Binary compatibility report for the Vala library  between 0.7.7 and 0.7.8 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameVala
Version #10.7.7
Version #20.7.8
CPU Architecturex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files4
Total Shared Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types2216 / 662

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-110
Removed SymbolsHigh74
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes-3

Added Symbols (110)

vala_cast_expression_construct_non_null ( GType object_type, ValaExpression* inner, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_cast_expression_get_is_non_null_cast ValaCastExpression* self )
vala_cast_expression_new_non_null ( ValaExpression* inner, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_cast_expression_set_is_non_null_cast ( ValaCastExpression* self, gboolean value )
vala_code_context_get_experimental_non_null ValaCodeContext* self )
vala_code_context_get_gir_path ( ValaCodeContext* self, char const* gir, char** directories, int directories_length1 )
vala_code_context_get_use_header ValaCodeContext* self )
vala_code_context_set_experimental_non_null ( ValaCodeContext* self, gboolean value )
vala_code_context_set_use_header ( ValaCodeContext* self, gboolean value )
vala_code_visitor_visit_named_argument ( ValaCodeVisitor* self, ValaNamedArgument* expr )
vala_gir_parser_construct GType object_type )
vala_gir_parser_get_package_names ( ValaGirParser* self, int* result_length1 )
vala_gir_parser_get_type ( )
vala_gir_parser_new ( )
vala_gir_parser_parse ( ValaGirParser* self, ValaCodeContext* context )
vala_gir_parser_parse_file ( ValaGirParser* self, ValaSourceFile* source_file )
vala_gir_parser_parse_metadata ( ValaGirParser* self, char const* metadata_filename )
vala_markup_reader_construct ( GType object_type, char const* filename )
vala_markup_reader_get_attribute ( ValaMarkupReader* self, char const* attr )
vala_markup_reader_get_filename ValaMarkupReader* self )
vala_markup_reader_get_name ValaMarkupReader* self )
vala_markup_reader_get_type ( )
vala_markup_reader_new char const* filename )
vala_markup_reader_read_token ( ValaMarkupReader* self, ValaSourceLocation* token_begin, ValaSourceLocation* token_end )
vala_markup_token_type_get_type ( )
vala_markup_token_type_to_string ValaMarkupTokenType self )
vala_method_call_get_is_assert ValaMethodCall* self )
vala_named_argument_construct ( GType object_type, char const* name, ValaExpression* inner, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_named_argument_get_inner ValaNamedArgument* self )
vala_named_argument_get_name ValaNamedArgument* self )
vala_named_argument_get_type ( )
vala_named_argument_new ( char const* name, ValaExpression* inner, ValaSourceReference* source_reference )
vala_named_argument_set_inner ( ValaNamedArgument* self, ValaExpression* value )
vala_named_argument_set_name ( ValaNamedArgument* self, char const* value )
vala_object_type_symbol_add_hidden_method ( ValaObjectTypeSymbol* self, ValaMethod* m )
vala_object_type_symbol_get_this_type ValaObjectTypeSymbol* self )
vala_scanner_read_template_token ( ValaScanner* self, ValaSourceLocation* token_begin, ValaSourceLocation* token_end )
vala_template_add_expression ( ValaTemplate* self, ValaExpression* expr )
vala_template_construct GType object_type )
vala_template_get_expressions ValaTemplate* self )
vala_template_get_type ( )
vala_template_new ( )

vala_ccode_module_visit_named_argument ( ValaCCodeModule* self, ValaNamedArgument* expr )

vala_array_list_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
vala_array_list_get_type ( )
vala_array_list_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
vala_array_list_set_equal_func ( ValaArrayList* self, GEqualFunc value )
vala_collection_add ( ValaCollection* self, gconstpointer item )
vala_collection_clear ValaCollection* self )
vala_collection_contains ( ValaCollection* self, gconstpointer item )
vala_collection_get_size ValaCollection* self )
vala_collection_get_type ( )
vala_collection_object_construct GType object_type )
vala_collection_object_get_type ( )
vala_collection_object_new ( )
vala_collection_object_ref gpointer instance )
vala_collection_object_unref gpointer instance )
vala_collection_remove ( ValaCollection* self, gconstpointer item )
vala_hash_map_construct ( GType object_type, GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, GHashFunc key_hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, GEqualFunc value_equal_func )
vala_hash_map_get_type ( )
vala_hash_map_new GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, GHashFunc key_hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, GEqualFunc value_equal_func )
vala_hash_map_set_key_equal_func ( ValaHashMap* self, GEqualFunc value )
vala_hash_map_set_key_hash_func ( ValaHashMap* self, GHashFunc value )
vala_hash_map_set_value_equal_func ( ValaHashMap* self, GEqualFunc value )
vala_hash_set_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
vala_hash_set_get_type ( )
vala_hash_set_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
vala_hash_set_set_equal_func ( ValaHashSet* self, GEqualFunc value )
vala_hash_set_set_hash_func ( ValaHashSet* self, GHashFunc value )
vala_iterable_get_element_type ValaIterable* self )
vala_iterable_get_type ( )
vala_iterable_iterator ValaIterable* self )
vala_iterator_get ValaIterator* self )
vala_iterator_get_type ( )
vala_iterator_next ValaIterator* self )
vala_list_get ValaList* self, gint index )
vala_list_get_type ( )
vala_list_index_of ValaList* self, gconstpointer item )
vala_list_insert ValaList* self, gint index, gconstpointer item )
vala_list_remove_at ValaList* self, gint index )
vala_list_set ValaList* self, gint index, gconstpointer item )
vala_map_clear ValaMap* self )
vala_map_contains ValaMap* self, gconstpointer key )
vala_map_get ValaMap* self, gconstpointer key )
vala_map_get_keys ValaMap* self )
vala_map_get_size ValaMap* self )
vala_map_get_type ( )
vala_map_get_values ValaMap* self )
vala_map_remove ValaMap* self, gconstpointer key )
vala_map_set ValaMap* self, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value )
vala_param_spec_collection_object ( gchar const* name, gchar const* nick, gchar const* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags )
vala_read_only_collection_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, ValaCollection* collection )
vala_read_only_collection_get_type ( )
vala_read_only_collection_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, ValaCollection* collection )
vala_read_only_collection_set_collection ( ValaReadOnlyCollection* self, ValaCollection* value )
vala_read_only_list_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, ValaList* list )
vala_read_only_list_get_type ( )
vala_read_only_list_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, ValaList* list )
vala_read_only_list_set_list ( ValaReadOnlyList* self, ValaList* value )
vala_read_only_map_construct ( GType object_type, GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, ValaMap* map )
vala_read_only_map_get_type ( )
vala_read_only_map_new GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, ValaMap* map )
vala_read_only_map_set_map ( ValaReadOnlyMap* self, ValaMap* value )
vala_read_only_set_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, ValaSet* set )
vala_read_only_set_get_type ( )
vala_read_only_set_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, ValaSet* set )
vala_read_only_set_set_set ( ValaReadOnlySet* self, ValaSet* value )
vala_set_get_type ( )
vala_value_get_collection_object GValue const* value )
vala_value_set_collection_object GValue* value, gpointer v_object )

to the top

Removed Symbols (74)

gee_array_list_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
gee_array_list_get_type ( )
gee_array_list_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
gee_array_list_set_equal_func ( GeeArrayList* self, GEqualFunc value )
gee_collection_add ( GeeCollection* self, gconstpointer item )
gee_collection_clear GeeCollection* self )
gee_collection_contains ( GeeCollection* self, gconstpointer item )
gee_collection_get_size GeeCollection* self )
gee_collection_get_type ( )
gee_collection_object_construct GType object_type )
gee_collection_object_get_type ( )
gee_collection_object_new ( )
gee_collection_object_ref gpointer instance )
gee_collection_object_unref gpointer instance )
gee_collection_remove ( GeeCollection* self, gconstpointer item )
gee_hash_map_construct ( GType object_type, GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, GHashFunc key_hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, GEqualFunc value_equal_func )
gee_hash_map_get_type ( )
gee_hash_map_new GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, GHashFunc key_hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, GEqualFunc value_equal_func )
gee_hash_map_set_key_equal_func ( GeeHashMap* self, GEqualFunc value )
gee_hash_map_set_key_hash_func ( GeeHashMap* self, GHashFunc value )
gee_hash_map_set_value_equal_func ( GeeHashMap* self, GEqualFunc value )
gee_hash_set_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
gee_hash_set_get_type ( )
gee_hash_set_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc equal_func )
gee_hash_set_set_equal_func ( GeeHashSet* self, GEqualFunc value )
gee_hash_set_set_hash_func ( GeeHashSet* self, GHashFunc value )
gee_iterable_get_element_type GeeIterable* self )
gee_iterable_get_type ( )
gee_iterable_iterator GeeIterable* self )
gee_iterator_get GeeIterator* self )
gee_iterator_get_type ( )
gee_iterator_next GeeIterator* self )
gee_list_get GeeList* self, gint index )
gee_list_get_type ( )
gee_list_index_of GeeList* self, gconstpointer item )
gee_list_insert GeeList* self, gint index, gconstpointer item )
gee_list_remove_at GeeList* self, gint index )
gee_list_set GeeList* self, gint index, gconstpointer item )
gee_map_clear GeeMap* self )
gee_map_contains GeeMap* self, gconstpointer key )
gee_map_get GeeMap* self, gconstpointer key )
gee_map_get_keys GeeMap* self )
gee_map_get_size GeeMap* self )
gee_map_get_type ( )
gee_map_get_values GeeMap* self )
gee_map_remove GeeMap* self, gconstpointer key )
gee_map_set GeeMap* self, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value )
gee_param_spec_collection_object ( gchar const* name, gchar const* nick, gchar const* blurb, GType object_type, GParamFlags flags )
gee_read_only_collection_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GeeCollection* collection )
gee_read_only_collection_get_type ( )
gee_read_only_collection_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GeeCollection* collection )
gee_read_only_collection_set_collection ( GeeReadOnlyCollection* self, GeeCollection* value )
gee_read_only_list_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GeeList* list )
gee_read_only_list_get_type ( )
gee_read_only_list_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GeeList* list )
gee_read_only_list_set_list ( GeeReadOnlyList* self, GeeList* value )
gee_read_only_map_construct ( GType object_type, GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, GeeMap* map )
gee_read_only_map_get_type ( )
gee_read_only_map_new GType k_type, GBoxedCopyFunc k_dup_func, GDestroyNotify k_destroy_func, GType v_type, GBoxedCopyFunc v_dup_func, GDestroyNotify v_destroy_func, GeeMap* map )
gee_read_only_map_set_map ( GeeReadOnlyMap* self, GeeMap* value )
gee_read_only_set_construct ( GType object_type, GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GeeSet* set )
gee_read_only_set_get_type ( )
gee_read_only_set_new GType g_type, GBoxedCopyFunc g_dup_func, GDestroyNotify g_destroy_func, GeeSet* set )
gee_read_only_set_set_set ( GeeReadOnlySet* self, GeeSet* value )
gee_set_get_type ( )
gee_value_get_collection_object GValue const* value )
gee_value_set_collection_object GValue* value, gpointer v_object )

vala_class_add_hidden_method ValaClass* self, ValaMethod* m )
vala_code_context_get_non_null_experimental ValaCodeContext* self )
vala_code_context_set_non_null_experimental ( ValaCodeContext* self, gboolean value )
vala_null_checker_check ( ValaNullChecker* self, ValaCodeContext* context )
vala_null_checker_construct GType object_type )
vala_null_checker_get_type ( )
vala_null_checker_new ( )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (96)

[+] enum ValaTokenType (96)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (3)

[+] struct _ValaAttribute (1)
[+] struct _ValaExpression (1)
[+] struct _ValaSemanticAnalyzer (1)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (98)

[+] vala_array_creation_expression_get_sizes ValaArrayCreationExpression* self ) (1)
[+] vala_basic_block_get_children ValaBasicBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_basic_block_get_dominator_frontier ValaBasicBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_basic_block_get_nodes ValaBasicBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_basic_block_get_phi_functions ValaBasicBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_basic_block_get_predecessors ValaBasicBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_basic_block_get_successors ValaBasicBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_block_get_local_variables ValaBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_block_get_statements ValaBlock* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_base_types ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_classes ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_constants ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_delegates ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_enums ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_fields ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_class_get_structs ValaClass* self ) (1)
[+] vala_code_context_get_c_source_files ValaCodeContext* self ) (1)
[+] vala_code_context_get_package_path ( ValaCodeContext* self, char const* pkg, char** vapi_directories, int vapi_directories_length1 ) (2)
[+] vala_code_context_get_packages ValaCodeContext* self ) (1)
[+] vala_code_context_get_source_files ValaCodeContext* self ) (1)
[+] vala_code_node_add_error_types ( ValaCodeNode* self, GeeList* error_types ) (1)
[+] vala_code_node_get_defined_variables ( ValaCodeNode* self, GeeCollection* collection ) (1)
[+] vala_code_node_get_error_types ValaCodeNode* self ) (1)
[+] vala_code_node_get_used_variables ( ValaCodeNode* self, GeeCollection* collection ) (1)
[+] vala_data_type_get_parameters ValaDataType* self ) (1)
[+] vala_data_type_get_symbols ValaDataType* self ) (1)
[+] vala_data_type_get_type_arguments ValaDataType* self ) (1)
[+] vala_delegate_get_parameters ValaDelegate* self ) (1)
[+] vala_element_access_get_indices ValaElementAccess* self ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_get_methods ValaEnum* self ) (1)
[+] vala_enum_get_values ValaEnum* self ) (1)
[+] vala_error_domain_get_codes ValaErrorDomain* self ) (1)
[+] vala_error_domain_get_methods ValaErrorDomain* self ) (1)
[+] vala_expression_get_array_sizes ValaExpression* self ) (1)
[+] vala_for_statement_get_initializer ValaForStatement* self ) (1)
[+] vala_for_statement_get_iterator ValaForStatement* self ) (1)
[+] vala_initializer_list_get_initializers ValaInitializerList* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_classes ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_constants ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_delegates ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_enums ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_fields ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_prerequisites ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_interface_get_structs ValaInterface* self ) (1)
[+] vala_lambda_expression_get_parameters ValaLambdaExpression* self ) (1)
[+] vala_member_access_get_type_arguments ValaMemberAccess* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_call_get_argument_list ValaMethodCall* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_async_begin_parameters ValaMethod* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_async_end_parameters ValaMethod* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_captured_variables ( ValaMethod* self, GeeCollection* variables ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_parameters ValaMethod* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_postconditions ValaMethod* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_preconditions ValaMethod* self ) (1)
[+] vala_method_get_type_parameters ValaMethod* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_classes ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_comments ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_constants ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_cprefixes ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_delegates ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_enums ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_error_domains ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_fields ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_interfaces ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_methods ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_namespaces ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_namespace_get_structs ValaNamespace* self ) (1)
[+] vala_object_creation_expression_get_argument_list ValaObjectCreationExpression* self ) (1)
[+] vala_object_creation_expression_get_object_initializer ValaObjectCreationExpression* self ) (1)
[+] vala_object_type_symbol_get_methods ValaObjectTypeSymbol* self ) (1)
[+] vala_object_type_symbol_get_properties ValaObjectTypeSymbol* self ) (1)
[+] vala_object_type_symbol_get_signals ValaObjectTypeSymbol* self ) (1)
[+] vala_object_type_symbol_get_type_parameters ValaObjectTypeSymbol* self ) (1)
[+] vala_phi_function_get_operands ValaPhiFunction* self ) (1)
[+] vala_scope_get_symbol_table ValaScope* self ) (1)
[+] vala_semantic_analyzer_check_arguments ( ValaSemanticAnalyzer* self, ValaExpression* expr, ValaDataType* mtype, GeeList* params, GeeList* args ) (2)
[+] vala_signal_get_parameters ValaSignal* self ) (1)
[+] vala_source_file_get_comments ValaSourceFile* self ) (1)
[+] vala_source_file_get_current_using_directives ValaSourceFile* self ) (1)
[+] vala_source_file_get_nodes ValaSourceFile* self ) (1)
[+] vala_source_file_set_current_using_directives ( ValaSourceFile* self, GeeList* value ) (1)
[+] vala_source_reference_get_using_directives ValaSourceReference* self ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_get_constants ValaStruct* self ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_get_fields ValaStruct* self ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_get_methods ValaStruct* self ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_get_properties ValaStruct* self ) (1)
[+] vala_struct_get_type_parameters ValaStruct* self ) (1)
[+] vala_switch_section_get_labels ValaSwitchSection* self ) (1)
[+] vala_switch_statement_get_sections ValaSwitchStatement* self ) (1)
[+] vala_symbol_get_cheader_filenames ValaSymbol* self ) (1)
[+] vala_try_statement_get_catch_clauses ValaTryStatement* self ) (1)
[+] vala_tuple_get_expressions ValaTuple* self ) (1)

[+] vala_ccode_comma_expression_get_inner ValaCCodeCommaExpression* self ) (1)
[+] vala_ccode_fragment_get_children ValaCCodeFragment* self ) (1)
[+] vala_ccode_function_call_get_arguments ValaCCodeFunctionCall* self ) (1)

[+] vala_ccode_module_generate_marshaller ( ValaCCodeModule* self, GeeList* params, ValaDataType* return_type, gboolean dbus ) (1)
[+] vala_ccode_module_get_marshaller_function ( ValaCCodeModule* self, GeeList* params, ValaDataType* return_type, char const* prefix, gboolean dbus ) (1)

to the top

Other Changes in Data Types (3)

[+] enum ValaTokenType (3)

to the top

Header Files (4)


to the top

Shared Libraries (1)

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Generated on Mon Jan 23 12:33:43 2012 for Vala by ABI Compliance Checker 1.96.5  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API