature feature )
raptor_serializer_get_feature_string ( raptor_serializer* serializer, enum raptor_feature feature )
raptor_serializer_set_error_handler ( raptor_serializer* serializer, void* user_data, raptor_message_handler handler )
raptor_serializer_set_feature ( raptor_serializer* serializer, enum raptor_feature feature, int value )
raptor_serializer_set_feature_string ( raptor_serializer* serializer, enum raptor_feature feature, unsigned char const* value )
raptor_serializer_set_warning_handler ( raptor_serializer* serializer, void* user_data, raptor_message_handler handler )
raptor_serializer_syntax_name_check char const* name )
raptor_serializers_enumerate ( unsigned int const counter, char const** name, char const** label, char const** mime_type, unsigned char const** uri_string )
raptor_set_default_generate_id_parameters ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, char* prefix, int base )
raptor_set_error_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_message_handler handler )
raptor_set_fatal_error_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_message_handler handler )
raptor_set_feature ( raptor_parser* parser, enum raptor_feature feature, int value )
raptor_set_generate_id_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_generate_id_handler handler )
raptor_set_graph_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_graph_handler handler )
raptor_set_libxml_flags int flags )
raptor_set_libxslt_security_preferences void* security_preferences )
raptor_set_namespace_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_namespace_handler handler )
raptor_set_parser_strict ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, int is_strict )
raptor_set_statement_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, void(*handler)(void*, struct raptor_statement const*) )
raptor_set_warning_handler ( raptor_parser* parser, void* user_data, raptor_message_handler handler )
raptor_start_parse ( raptor_parser* rdf_parser, void** uri )
raptor_statement_part_as_counted_string ( void const* term, enum raptor_identifier_type type, void** literal_datatype, unsigned char const* literal_language, size_t* len_p )
raptor_statement_part_as_string ( void const* term, enum raptor_identifier_type type, void** literal_datatype, unsigned char const* literal_language )
raptor_syntax_name_check char const* name )
raptor_syntaxes_enumerate ( unsigned int const counter, char const** name, char const** label, char const** mime_type, unsigned char const** uri_string )
raptor_unicode_char_to_utf8 ( raptor_unichar c, unsigned char* output )
raptor_uri_get_handler ( struct raptor_uri_handler const** handler, void** context )
raptor_uri_is_file_uri unsigned char const* uri_string )
raptor_uri_set_handler ( struct raptor_uri_handler const* handler, void* context )
raptor_utf8_check ( unsigned char const* string, size_t length )
raptor_utf8_to_unicode_char ( raptor_unichar* output, unsigned char const* input, int length )
raptor_world_set_libxml_flags ( raptor_world* world, int flags )
raptor_www_free raptor_www* www )
raptor_www_new ( )
raptor_www_new_with_connection void* connection )
raptor_www_no_www_library_init_finish ( )
raptor_www_set_error_handler raptor_www* www, raptor_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data )
raptor_xml_any_escape_string ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, int xml_version, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data )
raptor_xml_writer_features_enumerate ( enum raptor_feature const feature, char const** name, void*** uri, char const** label )
raptor_xml_writer_get_feature ( raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, enum raptor_feature feature )
raptor_xml_writer_get_feature_string ( raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, enum raptor_feature feature )
raptor_xml_writer_set_feature ( raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, enum raptor_feature feature, int value )
raptor_xml_writer_set_feature_string ( raptor_xml_writer* xml_writer, enum raptor_feature feature, unsigned char const* value )

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity (34)

[+] raptor_iostream_read_bytes ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb ) (1)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_byte ( raptor_iostream* iostr, int const byte ) (1)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_bytes ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void const* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb ) (1)
[+] raptor_namespaces_init ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, struct raptor_uri_handler const* uri_handler, void* uri_context, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int defaults ) (3)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_from_file_handle FILE* handle ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_from_filename char const* filename ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_from_handler void* context, struct raptor_iostream_handler const* handler ) (3)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_from_string void* string, size_t length ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle FILE* handle ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_to_filename char const* filename ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_to_string void** string_p, size_t* length_p, void*(*malloc_handler)(size_t) ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_namespaces ( struct raptor_uri_handler const* uri_handler, void* uri_context, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int defaults ) (3)
[+] raptor_new_parser char const* name ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_parser_for_content void** uri, char const* mime_type, unsigned char const* buffer, size_t len, unsigned char const* identifier ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_qname_from_namespace_local_name ( raptor_namespace* ns, unsigned char const* local_name, unsigned char const* value ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_sax2 void* user_data, struct raptor_error_handlers* error_handlers ) (2)
[+] raptor_new_serializer char const* name ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_uri unsigned char const* uri_string ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_uri_for_rdf_concept char const* name ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_uri_from_id void** base_uri, unsigned char const* id ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_uri_from_uri_local_name void** uri, unsigned char const* local_name ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_uri_relative_to_base void** base_uri, unsigned char const* uri_string ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_xml_writer ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, struct raptor_uri_handler const* uri_handler, void* uri_context, raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int canonicalize ) (3)
[+] raptor_xml_escape_string ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data ) (2)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (5)

[+] struct raptor_statement (5)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity (19)

[+] raptor_iostream_read_bytes ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb ) (1)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_byte ( raptor_iostream* iostr, int const byte ) (2)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_bytes ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void const* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb ) (2)
[+] raptor_namespaces_init ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, struct raptor_uri_handler const* uri_handler, void* uri_context, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int defaults ) (2)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_from_sink ( ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_iostream_to_sink ( ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_namespaces ( struct raptor_uri_handler const* uri_handler, void* uri_context, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int defaults ) (2)
[+] raptor_new_qname ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, unsigned char const* name, unsigned char const* value, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data ) (2)
[+] raptor_new_xml_writer ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, struct raptor_uri_handler const* uri_handler, void* uri_context, raptor_iostream* iostr, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data, int canonicalize ) (3)
[+] raptor_qname_string_to_uri ( raptor_namespace_stack* nstack, unsigned char const* name, size_t name_len, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data ) (2)
[+] raptor_xml_escape_string ( unsigned char const* string, size_t len, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length, char quote, raptor_simple_message_handler error_handler, void* error_data ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (7)

[+] struct raptor_statement (6)
[+] typedef raptor_uri (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (27)

[+] raptor_iostream_read_bytes ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb ) (7)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_byte ( raptor_iostream* iostr, int const byte ) (4)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_bytes ( raptor_iostream* iostr, void const* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb ) (7)
[+] raptor_iostream_write_end raptor_iostream* iostr ) (1)
[+] raptor_new_sequence ( void(*free_handler)(void*), void(*print_handler)(void*, FILE*) ) (2)
[+] raptor_sequence_print ( raptor_sequence* seq, FILE* fh ) (1)
[+] raptor_sequence_sort ( raptor_sequence* seq, int(*compare)(void const*, void const*) ) (1)
[+] raptor_uri_print ( void* const* uri, FILE* stream ) (1)
[+] raptor_uri_resolve_uri_reference ( unsigned char const* base_uri, unsigned char const* reference_uri, unsigned char* buffer, size_t length ) (1)
[+] raptor_world_set_libxslt_security_preferences ( raptor_world* world, void* security_preferences ) (1)
[+] raptor_www_fetch_to_string raptor_www* www, void** uri, void** string_p, size_t* length_p, void*(*malloc_handler)(size_t) ) (1)

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Problems with Constants, Low Severity (1)


to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (3)

[+] struct raptor_statement (3)

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Other Changes in Constants (1)


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Header Files (1)


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Shared Libraries (1)

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