Factory.h   Factory.h 
// @(#)root/tmva $Id: Factory.h 40005 2011-06-27 15:29:10Z stelzer $ // @(#)root/mathcore:$Id: Factory.h 37448 2010-12-09 20:20:56Z moneta $
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Peter Speckmayer, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Ka // Author: L. Moneta Fri Dec 22 14:43:33 2006
i Voss, Eckhard von Toerne, Jan Therhaag
/************************************************************************** /**********************************************************************
******** * *
* Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT *
* * *
* Package: TMVA * *
* **********************************************************************/
* Class : Factory
* // Header file for class Factory
* Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net
* #ifndef ROOT_Math_Factory
* #define ROOT_Math_Factory
* Description:
* This is the main MVA steering class: it creates (books) all MVA met
hods, *
* and guides them through the training, testing and evaluation phases
. *
* Authors (alphabetical):
* Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland
* Joerg Stelzer <stelzer@cern.ch> - DESY, Germany
* Peter Speckmayer <peter.speckmayer@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland
* Jan Therhaag <Jan.Therhaag@cern.ch> - U of Bonn, Germany
* Eckhard v. Toerne <evt@uni-bonn.de> - U of Bonn, Germany
* Helge Voss <Helge.Voss@cern.ch> - MPI-K Heidelberg, German
y *
* Kai Voss <Kai.Voss@cern.ch> - U. of Victoria, Canada
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011:
* CERN, Switzerland
* U. of Victoria, Canada
* MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany
* U. of Bonn, Germany
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE
* (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE)
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Factory
#define ROOT_TMVA_Factory
// //
// Factory //
// //
// This is the main MVA steering class: it creates all MVA methods, //
// and guides them through the training, testing and evaluation //
// phases //
// //
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#ifndef ROOT_TCut
#include "TCut.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Configurable
#include "TMVA/Configurable.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Types
#include "TMVA/Types.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_DataSet
#include "TMVA/DataSet.h"
class TFile;
class TTree;
class TDirectory;
namespace TMVA {
class IMethod;
class MethodBase;
class DataInputHandler;
class DataSetInfo;
class DataSetManager;
class VariableTransformBase;
class Factory : public Configurable {
typedef std::vector<IMethod*> MVector;
// no default constructor
Factory( TString theJobName, TFile* theTargetFile, TString theOption
= "" );
// default destructor
virtual ~Factory();
virtual const char* GetName() const { return "Factory"; }
// add events to training and testing trees
void AddSignalTrainingEvent ( const std::vector<Double_t>& event,
Double_t weight = 1.0 );
void AddBackgroundTrainingEvent( const std::vector<Double_t>& event,
Double_t weight = 1.0 );
void AddSignalTestEvent ( const std::vector<Double_t>& event,
Double_t weight = 1.0 );
void AddBackgroundTestEvent ( const std::vector<Double_t>& event,
Double_t weight = 1.0 );
void AddTrainingEvent( const TString& className, const std::vector<Do
uble_t>& event, Double_t weight );
void AddTestEvent ( const TString& className, const std::vector<Do
uble_t>& event, Double_t weight );
void AddEvent ( const TString& className, Types::ETreeType tt,
const std::vector<Double_t>& event, Double_t weight );
Bool_t UserAssignEvents(UInt_t clIndex);
TTree* CreateEventAssignTrees( const TString& name );
DataSetInfo& AddDataSet( DataSetInfo& );
DataSetInfo& AddDataSet( const TString& );
// special case: signal/background
// Data input related
void SetInputTrees( const TString& signalFileName, const TString& bac
Double_t signalWeight=1.0, Double_t backgroundWei
ght=1.0 );
void SetInputTrees( TTree* inputTree, const TCut& SigCut, const TCut&
BgCut );
// Set input trees at once
void SetInputTrees( TTree* signal, TTree* background,
Double_t signalWeight=1.0, Double_t backgroundWei
ght=1.0) ;
void AddSignalTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETr
eeType treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType );
void AddSignalTree( TString datFileS, Double_t weight=1.0, Types::ETr
eeType treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType );
void AddSignalTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight, const TString& tr
eetype );
// ... depreciated, kept for backwards compatibility
void SetSignalTree( TTree* signal, Double_t weight=1.0);
void AddBackgroundTree( TTree* background, Double_t weight=1.0, Types
::ETreeType treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType );
void AddBackgroundTree( TString datFileB, Double_t weight=1.0, Types
::ETreeType treetype = Types::kMaxTreeType );
void AddBackgroundTree( TTree* background, Double_t weight, const TSt
ring & treetype );
// ... depreciated, kept for backwards compatibility
void SetBackgroundTree( TTree* background, Double_t weight=1.0 );
void SetSignalWeightExpression( const TString& variable );
void SetBackgroundWeightExpression( const TString& variable );
// special case: regression
void AddRegressionTree( TTree* tree, Double_t weight = 1.0,
Types::ETreeType treetype = Types::kMaxTreeTy
pe ) {
AddTree( tree, "Regression", weight, "", treetype );
// general
// Data input related
void SetTree( TTree* tree, const TString& className, Double_t weight
); // depreciated
void AddTree( TTree* tree, const TString& className, Double_t weight=
const TCut& cut = "",
Types::ETreeType tt = Types::kMaxTreeType );
void AddTree( TTree* tree, const TString& className, Double_t weight,
const TCut& cut, const TString& treeType );
// set input variable
void SetInputVariables ( std::vector<TString>* theVariables ); // de
void AddVariable ( const TString& expression, const TString& t
itle, const TString& unit,
char type='F', Double_t min = 0, Double_t m
ax = 0 );
void AddVariable ( const TString& expression, char type='F',
Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 0 );
void AddTarget ( const TString& expression, const TString& t
itle = "", const TString& unit = "",
Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 0 );
void AddRegressionTarget( const TString& expression, const TString& t
itle = "", const TString& unit = "",
Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 0 )
AddTarget( expression, title, unit, min, max );
void AddSpectator ( const TString& expression, const TString&
title = "", const TString& unit = "",
Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 0 );
// set weight for class
void SetWeightExpression( const TString& variable, const TString& cla
ssName = "" );
// set cut for class
void SetCut( const TString& cut, const TString& className = "" );
void SetCut( const TCut& cut, const TString& className = "" );
void AddCut( const TString& cut, const TString& className = "" );
void AddCut( const TCut& cut, const TString& className = "" );
// prepare input tree for training
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( const TCut& cut, const TString& spli
tOpt );
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( TCut sigcut, TCut bkgcut, const TStr
ing& splitOpt );
// ... deprecated, kept for backwards compatibility
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( const TCut& cut, Int_t Ntrain, Int_t
Ntest = -1 );
void PrepareTrainingAndTestTree( const TCut& cut, Int_t NsigTrain, In
t_t NbkgTrain, Int_t NsigTest, Int_t NbkgTest,
const TString& otherOpt="SplitMode=R
andom:!V" );
MethodBase* BookMethod( TString theMethodName, TString methodTitle, T
String theOption = "" );
MethodBase* BookMethod( Types::EMVA theMethod, TString methodTitle,
TString theOption = "" );
MethodBase* BookMethod( TMVA::Types::EMVA /*theMethod*/,
TString /*methodTitle*/,
TString /*methodOption*/,
TMVA::Types::EMVA /*theCommittee*/,
TString /*committeeOption = ""*/ ) { return 0
; }
// optimize all booked methods (well, if desired by the method)
void OptimizeAllMethods (TString fomType="ROCIntegral
", TString fitType="FitGA");
void OptimizeAllMethodsForClassification(TString fomType="ROCIntegral
", TString fitType="FitGA") { OptimizeAllMethods(fomType,fitType); }
void OptimizeAllMethodsForRegression (TString fomType="ROCIntegral
", TString fitType="FitGA") { OptimizeAllMethods(fomType,fitType); }
// training for all booked methods
void TrainAllMethods ();
void TrainAllMethodsForClassification( void ) { TrainAllMethods(); }
void TrainAllMethodsForRegression ( void ) { TrainAllMethods(); }
// testing
void TestAllMethods();
// performance evaluation
void EvaluateAllMethods( void );
void EvaluateAllVariables( TString options = "" );
// delete all methods and reset the method vector
void DeleteAllMethods( void );
// accessors
IMethod* GetMethod( const TString& title ) const;
Bool_t Verbose( void ) const { return fVerbose; }
void SetVerbose( Bool_t v=kTRUE );
// make ROOT-independent C++ class for classifier response
// (classifier-specific implementation)
// If no classifier name is given, help messages for all booked
// classifiers are printed
virtual void MakeClass( const TString& methodTitle = "" ) const;
// prints classifier-specific hepl messages, dedicated to
// help with the optimisation and configuration options tuning.
// If no classifier name is given, help messages for all booked
// classifiers are printed
void PrintHelpMessage( const TString& methodTitle = "" ) const;
static TDirectory* RootBaseDir() { return (TDirectory*)fgTargetFile;
// the beautiful greeting message
void Greetings();
void WriteDataInformation();
DataInputHandler& DataInput() { return *fDataInputHandler; }
DataSetInfo& DefaultDataSetInfo();
void SetInputTreesFromEventAssignTrees();
// data members
DataSetManager* fDataSetManager; // DSMTEST
static TFile* fgTargetFile; //! ROOT
output file
DataInputHandler* fDataInputHandler;
std::vector<TMVA::VariableTransformBase*> fDefaultTrfs; //! list
of transformations on default DataSet
// cd to local directory
TString fOptions; //! optio
n string given by construction (presently only "V")
TString fTransformations; //! List
of transformations to test
Bool_t fVerbose; //! verbo
se mode
MVector fMethods; //! all M
VA methods
TString fJobName; //! jobna
me, used as extension in weight file names
// flag determining the way training and test data are assigned to Fa
enum DataAssignType { kUndefined = 0,
kAssignEvents };
DataAssignType fDataAssignType; //! flags
for data assigning
std::vector<TTree*> fTrainAssignTree; //! for e
ach class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly
std::vector<TTree*> fTestAssignTree; //! for e
ach class: tmp tree if user wants to assign the events directly
Int_t fATreeType; // typ
e of event (=classIndex)
Float_t fATreeWeight; // wei
ght of the event
Float_t* fATreeEvent; // eve
nt variables
Types::EAnalysisType fAnalysisType; //! the t
raining type
protected: namespace ROOT {
namespace Math {
class Minimizer;
class DistSampler;
Factory class holding static functions to create the interfaces like RO
via the Plugin Manager
class Factory {
static method to create the corrisponding Minimizer given the string
Supported Minimizers types are:
Minuit (TMinuit), Minuit2, GSLMultiMin, GSLMultiFit, GSLSimAn, Linear
, Fumili, Genetic
If no name is given use default values defined in MinimizerOptions
static ROOT::Math::Minimizer * CreateMinimizer(const std::string & minim
izerType = "", const std::string & algoType = "");
static method to create the distribution sampler class given a string
specifying the type
Supported sampler types are:
Unuran, Foam
If no name is given use default values defined in DistSamplerOptions
static ROOT::Math::DistSampler * CreateDistSampler(const std::string & s
amplerType ="");
ClassDef(Factory,0) // The factory creates all MVA methods, and perf } // end namespace Fit
orms their training and testing
} // namespace TMVA } // end namespace ROOT
#endif #endif /* ROOT_Fit_MinimizerFactory */
 End of changes. 7 change blocks. 
360 lines changed or deleted 53 lines changed or added

 G__ci.h   G__ci.h 
/* /% C %/ */ /* /% C %/ */
/*********************************************************************** /***********************************************************************
* cint (C/C++ interpreter) * cint (C/C++ interpreter)
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* CINT header file G__ci.h * CINT header file G__ci.h
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* Description: * Description:
* C/C++ interpreter header file * C/C++ interpreter header file
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* Copyright(c) 1995~2007 Masaharu Goto (cint@pcroot.cern.ch) * Copyright(c) 1995~2007 Masaharu Goto (root-cint@cern.ch)
* *
* For the licensing terms see the file COPYING * For the licensing terms see the file COPYING
* *
************************************************************************/ ************************************************************************/
#ifndef G__CI_H #ifndef G__CI_H
#define G__CI_H #define G__CI_H
#ifndef G__CINT_VER6 #ifndef G__CINT_VER6
#define G__CINT_VER6 1 #define G__CINT_VER6 1
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 G__ci_fproto.h   G__ci_fproto.h 
/* /% C++ %/ */ /* /% C++ %/ */
/*********************************************************************** /***********************************************************************
* cint (C/C++ interpreter) * cint (C/C++ interpreter)
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* CINT header file G__ci_fproto.h * CINT header file G__ci_fproto.h
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* Description: * Description:
* C/C++ interpreter header file for API function prototypes * C/C++ interpreter header file for API function prototypes
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* Copyright(c) 1995~2005 Masaharu Goto (cint@pcroot.cern.ch) * Copyright(c) 1995~2005 Masaharu Goto (root-cint@cern.ch)
* *
* For the licensing terms see the file COPYING * For the licensing terms see the file COPYING
* *
************************************************************************/ ************************************************************************/
#if defined(__clang__) #if defined(__clang__)
# if __has_warning("-Wreturn-type-c-linkage") # if __has_warning("-Wreturn-type-c-linkage")
// 'G__getfunction' has C-linkage specified, but returns // 'G__getfunction' has C-linkage specified, but returns
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 HybridCalculator.h   HybridCalculator.h 
// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: HybridCalculator.h 43199 2012-03-01 20:17:42Z mon eta $ // @(#)root/roostats:$Id: HybridCalculator.h 44974 2012-07-09 15:48:52Z mon eta $
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
#ifndef ROOSTATS_HybridCalculator #ifndef ROOSTATS_HybridCalculator
#define ROOSTATS_HybridCalculator #define ROOSTATS_HybridCalculator
skipping to change at line 44 skipping to change at line 44
class HybridCalculator : public HypoTestCalculatorGeneric { class HybridCalculator : public HypoTestCalculatorGeneric {
public: public:
HybridCalculator( HybridCalculator(
const RooAbsData &data, const RooAbsData &data,
const ModelConfig &altModel, const ModelConfig &altModel,
const ModelConfig &nullModel, const ModelConfig &nullModel,
TestStatSampler* sampler=0 TestStatSampler* sampler=0
) : ) :
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric(data, altModel, nullModel, sampler), HypoTestCalculatorGeneric(data, altModel, nullModel, sampler),
fPriorNuisanceNull(0), fPriorNuisanceNull(MakeNuisancePdf(nullModel, "PriorNuisanceNull")
fPriorNuisanceAlt(0), ),
fPriorNuisanceAlt(MakeNuisancePdf(altModel, "PriorNuisanceAlt")),
fNToysNull(-1), fNToysNull(-1),
fNToysAlt(-1), fNToysAlt(-1),
fNToysNullTail(0), fNToysNullTail(0),
fNToysAltTail(0) fNToysAltTail(0)
{ {
} }
~HybridCalculator() { ~HybridCalculator() {
if(fPriorNuisanceNullExternal == false) delete fPriorNuisanceNull;
if(fPriorNuisanceAltExternal == false) delete fPriorNuisanceAlt;
} }
// Override the distribution used for marginalizing nuisance paramete // Override the distribution used for marginalizing nuisance paramete
rs that is infered from ModelConfig rs that is inferred from ModelConfig
virtual void ForcePriorNuisanceNull(RooAbsPdf& priorNuisance) { fPrio virtual void ForcePriorNuisanceNull(RooAbsPdf& priorNuisance) {
rNuisanceNull = &priorNuisance; } if(fPriorNuisanceNullExternal == false) delete fPriorNuisanceNull;
virtual void ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(RooAbsPdf& priorNuisance) { fPrior fPriorNuisanceNull = &priorNuisance; fPriorNuisanceNullExternal =
NuisanceAlt = &priorNuisance; } true;
virtual void ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(RooAbsPdf& priorNuisance) {
if(fPriorNuisanceAltExternal == false) delete fPriorNuisanceAlt;
fPriorNuisanceAlt = &priorNuisance; fPriorNuisanceAltExternal = tr
virtual void SetNullModel(const ModelConfig &nullModel) {
fNullModel = &nullModel;
if(fPriorNuisanceNullExternal == false) {
delete fPriorNuisanceNull;
fPriorNuisanceNull = MakeNuisancePdf(nullModel, "PriorNuisanceN
virtual void SetAlternateModel(const ModelConfig &altModel) {
fAltModel = &altModel;
if(fPriorNuisanceAltExternal == false) {
delete fPriorNuisanceAlt;
fPriorNuisanceAlt = MakeNuisancePdf(altModel, "PriorNuisanceAlt
// set number of toys // set number of toys
void SetToys(int toysNull, int toysAlt) { fNToysNull = toysNull; fNTo ysAlt = toysAlt; } void SetToys(int toysNull, int toysAlt) { fNToysNull = toysNull; fNTo ysAlt = toysAlt; }
// set least number of toys in tails // set least number of toys in tails
void SetNToysInTails(int toysNull, int toysAlt) { fNToysNullTail = to ysNull; fNToysAltTail = toysAlt; } void SetNToysInTails(int toysNull, int toysAlt) { fNToysNullTail = to ysNull; fNToysAltTail = toysAlt; }
protected: protected:
// check whether all input is consistent // check whether all input is consistent
int CheckHook(void) const; int CheckHook(void) const;
skipping to change at line 80 skipping to change at line 106
// configure TestStatSampler for the Null run // configure TestStatSampler for the Null run
int PreNullHook(RooArgSet* /*parameterPoint*/, double obsTestStat) co nst; int PreNullHook(RooArgSet* /*parameterPoint*/, double obsTestStat) co nst;
// configure TestStatSampler for the Alt run // configure TestStatSampler for the Alt run
int PreAltHook(RooArgSet* /*parameterPoint*/, double obsTestStat) con st; int PreAltHook(RooArgSet* /*parameterPoint*/, double obsTestStat) con st;
protected: protected:
RooAbsPdf *fPriorNuisanceNull; RooAbsPdf *fPriorNuisanceNull;
RooAbsPdf *fPriorNuisanceAlt; RooAbsPdf *fPriorNuisanceAlt;
// these flags tell us if the nuisance pdfs came from an external res
ource (via ForcePriorNuisance)
// or were created internally and should be deleted
Bool_t fPriorNuisanceNullExternal;
Bool_t fPriorNuisanceAltExternal;
// different number of toys for null and alt // different number of toys for null and alt
int fNToysNull; int fNToysNull;
int fNToysAlt; int fNToysAlt;
// adaptive sampling // adaptive sampling
int fNToysNullTail; int fNToysNullTail;
int fNToysAltTail; int fNToysAltTail;
protected: protected:
ClassDef(HybridCalculator,1) ClassDef(HybridCalculator,2)
}; };
} }
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 6 change blocks. 
10 lines changed or deleted 45 lines changed or added

 ModelConfig.h   ModelConfig.h 
// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: ModelConfig.h 44368 2012-05-30 15:38:44Z axel $ // @(#)root/roostats:$Id: ModelConfig.h 44922 2012-07-05 17:08:03Z moneta $
// Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke, S ven Kreiss // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke, S ven Kreiss
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
#ifndef ROOSTATS_ModelConfig #ifndef ROOSTATS_ModelConfig
skipping to change at line 174 skipping to change at line 174
} }
// specify the conditional observables // specify the conditional observables
// through a list of comma-separated arguments already in the workspace // through a list of comma-separated arguments already in the workspace
virtual void SetConditionalObservables(const char *argList) { virtual void SetConditionalObservables(const char *argList) {
if(!GetWS()) return; if(!GetWS()) return;
SetConditionalObservables(GetWS()->argSet(argList)); SetConditionalObservables(GetWS()->argSet(argList));
} }
// specify the global observables // specify the global observables
virtual void SetGlobalObservables(const RooArgSet& set) { virtual void SetGlobalObservables(const RooArgSet& set) {
// make global observables constant
RooFIter iter = set.fwdIterator();
RooAbsArg *arg = iter.next();
while(arg != NULL) {
arg->setAttribute("Constant", kTRUE);
arg = iter.next();
fGlobalObsName=std::string(GetName()) + "_GlobalObservables"; fGlobalObsName=std::string(GetName()) + "_GlobalObservables";
DefineSetInWS(fGlobalObsName.c_str(), set); DefineSetInWS(fGlobalObsName.c_str(), set);
} }
// specify the global observables // specify the global observables
// through a list of comma-separated arguments already in the workspace // through a list of comma-separated arguments already in the workspace
virtual void SetGlobalObservables(const char *argList) { virtual void SetGlobalObservables(const char *argList) {
if(!GetWS()) return; if(!GetWS()) return;
SetGlobalObservables(GetWS()->argSet(argList)); SetGlobalObservables(GetWS()->argSet(argList));
} }
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 10 lines changed or added

 NeymanConstruction.h   NeymanConstruction.h 
// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: NeymanConstruction.h 44368 2012-05-30 15:38:44Z a xel $ // @(#)root/roostats:$Id: NeymanConstruction.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z m oneta $
// Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Lorenzo Moneta, Gregory Schott, Wouter Verkerke
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
#ifndef ROOSTATS_NeymanConstruction #ifndef ROOSTATS_NeymanConstruction
skipping to change at line 68 skipping to change at line 68
// User-defined set of points to test // User-defined set of points to test
void SetParameterPointsToTest(RooAbsData& pointsToTest) { void SetParameterPointsToTest(RooAbsData& pointsToTest) {
fPointsToTest = &pointsToTest; fPointsToTest = &pointsToTest;
fConfBelt = new ConfidenceBelt("ConfBelt",pointsToTest); fConfBelt = new ConfidenceBelt("ConfBelt",pointsToTest);
} }
// This class can make regularly spaced scans based on range stored i n RooRealVars. // This class can make regularly spaced scans based on range stored i n RooRealVars.
// Choose number of steps for a rastor scan (common for each dimensio n) // Choose number of steps for a rastor scan (common for each dimensio n)
// void SetNumSteps(Int_t); // void SetNumSteps(Int_t);
// This class can make regularly spaced scans based on range stored i n RooRealVars. // This class can make regularly spaced scans based on range stored i n RooRealVars.
// Choose number of steps for a rastor scan (specific for each dimens ion) // Choose number of steps for a rastor scan (specific for each dimens ion)
// void SetNumSteps(map<RooAbsArg, Int_t>) // void SetNumSteps(std::map<RooAbsArg, Int_t>)
// Get the size of the test (eg. rate of Type I error) // Get the size of the test (eg. rate of Type I error)
virtual Double_t Size() const {return fSize;} virtual Double_t Size() const {return fSize;}
// Get the Confidence level for the test // Get the Confidence level for the test
virtual Double_t ConfidenceLevel() const {return 1.-fSize;} virtual Double_t ConfidenceLevel() const {return 1.-fSize;}
// Set ModelConfig // Set ModelConfig
virtual void SetModel(const ModelConfig &model) {fModel = model;} virtual void SetModel(const ModelConfig &model) {fModel = model;}
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 ParamHistFunc.h   ParamHistFunc.h 
skipping to change at line 46 skipping to change at line 46
ParamHistFunc() ; ParamHistFunc() ;
ParamHistFunc(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& vars , const RooArgList& paramSet ); ParamHistFunc(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& vars , const RooArgList& paramSet );
ParamHistFunc(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& vars , const RooArgList& paramSet, const TH1* hist ); ParamHistFunc(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& vars , const RooArgList& paramSet, const TH1* hist );
// Not yet fully implemented: // Not yet fully implemented:
//ParamHistFunc(const char *name, const char *title, const RooRealVar& va r, const RooArgList& paramSet, const RooAbsReal& nominal ); //ParamHistFunc(const char *name, const char *title, const RooRealVar& va r, const RooArgList& paramSet, const RooAbsReal& nominal );
virtual ~ParamHistFunc() ; virtual ~ParamHistFunc() ;
ParamHistFunc(const ParamHistFunc& other, const char* name = 0); ParamHistFunc(const ParamHistFunc& other, const char* name = 0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new ParamHistF unc(*this, newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new ParamHistF unc(*this, newname); }
// void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; // void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
const RooArgList& paramList() const { return _paramSet ; } const RooArgList& paramList() const { return _paramSet ; }
Int_t numBins() const { return _dataSet.numEntries(); } // Number of bins (called numEntries in RooDataHist) Int_t numBins() const { return _dataSet.numEntries(); } // Number of bins (called numEntries in RooDataHist)
void setParamConst( Int_t, Bool_t=kTRUE ); void setParamConst( Int_t, Bool_t=kTRUE );
RooRealVar& getParameter() const ; RooRealVar& getParameter() const ;
RooRealVar& getParameter( Int_t masterIdx ) const ; RooRealVar& getParameter( Int_t masterIdx ) const ;
skipping to change at line 90 skipping to change at line 90
virtual ~CacheElem() {} ; virtual ~CacheElem() {} ;
virtual RooArgList containedArgs(Action) { virtual RooArgList containedArgs(Action) {
RooArgList ret(_funcIntList) ; RooArgList ret(_funcIntList) ;
ret.add(_lowIntList); ret.add(_lowIntList);
ret.add(_highIntList); ret.add(_highIntList);
return ret ; return ret ;
} }
RooArgList _funcIntList ; RooArgList _funcIntList ;
RooArgList _lowIntList ; RooArgList _lowIntList ;
RooArgList _highIntList ; RooArgList _highIntList ;
// will want vector<RooRealVar*> for low and high also // will want std::vector<RooRealVar*> for low and high also
} ; } ;
mutable RooObjCacheManager _normIntMgr ; // The integration cache manager mutable RooObjCacheManager _normIntMgr ; // The integration cache manager
// Turn into a RooListProxy // Turn into a RooListProxy
//RooRealProxy _dataVar; // The RooRealVar //RooRealProxy _dataVar; // The RooRealVar
RooListProxy _dataVars; // The RooRealVars RooListProxy _dataVars; // The RooRealVars
RooListProxy _paramSet ; // interpolation parameters RooListProxy _paramSet ; // interpolation parameters
//RooAbsBinning* _binning; // Holds the binning of the dataVar (at const ruction time) //RooAbsBinning* _binning; // Holds the binning of the dataVar (at const ruction time)
Int_t _numBins; Int_t _numBins;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 PiecewiseInterpolation.h   PiecewiseInterpolation.h 
skipping to change at line 40 skipping to change at line 40
PiecewiseInterpolation() ; PiecewiseInterpolation() ;
PiecewiseInterpolation(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsR eal& nominal, const RooArgList& lowSet, const RooArgList& highSet, const Ro oArgList& paramSet, Bool_t takeOwnerShip=kFALSE) ; PiecewiseInterpolation(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsR eal& nominal, const RooArgList& lowSet, const RooArgList& highSet, const Ro oArgList& paramSet, Bool_t takeOwnerShip=kFALSE) ;
virtual ~PiecewiseInterpolation() ; virtual ~PiecewiseInterpolation() ;
PiecewiseInterpolation(const PiecewiseInterpolation& other, const char* n ame = 0); PiecewiseInterpolation(const PiecewiseInterpolation& other, const char* n ame = 0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new PiecewiseI nterpolation(*this, newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new PiecewiseI nterpolation(*this, newname); }
// virtual Double_t defaultErrorLevel() const ; // virtual Double_t defaultErrorLevel() const ;
// void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; // void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
const RooArgList& lowList() const { return _lowSet ; } const RooArgList& lowList() const { return _lowSet ; }
const RooArgList& highList() const { return _highSet ; } const RooArgList& highList() const { return _highSet ; }
const RooArgList& paramList() const { return _paramSet ; } const RooArgList& paramList() const { return _paramSet ; }
virtual Bool_t forceAnalyticalInt(const RooAbsArg&) const { return kTRUE ; } virtual Bool_t forceAnalyticalInt(const RooAbsArg&) const { return kTRUE ; }
Bool_t setBinIntegrator(RooArgSet& allVars) ; Bool_t setBinIntegrator(RooArgSet& allVars) ;
Int_t getAnalyticalIntegralWN(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars, co nst RooArgSet* normSet,const char* rangeName=0) const ; Int_t getAnalyticalIntegralWN(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& analVars, co nst RooArgSet* normSet,const char* rangeName=0) const ;
Double_t analyticalIntegralWN(Int_t code, const RooArgSet* normSet, const char* rangeName=0) const ; Double_t analyticalIntegralWN(Int_t code, const RooArgSet* normSet, const char* rangeName=0) const ;
skipping to change at line 77 skipping to change at line 77
virtual ~CacheElem() {} ; virtual ~CacheElem() {} ;
virtual RooArgList containedArgs(Action) { virtual RooArgList containedArgs(Action) {
RooArgList ret(_funcIntList) ; RooArgList ret(_funcIntList) ;
ret.add(_lowIntList); ret.add(_lowIntList);
ret.add(_highIntList); ret.add(_highIntList);
return ret ; return ret ;
} }
RooArgList _funcIntList ; RooArgList _funcIntList ;
RooArgList _lowIntList ; RooArgList _lowIntList ;
RooArgList _highIntList ; RooArgList _highIntList ;
// will want vector<RooRealVar*> for low and high also // will want std::vector<RooRealVar*> for low and high also
} ; } ;
mutable RooObjCacheManager _normIntMgr ; // The integration cache manager mutable RooObjCacheManager _normIntMgr ; // The integration cache manager
RooRealProxy _nominal; // The nominal value RooRealProxy _nominal; // The nominal value
RooArgList _ownedList ; // List of owned components RooArgList _ownedList ; // List of owned components
RooListProxy _lowSet ; // Low-side variation RooListProxy _lowSet ; // Low-side variation
RooListProxy _highSet ; // High-side varaition RooListProxy _highSet ; // High-side varaition
RooListProxy _paramSet ; // interpolation parameters RooListProxy _paramSet ; // interpolation parameters
RooListProxy _normSet ; // interpolation parameters RooListProxy _normSet ; // interpolation parameters
Bool_t _positiveDefinite; // protect against negative and 0 bins. Bool_t _positiveDefinite; // protect against negative and 0 bins.
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 RConfigOptions.h   RConfigOptions.h 
#ifndef ROOT_RConfigOptions #ifndef ROOT_RConfigOptions
#define ROOT_RConfigOptions #define ROOT_RConfigOptions
#define R__CONFIGUREOPTIONS "QTDIR=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/qt/4.7.4/ i686-slc5-gcc43-opt PYTHONDIR=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.6.5p2/i 686-slc5-gcc43-opt linux --fail-on-missing --enable-builtin-pcre --enable-c intex --enable-explicitlink --enable-gdml --enable-genvector --enable-krb5 --enable-mathmore --enable-minuit2 --enable-mysql --enable-oracle --enable- python --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi --enable-reflex --enable-roofit --enable- table --enable-unuran --with-castor-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/cas tor/2.1.9-9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr/include/shift --with-castor-libdir=/afs /cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/castor/2.1.9-9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr/lib --with- cern-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/cernlib/2006a/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/ lib --with-dcap-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/dcache_client/2.47.5-0/ i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/dcap/lib --with-dcap-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/externa l/dcache_client/2.47.5-0/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/dcap/include --with-fftw3-incd ir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fftw3/3.1.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include --w ith-fftw3-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fftw3/3.1.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-o pt/lib --with-gccxml=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/gccxml/0.9.0_20110825/i68 6-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin --with-gfal-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Grid/g fal/1.11.8-2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-gfal-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg /external/Grid/gfal/1.11.8-2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include --with-gsl-incdir= /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/GSL/1.10/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include --with-gs l-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/GSL/1.10/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --wi th-mysql-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/mysql/5.5.14/i686-slc5-gcc43-o pt/include --with-mysql-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/mysql/5.5.14/i6 86-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-oracle-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/ora cle/ --with-oracle-libdir=/afs/cern .ch/sw/lcg/external/oracle/ --with-rfio -incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/castor/2.1.9-9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr /include/shift --with-rfio-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/castor/2.1.9 -9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr/lib --with-pythia6-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/ex ternal/MCGenerators/pythia6/426.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-pythia8-in cdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/pythia8/160/i686-slc5-gcc43- opt/include --with-pythia8-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators /pythia8/160/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-gviz-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg /external/graphviz/2.24.0/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include/graphviz --with-gviz- libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/graphviz/2.24.0/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-xrootd=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/xrootd/3.1.0p2/i686-slc5-gcc43- opt" #define R__CONFIGUREOPTIONS "QTDIR=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/qt/4.7.4/ i686-slc5-gcc43-opt PYTHONDIR=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Python/2.6.5p2/i 686-slc5-gcc43-opt linux --fail-on-missing --enable-builtin-pcre --enable-c intex --enable-explicitlink --enable-gdml --enable-genvector --enable-krb5 --enable-mathmore --enable-minuit2 --enable-mysql --enable-oracle --enable- python --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi --enable-reflex --enable-roofit --enable- table --enable-unuran --with-castor-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/cas tor/2.1.9-9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr/include/shift --with-castor-libdir=/afs /cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/castor/2.1.9-9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr/lib --with- cern-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/cernlib/2006a/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/ lib --with-dcap-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/dcache_client/2.47.5-0/ i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/dcap/lib --with-dcap-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/externa l/dcache_client/2.47.5-0/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/dcap/include --with-fftw3-incd ir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fftw3/3.1.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include --w ith-fftw3-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/fftw3/3.1.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-o pt/lib --with-gccxml=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/gccxml/0.9.0_20110825/i68 6-slc5-gcc43-opt/bin --with-gfal-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/Grid/g fal/1.11.8-2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-gfal-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg /external/Grid/gfal/1.11.8-2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include --with-gsl-incdir= /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/GSL/1.10/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include --with-gs l-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/GSL/1.10/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --wi th-mysql-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/mysql/5.5.14/i686-slc5-gcc43-o pt/include --with-mysql-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/mysql/5.5.14/i6 86-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-oracle-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/ora cle/ --with-oracle-libdir=/afs/cern .ch/sw/lcg/external/oracle/ --with-rfio -incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/castor/2.1.9-9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr /include/shift --with-rfio-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/castor/2.1.9 -9/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/usr/lib --with-pythia6-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/ex ternal/MCGenerators/pythia6/426.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-pythia8-in cdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators/pythia8/160/i686-slc5-gcc43- opt/include --with-pythia8-libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/MCGenerators /pythia8/160/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-gviz-incdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg /external/graphviz/2.28.0/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/include/graphviz --with-gviz- libdir=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/graphviz/2.28.0/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib --with-xrootd=/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/xrootd/3.2.2/i686-slc5-gcc43-op t"
#define R__CONFIGUREFEATURES "asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_ft gl builtin_glew builtin_pcre builtin_lzma castor cintex dcache explicitlink fftw3 gdml genvector gfal krb5 ldap mathmore memstat minuit2 mysql opengl oracle pythia8 python qt qtgsi reflex roofit rfio shadowpw shared ssl table tmva unuran x11 xft xml xrootd thread" #define R__CONFIGUREFEATURES "asimage astiff builtin_afterimage builtin_ft gl builtin_glew builtin_pcre builtin_lzma castor cintex dcache explicitlink fftw3 gdml genvector gfal krb5 ldap mathmore memstat minuit2 mysql opengl oracle pythia8 python qt qtgsi reflex roofit rfio shadowpw shared ssl table tmva unuran x11 xft xml xrootd thread"
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RVersion.h   RVersion.h 
skipping to change at line 17 skipping to change at line 17
* These macros can be used in the following way: * These macros can be used in the following way:
* *
* #include <newheader.h> * #include <newheader.h>
* #else * #else
* #include <oldheader.h> * #include <oldheader.h>
* #endif * #endif
* *
*/ */
#define ROOT_RELEASE "5.34/00" #define ROOT_RELEASE "5.34/01"
#define ROOT_RELEASE_DATE "Jun 5 2012" #define ROOT_RELEASE_DATE "Jul 13 2012"
#define ROOT_RELEASE_TIME "15:17:17" #define ROOT_RELEASE_TIME "10:49:58"
#define ROOT_SVN_REVISION 44555 #define ROOT_SVN_REVISION 45034
#define ROOT_SVN_BRANCH "branches/v5-34-00-patches" #define ROOT_SVN_BRANCH "branches/v5-34-00-patches"
#define ROOT_VERSION_CODE 336384 #define ROOT_VERSION_CODE 336385
#define ROOT_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c)) #define ROOT_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c))
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
5 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 Roo1DTable.h   Roo1DTable.h 
skipping to change at line 43 skipping to change at line 43
virtual ~Roo1DTable(); virtual ~Roo1DTable();
Roo1DTable(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsCategory &cat ); Roo1DTable(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsCategory &cat );
Roo1DTable(const Roo1DTable& other) ; Roo1DTable(const Roo1DTable& other) ;
virtual void fill(RooAbsCategory& cat, Double_t weight=1.0) ; virtual void fill(RooAbsCategory& cat, Double_t weight=1.0) ;
Double_t get(const char* label, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) const ; Double_t get(const char* label, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) const ;
Double_t getFrac(const char* label, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) const ; Double_t getFrac(const char* label, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) const ;
Double_t getOverflow() const ; Double_t getOverflow() const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual Bool_t isIdentical(const RooTable& other) ; virtual Bool_t isIdentical(const RooTable& other) ;
protected: protected:
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 Roo2DKeysPdf.h   Roo2DKeysPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 68 skipping to change at line 68
// choose the kernel bandwith to use. The default is 0 // choose the kernel bandwith to use. The default is 0
// 0 = use adaptive kernel estimator (uses local population to vary with of kernels) // 0 = use adaptive kernel estimator (uses local population to vary with of kernels)
// 1 = use trivial kernel estimator (uses all data and sigma to estimate uniform kernel bandwidth) // 1 = use trivial kernel estimator (uses all data and sigma to estimate uniform kernel bandwidth)
Int_t calculateBandWidth(Int_t kernel = -999); Int_t calculateBandWidth(Int_t kernel = -999);
Int_t getBandWidthType() const; Int_t getBandWidthType() const;
Double_t getMean(const char * axis) const; Double_t getMean(const char * axis) const;
Double_t getSigma(const char * axis) const; Double_t getSigma(const char * axis) const;
// print content and basic information about the data // print content and basic information about the data
void PrintInfo(ostream &) const; void PrintInfo(std::ostream &) const;
// save PDF to a file as a TH2F *, TTree * or both // save PDF to a file as a TH2F *, TTree * or both
// this is so that you only need to compute the PDF once and // this is so that you only need to compute the PDF once and
// are free to use the much faster Roo2DHistPdf class in order // are free to use the much faster Roo2DHistPdf class in order
// to perform fits/do toy studies etc. // to perform fits/do toy studies etc.
void writeToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const; void writeToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const;
void writeHistToFile(char * outputFile, const char * histName) const; void writeHistToFile(char * outputFile, const char * histName) const;
void writeNTupleToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const; void writeNTupleToFile(char * outputFile, const char * name) const;
RooRealProxy x; RooRealProxy x;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooAbsAnaConvPdf.h   RooAbsAnaConvPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 46 skipping to change at line 46
// Constructors, assignment etc // Constructors, assignment etc
RooAbsAnaConvPdf() ; RooAbsAnaConvPdf() ;
RooAbsAnaConvPdf(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsAnaConvPdf(const char *name, const char *title,
const RooResolutionModel& model, const RooResolutionModel& model,
RooRealVar& convVar) ; RooRealVar& convVar) ;
RooAbsAnaConvPdf(const RooAbsAnaConvPdf& other, const char* name=0); RooAbsAnaConvPdf(const RooAbsAnaConvPdf& other, const char* name=0);
virtual ~RooAbsAnaConvPdf(); virtual ~RooAbsAnaConvPdf();
Int_t declareBasis(const char* expression, const RooArgList& params) ; Int_t declareBasis(const char* expression, const RooArgList& params) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& stream, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& stream, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const ;
// Coefficient normalization access // Coefficient normalization access
inline Double_t getCoefNorm(Int_t coefIdx, const RooArgSet& nset, const c har* rangeName) const { inline Double_t getCoefNorm(Int_t coefIdx, const RooArgSet& nset, const c har* rangeName) const {
// Returns normalization integral for coefficient coefIdx for observabl es nset in range rangeNae // Returns normalization integral for coefficient coefIdx for observabl es nset in range rangeNae
return getCoefNorm(coefIdx,&nset,rangeName) ; return getCoefNorm(coefIdx,&nset,rangeName) ;
} }
Double_t getCoefNorm(Int_t coefIdx, const RooArgSet* nset=0, const char* rangeName=0) const { Double_t getCoefNorm(Int_t coefIdx, const RooArgSet* nset=0, const char* rangeName=0) const {
return getCoefNorm(coefIdx,nset,RooNameReg::ptr(rangeName)); return getCoefNorm(coefIdx,nset,RooNameReg::ptr(rangeName));
} }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooAbsArg.h   RooAbsArg.h 
skipping to change at line 71 skipping to change at line 71
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const = 0 ; virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const = 0 ;
virtual TObject* Clone(const char* newname=0) const { virtual TObject* Clone(const char* newname=0) const {
return clone(newname?newname:GetName()) ; return clone(newname?newname:GetName()) ;
} }
virtual RooAbsArg* cloneTree(const char* newname=0) const ; virtual RooAbsArg* cloneTree(const char* newname=0) const ;
// Accessors to client-server relation information // Accessors to client-server relation information
virtual Bool_t isDerived() const { virtual Bool_t isDerived() const {
// Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg? // Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg?
return kTRUE ; return kTRUE ;
//cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::isDerived(" << GetName() << ") = " << (_serverList.GetSize()>0 || _proxyList.GetSize()>0) << endl ; //std::cout << IsA()->GetName() << "::isDerived(" << GetName() << ") = " << (_serverList.GetSize()>0 || _proxyList.GetSize()>0) << std::endl ;
//return (_serverList.GetSize()>0 || _proxyList.GetSize()>0)?kTRUE:kFAL SE; //return (_serverList.GetSize()>0 || _proxyList.GetSize()>0)?kTRUE:kFAL SE;
} }
Bool_t isCloneOf(const RooAbsArg& other) const ; Bool_t isCloneOf(const RooAbsArg& other) const ;
Bool_t dependsOnValue(const RooAbsCollection& serverList, const RooAbsArg * ignoreArg=0) const { Bool_t dependsOnValue(const RooAbsCollection& serverList, const RooAbsArg * ignoreArg=0) const {
// Does this arg depend on the value of any of of the values in serverL ist? // Does this arg depend on the value of any of of the values in serverL ist?
return dependsOn(serverList,ignoreArg,kTRUE) ; return dependsOn(serverList,ignoreArg,kTRUE) ;
} }
Bool_t dependsOnValue(const RooAbsArg& server, const RooAbsArg* ignoreArg =0) const { Bool_t dependsOnValue(const RooAbsArg& server, const RooAbsArg* ignoreArg =0) const {
// Does this arg depend on the value of server? // Does this arg depend on the value of server?
return dependsOn(server,ignoreArg,kTRUE) ; return dependsOn(server,ignoreArg,kTRUE) ;
skipping to change at line 209 skipping to change at line 209
inline Bool_t dependentOverlaps(const RooAbsData* dset, const RooAbsArg& testArg) const { return observableOverlaps(dset,testArg) ; } inline Bool_t dependentOverlaps(const RooAbsData* dset, const RooAbsArg& testArg) const { return observableOverlaps(dset,testArg) ; }
inline Bool_t dependentOverlaps(const RooArgSet* depList, const RooAbsArg & testArg) const { return observableOverlaps(depList, testArg) ; } inline Bool_t dependentOverlaps(const RooArgSet* depList, const RooAbsArg & testArg) const { return observableOverlaps(depList, testArg) ; }
inline Bool_t checkDependents(const RooArgSet* nset) const { return check Observables(nset) ; } inline Bool_t checkDependents(const RooArgSet* nset) const { return check Observables(nset) ; }
inline Bool_t recursiveCheckDependents(const RooArgSet* nset) const { ret urn recursiveCheckObservables(nset) ; } inline Bool_t recursiveCheckDependents(const RooArgSet* nset) const { ret urn recursiveCheckObservables(nset) ; }
// --- End obsolete functions for backward compatibility // --- End obsolete functions for backward compatibility
void attachDataSet(const RooAbsData &set); void attachDataSet(const RooAbsData &set);
void attachDataStore(const RooAbsDataStore &set); void attachDataStore(const RooAbsDataStore &set);
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) = 0 ; rbose=kFALSE) = 0 ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const = 0 ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const = 0 ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printAddress(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printAddress(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMetaArgs(ostream& /*os*/) const {} ; virtual void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& /*os*/) const {} ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const;
virtual void printTree(ostream& os, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printTree(std::ostream& os, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
// Accessors to attributes // Accessors to attributes
void setAttribute(const Text_t* name, Bool_t value=kTRUE) ; void setAttribute(const Text_t* name, Bool_t value=kTRUE) ;
Bool_t getAttribute(const Text_t* name) const ; Bool_t getAttribute(const Text_t* name) const ;
inline const std::set<std::string>& attributes() const { inline const std::set<std::string>& attributes() const {
// Returns set of names of boolean attributes defined // Returns set of names of boolean attributes defined
return _boolAttrib ; return _boolAttrib ;
} }
void setStringAttribute(const Text_t* key, const Text_t* value) ; void setStringAttribute(const Text_t* key, const Text_t* value) ;
const Text_t* getStringAttribute(const Text_t* key) const ; const Text_t* getStringAttribute(const Text_t* key) const ;
inline const std::map<std::string,std::string>& stringAttributes() const { inline const std::map<std::string,std::string>& stringAttributes() const {
// Returns map<string,string> with all string attributes defined // Returns std::map<string,string> with all string attributes defined
return _stringAttrib ; return _stringAttrib ;
} }
// Accessors to transient attributes // Accessors to transient attributes
void setTransientAttribute(const Text_t* name, Bool_t value=kTRUE) ; void setTransientAttribute(const Text_t* name, Bool_t value=kTRUE) ;
Bool_t getTransientAttribute(const Text_t* name) const ; Bool_t getTransientAttribute(const Text_t* name) const ;
inline const std::set<std::string>& transientAttributes() const { inline const std::set<std::string>& transientAttributes() const {
// Return set of transient boolean attributes // Return set of transient boolean attributes
return _boolAttribTransient ; return _boolAttribTransient ;
} }
skipping to change at line 298 skipping to change at line 298
virtual void optimizeCacheMode(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet& o ptNodes, RooLinkedList& processedNodes) ; virtual void optimizeCacheMode(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet& o ptNodes, RooLinkedList& processedNodes) ;
// Find constant terms in expression // Find constant terms in expression
Bool_t findConstantNodes(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet& cacheLi st) ; Bool_t findConstantNodes(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet& cacheLi st) ;
Bool_t findConstantNodes(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet& cacheLi st, RooLinkedList& processedNodes) ; Bool_t findConstantNodes(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet& cacheLi st, RooLinkedList& processedNodes) ;
// constant term optimization // constant term optimization
virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlso TrackingOpt=kTRUE) ; virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlso TrackingOpt=kTRUE) ;
void graphVizTree(const char* fileName, const char* delimiter="\n", bool useTitle=false, bool useLatex=false) ; void graphVizTree(const char* fileName, const char* delimiter="\n", bool useTitle=false, bool useLatex=false) ;
void graphVizTree(ostream& os, const char* delimiter="\n", bool useTitle= false, bool useLatex=false) ; void graphVizTree(std::ostream& os, const char* delimiter="\n", bool useT itle=false, bool useLatex=false) ;
/* TGraphStruct* graph(Bool_t useFactoryTag=kFALSE, Double_t textSize=0.0 3) ; */ /* TGraphStruct* graph(Bool_t useFactoryTag=kFALSE, Double_t textSize=0.0 3) ; */
void printComponentTree(const char* indent="",const char* namePat=0, Int_ t nLevel=999) ; void printComponentTree(const char* indent="",const char* namePat=0, Int_ t nLevel=999) ;
void printCompactTree(const char* indent="",const char* fileName=0, const char* namePat=0, RooAbsArg* client=0) ; void printCompactTree(const char* indent="",const char* fileName=0, const char* namePat=0, RooAbsArg* client=0) ;
void printCompactTree(ostream& os, const char* indent="", const char* nam void printCompactTree(std::ostream& os, const char* indent="", const char
ePat=0, RooAbsArg* client=0) ; * namePat=0, RooAbsArg* client=0) ;
virtual void printCompactTreeHook(ostream& os, const char *ind="") ; virtual void printCompactTreeHook(std::ostream& os, const char *ind="") ;
// Dirty state accessor // Dirty state accessor
inline Bool_t isShapeDirty() const { inline Bool_t isShapeDirty() const {
// Return true is shape has been invalidated by server value change // Return true is shape has been invalidated by server value change
return isDerived()?_shapeDirty:kFALSE ; return isDerived()?_shapeDirty:kFALSE ;
} }
inline Bool_t isValueDirty() const { inline Bool_t isValueDirty() const {
// Returns true of value has been invalidated by server value change // Returns true of value has been invalidated by server value change
if (inhibitDirty()) return kTRUE ; if (inhibitDirty()) return kTRUE ;
skipping to change at line 493 skipping to change at line 493
void unRegisterProxy(RooListProxy& proxy) ; void unRegisterProxy(RooListProxy& proxy) ;
RooAbsProxy* getProxy(Int_t index) const ; RooAbsProxy* getProxy(Int_t index) const ;
void setProxyNormSet(const RooArgSet* nset) ; void setProxyNormSet(const RooArgSet* nset) ;
Int_t numProxies() const ; Int_t numProxies() const ;
// Attribute list // Attribute list
std::set<std::string> _boolAttrib ; // Boolean attributes std::set<std::string> _boolAttrib ; // Boolean attributes
std::map<std::string,std::string> _stringAttrib ; // String attributes std::map<std::string,std::string> _stringAttrib ; // String attributes
std::set<std::string> _boolAttribTransient ; //! Transient boolean attrib utes (not copied in ctor) std::set<std::string> _boolAttribTransient ; //! Transient boolean attrib utes (not copied in ctor)
void printAttribList(ostream& os) const; void printAttribList(std::ostream& os) const;
// Hooks for RooTreeData interface // Hooks for RooTreeData interface
friend class RooCompositeDataStore ; friend class RooCompositeDataStore ;
friend class RooTreeDataStore ; friend class RooTreeDataStore ;
friend class RooVectorDataStore ; friend class RooVectorDataStore ;
friend class RooTreeData ; friend class RooTreeData ;
friend class RooDataSet ; friend class RooDataSet ;
friend class RooRealMPFE ; friend class RooRealMPFE ;
virtual void syncCache(const RooArgSet* nset=0) = 0 ; virtual void syncCache(const RooArgSet* nset=0) = 0 ;
virtual void copyCache(const RooAbsArg* source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t setValDirty=kTRUE) = 0 ; virtual void copyCache(const RooAbsArg* source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t setValDirty=kTRUE) = 0 ;
virtual void attachToTree(TTree& t, Int_t bufSize=32000) = 0 ; virtual void attachToTree(TTree& t, Int_t bufSize=32000) = 0 ;
virtual void attachToVStore(RooVectorDataStore& vstore) = 0 ; virtual void attachToVStore(RooVectorDataStore& vstore) = 0 ;
void attachToStore(RooAbsDataStore& store) ; void attachToStore(RooAbsDataStore& store) ;
virtual void setTreeBranchStatus(TTree& t, Bool_t active) = 0 ; virtual void setTreeBranchStatus(TTree& t, Bool_t active) = 0 ;
virtual void fillTreeBranch(TTree& t) = 0 ; virtual void fillTreeBranch(TTree& t) = 0 ;
TString cleanBranchName() const ; TString cleanBranchName() const ;
// Global // Global
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const RooAbsArg &arg); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RooAbsArg &arg);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, RooAbsArg &arg) ; friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, RooAbsArg &arg) ;
// Debug stuff // Debug stuff
static Bool_t _verboseDirty ; // Static flag controlling verbose messagin g for dirty state changes static Bool_t _verboseDirty ; // Static flag controlling verbose messagin g for dirty state changes
static Bool_t _inhibitDirty ; // Static flag controlling global inhibit o f dirty state propagation static Bool_t _inhibitDirty ; // Static flag controlling global inhibit o f dirty state propagation
Bool_t _deleteWatch ; //! Delete watch flag Bool_t _deleteWatch ; //! Delete watch flag
static Bool_t inhibitDirty() ; static Bool_t inhibitDirty() ;
// Value and Shape dirty state bits // Value and Shape dirty state bits
void setValueDirty(const RooAbsArg* source) const ; void setValueDirty(const RooAbsArg* source) const ;
skipping to change at line 546 skipping to change at line 546
mutable Bool_t _prohibitServerRedirect ; //! Prohibit server redirects -- Debugging tool mutable Bool_t _prohibitServerRedirect ; //! Prohibit server redirects -- Debugging tool
mutable RooExpensiveObjectCache* _eocache ; // Pointer to global cache ma nager for any expensive components created by this object mutable RooExpensiveObjectCache* _eocache ; // Pointer to global cache ma nager for any expensive components created by this object
mutable TNamed* _namePtr ; //! Do not persist. Pointer to global instance of string that matches object named mutable TNamed* _namePtr ; //! Do not persist. Pointer to global instance of string that matches object named
ClassDef(RooAbsArg,5) // Abstract variable ClassDef(RooAbsArg,5) // Abstract variable
}; };
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const RooAbsArg &arg); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RooAbsArg &arg);
istream& operator>>(istream& is, RooAbsArg &arg) ; std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, RooAbsArg &arg) ;
#endif #endif
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 RooAbsBinning.h   RooAbsBinning.h 
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virtual Double_t highBound() const = 0 ; virtual Double_t highBound() const = 0 ;
virtual Double_t averageBinWidth() const = 0 ; virtual Double_t averageBinWidth() const = 0 ;
virtual Double_t* array() const = 0 ; virtual Double_t* array() const = 0 ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual Bool_t isParameterized() const { virtual Bool_t isParameterized() const {
// Interface function. If true, min/max of binning is parameterized by external RooAbsReals // Interface function. If true, min/max of binning is parameterized by external RooAbsReals
return kFALSE ; return kFALSE ;
} }
virtual RooAbsReal* lowBoundFunc() const { virtual RooAbsReal* lowBoundFunc() const {
// Return pointer to RooAbsReal parameterized lower bound, if any // Return pointer to RooAbsReal parameterized lower bound, if any
return 0 ; return 0 ;
} }
virtual RooAbsReal* highBoundFunc() const { virtual RooAbsReal* highBoundFunc() const {
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 RooAbsCache.h   RooAbsCache.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooAbsCache.h 41862 2011-11-10 09:44:32Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooAbsCache.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 38 skipping to change at line 38
class RooAbsCache { class RooAbsCache {
public: public:
RooAbsCache(RooAbsArg* owner=0) ; RooAbsCache(RooAbsArg* owner=0) ;
RooAbsCache(const RooAbsCache&, RooAbsArg* owner=0 ) ; RooAbsCache(const RooAbsCache&, RooAbsArg* owner=0 ) ;
virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& /*newServerLis t*/, Bool_t /*mustReplaceAll*/, Bool_t /*nameChange*/, Bool_t /*isRecursive */) ; virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& /*newServerLis t*/, Bool_t /*mustReplaceAll*/, Bool_t /*nameChange*/, Bool_t /*isRecursive */) ;
virtual void operModeHook() ; virtual void operModeHook() ;
virtual void optimizeCacheMode(const RooArgSet&, RooArgSet&, RooLinkedLis t& ) ; virtual void optimizeCacheMode(const RooArgSet&, RooArgSet&, RooLinkedLis t& ) ;
virtual void findConstantNodes(const RooArgSet&, RooArgSet& , RooLinkedLi st&) ; virtual void findConstantNodes(const RooArgSet&, RooArgSet& , RooLinkedLi st&) ;
virtual void printCompactTreeHook(ostream&, const char *) ; virtual void printCompactTreeHook(std::ostream&, const char *) ;
virtual void wireCache() {} ; virtual void wireCache() {} ;
virtual ~RooAbsCache() ; virtual ~RooAbsCache() ;
protected: protected:
RooAbsArg* _owner ; // Pointer to owning RooAbsArg RooAbsArg* _owner ; // Pointer to owning RooAbsArg
ClassDef(RooAbsCache,1) // Base class for cache managers ClassDef(RooAbsCache,1) // Base class for cache managers
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 RooAbsCategory.h   RooAbsCategory.h 
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TIterator* typeIterator() const ; TIterator* typeIterator() const ;
Int_t numTypes(const char* /*rangeName*/=0) const { Int_t numTypes(const char* /*rangeName*/=0) const {
// Return number of types defined (in range named rangeName if rangeNam e!=0) // Return number of types defined (in range named rangeName if rangeNam e!=0)
return _types.GetEntries() ; return _types.GetEntries() ;
} }
Bool_t isSignType(Bool_t mustHaveZero=kFALSE) const ; Bool_t isSignType(Bool_t mustHaveZero=kFALSE) const ;
Roo1DTable *createTable(const char *label) const ; Roo1DTable *createTable(const char *label) const ;
// I/O streaming interface // I/O streaming interface
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Bool_t isIntegrationSafeLValue(const RooArgSet* /*set*/) const { virtual Bool_t isIntegrationSafeLValue(const RooArgSet* /*set*/) const {
// Is this l-value object safe for use as integration observable // Is this l-value object safe for use as integration observable
return kTRUE ; return kTRUE ;
} }
RooAbsArg *createFundamental(const char* newname=0) const; RooAbsArg *createFundamental(const char* newname=0) const;
protected: protected:
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 RooAbsCategoryLValue.h   RooAbsCategoryLValue.h 
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// Declare category constant // Declare category constant
setAttribute("Constant",value); setAttribute("Constant",value);
} }
inline virtual Bool_t isLValue() const { inline virtual Bool_t isLValue() const {
// Object is an l-value // Object is an l-value
return kTRUE; return kTRUE;
} }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
protected: protected:
friend class RooSimGenContext ; friend class RooSimGenContext ;
friend class RooSimSplitGenContext ; friend class RooSimSplitGenContext ;
virtual void setIndexFast(Int_t index) { _value._value = index ; _value._ label[0]=0 ; } virtual void setIndexFast(Int_t index) { _value._value = index ; _value._ label[0]=0 ; }
Bool_t setOrdinal(UInt_t index, const char* rangeName); Bool_t setOrdinal(UInt_t index, const char* rangeName);
void copyCache(const RooAbsArg* source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t s etValDirty=kTRUE) ; void copyCache(const RooAbsArg* source, Bool_t valueOnly=kFALSE, Bool_t s etValDirty=kTRUE) ;
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 RooAbsCollection.h   RooAbsCollection.h 
skipping to change at line 121 skipping to change at line 121
// Return the first element in this collection // Return the first element in this collection
return (RooAbsArg*)_list.First(); return (RooAbsArg*)_list.First();
} }
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
std::string contentsString() const ; std::string contentsString() const ;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
// Latex printing methods // Latex printing methods
void printLatex(const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg2= RooCmdArg(), void printLatex(const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg2= RooCmdArg(),
const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg4=R ooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg4=R ooCmdArg(),
const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg6=R ooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg6=R ooCmdArg(),
const RooCmdArg& arg7=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg8=R ooCmdArg()) const ; const RooCmdArg& arg7=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg8=R ooCmdArg()) const ;
void printLatex(ostream& ofs, Int_t ncol, const char* option="NEYU", Int_ t sigDigit=1, void printLatex(std::ostream& ofs, Int_t ncol, const char* option="NEYU", Int_t sigDigit=1,
const RooLinkedList& siblingLists=RooLinkedList(), const RooCmdArg* formatCmd=0) const ; const RooLinkedList& siblingLists=RooLinkedList(), const RooCmdArg* formatCmd=0) const ;
void setName(const char *name) { void setName(const char *name) {
// Set name of collection // Set name of collection
_name= name; _name= name;
} }
const char* GetName() const { const char* GetName() const {
// Return namer of collection // Return namer of collection
return _name.Data() ; return _name.Data() ;
} }
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 RooAbsData.h   RooAbsData.h 
skipping to change at line 159 skipping to change at line 159
// Fill an existing histogram // Fill an existing histogram
virtual TH1 *fillHistogram(TH1 *hist, const RooArgList &plotVars, const c har *cuts= "", const char* cutRange=0) const; virtual TH1 *fillHistogram(TH1 *hist, const RooArgList &plotVars, const c har *cuts= "", const char* cutRange=0) const;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Print contents on stdout // Print contents on stdout
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, T void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFAL
String indent="") const ; SE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
void setDirtyProp(Bool_t flag) ; void setDirtyProp(Bool_t flag) ;
Double_t moment(RooRealVar &var, Double_t order, const char* cutSpec=0, c onst char* cutRange=0) const ; Double_t moment(RooRealVar &var, Double_t order, const char* cutSpec=0, c onst char* cutRange=0) const ;
Double_t moment(RooRealVar &var, Double_t order, Double_t offset, const c har* cutSpec=0, const char* cutRange=0) const ; Double_t moment(RooRealVar &var, Double_t order, Double_t offset, const c har* cutSpec=0, const char* cutRange=0) const ;
Double_t standMoment(RooRealVar &var, Double_t order, const char* cutSpec =0, const char* cutRange=0) const ; Double_t standMoment(RooRealVar &var, Double_t order, const char* cutSpec =0, const char* cutRange=0) const ;
Double_t mean(RooRealVar& var, const char* cutSpec=0, const char* cutRang e=0) const { return moment(var,1,0,cutSpec,cutRange) ; } Double_t mean(RooRealVar& var, const char* cutSpec=0, const char* cutRang e=0) const { return moment(var,1,0,cutSpec,cutRange) ; }
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 RooAbsDataStore.h   RooAbsDataStore.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooAbsDataStore.h 42950 2012-02-09 21:21:53Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooAbsDataStore.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 87 skipping to change at line 87
virtual void resetBuffers() = 0 ; virtual void resetBuffers() = 0 ;
virtual void setExternalWeightArray(Double_t* /*arrayWgt*/, Double_t* /*a rrayWgtErrLo*/, Double_t* /*arrayWgtErrHi*/, Double_t* /*arraySumW2*/) {} ; virtual void setExternalWeightArray(Double_t* /*arrayWgt*/, Double_t* /*a rrayWgtErrLo*/, Double_t* /*arrayWgtErrHi*/, Double_t* /*arraySumW2*/) {} ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Print contents on stdout // Print contents on stdout
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TString i void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TStr
ndent) const ; ing indent) const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
// Constant term optimizer interface // Constant term optimizer interface
virtual void cacheArgs(const RooAbsArg* cacheOwner, RooArgSet& varSet, co nst RooArgSet* nset=0) = 0 ; virtual void cacheArgs(const RooAbsArg* cacheOwner, RooArgSet& varSet, co nst RooArgSet* nset=0) = 0 ;
virtual const RooAbsArg* cacheOwner() = 0 ; virtual const RooAbsArg* cacheOwner() = 0 ;
virtual void attachCache(const RooAbsArg* newOwner, const RooArgSet& cach edVars) = 0 ; virtual void attachCache(const RooAbsArg* newOwner, const RooArgSet& cach edVars) = 0 ;
virtual void setArgStatus(const RooArgSet& set, Bool_t active) = 0 ; virtual void setArgStatus(const RooArgSet& set, Bool_t active) = 0 ;
const RooArgSet& cachedVars() const { return _cachedVars ; } const RooArgSet& cachedVars() const { return _cachedVars ; }
virtual void resetCache() = 0 ; virtual void resetCache() = 0 ;
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 RooAbsGenContext.h   RooAbsGenContext.h 
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#include "RooAbsPdf.h" #include "RooAbsPdf.h"
class RooDataSet; class RooDataSet;
class RooAbsGenContext : public TNamed, public RooPrintable { class RooAbsGenContext : public TNamed, public RooPrintable {
public: public:
RooAbsGenContext(const RooAbsPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const Roo DataSet *prototype= 0, const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, RooAbsGenContext(const RooAbsPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const Roo DataSet *prototype= 0, const RooArgSet* auxProto=0,
Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE) ; Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE) ;
virtual ~RooAbsGenContext(); virtual ~RooAbsGenContext();
virtual RooDataSet *generate(Int_t nEvents= 0, Bool_t skipInit=kFALSE, Bo ol_t extendedMode=kFALSE); virtual RooDataSet *generate(Double_t nEvents= 0, Bool_t skipInit=kFALSE, Bool_t extendedMode=kFALSE);
Bool_t isValid() const { Bool_t isValid() const {
// If true generator context is in a valid state // If true generator context is in a valid state
return _isValid; return _isValid;
} }
inline void setVerbose(Bool_t verbose= kTRUE) { inline void setVerbose(Bool_t verbose= kTRUE) {
// Set/clear verbose messaging // Set/clear verbose messaging
_verbose= verbose; _verbose= verbose;
} }
skipping to change at line 57 skipping to change at line 57
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ; virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Print context information on stdout // Print context information on stdout
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),default PrintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),default PrintStyle(options));
} }
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ;
virtual void setExpectedData(Bool_t) {} ; virtual void setExpectedData(Bool_t) {} ;
protected: protected:
virtual RooDataSet* createDataSet(const char* name, const char* title, co nst RooArgSet& obs) ; virtual RooDataSet* createDataSet(const char* name, const char* title, co nst RooArgSet& obs) ;
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 RooAbsHiddenReal.h   RooAbsHiddenReal.h 
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// Constructors, assignment etc. // Constructors, assignment etc.
inline RooAbsHiddenReal() { inline RooAbsHiddenReal() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} }
RooAbsHiddenReal(const char *name, const char *title, const char *unit= " ") ; RooAbsHiddenReal(const char *name, const char *title, const char *unit= " ") ;
RooAbsHiddenReal(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsCategory& bli ndState, const char *unit= "") ; RooAbsHiddenReal(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsCategory& bli ndState, const char *unit= "") ;
RooAbsHiddenReal(const RooAbsHiddenReal& other, const char* name=0) ; RooAbsHiddenReal(const RooAbsHiddenReal& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual ~RooAbsHiddenReal(); virtual ~RooAbsHiddenReal();
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printValue(ostream& stream) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& stream) const ;
inline Bool_t isHidden() const { inline Bool_t isHidden() const {
// If true, hiding mode is active // If true, hiding mode is active
return _state.arg().getIndex()!=0 ; return _state.arg().getIndex()!=0 ;
} }
Double_t getHiddenVal(const RooArgSet* nset=0) const { Double_t getHiddenVal(const RooArgSet* nset=0) const {
// Bypass accessor to function value that also works in hidden mode // Bypass accessor to function value that also works in hidden mode
return RooAbsReal::getVal(nset) ; return RooAbsReal::getVal(nset) ;
} }
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 RooAbsNumGenerator.h   RooAbsNumGenerator.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooAbsNumGenerator.h 36209 2010-10-08 21:37:36Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooAbsNumGenerator.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 60 skipping to change at line 60
} }
virtual const RooArgSet *generateEvent(UInt_t remaining, Double_t& resamp leRatio) = 0; virtual const RooArgSet *generateEvent(UInt_t remaining, Double_t& resamp leRatio) = 0;
virtual Double_t getFuncMax() { return 0 ; } virtual Double_t getFuncMax() { return 0 ; }
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// ascii printing interface // ascii printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
void attachParameters(const RooArgSet& vars) ; void attachParameters(const RooArgSet& vars) ;
// Advertisement of capabilities // Advertisement of capabilities
virtual Bool_t canSampleCategories() const { return kFALSE ; } virtual Bool_t canSampleCategories() const { return kFALSE ; }
virtual Bool_t canSampleConditional() const { return kFALSE ; } // Must i mplement getFuncMax() virtual Bool_t canSampleConditional() const { return kFALSE ; } // Must i mplement getFuncMax()
protected: protected:
RooArgSet *_cloneSet; // Set owning clone of input functio n RooArgSet *_cloneSet; // Set owning clone of input functio n
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 RooAbsOptTestStatistic.h   RooAbsOptTestStatistic.h 
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Bool_t setDataSlave(RooAbsData& data, Bool_t cloneData=kTRUE, Bool_t ownN ewDataAnyway=kFALSE) ; Bool_t setDataSlave(RooAbsData& data, Bool_t cloneData=kTRUE, Bool_t ownN ewDataAnyway=kFALSE) ;
void initSlave(RooAbsReal& real, RooAbsData& indata, const RooArgSet& pro jDeps, const char* rangeName, void initSlave(RooAbsReal& real, RooAbsData& indata, const RooArgSet& pro jDeps, const char* rangeName,
const char* addCoefRangeName) ; const char* addCoefRangeName) ;
friend class RooAbsReal ; friend class RooAbsReal ;
virtual Bool_t allowFunctionCache() { return kTRUE ; } virtual Bool_t allowFunctionCache() { return kTRUE ; }
void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlsoTracking Opt=kTRUE) ; void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlsoTracking Opt=kTRUE) ;
virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive) ; virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive) ;
virtual void printCompactTreeHook(ostream& os, const char* indent="") ; virtual void printCompactTreeHook(std::ostream& os, const char* indent="" ) ;
virtual RooArgSet requiredExtraObservables() const { return RooArgSet() ; } virtual RooArgSet requiredExtraObservables() const { return RooArgSet() ; }
void optimizeCaching() ; void optimizeCaching() ;
void optimizeConstantTerms(Bool_t,Bool_t=kTRUE) ; void optimizeConstantTerms(Bool_t,Bool_t=kTRUE) ;
RooArgSet* _normSet ; // Pointer to set with observables used for normal ization RooArgSet* _normSet ; // Pointer to set with observables used for normal ization
RooArgSet* _funcCloneSet ; // Set owning all components of internal clon e of input function RooArgSet* _funcCloneSet ; // Set owning all components of internal clon e of input function
RooAbsData* _dataClone ; // Pointer to internal clone if input data RooAbsData* _dataClone ; // Pointer to internal clone if input data
RooAbsReal* _funcClone ; // Pointer to internal clone of input function RooAbsReal* _funcClone ; // Pointer to internal clone of input function
RooArgSet* _projDeps ; // Set of projected observable RooArgSet* _projDeps ; // Set of projected observable
Bool_t _ownData ; // Do we own the dataset Bool_t _ownData ; // Do we own the dataset
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 RooAbsPdf.h   RooAbsPdf.h 
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// Toy MC generation // Toy MC generation
RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, Int_t nEvents, const RooC mdArg& arg1, RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, Int_t nEvents, const RooC mdArg& arg1,
const RooCmdArg& arg2=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg2=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none()) ; const RooCmdArg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none()) ;
RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars,
const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmd Arg& arg2=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmd Arg& arg2=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmd Arg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmd Arg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmd Arg& arg6=RooCmdArg::none()) ; const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmd Arg& arg6=RooCmdArg::none()) ;
RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, Int_t nEvents = 0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, Bool_t autoBinned=kTRUE, RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, Int_t nEvents = 0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, Bool_t autoBinned=kTRUE,
const char* binnedTag="", Bool_t expectedData=kFALSE) const; const char* binnedTag="", Bool_t expectedData=kFALSE, Bool_t extended = kFALSE) const;
RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, const RooDataSet &prototy pe, Int_t nEvents= 0, RooDataSet *generate(const RooArgSet &whatVars, const RooDataSet &prototy pe, Int_t nEvents= 0,
Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, Bool_t randProtoOrder=kFALSE, Bool_t resampleProto=kFALSE) const; Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, Bool_t randProtoOrder=kFALSE, Bool_t resampleProto=kFALSE) const;
class GenSpec { class GenSpec {
public: public:
virtual ~GenSpec() ; virtual ~GenSpec() ;
GenSpec() { _genContext = 0 ; _protoData = 0 ; _init = kFALSE ; _extend ed=kFALSE, _nGen=0 ; _randProto = kFALSE ; _resampleProto=kFALSE ; } GenSpec() { _genContext = 0 ; _protoData = 0 ; _init = kFALSE ; _extend ed=kFALSE, _nGen=0 ; _randProto = kFALSE ; _resampleProto=kFALSE ; }
private: private:
GenSpec(RooAbsGenContext* context, const RooArgSet& whatVars, RooDataSe t* protoData, Int_t nGen, Bool_t extended, GenSpec(RooAbsGenContext* context, const RooArgSet& whatVars, RooDataSe t* protoData, Int_t nGen, Bool_t extended,
Bool_t randProto, Bool_t resampleProto, TString dsetName, Bool_t init=kFALSE) ; Bool_t randProto, Bool_t resampleProto, TString dsetName, Bool_t init=kFALSE) ;
skipping to change at line 227 skipping to change at line 227
// If true p.d.f must extended likelihood term // If true p.d.f must extended likelihood term
return (extendMode() == MustBeExtended) ; return (extendMode() == MustBeExtended) ;
} }
virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet* nset) const ; virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet* nset) const ;
virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet& nset) const { virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet& nset) const {
// Return expecteded number of p.d.fs to be used in calculated of exten ded likelihood // Return expecteded number of p.d.fs to be used in calculated of exten ded likelihood
return expectedEvents(&nset) ; return expectedEvents(&nset) ;
} }
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
static void verboseEval(Int_t stat) ; static void verboseEval(Int_t stat) ;
static int verboseEval() ; static int verboseEval() ;
virtual Double_t extendedTerm(Double_t observedEvents, const RooArgSet* n set=0) const ; virtual Double_t extendedTerm(Double_t observedEvents, const RooArgSet* n set=0) const ;
static void clearEvalError() ; static void clearEvalError() ;
static Bool_t evalError() ; static Bool_t evalError() ;
void setNormRange(const char* rangeName) ; void setNormRange(const char* rangeName) ;
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 RooAbsProxy.h   RooAbsProxy.h 
skipping to change at line 51 skipping to change at line 51
virtual const char* name() const { virtual const char* name() const {
// Return name of proxy // Return name of proxy
return "dummy" ; return "dummy" ;
} ; } ;
inline const RooArgSet* nset() const { inline const RooArgSet* nset() const {
// Return normalization set to be used for evaluation of contents // Return normalization set to be used for evaluation of contents
return _nset ; return _nset ;
} }
virtual void print(ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ; virtual void print(std::ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ;
protected: protected:
RooArgSet* _nset ; //! Normalization set to be used for evaluation of Roo AbsPdf contents RooArgSet* _nset ; //! Normalization set to be used for evaluation of Roo AbsPdf contents
friend class RooAbsArg ; friend class RooAbsArg ;
friend class RooObjectFactory ; friend class RooObjectFactory ;
virtual Bool_t changePointer(const RooAbsCollection& newServerSet, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t factoryInitMode=kFALSE) = 0 ; virtual Bool_t changePointer(const RooAbsCollection& newServerSet, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t factoryInitMode=kFALSE) = 0 ;
friend class RooAbsPdf ; friend class RooAbsPdf ;
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 RooAbsReal.h   RooAbsReal.h 
skipping to change at line 65 skipping to change at line 65
// Constructors, assignment etc // Constructors, assignment etc
RooAbsReal() ; RooAbsReal() ;
RooAbsReal(const char *name, const char *title, const char *unit= "") ; RooAbsReal(const char *name, const char *title, const char *unit= "") ;
RooAbsReal(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t minVal, Double_t maxVal, RooAbsReal(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t minVal, Double_t maxVal,
const char *unit= "") ; const char *unit= "") ;
RooAbsReal(const RooAbsReal& other, const char* name=0); RooAbsReal(const RooAbsReal& other, const char* name=0);
virtual ~RooAbsReal(); virtual ~RooAbsReal();
// Return value and unit accessors // Return value and unit accessors
inline Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet* set=0) const { inline Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet* set=0) const {
/* if (_fast && !_inhibitDirty) cout << "RooAbsReal::getVal(" << GetName () << ") CLEAN value = " << _value << endl ; */ /* if (_fast && !_inhibitDirty) std::cout << "RooAbsReal::getVal(" << Ge tName() << ") CLEAN value = " << _value << std::endl ; */
#ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef _WIN32
return (_fast && !_inhibitDirty) ? _value : getValV(set) ; return (_fast && !_inhibitDirty) ? _value : getValV(set) ;
#else #else
return (_fast && !inhibitDirty()) ? _value : getValV(set) ; return (_fast && !inhibitDirty()) ? _value : getValV(set) ;
#endif #endif
} }
inline Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet& set) const { return _fast ? _val ue : getValV(&set) ; } inline Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet& set) const { return _fast ? _val ue : getValV(&set) ; }
virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet* set=0) const ; virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet* set=0) const ;
skipping to change at line 232 skipping to change at line 232
const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg2=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg2=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg6=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg6=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg7=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg8=RooCmdArg::none()) const ; const RooCmdArg& arg7=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCm dArg& arg8=RooCmdArg::none()) const ;
// Fill a RooDataHist // Fill a RooDataHist
RooDataHist* fillDataHist(RooDataHist *hist, const RooArgSet* nset, Doubl e_t scaleFactor, RooDataHist* fillDataHist(RooDataHist *hist, const RooArgSet* nset, Doubl e_t scaleFactor,
Bool_t correctForBinVolume=kFALSE, Bool_t showPr ogress=kFALSE) const ; Bool_t correctForBinVolume=kFALSE, Bool_t showPr ogress=kFALSE) const ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
static void setCacheCheck(Bool_t flag) ; static void setCacheCheck(Bool_t flag) ;
// Evaluation error logging // Evaluation error logging
class EvalError { class EvalError {
public: public:
EvalError() { _msg[0] = 0 ; _srvval[0] = 0 ; } EvalError() { _msg[0] = 0 ; _srvval[0] = 0 ; }
EvalError(const EvalError& other) { strlcpy(_msg,other._msg,1024) ; str lcpy(_srvval,other._srvval,1024) ; } ; EvalError(const EvalError& other) { strlcpy(_msg,other._msg,1024) ; str lcpy(_srvval,other._srvval,1024) ; } ;
void setMessage(const char* tmp) ; void setMessage(const char* tmp) ;
void setServerValues(const char* tmp) ; void setServerValues(const char* tmp) ;
char _msg[1024] ; char _msg[1024] ;
char _srvval[1024] ; char _srvval[1024] ;
} ; } ;
enum ErrorLoggingMode { PrintErrors, CollectErrors, CountErrors, Ignore } ; enum ErrorLoggingMode { PrintErrors, CollectErrors, CountErrors, Ignore } ;
static ErrorLoggingMode evalErrorLoggingMode() ; static ErrorLoggingMode evalErrorLoggingMode() ;
static void setEvalErrorLoggingMode(ErrorLoggingMode m) ; static void setEvalErrorLoggingMode(ErrorLoggingMode m) ;
void logEvalError(const char* message, const char* serverValueString=0) c onst ; void logEvalError(const char* message, const char* serverValueString=0) c onst ;
static void logEvalError(const RooAbsReal* originator, const char* origNa me, const char* message, const char* serverValueString=0) ; static void logEvalError(const RooAbsReal* originator, const char* origNa me, const char* message, const char* serverValueString=0) ;
static void printEvalErrors(ostream&os=std::cout, Int_t maxPerNode=100000 00) ; static void printEvalErrors(std::ostream&os=std::cout, Int_t maxPerNode=1 0000000) ;
static Int_t numEvalErrors() ; static Int_t numEvalErrors() ;
static Int_t numEvalErrorItems() ; static Int_t numEvalErrorItems() ;
typedef std::map<const RooAbsArg*,std::pair<std::string,std::list<EvalErr or> > >::const_iterator EvalErrorIter ; typedef std::map<const RooAbsArg*,std::pair<std::string,std::list<EvalErr or> > >::const_iterator EvalErrorIter ;
static EvalErrorIter evalErrorIter() ; static EvalErrorIter evalErrorIter() ;
static void clearEvalErrorLog() ; static void clearEvalErrorLog() ;
virtual Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& /*obs*/) const { ret urn kFALSE ; } virtual Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& /*obs*/) const { ret urn kFALSE ; }
virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const { return 0 ; } virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const { return 0 ; }
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 RooAbsRealLValue.h   RooAbsRealLValue.h 
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inline virtual Bool_t isLValue() const { return kTRUE; } inline virtual Bool_t isLValue() const { return kTRUE; }
// Test a value against our fit range // Test a value against our fit range
Bool_t inRange(Double_t value, const char* rangeName, Double_t* clippedVa lue=0) const; Bool_t inRange(Double_t value, const char* rangeName, Double_t* clippedVa lue=0) const;
virtual Bool_t isValidReal(Double_t value, Bool_t printError=kFALSE) cons t ; virtual Bool_t isValidReal(Double_t value, Bool_t printError=kFALSE) cons t ;
// Constant and Projected flags // Constant and Projected flags
inline void setConstant(Bool_t value= kTRUE) { setAttribute("Constant",va lue); setValueDirty() ; setShapeDirty() ; } inline void setConstant(Bool_t value= kTRUE) { setAttribute("Constant",va lue); setValueDirty() ; setShapeDirty() ; }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k FALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
// Build 1-dimensional plots // Build 1-dimensional plots
RooPlot* frame(const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2=RooCmdArg::no ne(), RooPlot* frame(const RooCmdArg& arg1, const RooCmdArg& arg2=RooCmdArg::no ne(),
const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg6=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg7=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg8=RooCmdArg::none()) const ; const RooCmdArg& arg6=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg7=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg8=RooCmdArg::none()) const ;
RooPlot *frame(const RooLinkedList& cmdList) const ; RooPlot *frame(const RooLinkedList& cmdList) const ;
RooPlot *frame(Double_t lo, Double_t hi, Int_t nbins) const; RooPlot *frame(Double_t lo, Double_t hi, Int_t nbins) const;
RooPlot *frame(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) const; RooPlot *frame(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) const;
RooPlot *frame(Int_t nbins) const; RooPlot *frame(Int_t nbins) const;
RooPlot *frame() const; RooPlot *frame() const;
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 RooAbsString.h   RooAbsString.h 
skipping to change at line 40 skipping to change at line 40
RooAbsString(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t size=128) ; RooAbsString(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t size=128) ;
RooAbsString(const RooAbsString& other, const char* name=0); RooAbsString(const RooAbsString& other, const char* name=0);
virtual ~RooAbsString(); virtual ~RooAbsString();
// Return value and unit accessors // Return value and unit accessors
virtual const char* getVal() const ; virtual const char* getVal() const ;
Bool_t operator==(const char*) const ; Bool_t operator==(const char*) const ;
virtual Bool_t operator==(const RooAbsArg& other) ; virtual Bool_t operator==(const RooAbsArg& other) ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
RooAbsArg *createFundamental(const char* newname=0) const; RooAbsArg *createFundamental(const char* newname=0) const;
protected: protected:
// Function evaluation and error tracing // Function evaluation and error tracing
const char* traceEval() const ; const char* traceEval() const ;
virtual Bool_t traceEvalHook(const char* value) const ; virtual Bool_t traceEvalHook(const char* value) const ;
virtual TString evaluate() const { return "" ; } virtual TString evaluate() const { return "" ; }
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 RooAbsTestStatistic.h   RooAbsTestStatistic.h 
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virtual Double_t combinedValue(RooAbsReal** gofArray, Int_t nVal) const = 0 ; virtual Double_t combinedValue(RooAbsReal** gofArray, Int_t nVal) const = 0 ;
virtual Double_t globalNormalization() const { virtual Double_t globalNormalization() const {
// Default value of global normalization factor is 1.0 // Default value of global normalization factor is 1.0
return 1.0 ; return 1.0 ;
} }
Bool_t setData(RooAbsData& data, Bool_t cloneData=kTRUE) ; Bool_t setData(RooAbsData& data, Bool_t cloneData=kTRUE) ;
protected: protected:
virtual void printCompactTreeHook(ostream& os, const char* indent="") ; virtual void printCompactTreeHook(std::ostream& os, const char* indent="" ) ;
virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive) ; virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive) ;
virtual Double_t evaluate() const ; virtual Double_t evaluate() const ;
virtual Double_t evaluatePartition(Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent, Int _t stepSize) const = 0 ; virtual Double_t evaluatePartition(Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent, Int _t stepSize) const = 0 ;
void setMPSet(Int_t setNum, Int_t numSets) ; void setMPSet(Int_t setNum, Int_t numSets) ;
void setSimCount(Int_t simCount) { void setSimCount(Int_t simCount) {
// Store total number of components p.d.f. of a RooSimultaneous in this component test statistic // Store total number of components p.d.f. of a RooSimultaneous in this component test statistic
_simCount = simCount ; _simCount = simCount ;
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 RooAddGenContext.h   RooAddGenContext.h 
skipping to change at line 45 skipping to change at line 45
RooAddGenContext(const RooAddPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const Roo DataSet *prototype= 0, RooAddGenContext(const RooAddPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const Roo DataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
RooAddGenContext(const RooAddModel &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const R ooDataSet *prototype= 0, RooAddGenContext(const RooAddModel &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const R ooDataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
virtual ~RooAddGenContext(); virtual ~RooAddGenContext();
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ; virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ;
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
void updateThresholds() ; void updateThresholds() ;
RooAddGenContext(const RooAddGenContext& other) ; RooAddGenContext(const RooAddGenContext& other) ;
const RooArgSet* _vars ; const RooArgSet* _vars ;
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 RooAddModel.h   RooAddModel.h 
skipping to change at line 83 skipping to change at line 83
Bool_t isDirectGenSafe(const RooAbsArg& arg) const ; Bool_t isDirectGenSafe(const RooAbsArg& arg) const ;
Int_t getGenerator(const RooArgSet& directVars, RooArgSet &generateVars, Bool_t staticInitOK=kTRUE) const; Int_t getGenerator(const RooArgSet& directVars, RooArgSet &generateVars, Bool_t staticInitOK=kTRUE) const;
void generateEvent(Int_t code); void generateEvent(Int_t code);
void fixCoefNormalization(const RooArgSet& refCoefNorm) ; void fixCoefNormalization(const RooArgSet& refCoefNorm) ;
void fixCoefRange(const char* rangeName) ; void fixCoefRange(const char* rangeName) ;
virtual void resetErrorCounters(Int_t resetValue=10) ; virtual void resetErrorCounters(Int_t resetValue=10) ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
friend class RooAddGenContext ; friend class RooAddGenContext ;
virtual RooAbsGenContext* genContext(const RooArgSet &vars, const RooData Set *prototype=0, virtual RooAbsGenContext* genContext(const RooArgSet &vars, const RooData Set *prototype=0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t verbose= kFALSE) const ; const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t verbose= kFALSE) const ;
virtual void selectNormalization(const RooArgSet* depSet=0, Bool_t force= kFALSE) ; virtual void selectNormalization(const RooArgSet* depSet=0, Bool_t force= kFALSE) ;
virtual void selectNormalizationRange(const char* rangeName=0, Bool_t for ce=kFALSE) ; virtual void selectNormalizationRange(const char* rangeName=0, Bool_t for ce=kFALSE) ;
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 RooAddPdf.h   RooAddPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 89 skipping to change at line 89
const RooArgSet& getCoefNormalization() const { return _refCoefNorm ; } const RooArgSet& getCoefNormalization() const { return _refCoefNorm ; }
const char* getCoefRange() const { return _refCoefRangeName?RooNameReg::s tr(_refCoefRangeName):"" ; } const char* getCoefRange() const { return _refCoefRangeName?RooNameReg::s tr(_refCoefRangeName):"" ; }
virtual void resetErrorCounters(Int_t resetValue=10) ; virtual void resetErrorCounters(Int_t resetValue=10) ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& obs, Doub le_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& obs, Doub le_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ;
Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ; Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
virtual void selectNormalization(const RooArgSet* depSet=0, Bool_t force= kFALSE) ; virtual void selectNormalization(const RooArgSet* depSet=0, Bool_t force= kFALSE) ;
virtual void selectNormalizationRange(const char* rangeName=0, Bool_t for ce=kFALSE) ; virtual void selectNormalizationRange(const char* rangeName=0, Bool_t for ce=kFALSE) ;
mutable RooSetProxy _refCoefNorm ; // Reference observable set for coef ficient interpretation mutable RooSetProxy _refCoefNorm ; // Reference observable set for coef ficient interpretation
mutable TNamed* _refCoefRangeName ; // Reference range name for coeffici ent interpreation mutable TNamed* _refCoefRangeName ; // Reference range name for coeffici ent interpreation
Bool_t _projectCoefs ; // If true coefficients need to be project ed for use in evaluate() Bool_t _projectCoefs ; // If true coefficients need to be project ed for use in evaluate()
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooAddition.h   RooAddition.h 
skipping to change at line 39 skipping to change at line 39
RooAddition() ; RooAddition() ;
RooAddition(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgSet& sumSet, Bool_t takeOwnerShip=kFALSE) ; RooAddition(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgSet& sumSet, Bool_t takeOwnerShip=kFALSE) ;
RooAddition(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& sumSet 1, const RooArgList& sumSet2, Bool_t takeOwnerShip=kFALSE) ; RooAddition(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& sumSet 1, const RooArgList& sumSet2, Bool_t takeOwnerShip=kFALSE) ;
virtual ~RooAddition() ; virtual ~RooAddition() ;
RooAddition(const RooAddition& other, const char* name = 0); RooAddition(const RooAddition& other, const char* name = 0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooAdditio n(*this, newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooAdditio n(*this, newname); }
virtual Double_t defaultErrorLevel() const ; virtual Double_t defaultErrorLevel() const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
const RooArgList& list1() const { return _set ; } const RooArgList& list1() const { return _set ; }
const RooArgList& list() const { return _set ; } const RooArgList& list() const { return _set ; }
virtual Bool_t forceAnalyticalInt(const RooAbsArg& /*dep*/) const { virtual Bool_t forceAnalyticalInt(const RooAbsArg& /*dep*/) const {
// Force RooRealIntegral to offer all observables for internal integr ation // Force RooRealIntegral to offer all observables for internal integr ation
return kTRUE ; return kTRUE ;
} }
Int_t getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& numVars, const char* rangeName=0) const; Int_t getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet& allVars, RooArgSet& numVars, const char* rangeName=0) const;
Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* rangeName=0) const ; Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* rangeName=0) const ;
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 RooArgList.h   RooArgList.h 
skipping to change at line 91 skipping to change at line 91
inline Int_t index(const char* name) const { inline Int_t index(const char* name) const {
// Returns index of given arg, or -1 if arg is not in list // Returns index of given arg, or -1 if arg is not in list
return _list.IndexOf(name) ; return _list.IndexOf(name) ;
} }
inline RooAbsArg* at(Int_t idx) const { inline RooAbsArg* at(Int_t idx) const {
// Return object at given index, or 0 if index is out of range // Return object at given index, or 0 if index is out of range
return (RooAbsArg*) _list.At(idx) ; return (RooAbsArg*) _list.At(idx) ;
} }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) ;
RooAbsArg& operator[](Int_t idx) const ; RooAbsArg& operator[](Int_t idx) const ;
protected: protected:
ClassDef(RooArgList,1) // Ordered list of RooAbsArg objects ClassDef(RooArgList,1) // Ordered list of RooAbsArg objects
}; };
#endif #endif
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 RooArgProxy.h   RooArgProxy.h 
skipping to change at line 45 skipping to change at line 45
virtual ~RooArgProxy() ; virtual ~RooArgProxy() ;
inline RooAbsArg* absArg() const { inline RooAbsArg* absArg() const {
// Return pointer to contained argument // Return pointer to contained argument
return _arg ; return _arg ;
} }
virtual const char* name() const { virtual const char* name() const {
// Return name of proxy // Return name of proxy
return GetName() ; return GetName() ;
} }
virtual void print(ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ; virtual void print(std::ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ;
protected: protected:
friend class RooSimultaneous ; friend class RooSimultaneous ;
RooAbsArg* _owner ; // Pointer to owner of proxy RooAbsArg* _owner ; // Pointer to owner of proxy
RooAbsArg* _arg ; // Pointer to content of proxy RooAbsArg* _arg ; // Pointer to content of proxy
Bool_t _valueServer ; // If true contents is value server of owner Bool_t _valueServer ; // If true contents is value server of owner
Bool_t _shapeServer ; // If true contents is shape server of owner Bool_t _shapeServer ; // If true contents is shape server of owner
Bool_t _isFund ; // If true proxy contains an lvalue Bool_t _isFund ; // If true proxy contains an lvalue
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 RooArgSet.h   RooArgSet.h 
skipping to change at line 105 skipping to change at line 105
return RooAbsCollection::addOwned(list,silent) ; return RooAbsCollection::addOwned(list,silent) ;
} }
virtual RooAbsArg *addClone(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) ; virtual RooAbsArg *addClone(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) ;
virtual void addClone(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) { virtual void addClone(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) {
// Add owned clone of all elements of list to collection // Add owned clone of all elements of list to collection
RooAbsCollection::addClone(list,silent) ; RooAbsCollection::addClone(list,silent) ;
} }
RooAbsArg& operator[](const char* name) const ; RooAbsArg& operator[](const char* name) const ;
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose =kFALSE) { virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve rbose=kFALSE) {
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
return readFromStream(is, compact, 0, 0, verbose) ; return readFromStream(is, compact, 0, 0, verbose) ;
} }
Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, const char* flagReadAt Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, const char* flagR
t, const char* section, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) ; eadAtt, const char* section, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact, const char* secti virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact, const char*
on=0) const; section=0) const;
void writeToFile(const char* fileName) const ; void writeToFile(const char* fileName) const ;
Bool_t readFromFile(const char* fileName, const char* flagReadAtt=0, cons t char* section=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) ; Bool_t readFromFile(const char* fileName, const char* flagReadAtt=0, cons t char* section=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE) ;
// Utilities functions when used as configuration object // Utilities functions when used as configuration object
Double_t getRealValue(const char* name, Double_t defVal=0, Bool_t verbose =kFALSE) const ; Double_t getRealValue(const char* name, Double_t defVal=0, Bool_t verbose =kFALSE) const ;
const char* getCatLabel(const char* name, const char* defVal="", Bool_t v erbose=kFALSE) const ; const char* getCatLabel(const char* name, const char* defVal="", Bool_t v erbose=kFALSE) const ;
Int_t getCatIndex(const char* name, Int_t defVal=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE ) const ; Int_t getCatIndex(const char* name, Int_t defVal=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE ) const ;
const char* getStringValue(const char* name, const char* defVal="", Bool_ t verbose=kFALSE) const ; const char* getStringValue(const char* name, const char* defVal="", Bool_ t verbose=kFALSE) const ;
Bool_t setRealValue(const char* name, Double_t newVal=0, Bool_t verbose=k FALSE) ; Bool_t setRealValue(const char* name, Double_t newVal=0, Bool_t verbose=k FALSE) ;
Bool_t setCatLabel(const char* name, const char* newVal="", Bool_t verbos e=kFALSE) ; Bool_t setCatLabel(const char* name, const char* newVal="", Bool_t verbos e=kFALSE) ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
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 RooBinnedGenContext.h   RooBinnedGenContext.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooBinnedGenContext.h 42233 2011-11-24 23:35:45Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooBinnedGenContext.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 36 skipping to change at line 36
class RooDataHist ; class RooDataHist ;
class TRandom; class TRandom;
class TIterator; class TIterator;
class RooBinnedGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext { class RooBinnedGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext {
public: public:
RooBinnedGenContext(const RooAbsPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDataSet *prototype= 0, RooBinnedGenContext(const RooAbsPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
virtual ~RooBinnedGenContext(); virtual ~RooBinnedGenContext();
RooDataSet* generate(Int_t nEvents=0, Bool_t skipInit=kFALSE, Bool_t exte ndedMode=kFALSE) ; RooDataSet* generate(Double_t nEvents=0, Bool_t skipInit=kFALSE, Bool_t e xtendedMode=kFALSE) ;
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t*) {} virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t*) {}
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void setExpectedData(Bool_t) ; virtual void setExpectedData(Bool_t) ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
RooBinnedGenContext(const RooBinnedGenContext& other) ; RooBinnedGenContext(const RooBinnedGenContext& other) ;
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 RooBinningCategory.h   RooBinningCategory.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooBinningCategory.h 25184 2008-08-20 13:59:55Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooBinningCategory.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
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public: public:
// Constructors etc. // Constructors etc.
inline RooBinningCategory() { } inline RooBinningCategory() { }
RooBinningCategory(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsRealLValue& inputVar, const char* binningName=0); RooBinningCategory(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsRealLValue& inputVar, const char* binningName=0);
RooBinningCategory(const RooBinningCategory& other, const char *name=0) ; RooBinningCategory(const RooBinningCategory& other, const char *name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooBinning Category(*this, newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooBinning Category(*this, newname); }
virtual ~RooBinningCategory(); virtual ~RooBinningCategory();
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
protected: protected:
void initialize() ; void initialize() ;
RooRealProxy _inputVar ; // Input variable that is mapped RooRealProxy _inputVar ; // Input variable that is mapped
TString _bname ; // Name of the binning specification to be used to perform the mapping TString _bname ; // Name of the binning specification to be used to perform the mapping
virtual RooCatType evaluate() const ; virtual RooCatType evaluate() const ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 RooCFunction1Binding.h   RooCFunction1Binding.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooCFunction1Binding.h 36207 2010-10-08 19:00:29Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooCFunction1Binding.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 171 skipping to change at line 171
UInt_t R__s, R__c; UInt_t R__s, R__c;
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
// Read name from file // Read name from file
TString tmpName ; TString tmpName ;
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) { if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << endl ; coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << std::endl ;
_ptr = dummyFunction ; _ptr = dummyFunction ;
} else { } else {
// Lookup pointer to C function wih given name // Lookup pointer to C function wih given name
_ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ; _ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ;
if (_ptr==0) { if (_ptr==0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName
<< " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << endl ; << " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << std::endl ;
} }
} }
R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA()); R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA());
} else { } else {
UInt_t R__c; UInt_t R__c;
R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE); R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE);
// Lookup name of reference C function // Lookup name of reference C function
TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ; TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ;
if (tmpName.Length()==0) { if (tmpName.Length()==0) {
// This union is to avoid a warning message: // This union is to avoid a warning message:
union { union {
void *_ptr; void *_ptr;
func_t _funcptr; func_t _funcptr;
} temp; } temp;
temp._funcptr = _ptr; temp._funcptr = _ptr;
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function pointer " << Form("%p",temp._ptr) coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function pointer " << Form("%p",temp._ptr)
<< " written object will not be functional wh en read back" << endl ; << " written object will not be functional wh en read back" << std::endl ;
tmpName="UNKNOWN" ; tmpName="UNKNOWN" ;
} }
// Persist the name // Persist the name
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE); R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
} }
} }
skipping to change at line 225 skipping to change at line 225
class RooCFunction1Binding : public RooAbsReal { class RooCFunction1Binding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooCFunction1Binding() { RooCFunction1Binding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction1Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI) , RooAbsReal& _x); RooCFunction1Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI) , RooAbsReal& _x);
RooCFunction1Binding(const RooCFunction1Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ; RooCFunction1Binding(const RooCFunction1Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on1Binding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on1Binding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction1Binding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction1Binding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
skipping to change at line 285 skipping to change at line 285
class RooCFunction1PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooCFunction1PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooCFunction1PdfBinding() { RooCFunction1PdfBinding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction1PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI), RooAbsReal& _x); RooCFunction1PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI), RooAbsReal& _x);
RooCFunction1PdfBinding(const RooCFunction1PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooCFunction1PdfBinding(const RooCFunction1PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on1PdfBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on1PdfBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction1PdfBinding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction1PdfBinding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
 End of changes. 6 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 RooCFunction2Binding.h   RooCFunction2Binding.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooCFunction2Binding.h 36207 2010-10-08 19:00:29Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooCFunction2Binding.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 181 skipping to change at line 181
UInt_t R__s, R__c; UInt_t R__s, R__c;
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
// Read name from file // Read name from file
TString tmpName ; TString tmpName ;
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) { if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << endl ; coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << std::endl ;
_ptr = dummyFunction ; _ptr = dummyFunction ;
} else { } else {
// Lookup pointer to C function wih given name // Lookup pointer to C function wih given name
_ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ; _ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ;
if (_ptr==0) { if (_ptr==0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName
<< " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << endl ; << " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << std::endl ;
} }
} }
R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA()); R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA());
} else { } else {
UInt_t R__c; UInt_t R__c;
R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE); R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE);
// Lookup name of reference C function // Lookup name of reference C function
TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ; TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ;
if (tmpName.Length()==0) { if (tmpName.Length()==0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function p ointer " << Form("0x%lx", (ULong_t)_ptr) coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function p ointer " << Form("0x%lx", (ULong_t)_ptr)
<< " written object will not be functional when read back" << endl ; << " written object will not be functional when read back" << std::endl ;
tmpName="UNKNOWN" ; tmpName="UNKNOWN" ;
} }
// Persist the name // Persist the name
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE); R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
} }
} }
skipping to change at line 229 skipping to change at line 229
class RooCFunction2Binding : public RooAbsReal { class RooCFunction2Binding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooCFunction2Binding() { RooCFunction2Binding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction2Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI1 ,VI2), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y); RooCFunction2Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI1 ,VI2), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y);
RooCFunction2Binding(const RooCFunction2Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ; RooCFunction2Binding(const RooCFunction2Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on2Binding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on2Binding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction2Binding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction2Binding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
skipping to change at line 293 skipping to change at line 293
class RooCFunction2PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooCFunction2PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooCFunction2PdfBinding() { RooCFunction2PdfBinding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction2PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI1,VI2), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y); RooCFunction2PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI1,VI2), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y);
RooCFunction2PdfBinding(const RooCFunction2PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooCFunction2PdfBinding(const RooCFunction2PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on2PdfBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on2PdfBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction2PdfBinding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction2PdfBinding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
 End of changes. 6 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 RooCFunction3Binding.h   RooCFunction3Binding.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooCFunction3Binding.h 36207 2010-10-08 19:00:29Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooCFunction3Binding.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl * * Authors: * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 184 skipping to change at line 184
UInt_t R__s, R__c; UInt_t R__s, R__c;
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
// Read name from file // Read name from file
TString tmpName ; TString tmpName ;
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) { if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << endl ; coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << std::endl ;
_ptr = dummyFunction ; _ptr = dummyFunction ;
} else { } else {
// Lookup pointer to C function wih given name // Lookup pointer to C function wih given name
_ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ; _ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ;
if (_ptr==0) { if (_ptr==0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName
<< " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << endl ; << " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << std::endl ;
} }
} }
R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA()); R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA());
} else { } else {
UInt_t R__c; UInt_t R__c;
R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE); R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE);
// Lookup name of reference C function // Lookup name of reference C function
TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ; TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ;
if (tmpName.Length()==0) { if (tmpName.Length()==0) {
// This union is to avoid a warning message: // This union is to avoid a warning message:
union { union {
void *_ptr; void *_ptr;
func_t _funcptr; func_t _funcptr;
} temp; } temp;
temp._funcptr = _ptr; temp._funcptr = _ptr;
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function p ointer " << Form("%p",temp._ptr) coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function p ointer " << Form("%p",temp._ptr)
<< " written object will not be functional when read back" << endl ; << " written object will not be functional when read back" << std::endl ;
tmpName="UNKNOWN" ; tmpName="UNKNOWN" ;
} }
// Persist the name // Persist the name
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE); R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
} }
} }
skipping to change at line 238 skipping to change at line 238
class RooCFunction3Binding : public RooAbsReal { class RooCFunction3Binding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooCFunction3Binding() { RooCFunction3Binding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction3Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI1 ,VI2,VI3), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z); RooCFunction3Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI1 ,VI2,VI3), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z);
RooCFunction3Binding(const RooCFunction3Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ; RooCFunction3Binding(const RooCFunction3Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on3Binding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on3Binding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction3Binding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction3Binding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
skipping to change at line 305 skipping to change at line 305
class RooCFunction3PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooCFunction3PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooCFunction3PdfBinding() { RooCFunction3PdfBinding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction3PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI1,VI2,VI3), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z); RooCFunction3PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI1,VI2,VI3), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z);
RooCFunction3PdfBinding(const RooCFunction3PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooCFunction3PdfBinding(const RooCFunction3PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on3PdfBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on3PdfBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction3PdfBinding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction3PdfBinding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
 End of changes. 6 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 RooCFunction4Binding.h   RooCFunction4Binding.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooCFunction4Binding.h 36207 2010-10-08 19:00:29Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooCFunction4Binding.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 178 skipping to change at line 178
UInt_t R__s, R__c; UInt_t R__s, R__c;
Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c); Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(&R__s, &R__c);
// Read name from file // Read name from file
TString tmpName ; TString tmpName ;
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) { if (tmpName=="UNKNOWN" && R__v>0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << endl ; coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Objected embeds function pointer to unknown function, object will not be functional" << std::endl ;
_ptr = dummyFunction ; _ptr = dummyFunction ;
} else { } else {
// Lookup pointer to C function wih given name // Lookup pointer to C function wih given name
_ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ; _ptr = fmap().lookupPtr(tmpName.Data()) ;
if (_ptr==0) { if (_ptr==0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName coutW(ObjectHandling) << "ERROR: Objected embeds pointer to functio n named " << tmpName
<< " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << endl ; << " but no such function is registered, obje ct will not be functional" << std::endl ;
} }
} }
R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA()); R__b.CheckByteCount(R__s, R__c, thisClass::IsA());
} else { } else {
UInt_t R__c; UInt_t R__c;
R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE); R__c = R__b.WriteVersion(thisClass::IsA(), kTRUE);
// Lookup name of reference C function // Lookup name of reference C function
TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ; TString tmpName = fmap().lookupName(_ptr) ;
if (tmpName.Length()==0) { if (tmpName.Length()==0) {
coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function p ointer " << Form("0x%lx",(ULong_t)_ptr) coutW(ObjectHandling) << "WARNING: Cannot persist unknown function p ointer " << Form("0x%lx",(ULong_t)_ptr)
<< " written object will not be functional when read back" << endl ; << " written object will not be functional when read back" << std::endl ;
tmpName="UNKNOWN" ; tmpName="UNKNOWN" ;
} }
// Persist the name // Persist the name
tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ; tmpName.Streamer(R__b) ;
R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE); R__b.SetByteCount(R__c, kTRUE);
} }
} }
skipping to change at line 226 skipping to change at line 226
class RooCFunction4Binding : public RooAbsReal { class RooCFunction4Binding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooCFunction4Binding() { RooCFunction4Binding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction4Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI1 ,VI2,VI3,VI4), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z, RooAbsReal& _w); RooCFunction4Binding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)(VI1 ,VI2,VI3,VI4), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z, RooAbsReal& _w);
RooCFunction4Binding(const RooCFunction4Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ; RooCFunction4Binding(const RooCFunction4Binding& other, const char* name= 0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on4Binding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on4Binding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction4Binding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction4Binding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
skipping to change at line 296 skipping to change at line 296
class RooCFunction4PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooCFunction4PdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooCFunction4PdfBinding() { RooCFunction4PdfBinding() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooCFunction4PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI1,VI2,VI3,VI4), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z, RooAbsRea l& _w); RooCFunction4PdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, VO (*_func)( VI1,VI2,VI3,VI4), RooAbsReal& _x, RooAbsReal& _y, RooAbsReal& _z, RooAbsRea l& _w);
RooCFunction4PdfBinding(const RooCFunction4PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooCFunction4PdfBinding(const RooCFunction4PdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on4PdfBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooCFuncti on4PdfBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooCFunction4PdfBinding() { } inline virtual ~RooCFunction4PdfBinding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const { void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const {
// Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer // Print object arguments and name/address of function pointer
os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ; os << "[ function=" << func.name() << " " ;
for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<numProxies() ; i++) {
RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ; RooAbsProxy* p = getProxy(i) ;
if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) { if (!TString(p->name()).BeginsWith("!")) {
p->print(os) ; p->print(os) ;
os << " " ; os << " " ;
} }
} }
os << "]" ; os << "]" ;
 End of changes. 6 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 RooCacheManager.h   RooCacheManager.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooCacheManager.h 44368 2012-05-30 15:38:44Z axel $ * File: $Id: RooCacheManager.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 167 skipping to change at line 167
// Copy constructor // Copy constructor
_maxSize = other._maxSize ; _maxSize = other._maxSize ;
_size = other._size ; _size = other._size ;
_nsetCache.resize(_maxSize) ; // = new RooNormSetCache[_maxSize] ; _nsetCache.resize(_maxSize) ; // = new RooNormSetCache[_maxSize] ;
_object.resize(_maxSize,0) ; // = new T*[_maxSize] ; _object.resize(_maxSize,0) ; // = new T*[_maxSize] ;
_wired = kFALSE ; _wired = kFALSE ;
_lastIndex = -1 ; _lastIndex = -1 ;
// cout << "RooCacheManager:cctor(" << this << ")" << std::endl ; // std::cout << "RooCacheManager:cctor(" << this << ")" << std::endl ;
Int_t i ; Int_t i ;
for (i=0 ; i<other._size ; i++) { for (i=0 ; i<other._size ; i++) {
_nsetCache[i].initialize(other._nsetCache[i]) ; _nsetCache[i].initialize(other._nsetCache[i]) ;
_object[i] = 0 ; _object[i] = 0 ;
} }
for (i=other._size ; i<_maxSize ; i++) { for (i=other._size ; i<_maxSize ; i++) {
_object[i] = 0 ; _object[i] = 0 ;
} }
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 RooCatType.h   RooCatType.h 
skipping to change at line 89 skipping to change at line 89
inline Int_t getVal() const { inline Int_t getVal() const {
// Return index value // Return index value
return _value ; return _value ;
} }
void setVal(Int_t newValue) { void setVal(Int_t newValue) {
// Set index value // Set index value
_value = newValue ; _value = newValue ;
} }
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
protected: protected:
friend class RooAbsCategoryLValue ; friend class RooAbsCategoryLValue ;
friend class RooAbsCategory ; friend class RooAbsCategory ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 4 lines changed or added

 RooCategory.h   RooCategory.h 
skipping to change at line 52 skipping to change at line 52
if (ret==0) { if (ret==0) {
_value.SetName(lookupType(_value.getVal())->GetName()) ; _value.SetName(lookupType(_value.getVal())->GetName()) ;
} }
return _value.GetName() ; return _value.GetName() ;
} }
virtual Bool_t setIndex(Int_t index, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ; virtual Bool_t setIndex(Int_t index, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ;
virtual Bool_t setLabel(const char* label, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ; virtual Bool_t setLabel(const char* label, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// We implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can be stored in a data set // We implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can be stored in a data set
inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const { inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const {
// Return true as a RooCategory is a fundamental (non-derived) type // Return true as a RooCategory is a fundamental (non-derived) type
return kTRUE; return kTRUE;
} }
virtual Bool_t isDerived() const { virtual Bool_t isDerived() const {
// Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg? // Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg?
return kFALSE ; return kFALSE ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RooComplex.h   RooComplex.h 
skipping to change at line 100 skipping to change at line 100
return RooComplex(mag*cos(arg),mag*sin(arg)); return RooComplex(mag*cos(arg),mag*sin(arg));
} }
// ouptput formatting // ouptput formatting
void Print() const; void Print() const;
private: private:
Double_t _re,_im; Double_t _re,_im;
ClassDef(RooComplex,0) // a non-persistent bare-bones complex class ClassDef(RooComplex,0) // a non-persistent bare-bones complex class
}; };
// output formatting // output formatting
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const RooComplex& z); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RooComplex& z);
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooConstVar.h   RooConstVar.h 
skipping to change at line 37 skipping to change at line 37
// Constructors, assignment etc // Constructors, assignment etc
inline RooConstVar() { inline RooConstVar() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} }
RooConstVar(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t value); RooConstVar(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t value);
RooConstVar(const RooConstVar& other, const char* name=0); RooConstVar(const RooConstVar& other, const char* name=0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooConstVa r(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooConstVa r(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooConstVar(); virtual ~RooConstVar();
virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet* set=0) const ; virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet* set=0) const ;
void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
virtual Bool_t isDerived() const { virtual Bool_t isDerived() const {
// Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg? // Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg?
return kFALSE ; return kFALSE ;
} }
protected: protected:
virtual Double_t evaluate() const { virtual Double_t evaluate() const {
// Return value // Return value
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooConvGenContext.h   RooConvGenContext.h 
skipping to change at line 46 skipping to change at line 46
RooConvGenContext(const RooNumConvPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, cons t RooDataSet *prototype= 0, RooConvGenContext(const RooNumConvPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, cons t RooDataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
RooConvGenContext(const RooAbsAnaConvPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, c onst RooDataSet *prototype= 0, RooConvGenContext(const RooAbsAnaConvPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, c onst RooDataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
virtual ~RooConvGenContext(); virtual ~RooConvGenContext();
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ; virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ;
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
RooConvGenContext(const RooConvGenContext& other) ; RooConvGenContext(const RooConvGenContext& other) ;
RooAbsGenContext* _pdfGen ; // Physics model generator context RooAbsGenContext* _pdfGen ; // Physics model generator context
RooAbsGenContext* _modelGen ; // Resolution model generator context RooAbsGenContext* _modelGen ; // Resolution model generator context
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooCurve.h   RooCurve.h 
skipping to change at line 53 skipping to change at line 53
virtual ~RooCurve(); virtual ~RooCurve();
RooCurve(const char* name, const char* title, const RooCurve& c1, const R ooCurve& c2, Double_t scale1=1., Double_t scale2=1.) ; RooCurve(const char* name, const char* title, const RooCurve& c1, const R ooCurve& c2, Double_t scale1=1., Double_t scale2=1.) ;
void addPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y); void addPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y);
Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const; Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const;
Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ; Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ;
Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const; Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
Double_t chiSquare(const RooHist& hist, int nFitParam) const ; Double_t chiSquare(const RooHist& hist, int nFitParam) const ;
Int_t findPoint(Double_t value, Double_t tolerance=1e-10) const ; Int_t findPoint(Double_t value, Double_t tolerance=1e-10) const ;
Double_t average(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) const ; Double_t average(Double_t lo, Double_t hi) const ;
Double_t interpolate(Double_t x, Double_t tolerance=1e-10) const ; Double_t interpolate(Double_t x, Double_t tolerance=1e-10) const ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
5 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 RooCustomizer.h   RooCustomizer.h 
skipping to change at line 62 skipping to change at line 62
const RooArgSet& cloneBranchList() const { const RooArgSet& cloneBranchList() const {
// Return list of cloned branch nodes // Return list of cloned branch nodes
return *_cloneBranchList ; return *_cloneBranchList ;
} }
const RooArgSet& cloneLeafList() const { const RooArgSet& cloneLeafList() const {
// Return list of cloned leaf nodes // Return list of cloned leaf nodes
return *_cloneNodeListOwned ; return *_cloneNodeListOwned ;
} }
// Printing interface // Printing interface
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo
ALSE, TString indent= "") const; se=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
// Releases ownership of list of cloned branch nodes // Releases ownership of list of cloned branch nodes
void setCloneBranchSet(RooArgSet& cloneBranchSet) ; void setCloneBranchSet(RooArgSet& cloneBranchSet) ;
// Factory interface // Factory interface
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 RooDataHist.h   RooDataHist.h 
skipping to change at line 118 skipping to change at line 118
weightError(lo,hi,etype) ; weightError(lo,hi,etype) ;
return (lo+hi)/2 ; return (lo+hi)/2 ;
} }
using RooAbsData::plotOn ; using RooAbsData::plotOn ;
virtual RooPlot *plotOn(RooPlot *frame, PlotOpt o) const; virtual RooPlot *plotOn(RooPlot *frame, PlotOpt o) const;
virtual void reset() ; virtual void reset() ;
void dump2() ; void dump2() ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo
ALSE, TString indent="") const ; se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
void SetName(const char *name) ; void SetName(const char *name) ;
void SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char* title) ; void SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char* title) ;
Int_t getIndex(const RooArgSet& coord, Bool_t fast=kFALSE) ; Int_t getIndex(const RooArgSet& coord, Bool_t fast=kFALSE) ;
void removeSelfFromDir() { removeFromDir(this) ; } void removeSelfFromDir() { removeFromDir(this) ; }
protected: protected:
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 4 lines changed or added

 RooDataSet.h   RooDataSet.h 
skipping to change at line 119 skipping to change at line 119
virtual RooAbsArg* addColumn(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t adjustRange=kTRUE) ; virtual RooAbsArg* addColumn(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t adjustRange=kTRUE) ;
virtual RooArgSet* addColumns(const RooArgList& varList) ; virtual RooArgSet* addColumns(const RooArgList& varList) ;
// Plot the distribution of a real valued arg // Plot the distribution of a real valued arg
using RooAbsData::createHistogram ; using RooAbsData::createHistogram ;
TH2F* createHistogram(const RooAbsRealLValue& var1, const RooAbsRealLValu e& var2, const char* cuts="", TH2F* createHistogram(const RooAbsRealLValue& var1, const RooAbsRealLValu e& var2, const char* cuts="",
const char *name= "hist") const; const char *name= "hist") const;
TH2F* createHistogram(const RooAbsRealLValue& var1, const RooAbsRealLValu e& var2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny, TH2F* createHistogram(const RooAbsRealLValue& var1, const RooAbsRealLValu e& var2, Int_t nx, Int_t ny,
const char* cuts="", const char *name="hist") const ; const char* cuts="", const char *name="hist") const ;
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, T void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFAL
String indent="") const ; SE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
void SetName(const char *name) ; void SetName(const char *name) ;
void SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char* title) ; void SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char* title) ;
protected: protected:
virtual RooAbsData* cacheClone(const RooAbsArg* newCacheOwner, const RooA rgSet* newCacheVars, const char* newName=0) ; virtual RooAbsData* cacheClone(const RooAbsArg* newCacheOwner, const RooA rgSet* newCacheVars, const char* newName=0) ;
friend class RooProdGenContext ; friend class RooProdGenContext ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 4 lines changed or added

 RooEllipse.h   RooEllipse.h 
skipping to change at line 28 skipping to change at line 28
#include "TGraph.h" #include "TGraph.h"
#include "RooPlotable.h" #include "RooPlotable.h"
class RooEllipse : public TGraph, public RooPlotable { class RooEllipse : public TGraph, public RooPlotable {
public: public:
RooEllipse(); RooEllipse();
RooEllipse(const char *name, Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t s1, Doubl e_t s2, Double_t rho= 0, Int_t points= 100); RooEllipse(const char *name, Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t s1, Doubl e_t s2, Double_t rho= 0, Int_t points= 100);
virtual ~RooEllipse(); virtual ~RooEllipse();
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
// These methods return zero to indicate that they do not support // These methods return zero to indicate that they do not support
// this interface. See RooPlot::updateFitRangeNorm() for details. // this interface. See RooPlot::updateFitRangeNorm() for details.
inline virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const { return 0; } inline virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const { return 0; }
inline virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t, Double_t) const { retur n 0; } inline virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t, Double_t) const { retur n 0; }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
5 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 RooErrorVar.h   RooErrorVar.h 
skipping to change at line 58 skipping to change at line 58
// Set error of input RooRealVar to value // Set error of input RooRealVar to value
((RooRealVar&)_realVar.arg()).setVal(value) ; ((RooRealVar&)_realVar.arg()).setVal(value) ;
} }
inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const { inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const {
// Return kTRUE as we implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can b e stored in a dataset // Return kTRUE as we implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can b e stored in a dataset
return kTRUE ; return kTRUE ;
} }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Set/get finite fit range limits // Set/get finite fit range limits
inline void setMin(Double_t value) { inline void setMin(Double_t value) {
// Set lower bound of default range to value // Set lower bound of default range to value
setMin(0,value) ; setMin(0,value) ;
} }
inline void setMax(Double_t value) { inline void setMax(Double_t value) {
// Set upper bound of default range to value // Set upper bound of default range to value
setMax(0,value) ; setMax(0,value) ;
} }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RooFFTConvPdf.h   RooFFTConvPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 58 skipping to change at line 58
BufStrat bufferStrategy() const { BufStrat bufferStrategy() const {
// Return the strategy currently used to fill the buffer: // Return the strategy currently used to fill the buffer:
// 'Extend' means is that the input p.d.f convolution observable range is widened to include the buffer range // 'Extend' means is that the input p.d.f convolution observable range is widened to include the buffer range
// 'Flat' means that the buffer is filled with the p.d.f. value at the boundary of the observable range // 'Flat' means that the buffer is filled with the p.d.f. value at the boundary of the observable range
// 'Mirror' means that the buffer is filled with a mirror image of the p.d.f. around the convolution observable boundary // 'Mirror' means that the buffer is filled with a mirror image of the p.d.f. around the convolution observable boundary
return _bufStrat ; return _bufStrat ;
} }
void setBufferStrategy(BufStrat bs) ; void setBufferStrategy(BufStrat bs) ;
void setBufferFraction(Double_t frac) ; void setBufferFraction(Double_t frac) ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
// Propagate maximum value estimate of pdf1 as convolution can only resul t in lower max values // Propagate maximum value estimate of pdf1 as convolution can only resul t in lower max values
virtual Int_t getMaxVal(const RooArgSet& vars) const { return _pdf1.arg() .getMaxVal(vars) ; } virtual Int_t getMaxVal(const RooArgSet& vars) const { return _pdf1.arg() .getMaxVal(vars) ; }
virtual Double_t maxVal(Int_t code) const { return _pdf1.arg().maxVal(cod e) ; } virtual Double_t maxVal(Int_t code) const { return _pdf1.arg().maxVal(cod e) ; }
protected: protected:
RooRealProxy _x ; // Convolution observable RooRealProxy _x ; // Convolution observable
RooRealProxy _xprime ; // Input function representing value of convoluti on observable RooRealProxy _xprime ; // Input function representing value of convoluti on observable
RooRealProxy _pdf1 ; // First input p.d.f RooRealProxy _pdf1 ; // First input p.d.f
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooFitResult.h   RooFitResult.h 
skipping to change at line 58 skipping to change at line 58
RooFitResult* r = new RooFitResult(*this) ; RooFitResult* r = new RooFitResult(*this) ;
if (newname && *newname) r->SetName(newname) ; if (newname && *newname) r->SetName(newname) ;
return r ; return r ;
} }
virtual TObject* clone() const { return new RooFitResult(*this); } virtual TObject* clone() const { return new RooFitResult(*this); }
virtual ~RooFitResult() ; virtual ~RooFitResult() ;
static RooFitResult* lastMinuitFit(const RooArgList& varList=RooArgList() ) ; static RooFitResult* lastMinuitFit(const RooArgList& varList=RooArgList() ) ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, T void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFAL
String indent="") const ; SE, TString indent="") const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ;
RooAbsPdf* createHessePdf(const RooArgSet& params) const ; RooAbsPdf* createHessePdf(const RooArgSet& params) const ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooFormula.h   RooFormula.h 
skipping to change at line 57 skipping to change at line 57
} }
// Function value accessor // Function value accessor
inline Bool_t ok() { return _isOK ; } inline Bool_t ok() { return _isOK ; }
Double_t eval(const RooArgSet* nset=0) ; Double_t eval(const RooArgSet* nset=0) ;
// Debugging // Debugging
void dump() ; void dump() ;
Bool_t reCompile(const char* newFormula) ; Bool_t reCompile(const char* newFormula) ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, T void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFAL
String indent="") const ; SE, TString indent="") const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
protected: protected:
RooFormula& operator=(const RooFormula& other) ; RooFormula& operator=(const RooFormula& other) ;
void initCopy(const RooFormula& other) ; void initCopy(const RooFormula& other) ;
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 RooFormulaVar.h   RooFormulaVar.h 
skipping to change at line 48 skipping to change at line 48
inline RooAbsArg* getParameter(const char* name) const { inline RooAbsArg* getParameter(const char* name) const {
// Return pointer to parameter with given name // Return pointer to parameter with given name
return _actualVars.find(name) ; return _actualVars.find(name) ;
} }
inline RooAbsArg* getParameter(Int_t index) const { inline RooAbsArg* getParameter(Int_t index) const {
// Return pointer to parameter at given index // Return pointer to parameter at given index
return _actualVars.at(index) ; return _actualVars.at(index) ;
} }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent= "") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
// Debugging // Debugging
void dumpFormula() { formula().dump() ; } void dumpFormula() { formula().dump() ; }
virtual Double_t defaultErrorLevel() const ; virtual Double_t defaultErrorLevel() const ;
protected: protected:
// Function evaluation // Function evaluation
virtual Double_t evaluate() const ; virtual Double_t evaluate() const ;
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 RooFunctor1DBinding.h   RooFunctor1DBinding.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooFunctor1DBinding.h 42984 2012-02-13 15:30:31Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooFunctor1DBinding.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 44 skipping to change at line 44
class RooFunctor1DBinding : public RooAbsReal { class RooFunctor1DBinding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooFunctor1DBinding() : func(0) { RooFunctor1DBinding() : func(0) {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooFunctor1DBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::Math ::IBaseFunctionOneDim& ftor, RooAbsReal& var); RooFunctor1DBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::Math ::IBaseFunctionOneDim& ftor, RooAbsReal& var);
RooFunctor1DBinding(const RooFunctor1DBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooFunctor1DBinding(const RooFunctor1DBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor 1DBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor 1DBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooFunctor1DBinding() {} inline virtual ~RooFunctor1DBinding() {}
void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
Double_t evaluate() const ; Double_t evaluate() const ;
const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim* func ; // Functor const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim* func ; // Functor
RooRealProxy var ; // Argument reference RooRealProxy var ; // Argument reference
private: private:
skipping to change at line 67 skipping to change at line 67
class RooFunctor1DPdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooFunctor1DPdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooFunctor1DPdfBinding() : func(0) { RooFunctor1DPdfBinding() : func(0) {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooFunctor1DPdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::M ath::IBaseFunctionOneDim& ftor, RooAbsReal& vars); RooFunctor1DPdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::M ath::IBaseFunctionOneDim& ftor, RooAbsReal& vars);
RooFunctor1DPdfBinding(const RooFunctor1DPdfBinding& other, const char* n ame=0) ; RooFunctor1DPdfBinding(const RooFunctor1DPdfBinding& other, const char* n ame=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor 1DPdfBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor 1DPdfBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooFunctor1DPdfBinding() {} inline virtual ~RooFunctor1DPdfBinding() {}
void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
Double_t evaluate() const ; Double_t evaluate() const ;
const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim* func ; // Functor const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim* func ; // Functor
RooRealProxy var ; // Argument reference RooRealProxy var ; // Argument reference
private: private:
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RooFunctorBinding.h   RooFunctorBinding.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooFunctorBinding.h 42984 2012-02-13 15:30:31Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooFunctorBinding.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF, verkerke@nikhef.nl *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2008, NIKHEF, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 44 skipping to change at line 44
class RooFunctorBinding : public RooAbsReal { class RooFunctorBinding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooFunctorBinding() : func(0), x(0) { RooFunctorBinding() : func(0), x(0) {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooFunctorBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::Math:: IBaseFunctionMultiDim& ftor, const RooArgList& vars); RooFunctorBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::Math:: IBaseFunctionMultiDim& ftor, const RooArgList& vars);
RooFunctorBinding(const RooFunctorBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooFunctorBinding(const RooFunctorBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor Binding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor Binding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooFunctorBinding() { delete[] x ; } inline virtual ~RooFunctorBinding() { delete[] x ; }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
Double_t evaluate() const ; Double_t evaluate() const ;
const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim* func ; // Functor const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim* func ; // Functor
RooListProxy vars ; // Argument reference RooListProxy vars ; // Argument reference
Double_t* x ; // Argument value array Double_t* x ; // Argument value array
private: private:
skipping to change at line 68 skipping to change at line 68
class RooFunctorPdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooFunctorPdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooFunctorPdfBinding() : func(0), x(0) { RooFunctorPdfBinding() : func(0), x(0) {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
} ; } ;
RooFunctorPdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::Mat h::IBaseFunctionMultiDim& ftor, const RooArgList& vars); RooFunctorPdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, const ROOT::Mat h::IBaseFunctionMultiDim& ftor, const RooArgList& vars);
RooFunctorPdfBinding(const RooFunctorPdfBinding& other, const char* name= 0) ; RooFunctorPdfBinding(const RooFunctorPdfBinding& other, const char* name= 0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor PdfBinding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooFunctor PdfBinding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooFunctorPdfBinding() { delete[] x ; } inline virtual ~RooFunctorPdfBinding() { delete[] x ; }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
Double_t evaluate() const ; Double_t evaluate() const ;
const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim* func ; // Functor const ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim* func ; // Functor
RooListProxy vars ; // Argument reference RooListProxy vars ; // Argument reference
Double_t* x ; // Argument value array Double_t* x ; // Argument value array
private: private:
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 RooGenCategory.h   RooGenCategory.h 
skipping to change at line 41 skipping to change at line 41
inline RooGenCategory() { inline RooGenCategory() {
// Default constructor // Default constructor
// coverity[UNINIT_CTOR] // coverity[UNINIT_CTOR]
} }
RooGenCategory(const char *name, const char *title, void* userFunc, RooAr gSet& catList); RooGenCategory(const char *name, const char *title, void* userFunc, RooAr gSet& catList);
RooGenCategory(const RooGenCategory& other, const char *name=0) ; RooGenCategory(const RooGenCategory& other, const char *name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooGenCate gory(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooGenCate gory(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooGenCategory(); virtual ~RooGenCategory();
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent= "") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
protected: protected:
void initialize() ; void initialize() ;
TString evalUserFunc(RooArgSet *vars) ; TString evalUserFunc(RooArgSet *vars) ;
void updateIndexList() ; void updateIndexList() ;
RooSuperCategory _superCat ; // Super category of input categories RooSuperCategory _superCat ; // Super category of input categories
RooCategoryProxy _superCatProxy ; // Proxy for super category RooCategoryProxy _superCatProxy ; // Proxy for super category
Int_t *_map ; //! Super-index to generic-index map Int_t *_map ; //! Super-index to generic-index map
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 RooGenContext.h   RooGenContext.h 
skipping to change at line 36 skipping to change at line 36
class TRandom; class TRandom;
class RooRealVar ; class RooRealVar ;
class RooAbsNumGenerator ; class RooAbsNumGenerator ;
class RooGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext { class RooGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext {
public: public:
RooGenContext(const RooAbsPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDat aSet *prototype= 0, RooGenContext(const RooAbsPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const RooDat aSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, const Ro oArgSet* forceDirect=0); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, const Ro oArgSet* forceDirect=0);
virtual ~RooGenContext(); virtual ~RooGenContext();
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
RooArgSet *_cloneSet; // Clone of all nodes of input p.d.f RooArgSet *_cloneSet; // Clone of all nodes of input p.d.f
RooAbsPdf *_pdfClone; // Clone of input p.d.f RooAbsPdf *_pdfClone; // Clone of input p.d.f
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1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooGenericPdf.h   RooGenericPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 36 skipping to change at line 36
public: public:
// Constructors, assignment etc // Constructors, assignment etc
inline RooGenericPdf() : _formula(0) { } inline RooGenericPdf() : _formula(0) { }
RooGenericPdf(const char *name, const char *title, const char* formula, c onst RooArgList& dependents); RooGenericPdf(const char *name, const char *title, const char* formula, c onst RooArgList& dependents);
RooGenericPdf(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& depe ndents); RooGenericPdf(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgList& depe ndents);
RooGenericPdf(const RooGenericPdf& other, const char* name=0); RooGenericPdf(const RooGenericPdf& other, const char* name=0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooGeneric Pdf(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooGeneric Pdf(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooGenericPdf(); virtual ~RooGenericPdf();
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TS void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALS
tring indent="") const ; E, TString indent="") const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
// Debugging // Debugging
void dumpFormula() { formula().dump() ; } void dumpFormula() { formula().dump() ; }
protected: protected:
RooFormula& formula() const ; RooFormula& formula() const ;
// Function evaluation // Function evaluation
RooListProxy _actualVars ; RooListProxy _actualVars ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 RooGlobalFunc.h   RooGlobalFunc.h 
skipping to change at line 258 skipping to change at line 258
RooCmdArg LatexStyle(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ; RooCmdArg LatexStyle(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ;
RooCmdArg LatexTableStyle(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ; RooCmdArg LatexTableStyle(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ;
RooCmdArg VerbatimName(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ; RooCmdArg VerbatimName(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) ;
// RooMsgService::addReportingStream arguments // RooMsgService::addReportingStream arguments
RooCmdArg Topic(Int_t topic) ; RooCmdArg Topic(Int_t topic) ;
RooCmdArg ObjectName(const char* name) ; RooCmdArg ObjectName(const char* name) ;
RooCmdArg ClassName(const char* name) ; RooCmdArg ClassName(const char* name) ;
RooCmdArg BaseClassName(const char* name) ; RooCmdArg BaseClassName(const char* name) ;
RooCmdArg TagName(const char* name) ; RooCmdArg TagName(const char* name) ;
RooCmdArg OutputStream(ostream& os) ; RooCmdArg OutputStream(std::ostream& os) ;
RooCmdArg Prefix(Bool_t flag) ; RooCmdArg Prefix(Bool_t flag) ;
RooCmdArg Color(Color_t color) ; RooCmdArg Color(Color_t color) ;
// RooWorkspace::import() arguments // RooWorkspace::import() arguments
RooCmdArg RenameConflictNodes(const char* suffix) ; RooCmdArg RenameConflictNodes(const char* suffix) ;
RooCmdArg RenameAllNodes(const char* suffix) ; RooCmdArg RenameAllNodes(const char* suffix) ;
RooCmdArg RenameAllVariables(const char* suffix) ; RooCmdArg RenameAllVariables(const char* suffix) ;
RooCmdArg RenameAllVariablesExcept(const char* suffix,const char* exception List) ; RooCmdArg RenameAllVariablesExcept(const char* suffix,const char* exception List) ;
RooCmdArg RenameVariable(const char* inputName, const char* outputName) ; RooCmdArg RenameVariable(const char* inputName, const char* outputName) ;
RooCmdArg Rename(const char* suffix) ; RooCmdArg Rename(const char* suffix) ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooGrid.h   RooGrid.h 
skipping to change at line 31 skipping to change at line 31
class RooAbsFunc; class RooAbsFunc;
class RooGrid : public TObject, public RooPrintable { class RooGrid : public TObject, public RooPrintable {
public: public:
RooGrid() ; RooGrid() ;
RooGrid(const RooAbsFunc &function); RooGrid(const RooAbsFunc &function);
virtual ~RooGrid(); virtual ~RooGrid();
// Printing interface // Printing interface
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
inline Bool_t isValid() const { return _valid; } inline Bool_t isValid() const { return _valid; }
inline UInt_t getDimension() const { return _dim; } inline UInt_t getDimension() const { return _dim; }
inline Double_t getVolume() const { return _vol; } inline Double_t getVolume() const { return _vol; }
inline UInt_t getNBins() const { return _bins; } inline UInt_t getNBins() const { return _bins; }
inline UInt_t getNBoxes() const { return _boxes; } inline UInt_t getNBoxes() const { return _boxes; }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooHist.h   RooHist.h 
skipping to change at line 56 skipping to change at line 56
// add a datapoint for the asymmetry (n1-n2)/(n1+n2), using a binomial er ror // add a datapoint for the asymmetry (n1-n2)/(n1+n2), using a binomial er ror
void addAsymmetryBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWi dth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0); void addAsymmetryBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binWi dth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0);
// add a datapoint for the asymmetry (n1-n2)/(n1+n2), using sum-of-weight s error // add a datapoint for the asymmetry (n1-n2)/(n1+n2), using sum-of-weight s error
void addAsymmetryBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2, Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0); void addAsymmetryBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2, Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0);
// add a datapoint for the efficiency (n1)/(n1+n2), using a binomial erro r // add a datapoint for the efficiency (n1)/(n1+n2), using a binomial erro r
void addEfficiencyBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binW idth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0); void addEfficiencyBin(Axis_t binCenter, Int_t n1, Int_t n2, Double_t binW idth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0, Double_t scaleFactor=1.0);
// add a datapoint for the efficiency (n1)/(n1+n2), using a sum-of-weight s error // add a datapoint for the efficiency (n1)/(n1+n2), using a sum-of-weight s error
void addEfficiencyBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2 , Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0 , Double_t scaleFactor=1.0); void addEfficiencyBinWithError(Axis_t binCenter, Double_t n1, Double_t n2 , Double_t en1, Double_t en2, Double_t binWidth= 0, Double_t xErrorFrac=1.0 , Double_t scaleFactor=1.0);
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo
ALSE, TString indent= "") const; se=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
// Printing interface // Printing interface
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const; Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const;
Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ; Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ;
Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const; Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const;
inline Double_t getNominalBinWidth() const { return _nominalBinWidth; } inline Double_t getNominalBinWidth() const { return _nominalBinWidth; }
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
5 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 RooLinearVar.h   RooLinearVar.h 
skipping to change at line 51 skipping to change at line 51
// Jacobian and limits // Jacobian and limits
virtual Bool_t hasBinning(const char* name) const ; virtual Bool_t hasBinning(const char* name) const ;
virtual const RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbos e=kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) const ; virtual const RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbos e=kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) const ;
virtual RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRU E, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) ; virtual RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRU E, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) ;
virtual Double_t jacobian() const ; virtual Double_t jacobian() const ;
virtual Bool_t isJacobianOK(const RooArgSet& depList) const ; virtual Bool_t isJacobianOK(const RooArgSet& depList) const ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
using RooAbsRealLValue::operator= ; using RooAbsRealLValue::operator= ;
using RooAbsRealLValue::setVal ; using RooAbsRealLValue::setVal ;
protected: protected:
virtual Double_t evaluate() const ; virtual Double_t evaluate() const ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RooListProxy.h   RooListProxy.h 
skipping to change at line 50 skipping to change at line 50
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) { return RooAbsCollection::add(list,silent) ; } virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) { return RooAbsCollection::add(list,silent) ; }
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t valueServer, Bool_t shape Server, Bool_t silent) ; virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t valueServer, Bool_t shape Server, Bool_t silent) ;
virtual Bool_t addOwned(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE); virtual Bool_t addOwned(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE);
virtual Bool_t addOwned(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALS E) { return RooAbsCollection::addOwned(list,silent) ; } virtual Bool_t addOwned(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALS E) { return RooAbsCollection::addOwned(list,silent) ; }
virtual Bool_t replace(const RooAbsArg& var1, const RooAbsArg& var2) ; virtual Bool_t replace(const RooAbsArg& var1, const RooAbsArg& var2) ;
virtual Bool_t remove(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE) ; virtual Bool_t remove(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE) ;
virtual void removeAll() ; virtual void removeAll() ;
RooListProxy& operator=(const RooArgList& other) ; RooListProxy& operator=(const RooArgList& other) ;
virtual void print(ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ; virtual void print(std::ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ;
protected: protected:
RooAbsArg* _owner ; // Pointer to owner RooAbsArg* _owner ; // Pointer to owner
Bool_t _defValueServer ; // Propagate value dirty flags? Bool_t _defValueServer ; // Propagate value dirty flags?
Bool_t _defShapeServer ; // Propagate shape dirty flags? Bool_t _defShapeServer ; // Propagate shape dirty flags?
TIterator* _iter ; //! do not persist TIterator* _iter ; //! do not persist
virtual Bool_t changePointer(const RooAbsCollection& newServerSet, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t factoryInitMode=kFALSE) ; virtual Bool_t changePointer(const RooAbsCollection& newServerSet, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t factoryInitMode=kFALSE) ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooMappedCategory.h   RooMappedCategory.h 
skipping to change at line 41 skipping to change at line 41
inline RooMappedCategory() : _defCat(0) { } inline RooMappedCategory() : _defCat(0) { }
RooMappedCategory(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsCategory& in putCat, const char* defCatName="NotMapped", Int_t defCatIdx=NoCatIdx); RooMappedCategory(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsCategory& in putCat, const char* defCatName="NotMapped", Int_t defCatIdx=NoCatIdx);
RooMappedCategory(const RooMappedCategory& other, const char *name=0) ; RooMappedCategory(const RooMappedCategory& other, const char *name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooMappedC ategory(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooMappedC ategory(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooMappedCategory(); virtual ~RooMappedCategory();
// Mapping function // Mapping function
Bool_t map(const char* inKeyRegExp, const char* outKeyName, Int_t outKeyN um=NoCatIdx) ; Bool_t map(const char* inKeyRegExp, const char* outKeyName, Int_t outKeyN um=NoCatIdx) ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TS void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALS
tring indent="") const ; E, TString indent="") const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
class Entry { class Entry {
public: public:
inline Entry() : _regexp(0), _cat() {} inline Entry() : _regexp(0), _cat() {}
virtual ~Entry() { delete _regexp ; } ; virtual ~Entry() { delete _regexp ; } ;
Entry(const char* exp, const RooCatType* cat) : _expr(exp), _regexp(new TRegexp(mangle(exp),kTRUE)), _cat(*cat) {} Entry(const char* exp, const RooCatType* cat) : _expr(exp), _regexp(new TRegexp(mangle(exp),kTRUE)), _cat(*cat) {}
Entry(const Entry& other) : _expr(other._expr), _regexp(new TRegexp(man gle(other._expr.Data()),kTRUE)), _cat(other._cat) {} Entry(const Entry& other) : _expr(other._expr), _regexp(new TRegexp(man gle(other._expr.Data()),kTRUE)), _cat(other._cat) {}
inline Bool_t ok() { return (_regexp->Status()==TRegexp::kOK) ; } inline Bool_t ok() { return (_regexp->Status()==TRegexp::kOK) ; }
Bool_t match(const char* testPattern) const { return (TString(testPatte rn).Index(*_regexp)>=0) ; } Bool_t match(const char* testPattern) const { return (TString(testPatte rn).Index(*_regexp)>=0) ; }
inline const RooCatType& outCat() const { return _cat ; } inline const RooCatType& outCat() const { return _cat ; }
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 RooMinimizer.h   RooMinimizer.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooMinimizer.h 42279 2011-11-28 15:07:56Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooMinimizer.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* AL, Alfio Lazzaro, INFN Milan, alfio.lazzaro@mi.infn.it * * AL, Alfio Lazzaro, INFN Milan, alfio.lazzaro@mi.infn.it *
* * * *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 90 skipping to change at line 90
protected: protected:
friend class RooAbsPdf ; friend class RooAbsPdf ;
void applyCovarianceMatrix(TMatrixDSym& V) ; void applyCovarianceMatrix(TMatrixDSym& V) ;
void profileStart() ; void profileStart() ;
void profileStop() ; void profileStop() ;
inline Int_t getNPar() const { return _fcn->NDim() ; } inline Int_t getNPar() const { return _fcn->NDim() ; }
inline ofstream* logfile() const { return _fcn->GetLogFile(); } inline std::ofstream* logfile() const { return _fcn->GetLogFile(); }
inline Double_t& maxFCN() { return _fcn->GetMaxFCN() ; } inline Double_t& maxFCN() { return _fcn->GetMaxFCN() ; }
private: private:
Int_t _printLevel ; Int_t _printLevel ;
Int_t _status ; Int_t _status ;
Bool_t _optConst ; Bool_t _optConst ;
Bool_t _profile ; Bool_t _profile ;
RooAbsReal* _func ; RooAbsReal* _func ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 RooMinimizerFcn.h   RooMinimizerFcn.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id: RooMinimizerFcn.h 44381 2012-05-31 06:45:52Z mo neta $ * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id: RooMinimizerFcn.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z mo neta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* AL, Alfio Lazzaro, INFN Milan, alfio.lazzaro@mi.infn.it * * AL, Alfio Lazzaro, INFN Milan, alfio.lazzaro@mi.infn.it *
* * * *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
skipping to change at line 52 skipping to change at line 52
virtual unsigned int NDim() const { return _nDim; } virtual unsigned int NDim() const { return _nDim; }
RooArgList* GetFloatParamList() { return _floatParamList; } RooArgList* GetFloatParamList() { return _floatParamList; }
RooArgList* GetConstParamList() { return _constParamList; } RooArgList* GetConstParamList() { return _constParamList; }
RooArgList* GetInitFloatParamList() { return _initFloatParamList; } RooArgList* GetInitFloatParamList() { return _initFloatParamList; }
RooArgList* GetInitConstParamList() { return _initConstParamList; } RooArgList* GetInitConstParamList() { return _initConstParamList; }
void SetEvalErrorWall(Bool_t flag) { _doEvalErrorWall = flag ; } void SetEvalErrorWall(Bool_t flag) { _doEvalErrorWall = flag ; }
void SetPrintEvalErrors(Int_t numEvalErrors) { _printEvalErrors = numEval Errors ; } void SetPrintEvalErrors(Int_t numEvalErrors) { _printEvalErrors = numEval Errors ; }
Bool_t SetLogFile(const char* inLogfile); Bool_t SetLogFile(const char* inLogfile);
ofstream* GetLogFile() { return _logfile; } std::ofstream* GetLogFile() { return _logfile; }
void SetVerbose(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { _verbose = flag ; } void SetVerbose(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) { _verbose = flag ; }
Double_t& GetMaxFCN() { return _maxFCN; } Double_t& GetMaxFCN() { return _maxFCN; }
Int_t GetNumInvalidNLL() { return _numBadNLL; } Int_t GetNumInvalidNLL() { return _numBadNLL; }
Bool_t Synchronize(std::vector<ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings>& parameters, Bool_t Synchronize(std::vector<ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings>& parameters,
Bool_t optConst, Bool_t verbose); Bool_t optConst, Bool_t verbose);
void BackProp(const ROOT::Fit::FitResult &results); void BackProp(const ROOT::Fit::FitResult &results);
void ApplyCovarianceMatrix(TMatrixDSym& V); void ApplyCovarianceMatrix(TMatrixDSym& V);
skipping to change at line 87 skipping to change at line 87
RooAbsReal *_funct; RooAbsReal *_funct;
RooMinimizer *_context; RooMinimizer *_context;
mutable double _maxFCN; mutable double _maxFCN;
mutable int _numBadNLL; mutable int _numBadNLL;
mutable int _printEvalErrors; mutable int _printEvalErrors;
Bool_t _doEvalErrorWall; Bool_t _doEvalErrorWall;
int _nDim; int _nDim;
ofstream *_logfile; std::ofstream *_logfile;
bool _verbose; bool _verbose;
RooArgList* _floatParamList; RooArgList* _floatParamList;
std::vector<RooAbsArg*> _floatParamVec ; std::vector<RooAbsArg*> _floatParamVec ;
RooArgList* _constParamList; RooArgList* _constParamList;
RooArgList* _initFloatParamList; RooArgList* _initFloatParamList;
RooArgList* _initConstParamList; RooArgList* _initConstParamList;
}; };
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
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 RooMinuit.h   RooMinuit.h 
skipping to change at line 96 skipping to change at line 96
friend void RooMinuitGlue(Int_t &np, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t flag) ; friend void RooMinuitGlue(Int_t &np, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t flag) ;
void profileStart() ; void profileStart() ;
void profileStop() ; void profileStop() ;
Bool_t synchronize(Bool_t verbose) ; Bool_t synchronize(Bool_t verbose) ;
void backProp() ; void backProp() ;
inline Int_t getNPar() const { return _nPar ; } inline Int_t getNPar() const { return _nPar ; }
inline ofstream* logfile() const { return _logfile ; } inline std::ofstream* logfile() const { return _logfile ; }
inline Double_t& maxFCN() { return _maxFCN ; } inline Double_t& maxFCN() { return _maxFCN ; }
Double_t getPdfParamVal(Int_t index) ; Double_t getPdfParamVal(Int_t index) ;
Double_t getPdfParamErr(Int_t index) ; Double_t getPdfParamErr(Int_t index) ;
virtual Bool_t setPdfParamVal(Int_t index, Double_t value, Bool_t verbose =kFALSE) ; virtual Bool_t setPdfParamVal(Int_t index, Double_t value, Bool_t verbose =kFALSE) ;
void setPdfParamErr(Int_t index, Double_t value) ; void setPdfParamErr(Int_t index, Double_t value) ;
void setPdfParamErr(Int_t index, Double_t loVal, Double_t hiVal) ; void setPdfParamErr(Int_t index, Double_t loVal, Double_t hiVal) ;
void clearPdfParamAsymErr(Int_t index) ; void clearPdfParamAsymErr(Int_t index) ;
void saveStatus(const char* label, Int_t status) { _statusHistory.push_ba ck(std::pair<std::string,int>(label,status)) ; } void saveStatus(const char* label, Int_t status) { _statusHistory.push_ba ck(std::pair<std::string,int>(label,status)) ; }
skipping to change at line 132 skipping to change at line 132
Bool_t _doEvalErrorWall ; Bool_t _doEvalErrorWall ;
Int_t _maxEvalMult ; Int_t _maxEvalMult ;
RooArgList* _floatParamList ; RooArgList* _floatParamList ;
std::vector<RooAbsArg*> _floatParamVec ; std::vector<RooAbsArg*> _floatParamVec ;
RooArgList* _initFloatParamList ; RooArgList* _initFloatParamList ;
RooArgList* _constParamList ; RooArgList* _constParamList ;
RooArgList* _initConstParamList ; RooArgList* _initConstParamList ;
RooAbsReal* _func ; RooAbsReal* _func ;
Double_t _maxFCN ; Double_t _maxFCN ;
ofstream* _logfile ; std::ofstream* _logfile ;
Bool_t _verbose ; Bool_t _verbose ;
TStopwatch _timer ; TStopwatch _timer ;
TStopwatch _cumulTimer ; TStopwatch _cumulTimer ;
TMatrixDSym* _extV ; TMatrixDSym* _extV ;
static TVirtualFitter *_theFitter ; static TVirtualFitter *_theFitter ;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int> > _statusHistory ; std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int> > _statusHistory ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 RooMsgService.h   RooMsgService.h 
skipping to change at line 138 skipping to change at line 138
RooFit::MsgLevel minLevel ; RooFit::MsgLevel minLevel ;
Int_t topic ; Int_t topic ;
std::string objectName ; std::string objectName ;
std::string className ; std::string className ;
std::string baseClassName ; std::string baseClassName ;
std::string tagName ; std::string tagName ;
Color_t color ; Color_t color ;
Bool_t prefix ; Bool_t prefix ;
ostream* os ; std::ostream* os ;
} ; } ;
// Access to instance // Access to instance
static RooMsgService& instance() ; static RooMsgService& instance() ;
static Bool_t anyDebug() ; static Bool_t anyDebug() ;
// User interface -- Add or delete reporting streams ; // User interface -- Add or delete reporting streams ;
Int_t addStream(RooFit::MsgLevel level, const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg() , const RooCmdArg& arg2=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg(), Int_t addStream(RooFit::MsgLevel level, const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg() , const RooCmdArg& arg2=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg(),
const RooCmdArg& arg4=RooCmdArg(), const R ooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg6=RooCmdArg()); const RooCmdArg& arg4=RooCmdArg(), const R ooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg(), const RooCmdArg& arg6=RooCmdArg());
skipping to change at line 165 skipping to change at line 165
void reset() { cleanup() ; } void reset() { cleanup() ; }
void setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::MsgLevel level) { _globMinLevel = level ; } void setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::MsgLevel level) { _globMinLevel = level ; }
RooFit::MsgLevel globalKillBelow() const { return _globMinLevel ; } RooFit::MsgLevel globalKillBelow() const { return _globMinLevel ; }
void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const ; void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const ;
void showPid(Bool_t flag) { _showPid = flag ; } void showPid(Bool_t flag) { _showPid = flag ; }
// Back end -- Send message or check if particular logging configuration is active // Back end -- Send message or check if particular logging configuration is active
ostream& log(const RooAbsArg* self, RooFit::MsgLevel level, RooFit::MsgTo std::ostream& log(const RooAbsArg* self, RooFit::MsgLevel level, RooFit::
pic facility, Bool_t forceSkipPrefix=kFALSE) ; MsgTopic facility, Bool_t forceSkipPrefix=kFALSE) ;
ostream& log(const TObject* self, RooFit::MsgLevel level, RooFit::MsgTopi std::ostream& log(const TObject* self, RooFit::MsgLevel level, RooFit::Ms
c facility, Bool_t forceSkipPrefix=kFALSE) ; gTopic facility, Bool_t forceSkipPrefix=kFALSE) ;
Bool_t isActive(const RooAbsArg* self, RooFit::MsgTopic facility, RooFit: :MsgLevel level) ; Bool_t isActive(const RooAbsArg* self, RooFit::MsgTopic facility, RooFit: :MsgLevel level) ;
Bool_t isActive(const TObject* self, RooFit::MsgTopic facility, RooFit::M sgLevel level) ; Bool_t isActive(const TObject* self, RooFit::MsgTopic facility, RooFit::M sgLevel level) ;
static Int_t _debugCount ; static Int_t _debugCount ;
std::map<int,std::string> _levelNames ; std::map<int,std::string> _levelNames ;
std::map<int,std::string> _topicNames ; std::map<int,std::string> _topicNames ;
static void cleanup() ; static void cleanup() ;
// Print level support for RooFit-related messages that are not routed th rough RooMsgService (such as Minuit printouts) // Print level support for RooFit-related messages that are not routed th rough RooMsgService (such as Minuit printouts)
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
5 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 RooMultiCategory.h   RooMultiCategory.h 
skipping to change at line 35 skipping to change at line 35
class RooMultiCategory : public RooAbsCategory { class RooMultiCategory : public RooAbsCategory {
public: public:
// Constructors etc. // Constructors etc.
inline RooMultiCategory() { } inline RooMultiCategory() { }
RooMultiCategory(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgSet& in putCatList); RooMultiCategory(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgSet& in putCatList);
RooMultiCategory(const RooMultiCategory& other, const char *name=0) ; RooMultiCategory(const RooMultiCategory& other, const char *name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooMultiCa tegory(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooMultiCa tegory(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooMultiCategory(); virtual ~RooMultiCategory();
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
const RooArgSet& inputCatList() const { return _catSet ; } const RooArgSet& inputCatList() const { return _catSet ; }
protected: protected:
void updateIndexList() ; void updateIndexList() ;
TString currentLabel() const ; TString currentLabel() const ;
RooSetProxy _catSet ; // Set of input category RooSetProxy _catSet ; // Set of input category
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 4 lines changed or added

 RooNameSet.h   RooNameSet.h 
skipping to change at line 39 skipping to change at line 39
RooNameSet(const RooArgSet& argSet); RooNameSet(const RooArgSet& argSet);
RooNameSet(const RooNameSet& other) ; RooNameSet(const RooNameSet& other) ;
virtual TObject* Clone(const char*) const { return new RooNameSet(*this) ; } virtual TObject* Clone(const char*) const { return new RooNameSet(*this) ; }
virtual ~RooNameSet() ; virtual ~RooNameSet() ;
void refill(const RooArgSet& argSet) ; void refill(const RooArgSet& argSet) ;
RooArgSet* select(const RooArgSet& list) const ; RooArgSet* select(const RooArgSet& list) const ;
Bool_t operator==(const RooNameSet& other) ; Bool_t operator==(const RooNameSet& other) ;
RooNameSet& operator=(const RooNameSet&) ; RooNameSet& operator=(const RooNameSet&) ;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
void setNameList(const char* givenList) ; void setNameList(const char* givenList) ;
Int_t _len ; Int_t _len ;
char* _nameList ; //[_len] char* _nameList ; //[_len]
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 RooNumConvPdf.h   RooNumConvPdf.h 
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inline void setCallWarning(Int_t threshold=2000) { conv().setCallWarning( threshold) ; } inline void setCallWarning(Int_t threshold=2000) { conv().setCallWarning( threshold) ; }
inline void setCallProfiling(Bool_t flag, Int_t nbinX = 40, Int_t nbinCal l = 40, Int_t nCallHigh=1000) inline void setCallProfiling(Bool_t flag, Int_t nbinX = 40, Int_t nbinCal l = 40, Int_t nCallHigh=1000)
{ conv().setCallProfiling(flag,nbinX,nbinCall,nCallHigh) ; } { conv().setCallProfiling(flag,nbinX,nbinCall,nCallHigh) ; }
inline const TH2* profileData() const { return conv().profileData() ; } inline const TH2* profileData() const { return conv().profileData() ; }
// Access components // Access components
RooRealVar& var() const { return (RooRealVar&)(const_cast<RooAbsReal&>(_ origVar.arg())) ; } RooRealVar& var() const { return (RooRealVar&)(const_cast<RooAbsReal&>(_ origVar.arg())) ; }
RooAbsReal& pdf() const { return const_cast<RooAbsReal&>(_origPdf.arg()) ; } RooAbsReal& pdf() const { return const_cast<RooAbsReal&>(_origPdf.arg()) ; }
RooAbsReal& model() const { return const_cast<RooAbsReal&>(_origModel.ar g()) ; } RooAbsReal& model() const { return const_cast<RooAbsReal&>(_origModel.ar g()) ; }
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
// WVE Store all properties of RooNumConvolution here so that can be take // WVE Store all properties of RooNumConvolution here so that can be take
// along in the copy ctor. // along in the copy ctor.
RooNumConvolution& conv() const { if (!_init) initialize() ; return *_con v ; } RooNumConvolution& conv() const { if (!_init) initialize() ; return *_con v ; }
mutable Bool_t _init ; //! do not persist mutable Bool_t _init ; //! do not persist
void initialize() const ; void initialize() const ;
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 RooNumConvolution.h   RooNumConvolution.h 
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RooAbsReal& model() const { return (RooAbsReal&) _origModel.arg() ; } RooAbsReal& model() const { return (RooAbsReal&) _origModel.arg() ; }
protected: protected:
friend class RooNumConvPdf ; friend class RooNumConvPdf ;
mutable Bool_t _init ; mutable Bool_t _init ;
void initialize() const ; void initialize() const ;
Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive) ; Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive) ;
virtual void printCompactTreeHook(ostream& os, const char* indent="") ; virtual void printCompactTreeHook(std::ostream& os, const char* indent="" ) ;
RooNumIntConfig _convIntConfig ; // Configuration of numeric convolution integral ; RooNumIntConfig _convIntConfig ; // Configuration of numeric convolution integral ;
mutable RooConvIntegrandBinding* _integrand ; //! Binding of Convolution Integrand function mutable RooConvIntegrandBinding* _integrand ; //! Binding of Convolution Integrand function
mutable RooAbsIntegrator* _integrator ; //! Numeric integrator of convol ution integrand mutable RooAbsIntegrator* _integrator ; //! Numeric integrator of convol ution integrand
RooRealProxy _origVar ; // Original convolution variable RooRealProxy _origVar ; // Original convolution variable
RooRealProxy _origPdf ; // Original input PDF RooRealProxy _origPdf ; // Original input PDF
RooRealProxy _origModel ; // Original resolution model RooRealProxy _origModel ; // Original resolution model
mutable RooArgSet _ownedClonedPdfSet ; // Owning set of cloned PDF c omponents mutable RooArgSet _ownedClonedPdfSet ; // Owning set of cloned PDF c omponents
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 RooNumGenConfig.h   RooNumGenConfig.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooNumGenConfig.h 28259 2009-04-16 16:21:16Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooNumGenConfig.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 47 skipping to change at line 47
const RooCategory& method1D(Bool_t cond, Bool_t cat) const ; const RooCategory& method1D(Bool_t cond, Bool_t cat) const ;
const RooCategory& method2D(Bool_t cond, Bool_t cat) const ; const RooCategory& method2D(Bool_t cond, Bool_t cat) const ;
const RooCategory& methodND(Bool_t cond, Bool_t cat) const ; const RooCategory& methodND(Bool_t cond, Bool_t cat) const ;
static RooNumGenConfig& defaultConfig() ; static RooNumGenConfig& defaultConfig() ;
Bool_t addConfigSection(const RooAbsNumGenerator* proto, const RooArgSet& defaultConfig) ; Bool_t addConfigSection(const RooAbsNumGenerator* proto, const RooArgSet& defaultConfig) ;
const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) const ; const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) const ;
RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) ; RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) ;
void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TString i ndent= "") const; void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TStr ing indent= "") const;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ;
static void cleanup() ; static void cleanup() ;
protected: protected:
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 RooNumIntConfig.h   RooNumIntConfig.h 
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// function evaluations for each numeric integration // function evaluations for each numeric integration
Bool_t printEvalCounter() const { return _printEvalCounter ; } Bool_t printEvalCounter() const { return _printEvalCounter ; }
void setPrintEvalCounter(Bool_t newVal) { _printEvalCounter = newVal ; } void setPrintEvalCounter(Bool_t newVal) { _printEvalCounter = newVal ; }
static RooNumIntConfig& defaultConfig() ; static RooNumIntConfig& defaultConfig() ;
Bool_t addConfigSection(const RooAbsIntegrator* proto, const RooArgSet& d efaultConfig) ; Bool_t addConfigSection(const RooAbsIntegrator* proto, const RooArgSet& d efaultConfig) ;
const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) const ; const RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) const ;
RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) ; RooArgSet& getConfigSection(const char* name) ;
void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TString i ndent= "") const; void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose, TStr ing indent= "") const;
virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
static void cleanup() ; static void cleanup() ;
protected: protected:
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 RooParamBinning.h   RooParamBinning.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooParamBinning.h 28285 2009-04-20 14:33:36Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooParamBinning.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
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virtual Double_t highBound() const { return xhi()->getVal() ; } virtual Double_t highBound() const { return xhi()->getVal() ; }
virtual Double_t binCenter(Int_t bin) const ; virtual Double_t binCenter(Int_t bin) const ;
virtual Double_t binWidth(Int_t bin) const ; virtual Double_t binWidth(Int_t bin) const ;
virtual Double_t binLow(Int_t bin) const ; virtual Double_t binLow(Int_t bin) const ;
virtual Double_t binHigh(Int_t bin) const ; virtual Double_t binHigh(Int_t bin) const ;
virtual Double_t averageBinWidth() const { return _binw ; } virtual Double_t averageBinWidth() const { return _binw ; }
virtual Double_t* array() const ; virtual Double_t* array() const ;
void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, TS tring indent="") const ; void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kFALS E, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void insertHook(RooAbsRealLValue&) const ; virtual void insertHook(RooAbsRealLValue&) const ;
virtual void removeHook(RooAbsRealLValue&) const ; virtual void removeHook(RooAbsRealLValue&) const ;
virtual Bool_t isShareable() const { return kFALSE ; } // parameterized b inning cannot be shared across instances virtual Bool_t isShareable() const { return kFALSE ; } // parameterized b inning cannot be shared across instances
virtual Bool_t isParameterized() const { return kTRUE ; } // binning is p arameterized, range will need special handling in integration virtual Bool_t isParameterized() const { return kTRUE ; } // binning is p arameterized, range will need special handling in integration
virtual RooAbsReal* lowBoundFunc() const { return xlo() ; } virtual RooAbsReal* lowBoundFunc() const { return xlo() ; }
virtual RooAbsReal* highBoundFunc() const { return xhi() ; } virtual RooAbsReal* highBoundFunc() const { return xhi() ; }
protected: protected:
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 RooPlot.h   RooPlot.h 
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TObject* getObject(Int_t idx) const ; TObject* getObject(Int_t idx) const ;
Stat_t numItems() const {return _items.GetSize();} Stat_t numItems() const {return _items.GetSize();}
void addPlotable(RooPlotable *plotable, Option_t *drawOptions= "", Bool_t invisible=kFALSE, Bool_t refreshNorm=kFALSE); void addPlotable(RooPlotable *plotable, Option_t *drawOptions= "", Bool_t invisible=kFALSE, Bool_t refreshNorm=kFALSE);
void addObject(TObject* obj, Option_t* drawOptions= "", Bool_t invisible= kFALSE); void addObject(TObject* obj, Option_t* drawOptions= "", Bool_t invisible= kFALSE);
void addTH1(TH1 *hist, Option_t* drawOptions= "", Bool_t invisible=kFALSE ); void addTH1(TH1 *hist, Option_t* drawOptions= "", Bool_t invisible=kFALSE );
void remove(const char* name=0, Bool_t deleteToo=kTRUE) ; void remove(const char* name=0, Bool_t deleteToo=kTRUE) ;
// ascii printing // ascii printing
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo
ALSE, TString indent="") const ; se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const { inline virtual void Print(Option_t *options= 0) const {
printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options)); printStream(defaultPrintStream(),defaultPrintContents(options),defaultP rintStyle(options));
} }
// data member get/set methods // data member get/set methods
inline RooAbsRealLValue *getPlotVar() const { return _plotVarClone; } inline RooAbsRealLValue *getPlotVar() const { return _plotVarClone; }
inline Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const { return _normNumEvts; } inline Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const { return _normNumEvts; }
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 RooPlotable.h   RooPlotable.h 
skipping to change at line 50 skipping to change at line 50
} }
inline Double_t getYAxisMin() const { return _ymin; } inline Double_t getYAxisMin() const { return _ymin; }
inline Double_t getYAxisMax() const { return _ymax; } inline Double_t getYAxisMax() const { return _ymax; }
// the normalization value refers to the full "fit range" instead of // the normalization value refers to the full "fit range" instead of
// the "plot range" // the "plot range"
virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const = 0; virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt() const = 0;
virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const = 0; virtual Double_t getFitRangeNEvt(Double_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const = 0;
virtual Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const = 0; virtual Double_t getFitRangeBinW() const = 0;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k FALSE, TString indent= "") const; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb ose=kFALSE, TString indent= "") const;
TObject *crossCast(); TObject *crossCast();
protected: protected:
TString _yAxisLabel; TString _yAxisLabel;
Double_t _ymin, _ymax, _normValue; Double_t _ymin, _ymax, _normValue;
ClassDef(RooPlotable,1) // Abstract interface for plotable objects in a R ooPlot ClassDef(RooPlotable,1) // Abstract interface for plotable objects in a R ooPlot
}; };
#endif #endif
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 RooPrintable.h   RooPrintable.h 
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class RooPrintable { class RooPrintable {
public: public:
inline RooPrintable() { } inline RooPrintable() { }
inline virtual ~RooPrintable() { } inline virtual ~RooPrintable() { }
// New-style printing // New-style printing
// Master print function // Master print function
enum ContentsOption { kName=1, kClassName=2, kValue=4, kArgs=8, kExtras=1 6, kAddress=32, kTitle=64, kCollectionHeader=128} ; // Can be ORed enum ContentsOption { kName=1, kClassName=2, kValue=4, kArgs=8, kExtras=1 6, kAddress=32, kTitle=64, kCollectionHeader=128} ; // Can be ORed
enum StyleOption { kInline=1, kSingleLine=2, kStandard=3, kVerbose=4, kTr eeStructure=5 } ; // Exclusive enum StyleOption { kInline=1, kSingleLine=2, kStandard=3, kVerbose=4, kTr eeStructure=5 } ; // Exclusive
virtual void printStream(ostream& os, Int_t contents, StyleOption style, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printStream(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, StyleOption st yle, TString indent="") const ;
// Virtual hook function for class-specific content implementation // Virtual hook function for class-specific content implementation
virtual void printAddress(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printAddress(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printTitle(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printTitle(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printClassName(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printClassName(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printExtras(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printExtras(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void printTree(ostream& os, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printTree(std::ostream& os, TString indent="") const ;
static ostream& defaultPrintStream(ostream *os= 0); static std::ostream& defaultPrintStream(std::ostream *os= 0);
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual StyleOption defaultPrintStyle(Option_t* opt) const ;
// Formatting control // Formatting control
static void nameFieldLength(Int_t newLen) ; static void nameFieldLength(Int_t newLen) ;
protected: protected:
static Int_t _nameLength ; static Int_t _nameLength ;
ClassDef(RooPrintable,1) // Interface for printable objects ClassDef(RooPrintable,1) // Interface for printable objects
}; };
namespace RooFit { namespace RooFit {
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const RooPrintable& rp) ; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RooPrintable& rp) ;
} }
#ifndef __CINT__ #ifndef __CINT__
using RooFit::operator<< ; using RooFit::operator<< ;
#endif #endif
#endif #endif
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 RooProdGenContext.h   RooProdGenContext.h 
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class TIterator; class TIterator;
class RooSuperCategory ; class RooSuperCategory ;
class RooProdGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext { class RooProdGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext {
public: public:
RooProdGenContext(const RooProdPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const R ooDataSet *prototype= 0, RooProdGenContext(const RooProdPdf &model, const RooArgSet &vars, const R ooDataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
virtual ~RooProdGenContext(); virtual ~RooProdGenContext();
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ; virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
void updateCCDTable() ; void updateCCDTable() ;
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 RooProdPdf.h   RooProdPdf.h 
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virtual void generateEvent(Int_t code); virtual void generateEvent(Int_t code);
virtual Bool_t isDirectGenSafe(const RooAbsArg& arg) const ; virtual Bool_t isDirectGenSafe(const RooAbsArg& arg) const ;
// Constraint management // Constraint management
virtual RooArgSet* getConstraints(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet & constrainedParams, Bool_t stripDisconnected) const ; virtual RooArgSet* getConstraints(const RooArgSet& observables, RooArgSet & constrainedParams, Bool_t stripDisconnected) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& obs, Doub le_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& obs, Doub le_t xlo, Double_t xhi) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ;
Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ; Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void selectNormalizationRange(const char* rangeName=0, Bool_t for ce=kFALSE) ; virtual void selectNormalizationRange(const char* rangeName=0, Bool_t for ce=kFALSE) ;
void fixRefRange(const char* rangeName) ; void fixRefRange(const char* rangeName) ;
void setSelfNormalized(Bool_t flag) { _selfNorm = flag ; } void setSelfNormalized(Bool_t flag) { _selfNorm = flag ; }
void setDefNormSet(const RooArgSet& nset) { _defNormSet.removeAll() ; _de fNormSet.addClone(nset) ; } void setDefNormSet(const RooArgSet& nset) { _defNormSet.removeAll() ; _de fNormSet.addClone(nset) ; }
Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& /*newServerList*/, Boo l_t /*mustReplaceAll*/, Bool_t /*nameChange*/, Bool_t /*isRecursive*/) ; Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& /*newServerList*/, Boo l_t /*mustReplaceAll*/, Bool_t /*nameChange*/, Bool_t /*isRecursive*/) ;
RooArgSet* getConnectedParameters(const RooArgSet& observables) const ; RooArgSet* getConnectedParameters(const RooArgSet& observables) const ;
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 RooProduct.h   RooProduct.h 
skipping to change at line 50 skipping to change at line 50
const RooArgSet* normSet , const RooArgSet* normSet ,
const char* rangeName=0) const ; const char* rangeName=0) const ;
virtual Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* rangeName=0) const; virtual Double_t analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char* rangeName=0) const;
RooArgSet components() { RooArgSet tmp(_compRSet) ; tmp.add(_compCSet) ; return tmp ; } RooArgSet components() { RooArgSet tmp(_compRSet) ; tmp.add(_compCSet) ; return tmp ; }
virtual ~RooProduct() ; virtual ~RooProduct() ;
class ProdMap ; class ProdMap ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Double_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Double_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ;
virtual Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ; virtual Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ;
protected: protected:
RooSetProxy _compRSet ; RooSetProxy _compRSet ;
RooSetProxy _compCSet ; RooSetProxy _compCSet ;
TIterator* _compRIter ; //! do not persist TIterator* _compRIter ; //! do not persist
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooProjectedPdf.h   RooProjectedPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 46 skipping to change at line 46
Int_t getGenerator(const RooArgSet& directVars, RooArgSet &generateVars, Bool_t staticInitOK=kTRUE) const; Int_t getGenerator(const RooArgSet& directVars, RooArgSet &generateVars, Bool_t staticInitOK=kTRUE) const;
void initGenerator(Int_t /*code*/) {} ; // optional pre-generation initia lization void initGenerator(Int_t /*code*/) {} ; // optional pre-generation initia lization
void generateEvent(Int_t code); void generateEvent(Int_t code);
virtual Bool_t selfNormalized() const { return kTRUE ; } virtual Bool_t selfNormalized() const { return kTRUE ; }
// Handle projection of projection explicitly // Handle projection of projection explicitly
virtual RooAbsPdf* createProjection(const RooArgSet& iset) ; virtual RooAbsPdf* createProjection(const RooArgSet& iset) ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
RooRealProxy intpdf ; // p.d.f that is integrated RooRealProxy intpdf ; // p.d.f that is integrated
RooSetProxy intobs ; // observables that p.d.f is integrated over RooSetProxy intobs ; // observables that p.d.f is integrated over
RooSetProxy deps ; // dependents of this p.d.f RooSetProxy deps ; // dependents of this p.d.f
class CacheElem : public RooAbsCacheElement { class CacheElem : public RooAbsCacheElement {
public: public:
virtual ~CacheElem() { delete _projection ; } ; virtual ~CacheElem() { delete _projection ; } ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooRealIntegral.h   RooRealIntegral.h 
skipping to change at line 48 skipping to change at line 48
RooRealIntegral(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsReal& fu nction, const RooArgSet& depList, RooRealIntegral(const char *name, const char *title, const RooAbsReal& fu nction, const RooArgSet& depList,
const RooArgSet* funcNormSet=0, const RooNumIntConfig* con fig=0, const char* rangeName=0) ; const RooArgSet* funcNormSet=0, const RooNumIntConfig* con fig=0, const char* rangeName=0) ;
RooRealIntegral(const RooRealIntegral& other, const char* name=0); RooRealIntegral(const RooRealIntegral& other, const char* name=0);
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooRealInt egral(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooRealInt egral(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooRealIntegral(); virtual ~RooRealIntegral();
virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet* set=0) const ; virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet* set=0) const ;
Bool_t isValid() const { return _valid; } Bool_t isValid() const { return _valid; }
void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFALSE, T void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=kFAL
String indent="") const ; SE, TString indent="") const ;
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
const RooArgSet& numIntCatVars() const { return _sumList ; } const RooArgSet& numIntCatVars() const { return _sumList ; }
const RooArgSet& numIntRealVars() const { return _intList ; } const RooArgSet& numIntRealVars() const { return _intList ; }
const RooArgSet& anaIntVars() const { return _anaList ; } const RooArgSet& anaIntVars() const { return _anaList ; }
RooArgSet intVars() const { RooArgSet tmp(_sumList) ; tmp.add(_intList) ; tmp.add(_anaList) ; tmp.add(_facList) ; return tmp ; } RooArgSet intVars() const { RooArgSet tmp(_sumList) ; tmp.add(_intList) ; tmp.add(_anaList) ; tmp.add(_facList) ; return tmp ; }
const char* intRange() { return _rangeName ? _rangeName->GetName() : 0 ; } const char* intRange() { return _rangeName ? _rangeName->GetName() : 0 ; }
const RooAbsReal& integrand() const { return _function.arg() ; } const RooAbsReal& integrand() const { return _function.arg() ; }
void setCacheNumeric(Bool_t flag) { void setCacheNumeric(Bool_t flag) {
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooRealSumPdf.h   RooRealSumPdf.h 
skipping to change at line 55 skipping to change at line 55
virtual ExtendMode extendMode() const ; virtual ExtendMode extendMode() const ;
virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet* nset) const ; virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet* nset) const ;
virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet& nset) const { virtual Double_t expectedEvents(const RooArgSet& nset) const {
// Return expected number of events for extended likelihood calculation // Return expected number of events for extended likelihood calculation
// which is the sum of all coefficients // which is the sum of all coefficients
return expectedEvents(&nset) ; return expectedEvents(&nset) ;
} }
void printMetaArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printMetaArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* binBoundaries(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Dou ble_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ;
virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Double_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ; virtual std::list<Double_t>* plotSamplingHint(RooAbsRealLValue& /*obs*/, Double_t /*xlo*/, Double_t /*xhi*/) const ;
Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ; Bool_t isBinnedDistribution(const RooArgSet& obs) const ;
protected: protected:
class CacheElem : public RooAbsCacheElement { class CacheElem : public RooAbsCacheElement {
public: public:
CacheElem() {} ; CacheElem() {} ;
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 RooRealVar.h   RooRealVar.h 
skipping to change at line 89 skipping to change at line 89
Bool_t hasBinning(const char* name) const ; Bool_t hasBinning(const char* name) const ;
const RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) const ; const RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) const ;
RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_ t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) ; RooAbsBinning& getBinning(const char* name=0, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_ t createOnTheFly=kFALSE) ;
// Set infinite fit range limits // Set infinite fit range limits
inline void removeMin(const char* name=0) { getBinning(name).setMin(-RooN umber::infinity()) ; } inline void removeMin(const char* name=0) { getBinning(name).setMin(-RooN umber::infinity()) ; }
inline void removeMax(const char* name=0) { getBinning(name).setMax(RooNu mber::infinity()) ; } inline void removeMax(const char* name=0) { getBinning(name).setMax(RooNu mber::infinity()) ; }
inline void removeRange(const char* name=0) { getBinning(name).setRange(- RooNumber::infinity(),RooNumber::infinity()) ; } inline void removeRange(const char* name=0) { getBinning(name).setRange(- RooNumber::infinity(),RooNumber::infinity()) ; }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
// We implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can be stored in a data set // We implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can be stored in a data set
inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const { return kTRUE; } inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const { return kTRUE; }
// Force to be a leaf-node of any expression tree, even if we have (shape ) servers // Force to be a leaf-node of any expression tree, even if we have (shape ) servers
virtual Bool_t isDerived() const { virtual Bool_t isDerived() const {
// Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg? // Does value or shape of this arg depend on any other arg?
return (_serverList.GetSize()>0 || _proxyList.GetSize()>0)?kTRUE:kFALSE ; return (_serverList.GetSize()>0 || _proxyList.GetSize()>0)?kTRUE:kFALSE ;
} }
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printValue(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printValue(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printExtras(ostream& os) const ; virtual void printExtras(std::ostream& os) const ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verbose=k virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t contents, Bool_t verb
FALSE, TString indent="") const ; ose=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ; virtual Int_t defaultPrintContents(Option_t* opt) const ;
TString* format(const RooCmdArg& formatArg) const ; TString* format(const RooCmdArg& formatArg) const ;
TString* format(Int_t sigDigits, const char *options) const ; TString* format(Int_t sigDigits, const char *options) const ;
static void printScientific(Bool_t flag=kFALSE) ; static void printScientific(Bool_t flag=kFALSE) ;
static void printSigDigits(Int_t ndig=5) ; static void printSigDigits(Int_t ndig=5) ;
using RooAbsRealLValue::operator= ; using RooAbsRealLValue::operator= ;
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 RooResolutionModel.h   RooResolutionModel.h 
skipping to change at line 48 skipping to change at line 48
inline Bool_t isBasisSupported(const char* name) const { return basisCode (name)?kTRUE:kFALSE ; } inline Bool_t isBasisSupported(const char* name) const { return basisCode (name)?kTRUE:kFALSE ; }
virtual Int_t basisCode(const char* name) const = 0 ; virtual Int_t basisCode(const char* name) const = 0 ;
virtual void normLeafServerList(RooArgSet& list) const ; virtual void normLeafServerList(RooArgSet& list) const ;
Double_t getNorm(const RooArgSet* nset=0) const ; Double_t getNorm(const RooArgSet* nset=0) const ;
inline const RooFormulaVar& basis() const { return _basis?*_basis:*identi ty() ; } inline const RooFormulaVar& basis() const { return _basis?*_basis:*identi ty() ; }
Bool_t isConvolved() { return _basis ? kTRUE : kFALSE ; } Bool_t isConvolved() { return _basis ? kTRUE : kFALSE ; }
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
static void cleanup() ; static void cleanup() ;
static RooFormulaVar* identity() ; static RooFormulaVar* identity() ;
protected: protected:
static RooFormulaVar* _identity ; // Identity basis function pointe static RooFormulaVar* _identity ; // Identity basis function pointe
friend class RooConvGenContext ; friend class RooConvGenContext ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
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 RooSetProxy.h   RooSetProxy.h 
skipping to change at line 58 skipping to change at line 58
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t valueServer, Bool_t shape Server, Bool_t silent) ; virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t valueServer, Bool_t shape Server, Bool_t silent) ;
virtual Bool_t addOwned(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE); virtual Bool_t addOwned(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE);
virtual Bool_t addOwned(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALS E) { return RooAbsCollection::addOwned(list,silent) ; } virtual Bool_t addOwned(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALS E) { return RooAbsCollection::addOwned(list,silent) ; }
virtual RooAbsArg *addClone(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) ; virtual RooAbsArg *addClone(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) ;
virtual void addClone(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALS E) { RooAbsCollection::addClone(list,silent) ; } virtual void addClone(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALS E) { RooAbsCollection::addClone(list,silent) ; }
virtual Bool_t replace(const RooAbsArg& var1, const RooAbsArg& var2) ; virtual Bool_t replace(const RooAbsArg& var1, const RooAbsArg& var2) ;
virtual Bool_t remove(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE) ; virtual Bool_t remove(const RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE) ;
Bool_t remove(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE) ; Bool_t remove(const RooAbsCollection& list, Bool_t silent=kFALSE, Bool_t matchByNameOnly=kFALSE) ;
virtual void removeAll() ; virtual void removeAll() ;
virtual void print(ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ; virtual void print(std::ostream& os, Bool_t addContents=kFALSE) const ;
RooSetProxy& operator=(const RooArgSet& other) ; RooSetProxy& operator=(const RooArgSet& other) ;
protected: protected:
RooAbsArg* _owner ; RooAbsArg* _owner ;
Bool_t _defValueServer ; Bool_t _defValueServer ;
Bool_t _defShapeServer ; Bool_t _defShapeServer ;
TIterator* _iter ; //! do not persist TIterator* _iter ; //! do not persist
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 RooSimGenContext.h   RooSimGenContext.h 
skipping to change at line 37 skipping to change at line 37
class RooSimGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext { class RooSimGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext {
public: public:
RooSimGenContext(const RooSimultaneous &model, const RooArgSet &vars, con st RooDataSet *prototype= 0, RooSimGenContext(const RooSimultaneous &model, const RooArgSet &vars, con st RooDataSet *prototype= 0,
const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE); const RooArgSet* auxProto=0, Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE);
virtual ~RooSimGenContext(); virtual ~RooSimGenContext();
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ; virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ;
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
RooDataSet* createDataSet(const char* name, const char* title, const RooA rgSet& obs) ; RooDataSet* createDataSet(const char* name, const char* title, const RooA rgSet& obs) ;
void updateFractions() ; void updateFractions() ;
RooSimGenContext(const RooSimGenContext& other) ; RooSimGenContext(const RooSimGenContext& other) ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooSimSplitGenContext.h   RooSimSplitGenContext.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooSimSplitGenContext.h 42233 2011-11-24 23:35:45Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooSimSplitGenContext.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 36 skipping to change at line 36
class RooAbsCategoryLValue ; class RooAbsCategoryLValue ;
class RooSimSplitGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext { class RooSimSplitGenContext : public RooAbsGenContext {
public: public:
RooSimSplitGenContext(const RooSimultaneous &model, const RooArgSet &vars , Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE, Bool_t autoBinned=kTRUE, const char* binnedTag=" "); RooSimSplitGenContext(const RooSimultaneous &model, const RooArgSet &vars , Bool_t _verbose= kFALSE, Bool_t autoBinned=kTRUE, const char* binnedTag=" ");
virtual ~RooSimSplitGenContext(); virtual ~RooSimSplitGenContext();
virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ; virtual void setProtoDataOrder(Int_t* lut) ;
virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ; virtual void attach(const RooArgSet& params) ;
virtual void printMultiline(ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream &os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
virtual RooDataSet *generate(Int_t nEvents= 0, Bool_t skipInit=kFALSE, Bo ol_t extendedMode=kFALSE); virtual RooDataSet *generate(Double_t nEvents= 0, Bool_t skipInit=kFALSE, Bool_t extendedMode=kFALSE);
virtual void setExpectedData(Bool_t) ; virtual void setExpectedData(Bool_t) ;
protected: protected:
virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent); virtual void initGenerator(const RooArgSet &theEvent);
virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining); virtual void generateEvent(RooArgSet &theEvent, Int_t remaining);
RooDataSet* createDataSet(const char* name, const char* title, const RooA rgSet& obs) ; RooDataSet* createDataSet(const char* name, const char* title, const RooA rgSet& obs) ;
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
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 RooSimWSTool.h   RooSimWSTool.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooSimWSTool.h 36209 2010-10-08 21:37:36Z wouter $ * File: $Id: RooSimWSTool.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 136 skipping to change at line 136
protected: protected:
friend class RooSimWSTool ; friend class RooSimWSTool ;
friend class BuildConfig ; friend class BuildConfig ;
friend class MultiBuildConfig ; friend class MultiBuildConfig ;
void configure(const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmdArg& a rg2=RooCmdArg::none(), void configure(const RooCmdArg& arg1=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmdArg& a rg2=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmdArg& ar g4=RooCmdArg::none(), const RooCmdArg& arg3=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmdArg& ar g4=RooCmdArg::none(),
const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmdArg& ar g6=RooCmdArg::none()) ; const RooCmdArg& arg5=RooCmdArg::none(),const RooCmdArg& ar g6=RooCmdArg::none()) ;
std::list<std::string> _miSta teNameList ; std::list<std::string> _miSta teNameList ;
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::list<std::string>,std::string> > _pa ramSplitMap ; //<paramName,<list<splitCatSet>,remainderStateName>> std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::list<std::string>,std::string> > _pa ramSplitMap ; //<paramName,<std::list<splitCatSet>,remainderStateName>>
ClassDef(SplitRule,0) // Split rule specification for prototype p.d.f ClassDef(SplitRule,0) // Split rule specification for prototype p.d.f
} ; } ;
class RooSimWSTool::ObjSplitRule { class RooSimWSTool::ObjSplitRule {
public: public:
ObjSplitRule() {} ; ObjSplitRule() {} ;
virtual ~ObjSplitRule() ; virtual ~ObjSplitRule() ;
protected: protected:
friend class RooSimWSTool ; friend class RooSimWSTool ;
friend class RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig ; friend class RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig ;
std::list<const RooCatType*> _miStateList ; std::list<const RooCatType*> _miStateList ;
std::map<RooAbsArg*, std::pair<RooArgSet,std::string> > _paramSplitMap ; //<paramName,<list<splitCatSet>,remainderStateName>> std::map<RooAbsArg*, std::pair<RooArgSet,std::string> > _paramSplitMap ; //<paramName,<std::list<splitCatSet>,remainderStateName>>
ClassDef(ObjSplitRule,0) // Validated RooSimWSTool split rule ClassDef(ObjSplitRule,0) // Validated RooSimWSTool split rule
} ; } ;
class RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig class RooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig
{ {
public: public:
ObjBuildConfig() : _masterCat(0) {} ; ObjBuildConfig() : _masterCat(0) {} ;
virtual ~ObjBuildConfig() {} ; virtual ~ObjBuildConfig() {} ;
void print() ; void print() ;
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RooStreamParser.h   RooStreamParser.h 
skipping to change at line 25 skipping to change at line 25
************************************************************************** ***/ ************************************************************************** ***/
#include "Riosfwd.h" #include "Riosfwd.h"
#include "TString.h" #include "TString.h"
class RooStreamParser { class RooStreamParser {
public: public:
// Constructors, assignment etc. // Constructors, assignment etc.
RooStreamParser(istream& is) ; RooStreamParser(std::istream& is) ;
RooStreamParser(istream& is, const TString& errPrefix) ; RooStreamParser(std::istream& is, const TString& errPrefix) ;
virtual ~RooStreamParser(); virtual ~RooStreamParser();
TString readToken() ; TString readToken() ;
TString readLine() ; TString readLine() ;
Bool_t expectToken(const TString& expected, Bool_t zapOnError=kFALSE) ; Bool_t expectToken(const TString& expected, Bool_t zapOnError=kFALSE) ;
void setPunctuation(const TString& punct) ; void setPunctuation(const TString& punct) ;
TString getPunctuation() const { return _punct ; } TString getPunctuation() const { return _punct ; }
Bool_t readDouble(Double_t& value, Bool_t zapOnError=kFALSE) ; Bool_t readDouble(Double_t& value, Bool_t zapOnError=kFALSE) ;
Bool_t convertToDouble(const TString& token, Double_t& value) ; Bool_t convertToDouble(const TString& token, Double_t& value) ;
skipping to change at line 52 skipping to change at line 52
Bool_t convertToString(const TString& token, TString& string) ; Bool_t convertToString(const TString& token, TString& string) ;
Bool_t atEOL() ; Bool_t atEOL() ;
inline Bool_t atEOF() { return _atEOF ; } inline Bool_t atEOF() { return _atEOF ; }
void zapToEnd(Bool_t inclContLines=kFALSE) ; void zapToEnd(Bool_t inclContLines=kFALSE) ;
Bool_t isPunctChar(char c) const ; Bool_t isPunctChar(char c) const ;
protected: protected:
istream* _is ; std::istream* _is ;
Bool_t _atEOL ; Bool_t _atEOL ;
Bool_t _atEOF ; Bool_t _atEOF ;
TString _prefix ; TString _prefix ;
TString _punct ; TString _punct ;
ClassDef(RooStreamParser,0) // Utility class that parses iostream data in to tokens ClassDef(RooStreamParser,0) // Utility class that parses std::iostream da ta into tokens
}; };
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
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 RooStringVar.h   RooStringVar.h 
skipping to change at line 43 skipping to change at line 43
// Parameter value and error accessors // Parameter value and error accessors
virtual operator TString() ; virtual operator TString() ;
virtual const char* getVal() const { return _value ; } // overrides RooAb sReal::getVal() virtual const char* getVal() const { return _value ; } // overrides RooAb sReal::getVal()
virtual void setVal(const char* newVal) ; virtual void setVal(const char* newVal) ;
virtual RooAbsArg& operator=(const char* newValue); virtual RooAbsArg& operator=(const char* newValue);
// We implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can be stored in a data set // We implement a fundamental type of AbsArg that can be stored in a data set
inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const { return kTRUE; } inline virtual Bool_t isFundamental() const { return kTRUE; }
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
protected: protected:
ClassDef(RooStringVar,1) // String-valued variable ClassDef(RooStringVar,1) // String-valued variable
}; };
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RooSuperCategory.h   RooSuperCategory.h 
skipping to change at line 38 skipping to change at line 38
inline RooSuperCategory() { _catIter = _catSet.createIterator() ; } inline RooSuperCategory() { _catIter = _catSet.createIterator() ; }
RooSuperCategory(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgSet& in putCatList); RooSuperCategory(const char *name, const char *title, const RooArgSet& in putCatList);
RooSuperCategory(const RooSuperCategory& other, const char *name=0) ; RooSuperCategory(const RooSuperCategory& other, const char *name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooSuperCa tegory(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooSuperCa tegory(*this,newname); }
virtual ~RooSuperCategory(); virtual ~RooSuperCategory();
virtual Bool_t setIndex(Int_t index, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ; virtual Bool_t setIndex(Int_t index, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ;
virtual Bool_t setLabel(const char* label, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ; virtual Bool_t setLabel(const char* label, Bool_t printError=kTRUE) ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
// I/O streaming interface (machine readable) // I/O streaming interface (machine readable)
virtual Bool_t readFromStream(istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t verbose virtual Bool_t readFromStream(std::istream& is, Bool_t compact, Bool_t ve
=kFALSE) ; rbose=kFALSE) ;
virtual void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; virtual void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
TIterator* MakeIterator() const ; TIterator* MakeIterator() const ;
const RooArgSet& inputCatList() const { return _catSet ; } const RooArgSet& inputCatList() const { return _catSet ; }
virtual Bool_t inRange(const char* rangeName) const ; virtual Bool_t inRange(const char* rangeName) const ;
virtual Bool_t hasRange(const char* rangeName) const ; virtual Bool_t hasRange(const char* rangeName) const ;
protected: protected:
Bool_t setType(const RooCatType* type, Bool_t prinError=kTRUE) ; Bool_t setType(const RooCatType* type, Bool_t prinError=kTRUE) ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
4 lines changed or deleted 4 lines changed or added

 RooTFnBinding.h   RooTFnBinding.h 
skipping to change at line 26 skipping to change at line 26
class RooTFnBinding : public RooAbsReal { class RooTFnBinding : public RooAbsReal {
public: public:
RooTFnBinding() {} ; RooTFnBinding() {} ;
RooTFnBinding(const char *name, const char *title, TF1* _func, const RooA rgList& _list); RooTFnBinding(const char *name, const char *title, TF1* _func, const RooA rgList& _list);
RooTFnBinding(const char *name, const char *title, TF1* _func, const RooA rgList& _list, const RooArgList& _plist); RooTFnBinding(const char *name, const char *title, TF1* _func, const RooA rgList& _list, const RooArgList& _plist);
RooTFnBinding(const RooTFnBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooTFnBinding(const RooTFnBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooTFnBind ing(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooTFnBind ing(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooTFnBinding() { } inline virtual ~RooTFnBinding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
RooListProxy olist ; RooListProxy olist ;
RooListProxy plist ; RooListProxy plist ;
TF1* func ; TF1* func ;
Double_t evaluate() const ; Double_t evaluate() const ;
private: private:
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooTFnPdfBinding.h   RooTFnPdfBinding.h 
skipping to change at line 24 skipping to change at line 24
class TF3 ; class TF3 ;
class RooTFnPdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf { class RooTFnPdfBinding : public RooAbsPdf {
public: public:
RooTFnPdfBinding() {} ; RooTFnPdfBinding() {} ;
RooTFnPdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, TF1* _func, const R ooArgList& _list); RooTFnPdfBinding(const char *name, const char *title, TF1* _func, const R ooArgList& _list);
RooTFnPdfBinding(const RooTFnPdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ; RooTFnPdfBinding(const RooTFnPdfBinding& other, const char* name=0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooTFnPdfB inding(*this,newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooTFnPdfB inding(*this,newname); }
inline virtual ~RooTFnPdfBinding() { } inline virtual ~RooTFnPdfBinding() { }
void printArgs(ostream& os) const ; void printArgs(std::ostream& os) const ;
protected: protected:
RooListProxy list ; RooListProxy list ;
TF1* func ; TF1* func ;
Double_t evaluate() const ; Double_t evaluate() const ;
private: private:
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooThresholdCategory.h   RooThresholdCategory.h 
skipping to change at line 38 skipping to change at line 38
inline RooThresholdCategory() { } inline RooThresholdCategory() { }
RooThresholdCategory(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal& inp utVar, const char* defCatName="Default", Int_t defCatIdx=0); RooThresholdCategory(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal& inp utVar, const char* defCatName="Default", Int_t defCatIdx=0);
RooThresholdCategory(const RooThresholdCategory& other, const char *name= 0) ; RooThresholdCategory(const RooThresholdCategory& other, const char *name= 0) ;
virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooThresho ldCategory(*this, newname); } virtual TObject* clone(const char* newname) const { return new RooThresho ldCategory(*this, newname); }
virtual ~RooThresholdCategory(); virtual ~RooThresholdCategory();
// Mapping function // Mapping function
Bool_t addThreshold(Double_t upperLimit, const char* catName, Int_t catId x=-99999) ; Bool_t addThreshold(Double_t upperLimit, const char* catName, Int_t catId x=-99999) ;
// Printing interface (human readable) // Printing interface (human readable)
virtual void printMultiline(ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbose=kF ALSE, TString indent="") const ; virtual void printMultiline(std::ostream& os, Int_t content, Bool_t verbo se=kFALSE, TString indent="") const ;
void writeToStream(ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ; void writeToStream(std::ostream& os, Bool_t compact) const ;
protected: protected:
RooRealProxy _inputVar ; RooRealProxy _inputVar ;
RooCatType* _defCat ; RooCatType* _defCat ;
TSortedList _threshList ; TSortedList _threshList ;
TIterator* _threshIter ; //! do not persist TIterator* _threshIter ; //! do not persist
virtual RooCatType evaluate() const ; virtual RooCatType evaluate() const ;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 RooTrace.h   RooTrace.h 
skipping to change at line 35 skipping to change at line 35
virtual ~RooTrace() {} ; virtual ~RooTrace() {} ;
static void create(const TObject* obj) ; static void create(const TObject* obj) ;
static void destroy(const TObject* obj) ; static void destroy(const TObject* obj) ;
static void active(Bool_t flag) ; static void active(Bool_t flag) ;
static void verbose(Bool_t flag) ; static void verbose(Bool_t flag) ;
static void dump() ; static void dump() ;
static void dump(ostream& os, Bool_t sinceMarked=kFALSE) ; static void dump(std::ostream& os, Bool_t sinceMarked=kFALSE) ;
static void mark() ; static void mark() ;
static void callgrind_zero() ; static void callgrind_zero() ;
static void callgrind_dump() ; static void callgrind_dump() ;
protected: protected:
static void create2(const TObject* obj) ; static void create2(const TObject* obj) ;
static void destroy2(const TObject* obj) ; static void destroy2(const TObject* obj) ;
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 RooVectorDataStore.h   RooVectorDataStore.h 
/************************************************************************** *** /************************************************************************** ***
* Project: RooFit * * Project: RooFit *
* Package: RooFitCore * * Package: RooFitCore *
* File: $Id: RooVectorDataStore.h 44077 2012-05-02 17:10:21Z moneta $ * File: $Id: RooVectorDataStore.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
* Authors: * * Authors: *
* WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
* DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
* * * *
* Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
* and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
* with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
* listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
skipping to change at line 197 skipping to change at line 197
if (!_tracker) return kFALSE ; if (!_tracker) return kFALSE ;
return _tracker->hasChanged(kTRUE) ; return _tracker->hasChanged(kTRUE) ;
} }
void fill() { void fill() {
_vec.push_back(*_buf) ; _vec.push_back(*_buf) ;
_vec0 = &_vec.front() ; _vec0 = &_vec.front() ;
} ; } ;
void write(Int_t i) { void write(Int_t i) {
/* cout << "write(" << this << ") [" << i << "] nativeReal = " << _na tiveReal << " = " << _nativeReal->GetName() << " real = " << _real << " buf = " << _buf << " value = " << *_buf << " native getVal() = " << _nativeRea l->getVal() << " getVal() = " << _real->getVal() << endl ; */ /* std::cout << "write(" << this << ") [" << i << "] nativeReal = " < < _nativeReal << " = " << _nativeReal->GetName() << " real = " << _real << " buf = " << _buf << " value = " << *_buf << " native getVal() = " << _nati veReal->getVal() << " getVal() = " << _real->getVal() << std::endl ; */
_vec[i] = *_buf ; _vec[i] = *_buf ;
} }
void reset() { void reset() {
_vec.clear() ; _vec.clear() ;
_vec0 = &_vec.front() ; _vec0 = &_vec.front() ;
} }
inline void get(Int_t idx) const { inline void get(Int_t idx) const {
*_buf = *(_vec0+idx) ; *_buf = *(_vec0+idx) ;
skipping to change at line 288 skipping to change at line 288
_nativeBufE = other._nativeBufE ; _nativeBufE = other._nativeBufE ;
_nativeBufEL = other._nativeBufEL ; _nativeBufEL = other._nativeBufEL ;
_nativeBufEH = other._nativeBufEH ; _nativeBufEH = other._nativeBufEH ;
_vecE = other._vecE ? new std::vector<Double_t>(*other._vecE) : 0 ; _vecE = other._vecE ? new std::vector<Double_t>(*other._vecE) : 0 ;
_vecEL = other._vecEL ? new std::vector<Double_t>(*other._vecEL) : 0 ; _vecEL = other._vecEL ? new std::vector<Double_t>(*other._vecEL) : 0 ;
_vecEH = other._vecEH ? new std::vector<Double_t>(*other._vecEH) : 0 ; _vecEH = other._vecEH ? new std::vector<Double_t>(*other._vecEH) : 0 ;
return *this ; return *this ;
} }
void setErrorBuffer(Double_t* newBuf) { void setErrorBuffer(Double_t* newBuf) {
/* cout << "setErrorBuffer(" << _nativeReal->GetName() << ") newBuf = " << newBuf << endl ; */ /* std::cout << "setErrorBuffer(" << _nativeReal->GetName() << ") new Buf = " << newBuf << std::endl ; */
_bufE = newBuf ; _bufE = newBuf ;
if (!_vecE) _vecE = new std::vector<Double_t> ; if (!_vecE) _vecE = new std::vector<Double_t> ;
_vecE->reserve(_vec.capacity()) ; _vecE->reserve(_vec.capacity()) ;
if (!_nativeBufE) _nativeBufE = _bufE ; if (!_nativeBufE) _nativeBufE = _bufE ;
} }
void setAsymErrorBuffer(Double_t* newBufL, Double_t* newBufH) { void setAsymErrorBuffer(Double_t* newBufL, Double_t* newBufH) {
_bufEL = newBufL ; _bufEH = newBufH ; _bufEL = newBufL ; _bufEH = newBufH ;
if (!_vecEL) { if (!_vecEL) {
_vecEL = new std::vector<Double_t> ; _vecEL = new std::vector<Double_t> ;
_vecEH = new std::vector<Double_t> ; _vecEH = new std::vector<Double_t> ;
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
3 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 RootFinder.h   RootFinder.h 
// @(#)root/mathmore:$Id: RootFinder.h 33942 2010-06-16 13:12:17Z moneta $ // @(#)root/tmva $Id: RootFinder.h 40005 2011-06-27 15:29:10Z stelzer $
// Authors: L. Moneta, A. Zsenei 08/2005 // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss
/********************************************************************** /**************************************************************************
* * ********
* Copyright (c) 2004 ROOT Foundation, CERN/PH-SFT * * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis
* * *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * Package: TMVA
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * Class : RootFinder
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *
* * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * *
* General Public License for more details. * * Description:
* * *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * Root finding using Brents algorithm
* along with this library (see file COPYING); if not, write * *
* to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite * * (translated from CERNLIB function RZERO)
* 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA, or contact the author. * *
* * *
**********************************************************************/ *
* Authors (alphabetical):
// Header file for class RootFinder *
// * Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland
// Created by: moneta at Sun Nov 14 16:59:55 2004 *
// * Helge Voss <Helge.Voss@cern.ch> - MPI-K Heidelberg, German
// Last update: Sun Nov 14 16:59:55 2004 y *
// * Kai Voss <Kai.Voss@cern.ch> - U. of Victoria, Canada
#ifndef ROOT_Math_RootFinder *
#define ROOT_Math_RootFinder *
* Copyright (c) 2005:
* CERN, Switzerland
* U. of Victoria, Canada
* MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE
* (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE)
#ifndef ROOT_TMVA_RootFinder
#define ROOT_TMVA_RootFinder
// //
// RootFinder //
// //
// Root finding using Brents algorithm //
// (translated from CERNLIB function RZERO) //
// //
#ifndef ROOT_Math_IFunctionfwd #ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "Math/IFunctionfwd.h" #include "TObject.h"
#endif #endif
#ifndef ROOT_Math_IRootFinderMethod namespace TMVA {
#include "Math/IRootFinderMethod.h"
/** class MsgLogger;
@defgroup RootFinders One-dimensional Root-Finding algorithms
Various implementation esists in MathCore and MathMore
The user interacts with a proxy class ROOT::Math::RootFinder which creat
es behing
the choosen algorithms which are implemented using the ROOT::Math::IRoot
FinderMethod interface
@ingroup NumAlgo
namespace ROOT {
namespace Math {
User Class to find the Root of one dimensional functions.
The GSL Methods are implemented in MathMore and they are loaded au
via the plug-in manager
The possible types of Root-finding algorithms are:
<li>Root Bracketing Algorithms which do not require function deriv
<li>RootFinder::kBRENT (default method implemented in MathCore)
<li>Root Finding Algorithms using Derivatives
This class does not cupport copying
@ingroup RootFinders
class RootFinder {
enum EType { kBRENT, // Methods
from MathCore
Construct a Root-Finder algorithm
RootFinder(RootFinder::EType type = RootFinder::kBRENT);
virtual ~RootFinder();
// usually copying is non trivial, so we make this unaccessible
RootFinder(const RootFinder & ) {}
RootFinder & operator = (const RootFinder & rhs)
if (this == &rhs) return *this; // time saving self-test
return *this;
bool SetMethod(RootFinder::EType type = RootFinder::kBRENT);
Provide to the solver the function and the initial search inter
val [xlow, xup]
for algorithms not using derivatives (bracketing algorithms)
The templated function f must be of a type implementing the \a
operator() method,
<em> double operator() ( double x ) </em>
Returns non zero if interval is not valid (i.e. does not contai
ns a root)
bool SetFunction( const IGenFunction & f, double xlow, double xup)
return fSolver->SetFunction( f, xlow, xup);
Provide to the solver the function and an initial estimate of t
he root,
for algorithms using derivatives.
The templated function f must be of a type implementing the \a
and the \a Gradient() methods.
<em> double operator() ( double x ) </em>
Returns non zero if starting point is not valid
bool SetFunction( const IGradFunction & f, double xstart) {
return fSolver->SetFunction( f, xstart);
template<class Function, class Derivative>
bool Solve(Function &f, Derivative &d, double start,
int maxIter = 100, double absTol = 1E-8, double relTol =
template<class Function>
bool Solve(Function &f, double min, double max,
int maxIter = 100, double absTol = 1E-8, double relTol =
Compute the roots iterating until the estimate of the Root is
within the required tolerance returning
the iteration Status
bool Solve( int maxIter = 100, double absTol = 1E-8, double relTol
= 1E-10) {
return fSolver->Solve( maxIter, absTol, relTol );
Return the number of iteration performed to find the Root.
int Iterations() const {
return fSolver->Iterations();
Perform a single iteration and return the Status
int Iterate() {
return fSolver->Iterate();
Return the current and latest estimate of the Root
double Root() const {
return fSolver->Root();
Return the status of the last estimate of the Root
= 0 OK, not zero failure
int Status() const {
return fSolver->Status();
Return the current and latest estimate of the lower value of th
e Root-finding interval (for bracketing algorithms)
/* double XLower() const { */
/* return fSolver->XLower(); */
/* } */
Return the current and latest estimate of the upper value of th
e Root-finding interval (for bracketing algorithms)
/* double XUpper() const { */
/* return fSolver->XUpper(); */
/* } */
Get Name of the Root-finding solver algorithm
const char * Name() const {
return fSolver->Name();
IRootFinderMethod* fSolver; // type of algorithm to be used
}; class RootFinder : public TObject {
} // namespace Math public:
} // namespace ROOT
#ifndef ROOT_Math_WrappedFunction RootFinder( Double_t (*rootVal)( Double_t ),
#include "Math/WrappedFunction.h" Double_t rootMin, Double_t rootMax,
#endif Int_t maxIterations = 100,
Double_t absTolerance = 0.0 );
virtual ~RootFinder( void );
#ifndef ROOT_Math_Functor // returns the root of the function
#include "Math/Functor.h" Double_t Root( Double_t refValue );
Double_t fRootMin; // minimum root value
Double_t fRootMax; // maximum root value
Int_t fMaxIter; // maximum number of iterations
Double_t fAbsTol; // absolute tolerance deviation
template<class Function, class Derivative> // function pointer
bool ROOT::Math::RootFinder::Solve(Function &f, Derivative &d, double start Double_t (*fGetRootVal)( Double_t );
int maxIter, double absTol, double relTol
if (!fSolver) return false;
ROOT::Math::GradFunctor1D wf(f, d);
bool ret = fSolver->SetFunction(wf, start);
if (!ret) return false;
return Solve(maxIter, absTol, relTol);
template<class Function>
bool ROOT::Math::RootFinder::Solve(Function &f, double min, double max,
int maxIter, double absTol, double relTol
if (!fSolver) return false;
ROOT::Math::WrappedFunction<Function &> wf(f);
bool ret = fSolver->SetFunction(wf, min, max);
if (!ret) return false;
return Solve(maxIter, absTol, relTol);
#endif /* ROOT_Math_RootFinder */ mutable MsgLogger* fLogger; //! message logger
MsgLogger& Log() const { return *fLogger; }
ClassDef(RootFinder,0) // Root finding using Brents algorithm
} // namespace TMVA
 End of changes. 11 change blocks. 
254 lines changed or deleted 84 lines changed or added

 Sample.h   Sample.h 
skipping to change at line 30 skipping to change at line 30
//friend class Channel; //friend class Channel;
// //
// Nominal definitions // Nominal definitions
// //
Sample(); Sample();
Sample(std::string Name); Sample(std::string Name);
Sample(std::string Name, std::string HistoName, std::string InputFile, st d::string HistoPath=""); Sample(std::string Name, std::string HistoName, std::string InputFile, st d::string HistoPath="");
void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout); void Print(std::ostream& = std::cout);
void PrintXML( ofstream& xml ); void PrintXML( std::ofstream& xml );
void writeToFile( std::string FileName, std::string DirName ); void writeToFile( std::string FileName, std::string DirName );
TH1* GetHisto(); TH1* GetHisto();
void SetHisto( TH1* histo ) { fhNominal = histo; fHistoName=histo->GetNam e(); } void SetHisto( TH1* histo ) { fhNominal = histo; fHistoName=histo->GetNam e(); }
void SetValue( Double_t Val ); void SetValue( Double_t Val );
// Some helper functions // Some helper functions
void ActivateStatError(); void ActivateStatError();
void ActivateStatError( std::string HistoName, std::string InputFile, std ::string HistoPath="" ); void ActivateStatError( std::string HistoName, std::string InputFile, std ::string HistoPath="" );
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h   SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h 
// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h 44368 2012-05-30 15:38:44Z axel $ // @(#)root/roostats:$Id: SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat.h 44982 2012-07-10 08:36:13Z moneta $
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
#ifndef ROOSTATS_SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat #ifndef ROOSTATS_SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
#define ROOSTATS_SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat #define ROOSTATS_SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
skipping to change at line 192 skipping to change at line 192
if (reuse && !created) { if (reuse && !created) {
fNllNull->setData(data, kFALSE) ; fNllNull->setData(data, kFALSE) ;
} }
// make sure we set the variables attached to this nll // make sure we set the variables attached to this nll
RooArgSet* attachedSet = fNllNull->getVariables(); RooArgSet* attachedSet = fNllNull->getVariables();
*attachedSet = *fNullParameters; *attachedSet = *fNullParameters;
*attachedSet = nullPOI; *attachedSet = nullPOI;
double nullNLL = fNllNull->getVal(); double nullNLL = fNllNull->getVal();
//cout << std::endl << "SLRTS: null params:" << std::endl; //std::cout << std::endl << "SLRTS: null params:" << std::endl;
//attachedSet->Print("v"); //attachedSet->Print("v");
if (!reuse) { if (!reuse) {
delete fNllNull ; fNllNull = NULL ; delete fNllNull ; fNllNull = NULL ;
} }
delete attachedSet; delete attachedSet;
created = kFALSE ; created = kFALSE ;
if (!fNllAlt) { if (!fNllAlt) {
RooArgSet* allParams = fAltPdf->getParameters(data); RooArgSet* allParams = fAltPdf->getParameters(data);
skipping to change at line 215 skipping to change at line 215
created = kTRUE ; created = kTRUE ;
} }
if (reuse && !created) { if (reuse && !created) {
fNllAlt->setData(data, kFALSE) ; fNllAlt->setData(data, kFALSE) ;
} }
// make sure we set the variables attached to this nll // make sure we set the variables attached to this nll
attachedSet = fNllAlt->getVariables(); attachedSet = fNllAlt->getVariables();
*attachedSet = *fAltParameters; *attachedSet = *fAltParameters;
double altNLL = fNllAlt->getVal(); double altNLL = fNllAlt->getVal();
//cout << std::endl << "SLRTS: alt params:" << std::endl; //std::cout << std::endl << "SLRTS: alt params:" << std::endl;
//attachedSet->Print("v"); //attachedSet->Print("v");
//cout << std::endl << "SLRTS null NLL: " << nullNLL << " alt N LL: " << altNLL << std::endl << std::endl; //std::cout << std::endl << "SLRTS null NLL: " << nullNLL << " alt NLL: " << altNLL << std::endl << std::endl;
if (!reuse) { if (!reuse) {
delete fNllAlt ; fNllAlt = NULL ; delete fNllAlt ; fNllAlt = NULL ;
} }
delete attachedSet; delete attachedSet;
// save this snapshot // save this snapshot
if( fDetailedOutputEnabled ) { if( fDetailedOutputEnabled ) {
if( !fDetailedOutput ) { if( !fDetailedOutput ) {
fDetailedOutput = new RooArgSet( *(new RooRealVar("nullNLL", "null NLL",0)), "detailedOut_SLRTS" ); fDetailedOutput = new RooArgSet( *(new RooRealVar("nullNLL", "null NLL",0)), "detailedOut_SLRTS" );
fDetailedOutput->add( *(new RooRealVar("altNLL","alternate N LL",0)) ); fDetailedOutput->add( *(new RooRealVar("altNLL","alternate N LL",0)) );
} }
fDetailedOutput->setRealValue( "nullNLL", nullNLL ); fDetailedOutput->setRealValue( "nullNLL", nullNLL );
fDetailedOutput->setRealValue( "altNLL", altNLL ); fDetailedOutput->setRealValue( "altNLL", altNLL );
// cout << std::endl << "STORING THIS AS DETAILED OUTPUT:" << s td::endl; // std::cout << std::endl << "STORING THIS AS DETAILED OUTPUT:" << std::endl;
// fDetailedOutput->Print("v"); // fDetailedOutput->Print("v");
// cout << std::endl; // std::cout << std::endl;
} }
RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(msglevel); RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(msglevel);
return nullNLL - altNLL; return nullNLL - altNLL;
} }
virtual void EnableDetailedOutput( bool e=true ) { fDetailedOutputEna bled = e; fDetailedOutput = NULL; } virtual void EnableDetailedOutput( bool e=true ) { fDetailedOutputEna bled = e; fDetailedOutput = NULL; }
virtual const RooArgSet* GetDetailedOutput(void) const { return fDeta iledOutput; } virtual const RooArgSet* GetDetailedOutput(void) const { return fDeta iledOutput; }
virtual const TString GetVarName() const { virtual const TString GetVarName() const {
 End of changes. 6 change blocks. 
6 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 TEveLine.h   TEveLine.h 
// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveLine.h 35074 2010-08-30 15:18:02Z matevz $ // @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveLine.h 44981 2012-07-09 23:28:12Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 59 skipping to change at line 59
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle); virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle);
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth); virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth);
Bool_t GetRnrLine() const { return fRnrLine; } Bool_t GetRnrLine() const { return fRnrLine; }
Bool_t GetRnrPoints() const { return fRnrPoints; } Bool_t GetRnrPoints() const { return fRnrPoints; }
Bool_t GetSmooth() const { return fSmooth; } Bool_t GetSmooth() const { return fSmooth; }
void SetRnrLine(Bool_t r); void SetRnrLine(Bool_t r);
void SetRnrPoints(Bool_t r); void SetRnrPoints(Bool_t r);
void SetSmooth(Bool_t r); void SetSmooth(Bool_t r);
void ReduceSegmentLengths(Float_t max); void ReduceSegmentLengths(Float_t max);
Float_t CalculateLineLength() const;
TEveVector GetLineStart() const; TEveVector GetLineStart() const;
TEveVector GetLineEnd() const; TEveVector GetLineEnd() const;
virtual const TGPicture* GetListTreeIcon(Bool_t open=kFALSE); virtual const TGPicture* GetListTreeIcon(Bool_t open=kFALSE);
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement* el); virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement* el);
virtual void WriteVizParams(ostream& out, const TString& var); virtual void WriteVizParams(ostream& out, const TString& var);
virtual TClass* ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection* p) const; virtual TClass* ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection* p) const;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 3 lines changed or added

 TEvePathMark.h   TEvePathMark.h 
// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEvePathMark.h 38721 2011-04-04 13:37:12Z matevz $ // @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEvePathMark.h 44784 2012-06-27 19:57:47Z matevz $
// Author: Matevz Tadel 2010 // Author: Matevz Tadel 2010
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 25 skipping to change at line 25
#include <TEveVector.h> #include <TEveVector.h>
//========================================================================= ===== //========================================================================= =====
// TEvePathMark // TEvePathMark
//========================================================================= ===== //========================================================================= =====
template <typename TT> template <typename TT>
class TEvePathMarkT class TEvePathMarkT
{ {
public: public:
enum EType_e { kReference, kDaughter, kDecay, kCluster2D }; enum EType_e { kReference, kDaughter, kDecay, kCluster2D, kLineSegment } ;
EType_e fType; // Mark-type. EType_e fType; // Mark-type.
TEveVectorT<TT> fV; // Vertex. TEveVectorT<TT> fV; // Vertex.
TEveVectorT<TT> fP; // Momentum. TEveVectorT<TT> fP; // Momentum.
TEveVectorT<TT> fE; // Extra, meaning depends on fType. TEveVectorT<TT> fE; // Extra, meaning depends on fType.
TT fTime; // Time. TT fTime; // Time.
TEvePathMarkT(EType_e type=kReference) : TEvePathMarkT(EType_e type=kReference) :
fType(type), fV(), fP(), fE(), fTime(0) {} fType(type), fV(), fP(), fE(), fTime(0) {}
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 TEveTrack.h   TEveTrack.h 
// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrack.h 38721 2011-04-04 13:37:12Z matevz $ // @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrack.h 44981 2012-07-09 23:28:12Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 54 skipping to change at line 54
typedef vPathMark_t::const_iterator vPathMark_ci; typedef vPathMark_t::const_iterator vPathMark_ci;
// Deprecated -- to be removed. // Deprecated -- to be removed.
enum EBreakProjectedTracks_e { kBPTDefault, kBPTAlways, kBPTNever }; enum EBreakProjectedTracks_e { kBPTDefault, kBPTAlways, kBPTNever };
protected: protected:
TEveVectorD fV; // Starting vertex TEveVectorD fV; // Starting vertex
TEveVectorD fP; // Starting momentum TEveVectorD fP; // Starting momentum
TEveVectorD fPEnd; // Momentum at the last point of extrapo lation TEveVectorD fPEnd; // Momentum at the last point of extrapo lation
Double_t fBeta; // Relativistic beta factor Double_t fBeta; // Relativistic beta factor
Double_t fDpDs; // Momentum loss over distance
Int_t fPdg; // PDG code Int_t fPdg; // PDG code
Int_t fCharge; // Charge in units of e0 Int_t fCharge; // Charge in units of e0
Int_t fLabel; // Simulation label Int_t fLabel; // Simulation label
Int_t fIndex; // Reconstruction index Int_t fIndex; // Reconstruction index
Int_t fStatus; // Status-word, user-defined. Int_t fStatus; // Status-word, user-defined.
Bool_t fLockPoints; // Lock points that are currently in - d o nothing in MakeTrack(). Bool_t fLockPoints; // Lock points that are currently in - d o nothing in MakeTrack().
vPathMark_t fPathMarks; // TEveVector of known points along the track vPathMark_t fPathMarks; // TEveVector of known points along the track
Int_t fLastPMIdx; //!Last path-mark index tried in track-p ropagation. Int_t fLastPMIdx; //!Last path-mark index tried in track-p ropagation.
TEveTrackPropagator *fPropagator; // Pointer to shared render-style TEveTrackPropagator *fPropagator; // Pointer to shared render-style
skipping to change at line 92 skipping to change at line 93
TEveTrackPropagator* GetPropagator() const { return fPropagator; } TEveTrackPropagator* GetPropagator() const { return fPropagator; }
Int_t GetLastPMIdx() const { return fLastPMIdx; } Int_t GetLastPMIdx() const { return fLastPMIdx; }
void SetPropagator(TEveTrackPropagator* prop); void SetPropagator(TEveTrackPropagator* prop);
void SetAttLineAttMarker(TEveTrackList* tl); void SetAttLineAttMarker(TEveTrackList* tl);
const TEveVectorD& GetVertex() const { return fV; } const TEveVectorD& GetVertex() const { return fV; }
const TEveVectorD& GetMomentum() const { return fP; } const TEveVectorD& GetMomentum() const { return fP; }
const TEveVectorD& GetEndMomentum() const { return fPEnd; } const TEveVectorD& GetEndMomentum() const { return fPEnd; }
Double_t GetDpDs() const { return fDpDs; }
void SetDpDs(Double_t dpds) { fDpDs = dpds; }
Int_t GetPdg() const { return fPdg; } Int_t GetPdg() const { return fPdg; }
void SetPdg(Int_t pdg) { fPdg = pdg; } void SetPdg(Int_t pdg) { fPdg = pdg; }
Int_t GetCharge() const { return fCharge; } Int_t GetCharge() const { return fCharge; }
void SetCharge(Int_t chg) { fCharge = chg; } void SetCharge(Int_t chg) { fCharge = chg; }
Int_t GetLabel() const { return fLabel; } Int_t GetLabel() const { return fLabel; }
void SetLabel(Int_t lbl) { fLabel = lbl; } void SetLabel(Int_t lbl) { fLabel = lbl; }
Int_t GetIndex() const { return fIndex; } Int_t GetIndex() const { return fIndex; }
void SetIndex(Int_t idx) { fIndex = idx; } void SetIndex(Int_t idx) { fIndex = idx; }
Int_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; } Int_t GetStatus() const { return fStatus; }
void SetStatus(Int_t idx) { fStatus = idx; } void SetStatus(Int_t idx) { fStatus = idx; }
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 TEveTrackPropagator.h   TEveTrackPropagator.h 
// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrackPropagator.h 43121 2012-02-24 21:33:35Z matev z $ // @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrackPropagator.h 44981 2012-07-09 23:28:12Z matev z $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 174 skipping to change at line 174
void Step(const TEveVector4D& v, const TEveVectorD& p, TEveVector4D& vOut, TEveVectorD& pOut); void Step(const TEveVector4D& v, const TEveVectorD& p, TEveVector4D& vOut, TEveVectorD& pOut);
Double_t GetStep() { return fLStep * TMath::Sqrt(1 + fLam*fLam); } Double_t GetStep() { return fLStep * TMath::Sqrt(1 + fLam*fLam); }
Double_t GetStep2() { return fLStep * fLStep * (1 + fLam*fLam); } Double_t GetStep2() { return fLStep * fLStep * (1 + fLam*fLam); }
}; };
private: private:
TEveTrackPropagator(const TEveTrackPropagator&); // Not imple mented TEveTrackPropagator(const TEveTrackPropagator&); // Not imple mented
TEveTrackPropagator& operator=(const TEveTrackPropagator&); // Not imple mented TEveTrackPropagator& operator=(const TEveTrackPropagator&); // Not imple mented
void DistributeOffset(const TEveVectorD& off, Int_t first_point, Int_t n
p, TEveVectorD& p);
protected: protected:
EStepper_e fStepper; EStepper_e fStepper;
TEveMagField* fMagFieldObj; TEveMagField* fMagFieldObj;
Bool_t fOwnMagFiledObj; Bool_t fOwnMagFiledObj;
// Track extrapolation limits // Track extrapolation limits
Double_t fMaxR; // Max radius for track extrap olation Double_t fMaxR; // Max radius for track extrap olation
Double_t fMaxZ; // Max z-coordinate for track extrapolation. Double_t fMaxZ; // Max z-coordinate for track extrapolation.
Int_t fNMax; // Max steps Int_t fNMax; // Max steps
// Helix limits // Helix limits
Double_t fMaxOrbs; // Maximal angular path of tra cks' orbits (1 ~ 2Pi). Double_t fMaxOrbs; // Maximal angular path of tra cks' orbits (1 ~ 2Pi).
// Path-mark / first-vertex control // Path-mark / first-vertex control
Bool_t fEditPathMarks; // Show widgets for path-mark c ontrol in GUI editor. Bool_t fEditPathMarks; // Show widgets for path-mark c ontrol in GUI editor.
Bool_t fFitDaughters; // Pass through daughter creati on points when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitDaughters; // Pass through daughter creati on points when extrapolating a track.
Bool_t fFitReferences; // Pass through given track-ref erences when extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitReferences; // Pass through given track-ref erences when extrapolating a track.
Bool_t fFitDecay; // Pass through decay point whe n extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitDecay; // Pass through decay point whe n extrapolating a track.
Bool_t fFitCluster2Ds; // Pass through 2D-clusters whe n extrapolating a track. Bool_t fFitCluster2Ds; // Pass through 2D-clusters whe n extrapolating a track.
Bool_t fFitLineSegments; // Pass through line when ext rapolating a track.
Bool_t fRnrDaughters; // Render daughter path-marks. Bool_t fRnrDaughters; // Render daughter path-marks.
Bool_t fRnrReferences; // Render track-reference path- marks. Bool_t fRnrReferences; // Render track-reference path- marks.
Bool_t fRnrDecay; // Render decay path-marks. Bool_t fRnrDecay; // Render decay path-marks.
Bool_t fRnrCluster2Ds; // Render 2D-clusters. Bool_t fRnrCluster2Ds; // Render 2D-clusters.
Bool_t fRnrFV; // Render first vertex. Bool_t fRnrFV; // Render first vertex.
TMarker fPMAtt; // Marker attributes for render ing of path-marks. TMarker fPMAtt; // Marker attributes for render ing of path-marks.
TMarker fFVAtt; // Marker attributes for fits v ertex. TMarker fFVAtt; // Marker attributes for fits v ertex.
// Handling of discontinuities in projections // Handling of discontinuities in projections
UChar_t fProjTrackBreaking; // Handling of projected-tr ack breaking. UChar_t fProjTrackBreaking; // Handling of projected-tr ack breaking.
skipping to change at line 218 skipping to change at line 221
// Propagation, state of current track // Propagation, state of current track
std::vector<TEveVector4D> fPoints; // Calculated point. std::vector<TEveVector4D> fPoints; // Calculated point.
TEveVectorD fV; // Start vertex. TEveVectorD fV; // Start vertex.
Helix_t fH; // Helix. Helix_t fH; // Helix.
void RebuildTracks(); void RebuildTracks();
void Update(const TEveVector4D& v, const TEveVectorD& p, Bool_t full_ update=kFALSE, Bool_t enforce_max_step=kFALSE); void Update(const TEveVector4D& v, const TEveVectorD& p, Bool_t full_ update=kFALSE, Bool_t enforce_max_step=kFALSE);
void Step(const TEveVector4D &v, const TEveVectorD &p, TEveVector4D & vOut, TEveVectorD &pOut); void Step(const TEveVector4D &v, const TEveVectorD &p, TEveVector4D & vOut, TEveVectorD &pOut);
Bool_t LoopToVertex(TEveVectorD& v, TEveVectorD& p); Bool_t LoopToVertex(TEveVectorD& v, TEveVectorD& p);
Bool_t LoopToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD& s, const TEveVectorD& r, TE veVectorD& p);
void LoopToBounds(TEveVectorD& p); void LoopToBounds(TEveVectorD& p);
Bool_t LineToVertex (TEveVectorD& v); Bool_t LineToVertex (TEveVectorD& v);
void LineToBounds (TEveVectorD& p); void LineToBounds (TEveVectorD& p);
void StepRungeKutta(Double_t step, Double_t* vect, Double_t* vout); void StepRungeKutta(Double_t step, Double_t* vect, Double_t* vout);
Bool_t HelixIntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& poi nt, const TEveVectorD& normal, Bool_t HelixIntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& poi nt, const TEveVectorD& normal,
TEveVectorD&itsect); TEveVectorD&itsect);
Bool_t LineIntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& poin t, const TEveVectorD& normal, Bool_t LineIntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& poin t, const TEveVectorD& normal,
TEveVectorD& itsect); TEveVectorD& itsect);
Bool_t PointOverVertex(const TEveVector4D& v0, const TEveVector4D& v, D ouble_t* p=0);
Bool_t PointOverVertex(const TEveVector4D& v0, const TEveVector4D& v, Do void ClosestPointFromVertexToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD& v, const
uble_t* p=0); TEveVectorD& s, const TEveVectorD& r, Double_t rMagInv, TEveVectorD& c);
Bool_t ClosestPointBetweenLines(const TEveVectorD&, const TEveVectorD&,
const TEveVectorD&, const TEveVectorD&, TEveVectorD& out);
public: public:
TEveTrackPropagator(const char* n="TEveTrackPropagator", const char* t=" ", TEveTrackPropagator(const char* n="TEveTrackPropagator", const char* t=" ",
TEveMagField* field=0, Bool_t own_field=kTRUE); TEveMagField* field=0, Bool_t own_field=kTRUE);
virtual ~TEveTrackPropagator(); virtual ~TEveTrackPropagator();
virtual void OnZeroRefCount(); virtual void OnZeroRefCount();
virtual void CheckReferenceCount(const TEveException& eh="TEveElement::C heckReferenceCount "); virtual void CheckReferenceCount(const TEveException& eh="TEveElement::C heckReferenceCount ");
virtual void ElementChanged(Bool_t update_scenes=kTRUE, Bool_t redraw=kF ALSE); virtual void ElementChanged(Bool_t update_scenes=kTRUE, Bool_t redraw=kF ALSE);
// propagation // propagation
void InitTrack(const TEveVectorD& v, Int_t charge); void InitTrack(const TEveVectorD& v, Int_t charge);
void ResetTrack(); void ResetTrack();
void GoToBounds(TEveVectorD& p);
Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorD& v, TEveVectorD& p); Int_t GetCurrentPoint() const;
Double_t GetTrackLength(Int_t start_point=0, Int_t end_point=-1) const;
virtual void GoToBounds(TEveVectorD& p);
virtual Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorD& v, TEveVectorD& p);
virtual Bool_t GoToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD& s, const TEveVectorD&
r, TEveVectorD& p);
// TEveVectorF wrappers // TEveVectorF wrappers
void InitTrack(const TEveVectorF& v, Int_t charge); void InitTrack(const TEveVectorF& v, Int_t charge);
void GoToBounds(TEveVectorF& p); void GoToBounds(TEveVectorF& p);
Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorF& v, TEveVectorF&p); Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorF& v, TEveVectorF&p);
Bool_t GoToLineSegment(const TEveVectorF& s, const TEveVectorF& r, TEveV ectorF& p);
Bool_t IntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& point, co nst TEveVectorD& normal, Bool_t IntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD& p, const TEveVectorD& point, co nst TEveVectorD& normal,
TEveVectorD& itsect); TEveVectorD& itsect);
void FillPointSet(TEvePointSet* ps) const; void FillPointSet(TEvePointSet* ps) const;
void SetStepper(EStepper_e s) { fStepper = s; } void SetStepper(EStepper_e s) { fStepper = s; }
void SetMagField(Double_t bX, Double_t bY, Double_t bZ); void SetMagField(Double_t bX, Double_t bY, Double_t bZ);
void SetMagField(Double_t b) { SetMagField(0, 0, b); } void SetMagField(Double_t b) { SetMagField(0, 0, b); }
skipping to change at line 282 skipping to change at line 294
void SetEditPathMarks(Bool_t x) { fEditPathMarks = x; } void SetEditPathMarks(Bool_t x) { fEditPathMarks = x; }
void SetRnrDaughters(Bool_t x); void SetRnrDaughters(Bool_t x);
void SetRnrReferences(Bool_t x); void SetRnrReferences(Bool_t x);
void SetRnrDecay(Bool_t x); void SetRnrDecay(Bool_t x);
void SetRnrCluster2Ds(Bool_t x); void SetRnrCluster2Ds(Bool_t x);
void SetFitDaughters(Bool_t x); void SetFitDaughters(Bool_t x);
void SetFitReferences(Bool_t x); void SetFitReferences(Bool_t x);
void SetFitDecay(Bool_t x); void SetFitDecay(Bool_t x);
void SetFitCluster2Ds(Bool_t x); void SetFitCluster2Ds(Bool_t x);
void SetFitLineSegments(Bool_t x);
void SetRnrFV(Bool_t x); void SetRnrFV(Bool_t x);
void SetProjTrackBreaking(UChar_t x); void SetProjTrackBreaking(UChar_t x);
void SetRnrPTBMarkers(Bool_t x); void SetRnrPTBMarkers(Bool_t x);
TEveVectorD GetMagField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) { return fMa gFieldObj->GetField(x, y, z); } TEveVectorD GetMagField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) { return fMa gFieldObj->GetField(x, y, z); }
void PrintMagField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const; void PrintMagField(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const;
EStepper_e GetStepper() const { return fStepper;} EStepper_e GetStepper() const { return fStepper;}
Double_t GetMaxR() const { return fMaxR; } Double_t GetMaxR() const { return fMaxR; }
skipping to change at line 308 skipping to change at line 321
Bool_t GetEditPathMarks() const { return fEditPathMarks; } Bool_t GetEditPathMarks() const { return fEditPathMarks; }
Bool_t GetRnrDaughters() const { return fRnrDaughters; } Bool_t GetRnrDaughters() const { return fRnrDaughters; }
Bool_t GetRnrReferences() const { return fRnrReferences; } Bool_t GetRnrReferences() const { return fRnrReferences; }
Bool_t GetRnrDecay() const { return fRnrDecay; } Bool_t GetRnrDecay() const { return fRnrDecay; }
Bool_t GetRnrCluster2Ds() const { return fRnrCluster2Ds; } Bool_t GetRnrCluster2Ds() const { return fRnrCluster2Ds; }
Bool_t GetFitDaughters() const { return fFitDaughters; } Bool_t GetFitDaughters() const { return fFitDaughters; }
Bool_t GetFitReferences() const { return fFitReferences; } Bool_t GetFitReferences() const { return fFitReferences; }
Bool_t GetFitDecay() const { return fFitDecay; } Bool_t GetFitDecay() const { return fFitDecay; }
Bool_t GetFitCluster2Ds() const { return fFitCluster2Ds; } Bool_t GetFitCluster2Ds() const { return fFitCluster2Ds; }
Bool_t GetFitLineSegments() const { return fFitLineSegments; }
Bool_t GetRnrFV() const { return fRnrFV; } Bool_t GetRnrFV() const { return fRnrFV; }
UChar_t GetProjTrackBreaking() const { return fProjTrackBreaking; } UChar_t GetProjTrackBreaking() const { return fProjTrackBreaking; }
Bool_t GetRnrPTBMarkers() const { return fRnrPTBMarkers; } Bool_t GetRnrPTBMarkers() const { return fRnrPTBMarkers; }
TMarker& RefPMAtt() { return fPMAtt; } TMarker& RefPMAtt() { return fPMAtt; }
TMarker& RefFVAtt() { return fFVAtt; } TMarker& RefFVAtt() { return fFVAtt; }
TMarker& RefPTBAtt() { return fPTBAtt; } TMarker& RefPTBAtt() { return fPTBAtt; }
static Bool_t IsOutsideBounds(const TEveVectorD& point, Double_t maxRsqr , Double_t maxZ); static Bool_t IsOutsideBounds(const TEveVectorD& point, Double_t maxRsqr , Double_t maxZ);
 End of changes. 10 change blocks. 
5 lines changed or deleted 22 lines changed or added

 TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.h   TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.h 
// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.h 33627 2010-05-27 19:19:58Z matevz $ // @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrackPropagatorEditor.h 44784 2012-06-27 19:57:47Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 58 skipping to change at line 58
TEveGValuator *fMaxAng; TEveGValuator *fMaxAng;
TEveGValuator *fDelta; TEveGValuator *fDelta;
TGCompositeFrame *fRefsCont; TGCompositeFrame *fRefsCont;
TGCompositeFrame *fPMFrame; TGCompositeFrame *fPMFrame;
TGButton *fFitDaughters; TGButton *fFitDaughters;
TGButton *fFitReferences; TGButton *fFitReferences;
TGButton *fFitDecay; TGButton *fFitDecay;
TGButton *fFitCluster2Ds; TGButton *fFitCluster2Ds;
TGButton *fFitLineSegments;
TGButton *fRnrDaughters; TGButton *fRnrDaughters;
TGButton *fRnrReferences; TGButton *fRnrReferences;
TGButton *fRnrDecay; TGButton *fRnrDecay;
TGButton *fRnrCluster2Ds; TGButton *fRnrCluster2Ds;
TGButton *fRnrFV; TGButton *fRnrFV;
TAttMarkerEditor *fPMAtt; TAttMarkerEditor *fPMAtt;
TAttMarkerEditor *fFVAtt; TAttMarkerEditor *fFVAtt;
TGComboBox *fProjTrackBreaking; TGComboBox *fProjTrackBreaking;
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 TFPBlock.h   TFPBlock.h 
// @(#)root/io:$Id: TFPBlock.h 43276 2012-03-07 17:13:42Z pcanal $ // @(#)root/io:$Id: TFPBlock.h 44763 2012-06-27 14:05:39Z pcanal $
// Author: Elvin Sindrilaru 19/05/2011 // Author: Elvin Sindrilaru 19/05/2011
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 39 skipping to change at line 39
#endif #endif
class TFPBlock : public TObject{ class TFPBlock : public TObject{
private: private:
char *fBuffer; // content of the block char *fBuffer; // content of the block
Int_t fNblock; // number of segment in the block Int_t fNblock; // number of segment in the block
Int_t fFullSize; // total size of segments that make up the bloc k Int_t fFullSize; // total size of segments that make up the bloc k
Int_t *fLen; // array of lengths of each segment Int_t *fLen; // array of lengths of each segment
Long64_t *fPos; // array of positions of each segment Long64_t *fPos; // array of positions of each segment
Long64_t *fRelOffset; // relative offset of piece in the buffer
TFPBlock(const TFPBlock&); // Not implemented. TFPBlock(const TFPBlock&); // Not implemented.
TFPBlock &operator=(const TFPBlock&); // Not implemented. TFPBlock &operator=(const TFPBlock&); // Not implemented.
public: public:
TFPBlock(Long64_t*, Int_t*, Int_t); TFPBlock(Long64_t*, Int_t*, Int_t);
virtual ~TFPBlock(); virtual ~TFPBlock();
Long64_t GetPos(Int_t) const; Long64_t GetPos(Int_t) const;
Int_t GetLen(Int_t) const; Int_t GetLen(Int_t) const;
Long64_t *GetPos() const; Long64_t *GetPos() const;
Int_t *GetLen() const; Int_t *GetLen() const;
Int_t GetFullSize() const; Int_t GetFullSize() const;
Int_t GetNoElem() const; Int_t GetNoElem() const;
char *GetBuffer() const; char *GetBuffer() const;
char *GetPtrToPiece(Int_t index) const;
void SetBuffer(char*); void SetBuffer(char*);
void SetPos(Int_t, Long64_t); void SetPos(Int_t, Long64_t);
void ReallocBlock(Long64_t*, Int_t*, Int_t); void ReallocBlock(Long64_t*, Int_t*, Int_t);
ClassDef(TFPBlock, 0); // File prefetch block ClassDef(TFPBlock, 0); // File prefetch block
}; };
inline Long64_t* TFPBlock::GetPos() const
// Get pointer to the array of postions.
return fPos;
inline Int_t* TFPBlock::GetLen() const
// Get pointer to the array of lengths.
return fLen;
inline Int_t TFPBlock::GetFullSize() const
// Return size of the block.
return fFullSize;
inline Int_t TFPBlock::GetNoElem() const
// Return number of elements in the block.
return fNblock;
inline Long64_t TFPBlock::GetPos(Int_t i) const
// Get position of the element at index i.
return fPos[i];
inline Int_t TFPBlock::GetLen(Int_t i) const
// Get length of the element at index i.
return fLen[i];
inline char* TFPBlock::GetBuffer() const
// Get block buffer.
return fBuffer;
inline char* TFPBlock::GetPtrToPiece(Int_t index) const
// Get block buffer.
return (fBuffer + fRelOffset[index]);
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 4 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 67 lines changed or added

 TFileCacheRead.h   TFileCacheRead.h 
// @(#)root/io:$Id: TFileCacheRead.h 43149 2012-02-27 21:09:07Z pcanal $ // @(#)root/io:$Id: TFileCacheRead.h 44849 2012-07-03 13:06:09Z pcanal $
// Author: Rene Brun 19/05/2006 // Author: Rene Brun 19/05/2006
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 82 skipping to change at line 82
Long64_t *fBSeekSort; Long64_t *fBSeekSort;
Int_t *fBSeekIndex; Int_t *fBSeekIndex;
Long64_t *fBPos; Long64_t *fBPos;
Int_t *fBSeekLen; Int_t *fBSeekLen;
Int_t *fBSeekSortLen; Int_t *fBSeekSortLen;
Int_t *fBSeekPos; Int_t *fBSeekPos;
Int_t *fBLen; Int_t *fBLen;
Bool_t fBIsSorted; Bool_t fBIsSorted;
Bool_t fBIsTransferred; Bool_t fBIsTransferred;
void SetEnablePrefetchingImpl(Bool_t setPrefetching = kFALSE); // Can no
t be virtual as it is called from the constructor.
private: private:
TFileCacheRead(const TFileCacheRead &); //cannot be copied TFileCacheRead(const TFileCacheRead &); //cannot be copied
TFileCacheRead& operator=(const TFileCacheRead &); TFileCacheRead& operator=(const TFileCacheRead &);
public: public:
TFileCacheRead(); TFileCacheRead();
TFileCacheRead(TFile *file, Int_t buffersize, TObject *tree = 0); TFileCacheRead(TFile *file, Int_t buffersize, TObject *tree = 0);
virtual ~TFileCacheRead(); virtual ~TFileCacheRead();
virtual void AddBranch(TBranch * /*b*/, Bool_t /*subbranches*/ = kFALSE) {} virtual void AddBranch(TBranch * /*b*/, Bool_t /*subbranches*/ = kFALSE) {}
virtual void AddBranch(const char * /*branch*/, Bool_t /*subbranc hes*/ = kFALSE) {} virtual void AddBranch(const char * /*branch*/, Bool_t /*subbranc hes*/ = kFALSE) {}
virtual void AddNoCacheBytesRead(Long64_t len) { fNoCacheBytesRea d += len; } virtual void AddNoCacheBytesRead(Long64_t len) { fNoCacheBytesRea d += len; }
virtual void AddNoCacheReadCalls(Int_t reads) { fNoCacheReadCalls += reads; } virtual void AddNoCacheReadCalls(Int_t reads) { fNoCacheReadCalls += reads; }
virtual void Close(Option_t *option="");
virtual Int_t GetBufferSize() const { return fBufferSize; }; virtual Int_t GetBufferSize() const { return fBufferSize; };
virtual Long64_t GetBytesRead() const { return fBytesRead; } virtual Long64_t GetBytesRead() const { return fBytesRead; }
virtual Long64_t GetNoCacheBytesRead() const { return fNoCacheBytesRe ad; } virtual Long64_t GetNoCacheBytesRead() const { return fNoCacheBytesRe ad; }
virtual Long64_t GetBytesReadExtra() const { return fBytesReadExtra; } virtual Long64_t GetBytesReadExtra() const { return fBytesReadExtra; }
TFile *GetFile() const { return fFile; } // Return the TF ile being cached. TFile *GetFile() const { return fFile; } // Return the TF ile being cached.
Int_t GetNseek() const { return fNseek; } // Return the nu mber of blocks in the current cache. Int_t GetNseek() const { return fNseek; } // Return the nu mber of blocks in the current cache.
Int_t GetNtot() const { return fNtot; } // Return the to tal size of the prefetched blocks. Int_t GetNtot() const { return fNtot; } // Return the to tal size of the prefetched blocks.
virtual Int_t GetReadCalls() const { return fReadCalls; } virtual Int_t GetReadCalls() const { return fReadCalls; }
virtual Int_t GetNoCacheReadCalls() const { return fNoCacheReadCal ls; } virtual Int_t GetNoCacheReadCalls() const { return fNoCacheReadCal ls; }
virtual Int_t GetUnzipBuffer(char ** /*buf*/, Long64_t /*pos*/, In t_t /*len*/, Bool_t * /*free*/) { return -1; } virtual Int_t GetUnzipBuffer(char ** /*buf*/, Long64_t /*pos*/, In t_t /*len*/, Bool_t * /*free*/) { return -1; }
Long64_t GetPrefetchedBlocks() const { return fPrefetchedBloc ks; } Long64_t GetPrefetchedBlocks() const { return fPrefetchedBloc ks; }
virtual Bool_t IsAsyncReading() const { return fAsyncReading; }; virtual Bool_t IsAsyncReading() const { return fAsyncReading; };
virtual void SetEnablePrefetching(Bool_t setPrefetching = kFALSE) { fEnablePrefetching = setPrefetching; } virtual void SetEnablePrefetching(Bool_t setPrefetching = kFALSE) ;
virtual Bool_t IsEnablePrefetching() const { return fEnablePrefetch ing; }; virtual Bool_t IsEnablePrefetching() const { return fEnablePrefetch ing; };
virtual Bool_t IsLearning() const {return kFALSE;} virtual Bool_t IsLearning() const {return kFALSE;}
virtual void Prefetch(Long64_t pos, Int_t len); virtual void Prefetch(Long64_t pos, Int_t len);
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const; virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
virtual Int_t ReadBufferExt(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, In t_t &loc); virtual Int_t ReadBufferExt(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, In t_t &loc);
virtual Int_t ReadBufferExtNormal(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t l en, Int_t &loc); virtual Int_t ReadBufferExtNormal(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t l en, Int_t &loc);
virtual Int_t ReadBufferExtPrefetch(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, Int_t &loc); virtual Int_t ReadBufferExtPrefetch(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, Int_t &loc);
virtual Int_t ReadBuffer(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len); virtual Int_t ReadBuffer(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len);
virtual void SetFile(TFile *file); virtual void SetFile(TFile *file);
virtual void SetSkipZip(Bool_t /*skip*/ = kTRUE) {} // This funct ion is only used by TTreeCacheUnzip (ignore it) virtual void SetSkipZip(Bool_t /*skip*/ = kTRUE) {} // This funct ion is only used by TTreeCacheUnzip (ignore it)
 End of changes. 4 change blocks. 
2 lines changed or deleted 6 lines changed or added

 TFilePrefetch.h   TFilePrefetch.h 
// @(#)root/io:$Id: TFilePrefetch.h 41698 2011-11-01 21:22:54Z pcanal $ // @(#)root/io:$Id: TFilePrefetch.h 44763 2012-06-27 14:05:39Z pcanal $
// Author: Elvin Sindrilaru 19/05/2011 // Author: Elvin Sindrilaru 19/05/2011
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 72 skipping to change at line 72
#include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjArray.h"
#endif #endif
#ifndef ROOT_TStopwatch #ifndef ROOT_TStopwatch
#include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TStopwatch.h"
#endif #endif
class TFilePrefetch : public TObject { class TFilePrefetch : public TObject {
private: private:
TFile *fFile; // reference to the file TFile *fFile; // reference to the file
TList *fPendingBlocks; // list of pending block to be read TList *fPendingBlocks; // list of pending blocks to be read
TList *fReadBlocks; // list of block read TList *fReadBlocks; // list of blocks read
TThread *fConsumer; // consumer thread TThread *fConsumer; // consumer thread
TMutex *fMutexPendingList; // mutex for the pending list TMutex *fMutexPendingList; // mutex for the pending list
TMutex *fMutexReadList; // mutex for the list of read blocks TMutex *fMutexReadList; // mutex for the list of read blocks
TMutex *fMutexSynch; // mutex for synchronisation between wor TCondition *fNewBlockAdded; // signal the addition of a new pending
king and main thread block
TCondition *fNewBlockAdded; // condition used to signal the addition TCondition *fReadBlockAdded; // signal the addition of a new red bloc
of a new pending block k
TCondition *fReadBlockAdded; // condition usd to signal the addition TCondition *fCondNextFile; // signal TChain that we can move to the
of a new red block next file
TSemaphore *fSem; // semaphore used to kill the consumer t TSemaphore *fSemMasterWorker; // semaphore used to kill the consumer t
hread hread
TSemaphore *fSemWorkerMaster; // semaphore used to notify the master t
hat worker is killed
TString fPathCache; // path to the cache directory TString fPathCache; // path to the cache directory
TStopwatch fWaitTime; // time wating to prefetch a buffer (in usec) TStopwatch fWaitTime; // time wating to prefetch a buffer (in usec)
static TThread::VoidRtnFunc_t ThreadProc(void*); //create a joinable wo rker thread static TThread::VoidRtnFunc_t ThreadProc(void*); //create a joinable wo rker thread
public: public:
TFilePrefetch(TFile*); TFilePrefetch(TFile*);
virtual ~TFilePrefetch(); virtual ~TFilePrefetch();
void ReadAsync(TFPBlock*, Bool_t&); void ReadAsync(TFPBlock*, Bool_t&);
skipping to change at line 115 skipping to change at line 116
Bool_t CheckCachePath(const char*); Bool_t CheckCachePath(const char*);
Bool_t CheckBlockInCache(char*&, TFPBlock*); Bool_t CheckBlockInCache(char*&, TFPBlock*);
char *GetBlockFromCache(const char*, Int_t); char *GetBlockFromCache(const char*, Int_t);
void SaveBlockInCache(TFPBlock*); void SaveBlockInCache(TFPBlock*);
Int_t SumHex(const char*); Int_t SumHex(const char*);
Bool_t BinarySearchReadList(TFPBlock*, Long64_t, Int_t, Int_t*); Bool_t BinarySearchReadList(TFPBlock*, Long64_t, Int_t, Int_t*);
Long64_t GetWaitTime(); Long64_t GetWaitTime();
void SetFile(TFile*); void SetFile(TFile*);
TMutex* GetMutexSynch() const { return fMutexSynch; }; TCondition* GetCondNextFile() const { return fCondNextFile; };
ClassDef(TFilePrefetch, 0); // File block prefetcher ClassDef(TFilePrefetch, 0); // File block prefetcher
}; };
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 4 change blocks. 
12 lines changed or deleted 14 lines changed or added

 TGLCamera.h   TGLCamera.h 
// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLCamera.h 34006 2010-06-21 10:36:05Z matevz $ // @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLCamera.h 44784 2012-06-27 19:57:47Z matevz $
// Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005 // Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 79 skipping to change at line 79
// Non-copyable class // Non-copyable class
TGLCamera(const TGLCamera &); TGLCamera(const TGLCamera &);
TGLCamera & operator=(const TGLCamera &); TGLCamera & operator=(const TGLCamera &);
protected: protected:
// Fields // Fields
TGLMatrix fCamBase; //! tranformation to center and rotation f rom up to x vector TGLMatrix fCamBase; //! tranformation to center and rotation f rom up to x vector
TGLMatrix fCamTrans; //! transformation relative to fCamTrans TGLMatrix fCamTrans; //! transformation relative to fCamTrans
Bool_t fExternalCenter; //! use external center insead of scene ce nter Bool_t fExternalCenter; //! use external center insead of scene ce nter
Bool_t fFixDefCenter; //! use fixed default center Bool_t fFixDefCenter; //! use fixed default center
Bool_t fWasArcBalled; //! set when arc-ball rotation is used
TGLVector3 fExtCenter; //! external camera center TGLVector3 fExtCenter; //! external camera center
TGLVector3 fDefCenter; //! deafult camera center TGLVector3 fDefCenter; //! deafult camera center
TGLVector3 fFDCenter; //! fixed deafult camera center TGLVector3 fFDCenter; //! fixed deafult camera center
TGLVector3 *fCenter; //! current camera center TGLVector3 *fCenter; //! current camera center
mutable Double_t fNearClip; //! last applied near-clip mutable Double_t fNearClip; //! last applied near-clip
mutable Double_t fFarClip; //! last applied far-clip mutable Double_t fFarClip; //! last applied far-clip
// Set in Setup() // Set in Setup()
Double_t fDollyDefault; //! default distnce from viewing centre Double_t fDollyDefault; //! default distnce from viewing centre
skipping to change at line 139 skipping to change at line 140
// Camera manipulation interface (GL coord - origin bottom left) // Camera manipulation interface (GL coord - origin bottom left)
virtual void Setup(const TGLBoundingBox & box, Bool_t reset=kTRUE) = 0 ; virtual void Setup(const TGLBoundingBox & box, Bool_t reset=kTRUE) = 0 ;
virtual void Reset() = 0; virtual void Reset() = 0;
virtual Bool_t Dolly(Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2); virtual Bool_t Dolly(Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2);
virtual Bool_t Zoom (Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) = 0; virtual Bool_t Zoom (Int_t delta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) = 0;
virtual Bool_t Truck(Double_t xDelta, Double_t yDelta); virtual Bool_t Truck(Double_t xDelta, Double_t yDelta);
virtual Bool_t Truck(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod 2) = 0; virtual Bool_t Truck(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod 2) = 0;
virtual Bool_t Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mo d2); virtual Bool_t Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mo d2);
virtual Bool_t RotateRad(Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate); virtual Bool_t RotateRad(Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate);
virtual Bool_t RotateArcBall(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bo
ol_t mod2);
virtual Bool_t RotateArcBallRad(Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate);
virtual void Apply(const TGLBoundingBox & sceneBox, const TGLRect * pi ckRect = 0) const = 0; virtual void Apply(const TGLBoundingBox & sceneBox, const TGLRect * pi ckRect = 0) const = 0;
Bool_t AdjustAndClampVal(Double_t & val, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t AdjustAndClampVal(Double_t & val, Double_t min, Double_t max,
Int_t screenShift, Int_t screenShiftRange, Int_t screenShift, Int_t screenShiftRange,
Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const; Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const;
Double_t AdjustDelta(Double_t screenShift, Double_t deltaFactor, Double_t AdjustDelta(Double_t screenShift, Double_t deltaFactor,
Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const; Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) const;
void SetExternalCenter(Bool_t x); void SetExternalCenter(Bool_t x);
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 TGLEventHandler.h   TGLEventHandler.h 
// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLEventHandler.h 34006 2010-06-21 10:36:05Z matevz $ // @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLEventHandler.h 44784 2012-06-27 19:57:47Z matevz $
// Author: Bertrand Bellenot 29/01/2008 // Author: Bertrand Bellenot 29/01/2008
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 51 skipping to change at line 51
TGLPhysicalShape *fLastMouseOverShape; TGLPhysicalShape *fLastMouseOverShape;
TGToolTip *fTooltip; // tooltip for highlight TGToolTip *fTooltip; // tooltip for highlight
TPoint fLastGlobalPos; TPoint fLastGlobalPos;
TPoint fTooltipPos; TPoint fTooltipPos;
UInt_t fActiveButtonID; UInt_t fActiveButtonID;
UInt_t fLastEventState; UInt_t fLastEventState;
Bool_t fIgnoreButtonUp; Bool_t fIgnoreButtonUp;
Bool_t fInPointerGrab; Bool_t fInPointerGrab;
Bool_t fMouseTimerRunning; Bool_t fMouseTimerRunning;
Bool_t fTooltipShown; Bool_t fTooltipShown;
Bool_t fArcBall;
Int_t fTooltipPixelTolerance; Int_t fTooltipPixelTolerance;
Int_t fSecSelType; // secondary selection type Int_t fSecSelType; // secondary selection type
Bool_t fDoInternalSelection; Bool_t fDoInternalSelection;
Bool_t fViewerCentricControls; Bool_t fViewerCentricControls;
Float_t fArrowKeyFactor; Float_t fArrowKeyFactor;
Float_t fMouseDragFactor; Float_t fMouseDragFactor;
Float_t fMouseWheelFactor; Float_t fMouseWheelFactor;
virtual Bool_t Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mo d2); virtual Bool_t Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mo d2);
skipping to change at line 106 skipping to change at line 107
Int_t GetTooltipPixelTolerance() const { return fTooltipPixelTolerance; } Int_t GetTooltipPixelTolerance() const { return fTooltipPixelTolerance; }
void SetTooltipPixelTolerance(Int_t t) { fTooltipPixelTolerance = t; } void SetTooltipPixelTolerance(Int_t t) { fTooltipPixelTolerance = t; }
Int_t GetSecSelType() const { return fSecSelType; } Int_t GetSecSelType() const { return fSecSelType; }
void SetSecSelType(Int_t t) { fSecSelType = t; } void SetSecSelType(Int_t t) { fSecSelType = t; }
Bool_t GetDoInternalSelection() const { return fDoInternalSelection; } Bool_t GetDoInternalSelection() const { return fDoInternalSelection; }
void SetDoInternalSelection(Bool_t x) { fDoInternalSelection = x; } void SetDoInternalSelection(Bool_t x) { fDoInternalSelection = x; }
Bool_t GetArcBall() const { return fArcBall; }
void SetArcBall(Bool_t a) { fArcBall = a; }
ClassDef(TGLEventHandler, 0); // Base-class and default implementation o f event-handler for TGLViewer. ClassDef(TGLEventHandler, 0); // Base-class and default implementation o f event-handler for TGLViewer.
}; };
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 3 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 5 lines changed or added

 TGLViewer.h   TGLViewer.h 
// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLViewer.h 42974 2012-02-12 07:22:45Z matevz $ // @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLViewer.h 44784 2012-06-27 19:57:47Z matevz $
// Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005 // Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 270 skipping to change at line 270
void SetClipAutoUpdate(Bool_t x) { fClipSet->SetAutoUpdate(x); } void SetClipAutoUpdate(Bool_t x) { fClipSet->SetAutoUpdate(x); }
// External GUI component interface // External GUI component interface
TGLCamera & CurrentCamera() const { return *fCurrentCamera; } TGLCamera & CurrentCamera() const { return *fCurrentCamera; }
TGLCamera & RefCamera(ECameraType camera); TGLCamera & RefCamera(ECameraType camera);
void SetCurrentCamera(ECameraType camera); void SetCurrentCamera(ECameraType camera);
void SetOrthoCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t zoom, Double_t dolly, void SetOrthoCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t zoom, Double_t dolly,
Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate); Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate);
void SetPerspectiveCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t fov, Double_t dol ly, void SetPerspectiveCamera(ECameraType camera, Double_t fov, Double_t dol ly,
Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate); Double_t center[3], Double_t hRotate, Double_t vRotate);
void ReinitializeCurrentCamera(const TGLVector3& hAxis, const TGLVector3 & vAxis, Bool_t redraw=kTRUE);
void GetGuideState(Int_t & axesType, Bool_t & axesDepthTest, Bool_t & re ferenceOn, Double_t* referencePos) const; void GetGuideState(Int_t & axesType, Bool_t & axesDepthTest, Bool_t & re ferenceOn, Double_t* referencePos) const;
void SetGuideState(Int_t axesType, Bool_t axesDepthTest, Bool_t referenc eOn, const Double_t* referencePos); void SetGuideState(Int_t axesType, Bool_t axesDepthTest, Bool_t referenc eOn, const Double_t* referencePos);
void SetDrawCameraCenter(Bool_t x); void SetDrawCameraCenter(Bool_t x);
Bool_t GetDrawCameraCenter() { return fDrawCameraCenter; } Bool_t GetDrawCameraCenter() { return fDrawCameraCenter; }
void PickCameraCenter() { fPushAction = kPushCamCenter; RefreshPadE ditor(this); } void PickCameraCenter() { fPushAction = kPushCamCenter; RefreshPadE ditor(this); }
void PickAnnotate() { fPushAction = kPushAnnotate; RefreshPadE ditor(this); } void PickAnnotate() { fPushAction = kPushAnnotate; RefreshPadE ditor(this); }
TGLCameraOverlay* GetCameraOverlay() const { return fCameraOverlay; } TGLCameraOverlay* GetCameraOverlay() const { return fCameraOverlay; }
void SetCameraOverlay(TGLCameraOverlay* m) { fCameraOverlay = m; } void SetCameraOverlay(TGLCameraOverlay* m) { fCameraOverlay = m; }
TGLAutoRotator* GetAutoRotator(); TGLAutoRotator* GetAutoRotator();
void SetAutoRotator(TGLAutoRotator* ar); void SetAutoRotator(TGLAutoRotator* ar);
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 TTreeCache.h   TTreeCache.h 
// @(#)root/tree:$Id: TTreeCache.h 42856 2012-02-02 21:09:30Z pcanal $ // @(#)root/tree:$Id: TTreeCache.h 44680 2012-06-13 18:24:26Z pcanal $
// Author: Rene Brun 04/06/2006 // Author: Rene Brun 04/06/2006
/************************************************************************* /*************************************************************************
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. *
* * * *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
*************************************************************************/ *************************************************************************/
skipping to change at line 84 skipping to change at line 84
virtual Bool_t FillBuffer(); virtual Bool_t FillBuffer();
TTree *GetTree() const; TTree *GetTree() const;
virtual Bool_t IsLearning() const {return fIsLearning;} virtual Bool_t IsLearning() const {return fIsLearning;}
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const; virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
virtual Int_t ReadBuffer(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len); virtual Int_t ReadBuffer(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len);
virtual Int_t ReadBufferNormal(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len) ; virtual Int_t ReadBufferNormal(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len) ;
virtual Int_t ReadBufferPrefetch(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t le n); virtual Int_t ReadBufferPrefetch(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t le n);
virtual void ResetCache(); virtual void ResetCache();
virtual void SetEntryRange(Long64_t emin, Long64_t emax); virtual void SetEntryRange(Long64_t emin, Long64_t emax);
virtual void SetFile(TFile *file);
static void SetLearnEntries(Int_t n = 10); static void SetLearnEntries(Int_t n = 10);
void StartLearningPhase(); void StartLearningPhase();
virtual void StopLearningPhase(); virtual void StopLearningPhase();
virtual void UpdateBranches(TTree *tree); virtual void UpdateBranches(TTree *tree);
ClassDef(TTreeCache,2) //Specialization of TFileCacheRead for a TTree ClassDef(TTreeCache,2) //Specialization of TFileCacheRead for a TTree
}; };
#endif #endif
 End of changes. 2 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 2 lines changed or added

 cintdictversion.h   cintdictversion.h 
/*********************************************************************** /***********************************************************************
* cint (C/C++ interpreter) * cint (C/C++ interpreter)
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* CINT header file cintdictversion.h * CINT header file cintdictversion.h
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* Description: * Description:
* definition of the dictionary API version * definition of the dictionary API version
************************************************************************ ************************************************************************
* Copyright(c) 1995~2008 Masaharu Goto (cint@pcroot.cern.ch) * Copyright(c) 1995~2008 Masaharu Goto (root-cint@cern.ch)
* *
* For the licensing terms see the file COPYING * For the licensing terms see the file COPYING
* *
************************************************************************/ ************************************************************************/
#define G__CINTDICTVERSION 20110521 #define G__CINTDICTVERSION 20110521
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

 compiledata.h   compiledata.h 
/* This is file is automatically generated */ /* This is file is automatically generated */
#define BUILD_ARCH "linux" #define BUILD_ARCH "linux"
#define BUILD_NODE "Linux lxbuild147.cern.ch 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Nov 10 09:51:11 CET 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux" #define BUILD_NODE "Linux lxbuild102.cern.ch 2.6.18-308.11.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jul 10 16:05:16 CEST 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux"
#define COMPILER "/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3.5/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt /bin/g++" #define COMPILER "/afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/contrib/gcc/4.3.5/i686-slc5-gcc43-opt /bin/g++"
#define COMPILERVERS "gcc435" #define COMPILERVERS "gcc435"
#define MAKESHAREDLIB "cd $BuildDir ; g++ -c $Opt -pipe -m32 -Wall -W -Wov erloaded-virtual -fPIC -pthread $IncludePath $SourceFiles ; g++ $ObjectFile s -shared -Wl,-soname,$LibName.so -m32 -O2 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--as-nee ded $LinkedLibs -o $SharedLib" #define MAKESHAREDLIB "cd $BuildDir ; g++ -c $Opt -pipe -m32 -Wall -W -Wov erloaded-virtual -fPIC -pthread $IncludePath $SourceFiles ; g++ $ObjectFile s -shared -Wl,-soname,$LibName.so -m32 -O2 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--as-nee ded $LinkedLibs -o $SharedLib"
#define MAKEEXE "cd $BuildDir ; g++ -c -pipe -m32 -Wall -W -Woverloaded-vi rtual -fPIC -pthread $IncludePath $SourceFiles; g++ $ObjectFiles -m32 -O2 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--as-needed -o $ExeName $LinkedLibs -lm -ldl -pthre ad -rdynamic" #define MAKEEXE "cd $BuildDir ; g++ -c -pipe -m32 -Wall -W -Woverloaded-vi rtual -fPIC -pthread $IncludePath $SourceFiles; g++ $ObjectFiles -m32 -O2 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--as-needed -o $ExeName $LinkedLibs -lm -ldl -pthre ad -rdynamic"
#define CXXOPT "-O2" #define CXXOPT "-O2"
#define CXXDEBUG "-g" #define CXXDEBUG "-g"
#define ROOTBUILD "" #define ROOTBUILD ""
#define LINKEDLIBS "-L$ROOTSYS/lib -lCore -lCint -lRint " #define LINKEDLIBS "-L$ROOTSYS/lib -lCore -lCint -lRint "
#define INCLUDEPATH "-I$ROOTSYS/include" #define INCLUDEPATH "-I$ROOTSYS/include"
#define OBJEXT "o" #define OBJEXT "o"
 End of changes. 1 change blocks. 
1 lines changed or deleted 1 lines changed or added

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