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Changes from JGraph 5.7.2 to JGraph 5.7.3

Adds helper methods, fixes problems in headless environments, allows combined
insert/removes/edits in DefaultGraphModel, adds switch to disable port magic.

Changes from JGraph 5.7.1 to JGraph 5.7.2

Fixes handling of connectable attribute for edges, sizeable- & moveable axis
for groups. Fixes bugs for group translation and sizing, makes cloneCells
more stable and fixes the label position for non-loops with multiple points.

Changes from JGraph 5.7 to JGraph 5.7.1

Fixes a bug in the attribute map cloning for extra label positions, adds a new
helper method to collapse/expand cells, adds automatic resizing and moving of
parent cells on collapse and switches to (not) show hidden cells on changes.

Changes from JGraph 5.6.3 to JGraph 5.7

The routing interface has changed so that the routing methods now return a list
of points instead of accepting a list of points as a parameter. The routing of
loops has been separated from the non-loop implementation for the default case
so that it is easier to create a new routing implementation and inherit the
default loop routing algorithm. Children cells moved as part of a collapsed
group now are moved when the parent cell is, if required, using the
movesChildrenOnExpand flag.

Changes from JGraph to JGraph 5.6.3

The default vertex and port renderers kept references to the last graph used
and this meant that removed JGraph instances could have a static memory
footprint. The edge renderer still needs to be removed, however. Edges may
now be painted with zero width, so you only see the label. The tolerance in
JGraph.getNextViewAt is now scaled according to the current zoom value.

Changes from JGraph 5.6.2 to JGraph

Fixed critical bug in attribute map undo.

Changes from JGraph 5.6.1 to JGraph 5.6.2

Added User Manual to commercial distribution.

Changes from JGraph 5.6 to JGraph 5.6.1

getSelectionCellAt was added as a utility method to JGraph and returns the first
selected cell whose bounds the parameter point lies within. The moves-into-group
functionality has been corrected so it is based on whether the cells bounds
is fully within the bounds of the group cell. Extra labels can now be cloned
using ctrl-drag and deleted using shift and mouse press. A bounds cloning bug
in JGraph.getCellBounds that caused cells to have a large height occasionally
was fixed. getPerimeterPoint for an EdgeView now returns the center of the
edge to make edge to edge connection easier. A number of other bugs were also

Changes from JGraph 5.5.3 to JGraph 5.6

A number of improvements have been made to the expand and collapse
functionality. When a group is collapsed edges connecting to now-hidden
vertices _visually_ attach to the perimeter point of the first visible
parent group. Expanding the group shows the true state of connections again.
It is now possible to connect edges directly to other edges.
A large number of other bug fixes and functionality improvements were also
made, see the ChangeLog for more details.

Changes from JGraph 5.5.2 to JGraph 5.5.3:

The main JGraph class now has switches named moveIntoGroups and moveOutOfGroups
that enable drag and drop of cells in and out of group cells. The getImage
method was added to make the creation of images of JGraphs easier. A selection
of helper methods were added and a number of minor bugs fixed.
GraphModel.getValue was added and DefaultGraphModel.getUserObject deprecated.

Changes from JGraph 5.5.1 to JGraph 5.5.2:

Adds a series of constructors and hooks to ease customization, fixes port
floating for loops, adds encoding hooks to the default graph model, fixes
auto-selection in the examples, adds hooks for vertex rendering and fixes
a bug related to finding default ports with overlapping cells.

Changes from JGraph 5.5 to JGraph 5.5.1:

This release makes a number of performance and memory footprint improvements,
in particular, in relation to edges. A number of hooks have been added to make
it possible to disable various functionality to obtain performance
improvements. Various examples and documents were added to the purchased
version. Also, a number of minor bugs were fixed and code tidy-ups performed.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.7 to JGraph 5.5:

valueForCellChanged() has been added to the GraphModel interface to enable
changing the value of the cell without performing typecasts. Edge labels that
cross into negative co-ordinate space are moved into back into the visible area
and in-place editing cannot now occur off the screen. Labels on self-references
can now be moved. Various casts and type checks were added and various minor
bugs fixed.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.6 to JGraph 5.4.7:

Another review of the javadocs was made on the frozen 5.4.x API. Various
changes were made to resolve issues with edges whose source and target are
ports on the same vertex. Labels on such edges can now be moved and the
routing functionality has been corrected. PortView.getLocation now has an
additional parameter to support these changes, but no methods have been
removed from the API.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.5 to JGraph 5.4.6:

Since the JGraph API has been frozen in the 5.4.x series for stability,
the first review of many of the javadocs was undertaken. All warnings were
removed and various corrections and updates made. A divide by zero bug
was fixed where the label position of an edge is calculated. If the source
and target ports were the same port the zero length between the ports
went into a calculation as the divisor. This was changed to simply return
the label position as being on the port. The helper method
GraphLayoutCache.createNestedMap was added and AbstractCellView changed so
that it clones cell attributes in the refresh method.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.4 to JGraph 5.4.5:

Fixes major bugs in edge handle for correct handling of model callbacks and
placement of labels on scaled graphs, initial label bounds for extra labels,
adds a helper method to JGraph and fixes the DefaultEdge.clone method.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.3 to JGraph 5.4.4:

Adds new helper methods in GraphLayoutCache and GraphConstants, improves edge
renderer performance, fixes bugs in BasicGraphUI.MouseHandler, GraphEd.connect,
adds graph-parameter in BasicMarqueeHandler.paint and overlay.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.2 to JGraph 5.4.3:

Uses new edge labels, reduces memory footprint, fixes bug in layout cache to
reload roots, fixes some minor bugs, new cell labels in GraphEd.

Changes from JGraph 5.4.1 to JGraph 5.4.2:

Minor performance ehancements and bug fixes, makes the GraphEd example an
applet and adds more hooks.

Changes from JGraph 5.4 to JGraph 5.4.1:

Adds performance improvements, new helper methods and hooks in GraphEd, changes
variable namings, uses insets in getPreferredSize, adds default inset in
GraphConstants and fixes possible orphan ports and other minor bugs.

Changes from JGraph 5.3.2 to JGraph 5.4:

Adds event notification to GraphLayoutCache, removes user object from attribute
maps, adds various helper methods, adds selection and size-control attributes,
adds Abbott-bases tests and fixes numerous bugs.

Changes from JGraph 5.3 to JGraph 5.3.2:

Fixes major bugs, improved automatic cell showing/hiding in layout cache,
adds more helper methods to model and cache, refactors updateAutoSize and
ignores possible NPE in BasicGraphUI.createHandle.

Changes from JGraph 5.2.1 to JGraph 5.3:

Adds helper methods to layout cache and graph model,  fixes bugs in splines,
edge- & portviews, moves transferhandler to its own class, makes rectangles
and points xml encodable, general performance improvements.

Changes from JGraph 5.2 to JGraph 5.2.1:

Adds new switches, re-enables auto selection, objects ready for XML encoding,
major bug fixes for partial layout caches, adds new utility methods to
layout cache and graph model, minor API changes.

Changes from JGraph 5.1 to JGraph 5.2:

Uses a triple license model (MPL added), has major API changes such as removed
dependencies for cell views and layout caches, enhanced setup for extra edge
labels, extended observable pattern, new cell view factory, and many bug fixes.

Changes from JGraph 5.0.4 to JGraph 5.1:

Adds multiple edge labels, jump to default port, fixes constrained edge
editing, new cell selection, allows edges as groups, unifies parameter scaling,
cell & cellview order, adds group border attribute, and various helper methods.

Changes from JGraph 5.0.3 to JGraph 5.0.4:

Keeps user objects and attributes in sync, fixes flickering edge connection,
class cast exception in example code, changes default group border to 20px.

Changes from JGraph 5.0.2 to JGraph 5.0.3:

Added opaque groups with group borders, fixed handling of in-place
edit and cloning for custom user objects, fixed minor bugs.

Changes from JGraph 5.0.1 to JGraph 5.0.2:

Added edge renderer gradient painting mode, fixed some minor bugs.

Changes from JGraph 5.0 to JGraph 5.0.1:

Added switches for autosize on value change, disable cell selection, dash
offset for edges, gradient background for vertices, per-axis relative or
absolute port positions, fixed acceptsSource/Target and preview, fixed
attribute map storage and transport separation, and cleaned up code and
added more hooks for subclassers.

Changes from JGraph 4.0 to JGraph 5.0:

Switched to dual licensing model. Fixed some bugs.

Changes from JGraph 3.4.1 to JGraph 4.0:

- Replaced ValueChangeHandler with GraphLayoutCache.valueForCellChanged
- Moved createPoint, createRect to AttributeMap
- Added AttributeMap, factory method in GraphModel
- Fixed GraphEd add/remove point with shift
- Replaced Map with AttributeMap (major API change)

Changes from JGraph 3.4 to JGraph 3.4.1:

Disables some default behaviour, allows spline and bezier edges
with an arbitrary number of control points, fixes minor bugs.

Changes from JGraph 3.3 to JGraph 3.4:

Can handle overlapping edges, makes inner handles static,
moves some control methods to handles. Minor API changes.

Changes from JGraph 3.2 to JGraph 3.3:

Supports view-local attributes, sizeable in-place editors, sizing
and moving along one axis, and offers a series of minor
API changes and bug fixes. Includes latest examples.

Changes from JGraph 3.1 to JGraph 3.2:

Can draw labels along edges, uses double precision coordinates, fixes handling
of negative coordinates and in-place editing, adds map to default graph model.

Changes from JGraph 3.0 to JGraph 3.1:

Ant-based build environment. BSD-style license. A series of bug fixes and minor
API changes.

Changes from JGraph 2.2.2 to JGraph 3.0:

This is a package renaming change and directory cleanup. More changes for 3.x
are planned.

Changes from JGraph 2.2.1 to JGraph 2.2.2:

This release fixes major bugs in the clipboard, as well as the ordering
of cells in the clipboard, and adds a hook in the EdgeRenderer class.

Changes from JGraph 2.2 to JGraph 2.2.1:

This is a bug fix release that fixes a bug in the clipboard. Some minor
API changes go with this release..

Changes from JGraph 2.1.1 to JGraph 2.2:

Painting performance improvements, cleaned up API, removed dependency
between ParentMap and GraphModel, added clone method, added methods to
access the previous state of the model after a change, new vertex
renderer constructor, and numerous bug fixes.

Changes from JGraph 2.1 to 2.1.1

Minor changes such as bean property methods and empty constructor added to
ConnectionSet for XMLEncoding, added Null-Check to isCellEditable, fixed
shared points bug in DefaultEdge, disable autosize during in-place edit.

Changes from JGraph 2.0 to 2.1

Moved all GraphCell dependencies to the GraphModel, added multiple grid styles,
new font attribute, and the API is now ready for combined port/vertex cells.
Bug fixes include improved live-preview, better zoom/grid integration, handling
of negative coordinates, and minor bug fixes. Java 1.4 is the default version.

Changes from JGraph 1.0.7 to 2.0

This release has a new API with new features. The get an overview of the
most important changes and how they affect your code you should read the
"New Features" and "Upgrading from 1.0.x" chapters.

New Features:

* Cell Visiblity:
  The GraphView, which is now called GraphLayoutCache offers a set of methods
  to show/hide cells, namely the setVisible method. This method fully supports
  undo/redo and in contrast to the earlier implementation using the visible
  attribute, this implementation does not allocate memory for invisible cells
  in a cache. The GraphLayoutCache contains built-in functions to automatically
  show edges between visible cells. When inserting and editing cells in a
  partial view, that is, one that does not show all cells of the model, then
  you should use the GraphLayoutCache's insert and edit method to allow the
  view to make the cells automatically visible (this way, the cell becomes
  visible in the view where is was inserted. The view (aka. cache) can be set
  up to insert new edges automatically in all views where the source and target
  ports are visible.
  Use the following GraphLayoutCache members to control automatic display:
  - showAllEdgesForVisibleVertices: Show edges on insert or change if their
    source and target vertex is visible
  - showEdgesOnShow: Show edges if their source and target vertex is displayed
  - hideEdgesOnHide: Hide edges if their source and target vertex is hidden
  - hideEdgesOnBecomeInvisible: Hide edges if their source and target becomes
    invisible (for example after removal)
  These members are set to true by default.
  Note: This feature allows to implement collapse/expand of groups.

* View-Local Attributes:
  In the 1.0.x version, the GraphModel decided if it was an attribute store by
  use of the isAttributeStore method. In 2.0.x, it is the view who decides
  which attributes are view-local and which are global. Also, the edit method
  can now be called with a single attribute map that uses cells as the keys.
  The GraphLayoutCache provides a hook for subclassers, namely the
  createLocalEdit method to implement attribute splitting. The CellView's
  implementation was changed to override the global attributes with the
  view-local ones for. To enable this feature the code must use the
  GraphLayoutCache's edit, insert and remove methods instead of the model's.
  The view analyzes these method arguments, and extracts the view-local
  attributes before updating the model for the change.
  Note: This new feature allows more fine-grained control of view-local and
  global attributes. By removing the isAttributeStore and isOrdered methods
  it is not any more required that the model is aware of this feature. The
  ROUTING and POINTS attributes should be kept at the same location.
  Tip: Use GraphLayoutCache.rememberCellViews to control if view-local
  attributes should be remembered for hidden cells.

* Edge Routing & Self References:
  A new attribute ROUTING was added that is interpreted by the EdgeView. The
  values for this key must implement the Edge.Routing interface, which extends
  the Serializable interface. The GraphConstants class provides a static instance
  ROUTING_SIMPLE of the DefaultEdge.DefaultRouting class. As the name implies this
  is the default implementation of the Routing interface. It allows simple routing
  and handles self-references.

* Smaller Command History:
  The command history does only store the actual change, resulting in a smaller
  command history. In earlier versions, the complete state of all changed cells
  and views was stored.

API Changes:
(Only the most important changes are listed below.)

Removed Members:
* GraphConstants.createPropertyMap
* GraphModel.isOrdered
* GraphModel.isAttributeStore
* GraphConstants.is/setVisible
* CellRenderer.supportsAttribute
* AbstractCellView.isControlAttribute

New members:
* BasicGraphUI.is/setSnapSelectedView
  A view under mousepointer may be snapped to the grid lines or moved by a
  constant increment during a drag operation based on this value.
* Edge.Routing
* GraphConstants.ROUTING_SIMPLE
* DefaultEdge.DefaultRouting class
* GraphConstants.get/setRouting
* GraphConstants.createAttributes
  This is a helper method that may be used to create an attribute map
* GraphLayoutCache.reset, is/setVisible, partial, ordered
* DefaultGraphModel.getSource/TargetVertex
  Static helper method that calls getParent(getSource/Target) on the model
* GraphLayoutCache.hiddenSet
  Used to remember local attributes of visible cells
* JGraph.VERSION (use JGraph -version)
* VertexRenderer.paintSelectionBorder
  Provided for subclassers to control drawing the selection border
* VertexRenderer.is/setHideGroups
  Controls whether groups are fully painted by the renderer
* Provide a handleEditTrigger Hook in BasicGraphUI.MouseHandler

* GraphView renamed to GraphLayoutCache
  In accordance with JTree.TreeLayoutCache
* JGraph.get/setView renamed to JGraph.get/setGraphLayoutCache
  To reflect this change
* JGraph.SnapSize renamed to Tolerance (including getter, setter etc.)
* JGraph.convertValueToString support view-local values
  The CellView decides what label to display
* DefaultGraphCell.setAttributes renamed to changeAttributes
  Setter and getter methods should be used for bean properties.
* Port.add/remove renamed to Port.addEdge/removeEdge
  (see http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=773281&forum_id=140880)
* GraphConstants.ARROW prefix added to arrow styles
* GraphConstants.STYLE prefix added to line styles
* getPerimterPoint method was moved to the renderer
* GraphViewChange.getAttributeMap renamed to getAttributes
* GraphModelChange.getStoredAttributeMap renamed to getPreviousAttributes
* DefaultGraphModel.handlePropertyMap renamed to handleAttributes
* importData may return false to signal sender to not remove cells
  (Override importDataImpl instead of importData in GraphTransferHandler)
* DefaultGraphSelectionModel.isChildrenSelectable now supports a cell argument
* GraphLayoutCache.toBack/toFront take cells as arguments
* GraphModel.insert and edit Argument order unified

Fixed bugs:
* Rounding erros on large zoom levels removed:
  The BasicGraphUI.RootHandles implementation did not work property for
  large zoom levels. Thanks to Jenya for the patch!
* The maximum number of edges to paint in live-preview is now MAXCELLS
* EdgeHandle does now support the SHIFT-key for constrained moving
* Added some accessor methods to BasicMarqueeHandler for subclassers
* BasicGraphUI.PropertyChangeListener calls repaint after GraphLayoutCache change
* JGraph.setGraphLayoutCache checks and updates the cache's model if necessary
* Vertices are not removed when their last port is removed dynamically
  Groups are still automatically removed when their last child cell is removed
* EdgeRenderer now cached the created Shape in the corresponding EdgeView
* BasicGraphUI.isDescendant uses GraphModel interface to return its data
* Live preview during real DND (only for JDK < 1.4.0, see BasicGraphUI line 28)
* DefaultEdge.constructor offers user object und boolean (allows children)
* JGraph.disconnectOnMove must check the CONNECTABLE/DISCONNECTABLE attributes
* Vertex, Port and Edge may carry the CONNECTABLE/DISCONNECTABLE attributes
* NPE on edge change when new the port was not visible in other view removed
* Groups may contain ports (Concurrency side-effects in EdgeRenderer.createShape)
* Cache the bounds property of groups and recompute on change of children only
* GetBounds-Infinite-Loop solved by exluding childedges between childs to group
* Propagate CellView.update to parent instead of child (bubble up)
* TransferHandler now supports move and DnD across multiple views, models and JVMS
* Clone edges when reconnected and the Control key is pressed
* ExecutableGraphChange interface added to execute all changes in model (Delegation)
  Also the GraphLayoutCache's changes are executed and dispatched by the model
* In-place editing from empty to non-empty content is incorrectly undone
* Removed in-place manipulation of BOUNDS-attribute in SizeHandle and RootHandle
* Changed execution order of compound edits: first model then args in-order
* Use GraphModel interface in DefaultGraphModel.getRoots only (no typecast)
* GraphLayoutCache.getMapping may return null (if cell is not visible)
* GraphUndoManager.redo throws CannotRedoException instead of CannotUndoException
* Handles.initOffscreen is protected instead of package private

Other changes:

* To-do list added:
  A new to-do list for JGraph was added. The list is intended for developers
  as a roadmap for additional features, examples and research activities.
* Version Naming Changed:
  The new version naming uses Swiss cities, where each City denotes a major
  release of the API. This means, all JGraph 2.0.x are said to be based on
  the Geneva API.
* New JGraphpad Administrator:
  Please welcome Van Woods as the new JGraphpad administrator!
  See http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=1833812
* JGraphpad updated:
  JGraphpad ported to JGraph 2.0. Release date is later this week.
* Examples updated:
  All example have been updated to use JGraph 2.0. Currently, the examples are
  only available for download. The CVS repository still contains the old code.
* Website updated:
  Many minor changes and updates on the website. Main changes include an
  optional license fee and donate button, a new banner and some additional
  links in the showcase etc.

Upgrading from 1.0.x:

  Here is an example. Please note the following in the example below:

  => We use Cells as keys to create the nested map instead of CellViews
  => We use the GraphLayoutCache's edit method instead of the model's
  => The order of the edit/insert method's arguments has changed
  => We use graph.getLayoutCache instead of graph.getView
  * JGraph 1.0.x:

if (!graph.getModel().isAttributeStore())
cells = getView().getMapping(cells);
Map viewMap = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
viewMap.put(cells[i], GraphConstants.cloneMap(map));
if (graph.getModel().isAttributeStore())
graph.getModel().edit(null, viewMap, null, null);

  * JGraph 2.0.x (Geneva Code):

Map nested = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
nested.put(cells[i], GraphConstants.cloneMap(map));
graph.getGraphLayoutCache().edit(nested, null, null, null);