| fmod.h | | fmod.h | |
| | | | |
| skipping to change at line 19 | | skipping to change at line 19 | |
| /* ========================================================================
==================== */ | | /* ========================================================================
==================== */ | |
| | | | |
| #ifndef _FMOD_H | | #ifndef _FMOD_H | |
| #define _FMOD_H | | #define _FMOD_H | |
| | | | |
| /* | | /* | |
| FMOD version number. Check this against FMOD::System::getVersion. | | FMOD version number. Check this against FMOD::System::getVersion. | |
| 0xaaaabbcc -> aaaa = major version number. bb = minor version number.
cc = development version number. | | 0xaaaabbcc -> aaaa = major version number. bb = minor version number.
cc = development version number. | |
| */ | | */ | |
| | | | |
| #define FMOD_VERSION 0x00043705 | | #define FMOD_VERSION 0x00043802 | |
| | | | |
| /* | | /* | |
| Compiler specific settings. | | Compiler specific settings. | |
| */ | | */ | |
| | | | |
| #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) | | #if defined(__CYGWIN32__) | |
| #define F_CDECL __cdecl | | #define F_CDECL __cdecl | |
| #define F_STDCALL __stdcall | | #define F_STDCALL __stdcall | |
| #define F_DECLSPEC __declspec | | #define F_DECLSPEC __declspec | |
| #define F_DLLEXPORT ( dllexport ) | | #define F_DLLEXPORT ( dllexport ) | |
| | | | |
| skipping to change at line 714 | | skipping to change at line 714 | |
| System::setAdvancedSettings | | System::setAdvancedSettings | |
| Channel::set3DOcclusion | | Channel::set3DOcclusion | |
| ] | | ] | |
| */ | | */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_NORMAL 0x00000000 /* All platforms -
Initialize normally */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_NORMAL 0x00000000 /* All platforms -
Initialize normally */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_STREAM_FROM_UPDATE 0x00000001 /* All platforms -
No stream thread is created internally. Streams are driven from System::up
date. Mainly used with non-realtime outputs. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_STREAM_FROM_UPDATE 0x00000001 /* All platforms -
No stream thread is created internally. Streams are driven from System::up
date. Mainly used with non-realtime outputs. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_3D_RIGHTHANDED 0x00000002 /* All platforms -
FMOD will treat +X as right, +Y as up and +Z as backwards (towards you). */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_3D_RIGHTHANDED 0x00000002 /* All platforms -
FMOD will treat +X as right, +Y as up and +Z as backwards (towards you). */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_SOFTWARE_DISABLE 0x00000004 /* All platforms -
Disable software mixer to save memory. Anything created with FMOD_SOFTWARE
will fail and DSP will not work. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_SOFTWARE_DISABLE 0x00000004 /* All platforms -
Disable software mixer to save memory. Anything created with FMOD_SOFTWARE
will fail and DSP will not work. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_OCCLUSION_LOWPASS 0x00000008 /* All platforms -
All FMOD_SOFTWARE (and FMOD_HARDWARE on 3DS and NGP) with FMOD_3D based voi
ces will add a software lowpass filter effect into the DSP chain which is a
utomatically used when Channel::set3DOcclusion is used or the geometry API.
*/ | | #define FMOD_INIT_OCCLUSION_LOWPASS 0x00000008 /* All platforms -
All FMOD_SOFTWARE (and FMOD_HARDWARE on 3DS and NGP) with FMOD_3D based voi
ces will add a software lowpass filter effect into the DSP chain which is a
utomatically used when Channel::set3DOcclusion is used or the geometry API.
*/ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_HRTF_LOWPASS 0x00000010 /* All platforms -
All FMOD_SOFTWARE (and FMOD_HARDWARE on 3DS and NGP) with FMOD_3D based voi
ces will add a software lowpass filter effect into the DSP chain which caus
es sounds to sound duller when the sound goes behind the listener. Use Sys
tem::setAdvancedSettings to adjust cutoff frequency. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_HRTF_LOWPASS 0x00000010 /* All platforms -
All FMOD_SOFTWARE (and FMOD_HARDWARE on 3DS and NGP) with FMOD_3D based voi
ces will add a software lowpass filter effect into the DSP chain which caus
es sounds to sound duller when the sound goes behind the listener. Use Sys
tem::setAdvancedSettings to adjust cutoff frequency. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_DISTANCE_FILTERING 0x00000200 /* All platforms -
All FMOD_SOFTWARE with FMOD_3D based voices will add a software lowpass and
highpass filter effect into the DSP chain which will act as a distance-aut
omated bandpass filter. Use System::setAdvancedSettings to adjust the centr
e frequency. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_DISTANCE_FILTERING 0x00000200 /* All platforms -
All FMOD_SOFTWARE with FMOD_3D based voices will add a software lowpass and
highpass filter effect into the DSP chain which will act as a distance-aut
omated bandpass filter. Use System::setAdvancedSettings to adjust the cente
r frequency. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_SOFTWARE_REVERB_LOWMEM 0x00000040 /* All platforms -
SFX reverb is run using 22/24khz delay buffers, halving the memory required
. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_SOFTWARE_REVERB_LOWMEM 0x00000040 /* All platforms -
SFX reverb is run using 22/24khz delay buffers, halving the memory required
. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_ENABLE_PROFILE 0x00000020 /* All platforms -
Enable TCP/IP based host which allows FMOD Designer or FMOD Profiler to con
nect to it, and view memory, CPU and the DSP network graph in real-time. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_ENABLE_PROFILE 0x00000020 /* All platforms -
Enable TCP/IP based host which allows FMOD Designer or FMOD Profiler to con
nect to it, and view memory, CPU and the DSP network graph in real-time. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_VOL0_BECOMES_VIRTUAL 0x00000080 /* All platforms -
Any sounds that are 0 volume will go virtual and not be processed except fo
r having their positions updated virtually. Use System::setAdvancedSetting
s to adjust what volume besides zero to switch to virtual at. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_VOL0_BECOMES_VIRTUAL 0x00000080 /* All platforms -
Any sounds that are 0 volume will go virtual and not be processed except fo
r having their positions updated virtually. Use System::setAdvancedSetting
s to adjust what volume besides zero to switch to virtual at. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_WASAPI_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000100 /* Win32 Vista only
- for WASAPI output - Enable exclusive access to hardware, lower latency a
t the expense of excluding other applications from accessing the audio hard
ware. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_WASAPI_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000100 /* Win32 Vista only
- for WASAPI output - Enable exclusive access to hardware, lower latency a
t the expense of excluding other applications from accessing the audio hard
ware. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_PS3_PREFERDTS 0x00800000 /* PS3 only - Prefe
r DTS over Dolby Digital if both are supported. Note: 8 and 6 channel LPCM
is always preferred over both DTS and Dolby Digital. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_PS3_PREFERDTS 0x00800000 /* PS3 only - Prefe
r DTS over Dolby Digital if both are supported. Note: 8 and 6 channel LPCM
is always preferred over both DTS and Dolby Digital. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_PS3_FORCE2CHLPCM 0x01000000 /* PS3 only - Force
PS3 system output mode to 2 channel LPCM. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_PS3_FORCE2CHLPCM 0x01000000 /* PS3 only - Force
PS3 system output mode to 2 channel LPCM. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_DISABLEDOLBY 0x00100000 /* Wii / 3DS - Disa
ble Dolby Pro Logic surround. Speakermode will be set to STEREO even if use
r has selected surround in the system settings. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_DISABLEDOLBY 0x00100000 /* Wii / 3DS - Disa
ble Dolby Pro Logic surround. Speakermode will be set to STEREO even if use
r has selected surround in the system settings. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_SYSTEM_MUSICMUTENOTPAUSE 0x00200000 /* Xbox 360 / PS3 -
The "music" channelgroup which by default pauses when custom 360 dashboard
/ PS3 BGM music is played, can be changed to mute (therefore continues pla
ying) instead of pausing, by using this flag. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_SYSTEM_MUSICMUTENOTPAUSE 0x00200000 /* Xbox 360 / PS3 -
The "music" channelgroup which by default pauses when custom 360 dashboard
/ PS3 BGM music is played, can be changed to mute (therefore continues pla
ying) instead of pausing, by using this flag. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_SYNCMIXERWITHUPDATE 0x00400000 /* Win32/Wii/PS3/Xb
ox/Xbox 360 - FMOD Mixer thread is woken up to do a mix when System::update
is called rather than waking periodically on its own timer. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_SYNCMIXERWITHUPDATE 0x00400000 /* Win32/Wii/PS3/Xb
ox/Xbox 360 - FMOD Mixer thread is woken up to do a mix when System::update
is called rather than waking periodically on its own timer. */ | |
| #define FMOD_INIT_GEOMETRY_USECLOSEST 0x04000000 /* All platforms -
With the geometry engine, only process the closest polygon rather than accu
mulating all polygons the sound to listener line intersects. */ | | #define FMOD_INIT_GEOMETRY_USECLOSEST 0x04000000 /* All platforms -
With the geometry engine, only process the closest polygon rather than accu
mulating all polygons the sound to listener line intersects. */ | |
| | | | |
| skipping to change at line 1757 | | skipping to change at line 1757 | |
| float HRTFMaxAngle; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_HRTF_LOWPASS. The angle range (0-360)
of a 3D sound in relation to the listener, at which the HRTF function has m
aximum effect. 0 = front of the listener. 180 = from 90 degrees to the left
of the listener to 90 degrees to the right. 360 = behind the listener. Def
ault = 360.0. */ | | float HRTFMaxAngle; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_HRTF_LOWPASS. The angle range (0-360)
of a 3D sound in relation to the listener, at which the HRTF function has m
aximum effect. 0 = front of the listener. 180 = from 90 degrees to the left
of the listener to 90 degrees to the right. 360 = behind the listener. Def
ault = 360.0. */ | |
| float HRTFFreq; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_HRTF_LOWPASS. The cutoff frequency of
the HRTF's lowpass filter function when at maximum effect. (i.e. at HRTFMax
Angle). Default = 4000.0. */ | | float HRTFFreq; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_HRTF_LOWPASS. The cutoff frequency of
the HRTF's lowpass filter function when at maximum effect. (i.e. at HRTFMax
Angle). Default = 4000.0. */ | |
| float vol0virtualvol; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_VOL0_BECOMES_VIRTUAL. If this flag is
used, and the volume is 0.0, then the sound will become virtual. Use this
value to raise the threshold to a different point where a sound goes virtua
l. */ | | float vol0virtualvol; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_VOL0_BECOMES_VIRTUAL. If this flag is
used, and the volume is 0.0, then the sound will become virtual. Use this
value to raise the threshold to a different point where a sound goes virtua
l. */ | |
| int eventqueuesize; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD Event system only. Specifies the number of
slots available for simultaneous non blocking loads, across all threads. D
efault = 32. */ | | int eventqueuesize; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD Event system only. Specifies the number of
slots available for simultaneous non blocking loads, across all threads. D
efault = 32. */ | |
| unsigned int defaultDecodeBufferSize; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For streams. This determines the default size of the double bu
ffer (in milliseconds) that a stream uses. Default = 400ms */ | | unsigned int defaultDecodeBufferSize; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For streams. This determines the default size of the double bu
ffer (in milliseconds) that a stream uses. Default = 400ms */ | |
| char *debugLogFilename; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. Gives fmod's logging system a path/filename. Normally the log
is placed in the same directory as the executable and called fmod.log. Whe
n using System::getAdvancedSettings, provide at least 256 bytes of memory t
o copy into. */ | | char *debugLogFilename; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. Gives fmod's logging system a path/filename. Normally the log
is placed in the same directory as the executable and called fmod.log. Whe
n using System::getAdvancedSettings, provide at least 256 bytes of memory t
o copy into. */ | |
| unsigned short profileport; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_ENABLE_PROFILE. Specify the port to li
sten on for connections by the profiler application. */ | | unsigned short profileport; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_ENABLE_PROFILE. Specify the port to li
sten on for connections by the profiler application. */ | |
| unsigned int geometryMaxFadeTime; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. The maximum time in miliseconds it takes for a channel to fade
to the new level when its occlusion changes. */ | | unsigned int geometryMaxFadeTime; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. The maximum time in miliseconds it takes for a channel to fade
to the new level when its occlusion changes. */ | |
| unsigned int maxSpectrumWaveDataBuffers; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. Tells System::init to allocate a pool of wavedata/spectrum buf
fers to prevent memory fragmentation, any additional buffers will be alloca
ted normally. */ | | unsigned int maxSpectrumWaveDataBuffers; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. Tells System::init to allocate a pool of wavedata/spectrum buf
fers to prevent memory fragmentation, any additional buffers will be alloca
ted normally. */ | |
| unsigned int musicSystemCacheDelay; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. The delay the music system should allow for loading a sample f
rom disk (in milliseconds). Default = 400 ms. */ | | unsigned int musicSystemCacheDelay; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. The delay the music system should allow for loading a sample f
rom disk (in milliseconds). Default = 400 ms. */ | |
| float distanceFilterCentreFreq; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_DISTANCE_FILTERING. The default centre
frequency in Hz for the distance filtering effect. Default = 1500.0. */ | | float distanceFilterCenterFreq; /* [r/w] Optional. Specify
0 to ignore. For use with FMOD_INIT_DISTANCE_FILTERING. The default center
frequency in Hz for the distance filtering effect. Default = 1500.0. */ | |
| | | | |
| /* | | /* | |
| [ENUM] | | [ENUM] | |
| [ | | [ | |
| Special channel index values for FMOD functions. | | Special channel index values for FMOD functions. | |
| | | | |
| [REMARKS] | | [REMARKS] | |
| To get 'all' of the channels, use System::getMasterChannelGroup. | | To get 'all' of the channels, use System::getMasterChannelGroup. | |
| | | | |
End of changes. 3 change blocks. |
| 3 lines changed or deleted | | 3 lines changed or added | |