Binary compatibility report for the XcbUtil library  between 0.2 and 0.2.1 versions on x86

Test Info

Library NameXcbUtil
Version #10.2
Version #20.2.1
CPU Typex86
GCC Version4.6.1

Test Results

Total Header Files10
Total Shared Libraries10
Total Symbols / Types237 / 112

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-98
Removed SymbolsHigh99
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (98)

xcb_aux_change_gc_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint32_t mask, xcb_params_gc_t const* params )
xcb_aux_clear_window ( xcb_connection_t* dpy, xcb_window_t w )
xcb_aux_create_gc_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_gcontext_t gid, xcb_drawable_t drawable, uint32_t mask, xcb_params_gc_t const* params )
xcb_aux_create_window_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, uint8_t depth, xcb_window_t wid, xcb_window_t parent, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint16_t border_width, uint16_t _class, xcb_visualid_t visual, uint32_t mask, xcb_params_cw_t const* params )
xcb_aux_find_visual_by_attrs ( xcb_screen_t* screen, int8_t class, int8_t depth )
xcb_aux_find_visual_by_id ( xcb_screen_t* screen, xcb_visualid_t id )
xcb_aux_get_depth_of_visual ( xcb_screen_t* screen, xcb_visualid_t id )
xcb_aux_parse_color ( char* color_name, uint16_t* red, uint16_t* green, uint16_t* blue )
xcb_aux_set_line_attributes_checked ( xcb_connection_t* dpy, xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint16_t linewidth, int32_t linestyle, int32_t capstyle, int32_t joinstyle )

xcb_alloc_event_handlers xcb_connection_t* c )
xcb_free_event_handlers xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths )
xcb_get_xcb_connection xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths )
xcb_handle_event ( xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths, xcb_generic_event_t* event )
xcb_poll_for_event_loop xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths )
xcb_set_error_handler ( xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths, int error, xcb_generic_error_handler_t handler, void* data )
xcb_set_event_handler ( xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths, int event, xcb_generic_event_handler_t handler, void* data )
xcb_wait_for_event_loop xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths )

xcb_alloc_size_hints ( )
xcb_alloc_wm_hints ( )
xcb_free_size_hints xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_free_wm_hints xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_get_wm_client_machine ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint8_t* format, xcb_atom_t* encoding, uint32_t* name_len, char** name )
xcb_get_wm_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window )
xcb_get_wm_icon_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint8_t* format, xcb_atom_t* encoding, uint32_t* name_len, char** name )
xcb_get_wm_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint8_t* format, xcb_atom_t* encoding, uint32_t* name_len, char** name )
xcb_get_wm_normal_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, long* supplied )
xcb_get_wm_protocols ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint32_t* list_len, xcb_atom_t** list )
xcb_get_wm_size_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t property, long* supplied )
xcb_get_wm_transient_for ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_window_t* prop_win )
xcb_set_wm_client_machine ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
xcb_set_wm_client_machine_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
xcb_set_wm_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_set_wm_hints_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_set_wm_icon_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
xcb_set_wm_icon_name_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
xcb_set_wm_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
xcb_set_wm_name_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
xcb_set_wm_normal_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_set_wm_normal_hints_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_set_wm_protocols ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint32_t list_len, xcb_atom_t* list )
xcb_set_wm_protocols_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint32_t list_len, xcb_atom_t* list )
xcb_set_wm_size_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t property, xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_set_wm_size_hints_checked ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t property, xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_size_hints_get_base_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* base_width, int32_t* base_height )
xcb_size_hints_get_flags xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_size_hints_get_increase ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* width_inc, int32_t* height_inc )
xcb_size_hints_get_max_aspect ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* max_aspect_num, int32_t* max_aspect_den )
xcb_size_hints_get_max_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* max_width, int32_t* max_height )
xcb_size_hints_get_min_aspect ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* min_aspect_num, int32_t* min_aspect_den )
xcb_size_hints_get_min_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* min_width, int32_t* min_height )
xcb_size_hints_get_position ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* x, int32_t* y )
xcb_size_hints_get_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* width, int32_t* height )
xcb_size_hints_get_win_gravity xcb_size_hints_t* hints )
xcb_size_hints_set_aspect ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t min_aspect_num, int32_t min_aspect_den, int32_t max_aspect_num, int32_t max_aspect_den )
xcb_size_hints_set_base_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t base_width, int32_t base_height )
xcb_size_hints_set_flags ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, uint32_t flags )
xcb_size_hints_set_max_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t max_width, int32_t max_height )
xcb_size_hints_set_min_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t min_width, int32_t min_height )
xcb_size_hints_set_position ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int user_specified, int32_t x, int32_t y )
xcb_size_hints_set_resize_inc ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int32_t width_inc, int32_t height_inc )
xcb_size_hints_set_size ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, int user_specified, int32_t width, int32_t height )
xcb_size_hints_set_win_gravity ( xcb_size_hints_t* hints, uint8_t win_gravity )
xcb_watch_wm_client_machine ( xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, xcb_generic_property_handler_t handler, void* data )
xcb_watch_wm_icon_name ( xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, xcb_generic_property_handler_t handler, void* data )
xcb_watch_wm_name ( xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, xcb_generic_property_handler_t handler, void* data )
xcb_wm_hints_get_flags xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_icon_mask xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_icon_pixmap xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_icon_window xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_initial_state xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_input xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_urgency xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_get_window_group xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_set_flags ( xcb_wm_hints_t* hints, uint32_t flags )
xcb_wm_hints_set_icon_mask ( xcb_wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_pixmap_t icon_mask )
xcb_wm_hints_set_icon_pixmap ( xcb_wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_pixmap_t icon_pixmap )
xcb_wm_hints_set_icon_window ( xcb_wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_window_t icon_window )
xcb_wm_hints_set_iconic xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_set_input ( xcb_wm_hints_t* hints, uint8_t input )
xcb_wm_hints_set_none xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_set_normal xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_set_urgency xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )
xcb_wm_hints_set_window_group ( xcb_wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_window_t window_group )
xcb_wm_hints_set_withdrawn xcb_wm_hints_t* hints )

xcb_create_pixmap_from_bitmap_data ( xcb_connection_t* display, xcb_drawable_t d, uint8_t* data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg, xcb_gcontext_t* gcp )
xcb_image_annotate xcb_image_t* image )
xcb_image_convert ( xcb_image_t* src, xcb_image_t* dst )
xcb_image_create_from_bitmap_data uint8_t* data, uint32_t width, uint32_t height )
xcb_image_create_native ( xcb_connection_t* c, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, xcb_image_format_t format, uint8_t depth, void* base, uint32_t bytes, uint8_t* data )
xcb_image_native ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_image_t* image, int convert )
xcb_image_subimage ( xcb_image_t* image, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, void* base, uint32_t bytes, uint8_t* data )

xcb_alloc_property_handlers xcb_event_handlers_t* evenths )
xcb_free_property_handlers xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs )
xcb_get_any_property ( xcb_connection_t* c, uint8_t del, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t name, uint32_t long_len )
xcb_get_property_event_handlers xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs )
xcb_property_changed ( xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t atom )
xcb_set_default_property_handler ( xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, xcb_generic_property_handler_t handler, void* data )
xcb_set_property_handler ( xcb_property_handlers_t* prophs, xcb_atom_t name, uint32_t long_len, xcb_generic_property_handler_t handler, void* data )

to the top

Removed Symbols (99)

alloc_event_handlers xcb_connection_t* c )
event_loop event_handlers_t* evenths )
free_event_handlers event_handlers_t* evenths )
set_error_handler ( event_handlers_t* evenths, int error, generic_error_handler handler, void* data )
set_event_handler ( event_handlers_t* evenths, int event, generic_event_handler handler, void* data )

alloc_size_hints ( )
alloc_wm_hints ( )
free_size_hints size_hints_t* hints )
get_wm_client_machine ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint8_t* format, xcb_atom_t* encoding, uint32_t* name_len, char** name )
get_wm_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window )
get_wm_icon_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint8_t* format, xcb_atom_t* encoding, uint32_t* name_len, char** name )
get_wm_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint8_t* format, xcb_atom_t* encoding, uint32_t* name_len, char** name )
get_wm_normal_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, size_hints_t* hints, long* supplied )
get_wm_protocols ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint32_t* list_len, xcb_atom_t** list )
get_wm_size_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t property, size_hints_t* hints, long* supplied )
set_wm_client_machine ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
set_wm_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, wm_hints_t* hints )
set_wm_icon_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
set_wm_name ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t encoding, uint32_t name_len, char const* name )
set_wm_normal_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, size_hints_t* hints )
set_wm_protocols ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, uint32_t list_len, xcb_atom_t* list )
set_wm_size_hints ( xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t property, size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_get_base_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* base_width, int32_t* base_height )
size_hints_get_increase ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* width_inc, int32_t* height_inc )
size_hints_get_max_aspect ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* max_aspect_num, int32_t* max_aspect_den )
size_hints_get_max_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* max_width, int32_t* max_height )
size_hints_get_min_aspect ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* min_aspect_num, int32_t* min_aspect_den )
size_hints_get_min_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* min_width, int32_t* min_height )
size_hints_get_position ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* x, int32_t* y )
size_hints_get_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t* width, int32_t* height )
size_hints_get_win_gravity size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_aspect size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_base_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_max_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_min_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_position size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_resize_inc size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_p_win_gravity size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_us_position size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_is_us_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_aspect ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t min_aspect_num, int32_t min_aspect_den, int32_t max_aspect_num, int32_t max_aspect_den )
size_hints_set_base_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t base_width, int32_t base_height )
size_hints_set_flag_none size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_aspect size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_base_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_max_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_min_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_position size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_resize_inc size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_p_win_gravity size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_us_position size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_flag_us_size size_hints_t* hints )
size_hints_set_max_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t max_width, int32_t max_height )
size_hints_set_min_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t min_width, int32_t min_height )
size_hints_set_position ( size_hints_t* hints, int user_specified, int32_t x, int32_t y )
size_hints_set_resize_inc ( size_hints_t* hints, int32_t width_inc, int32_t height_inc )
size_hints_set_size ( size_hints_t* hints, int user_specified, int32_t width, int32_t height )
size_hints_set_win_gravity ( size_hints_t* hints, uint8_t win_gravity )
watch_wm_client_machine ( property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, generic_property_handler handler, void* data )
watch_wm_icon_name ( property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, generic_property_handler handler, void* data )
watch_wm_name ( property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, generic_property_handler handler, void* data )
wm_hints_get_icon_mask wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_get_icon_pixmap wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_get_icon_window wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_get_input wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_get_window_group wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_icon_mask_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_icon_pixmap_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_icon_position_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_icon_window_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_input_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_state_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_window_group_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_is_xu_hint wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_set_icon_mask ( wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_pixmap_t icon_mask )
wm_hints_set_icon_pixmap ( wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_pixmap_t icon_pixmap )
wm_hints_set_icon_window ( wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_window_t icon_window )
wm_hints_set_iconic wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_set_input ( wm_hints_t* hints, uint8_t input )
wm_hints_set_none wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_set_normal wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_set_urgent wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_set_window_group ( wm_hints_t* hints, xcb_window_t window_group )
wm_hints_set_withdrawn wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_state_is_iconic wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_state_is_normal wm_hints_t* hints )
wm_hints_state_is_withdrawn wm_hints_t* hints )

xcb_image_init xcb_image_t* image )
xcb_image_shm_create ( xcb_connection_t* conn, uint8_t depth, uint8_t format, uint8_t* data, uint16_t width, uint16_t height )
xcb_image_shm_destroy xcb_image_t* image )

alloc_property_handlers event_handlers_t* evenths )
free_property_handlers property_handlers_t* prophs )
get_any_property ( xcb_connection_t* c, uint8_t del, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t name, uint32_t long_len )
get_property_event_handlers property_handlers_t* prophs )
property_changed ( property_handlers_t* prophs, uint8_t state, xcb_window_t window, xcb_atom_t atom )
set_default_property_handler ( property_handlers_t* prophs, uint32_t long_len, generic_property_handler handler, void* data )
set_property_handler ( property_handlers_t* prophs, xcb_atom_t name, uint32_t long_len, generic_property_handler handler, void* data )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity (3)

[+] struct xcb_image_t (3)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity (12)

[+] xcb_image_create ( xcb_connection_t* conn, uint8_t depth, uint8_t format, unsigned int offset, uint8_t* data, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t xpad, uint32_t bytes_per_line ) (7)
[+] xcb_image_get ( xcb_connection_t* conn, xcb_drawable_t draw, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t plane_mask, uint8_t format ) (1)
[+] xcb_image_put ( xcb_connection_t* conn, xcb_drawable_t draw, xcb_gcontext_t gc, xcb_image_t* image, int16_t x_offset, int16_t y_offset, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height ) (4)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity (10)

[+] struct xcb_image_t (10)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity (6)

[+] xcb_image_create ( xcb_connection_t* conn, uint8_t depth, uint8_t format, unsigned int offset, uint8_t* data, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t xpad, uint32_t bytes_per_line ) (2)
[+] xcb_image_destroy xcb_image_t* image ) (1)
[+] xcb_image_put ( xcb_connection_t* conn, xcb_drawable_t draw, xcb_gcontext_t gc, xcb_image_t* image, int16_t x_offset, int16_t y_offset, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height ) (2)
[+] xcb_image_put_pixel ( xcb_image_t* image, int x, int y, uint32_t pixel ) (1)

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (6)

[+] struct xcb_params_gc_t (2)

[+] struct xcb_image_t (4)

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity (14)

[+] xcb_image_get_pixel ( xcb_image_t* image, int x, int y ) (2)
[+] xcb_image_put ( xcb_connection_t* conn, xcb_drawable_t draw, xcb_gcontext_t gc, xcb_image_t* image, int16_t x_offset, int16_t y_offset, int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height ) (2)
[+] xcb_image_put_pixel ( xcb_image_t* image, int x, int y, uint32_t pixel ) (2)
[+] xcb_image_shm_put ( xcb_connection_t* conn, xcb_drawable_t draw, xcb_gcontext_t gc, xcb_image_t* image, xcb_shm_segment_info_t shminfo, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t dest_x, int16_t dest_y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t send_event ) (6)

[+] manage_existing_windows ( xcb_connection_t* c, property_handlers_t* prophs, xcb_window_t root ) (1)
[+] manage_window ( property_handlers_t* prophs, xcb_connection_t* c, xcb_window_t window, window_attributes_t wa ) (1)

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Shared Libraries (10)

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Generated on Tue Aug 21 20:50:08 2012 for XcbUtil by ABI Compliance Checker 1.98.4  
A tool for checking backward compatibility of a C/C++ library API