Size of this class has been increased from 144 to 180 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Size of this class has been changed from 20 to 12 bytes.
1) The class has only inline or auto-generated constructors which will be copied to applications at compile time and will allocate an older memory layout. Call of any exported method of this class may access a memory outside the allocated objects or inside the older memory structure and result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (1)
registerLogLocation ( LogLocation* loc ):
1st parameter 'loc' (pointer) has base type 'LogLocation'.
Size of this class has been increased from 116 to 204 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (5)
IntraProcessPublisherLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessPublisherLink' class.
IntraProcessPublisherLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessPublisherLink' class.
Size of this class has been increased from 68 to 152 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (6)
IntraProcessSubscriberLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessSubscriberLink' class.
IntraProcessSubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessSubscriberLink' class.
Size of this class has been increased from 64 to 76 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (1)
MessageDeserializer::deserialize ( ):
This method is from 'MessageDeserializer' class.
poll_manager.h namespaceros [+] PollManager (1)
Size of this class has been increased from 212 to 248 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
PollManager::removePollThreadListener ( boost::signals::connection c ):
This method is from 'PollManager' class.
PollManager::shutdown ( ):
This method is from 'PollManager' class.
PollManager::start ( ):
This method is from 'PollManager' class.
PollManager::~PollManager [in-charge]( ):
This method is from 'PollManager' class.
poll_set.h namespaceros [+] PollSet (1)
Size of this class has been increased from 96 to 132 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (10)
PollSet::addEvents ( int sock,int events ):
This method is from 'PollSet' class.
PollSet::addSocket ( int sock, PollSet::SocketUpdateFunc const& update_func, TransportPtr const& transport ):
1st parameter 'poll_set' (pointer) has base type 'PollSet'.
publication.h namespaceros [+] Publication (1)
Size of this class has been increased from 112 to 192 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Size of this class has been increased from 104 to 108 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (17)
IntraProcessPublisherLink::drop ( ):
This method is from derived class 'IntraProcessPublisherLink'.
IntraProcessPublisherLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from derived class 'IntraProcessPublisherLink'.
Size of this class has been increased from 28 to 44 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Size of this class has been increased from 116 to 176 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Virtual method SubscriberLink::isIntraprocess ( ) has been added to this class.
The layout of virtual table has been changed. Call of any virtual method at higher position in this class or its subclasses may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Virtual method SubscriberLink::enqueueMessage ( SerializedMessage const& m ) has been removed from this class.
The layout of virtual table has been changed. Call of this virtual method or any virtual method at higher position in this class or its subclasses may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] show v-table (old and new)
Virtual Table (Old) - 8 entries
Virtual Table (New) - 9 entries
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
[+] affected symbols (6)
IntraProcessSubscriberLink::drop ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
IntraProcessSubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
SubscriberLink::drop ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
SubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
TransportSubscriberLink::drop ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
TransportSubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
subscription.h namespaceros [+] Subscription (1)
Size of this class has been increased from 232 to 272 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Size of this class has been increased from 148 to 180 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Base class CallbackInterface has been added.
1) Size of the class has been changed from 148 to 180 bytes. 2) The memory layout in this class has been shifted by 4 bytes.
Pure virtual method Transport::disableRead ( ) has been added to this class.
1) Applications will not provide the implementation for this pure virtual method and therefore cause a crash in the library trying to call this method. 2) The layout of virtual table has been changed. Call of any virtual method at higher position in this class or its subclasses may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Pure virtual method Transport::enableRead ( ) has been added to this class.
1) Applications will not provide the implementation for this pure virtual method and therefore cause a crash in the library trying to call this method. 2) The layout of virtual table has been changed. Call of any virtual method at higher position in this class or its subclasses may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] show v-table (old and new)
Virtual Table (Old) - 13 entries
Virtual Table (New) - 15 entries
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
[+] affected symbols (10)
Transport::close ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
Transport::disableWrite ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
Transport::enableWrite ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
Transport::getTransportInfo ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
Transport::getType ( ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
Transport::parseHeader ( Header const& header ):
Call of this virtual method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because the layout of virtual table has been changed.
Size of this class has been increased from 112 to 144 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (5)
TransportPublisherLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'TransportPublisherLink' class.
TransportPublisherLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'TransportPublisherLink' class.
Size of this class has been increased from 136 to 148 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (6)
TransportSubscriberLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'TransportSubscriberLink' class.
TransportSubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'TransportSubscriberLink' class.
This method is from 'TransportSubscriberLink' class.
transport_tcp.h namespaceros [+] TransportTCP (1)
Size of this class has been increased from 204 to 212 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
[+] affected symbols (17)
TransportTCP::accept ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::close ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::connect ( std::string const& host,int port ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::disableWrite ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::enableWrite ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::getClientURI ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::getTransportInfo ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::getType ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::listen ( int port,int backlog, TransportTCP::AcceptCallback const& accept_cb ):
Size of this class has been increased from 168 to 176 bytes.
1) An object of this class can be allocated by the applications and old size will be hardcoded at the compile time. Call of any exported costructor will break the memory of neighbouring objects on the stack or heap. 2) The memory layout and size of subclasses will be changed.
Field calling_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Type of field callbacks_ has been changed from CallbackQueue::L_CallbackInfo (8 bytes) to CallbackQueue::D_CallbackInfo (40 bytes).
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
1st parameter 'queue' (pointer) has base type 'CallbackQueue'.
Spinner::spin ( CallbackQueue* queue ):
1st parameter 'queue' (pointer) has base type 'CallbackQueue'.
connection.h namespaceros [+] Connection (1)
Field sending_header_error_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field initialized_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Type of field logger_ has been changed from log4cxx::LoggerPtr (8 bytes) to log4cxx::Logger* (4 bytes).
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
The pointer level of field logger_ has been changed from 0 to 1.
Possible incorrect initialization of field logger_ by applications.
[+] affected symbols (1)
registerLogLocation ( LogLocation* loc ):
1st parameter 'loc' (pointer) has base type 'LogLocation'.
Field serialized_message_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
[+] affected symbols (1)
MessageDeserializer::deserialize ( ):
This method is from 'MessageDeserializer' class.
poll_set.h namespaceros [+] PollSet (2)
Field just_deleted_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field just_deleted_mutex_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
[+] affected symbols (10)
PollSet::addEvents ( int sock,int events ):
This method is from 'PollSet' class.
PollSet::addSocket ( int sock, PollSet::SocketUpdateFunc const& update_func, TransportPtr const& transport ):
1st parameter 'poll_set' (pointer) has base type 'PollSet'.
publication.h namespaceros [+] Publication (1)
Field seq_mutex_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Pure virtual method PublisherLink::handleMessage ( SerializedMessage const& m,bool ser,bool nocopy ) has been added to this class instead of PublisherLink::handleMessage ( boost::shared_array<unsigned char>const& buffer, size_t num_bytes )
Applications will provide an older method to the library instead of expected newely added virtual method. It may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] show v-table (old and new)
Virtual Table (Old) - 7 entries
Virtual Table (New) - 7 entries
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
[+] affected symbols (4)
PublisherLink::getPublisherXMLRPCURI ( ):
Call of this method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because some pure virtual method in v-table has been replaced by other.
Field allow_concurrent_callbacks has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
[+] affected symbols (2)
NodeHandle::subscribe ( SubscribeOptions& ops ):
1st parameter 'ops' (reference) has base type 'SubscribeOptions'.
Pure virtual method SubscriberLink::enqueueMessage ( SerializedMessage const& m,bool nocopy,bool ser ) has been added to this class instead of SubscriberLink::publish ( Message const& m )
Applications will provide an older method to the library instead of expected newely added virtual method. It may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] show v-table (old and new)
Virtual Table (Old) - 8 entries
Virtual Table (New) - 9 entries
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))0
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
(int (*)(...))(& typeinfo)
[+] affected symbols (3)
SubscriberLink::SubscriberLink [in-charge]( ):
Call of this method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because some pure virtual method in v-table has been replaced by other.
Call of this method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because some pure virtual method in v-table has been replaced by other.
SubscriberLink::~SubscriberLink [in-charge]( ):
Call of this method may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications because some pure virtual method in v-table has been replaced by other.
subscription.h namespaceros [+] Subscription (2)
Field md5sum_mutex_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field nonconst_callbacks_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field allow_concurrent_callbacks_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field dropped_conn_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
[+] affected symbols (6)
TransportSubscriberLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'TransportSubscriberLink' class.
TransportSubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'TransportSubscriberLink' class.
This method is from 'TransportSubscriberLink' class.
transport_udp.h namespaceros [+] TransportUDP (3)
Field data_buffer_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field data_filled_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
Field data_start_ has been added at the middle position of this structural type.
Layout of structure fields has been changed and therefore fields at higher positions of the structure definition may be incorrectly accessed by applications.
1st parameter 'ops' (reference) has base type 'AdvertiseServiceOptions'.
common.h namespaceros [+] SerializedMessage (4)
Field message has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field message_start has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field type_info has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Size of this type has been changed from 12 to 28 bytes.
Change of type size may cause different effects. [+] ...
[+] affected symbols (1)
Publication::enqueueMessage ( SerializedMessage const& m ):
1st parameter 'm' (reference) has base type 'SerializedMessage'.
connection.h namespaceros [+] Connection (1)
Size of this type has been changed from 65976 to 440 bytes.
Change of type size may cause different effects. [+] ...
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] affected symbols (5)
IntraProcessPublisherLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessPublisherLink' class.
IntraProcessPublisherLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessPublisherLink' class.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] affected symbols (6)
IntraProcessSubscriberLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessSubscriberLink' class.
IntraProcessSubscriberLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'IntraProcessSubscriberLink' class.
This method is from 'IntraProcessSubscriberLink' class.
publication.h namespaceros [+] Publication (4)
Field has_header_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field intraprocess_subscriber_count_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field publish_queue_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field publish_queue_mutex_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field persistent_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Type of field helper_ has been changed from SubscriptionMessageHelperPtr to SubscriptionCallbackHelperPtr.
Replacement of the field data type may indicate a change in the semantic meaning of the field.
[+] affected symbols (4)
Subscriber::Impl::Impl [in-charge]( ):
This constructor is from 'Subscriber::Impl' class.
Subscriber::Impl::isValid ( ) const:
This method is from 'Subscriber::Impl' class.
Subscriber::Impl::unsubscribe ( ):
This method is from 'Subscriber::Impl' class.
Subscriber::Impl::~Impl [in-charge]( ):
This method is from 'Subscriber::Impl' class.
subscription.h namespaceros [+] Subscription (1)
Field cached_deserializers_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Virtual method CallbackInterface::ready ( ) has been overridden by SubscriptionQueue::ready ( )
Method SubscriptionQueue::ready ( ) will be called instead of CallbackInterface::ready ( )
Virtual method CallbackInterface::~CallbackInterface [in-charge-deleting]( ) has been overridden by SubscriptionQueue::~SubscriptionQueue [in-charge-deleting]( )
Method SubscriptionQueue::~SubscriptionQueue [in-charge-deleting]( ) will be called instead of CallbackInterface::~CallbackInterface [in-charge-deleting]( )
[+] affected symbols (1)
CallbackInterface::ready ( ):
The method 'SubscriptionQueue::ready ( )' will be called instead of this method.
timer.h namespaceros [+] Timer::Impl (1)
Type of field tracked_object_ has been changed from VoidWPtr to VoidConstWPtr.
Replacement of the field data type may indicate a change in the semantic meaning of the field.
[+] affected symbols (6)
Timer::Impl::hasPending ( ):
This method is from 'Timer::Impl' class.
Timer::Impl::Impl [in-charge]( ):
This constructor is from 'Timer::Impl' class.
Timer::Impl::isValid ( ):
This method is from 'Timer::Impl' class.
Timer::Impl::start ( ):
This method is from 'Timer::Impl' class.
Timer::Impl::stop ( ):
This method is from 'Timer::Impl' class.
Timer::Impl::~Impl [in-charge]( ):
This method is from 'Timer::Impl' class.
timer_options.h namespaceros [+] TimerOptions (1)
Type of field tracked_object has been changed from VoidPtr to VoidConstPtr.
Replacement of the field data type may indicate a change in the semantic meaning of the field.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field needs_retry_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field next_retry_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field retry_period_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field retry_timer_handle_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] affected symbols (5)
TransportPublisherLink::drop ( ):
This method is from 'TransportPublisherLink' class.
TransportPublisherLink::getTransportType ( ):
This method is from 'TransportPublisherLink' class.
This method is from 'TransportPublisherLink' class.
transport_tcp.h namespaceros [+] TransportTCP (2)
Field connected_host_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Field connected_port_ has been added to this type.
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
[+] affected symbols (17)
TransportTCP::accept ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::close ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::connect ( std::string const& host,int port ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::disableWrite ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::enableWrite ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::getClientURI ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::getTransportInfo ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::getType ( ):
This method is from 'TransportTCP' class.
TransportTCP::listen ( int port,int backlog, TransportTCP::AcceptCallback const& accept_cb ):
Size of the inclusive type has been changed. ATTENTION: this field should be accessed only from the new library symbols, otherwise it may result in crash or incorrect behavior of applications.
Generated on Wed May 4 18:21:44 2011 for ROS by ABI Compliance Checker 1.23 A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API