Binary compatibility report for the Vala library  between 0.7.5 and 0.7.6 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameVala
Version #10.7.5
Version #20.7.6
CPU Architecturex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files4
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types2126 / 692

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-99
Removed SymbolsHigh25
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes-1

Added Symbols (99)

vala_block_get_captured ValaBlock* self )
vala_block_set_captured ValaBlock* self, gboolean value )
vala_class_add_hidden_method ValaClass* self, ValaMethod* m )
vala_class_get_default_param_spec_function ValaClass* self )
vala_code_context_get_entry_point ValaCodeContext* self )
vala_code_context_get_includedir ValaCodeContext* self )
vala_code_context_set_entry_point ( ValaCodeContext* self, ValaMethod* value )
vala_code_context_set_includedir ( ValaCodeContext* self, char const* value )
vala_code_node_construct GType object_type )
vala_code_visitor_construct GType object_type )
vala_comment_construct ( GType object_type, char const* comment, ValaSourceReference* _source_reference )
vala_comment_get_content ValaComment* self )
vala_comment_get_source_reference ValaComment* self )
vala_comment_get_type ( )
vala_comment_new ( char const* comment, ValaSourceReference* _source_reference )
vala_comment_ref gpointer instance )
vala_comment_set_content ( ValaComment* self, char const* value )
vala_comment_set_source_reference ( ValaComment* self, ValaSourceReference* value )
vala_comment_unref gpointer instance )
vala_data_type_construct GType object_type )
vala_data_type_is_real_non_null_struct_type ValaDataType* self )
vala_enum_value_get_comment ValaEnumValue* self )
vala_enum_value_set_comment ( ValaEnumValue* self, ValaComment* value )
vala_error_type_get_dynamic_error ValaErrorType* self )
vala_error_type_set_dynamic_error ( ValaErrorType* self, gboolean value )
vala_expression_construct GType object_type )
vala_formal_parameter_get_captured ValaFormalParameter* self )
vala_formal_parameter_set_captured ( ValaFormalParameter* self, gboolean value )
vala_interface_add_constant ( ValaInterface* self, ValaConstant* c )
vala_interface_get_constants ValaInterface* self )
vala_literal_construct GType object_type )
vala_local_variable_get_captured ValaLocalVariable* self )
vala_local_variable_get_no_init ValaLocalVariable* self )
vala_local_variable_set_captured ( ValaLocalVariable* self, gboolean value )
vala_local_variable_set_no_init ( ValaLocalVariable* self, gboolean value )
vala_member_get_comment ValaMember* self )
vala_member_set_comment ( ValaMember* self, ValaComment* value )
vala_method_add_captured_variable ( ValaMethod* self, ValaLocalVariable* local )
vala_method_call_get_is_yield_expression ValaMethodCall* self )
vala_method_call_set_is_yield_expression ( ValaMethodCall* self, gboolean value )
vala_method_get_array_length_type ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_async_begin_parameters ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_async_end_parameters ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_callback_method ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_captured_variables ( ValaMethod* self, GeeCollection* variables )
vala_method_get_closure ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_finish_cname ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_finish_real_cname ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_finish_vfunc_name ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_generic_type_parameter_position ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_has_generic_type_parameter ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_has_new_function ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_is_async_callback ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_get_required_arguments ValaMethod* self )
vala_method_set_array_length_type ( ValaMethod* self, char const* value )
vala_method_set_closure ( ValaMethod* self, gboolean value )
vala_method_set_generic_type_parameter_position ( ValaMethod* self, double value )
vala_method_set_has_generic_type_parameter ( ValaMethod* self, gboolean value )
vala_method_set_has_new_function ( ValaMethod* self, gboolean value )
vala_method_set_is_async_callback ( ValaMethod* self, gboolean value )
vala_namespace_add_comment ( ValaNamespace* self, ValaComment* comment )
vala_namespace_get_comments ValaNamespace* self )
vala_param_spec_comment ( gchar const* name, gchar const* nick, gchar const* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags )
vala_reference_type_construct GType object_type )
vala_scanner_parse_file_comments ValaScanner* self )
vala_semantic_analyzer_find_parent_method ( ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self, ValaSymbol* sym )
vala_semantic_analyzer_get_current_class ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self )
vala_semantic_analyzer_get_current_method ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self )
vala_semantic_analyzer_get_current_property_accessor ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self )
vala_semantic_analyzer_get_current_return_type ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self )
vala_semantic_analyzer_get_current_struct ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self )
vala_semantic_analyzer_get_current_type_symbol ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self )
vala_source_file_add_comment ( ValaSourceFile* self, ValaComment* comment )
vala_source_file_get_comments ValaSourceFile* self )
vala_struct_add_property ( ValaStruct* self, ValaProperty* prop )
vala_struct_get_has_copy_function ValaStruct* self )
vala_struct_get_has_destroy_function ValaStruct* self )
vala_struct_get_properties ValaStruct* self )
vala_struct_set_has_copy_function ( ValaStruct* self, gboolean value )
vala_struct_set_has_destroy_function ( ValaStruct* self, gboolean value )
vala_switch_label_get_section ValaSwitchLabel* self )
vala_switch_label_set_section ( ValaSwitchLabel* self, ValaSwitchSection* value )
vala_typesymbol_get_comment ValaTypeSymbol* self )
vala_typesymbol_set_comment ( ValaTypeSymbol* self, ValaComment* value )
vala_value_get_comment GValue const* value )
vala_value_set_comment GValue* value, gpointer v_object )

vala_ccode_declarator_construct GType object_type )
vala_ccode_expression_construct GType object_type )
vala_ccode_invalid_expression_construct GType object_type )
vala_ccode_invalid_expression_get_type ( )
vala_ccode_invalid_expression_new ( )
vala_ccode_node_construct GType object_type )
vala_ccode_statement_construct GType object_type )

vala_ctype_construct ( GType object_type, char const* ctype_name )
vala_ctype_get_ctype_name ValaCType* self )
vala_ctype_get_type ( )
vala_ctype_new char const* ctype_name )
vala_ctype_set_ctype_name ValaCType* self, char const* value )
vala_typeregister_function_construct GType object_type )

to the top

Removed Symbols (25)

vala_class_set_param_spec_function ValaClass* self, char const* name )
vala_formal_parameter_get_async_only ValaFormalParameter* self )
vala_formal_parameter_set_async_only ( ValaFormalParameter* self, gboolean value )
vala_instance_cast_construct ( GType object_type, ValaCCodeExpression* expr, ValaTypeSymbol* type )
vala_instance_cast_get_inner ValaInstanceCast* self )
vala_instance_cast_get_type ( )
vala_instance_cast_get_type_reference ValaInstanceCast* self )
vala_instance_cast_new ( ValaCCodeExpression* expr, ValaTypeSymbol* type )
vala_instance_cast_set_inner ( ValaInstanceCast* self, ValaCCodeExpression* value )
vala_instance_cast_set_type_reference ( ValaInstanceCast* self, ValaTypeSymbol* value )
vala_member_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_object_type_symbol_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_property_accessor_get_access ValaPropertyAccessor* self )
vala_property_accessor_set_access ( ValaPropertyAccessor* self, ValaSymbolAccessibility value )
vala_property_accessor_set_prop ( ValaPropertyAccessor* self, ValaProperty* value )
vala_source_file_get_comment ValaSourceFile* self )
vala_source_file_set_comment ( ValaSourceFile* self, char const* value )
vala_source_reference_construct_with_comment ( GType object_type, ValaSourceFile* _file, gint _first_line, gint _first_column, gint _last_line, gint _last_column, char const* _comment )
vala_source_reference_get_comment ValaSourceReference* self )
vala_source_reference_new_with_comment ( ValaSourceFile* _file, gint _first_line, gint _first_column, gint _last_line, gint _last_column, char const* _comment )
vala_source_reference_set_comment ( ValaSourceReference* self, char const* value )
vala_symbol_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_typesymbol_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_value_type_new ValaTypeSymbol* type_symbol )

vala_ccode_module_new ( ValaCCodeGenerator* codegen, ValaCCodeModule* next )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (2)

[+] struct _ValaSemanticAnalyzer (2)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (110)

[+] enum ValaTokenType (108)
[+] struct _ValaPropertyAccessor (1)
[+] struct _ValaSemanticAnalyzer (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity (41)

[+] vala_class_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_class_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_constant_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* type_reference, ValaExpression* initializer, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_constant_new ( char const* name, ValaDataType* type_reference, ValaExpression* initializer, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_creation_method_construct ( GType object_type, char const* class_name, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_creation_method_new ( char const* class_name, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_delegate_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_delegate_new ( char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_dynamic_method_construct ( GType object_type, ValaDataType* dynamic_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_dynamic_method_new ( ValaDataType* dynamic_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_dynamic_property_construct ( GType object_type, ValaDataType* dynamic_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_dynamic_property_new ( ValaDataType* dynamic_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_dynamic_signal_construct ( GType object_type, ValaDataType* dynamic_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_dynamic_signal_new ( ValaDataType* dynamic_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_value_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_value_construct_with_value ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaExpression* value, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_value_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_value_new_with_value ( char const* name, ValaExpression* value, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_error_code_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_error_code_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_error_domain_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_error_domain_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_field_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* field_type, ValaExpression* initializer, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_field_new ( char const* name, ValaDataType* field_type, ValaExpression* initializer, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_genie_scanner_pop_comment ValaGenieScanner* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_member_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_method_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_method_new ( char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_object_type_symbol_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_property_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* property_type, ValaPropertyAccessor* get_accessor, ValaPropertyAccessor* set_accessor, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_property_new ( char const* name, ValaDataType* property_type, ValaPropertyAccessor* get_accessor, ValaPropertyAccessor* set_accessor, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_scanner_pop_comment ValaScanner* self ) (1)
[+] vala_signal_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_signal_new ( char const* name, ValaDataType* return_type, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_new ( char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)
[+] vala_typesymbol_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaSourceReference* source_reference ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (4)

[+] enum ValaTokenType (1)
[+] struct _ValaPropertyAccessor (1)
[+] struct _ValaSemanticAnalyzer (2)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (1)

[+] enum ValaTokenType (1)

to the top

Header Files (4)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

to the top

Generated on Mon Jan 23 12:34:16 2012 for Vala by ABI Compliance Checker 1.96.5  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API