janimation.h   janimation.h 
skipping to change at line 30 skipping to change at line 30
#include "jruntimeexception.h" #include "jruntimeexception.h"
#include "jstringtokenizer.h" #include "jstringtokenizer.h"
#include "jstringutils.h" #include "jstringutils.h"
#include "jthread.h" #include "jthread.h"
#include "jtextlistener.h" #include "jtextlistener.h"
#include "jcomponent.h" #include "jcomponent.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib> #include <cstdlib>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
namespace jgui { namespace jgui {
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Animation : public Component, public jthread::Thread{ class Animation : public Component, public jthread::Thread{
private: private:
std::vector<OffScreenImage *> _images; std::vector<Image *> _images;
int _index, int _index,
_interval; _interval;
bool _running; bool _running;
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
Animation(int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = 0, int height = 0); Animation(int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = 0, int height = 0);
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 jbitinputstream.h   jbitinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 129 skipping to change at line 129
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Close(); virtual void Close();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jcolor.h   jcolor.h 
skipping to change at line 35 skipping to change at line 35
namespace jgui{ namespace jgui{
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Color : public jcommon::Object{ class Color : public jcommon::Object{
public: public:
const static uint32_t aqua; const static uint32_t AliceBlue;
const static uint32_t purple; const static uint32_t AntiqueWhite;
const static uint32_t maroon; const static uint32_t Aqua;
const static uint32_t blue; const static uint32_t Aquamarine;
const static uint32_t teal; const static uint32_t Azure;
const static uint32_t olive; const static uint32_t Beige;
const static uint32_t silver; const static uint32_t Bisque;
const static uint32_t aliceblue; const static uint32_t Black;
const static uint32_t antiquewhite; const static uint32_t BlanchedAlmond;
const static uint32_t aquamarine; const static uint32_t Blue;
const static uint32_t azure; const static uint32_t BlueViolet;
const static uint32_t beige; const static uint32_t Brown;
const static uint32_t bisque; const static uint32_t BurlyWood;
const static uint32_t black; const static uint32_t CadetBlue;
const static uint32_t blanchedalmond; const static uint32_t Chartreuse;
const static uint32_t blueviolet; const static uint32_t Chocolate;
const static uint32_t brown; const static uint32_t Coral;
const static uint32_t burlywood; const static uint32_t CornflowerBlue;
const static uint32_t cadetblue; const static uint32_t Cornsilk;
const static uint32_t chartreuse; const static uint32_t Crimson;
const static uint32_t chocolate; const static uint32_t Cyan;
const static uint32_t coral; const static uint32_t DarkBlue;
const static uint32_t cornflowerblue; const static uint32_t DarkCyan;
const static uint32_t cornsilk; const static uint32_t DarkGoldenRod;
const static uint32_t crimson; const static uint32_t DarkGray;
const static uint32_t cyan; const static uint32_t DarkGrey;
const static uint32_t darkblue; const static uint32_t DarkGreen;
const static uint32_t darkcyan; const static uint32_t DarkKhaki;
const static uint32_t darkGoldenrod; const static uint32_t DarkMagenta;
const static uint32_t darkgray; const static uint32_t DarkOliveGreen;
const static uint32_t darkgrey; const static uint32_t DarkOrange;
const static uint32_t darkgreen; const static uint32_t DarkOrchid;
const static uint32_t darkkhaki; const static uint32_t DarkRed;
const static uint32_t darkmagenta; const static uint32_t DarkSalmon;
const static uint32_t darkolivegreen; const static uint32_t DarkSeaGreen;
const static uint32_t darkorange; const static uint32_t DarkSlateBlue;
const static uint32_t darkorchid; const static uint32_t DarkSlateGray;
const static uint32_t darkred; const static uint32_t DarkSlateGrey;
const static uint32_t darksalmon; const static uint32_t DarkTurquoise;
const static uint32_t darkseagreen; const static uint32_t DarkViolet;
const static uint32_t darkslateblue; const static uint32_t DeepPink;
const static uint32_t darkslategray; const static uint32_t Deepskyblue;
const static uint32_t darkslategrey; const static uint32_t DimGray;
const static uint32_t darkturquoise; const static uint32_t DimGrey;
const static uint32_t darkviolet; const static uint32_t DodgerBlue;
const static uint32_t deeppink; const static uint32_t FireBrick;
const static uint32_t deepskyblue; const static uint32_t FloralWhite;
const static uint32_t dimgray; const static uint32_t ForestGreen;
const static uint32_t dimgrey; const static uint32_t Fuchsia;
const static uint32_t dodgerblue; const static uint32_t Gainsboro;
const static uint32_t firebrick; const static uint32_t GhostWhite;
const static uint32_t floralwhite; const static uint32_t Gold;
const static uint32_t forestgreen; const static uint32_t GoldenRod;
const static uint32_t fuchsia; const static uint32_t Gray;
const static uint32_t gainsboro; const static uint32_t Grey;
const static uint32_t ghostwhite; const static uint32_t Green;
const static uint32_t gold; const static uint32_t GreenYellow;
const static uint32_t goldenrod; const static uint32_t HoneyDew;
const static uint32_t gray; const static uint32_t HotPink;
const static uint32_t grey; const static uint32_t IndianRed;
const static uint32_t green; const static uint32_t Indigo;
const static uint32_t greenyellow; const static uint32_t Ivory;
const static uint32_t honeydew; const static uint32_t Khaki;
const static uint32_t hotpink; const static uint32_t Lavender;
const static uint32_t indianred; const static uint32_t kavenderBlush;
const static uint32_t indigo; const static uint32_t LawnGreen;
const static uint32_t ivory; const static uint32_t LemonChiffon;
const static uint32_t khaki; const static uint32_t LightBlue;
const static uint32_t lavender; const static uint32_t LightCoral;
const static uint32_t kavenderblush; const static uint32_t LightCyan;
const static uint32_t lawngreen; const static uint32_t LightGoldenRodYellow;
const static uint32_t lemonchiffon; const static uint32_t LightGray;
const static uint32_t lightblue; const static uint32_t LightGrey;
const static uint32_t lightcoral; const static uint32_t LightGreen;
const static uint32_t lightcyan; const static uint32_t LightPink;
const static uint32_t lightgoldenrodyellow; const static uint32_t LightSalmon;
const static uint32_t lightgray; const static uint32_t LightSeaGreen;
const static uint32_t lightgrey; const static uint32_t LightSkyBlue;
const static uint32_t lightgreen; const static uint32_t LightSlateGray;
const static uint32_t lightpink; const static uint32_t LightSlateGrey;
const static uint32_t lightsalmon; const static uint32_t LightSteelBlue;
const static uint32_t lightseagreen; const static uint32_t LightYellow;
const static uint32_t lightskyblue; const static uint32_t Lime;
const static uint32_t lightslategray; const static uint32_t LimeGreen;
const static uint32_t lightslategrey; const static uint32_t Linen;
const static uint32_t lightsteelblue; const static uint32_t Magenta;
const static uint32_t lightyellow; const static uint32_t Maroon;
const static uint32_t lime; const static uint32_t MediumAquaMarine;
const static uint32_t limegreen; const static uint32_t MediumBlue;
const static uint32_t linen; const static uint32_t MediumOrchid;
const static uint32_t magenta; const static uint32_t MediumPurple;
const static uint32_t mediumaquamarine; const static uint32_t MediumSeaGreen;
const static uint32_t mediumblue; const static uint32_t MediumSlateBlue;
const static uint32_t mediumorchid; const static uint32_t MediumSpringGreen;
const static uint32_t mediumpurple; const static uint32_t MediumTurquoise;
const static uint32_t mediumseagreen; const static uint32_t MediumVioletRed;
const static uint32_t mediumslateblue; const static uint32_t MidnightBlue;
const static uint32_t mediumspringgreen; const static uint32_t MintCream;
const static uint32_t mediumturquoise; const static uint32_t MistyRose;
const static uint32_t mediumvioletred; const static uint32_t Moccasin;
const static uint32_t midnightblue; const static uint32_t NavajoWhite;
const static uint32_t mintcream; const static uint32_t Navy;
const static uint32_t mistyrose; const static uint32_t OldLace;
const static uint32_t moccasin; const static uint32_t Olive;
const static uint32_t navajowhite; const static uint32_t OliveDrab;
const static uint32_t navy; const static uint32_t Orange;
const static uint32_t oldlace; const static uint32_t OrangeRed;
const static uint32_t olivedrab; const static uint32_t Orchid;
const static uint32_t orange; const static uint32_t PaleGoldenRod;
const static uint32_t orangered; const static uint32_t PaleGreen;
const static uint32_t orchid; const static uint32_t PaleTurquoise;
const static uint32_t palegoldenrod; const static uint32_t PaleVioletRed;
const static uint32_t palegreen; const static uint32_t PapayaWhip;
const static uint32_t paleturquoise; const static uint32_t PeachPuff;
const static uint32_t palevioletred; const static uint32_t Peru;
const static uint32_t papayawhip; const static uint32_t Pink;
const static uint32_t peachpuff; const static uint32_t PowderBlue;
const static uint32_t peru; const static uint32_t Plum;
const static uint32_t pink; const static uint32_t Purple;
const static uint32_t plum; const static uint32_t Red;
const static uint32_t powderblue; const static uint32_t RosyBrown;
const static uint32_t red; const static uint32_t RoyalBlue;
const static uint32_t rosybrown; const static uint32_t SaddlebBown;
const static uint32_t royalblue; const static uint32_t Salmon;
const static uint32_t saddlebrown; const static uint32_t SandyBrown;
const static uint32_t salmon; const static uint32_t SeaGreen;
const static uint32_t sandybrown; const static uint32_t SeaShell;
const static uint32_t seagreen; const static uint32_t Sienna;
const static uint32_t seashell; const static uint32_t Silver;
const static uint32_t sienna; const static uint32_t Skyblue;
const static uint32_t skyblue; const static uint32_t StateBlue;
const static uint32_t stateblue; const static uint32_t StateGray;
const static uint32_t stategray; const static uint32_t StateGrey;
const static uint32_t stategrey; const static uint32_t Snow;
const static uint32_t snow; const static uint32_t SpringGreen;
const static uint32_t springgreen; const static uint32_t SteelBlue;
const static uint32_t steelblue; const static uint32_t Tan;
const static uint32_t tan; const static uint32_t Teal;
const static uint32_t thistle; const static uint32_t Thistle;
const static uint32_t tomato; const static uint32_t Tomato;
const static uint32_t turquoise; const static uint32_t Turquoise;
const static uint32_t violet; const static uint32_t Violet;
const static uint32_t wheat; const static uint32_t Wheat;
const static uint32_t white; const static uint32_t White;
const static uint32_t whitesmoke; const static uint32_t WhiteSmoke;
const static uint32_t yellow; const static uint32_t Yellow;
const static uint32_t yellowgreen; const static uint32_t Yellowgreen;
const static uint32_t transparent; const static uint32_t Transparent;
private: private:
int _red, int _red,
_green, _green,
_blue, _blue,
_alpha; _alpha;
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
148 lines changed or deleted 148 lines changed or added

 jconnection.h   jconnection.h 
skipping to change at line 159 skipping to change at line 159
/** /**
* \brief Get the bytes sent to a destination. * \brief Get the bytes sent to a destination.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes() = 0; virtual int64_t GetSentBytes() = 0;
/** /**
* \brief Get de bytes received from a source. * \brief Get de bytes received from a source.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes() = 0; virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes() = 0;
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jconnectionpipe.h   jconnectionpipe.h 
skipping to change at line 196 skipping to change at line 196
/** /**
* \brief Get sent bytes to destination. * \brief Get sent bytes to destination.
* *
*/ */
int64_t GetSentBytes(); int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get received bytes from a source. * \brief Get received bytes from a source.
* *
*/ */
int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Run(); virtual void Run();
}; };
} }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jdatagramsocket.h   jdatagramsocket.h 
skipping to change at line 211 skipping to change at line 211
/** /**
* \brief Get sent bytes to destination. * \brief Get sent bytes to destination.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes(); virtual int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get received bytes from a source. * \brief Get received bytes from a source.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get a object SocketOption. * \brief Get a object SocketOption.
* *
*/ */
SocketOption * GetSocketOption(); SocketOption * GetSocketOption();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jdatainputstream.h   jdatainputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 121 skipping to change at line 121
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Close(); virtual void Close();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jfileinputstream.h   jfileinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 123 skipping to change at line 123
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Close(); virtual void Close();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jfont.h   jfont.h 
skipping to change at line 53 skipping to change at line 53
class Font : public virtual jcommon::Object{ class Font : public virtual jcommon::Object{
friend class Graphics; friend class Graphics;
private: private:
static Font *_default_font; static Font *_default_font;
IDirectFBFont *_font; IDirectFBFont *_font;
#endif #endif
struct jsize_t _screen;
struct jsize_t _scale; struct jsize_t _scale;
int _height, int _height,
_ascender, _ascender,
_descender, _descender,
_max_advance, _max_advance,
_virtual_height; _virtual_height;
std::string _name; std::string _name;
public: public:
/** /**
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
0 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jgfxhandler.h   jgfxhandler.h 
skipping to change at line 26 skipping to change at line 26
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#include "jobject.h" #include "jobject.h"
#include "jmutex.h" #include "jmutex.h"
#include "jgraphics.h" #include "jgraphics.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <directfb.h> #include <directfb.h>
#endif #endif
#define JGUI_MAX_FONTS 30 #define JGUI_MAX_FONTS 30
namespace jgui{ namespace jgui{
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
enum jcursor_style_t { enum jcursor_style_t {
}; };
class Window; class Window;
class WindowManager; class WindowManager;
class Font; class Font;
class OffScreenImage; class Image;
class InputManager; class InputManager;
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class GFXHandler : public virtual jcommon::Object{ class GFXHandler : public virtual jcommon::Object{
friend class Graphics; friend class Graphics;
friend class Window; friend class Window;
friend class WindowManager; friend class WindowManager;
friend class Font; friend class Font;
friend class OffScreenImage; friend class Image;
friend class InputManager; friend class InputManager;
private: private:
static GFXHandler * _instance; static GFXHandler * _instance;
IDirectFB *_dfb; IDirectFB *_dfb;
IDirectFBDisplayLayer *_layer; IDirectFBDisplayLayer *_layer;
struct cursor_params_t { struct cursor_params_t {
OffScreenImage *cursor; Image *cursor;
int hot_x; int hot_x;
int hot_y; int hot_y;
}; };
std::map<jcursor_style_t, struct cursor_params_t> _cursors; std::map<jcursor_style_t, struct cursor_params_t> _cursors;
#endif #endif
std::vector<OffScreenImage *> _offscreenimages; std::vector<Image *> _images;
std::vector<Font *> _fonts; std::vector<Font *> _fonts;
jthread::Mutex _mutex; jthread::Mutex _mutex;
jsize_t _screen, jsize_t _screen,
_scale; _scale;
jcursor_style_t _cursor; jcursor_style_t _cursor;
int r, int r,
g, g,
b, b,
a; a;
skipping to change at line 142 skipping to change at line 150
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void Remove(Font *); void Remove(Font *);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void Add(OffScreenImage *); void Add(Image *);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void Remove(OffScreenImage *); void Remove(Image *);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
IDirectFBDisplayLayer * GetDisplayLayer(); IDirectFBDisplayLayer * GetDisplayLayer();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
skipping to change at line 277 skipping to change at line 285
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetCursor(jcursor_style_t t); virtual void SetCursor(jcursor_style_t t);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetCursor(OffScreenImage *shape, int hotx, int hoty); virtual void SetCursor(Image *shape, int hotx, int hoty);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Restore(); virtual void Restore();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 9 change blocks. 
15 lines changed or deleted 23 lines changed or added

 jgraphics.h   jgraphics.h 
skipping to change at line 181 skipping to change at line 181
struct jinsets_t { struct jinsets_t {
int left; int left;
int top; int top;
int right; int right;
int bottom; int bottom;
}; };
class Window; class Window;
class Image; class Image;
class Font; class Font;
class OffScreenImage; class Image;
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Graphics : public virtual jcommon::Object{ class Graphics : public virtual jcommon::Object{
friend class Window; friend class Window;
friend class OffScreenImage; friend class Image;
protected: protected:
jthread::Mutex graphics_mutex; jthread::Mutex graphics_mutex;
struct jregion_t _clip; struct jregion_t _clip;
struct jpoint_t _translate, struct jpoint_t _translate,
_translate_image; _translate_image;
struct jsize_t _screen; struct jsize_t _screen;
struct jsize_t _scale; struct jsize_t _scale;
jline_join_t _line_join; jline_join_t _line_join;
skipping to change at line 225 skipping to change at line 225
IDirectFBSurface *surface; IDirectFBSurface *surface;
struct edge_t { struct edge_t {
struct edge_t *next; struct edge_t *next;
int yUpper; int yUpper;
double xIntersect; double xIntersect;
double dxPerScan; double dxPerScan;
}; };
int CalculateGradientChannel(int schannel, int dchannel, int
distance, int offset);
void UpdateGradientColor(Color &scolor, Color &dcolor, int d
istance, int offset);
void MakeEdgeRec(struct jpoint_t lower, struct jpoint_t uppe r, int yComp, edge_t *edge, edge_t *edges[]); void MakeEdgeRec(struct jpoint_t lower, struct jpoint_t uppe r, int yComp, edge_t *edge, edge_t *edges[]);
void FillScan(int scan, edge_t *active); void FillScan(int scan, edge_t *active);
int YNext(int k, int cnt, jpoint_t pts[]); int YNext(int k, int cnt, jpoint_t pts[]);
void BuildEdgeList(int cnt, jpoint_t pts[], edge_t *edges[]) ; void BuildEdgeList(int cnt, jpoint_t pts[], edge_t *edges[]) ;
void InsertEdge(edge_t *list, edge_t *edge); void InsertEdge(edge_t *list, edge_t *edge);
void UpdateActiveList(int scan, edge_t *active); void UpdateActiveList(int scan, edge_t *active);
void FillPolygon0(int n, int ppts[]); void FillPolygon0(int n, int ppts[]);
double EvaluateBezier0(double *data, int ndata, double t); double EvaluateBezier0(double *data, int ndata, double t);
void DrawRectangle0(int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp, int dx, int dy, jline_join_t join, int size); void DrawRectangle0(int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp, int dx, int dy, jline_join_t join, int size);
void DrawEllipse0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, int si ze); void DrawEllipse0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, int si ze);
void DrawArc0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, double arc 0, double arc1, int size, int quadrant); void DrawArc0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, double arc 0, double arc1, int size, int quadrant);
void DrawPie0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, double arc 0, double arc1, int size); void DrawPie0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, double arc 0, double arc1, int size);
void DrawChord0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, double a rc0, double arc1, int size); void DrawChord0(int xcp, int ycp, int rxp, int ryp, double a rc0, double arc1, int size);
void AntiAlias0(DFBRegion *lines, int size); void AntiAlias0(DFBRegion *lines, int size);
void RotateImage0(OffScreenImage *img, int xc, int yc, int x , int y, int width, int height, double angle, uint8_t alpha); void RotateImage0(Image *img, int xc, int yc, int x, int y, int width, int height, double angle, uint8_t alpha);
#endif #endif
protected: protected:
Graphics(void *s, bool premultiplied);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual ~Graphics(); Graphics();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void * GetNativeSurface(); Graphics(void *surface, bool premultiplied);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
static bool GetImageSize(std::string img, int *width, int *h eight); virtual ~Graphics();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetNativeSurface(void *surface); virtual void * GetNativeSurface();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetWorkingScreenSize(int width, int height); virtual void SetNativeSurface(void *surface);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual jsize_t GetWorkingScreenSize(); virtual void SetWorkingScreenSize(int width, int height);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual OffScreenImage * Create(); virtual jsize_t GetWorkingScreenSize();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Rotate(double radians); virtual void Rotate(double radians);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
skipping to change at line 642 skipping to change at line 643
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawPolygon(int xp, int yp, jpoint_t *p, int nu m, bool close); virtual void DrawPolygon(int xp, int yp, jpoint_t *p, int nu m, bool close);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void FillHorizontalGradient(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor); virtual void FillRadialGradient(int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void FillVerticalGradient(int x, int y, int w, int h virtual void FillHorizontalGradient(int xp, int yp, int wp,
, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor); int hp, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor);
* \brief
virtual void FillVerticalGradient(int xp, int yp, int wp, in
t hp, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawGlyph(int symbol, int xp, int yp); virtual void DrawGlyph(int symbol, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sxp, int syp, in t swp, int shp, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sxp, int syp, in t swp, int shp, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int x, int y, in t w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int xp, int yp, int wp, i nt hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int sxp, int syp, int swp , int shp, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int sxp, int syp, int swp , int shp, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void GetStringBreak(std::vector<std::string> *lines, std::string text, int wp, int hp, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HAL IGN); virtual void GetStringBreak(std::vector<std::string> *lines, std::string text, int wp, int hp, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HAL IGN);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int x, int y); virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int x, int y, int width, int height, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HALIGN, jvertical_a lign_t valign = CENTER_VALIGN, bool clipped = true); virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int xp, int yp, in t wp, int hp, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HALIGN, jvertical_align_ t valign = CENTER_VALIGN, bool clipped = true);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual uint32_t GetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t pixel = 0xf f000000); virtual uint32_t GetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t pixel = 0xf f000000);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void GetRGBArray(int startxp, int startyp, int width p, int heightp, uint32_t **rgb, int offset, int scansize); virtual void GetRGB(int startxp, int startyp, int widthp, in t heightp, uint32_t **rgb, int scansize);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t rgb); virtual void SetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t rgb);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 26 change blocks. 
27 lines changed or deleted 37 lines changed or added

 jicon.h   jicon.h 
skipping to change at line 24 skipping to change at line 24
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#ifndef J_ICON_H #ifndef J_ICON_H
#define J_ICON_H #define J_ICON_H
#include "jcomponent.h" #include "jcomponent.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>
namespace jgui{ namespace jgui{
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Icon : public jgui::Component{ class Icon : public jgui::Component{
private: private:
jgui::OffScreenImage *_image; jgui::Image *_image;
std::string _file, std::string _file,
_text; _text;
jhorizontal_align_t _halign; jhorizontal_align_t _halign;
jvertical_align_t _valign; jvertical_align_t _valign;
bool _wrap; bool _wrap;
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
skipping to change at line 81 skipping to change at line 81
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetImage(std::string file); virtual void SetImage(std::string file);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetSize(int width, int height);
* \brief
virtual void SetHorizontalAlign(jhorizontal_align_t align); virtual void SetHorizontalAlign(jhorizontal_align_t align);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual jhorizontal_align_t GetHorizontalAlign(); virtual jhorizontal_align_t GetHorizontalAlign();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
8 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 jimage.h   jimage.h 
skipping to change at line 23 skipping to change at line 23
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * GNU General Public License for more details. *
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#ifndef J_IMAGE_H #ifndef J_IMAGE_H
#define J_IMAGE_H #define J_IMAGE_H
#include "jmutex.h" #include "jgraphics.h"
#include "jfile.h"
#include <string> #include "jinputstream.h"
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FLIP16(x) ((x >> 8) | (x << 8)) namespace jgui{
#define FLIP32(x) (((x & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((x & 0x000000ff) << 24) | ((
x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8))
namespace jimage {
/** enum jsurface_pixelformat_t {
* \brief Type of image array. For get and set pixel functions SPF_UNKNOWN, // 0x00000000 unknown or unspecified format
* this enums masks the pixels. SPF_ARGB1555, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(0, 15, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0,
* 0, 0, 0) 16 bit ARGB (2 byte, alpha 1@15, red 5@10, green 5@5, blue 5@0)
*/ SPF_RGB16, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 2
enum jimage_type_t { , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 16 bit RGB (2 byte, red 5@11, green 6@5, blue 5@0)
BW_TYPE = 0x00000001, SPF_RGB24, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(2, 24, 0, 0, 0, 3
GRAY_TYPE = 0x00000002, , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 24 bit RGB (3 byte, red 8@16, green 8@8, blue 8@0)
RGB_TYPE = 0x00000004, SPF_RGB32, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(3, 24, 0, 0, 0, 4
BGR_TYPE = 0x00000008, , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 24 bit RGB (4 byte, nothing@24, red 8@16, green 8@8, bl
ARGB_TYPE = 0x00000010, ue 8@0)
UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0x00000040 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 32 bit ARGB (4 byte, alpha 8@24, red 8@16, gree
n 8@8, blue 8@0)
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 8 bit alpha (1 byte, alpha 8@0), e.g. anti-alia
sed glyphs
0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 16 bit YUV (4 byte/ 2 pixel, macropixel contain
s CbYCrY [31:0])
SPF_RGB332, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(7, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 8 bit RGB (1 byte, red 3@5, green 3@2, blue 2@0)
0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 16 bit YUV (4 byte/ 2 pixel, macropixel contain
s YCbYCr [31:0])
0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) 12 bit YUV (8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit qua
rter size U/V planes)
, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) 12 bit YUV (8 bit Y plane followed by 8 bit qua
rter size V/U planes)
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) 8 bit LUT (8 bit color and alpha lookup from pa
SPF_ALUT44, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(12, 4, 4, 1, 0, 1
, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) 8 bit ALUT (1 byte, alpha 4@4, color lookup 4@0)
4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) 32 bit ARGB (4 byte, inv. alpha 8@24, red 8@16, green 8
@8, blue 8@0)
1, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0) 1 bit alpha (1 byte/ 8 pixel, most significant
bit used first)
, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) 12 bit YUV (8 bit Y plane followed by one 16 bi
t quarter size Cb|Cr [7:0|7:0] plane)
, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) 16 bit YUV (8 bit Y plane followed by one 16 bi
t half width Cb|Cr [7:0|7:0] plane)
SPF_ARGB2554, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(17, 14, 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0) 16 bit ARGB (2 byte, alpha 2@14, red 5@9, green 5@4, blue 4@0)
SPF_ARGB4444, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(18, 12, 4, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0) 16 bit ARGB (2 byte, alpha 4@12, red 4@8, green 4@4, blue 4@0)
SPF_RGBA4444, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(19, 12, 4, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0) 16 bit RGBA (2 byte, red 4@12, green 4@8, blue 4@4, alpha 4@0)
, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) 12 bit YUV (8 bit Y plane followed by one 16 bi
t quarter size Cr|Cb [7:0|7:0] plane)
, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 32 bit AYUV (4 byte, alpha 8@24, Y 8@16, Cb 8@8
, Cr 8@0)
1, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) 4 bit alpha (1 byte/ 2 pixel, more significant
nibble used first)
SPF_ARGB1666, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(23, 18, 1, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0) 1 bit alpha (3 byte/ alpha 1@18, red 6@12, green 6@6, blue 6@0)
SPF_ARGB6666, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(24, 18, 6, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0) 6 bit alpha (3 byte/ alpha 6@18, red 6@12, green 6@6, blue 6@0)
SPF_RGB18, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(25, 18, 0, 0, 0,
3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 6 bit RGB (3 byte/ red 6@12, green 6@6, blue 6@0)
1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0) 2 bit LUT (1 byte/ 4 pixel, 2 bit color and alp
ha lookup from palette)
SPF_RGB444, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(27, 12, 0, 0, 0,
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 16 bit RGB (2 byte, nothing @12, red 4@8, green 4@4, bl
ue 4@0)
SPF_RGB555, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(28, 15, 0, 0, 0,
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 16 bit RGB (2 byte, nothing @15, red 5@10, green 5@5, b
lue 5@0)
SPF_BGR555, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(29, 15, 0, 0, 0,
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 16 bit BGR (2 byte, nothing @15, blue 5@10, green 5@5,
red 5@0)
SPF_RGBA5551, // DFB_SURFACE_PIXELFORMAT(30, 15, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0) 16 bit RGBA (2 byte, red 5@11, green 5@6, blue 5@1, alpha 1@0)
, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 32 bit AVYU 4:4:4 (4 byte, alpha 8@24, Cr 8@16,
Y 8@8, Cb 8@0)
, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
}; };
typedef uint32_t pixel_t; class Graphics;
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Image{ class Image : public virtual jcommon::Object{
uint8_t *_buffer;
protected: protected:
/** \brief */ Graphics *_graphics;
char *_header; struct jsize_t _size;
/** \brief */ struct jsize_t _screen;
int _header_length; struct jsize_t _scale;
/** \brief */ jsurface_pixelformat_t _pixelformat;
uint8_t *_pixels;
/** \brief */
int _pixels_length;
/** \brief */
int _width;
/** \brief */
int _height;
/** \brief */
jimage_type_t _type;
/** \brief */
jthread::Mutex _mutex;
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
Image(); Image(int width, int height, jsurface_pixelformat_t pixelfor
mat = SPF_ARGB, int scale_width = DEFAULT_SCALE_WIDTH, int scale_height = D
* \brief
Image(int width, int height, int scale_width = DEFAULT_SCALE
_WIDTH, int scale_height = DEFAULT_SCALE_HEIGHT);
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual ~Image(); virtual ~Image();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void SetPixel(int x, int y, pixel_t pixel); static bool GetImageSize(std::string img, int *width, int *h eight);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
pixel_t GetPixel(int x, int y); static Image * CreateImage(int width, int height, jsurface_p ixelformat_t pixelformat = SPF_ARGB, int scale_width = DEFAULT_SCALE_WIDTH, int scale_height = DEFAULT_SCALE_HEIGHT);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void SetPixels(void **pixel, int *size_buffer); static Image * CreateImage(uint32_t *data, int width, int he ight);
/** /**
* \brief Aloca um novo ponteiro contendo os pixels. Este no * \brief
vo ponteiro
* devera ser desalocado posteriormente.
* *
*/ */
void GetPixels(void **pixel, int *size_buffer); static Image * CreateImage(uint8_t *data, int size);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void Lock(uint8_t **pixel, int *size_buffer); static Image * CreateImage(std::string image);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void Unlock(); static Image * CreateImage(jio::File *file);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
int GetWidth(); static Image * CreateImage(jio::InputStream *stream);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
int GetHeight(); static Image * CreateImage(Image *image);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
jimage_type_t GetType(); virtual Graphics * GetGraphics();
/** /**
* \brief Retorna os bytes de uma imagem, incluindo os heade rs. * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void GetRawImage(void *img, int *size_img); virtual Image * Scaled(int width, int height);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual std::string what(); virtual Image * SubImage(int x, int y, int width, int height
* \brief
virtual void GetRGB(uint32_t **rgb, int xp, int yp, int wp,
int hp);
* \brief
virtual jsurface_pixelformat_t GetPixelFormat();
* \brief
virtual int GetWidth();
* \brief
virtual int GetHeight();
* \brief
virtual int GetScaleWidth();
* \brief
virtual int GetScaleHeight();
* \brief
virtual void Release();
* \brief
virtual void Restore();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 22 change blocks. 
55 lines changed or deleted 178 lines changed or added

 jimagebutton.h   jimagebutton.h 
skipping to change at line 24 skipping to change at line 24
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#include "jbutton.h" #include "jbutton.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
namespace jgui { namespace jgui {
class ButtonListener; class ButtonListener;
class ButtonEvent; class ButtonEvent;
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class ImageButton : public Button{ class ImageButton : public Button{
protected: protected:
OffScreenImage *_image_icon, Image *_image_icon,
*_image_focus_icon; *_image_focus_icon;
std::string _image, std::string _image,
_image_focus; _image_focus;
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
ImageButton(std::string label, std::string image, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = DEFAULT_COMPONENT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_COMPO NENT_HEIGHT); ImageButton(std::string label, std::string image, int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = DEFAULT_COMPONENT_WIDTH, int height = DEFAULT_COMPO NENT_HEIGHT);
skipping to change at line 77 skipping to change at line 77
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetImageFocus(std::string image); virtual void SetImageFocus(std::string image);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetSize(int width, int height);
* \brief
virtual void Paint(Graphics *g); virtual void Paint(Graphics *g);
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
8 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 jimageexception.h   jimageexception.h 
skipping to change at line 28 skipping to change at line 28
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#include "jruntimeexception.h" #include "jruntimeexception.h"
#include <stdexcept> #include <stdexcept>
#include <string> #include <string>
namespace jimage { namespace jgui {
/** /**
* \brief ImageException. * \brief ImageException.
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class ImageException : public jcommon::RuntimeException{ class ImageException : public jcommon::RuntimeException{
private: private:
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jinputstream.h   jinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 140 skipping to change at line 140
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool IsClosed(); virtual bool IsClosed();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes() = 0; virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes() = 0;
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jitemcomponent.h   jitemcomponent.h 
skipping to change at line 24 skipping to change at line 24
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#include "jcomponent.h" #include "jcomponent.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
namespace jgui { namespace jgui {
skipping to change at line 53 skipping to change at line 53
}; };
class SelectEvent; class SelectEvent;
class SelectListener; class SelectListener;
class Item : public virtual jcommon::Object{ class Item : public virtual jcommon::Object{
private: private:
std::vector<Item *> _childs; std::vector<Item *> _childs;
OffScreenImage *_prefetch; Image *_prefetch;
std::string _value, std::string _value,
_image; _image;
jmenuitem_type_t _type; jmenuitem_type_t _type;
jhorizontal_align_t _halign; jhorizontal_align_t _halign;
jvertical_align_t _valign; jvertical_align_t _valign;
bool _is_checked, bool _is_checked,
_is_visible, _is_visible,
_enabled; _enabled;
public: public:
skipping to change at line 206 skipping to change at line 206
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual std::string GetValue(); virtual std::string GetValue();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual jgui::OffScreenImage * GetImage(); virtual jgui::Image * GetImage();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual jmenuitem_type_t GetType(); virtual jmenuitem_type_t GetType();
}; };
/** /**
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 jlistbox.h   jlistbox.h 
skipping to change at line 26 skipping to change at line 26
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#ifndef J_LISTBOX_H #ifndef J_LISTBOX_H
#define J_LISTBOX_H #define J_LISTBOX_H
#include "jselectlistener.h" #include "jselectlistener.h"
#include "jitemcomponent.h" #include "jitemcomponent.h"
#include "jbuttonlistener.h" #include "jbuttonlistener.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include "jthread.h" #include "jthread.h"
#include "jmutex.h" #include "jmutex.h"
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jmemoryinputstream.h   jmemoryinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 38 skipping to change at line 38
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class MemoryInputStream : public jio::InputStream{ class MemoryInputStream : public jio::InputStream{
private: private:
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
uint8_t*_buffer; uint8_t *_buffer;
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
int64_t _buffer_size; int64_t _buffer_size;
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
int64_t _buffer_index; int64_t _buffer_index;
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
MemoryInputStream(uint8_t*data, int size); MemoryInputStream(uint8_t *data, uint64_t size);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual ~MemoryInputStream(); virtual ~MemoryInputStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
skipping to change at line 91 skipping to change at line 91
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Read(); virtual int64_t Read();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Read(char *, int64_t size); virtual int64_t Read(char *data, int64_t size);
/** /**
* \brief Salto relativo. * \brief Salto relativo.
* *
*/ */
virtual void Skip(int64_t skip); virtual void Skip(int64_t skip);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
skipping to change at line 115 skipping to change at line 115
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Close(); virtual void Close();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 4 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 4 lines changed or added

 jmemoryoutputstream.h   jmemoryoutputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 49 skipping to change at line 49
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
int64_t _buffer_size; int64_t _buffer_size;
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
int64_t _buffer_index; int64_t _buffer_index;
public: public:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
MemoryOutputStream(uint8_t*data, int size); MemoryOutputStream(uint8_t *data, uint64_t size);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual ~MemoryOutputStream(); virtual ~MemoryOutputStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
skipping to change at line 79 skipping to change at line 79
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Write(int64_t b); virtual int64_t Write(int64_t b);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Write(char *, int64_t size); virtual int64_t Write(char *data, int64_t size);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Flush(); virtual int64_t Flush();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 jmenu.h   jmenu.h 
skipping to change at line 25 skipping to change at line 25
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#ifndef J_MENU_H #ifndef J_MENU_H
#define J_MENU_H #define J_MENU_H
#include "jframe.h" #include "jframe.h"
#include "jframeinputlistener.h" #include "jframeinputlistener.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include "jmouselistener.h" #include "jmouselistener.h"
#include "jitemcomponent.h" #include "jitemcomponent.h"
#include "jthememanager.h" #include "jthememanager.h"
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
skipping to change at line 60 skipping to change at line 60
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Menu : public jgui::ItemComponent, public jgui::FrameInputListener, p ublic jgui::ThemeListener{ class Menu : public jgui::ItemComponent, public jgui::FrameInputListener, p ublic jgui::ThemeListener{
private: private:
jthread::Mutex _menu_mutex; jthread::Mutex _menu_mutex;
jthread::Condition _menu_sem; jthread::Condition _menu_sem;
std::vector<Menu *> _menus; std::vector<Menu *> _menus;
jgui::Frame *_frame; jgui::Frame *_frame;
jgui::OffScreenImage *prefetch; jgui::Image *prefetch;
jmenu_align_t _menu_align; jmenu_align_t _menu_align;
std::string _title; std::string _title;
int _top_index, int _top_index,
_item_size, _item_size,
_visible_items; _visible_items;
bool _centered_interaction; bool _centered_interaction;
private: private:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 jmulticastsocket.h   jmulticastsocket.h 
skipping to change at line 211 skipping to change at line 211
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes(); virtual int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void SetMulticastTTL(char ttl_); void SetMulticastTTL(char ttl_);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jnullgraphics.h   jnullgraphics.h 
skipping to change at line 83 skipping to change at line 83
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual jsize_t GetWorkingScreenSize(); virtual jsize_t GetWorkingScreenSize();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual OffScreenImage * Create(); virtual Image * Create();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Rotate(double radians); virtual void Rotate(double radians);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
skipping to change at line 435 skipping to change at line 435
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawPolygon(int xp, int yp, jpoint_t *p, int nu m, bool close); virtual void DrawPolygon(int xp, int yp, jpoint_t *p, int nu m, bool close);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void FillHorizontalGradient(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor); virtual void FillRadialGradient(int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void FillVerticalGradient(int x, int y, int w, int h virtual void FillHorizontalGradient(int xp, int yp, int wp,
, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor); int hp, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor);
* \brief
virtual void FillVerticalGradient(int xp, int yp, int wp, in
t hp, Color &scolor, Color &dcolor);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawGlyph(int symbol, int xp, int yp); virtual void DrawGlyph(int symbol, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sxp, int syp, in t swp, int shp, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(std::string img, int sxp, int syp, in t swp, int shp, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int x, int y, in t w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int xp, int yp, int wp, i nt hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int sxp, int syp, int swp , int shp, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool DrawImage(OffScreenImage *img, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual bool DrawImage(Image *img, int sxp, int syp, int swp , int shp, int xp, int yp, int wp, int hp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void GetStringBreak(std::vector<std::string> *lines, std::string text, int wp, int hp, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HAL IGN); virtual void GetStringBreak(std::vector<std::string> *lines, std::string text, int wp, int hp, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HAL IGN);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int x, int y); virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int xp, int yp);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int x, int y, int width, int height, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HALIGN, jvertical_a lign_t valign = CENTER_VALIGN, bool clipped = true); virtual void DrawString(std::string text, int xp, int yp, in t wp, int hp, jhorizontal_align_t halign = JUSTIFY_HALIGN, jvertical_align_ t valign = CENTER_VALIGN, bool clipped = true);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual uint32_t GetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t pixel = 0xf f000000); virtual uint32_t GetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t pixel = 0xf f000000);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void GetRGBArray(int startxp, int startyp, int width p, int heightp, uint32_t **rgb, int offset, int scansize); virtual void GetRGB(int startxp, int startyp, int widthp, in t heightp, uint32_t **rgb, int offset, int scansize);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void SetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t rgb); virtual void SetRGB(int xp, int yp, uint32_t rgb);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 14 change blocks. 
15 lines changed or deleted 22 lines changed or added

 jobjectinputstream.h   jobjectinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 101 skipping to change at line 101
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual void Close(); virtual void Close();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual jcommon::Object * CreateObject(std::string id); virtual jcommon::Object * CreateObject(std::string id);
}; };
} }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jprocess.h   jprocess.h 
skipping to change at line 23 skipping to change at line 23
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * GNU General Public License for more details. *
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#ifndef J_PROCESS_H #ifndef J_PROCESS_H
#define J_PROCESS_H #define J_PROCESS_H
#include "jprivateprocess.h"
#include "jinputstream.h" #include "jinputstream.h"
#include "joutputstream.h" #include "joutputstream.h"
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <sstream> #include <sstream>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h> #include <windows.h>
#else #else
#endif #endif
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
namespace jshared { namespace jshared {
enum jwprocess_mode_t { enum jprocess_type_t {
}; };
enum jwprocess_flag_t { enum jprocess_mode_t {
PROCESS_CREAT, // \brief Create a new process AUTO_FLUSH_MODE,
PROCESS_LOCK // \brief Create a new process and block par WAIT_ANY_INPUT_MODE,
enum jprocess_flag_t {
CREATE_PROCESS, // \brief Create a new process
LOCK_PROCESS // \brief Create a new process and block par
}; };
/** /**
* \brief Socket. * \brief Socket.
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Process : public virtual jcommon::Object{ class Process : public virtual jcommon::Object{
private: private:
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
jio::InputStream *_input; jio::InputStream *_input;
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
jio::OutputStream *_output; jio::OutputStream *_output;
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
jio::InputStream *_error; jio::InputStream *_error;
/** \brief */
std::string _process;
#ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _WIN32
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
HANDLE _pid; HANDLE _pid;
#else #else
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
pid_t _pid; pid_t _pid;
#endif #endif
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
int _pinput[2], int _pinput[2],
_poutput[2], _poutput[2],
_perror[2]; _perror[2];
/** \brief */ /** \brief */
bool _is_running; jprocess_type_t _type;
private: private:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
int MakeHandleGreaterThan2(int fd); int MakeHandleGreaterThan2(int fd);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
skipping to change at line 112 skipping to change at line 118
/** /**
* \brief Destrutor virtual. * \brief Destrutor virtual.
* *
*/ */
virtual ~Process(); virtual ~Process();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
jprocess_type_t GetType();
* \brief
#ifdef _WIN32
pid_t GetPID();
* \brief
#ifdef _WIN32
HANDLE GetParentPID();
pid_t GetParentPID();
* \brief
jio::InputStream * GetInputStream(); jio::InputStream * GetInputStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
jio::OutputStream * GetOutputStream(); jio::OutputStream * GetOutputStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
jio::InputStream * GetErrorStream(); jio::InputStream * GetErrorStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void Start();
* \brief
bool IsRunning();
* \brief
void Interrupt(); void Interrupt();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
void WaitProcess(); void WaitProcess();
}; };
 End of changes. 7 change blocks. 
11 lines changed or deleted 55 lines changed or added

 jprocessinputstream.h   jprocessinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 23 skipping to change at line 23
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * GNU General Public License for more details. *
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#include "jprivateprocess.h"
#include "jinputstream.h" #include "jinputstream.h"
#include "joutputstream.h" #include "joutputstream.h"
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
namespace jshared { namespace jshared {
class Process;
/** /**
* \brief Socket. * \brief Socket.
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class ProcessInputStream : public jio::InputStream { class ProcessInputStream : public jio::InputStream {
friend class Process;
private: private:
#ifdef _WIN32
int _fd; int _fd;
public: private:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
#ifdef _WIN32
ProcessInputStream(HANDLE fd);
ProcessInputStream(int fd); ProcessInputStream(int fd);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual ~ProcessInputStream(); virtual ~ProcessInputStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
skipping to change at line 118 skipping to change at line 130
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual bool IsClosed(); virtual bool IsClosed();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 10 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 15 lines changed or added

 jprocessoutputstream.h   jprocessoutputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 23 skipping to change at line 23
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * GNU General Public License for more details. *
* * * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#include "jprivateprocess.h"
#include "jinputstream.h" #include "jinputstream.h"
#include "joutputstream.h" #include "joutputstream.h"
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
namespace jshared { namespace jshared {
class Process;
/** /**
* \brief Socket. * \brief Socket.
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class ProcessOutputStream : public jio::OutputStream { class ProcessOutputStream : public jio::OutputStream {
friend class Process;
private: private:
#ifdef _WIN32
int _fd; int _fd;
public: private:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
#ifdef _WIN32
ProcessOutputStream(HANDLE fd);
ProcessOutputStream(int fd); ProcessOutputStream(int fd);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual ~ProcessOutputStream(); virtual ~ProcessOutputStream();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
 End of changes. 9 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 14 lines changed or added

 jrawsocket.h   jrawsocket.h 
skipping to change at line 291 skipping to change at line 291
/** /**
* \brief Get sent bytes to destination. * \brief Get sent bytes to destination.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes(); virtual int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get received bytes from a source. * \brief Get received bytes from a source.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get a object SocketOption. * \brief Get a object SocketOption.
* *
*/ */
SocketOption * GetSocketOption(); SocketOption * GetSocketOption();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jrtpsocket.h   jrtpsocket.h 
skipping to change at line 526 skipping to change at line 526
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes(); virtual int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
int ssrc_equal(const void *a, const void *b); int ssrc_equal(const void *a, const void *b);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jsocket.h   jsocket.h 
skipping to change at line 222 skipping to change at line 222
/** /**
* \brief Get the bytes sent to a destination. * \brief Get the bytes sent to a destination.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes(); virtual int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get de bytes received from a source. * \brief Get de bytes received from a source.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get the socket options. * \brief Get the socket options.
* *
*/ */
SocketOption * GetSocketOption(); SocketOption * GetSocketOption();
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jsocketinputstream.h   jsocketinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 159 skipping to change at line 159
* *
* \exception SocketException an error occurred. * \exception SocketException an error occurred.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Read(char *data_, int64_t data_lengt h_); virtual int64_t Read(char *data_, int64_t data_lengt h_);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jsslsocket.h   jsslsocket.h 
skipping to change at line 278 skipping to change at line 278
/** /**
* \brief Get the bytes sent to a destination. * \brief Get the bytes sent to a destination.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetSentBytes(); virtual int64_t GetSentBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get de bytes received from a source. * \brief Get de bytes received from a source.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
/** /**
* \brief Get the socket options. * \brief Get the socket options.
* *
*/ */
SocketOption * GetSocketOption(); SocketOption * GetSocketOption();
/** /**
* Cert files (if not set, a temporary RSA session cert will be created if needed) * Cert files (if not set, a temporary RSA session cert will be created if needed)
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jsslsocketinputstream.h   jsslsocketinputstream.h 
skipping to change at line 158 skipping to change at line 158
* *
* \exception SocketException an error occurred. * \exception SocketException an error occurred.
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t Read(char *data_, int64_t data_lengt h_); virtual int64_t Read(char *data_, int64_t data_lengt h_);
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
*/ */
virtual int64_t GetReceiveBytes(); virtual int64_t GetReadedBytes();
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jtree.h   jtree.h 
skipping to change at line 44 skipping to change at line 44
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
* \author Jeff Ferr * \author Jeff Ferr
*/ */
class Tree : public jgui::ItemComponent{ class Tree : public jgui::ItemComponent{
private: private:
jthread::Mutex _tree_mutex; jthread::Mutex _tree_mutex;
jgui::OffScreenImage *_icon_plus, jgui::Image *_icon_plus,
*_icon_minus; *_icon_minus;
std::string _title; std::string _title;
int _top_index, int _top_index,
_item_size, _item_size,
_centered_interaction; _centered_interaction;
private: private:
/** /**
* \brief * \brief
* *
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 jwindow.h   jwindow.h 
skipping to change at line 25 skipping to change at line 25
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the * * along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
************************************************************************** */ ************************************************************************** */
#ifndef J_WINDOW_H #ifndef J_WINDOW_H
#define J_WINDOW_H #define J_WINDOW_H
#include "jcontainer.h" #include "jcontainer.h"
#include "jwindowlistener.h" #include "jwindowlistener.h"
#include "joffscreenimage.h" #include "jimage.h"
#include "jthemelistener.h" #include "jthemelistener.h"
#include "jmutex.h" #include "jmutex.h"
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>
namespace jgui{ namespace jgui{
class Graphics; class Graphics;
class InputManager; class InputManager;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

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